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GagaOOLala 獨家新上架 韓國同志故事

GagaOOLala 獨家新上架 韓國同志故事


三個爸爸的故事 All About My Father

一部驚世駭俗的同志電影, 三段充滿挑釁的禁忌故事。

導演 Director | 李尚宇 Lee Sang-Woo 、金勳 Kim Hun 、黃興慶 Huang Hee-Kyung 韓國 South Korea | 2011 | Colour | 81min ✽ 2010 韓國富川影展 ✽ 2010 斯德哥爾摩影展 ✽ 2010 香港亞洲影展

驕縱的高中生兒子要求單親爸爸讓他跟男同 學結婚,「媳夫 」竟在婚後向公 公示好,清心 寡慾並百般 抗 拒的爸 爸終究禁不起誘惑;記 者調查一名役男因遭學長強暴而提前退伍的 真 相,進 而 回 溯 他 與 學 長 爸 爸 獨 處 一室、對 方 遂而酒後亂性;深櫃 兒子獨自照 顧老 父 並 扶養幼子,未料 孫子 也幫爺 爺蒐 集 猛 男圖片 和 G 片,還請帥氣外送員來家裡……

A collection of tales about hierarchy, establishment and deviancy.

A father has an affair with his son’s new husband, a reporter investigates sexual misconduct in the military, and a grandfather uses his grandson to get explicit magazines.


雙面裝扮 Lost to Shame

導演 Director | 南延佑 Nam Yeon-Yu 韓國 South Korea | 2016 | Colour | 103min ✽ 2017 韓國青龍獎最佳新男演員提名 ✽ 2016 釜山影展 ✽ 2016 首爾獨立影展

力求嶄露頭 角的宋俊正在為了參加國際 知名 舞台劇《黑暗人生》的試演而準備,為了揣摩 跨 性別主角茱蒂,他找上跨 性別女人 英娜尋 求協助,也投 入舞 蹈系學生弟弟給 予 他的舞 蹈 訓 練。宋 俊 如 願 獲 得 這個 角色,並 因 他 發 自內心的表 演 廣 受讚 賞。但當宋俊目睹 生命 中最親 近的兩個人令他錯愕的秘 密關係時, 他開始懷疑自己是否也只是在假裝。

Struggling actor Songjun is busy preparing his audition for a role in the internationally renowned play ‘Dark Life.’ To fully understand the transgender main character, Judy, he searches for Ina, a transgender woman he saw in a documentary, and asks for her help. He also prepares a routine choreographed by his brother, a promising dance student. Thanks to these efforts he lands the leading role, receiving praises for his sincere performance, and becomes a star. However when he unexpectedly witnesses a secret relationship between the two people he feels closest to, Songjun begins to doubt his own sincerity.

Gay 無所不在 The Chronicles of a Boy ( Homo phobia )

導演 Director | 張基雲 Jang Ki-Won 韓國 South Korea | 2017 | Colour | 85min ✽ 2017 羅馬尼亞同志電影夜影展

恐同異男的成長旅程, 父權社會的殘酷人生。

英澤就讀高中時,隔壁班高材生 耀漢某天 登 門 拜 訪、自稱 是 他 爸 爸 的 外 遇 對 象!禁 不 起 打 擊 的 英 澤 一 時 衝 動……;英 澤 上 大 學 後, 一名學長 拼命 對他 示 好,但他 為了獲得 考古 題不惜 讓 學長予取予求,未 料學長 拍下兩人 亂性影片勒索他;英澤服役時,某次放假,他 和班長 及 班長 女友出遊 並且在外 過夜,班長 卻趁機威脅他臣服於自己的淫威……

One day, a boy visits Young-taek’s house. It turns out that this boy is his father’s lover. He cannot believe that his father is gay but eventually accepts it. After he graduates from high school and starts university, he meets a senior classmate who falls in love with him, and harasses him in the name of love. After he goes to serve in the army, he is sexually harassed by his sergeant. After all these episodes, Young-taek has become homophobic, but after meeting different people, he reconsiders life and love.


黑之夏 Black Summer

導演 Director | 李文雄 Lee Weon-Young 韓國 South Korea | 2017 | Colour | 111min ✽ 2017 彩虹繞東京同志影展 ✽ 2017 首爾驕傲影展 ✽ 2017 倫敦愛情故事影展評審團獎

智賢在大學兼職 編寫並拍攝電影,他 對於能 夠從事己志心存感激。某天,在為了下一部片 試 鏡 演 員時,他 遇 見 新 進 同事貢 努,他 們 開 始密切共事,也對彼此產生前所未有的曖昧 情愫。他們過從甚密的關係成為大學裡的流 言蜚語,為了保護貢努,智賢宣稱是他單方面 威脅貢努就 範,他們該 如何面對隨 之而來的 絕望?又仍否有邁向未來的希望?

Jihyeon works at the university as a part-timer, writing and making films. He finds joy in recording trivial things in life and the scenery he passes by every day. One day, as he holds an audition while preparing for his next film, he meets Geonu, a junior colleague from school. They become close as they work together, and are confused by unfamiliar emotions. Their relationship becomes a topic of controversy in the university community, and to protect Geonu, Jihyeon claims that he was the one who sexually abused Geonu. How will the two men face despair and hope?


叫我姊姊 Call Me Sis

導演 Director | 李尚宇 Lee Sang-Woo 韓國 South Korea | 2017 | Colour | 106min ✽ 2019 柬埔寨金邊影展 ✽ 2018 希臘塞薩洛尼基同志影展 ✽ 2018 羅馬尼亞同志電影夜影展

美 愛 是 三個子女的母 親、成 功 銀 行主管的妻 子,過 著 安 逸 舒 適 的人 生,卻 對 貶 低 她 的 兩 個兒子和小氣 至極的丈 夫 感到厭 倦,女兒與 另一名女人的甜蜜交往,更令 她懊悔 從 未體 驗真愛的喜悅。在丈 夫 搞砸 結婚週年慶令美 愛憤而 離 去 後,她 見 到小兒子 害羞 又善良的 女同 學 素寧,並發 現自己深 受 素寧吸引無 法 自拔,愛如潮水一般,向她席捲而來。

Mi-ae is a middle-aged woman facing a midlife crisis. She is a mother of three, the wife of a bank executive, and a woman who enjoys her comfortable middle class life. But Mi-ae grows increasingly frustrated by never feeling the joy of true love. After leaving a disastrous anniversary evening arranged by her thoughtless husband, Mi-ae meets Soonim, her youngest son’s shy and kind schoolmate. Spending a long evening with Soo-nim rather than returning home to her family, Mi-ae finds herself drawn to this young woman as a flood of emotions sweeps her away on an unexpected journey of self-discovery.

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