4 minute read


Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are decorative bracelets often given by one person to another as a symbol of friendship. In this club, we will learn how to make various styles and patterns but most are based on the same simple to learn, half-hitch knot. Bracelets can be made from lots of different materials but most commonly wool and strings of embroidery thread. We will learn to make bracelets using an easy to follow instruction booklet and video clips. All threads will be provided - plain, glittery and we may even add some beads!

Arts and Crafts -

An opportunity to be creative and take part in a variety of fun activities including painting, clay modelling, hamma beads, paper craft and many more. Come and enjoy making some great items and develop your art and craft skills.

Anything Can Happen

Literally ‘Anything Can Happen!' There will be a different activity every week. Come along to enjoy outside games, different types of craft, card games, mindfulness colouring, board games, puzzles, drama games. Every week will be an exciting surprise!

Life Skill

Disney Delights

At the end of a busy day, there's no better way to relax than by watching a film with your friends. At Disney Delights we focus on movies that have the potential to improve well-being. Disney movies often feature strong and independent female characters who can serve as role models for young girls, inspiring them to embrace their own unique qualities and pursue their dreams. These films often convey empowering messages of courage, resilience and self-acceptance, teaching our young ladies valuable life lessons. By watching Disney movies, our girls can develop a sense of self-confidence, learn the importance of empathy and kindness and discover the power of imagination. The films provide a platform for girls to explore their emotions, dreams and aspirations, helping them to develop a positive mindset and a belief in their own abilities. Disney movies also tend to promote themes of friendship, love and the triumph of good over evil, instilling important values that contribute to emotional well-being and a sense of optimism. Disney Delights… more than just a movie club!

Life Skill Chess

Learn to play chess using multisensory methods or develop your intermediate skills with more advanced tactics and strategy. We learn as a group and then break out into pairs to play each other. More advanced players help younger players in a supportive environment.

Lower School Cookery

An opportunity to chop, pour, mix, melt, bake AND of course perfect your washing up skills! Come and cook up some treats, or maybe even supper, in Godstowe's Chef's Kitchen. Please make sure you bring a container in which to take home your freshly made goodies or they may end up in the staff room - yum yum!

Eco Champions

Are you the next Greta Thunberg or just keen to be more green? Want to help and work towards a more sustainable environment both in and out of school? This club will involve creating, upcycling, making, improving and having fun. Join Mrs MacDougall to do something different and make a difference.

Community Champions

Volunteering gives you that opportunity to ‘ pay it forward’ or to give something back to the community. Do you fancy giving up some of your time for the benefit of others? Do you want to develop your confidence and learn new skills? Come and join Mrs MacDougall and let's put something back into our local community.

Life Skill


Currently three level Chinese Mandarin Clubs have been designed and offered at Godstowe, and they have been running continuously and systematically to suit the girls’ needs and interests, and help achieve their objectives with excitement and enjoyment.

The first level Chinese course is provided in the Beginners Club, where pupils will learn basic Chinese characters and words, including how to write and read them correctly, and speak simple sentences in addition to listening practice. Meanwhile, Chinese culture and simple Chinese grammar will also be taught in the class.

The Intermediate Club is provided as second level, where more complicated words and phrases will be taught, and more speaking practice will be performed. Pupils will also learn how to apply the Chinese grammar to build up different sentences. Background knowledge such as Chinese history and culture will also be introduced and learned.

The highest level course is delivered in the Advanced Club, where we are aiming to improve all language skills significantly for advanced learners such that the pupils in the class will be able to read and write articles and stories, and express their views on different topics clearly. The girls will also learn Chinese literature and expand their knowledge of Chinese culture and history. In addition, comprehensive exercises will be prepared and arranged to consolidate their learning in the class.

To decide which class would best suit a pupil, usually a girl's Chinese level will be assessed and discussed with her parents to choose the right class for her to attend, from which she would be able to make good progress and enjoy learning this beautiful language.


Lower School Football

Want to have fun? Improve your football skills? Run around with friends? Future Lioness? Want to represent the school and play against other teams? Never played before, but would like to try? Whatever your reason, level or confidence, you are more than welcome to join Football Club. We enjoy developing our football skills, in a fun, friendly, (and at times) competitive session. You could be the next Lauren James, Rachel Daly, or Sam Kerr. This popular club is growing and we’d like you to come and be a part of it. See you there!

Gymnastics Squad

Our elite gymnasts are selected to represent the school in various competitions throughout the year. The squad will develop their skills, alongside working as a team in group routines. School gymnastics is judged on precision, quality of movement, style and control. This talented and poised squad will also display their work in the Christmas display. Trials for this squad are open to every girl at Godstowe.