GOODBOOK 02 | 2020年1-3月

Page 31




Lost to Shame 導演 Director | 南延佑 Nam Yeon-Yu 韓國 South Korea | 2016 | Colour | 103min

✽ 2017 韓國青龍獎最佳新男演員提名 ✽ 2016 釜山影展 ✽ 2016 首爾獨立影展

力求 嶄露頭 角的宋俊 正在為了參加國際 知名 舞台劇《黑暗人生》的試演而準備,為了揣摩

跨 性 別主 角茱蒂,他找 上 跨 性 別女人 英 娜 尋

求協 助,也投 入 舞 蹈系學生 弟弟給 予 他 的舞 蹈 訓 練。宋 俊 如 願 獲 得 這 個 角色,並 因 他 發 自內心 的 表 演 廣 受 讚 賞。但當宋 俊目睹 生命 中最 親 近 的兩 個人令 他 錯 愕的秘 密關 係時, 他開始懷疑自己是否也只是在假裝。

2 020 年 2 月 獨 家上 架

Struggling actor Songjun is busy preparing his audition for a role in the internationally renowned play ‘Dark Life.’ To fully understand the transgender main character, Judy, he searches for Ina, a transgender woman he saw in a documentary, and asks for her help. He also prepares a routine choreographed by his brother, a promising dance student. Thanks to these efforts he lands the leading role, receiving praises for his sincere performance, and becomes a star. However when he unexpectedly witnesses a secret relationship between the two people he feels closest to, Songjun begins to doubt his own sincerity.

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