Grace & Glory December 2020

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scripture scripture page


Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Luke 2:7-14

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. 7

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December 2020

on the cover: Pastor Arnel Marshall Community Outreach Ministry 2616 Ridgely Street Baltimore, MD 21230

Cover Story pgs 8-11 Merry Christmas! Our cover story for December is featuring Pastor Arnel Marshall. This year marks five years of ministry in the Westport community for Pastor Arnel Marshall and the Community Outreach Ministry. We talk exclusively to Pastor Marshall about the past five years serving the community, the ups and downs, the proud moments, and what is next in the future for the Community Outreach Ministry.



Pastor Rhoda Turner

Minister Tracey George

I Still Believe

4-C (Foresee) a Festive Christmas


Minister Carenda Deonne

The one thing that is not Flexible…Obedience 4   December 2020 | Grace&Glory

Healthy Mind


Dr. Carla J. Debnam,

Celebrating Life

Scripture Page........................................ 2

Healthy Body

Contributors............................................ 6 From the Editor....................................... 7


Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels

Charles & Ursula Harris

Celebrating The Holidays in a Different Way

It Takes 21 Days to Get Fit  5

Meet the Contributors For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Jackie Epps EDITORIAL Dr. Carla J. Debnam Min. Carenda McCray Tracey George Dr. Denyce Daniels Charles & Ursula Harris Rhoda Turner


WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period

Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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JACKIE EPPS is co-founder and editor of Grace & Glory Magazine. Jackie's career in communications spans over 40 years in advertising sales, program sales, media planning and television production, working in radio for 11 years and shifting to television broadcasting in 1989. She also produces the Grace & Glory show, a faith-based television program that has been on the air for 18 years. MIN. TRACEY GEORGE Tracey Nicole George is Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife a licensed minister and of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam ordained deacon. She is a and an associate minister of native New Yorker residing Morning Star Baptist Church, in Maryland and married Woodlawn, MD. She is a to Danny George. Tracey National Certified Counselor works with her husband (NCC) and Licensed Clinical managing their inventory and asset control Professional Counselor company, George Imaging. She is the creator (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog American Counseling Association, the American and ministry, designed to edify and encourage Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church. two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An MIN. CARENDA DEONNE Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5. Min. Carenda was born CHARLES HARRIS and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA Charles Harris is the owner degree from the Fashion of Chizel It Transformation Institute of Technology Fitness. Charles is a highly and is currently pursuing a effective fitness expert with Master's in Law degree from Regent University. a passion for health and Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 wellness. He is a certified and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring fitness trainer with the God's word through the power of love ever since. America Fitness Association of America with Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. over 20 years of experience, and a certified Yoga Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a Teacher at YogaWorks in Pikesville, Maryland. He 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder is the author of I’m Too Cute to Sweat, What’s Your Excuse For Not Working Out?, and It Takes 21 Days of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration. To Get Fit. He currently teaches his mega cardio workout class throughout the state of Maryland. PASTOR RHODA TURNER DR. DENYCE WATTIES-DANIELS Rhoda possesses a spirit Dr. Denyce Wattiesof humility. Her ministry style Daniels has over 25 years of is graceful, her message is experience as a clinician and powerful and her presence nurse educator. Her areas of is comforting. Being the 9th expertise include critical care of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for nursing, pathophysiology, family and the wholistic development of children. pharmacology and the use of technology in She is considered by many as a mentor and the classroom. She currently serves as faculty mother figure. and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, Resource Centers of the College of Health serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Professions at Coppin State University. Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ. DR. CARLA DEBNAM

from the editor


Christmas It’s Christmas time . . . a time of good cheer and holiday festivities, a time for singing carols, and a time for celebrating with family and friends. Twinkling lights, beautiful wrapped presents, laughing children, jingling bells . . . these are the sights and sounds of Christmas. But the sights and sounds this Christmas may be a little different this year; this Christmas comes at a time that many of our Christmas traditions cannot happen because we need to be mindful of the safety of our brothers and sisters. No matter what Christmas looks like this year, don’t let it stop you from still celebrating the holiday so that the true meaning of Christmas may never be lost. We will “keep” Christmas . . . may we keep it in our hearts that we may be kept in its hope. As believers the birth of Jesus is our reason for the season. The Son of God came to give us hope and peace to show us his Father’s love and compassion for everyone. “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel; which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23 The Christmas season comes at the end of the year and many may have mixed emotions about this year in particular. This year has been very challenging to say the least. Many of us suffered the loss of loved ones, jobs, homes, and sickness and food insecurities. But I encourage you to still believe, in spite of everything that has happened. Purpose in your mind to celebrate the season with your whole heart and this Christmas look up into the Father’s face and tell Him you have received His Christmas gift . . . our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Eternal life and endless joy are parts of the gift. Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man. The best Christmas ever is not

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief

getting the perfect gift; it’s getting the true meaning of the season: the birth of Jesus! This Christmas remember and celebrate the coming of our savior Jesus, the one who was chosen by God and sent with a purpose and destiny. This holiday season honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was born to save all mankind and was sent to give us a hope and a future. Jesus Christ came that we might have everlasting life for all those who will believe. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 Merry Christmas!  72

G&G: Pastor Marshall, welcome to the Grace & Glory Family. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with you. You shared with me that The Community Outreach Ministry celebrated its fifth year anniversary this year. To God Be the Glory! Let’s start there. How would you describe these last five years? Pastor Marshall: I am grateful and thankful for this blessed opportunity to grace the pages of your publication. The last 5 years have been more than I could have imagined. I have been challenged, inspired, agitated, aggravated, celebrated but more importantly I have grown in GOD and in my assignment as Pastor of The Community Outreach Ministry. G&G: Pastor Marshall, would you tell us about the vision and the journey that led to founding The Community Outreach Ministry? Pastor Marshall: I wish I could give you this deep and theological explanation but I don’t have one. I had no desire to pastor, although I wanted to be all GOD would have for me to be. (lol if that makes sense) Community Outreach Ministry came to me in a series of visions that I initially resisted, but ultimately accepted. The vision for the ministry came in 2014 but as the preparation stages were coming together I became fearful and stopped the process. GOD troubled me and still being reluctant, I planned a service instead of a ministry. However, I didn’t allow fear to hinder me from walking into what GOD was calling me to. In 2015, with the assistance of Rev. Larry Martin, we became the pastors of The Community Outreach Ministry. Rev. Martin and I served together for two years. Thanks be to GOD that man plans but GOD laughs because through 8   December 2020 | Grace&Glory

Q&A my fear and shenanigans, GOD raised up some great people who helped the C.O.M. come into existence. G&G: Pastor Marshall, now that you have five years under your belt what challenges did you face in building this ministry? Pastor Marshall: My 1st challenge was having to get over not wanting to pastor. I wanted to please GOD but under my own terms. Once I came to grips with the will of GOD concerning me, I had some of the normal growing pains that many ministries face. Another challenge I faced in ministry was coming out of the shadows of my home church. The Community Outreach Ministry is currently housed in my home church’s old building. It was a challenge to establish our own identity, however I appreciate my pastor and I am forever grateful to him for allowing the Community Outreach Ministry to do ministry in our current place of worship.

G&G: Pastor Marshall, during these last five years did you ever think to yourself what have I gotten myself into? Have you ever just wanted to throw in the towel? Pastor Marshall: My GOD! Yes to both. I have questioned whether or not it was GOD speaking this into existence Pastor Arnel Marshall & Lady Schwanna Marshall or was it me having some type of psychotic episode.(lol) As I stated previously, I didn't have a desire to pastor. I sat under my pastor and what I was able to glean from my view did not give me any desire to pastor. I am thankful that every time I’ve had those feelings GOD takes me to the day the Community Outreach Ministry opened its doors and three souls gave their life to Christ, solidifying that this was God’s doing. Pastoring has been challenging but I was just commenting to some of the leaders of the church that I am now feeling like I am getting my feet under me. Crazy as this may sound, five years in and I am now accepting the fact that I am Pastor Marshall. G&G: Pastor Marshall, tell us about your most rewarding achievement as Pastor of the Community Outreach Ministry? What stands out as your most memorable moment during these last five years? Continued on page 10  9

Q&A Continued from page 9

Pastor Marshall: Wow!!! I have seen so much in these five years of ministry. I believe my most rewarding achievement was coming in contact with a young man by the name of Todd McAlister. Brother Todd has since transitioned from labor to reward, but Glory be to GOD for allowing our Pastor Arnel & Lady Schwanna Marshall, daughters paths to cross. Bre'ana & Na'sia, and son Shane Williams Todd was our Minister of Music for 2 ½ years. This brother was instrumental in forcing me to be Pastor Marshall. Todd would not call me anything other than Pastor Marshall. Todd would talk about me in his circle of family and friends. Todd was a known musician who had sat under the tutelage of more established and accomplished pastors but he would consistently, unknowingly at times pour confidence into me. My most memorable moment is ‘easy’; having to Pastor through a pandemic. This by far is a memory I shall never forget. This season has been traumatic and terrifying at times but it has also been a time of triumph. We’ve seen people contract Covid only to triumph over Covid. We’ve witnessed financial challenges but we are still thriving. Our ministry has not only survived but we’re thriving through this season of pandemic. 10   December December2020 2020| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 10

G&G: Pastor Marshall, where would you like to see this ministry five years from now? What is your vision for the future of the Community Outreach Ministry? What will you do to continue to lead the community and continue investing in it? Pastor Marshall: I would love to see the Community Outreach Ministry in our own building and thriving in our own lane. My vision for the Community Outreach Ministry is to be a ministry of solidarity, salvation and supply. My prayer is for us to be on one accord and to understand that our mandate is to seek and lead the lost to salvation. I ask God to bless the Community Outreach Ministry with an abundance of servants and supplies to serve. I plan to continue growing personally and vocationally so that I am able to lead effectively. I plan to continue investing in the community because I wasn’t called to a building but I have been called to be a builder. My hope is that the communities we serve in will be able to tell you something positive about The Community Outreach Ministry, even if they are not members.

Outreach initiative cooking out with the homeless.


Q&A Q&A G&G: Pastor Marshall, let’s shift gears a little and talk about you a little bit. First what three words would you choose to describe yourself, and why? Pastor Marshall: I would describe myself as an Overcomer. I have faced many challenges in my life and have overcome them, in particular being diagnosed with cancer. I am very studious. I love to study all things. My quest for knowledge is always at the forefront of my life. I would also describe myself as Humorous. So many people say I am funny and I should have been a comedian. G&G: Would you share with us one thing most people would be surprised to know about you? Pastor Marshall: Although I have extroverted ways I love to be alone. G&G: Pastor Marshall, most pastors have shared with me that ‘preaching the gospel’ was not what they had planned for their lives. When did you realize the call on your life to preach the gospel? Pastor Marshall: Well, I fall right in line with the others. I actually laughed when that reality was setting in. It took a while for me to come to grips with my calling, but ultimately I accepted it in 1999.

Dr. Therm James & Pastor Arnel Marshall

G&G: Did you have other plans for your life? Are you at all surprised at where you are today? Pastor Marshall: I am extremely surprised but also grateful. At the time of salvation I needed GOD and HIS direction. I really had no concrete plan for my life; however I knew I didn’t want to end up in jail or the cemetery. G&G: Pastor Marshall, is there anyone who has had a tremendous impact on your life such as a mentor, leader, etc.? Pastor Marshall: God, of course. My pastor, Rev. Dr. Therm M. James Sr., Deacon Charles Johnson (Pop-Pop), Rev. Mark Johnson and Sheldon D Randolph. G&G: Do you see yourself as a role model for young aspiring ministers? What advice would you give to young ministers who want to start their own ministry? Pastor Marshall: I’ve never looked at myself as being a role model for other ministers; however I believe I can be an asset to other ministers. My advice would be to make sure you are called to this assignment. This particular assignment is not for the faint of heart. Also please, please, please have a strong support system of people who not only believe in GOD but also believe in you. G&G: Pastor Marshall, lastly, with all that has happened this year, what are you hearing in the spirit, what do you believe God is saying to the church now? Pastor Marshall: I am hearing GOD say to us that I have removed the fluff to expose the worshipper, the work and the willing. Can you still worship without the building? Can you see the work that needs to be done in this season? Can you see who’s willing to do the work? This season is showing us what real ministry is.  11 11

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First Baptist Highland Park “A Bible Believing, Christ Centered & Spirit Led Congregation” 6801 Sheriff Road, Landover, Maryland 20785

Tel: 301.773.6655, Fax: 301.773.1347, Web:


WEDNESDAY – 12:00 NOON SATURDAY – 6:30 PM SUNDAY – 7:30 AM AND 11:00 AM AND call in to (302) 202-1102, conference code 192857

Weekly Worship Schedule

Saturday: 6:30 PM Sunday:7:30 AM & 11:00 AM, 9:30 AM - Sunday Biblical Institute Wonderful Wednesdays With Jesus: Worship & The Word, 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM  13

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woman’s perspective

OMG! This article took me a while to write as well as it took a whole lot out of me emotionally. Let the journey begin. In the Bible there are many stories of people who never stopped believing in spite of their circumstances. In Genesis, Noah was instructed by God to build an Ark in an area that hadn’t seen rain in over 75 years. “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and set the door of the ark in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third decks. And behold, I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of

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life; everything that is on the earth shall die. But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark—you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them.” Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did.” Genesis 6:14-22 NKJV. While Noah was building the Ark people mocked him and made fun of him. Yet, Noah still believed God's Word to him, and continued to work. Noah didn’t give up on what God told him just because of what others were saying. That’s what we sometimes tend to do. We allow others to move us out of or away from our assignments by embracing what they may see as not His will for our lives, instead of standing firm on what we KNOW He said to us. We also waiver based on what we see or don't see working for us in the middle of the process. I know this space well, because even as I write this I’m struggling personally in the tension of what I know to be true and what I see in the natural. It’s hard to hold on to the promises of God when you can’t see it. God never shows us what we will have to go through to get to what He’s promised us to be. He never told us that people are going to talk about us, call you out of our names, and make fun of us. Do you know why they can do that and it does not affect them? They can do it because they don’t know what God said to us. He spoke to us not to them. They weren’t privy to the conversation we had with the Lord, and even though we share with them they can still doubt what God told us. They don't have to buy into the vision, because the vision was not given to them. You, however, cannot stop believing even if you can’t see the promise. Imagine Noah building an Ark for all that time when no rain was in sight. Can you imagine the torment he must have gone through? But because Noah walked with God and spent time with Him it was easier for Him to hold on to the promise that it was for him than to be swayed away from it. When you walk with God He looks at you with the grace and favor needed to go from the beginning of the vision to the manifestation of it. Noah kept working and building and what God said came to pass. It rained for forty days and forty nights and the Earth was flooded with Noah and all of the animals that God told him to take on board with him, watching the destruction of the Earth. At the top, I shared with you the difficulty it took for me to write. It is hard, because I am trusting and believing in what God has said to me regarding certain promises, and I am trusting in spite of what things look like. The challenge this time is not in the trusting but in the not giving up. This time I am choosing to do things differently. I’m not giving up. I’m not allowing the enemy to make me lose what I’ve been holding on to for some time now. No matter what other people may be saying, what the enemy keeps saying or what the circumstances around me are saying, I still believe, and you should too. If you find yourself in a place where you struggle with holding on to a promise or have let go of the promise, it's ok. No judgment. No condemnation. Let's get back on track. Start with repentance. Ask the Lord to forgive you for not believing His Word and for not doing what you were supposed to be doing. Because we serve a forgiving God He will do it. Then you start trusting Him again. No matter what anybody else says YOU still believe God. Our King was born in a manger with animals all around him while people were hunting Him. They desired to kill Him because of what He was destined in life to do. He came with a purpose, and when He died, He died with a purpose. We were, are, and will always be His purpose. He walked amongst us healing the sick and raising the dead; Pastor Rhoda Turner same God; same plan. Don’t allow the enemy to Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ make you stop believing.  17

trinkets to triumph

Foresee fun festivities for the holiday season! Even though you may be confined to your home because of COVID-19 restrictions, it does not have to cramp your Christmas and ruin the celebration of your Savior’s birth. Keep the parties popping but just create safe and unfortunately secluded settings for your celebrations. You can 4-C (foresee) a fun time that can include these four things: cocoa, cookies, crafts, and caroling to commemorate the birth of your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Although Christmas this year may look a little different it does not take away from you celebrating your Savior’s birth. You can still enjoy great food, fellowship, and fun spending time with possibly only five people instead of fifty this year. As the Apostle Paul taught, you can be content in whatever state you are in (Philippians 4:11-13). The current climate of today’s world reminds you to cherish each moment you are able to spend with your family and friends. Don’t take for granted the time you can spend with someone. Make memorable moments each time you connect. Even if you live alone, you are blessed to experience a time where you can still enjoy some fellowship via a virtual method. You have the option to still see and spend time with others even if miles away thanks to the current technology available. 4-C (foresee) a festive and fun holiday season. Schedule a day each week this month to connect with your loved ones. Here are some ways to 4-C (foresee) a festive time: 1. Cozy up with some hot cocoa. Try a new twist to your regular hot cocoa. Top it off with whipped cream and crumbled graham crackers or some crushed chocolate candy bars. Gather around the fireplace with your loved ones and share what Christmas means to you while enjoying your hot cocoa. 18   December December2020 2020| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 18

2. Cut up some cookie dough into festive shapes like bells, gingerbread men, and candy canes and bake a batch of cookies to enjoy while you watch your favorite Christmas movie together. 3. Create a craft together that can produce a tangible memory that you can treasure for a lifetime. Grab some ornaments and a plain wreath and design it together or design your own centerpiece to enjoy while eating Christmas dinner together. 4. Connect by caroling and bring holiday cheer together in a melodious melody to your Master celebrating His birth. Sing along together to celebrate the season your Savior, Jesus Christ, was born. Christmas comes to remind us that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). You are never alone if He is your Lord and Savior because He promises that He is with you always (Matthew 28:20). Every day is a celebration as a Christian. You can always find a reason to celebrate God for blessing you. He gives you a gift every day by daily loading you with His benefits (Psalm 68:19). This holiday season make an extra effort to 4-C (foresee) a festive time that’s filled with joy, happiness, and gratefulness. Tell someone about the goodness of your God. 4-C (foresee) a fun and festive holiday and be sure to make the most of this Tracey Nicole George magnificent, Merry Christmas!  19

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to your good health

Celebrating Life

You may be wondering what is there to celebrate. We have had a stressful year to say the least. In spite of all that we have gone through, we still have many things to celebrate. A few that comes to mind are the number of people that were healed from the coronavirus, cancer, stroke, heart disease and more. The healing and treatments have helped sustain life. Not only have people been healed but also there have been open discussions about racism in the United States and abroad; while these have been painful and longstanding and continue happening, we can continue to fight for justice and change. Learning to celebrate in the good times and the challenging times can be the most difficult journey. It is a journey worth taking because holding on to our hope in the face of adversity is what our ancestors did. We are celebrating not because life has been perfect but because we have managed to get through the most unusual time in our lives. We are living through a pandemic. We are living through economic crisis, mental health challenges, political and racial tensions and virtual works, church and school. These are truly times that are stretching us and taking many of us to a new level of resilience and growth. Yes, we can grow through adversity and be stretched so that we can endure the next set of life’s unexpected and stressful times. Our people have endured many trials 22   December December 2020 2020 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 22

and have shown through every season that while we have been down, we are not out. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” Most of all our reason for celebrating life is the arrival of Jesus, the Son of God. The birth of Jesus has been the most exciting and troubling event in history. It is life to those who believe and foolishness to those who do not believe. Jesus was born in poverty and was the subject of a manhunt by the politician of that day, King Herod. He was afraid of losing power and when he heard about the birth of Jesus he felt threatened and sought his life. We can celebrate new life because God gave us His best so when life becomes challenging and unbearable we can place our hope in Him. Jesus gives us a reason to celebrate. We have life abundantly. We have life everlasting and life eternal. We can celebrate life even in the midst of a pandemic, political change and racial and economic disparities by focusing on JesusDr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian who is the same yesterday and today and forevermore. Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center  23

health matters

Celebrating The Holidays In A Different Way I think we can all agree that 2020 has been an unprecedented time. Many people are rethinking how they will be celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Families are considering changing holiday traditions to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Decisions about where and how to celebrate the holidays should be based on the possible risk factors and the comfort level of yourself and the family and friends you may plan to spend time with this season. Current celebrations may require creativity to continue some of your cherished holiday celebrations. You may need to adjust your plans and methods of celebrating to ensure everyone stays safe as possible from potential infection. The CDC recommends families avoid large gatherings this holiday. Sensitivity is needed to avoid disappointing members of your family. You will need to devise effective plans to avoid extensive travel and large gatherings entirely while continuing to include honored family traditions. This year can be a fresh start to develop new holiday traditions that imitate past celebrations. Many families have adapted to gathering together via social media and meeting platforms. Consider sharing recipes and cooking together by video chatting. Organize family games by using online formats like Bingo ( ) and Jeopardy ( Set up a family chat group and share stories days leading up to the holiday by downloading the Groupme app ( ). Host drive-by dinners for curbside pickup. Place a personal note or picture in the dinner bags. Have the younger children create artwork that can be included. Opt to have dinner delivered to your older or at-risk family members. Tragically, many have lost family and friends during the pandemic. Host an online prayer service to remember those that you’ve lost. Some individuals may continue to travel during this holiday season. 24   December December 2020 2020 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 24

Travel by car with the people in your household if possible. Stay in a hotel. Get a COVID test and identify the results of the test at least 14 days before traveling to your destination. Self-isolate before you travel, and determine if others in your family are doing the same thing. If cases are high or increasing in your community or at your destination consider making alternate plans to celebrate the holidays. Get a flu shot before you travel. Wear a mask when in public places and when around people who do not live with you. Safely store your mask while eating and drinking. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face. Pack plenty of hand sanitizer and bring extra masks. Practice social distancing. Avoid sitting directly in front of another person. As a host, limit the number of guests in your home. Have important conversations about restrictions several days before the event to set the expectation of the celebration. Consider using disposable plates, food containers, and utensils. Restrict your guests from going in and out of the areas where food is being prepared or handled, such as in the kitchen. Use single-use or individually wrapped items, like salad dressing and condiment packets. Provide ventilation by keeping a window open. Gather in the largest room of your home. Focus on the blessings God has provided for you and your family. This year our holiday celebrations Dr. Denyce Watties Daniels may look different. We must Associate Professor at continue to trust God, and use Coppin State University wisdom to keep our families safe during this holiday season. healthytips

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monthly manna

I was thinking about what encouraging word I can share with you as we prepare to bring this year to a close. For at least eight months we have had to adjust to an entirely different way of living. However, I don’t want to focus on that. As this year wraps up, it is most imperative that 2021 be your year of complete obedience. There is a quote that Dr. Charles Stanley says frequently, “Obey God, and leave ALL the consequences to Him!” I want that to be your cloak of covering as you cross over into 2021. Don’t be your own stumbling block because you decided not to be obedient to God! The Lord shared with me wisdom as it relates to obedience. Recently I was speaking with a dear sister and she just launched a new business. She sent out a virtual launch celebration invitation that happened to be the next day. I proceeded to send her a text celebrating her success and asked, “Why did you wait until the last minute to share this with me?” She said, “I thought about it. I realized that the timing was tight, but the Lord told me to go forward and not wait.” She went on to say that she will have other events in the future if I could not attend. It was right there in that exact moment that I heard the spirit of the Lord so clearly say, “Many things in life are flexible; events, meetings, conferences but one thing that is not, is obedience!” WOW! Did you catch that? Just think about the things in your life that you have had to be flexible concerning. For some virtually learning with your children. For others, teleworking, and what about all of the flexibility you had to do concerning your business and ministry. All of those things are flexible, but obedience is not. You cannot bend, alter or modify the act and lifestyle of obedience. Whatever God has told you to do, He is waiting for you to do just that. Obedience is not about bartering. Obedience is not a sales game, it is complete TRUST in God which motivates a response because of LOVE! Oh, and if you were wondering if what I am sharing is in the word of God, absolutely! John 14:23 says, “Jesus replied, anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.” All throughout this year, God has been teaching you so many things. Even in times you thought He was distant, His word still provided teachable moments. Now it is time to show your love towards Him not only in worship, not only in giving, but also in obedience. Maybe there was something God called you to do earlier this year but you didn’t do it out of fear, or for some stubbornness, but that cannot be your story for 2021. As we count down the days, a choice awaits you. It is my prayer that nothing and no Min. Carenda Deonne one, not even COVID, will stop you from walking in complete loving obedience unto the Lord in 2021! 888-473-2221

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Live life on the promise of IMPACT!

26   26   December December2020 2020| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory Facebook: @carendadeonne Twitter: @cdpgem Instagram: @carendadeonne Linkedin: @carendadeonne YouTube: @carendadeonne Anchor:  27

28   December 2020 | Grace&Glory  29

body basics

It Takes

21 Days to Get Fit!

Over the last 10 years I have had the pleasure and opportunity to help hundreds of clients through many health and fitness challenges. I have witnessed countless success stories over the years. Many people have experienced supernatural results in as little as a three-week period when they follow the program regime down to a tee. I can’t really explain all that happens to individuals, but the results have been astonishing in the areas of health, nutrition and attitudes. Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit and break an old one. I am a living witness that this is true. When you want to start a new habit, just focus on doing simple changes for 21 days and watch what happens. It’s a good way to create new habits because it is not too overwhelming and demanding. For example if you want to stop a sugar habit, just eliminate sugary drinks and sweets for 21 days and replace them with water or something healthy. It will become a natural change without thinking about it. Now, when you have completed a healthier choice for 21 days consistently, your subconscious mind has made a choice of stopping the habit. Your neural pathways have formed and you will more than likely continue with your new habit automatically and you will experience major benefits mentally and physically. When starting or breaking any habit we tend to tell ourselves that we are going to change and it’s for life. Our conscious mind will just say, “Yeah right!”, and start to fight us. That will create a battle inside of your mind instantly. However, when we tell ourselves, I’m doing something different for 21 days, our minds will be more willing to co-operate. We all know we have conversations with ourselves, “Should I go to the workout or go watch my favorite TV program?” When we want to start something or give up something, like fried foods for example, we may say I am giving up meats tomorrow. Immediately our brain kicks in and says no meat for life, and then we start thinking about all the delicious fried chicken our moms used to make, etc. When we look at our goal short term we are more likely to achieve our goals. 21 days is the perfect and proven amount of time to make it happen.


Fitness Experts Chizel It Transformation Fitness Center 9006 Liberty Rd • Randallstown Md 21133 443-253-0090 •

Charles and Ursula Harris 30   30   December December 2020 2020 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory

Fitness Experts

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church 1206 Etting Street Baltimore, MD 21217

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Pastor Warren L. Savage

Isaiah 9:6  31

32   December 2020 | Grace&Glory

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