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GagaOOLala 獨家影集及生活綜藝

GagaOOLala 獨家影集及生活綜藝


his ~意想不到愛上他~ his 《 小小夜曲 》日本名導今泉力哉最新 BL 影集, 萬眾期待電影版推出前必修前傳。

導演 Director | 今泉力哉 Imaizumi Rikiya 日本 Japan | 2019 | Colour | 30min (5eps)

即 使 這個世界尷 尬 又 沮喪,至 少 還有純 真的 愛情故事。 17 歲的日比 野 渚就 讀高中二年級,他 與 父母 分隔兩地、獨自住在神奈川縣藤澤市的海 邊 小 鎮。渚 熱 愛 衝 浪,並在 江 之 島 一 家 旅 館 的 澡堂打工。某天,與渚同年紀的井川迅放春假 前往該地遊 玩,邂 逅的兩人發展出一段 友 達 以 上的純 純愛戀,但衝 浪 店老闆的女兒千歌 其實早已暗戀渚許久……

Even the world is awkward and frustrating, there are still pure love stories.

Satoshi is a 17 year-old student in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island of Enoshima close to Fujisawa. Shun, another young student, visits Fujisawa during spring break. The two boys meet and develop a relationship beyond friendship. Meanwhile, Chika, the daughter of the local surf shop owner, is secretly in love with Shun…

愛愛惹麻煩 #STI

六則就是要「 愛 」的精采故事, 一個「 麻煩 」上身的警世真諦。

導演 Director | 莫妮卡米契爾 Monika Mitchell 、尼基佛斯曼 Nicky Forsman 加拿大 Canada | 2016 | Colour | 30min (6eps)

《愛愛惹麻煩》是一部六則短篇故事的迷你 影 集,包 括 準 新郎 單身 趴一 發 不 可收 拾、辦 公室戀 情變一廂情願、養老院貴婦尋找第二 春、男同 志 返 鄉 過 感 恩 節 巧 遇 死會舊愛、慾 望三閨密面對 各自感情狀 態,以 及兩名女孩 被女同志好友新戀 情 激 勵誓必脫單。一次愛 愛 帶 你 上 天 堂,哪 怕 失 足亦 非 千古 恨,不 過 防範於未然,絕對是千古不變的至理。

#STI features the stories of distraught patients recently diagnosed with various STIs as they look back on how they contracted the disease and what they could have and should have done differently. There are six stories including “The Wedding Itch” about a groom getting an epic send off into married life, “No Thanks for Giving” about a gay man running into his high-school crush on his way home for Thanksgiving, and “Live Action Role Playing” about two girls deciding to meet some eligible bachelors while their lesbian friend is in a fun, new relationship.

甲甲出狀元 Don't Quit Your Gay Job

導演 Director | 尼基佛斯曼 Nicky Forsman 加拿大 Canada | 2018 - 2019 | Colour | 30min (5eps)

覺得自己的工作煩捏 Now ? 看甲甲挑戰頭路不豪洨!

加 拿大 實 境 秀《甲甲出狀 元 》由爆 笑 阿姊 蘿 蘋黛艾德華茲主持,熊哥湯米 D 和猴弟亞當 羅林 斯在每 一集當中都 挑 戰一項「不可能的 工作」,只 要 挑 戰 成 功就 能 獲 得 一 千 美 元 的 獎金!從伐 木、釀 造啤酒、花藝、垃圾清運到 快 餐車,看 這 對熊哥猴 弟能 否令人 對同志的 工作能力刮目相看,證明以「甲」亂真的真材 實料、甲甲也能出狀元 !

Robyn Daye Edwards joins Adam and Tommy in another season of “Don’t Quit Your Gay Job!” Watch as they compete against each other in a variety of different professions to see who does it better. This season get ready to watch the boys chop wood, brew beer and arrange flowers as they battle for the title of best employee.


型男繞地球 Fabulocity

導演 Director | 凱爾懷特洛 Kyle Whitelaw 加拿大 Canada | 2016 | Colour | 30min (6eps)

《型男繞地球》以 LGBTQ+ 的全新觀點造訪 世界知名旅 遊 景 點,包括美不勝收的荷屬加 勒比海島嶼庫拉索、泰國首都曼谷、加拿大草 原之心薩克屯、如詩 如畫的清秀佳 人故 鄉愛 德華王子島、愛爾蘭首都都柏林,以及加拿大 最 大最熱門的都市多倫多,快來 跟著兩位型 男主持人亞當魯吉耶洛和傑森魯塔一起深度 探索、遊山玩水、吃遍美食並徹夜狂歡 !

Uncover The World’s Most Fabulous Places.

Fabulocity is a fast-moving series that sends its vibrant hosts to cities all over the world. They help uncover the one thing you cannot find in any guidebook… How fabulous a place really is! Accompanied by travel experts, the hosts travel the world and report back each city’s four-part Fabulocity findings: Flair, Energy, Flavour and Shine. How does your city stack up?

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