Mar/April 2019 Apartment Times

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The official publication of the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association

Mar | Apr | 2019



Introducing the 2019 Leadership Lyceum Class

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trade show



GCAA 2019

Trade Show March 28 3:30 - 8:00 pm Charlotte Convention Center

Who Should Attend? • Apartment Owner/Operators • Multifamily Developers • Community, Assistant and Regional Managers • Leasing Professionals • Maintenance Technicians & Supervisors • Marketing, Training & Purchasing Directors

What Do Guests Get? • • • • • •

140 Unique Exhibitors Hundreds of New Products & Services to Explore Delicious Food Selections Networking Time with Peers and Pals Door Prizes and Giveaways Cash Bars & Concession Stand Available

SEND THE WHOLE TEAM! NEW LOWER PRICING!!! Cost* RSVP Deadline $39 By March 22 March 23 to 27 (at noon) $49 $69 Show/At Door Cancellation deadline is March 22 *per person

What About Prizes? • Grand Prize: $1,000 CASH from GCAA • Five $100 Cash Prizes from GCAA • Costume Contest > TEAM SPIRIT – For the best and most creative team shirts!Winner gets to hold the trophy for one year! Winner chosen by online voting after the Trade Show > BEST IN SHOW COSTUME ($150 Prize) – Winner will be chosen by online voting after Trade Show > MOST CREATIVE ($100 Prize) – Winner will be chosen by Trade Show Committee

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SAVE $$! REGISTER EARLY! RSVP online at apartment times


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6060 Piedmont Row Drive South, Suite 575, Charlotte, NC 28287 704/334-9511 • 704/333-4221 (fax) • The Apartment Times is published by the GCAA ©2019. The GCAA grants permission to reprint articles from Apartment Times, provided that credit is given to both the author and the publication, with the exception of information reprinted from other media, in which case permission must be obtained from the original source.

MISSION The GCAA promotes the interests of its members through legislative advocacy, education and networking; and supports housing quality, value and choice throughout the Greater Charlotte community. GCAA 2019 SPONSORS These member firms, recognizing the importance of the GCAA’s purposes and objectives, have provided additional, sustaining support to the Association. Please give them careful consideration, whenever possible, in your business. EXECUTIVE



AFR Furniture Rental • Brownlee Whitlow Praet, PLLC • Charter Communications • CORT • Crescent Communities • Dasmen Residential • Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, LLC • Loebsack & Brownlee, PLLC • Night Owl Contractors, Inc. • Redi Carpet • Rent Ready • RKW Residential • Sherwin-Williams • Spangler Restoration

President - Holly Casper, CAM, CAPS Vice President - Darline Cobb Treasurer - John Scott Trotter Secretary - Cel Thompson Immediate Past President - Jennings Snider Gabrielle Bouknight, CAPS Brian Brand Janet Brinkley, CAS Jonathan Cheville, CAMT John DeMario Michael Gosselin Kate Irving Jarrell, CAM Nicole Kennedy Chris Loebsack Lynn Ramsey, CAPS Mike Rinaldo, CAM, CAS Wendy Sikorski Michelle Smith, CAS Russell Tindall, CAPS Michael Tubridy Deidre Wilson, CAM, CAPS Brianna Wood, CAM Maryam Zeledon, CAM

GCAA Staff Kim Graham, MPA Executive Director EricaCarter, Apartment Times Editor Erica Carter, Apartment Times Editor Communications&&Marketing Manager Communications Marketing Manager

1st Choice Construction Management • BH Management Services, Inc. • Full House Marketing, Inc. • Ginkgo Residential • Greystar • HD Supply Facilities Maintenance • Impact Trash Solutions • Middleston Meyers • REAL Floors Inc. • Turner Asphalt Inc. • Weinstein Properties • Westdale Real Estate Investment & Management

PatDorcy,Director of Human Pat Dorcy, Director of Human Resources Resources & Special Programs & Special Programs MichelleManns,DirectorofStrategic InitiativesandLegislativeAffairs Michelle Manns, Director of Strategic Initiatives & Legislative Affairs

ARD Distributors • Blue Ridge Companies • BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC • Carocon Corporation • Charter Properties • Glass Doctor • Marsh Properties • My Niche Apartments • Pineapple Group, LLC • SYNCO Properties

Daniel Sircy,Career CareerDevelopment Development DanielSircy, && Member Services Director Director Member Services

RESERVATION/CANCELLATION POLICIES FOR GCAA EVENTS: Dinner Meetings/Seminars: Reservations/cancellations must be made (either online or via email) by the deadline published for each event on the GCAA’s website calendar ( NAA Education Classes: Registration and/or cancellation in writing only at least 14 days prior to initial scheduled class. For all GCAA events: No-shows and late cancellations will be invoiced.

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2019 Board of Directors Petzold,FinancialManager Stacie Man, Events Manager Stacie Man,EventsManager

Dawn White, Office Coordinator DawnWhite,OfficeCoordinator To advertise in the Apartment Times please contact Erica Carter at GCAA. 704.334.9511 x106 or

from your president



15 CAREER ADVANCEMENT TRAINING Regional Manager Development Series, Women in Leadership & How to Win at Social Media Marketing


23 UPCOMING EVENTS GCAA'S April General Meeting & Member Orientation




32 NAA NEWS When Apartment Owners Inquire About Immigrants’ Legal Residency 35 GCAA NEWS "Modular" The Future Of Multifamily Housing?


Creating Communities

As the demand for “live, work, play” destinations continues to rise, so too does the competition to ensure that each community has the newest, latest and greatest! From doggy spas and spin studios to the latest smart building innovations; it’s getting harder and harder to deliver any truly unique offerings. What we know to be true; however, is that the resident experience is likely to outweigh the expectation. In Holly Casper other words, don’t get caught up on the size of your common spaces and instead focus on their impact. I challenge you and your team to take a closer look at your common spaces and ask yourselves if you’re using that space to add to the sense of community or just offering another amenity. It should go without saying that resident events are the best way to really inspire and cement that sense of community that makes an apartment rental feel like an established home. This doesn’t have to be costly, and it can go a long way in establishing a sense of community that residents will stick around for come renewal time. Plan and schedule resident events that allow residents to engage with each other. If you have pet-focused amenities, why not host monthly pet events like a "yappie hour” or host a weekly play hour at your bark park? Equip your maintenance team with a small bag of dog and cat treats and have them offer these on service calls. You’ll see happier residents across the board – both human and four-legged alike! Have a fitness center that may be underutilized or have a green space that you could host a yoga class, engage with local trainers and have them come to your communities and teach a class in your fitness center or in that green space. This allows residents to gather, work out and sweat together! Host a community potluck and ask residents to bring a dish and the recipe. Those recipes will serve as prime content for an e-blast after the fact or as a fun contest for your resident portal. Spring is upon us, so why not partner with a local charity to host a spring cleaning event? You will all experience that tremendous happiness that comes with giving back to those in need, and you will have done it together. Those are the experiences and memories that the next astonishing amenity can’t top. As a parting word, I’ll also ask you to challenge your vendors to serve as your partners in this effort. Nurture these relationships and ask them for tips and recommendations. Engage them to help you create the community your residents will love!

MEMBERSHIP New Members and Members in the News apartment times


from your products and services council president

It's Trade Show Time It’s Trade Show time y’all and booths are sold out!! This year’s Trade Show theme is Animation Station... are you ready for it?!? If you’re not, don’t panic because we can help! Not sure what direction you want to go with for your booth? Do you have a favorite cartoon from your childhood? Still looking to find ways to amp it up? Want to be a rock star at following up with potential clients after the show? If you’re looking to maximize your Trade Show experience and missed the Trade Show 101 seminar in February, just let myself or Stacie know! We are here to help you.

Janet Brinkley

The first PSC meeting of 2019 is officially in the books and it was amazing! Our goal this year is to help create collaborative opportunities and spaces so that as we add more value for our Associate membership, we also give everyone a seat at the table. Your feedback from our group breakout session was invaluable. Thank you to those in attendance for your candor and willingness to share! We will present the results and discuss our next steps at our meeting in April. We are only as strong as our participating membership, so I encourage you to find something that speaks to your passion and strengths and get involved! There really is something for everyone at this Association. #ItIsWhatWeMakeItToBe, #OurPSC, #IamGCAA. Glitterally yours, Janet

Visualization Services ü 3D Exterior Rendering ü 3D Landscape Rendering

Uses of 3D Visualization


ü 3D Aerial Views

v Presentation of Multi-Family development projects to Investors and Zoning Boards v Visualize building and landscaping options prior to purchasing supplies

ü 3D Interior Renderings ü 3D Floor Plans

v Conduct Public Relations Communication and Advanced Marketing

ü 3D Amenities & Site Maps ü 3D Animation

v Generate Pre-Leases through marketing of properties during construction and rehabilitation

ü Virtual Reality Tours ü Website Design, Development and Support

We Invite you to Visit our Website or Contact us to learn more about our Life-Like 3D Visualization Services and see examples of work.

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GOLF 2019



Heads up, register now for this year’s Golf Classic! May 16 Check In: 9 AM Shot Gun Start: 10:30 AM

Captain’s Choice (teams of 4 play the group’s best shot) Cost/What’s Included $110 per player provides the following: Green Fees • Golf Cart • Box Lunch Beer/Soft Drinks/Water • Team Awards Contests of Skill • Awards Ceremony with Snacks & Desserts Bring some cash for raffle prize tickets! $5/each; 3 for $10; “arm length” for $20 Executive Sponsor: RKW Residential

Join us for a great day of fun at the beautiful Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation, benefitting Crisis Assistance Minstry. To register your team, complete and email this form to the GCAA at Contact Name______________________________________ Company _________________________________________ Phone No:_________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________


Player Names (REQUIRED to reserve team) and Player Companies: ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________

Check here to be invoiced individually. (Note: if you do not check the box at left, the Contact Person’s company will be billed for all players listed. Deadline for registration and/or refundable cancellation is noon on May 2.)

apartment times


GCAA education



education CL ASSES 2019 Certified Pool/Spa Operator (CPO) Course

9:00 am – 4:00 pm CECs: 6

Instructor: Roy Fielding Location: GCAA Career Development Center

One-Day Course (5-Year NC Certification): March 20, April 23, May 22, June 11 & Aug 13 $125 for GCAA members; $165 non-members

Meets all the requirements of NC’s Public Swimming Pool Statutes.

Two-Day Course (5-Year National CPO Certification): May 23 plus any one-day session listed above. $245 for GCAA members $320 non-members

EPA Section 608 Certification: Two Day Class-NEW! March 6 & 7 9:00 am – 5:00 pm $209 members; $269 non-members CECs: 8 Instructor: Donovan DaCosta, CAMT, Occupancy Heroes, Incorporated Location: GCAA Career Development Center

You Will: • Get hands-on HVAC training • Become fluent in R-410A • Become EPA Certified

Regional Manager Development-NEW! March 14 & 21 9:00 am – 12:00 pm session 1 9:00 am – 1:00 pm session 2 $109 per session (attend both for $220) $142 non-members (attend both for $286) CECs: 3 per session Instructors: Amy Kosnikowski Dilisio, Quintessential: The Q Standard & Kelly Thomas, Pickle Bird Media Location: GCAA Career Development Center

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An educational series for future and current regional managers combining leadership development, best practices, proven techniques along with case studies and stories all shared in a highly interactive experience.

GCAA education

Women in Leadership April 5 9:00 am – 1:00 pm $109 members; $139 non-members CECs: 3 Instructors: Kelly Thomas, Pickle Bird Media; Erica Byrum,; Darline Cobb, Ginkgo Residential & Sarah Cherne, Junior Achievement

of Central Carolinas Location: PNG Training Center

4720 Piedmont Row Drive, Charlotte, 28210

This popular seminar is a unique opportunity to learn from dynamic female leaders. Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your own leadership style and be mentored by these fabulous women pros!

How to Win at Social Media Marketing April 9 9:00 am – 12:00 pm $90 members; $115 non-members CECs: 3 Instructor: Kate Irving Jarrell, CAM, Northwood Ravin Location: GCAA Career Development Center

In this seminar you will create your own social media calendars using authentic content proven to get results, participate in breakout sessions with other multifamily peers and learn more about developing your personal brand.

Superstar Assistant Manager Strategies-NEW! April 11 9:00 am – 12:00 pm $90 members; $120 non-members CECs: 3 Instructor: Mindy McCorkle, Enhancement Talent Development Location: GCAA Career Development Center

Attend this session to learn how to quantify the value that the Assistant Manager role adds to the property value. You’ll also learn how to ramp up your success in that role, whether you’re currently in that role or aspire to be! This interactive session covers important components such as decision making and judgement, understanding empowerment and responsibilities, policy adherence and enforcement, prioritizing leasing and administrative duties and when to lead and when to manage in this uber-important role.

Please visit GCAA’s website for full details about each class and to register online for courses and seminars: apartment times


career advancement training

Pool Operator Certification GC


GCAA offers MANY course options to suit your specific training needs and busy schedules! This certification is REQUIRED in the state of North Carolina, so GCAA is here to provide the training! Whether your techs need NC Certification, would prefer National CPO Certification, or are just looking for a refresher course in pool operation & maintenance, we’ve got your teams covered.


About the Course Instructor: Roy Fielding has

Register at

Half-Day Refresher Course: Provides updates on latest requirements, laws, and trends in apartment pool operation (no certification). April 23 only. $75 for GCAA members. One-Day Course (5-Year NC Certification): Meets all the requirements of NC’s Public Swimming Pool Statutes. March 20, April 23, May 22, June 11 or Aug 13. $125 for GCAA members; $165 non-members.

Two-Day Course (5-Year National CPO Certification): Meets all requirements for both the National Swimming Pool Foundation’s Certified Pool Operator (CPO) certification ATimes page edits 011419.qxp_Layout 1 1/14/19 8:29 AM Page 13 and NC’s Public Swimming Pool Statutes. May 23 plus any one-day session listed above. $245 for GCAA members; $320 for non-members. 6 CECs per session.

GCAA offers MANY course options to suit your specific training needs and busy schedules!

been a teacher with the GCAA for over 19 years and retired as a Senior Lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after 40 years as a professor. He has given aquatic related presentations in Germany, Malaysia, Canada as well across the United States. Mr. Fielding has served as a Chapter volunteer for over 40 years.

career advancement training




Section 608 Certification Two Day Class March 6 & 7 • 9am-5pm Type 1 A Type I technician primarily works on small appliances such as domestic refrigerators, window air conditioners, PTACs and vending machines Type 2 A Type II technician primarily works on equipment using a high pressure refrigerant such as HCFC-22. The equipment includes residential air conditioners and heat pumps, supermarket refrigeration and process refrigeration. Type 3 A Type III technician primarily works on equipment using a low pressure refrigerant such as HCFC-123 or CFC-11. The units are primarily chillers. CECs 8 Place: GCAA CDC RSVP Cost: $209 members $269 non-members REGISTRATION DEADLINE 3/4 Meet Your Instructor: Donovan DaCosta, CAMT. Donovan “DEE” started his career in the apartment industry over 2 decades ago as a groundskeeper. He worked his way up and is the Vice President of Maintenance Training and Operations with Occupancy Heroes Incorporated.

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career advancement training

HOW TO BE A MAINTENANCE HERO: Customer Service Do’s and Don’ts for Service Team Members

April 16 9am - 1pm rsvp by noon April 12

Join 20 year industry veteran Donovan DaCosta for an interactive, information filled session on how to up your team’s game when it comes to Service Team Customer Service. 4 CECs

GCAA Career Development Center | $99 members $130 non-members BY THE END OF THE CLASS YOU WILL HAVE LEARNED:



• What Makes Your Residents Smile How to get rave reviews and referrals - Going the extra mile • How Proper Maintenance Increases ROI: Customer service done the right way increases profits • Best Practices throughout your day: Proper grounds maintenance, work orders & turnkey the right way • Preventive Maintenance – The Cause, the effect Preparing for daily, monthly and quarterly inspections

This session includes a roundtable discussion lunch. Bring your top challenges to discuss with your peers! LUNCH AND BREAKFAST SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE Contact

No matter the season... @MSupplyHQ

Call 866-630-6747 Español 888-281-0255 Fax 866-631-6747 PROUD MEMBER OF



we are always ready to serve you! apartment times


event photos

This is how we roll .




Once again GCAA’s Outreach Committee hosted their annual Bowling Tournament on February 8. They raised over $5000 to benefit the GCAA Education Foundation! A fun time was had by all!

GCAA's February Dinner with Dr. Debbie Phillips "A Shot of Vitamin E" Dr. Debbie Phillips is a real estate professional with over 30 years of experience with diverse property types. As an entrepreneur, Debbie has a multi-faceted career including developing world class leadership development programs and talent management strategies. She was named 2015 Certified Property Manager (CPM) of the year by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and received the 2013 Outstanding Educator Award by the National Apartment Association’s Education Institute.


A Shot of Vitamin E- Engagement- Every Organization can use an infusion! Is your organization suffering from "culture shock" complacency or overall malaise?

Date: Time: Place:

Earn 3 CECs

Thursday, February 21st, 2019 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel 2800 Coliseum Centre Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217 $47 (GCAA Members); $62 (Non-Members) at Deadline to RSVP/cancel is noon on 2/19/19 0.5

Cost: Superstar Assistant Manager Strategies RSVP: CECs: with Mindy McCorkle

Learn the 12 drivers of employee engagement and how to move the "needle" forward in both performance and profits.

Instructor Mindy McCorkle, Enhancement Talent Development

12 apartment times

Date: April 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Place: GCAA Career Development Center Cost: $90 GCAA members; $115 non-members RSVP: Deadline to make/cancel a reservation is 12 pm on 4/9

naa news

Mark Your Calendars for

Throughout the year, NAA offers dynamic meetings, conferences and expositions. Take the time to learn from thought leaders, hear from trend spotters and network with industry professionals so you can drive your organization and career forward.

March 5-8, 2019 Washington, D.C.

June 26-28, 2019 Denver

September 23-25, 2019 Atlanta

At Advocate each March, NAA members and affiliates join together on Capitol Hill to take action on the industry’s issues in front of all 535 members of Congress.

At the industry’s largest and premiere event of the year, immerse yourself in the latest trends and strategies; network with more than 9,500 industry players.

Maximize is the industry’s sole conference dedicated to asset management and long-term value creation in apartment housing portfolios.

the ApartMentor | January–March 2019 24

EventsAd-New3.indd 1

8/14/18 apartment times 12:30 13 PM


Serving Carolinas for 25 years 704-784-6626 - Office 14 apartment times

career advancement training

Regional Manager Development Series

Amy Kosnikowski Dilisio National Speaker & Industry Educator Quintessential: The Q Standard

Kelly Thomas

Owner Pickle Bird Media

An educational series for future and current regional managers combining leadership development, best practices, proven techniques along with case studies and stories all shared in a highly interactive experience.

SESSION 1: MARCH 14, 2019 9:00 AM -12 PM • • • • • • •

Tap into the top leadership skills to transition from doer to leader Learn how to shift successfully from managing one property to leading multiple properties and property managers Discover how to shift your style to adapt when managing multi-generations The keys to be an effective communicator and lead productive meetings/calls How best to meet owner expectations and ideal communications Gain the best time management tools to stay focused and productive How technology can help you as well as hinder you in your role

SESSION 2: MARCH 21, 2019 9:00 AM -1 PM • • • • • • • • • • •

Recruiting: What works and where to go Lunc Talent: How to identify and grow it Includ h ed w Be a Mentor: Your role as a teacher and how-to's Sessio ith n 2! Leaning into team’s talents and leveraging capabilities Team motivator: How to inspire teams to reach and exceed goals Tips & Tricks to stay out of the weeds Setting expectations and effective delegation Your Own Growth: Know when to take on more and goal-setting Your strengths: How to maximize your talents for long-term success A Mentor: Why it can be a big benefit in your career and how to find one Continual Development Mission: Personal growth and career challenges

DETAILS Session 1: March 14, 2019 Session 2: March 21, 2019 TIME: Session 1: 9 am -12 pm Session 2: 9 am -1 pm (Registration for both sessions begins at 8:30 am) PLACE: GCAA Career Development Center CECs: 3 for each session Member Cost: $119* *ATTEND BOTH FOR $220 Non-Member Cost: $142* *ATTEND BOTH FOR $286 RSVP DEADLINES: Session 1: 3/12/19 at noon Session 2: 3/19/19 at noon

Attendees will depart each session with new tools and motivation to effectively meet the needs, challenges and demands of their current role while preparing for future professional successes.



career advancement training

Women in Leadership MEET THE LEADERS FACILITATOR Kelly Thomas Owner, Pickle Bird Media

Join us for GCAA’s Fourth Annual Women in Leadership Conference! This popular conference is a unique opportunity to learn from dynamic female industry experts, Kelly Thomas, Erica Byrum, Darline Cobb and Sarah Cherne. Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your own leadership style and be mentored by these fabulous women leaders!


amazing seminar, loved all the speakers – More emotional & inspirational than I anticipated” -Conference Attendees

PANELIST Erica Byrum AVP Social Media

PANELIST Darline Cobb, GCAA Board VP Director of Training & Development Ginkgo Residential

DETAILS WHEN: April 5, 2019, 9 am-1:00 pm (Registration begins at 8:30 am) WHERE: PNG Training Center 4720 Piedmont Row Dr, Charlotte, 28210 (Piedmont Town Center at SouthPark) COST: $109 for members; $139 for non-members

PANELIST Sarah Cherne President & CEO Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas

SPONSORED BY 16 apartment times

CECs: 3 RSVP: Register online at Registration Deadline is noon on April 3, 2019

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career advancement training


Date: April 9, 2019 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (8:30 am registration) Place: GCAA Career Development Center Cost: $90 GCAA members; $115 non-members CECs: 3 RSVP: Deadline to make/cancel a reservation is 5 pm on 4/5

With Kate Irving Jarrell


Social Media Marketing DETAILS

Date: April 9, 2019 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (8:30 am registration) Place: GCAA Career Development Center Cost: $90 members; $115 non-members CECs: 3 VP:

adline to make/cancel a ervation is 5 pm on 4/5

Join Kate Irving Jarrell, Director of Marketing for Northwood Ravin for a new seminar in the "How To Win" marketing series. In this 2019-style remix, we will take a deeper look at social media and how you can make this FREE marketing tool work for you. Together, we will create our own social media calendars using authentic content proven to get results, participate in breakout sessions with other multifamily peers and learn more about developing your personal brand.

Wednesday, April 9, 2019 | 9:00 - 12:00 apartment times


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ducing the 2019 Intro



1 Year.


17 Candidates. 4 Exciting Sessions.

Class VI



Jami Anderson

Jennifer Auerbach

Missy Clements

Scott Cramton

Jennifer Ipock

Onya James

Kate Irving Jarrell

Nicole Kennedy

Shane Raby

Greg Seagle

Jamie Sexton

Michael Gosselin

Tarcha Leak

Mike Spah

Susanne Herring

Lindsay Carpenter Mobley

Leah Vinansky

Those chosen for Leadership Lyceum participate in a wide array of leadership development experiences over the course of one year. Candidates are chosen, either by appointment or through a competitive application process. They must be active GCAA members with a track-record for jumping in and getting involved. Program sessions cover Association Basics, Team-Building, Advocacy Initiatives and Community Service. Prior graduates have gone on to advance in their multifamily careers as well as serve on the GCAA and GCAA Education Foundation Board of Directors. This year they will complete a zipline/ropes course at US National Whitewater Center, take a bus tour through some of Charlotte’s most challenged and diverse neighborhoods and learn about local food insecurity while volunteering at Second Harvest Food Bank. GRADUATES FROM PREVIOUS CLASSES INCLUDE: 2009 Engle Addington, Jarrod Clay, Charlotte Eaker, Chad Hagler, Pete Harrison, Chris Hazlett, Courtney Lundquist, Joya Pavesi, Melody Reddick, Michelle Sanger, Jennings Snider 2011 Nicole Peeler, Amanda Kitts, Dave Flanagan, Kristine Kee, Alisha LaPorte, Lauren Lee, Christi Manos, Phyllis McClendon, Cheryl Murphy, Patrick Ryan, Gayle Sebastian, Jonathan Tee, Jay Tillman, Danielle West, Deidre Wilson

18 apartment times

2013 Jimmy Boone, Susan Bowman, McKenzie Brady, Brian Brand, Cameron Clark, John DeMario, Natalie Edeburn, Charity Ellis, Shaunte Evans, Megan Horton, Kathryn Kaye, Heather MacDonald, Betty McGeorge, Jamie MIles, Josie Nasife, Vineta Pritchard, Lynn Ramsey, Brandi Robertson, Mark Smith, Lisa Higgins, Asia Whitaker 2015 Jonathan Cheville, Chiccorra Connor, Bendetta Hoyle, Betsy Kirkpatrick, Ben Lloyd,

Mary Mathews, Bob Moore, Courtney Moreno, Ellie Norton, Kandi Rice, Jerri Risch, Dana Stamper, Celia Thompson, Brianna Wood, Maryam Zeledon 2017 Gabrielle Bouknight, Deirdre Coleman, Bruce Congdon, Donovan “Dee” Dacosta, Claude Dawson, Johannah Fijalka, Michael Kucera, Deanna Winchester Lee, Rebecca Mignery, Chris Moffett, Nahleena Moore, Christy Rightley, Wendy Sikorski, Michelle Smith, Jessica Sutherland, John Scott Trotter

apartment times


Goverment affairs highlights

Mecklenburg County 2019 Revaluation Process

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Ordinance

How are you as a property owner being impacted by the Mecklenburg

The TOD Advisory Committee delivered all comments and final

County revaluation? An initial estimate by the County Tax Assessor is

recommendations to their consultant and recently released the “Public

that the new tax rate may be “revenue-neutral” – a tax proposal is revenue

Hearing Draft”. The committee is also working on an economic impact

neutral if it neither increases nor decreases tax revenues when compared to

analysis with two-prototype projects that will help validate components

existing law.

of the bonus structure and specific design standards. A public information meeting was held on February 5 and a public hearing was

In January, the GCAA hosted a meeting with Ken Joyner, Mecklenburg

scheduled for March 18.

County Tax Assessor. If you missed it, there will be another opportunity to participate in the future and detailed presentations can be found at Valet Waste Services

SB224 – Debt Relief Lawsuits/Landlord Recovery of Expenses There are several consumer actions against property management companies pending in

GCAA member, Valet Living, is proactively

North Carolina regarding their debt collection

working with local affiliates and legislators in

practices. The first series of these actions alleged that property owners

Raleigh to bring clarity and resolve to the valet

and managers were improperly charging late and legal fees to the

waste services code issue. The current code does not

residents. The AANC took legislative action to attempt to clarify that

directly address door step collection services;

the fees being charged were permissible. This led to the introduction of

however, it has determined that the holding

Senate Bill 224 (SB224) to the NC Legislature. SB224, the initial

containers used in this service are: (1) not fire proof

clarification of the fees a property owner/manager may charge, is now

and are a violation of the fire code; and (2) present, in some cases, an

law. Attorneys continue to work collaboratively to clarify the current

obstruction issue because of their placement in breezeways. The Valet

law concerning the actual out-of-pocket expenses that may be collected

Living representatives are working collaboratively with the North

by landlords in eviction actions.

Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of the State Fire Marshal. We are hopeful for a positive resolution.

Emotional Support Animals The AANC is proposing to amend the NC General Statutes to close loopholes pertaining to the unlawful use of emotional support animals in apartment communities. More to come on this important issue in the future.

20 apartment times

Proposed Legislation to Regulate Mold Owing to the growing media coverage of the Lake Arbor Apartment community in Charlotte, NC lawmakers are exploring legislation that, if enacted, could give local municipalities the authority to conduct mold inspections and order remediation. The GCAA is working with the AANC and their lobbyists to issue a joint statement concerning our position on the matter.

Your “PAC” Contributions Make an ImPACt! We want to take this opportunity to thank all of those that support our industry by contributing to the AANC and NAA PACs. You commit your time, resources and dollars to further our legislative causes, thus protecting our industry and its residents.

Swimming Pools The Child Fatality Task Force is advocating for life guards to be required at all public pools. That includes apartment communities and hotels! According to an official within the public health industry, one of the potential major issues with such legislation is that there are not enough certified life guards in NC to staff every public pool. There is no eminent legislation at this point but the GCAA will continue to monitor this issue. Code Revision for Type-A Units As of January 1, 2019, a revision to the NC Building Code established a 5% requirement for accessible units for new multifamily construction. The NC requirement has differed from the International Building Code (IBC) over the last several years regarding the percentage of Type-A units required with 5% being the mandate for the first 100 units and 2% for the remaining unit count. GCAA is working with Charley Watts with Watts Leaf, who is leading the charge with the NC Building Code Commission to get this requirement reduced back to 2%. This process could take approximately eight months.

In 2018, the AANC PAC continued with another record-breaking year in both fundraising and campaign contributions. With your donations, it raised almost $25,000 that primarily helped with the passage of SB224 - Landlord Recovery of Expenses. The enactment of SB224 last year was one of our biggest victories and an achievement we should be extremely proud of! You also supported the NAA PAC. NAA’s main issues in 2017-18 were tax reform, flood insurance reauthorization, ADA lawsuit reform, infrastructure and cyber security.

Pink PAC With the hard work of our membership, our industry overcame many legislative springs into action obstacles; however, the work is not in April over. Our fundraising efforts and legislative challenges never end so we must remain vigilant in the electoral process, public policy and mindful of every legislative need or issue that may help or hurt our collective interests. We accomplish this by building and maintaining relationships with lawmakers and supporting both the AANC, NAA PACs and soon the GCAA’s own PAC. To “BAC the PAC” visit


apartment times


event photos

Thank you to the Executive Sponsor

This line-up of panelists projected multifamily trends for the year ahead on January 24. The panel, moderated by GCAA Executive Director Kim Graham included: Mark Vitner, Senior Economist, Wells Fargo; Marcie Williams, President, RKW Residential; Brian Nicholson, Vice President of Development, LMC; Stephen McClure, Chief Operating Officer, The Spectrum Companies. Thank you to AFR Furniture Rental for the plush seating!

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22 apartment times

upcoming events

GCAA's APRIL General Meeting with Erica Byrum

APRIL 4 Online Reputation: Establish & Manage Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset


Date: April 4, 2019 Time: 6-9 pm; Registration at 5:30 pm Place: The Renaissance Suites Hotel 2800 Coliseum Centre Dr., Charlotte, 28217 Cost: $47 GCAA members RSVP: CECs: 0.5 REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION DEADLINE is noon on April 2, 2019



MARCH 15, 2019


the assistant vice president of social media for, a coauthor of Youtility for Real Estate, a recipient of the PR News Social Media MVP award, the Sarah Malone award, a two-time President’s Club winner and a board member for the PRNews Social Shake-Up Show.

GCAA's Membership Committee is hosting a Member Orientation for all GCAA members on March 15 in the Career Development Center. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served. Hear from members and GCAA staff as they share their thoughts and experiences. RSVP's are required. Please direct all questions to WHERE: GCAA Career Development Center 6060 Piedmont Row Drive South Ste 575A, Charlotte 28287 WHEN: March 15, 2019 from 9 -10:00 am This is not just for new member companies. All members are welcome and we encourage you to attend!

apartment times


rpm careers month

24 apartment times

ATimes page edits 011519.qxp_Layout 1 1/15/19 9:32 AM Page 17

naaei professional credential programs

May 6 - 10

May 6 -10, 2019 Areas of Study Include: Industry Essentials, Financial Management, Marketing, Property Maintenance, Risk Management. Legal Responsibilities, Human Resources and Resident Experience.

apartment times


trade show flashback

Trade Show







Trade Show Themes Throughout the Years



1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

A Free Fling In Freeport Bourbon Street Blast Rodeo Round Up Hooray for Hollywood A Mexican Adventure Cajun Adventure Putting on the Ritz CAA - the Next Generation The Great Round Up Go for the Gold Flashback CAA Goes International CAA Beams into the New Millenium Carolina Adventures 20 Years of Television Every Day Is A Holiday All Across America

26 apartment times

2004 CAA's Best Sellers 2005 "It's All Green" (St. Patrick's Day) 2006 CAA Museum of Art 2007 Through The Years 2008 Bright Lights-Big City 2009 "It's Vegas, Baby!" 2010 March Monster Mash (Halloween) 2011 College Daze 2012 Once Upon A Time (Fairy Tales, etc.) 2013 "The Games Show" 2014 Superheroes & Villains 2015 Battle of the Bands 2016 A Moment in Time 2017 Sports Zone 2018 Blockbuster Movies




Commercial Properties Student Housing Hospitality Multifamily



(704) 909-7616 8201 Arrowridge Blvd. Suite 147 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273

apartment times


event recap

FEBRUARY 21 GENERAL MEETING with DR. DEBBIE PHILLPS Thank you to Rent Ready for sponsoring this event.

Dr. Debbie Phillips Thank you to Rent Ready, speaks on engagement. the evening's sponsor.

The event had a great turnout!


Jonathan Walton, Jenkins Restoration

Mario Williams, Framechangers Fitness


Melissa Hovey, SHARE Charlotte

Christopher Carrothers, Drip Edge Roofing

Justin Skinner, Skinner Services

investment in KNOWLEDGE PAYS the best interest. Benjamin Franklin

Since 2008, the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association Education Foundation has opened doors to living-wage career opportunities for many current and future multifamily industry employees. Whether providing a scholarship for a new property groundskeeper to complete the Certified Apartment Maintenance Technician (CAMT) credential program or sponsoring a young refugee student at Central Piedmont Community College, our Education Foundation has been a lifeline for those in need. So as we enter into a new decade of "paying it forward" as an industry, let us remember that our Foundation is a worthy investment for our tax-deductible donations to quite possibly jumpstart the career of the next Lex Marsh award winner or Education Hall of Fame inductee!




28 apartment times

membership recruiting contest




Remember a Member

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE January - November

• Receive a $50 Target Gift Card for every new member you refer that joins the GCAA! • 1st & 2nd place winners for most new members will be presented at the 2019 Bravo Awards.

1st Place

2nd Place

Receives $1,500

Receives $500

Visit our Website & Follow us on Social Media

M E M B E R S H I P apartment times


(D ie

e ound r 1996) F , l se


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gcaa news 2019





GCAA Receives Statewide Health Honors

The North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors chose the GCAA to receive its prestigious 2019 Public Health Partners Award for the great work that we've done in promoting smoke-free multifamily living. If you own or manage a smokefree community that hasn't been certified, contact the GCAA today to complete your easy and inexpensive certification process. The benefits are worth the minimal cost.

Hey y'all Derby Social - Save The Date When: April 25 • 6:00 – 9:00 pm Where: Location TBD LADIES Show Off Your Hats

GENTS Grab Your Bowties “suggested but not required”

Cost: $25/person (Hors d'oeuvres Included)

apartment times


naa news

When Apartment Owners Inquire about Immigrants’ Legal Residency Onsite staff are not equipped to police or determine the validity of residents’ immigration paperwork. Immigration is a subject that lately has generated significant debate at the federal level. As efforts to regulate immigration in Congress continue to stall, state and local policymakers are weighing in on the issue on a more frequent basis. While the issue is being used as a political football at all levels of government, there is one consistent outcome—property owners and operators are required to comply with a patchwork of onerous requirements and face possible legal liability under fair housing laws when it comes to screening the immigration status of residents. In many cases, the measures instituted by state and local lawmakers pertain to verification—similar to the E-Verify requirements that apply to employers that are engaged in federal contracts. Some jurisdictions—such as the City of Hazleton, Pa. — enacted ordinances that require property owners and managers to verify the immigration status of residents or face violations and possible suspension of the owner’s business license for noncompliance. In the end, measures similar to Hazleton were invalidated by the courts as unconstitutional. Hazleton and several other cities that followed its lead were ordered to pay millions in legal fees to aggrieved parties. For policymakers, the lessons learned remain relevant to conversations about legislation. Apartment owners and operators are in the business of housing individuals in the community. Apartment operators’ employees, onsite staff, in particular, are not equipped to police or determine the validity of residents’ immigration paperwork. Furthermore, policies that penalize owners with suspension or possible revocation of an apartment firm’s business license have severe consequences for a local community and its renters. If a housing provider was stripped of the ability to operate, consequences could include closures of apartments in that company’s overall portfolio as well as eviction or termination of the tenancies of all existing residents. Such policies would effectively reduce the supply of available housing in a community. In stark contrast to the approach taken by Hazelton, the state of California enacted the Immigrant Tenant Protection Act. The law strictly prohibits owners from inquiring about, disclosing or otherwise discriminating against an individual in housing on the basis of their immigration or citizenship status. It also prevents local governments from enacting legislation that compels apartment owners to comply with verification requirements or otherwise deny or interfere with an individual’s housing rights on these bases. If an owner violates the law, he or she may be required to pay damages to the resident, including 32 apartment times

a monetary award of six to 12 times the monthly rent charged, at the Court’s discretion. Regardless of whether legislation seeks to mandate or prohibit housing providers from inquiring about the legal residency of immigrants, both create potential challenges for the apartment owners and operators. Such laws can interfere with owners’ overall resident screening process and are not limited to verification of immigration documents. For example, according to California’s law, owners and operators are prohibited from evicting a resident based on the failure to pass a credit check or the inability to provide a valid Social Security number. To complicate matters, owners and operators could be subject to fair housing violations for screening residents based on immigration or citizenship status. NAA filed an amicus brief (the process by which third parties, outside of the parties to the case, comment on issues of importance in appellate court) on a legal case of national significance in de Reyes vs. Waples Mobile Home Park Ltd. The Fourth Circuit’s ruling, in this case, would allow any apartment owner or operator to come under scrutiny and be subject to a fair housing disparate impact claim if the owner requires applicants to provide a Social Security number or otherwise show documentation to prove legal immigration status as a condition of tenancy. The case could set a legal precedent if the Court’s ruling were to stand or if it were adopted by other courts. NAA supports comprehensive federal legislation that would help create predictability and consistency for apartment owners and operators. As they consider immigration legislation, state and local policymakers should recognize the importance of resident screening in rental housing. Screening is essential to help owners manage their finances, assess risk and protect the safety and security of residents, employees and their assets. In particular, lawmakers should avoid implementing measures that would restrict the use of Social Security numbers or credit history or require housing providers to authenticate the immigration status of prospective or current residents. Enforcement of such laws can create administrative burdens for apartment providers, reduce the supply of available rental housing and further exacerbate housing affordability issues. NAA opposes efforts to implement laws that would limit an apartment owner or operator’s ability to properly screen residents, or measures that would require them to enforce federal immigration laws. Housing providers are not in the business of policing or authenticating the validity of an individual’s immigration paperwork. Reprinted with permission of the National Apartment Association (NAA), from the February 2019 edition of units Magazine. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, email

Brownlee Whitlow & Praet, PLLC is a property solutions law firm! We assist managers and owners of rental property and communities in North and South Carolina with their transactional federal, state and local law regulations compliance, collections, and, when necessary, litigation needs. With offices in Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston, we represent the interests of property owners and managers in all aspects of landlord tenant law including: PURCHASE AND SALE OF PROPERTY INCLUDING CONTRACT NEGOTIATION AND SEC COMPLIANCE LEASE AND LEASE ADDENDUM PREPARATION AND NEGOTIATION POLICY REVIEW & COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE DEFENSE OF PROPERTY RELATED CLAIMS COLLECTIONS EVICTION APPEALS FAIR HOUSING COMPLIANCE & DEFENSE MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION REPRESENTATION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please contact us at:

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apartment times












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“JUST CALL ZAP IT” 34 apartment times

gcaa news

“Modular” the Future of Multifamily Construction?


rguably, housing affordability is the foremost issue facing our industry today. With construction costs increasing substantially year over year, sky-high land costs and regulatory costs exceeding 30% of the cost to develop a multi-family project, it’s a wonder anything is built the average individual or family can afford. Ask any real estate developer and they’ll tell you the “costs” associated with developing determine whether a deal ‘pencils” and if the “back of the napkin” math works. While the “napkin” has long since been replaced by a complex spreadsheet, the bottom line here is simple; it is becoming more difficult to make deals work. The construction industry is somewhat unique in that it has remained relatively unchanged over time. Don’t get me wrong, as with all industries the building industry has seen its fair share of advancements in technology, however, for the most part we still build things the way we have always built them. As technology drives future endeavors, the development and construction community will continually search for alternative ways to save time and money. Construction methods will shift toward new technology that reduces cost and streamlines the building process, a process that our friends in the manufactured housing space have already made very efficient.

using a crane. The apartment module arrives basically finished with all the bells and whistles and is essentially “plugged” into the primary plumbing, mechanical and electrical networks. The total project is complete in half the time of conventional construction, looks the same, is “greener” and overall costs significantly less.

Photo by Scott Lewis, CC BY 2.0

While building apartments in factories sounds simple, and the previous example is one of many forms “modular” can describe, many factors will ultimately determine its fate. As developers and builders continue to seek alternative construction methods to combat rising construction costs, the multifamily industry will continue to see modular construction projects gain traction. Perhaps reducing the cost to build along with other reform, we’ll begin to scratch the surface of the housing affordability crisis.

Authored by: Jonathan Tee, Owner, Paragon Services Group, LLC

Imagine the following scenario: A skeleton-like structure is designed and built that will house 200 individual apartment units or “modules.” Each individual apartment “module” is manufactured offsite in a large factory. This factory is designed to efficiently build apartment and hotel modules for developments across the US. The factory delivers each apartment module to the development site where it is installed apartment times


NATURAL DOG PARK PRODUCTS 800-931-1562 36 apartment times

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of improvement while taking notes and pictures.

surfaces. Your project nets you a fresh look and a certificate of completion.

2. Estimate & Roadmap

5. The Last 5%

We outline what you can expect when servicing your paved asset. from total

Other crews leave sloppy workspaces and loose ends in communication. RAM

cost of ownership to day of service considerations.

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3. Approve

& Schedule

6. Extend

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scheduled jobs are always moving and shifting based on weather and other

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apartment times



WELCOME NEW MEMBERSThese 32 companies joined the GCAA in the months of

December 2018 and January 2019. Please help us welcome them & remember to DO BUSINESS WITH GCAA MEMBERS! OWNER/OPERATORS


Adley at Bryton Contact: Shelly Moore 704-270-2442 Apartment Communities

A R Renovations Contact: Rory McCaslin 704-299-0624 Painting/Turnkey Services

Aurea Station Contact: Michael Evers 617-902-6208 Owner / Management Company 384 Apartment Homes

Activ Answer by Audio Images Contact: Billy Reed 800-487-0206 Answering Services/Communications

Bradham at New Bern Contact: Samantha Barker 704-443-1354 Apartment Communities 432 Apartment Homes Commons at City Center Contact: Laura Bigford 704-781-5412 Small Owner/Management Company 18 Apartment Homes Manufactured Housing Properties Inc Contact: Michael Anise 561-389-6112 Small Owner/Management Company The Flats at Campus Pointe Contact: Morgan Martin 704-510-2121 Apartment Community 99 Apartment Homes The Penrose Contact: Alex Fortune 704-749-9203 Apartment Community 350 Apartment Homes

Aleris LLC Contact: Calvin Trumbo 704-905-6509 Building Materials/Supplies Sponsor: Jonathan Tee Charlotte Leasing Company 803-351-9832 Leasing ChuteMaster Environmental Services Contact: Howard Lee 800-234-4656 Chute Cleaning & Chute Door Repair/ Dryer Vent Cleaning Sponsor: Ashley Binga Davis Development Contact: Shelly Moore 704-270-2442 Apartment Communities Framechangers Fitness Contact: Mario Williams 704-750-1227 Fitness Equipment GreenView Partners Contact: Greg Williams 704-607-2298

Jenkins Restoration Contact: Jonathan Walton 704-847-7475 Restoration JBO Services, LLC Contact: James Othmer 980-293-2197 General Contracting/Facility Maintenance Sponsor: Brittany Barclay Othmer LeaseTerm Solutionssdd Contact: Kia Helms 888-814-6950 Renters Insurance / Security Deposit Alternative Oates Energy Contact: David Garwood 904-242-0075x222 Submetering / Utilities Sponsor: RKW Residential OnSite Landscape & Irrigation Contact: Liberty Ray 704-299-5073 Irrigation Services/Landscaping OnePoint Contact: Jessica Durham 678-391-3999 x129 Submetering/Utilities Preserve at Mountain Island Lake 704-846-5700 Owner / Management Company 240 Apartment Homes R1 Facility Services Contact: Kenneth Ramsey 803-579-4327 Facility Maintenance

RCG SE, LLC Contact: Kieley Wilson 704-999-3877 Real Living Carolinas Real Estate Contact: AJ Rebhan 704-502-7778 Real Estate/Real Estate Brokerage ResMan Contact: Vanessa Tezanos 727-313-2128 Property Management Software SHARE Charlotte Contact: Melissa Hovey 980-237-7553 Non-Profit Sponsor: Holly Casper The Employers Association Contact: Sara Kenyon 704-522-8011 Consulting/Training Trash Fairies Contact: Christian Rickers 434-390-6463 Recycling/Valet Trash Services WaterSignal Contact: Katherine Boyd 678-990-2736 Water Leak Detection/Water Monitoring West Shore, LLC Contact: Michael Evers 617-902-6208 Owner/Management Company White Tulip Interiors Contact: Jason Rochon 724-272-2895 Cleaning Services/Interior Design Sponsor: Matt Gladden

Members in the News Full House Marketing , Inc. Adds Two New Employees Full House Marketing hires Bret Smith as their new Operations Manager. In that capacity he will direct, mentor, and implement improvements in the daily operations of NC markets. They also welcome Stephanie Loyd, CAM, NAAEI. She will lead expansion into SC.

Patrick Johnson, Brownlee Whitlow & Praet, Makes Partner Patrick has been with Brownlee Whitlow & Praet since its inception in 2015 and prior to that served as an Associate with Brownlee Law Firm for a number of years. Patrick embodies the Firm’s values of integrity, leadership, service and growth! He has taken on leadership within the firm where he runs the Charlotte office as well as becoming a leader in the multifamily community. 38 apartment times

NarmourWright & SGA Announce Merger NarmourWright Architecture and SGA Architecture have merged. The newly combined firm fully integrates the expertise, capabilities, services and locations of both companies and will continue to be led by seasoned professionals. The new company will be called SGA | NarmourWright Design, in recognition of the merger and the legacy that both firms have worked so hard to build.

HAVE MEMBER NEWS TO SHARE? Email the details to

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Address Service Requested

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