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This magazine is designed & published by :

• Estate Contact details


• A word from the General Manager


• A word from the Estate Manager


• The Wilds Security


• Speed Limit


• The Wilds Service Providers


• Coronavirus Covid-19 Impact


• The Wilds Newsdesk


• Committees


Tel: 072 386 7347

• Recipe of the Month


• The Wilds in the media


E-mail: advertise@blackmarblemedia.co.za

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Contact our sales team

Next Newsletter: March 2021

Disclaimer: This eMagazine is produced especially for residents of The Wilds to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by Black Marble Media on behalf of the Home Owners Association of The Wilds. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, The Wilds HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

Estate Contact Details Brendan Olivier (General Manager)



Ronel Mulvaney (Estate Manager)





Charmaine Strange (Secretary)

If you experience any problems regarding access cards or biometrics, please contact Gate 1 (one). Tel no 012-996 0551


Gate 1 Fibre to Fibre phone: 3302 or 3303 Gate 2 Fibre to Fibre phone: 3402 or 3403

Estate office [Clubhouse]

012 940 8285 & 012 996 0123

IPECS numbers:

3701, 3702 & 3703

Gate one [Admin office ]

012 996 0551/3303

Gate two [Security control office]

012 996 1062

SECURITY Contract Manager Pieter Schoeman 082-978 3644

IPECS Number: 3601

Duty Managers

082 978 3288


Control room

012 996-1062

IPECS Number: 3602


we create awesome.

Advertise your business in the NEXT ISSUE! for ONLY R771* CLICK HERE for a list of Estates and pricing advertise@blackmarblemedia.co.za *Price based on quarter page advert. Full Page and Halfpage also available. Bulk discount: Advertise in three estates (same month and same size ad) and get a 25% discount on the cheapest rate.

The main news in the world and country is still dominated by a virus. The important thing for residents is to adhere to a strict policy of self-preservation and a doctrine of avoidance. Last month we had Eloise bring heavy rains, which is always welcome, but the sunshine is being enjoyed whenever it comes our way. On the side of security, the no code; no entry system is being implemented this month and will be strictly enforced from next month. It is being practised at many estates and has proven to keep the long queues at the entrance short and to avoid those very unclear VOIP calls from the gates. Your support for a safer access system is appreciated. At long last the schools are back to a fairly normal routine; the clubhouse facilities are open again and life seems to edge towards normal. Laughter, fun and joy is seen at the swimming pool and it almost seem like the nightmare is over. Please take care! Kind Regards,

Brendan Olivier

general Manager


estate manager This month we focus on pests in our gardens and what to do about them on a shoestring budget and we look at snakes in our midst.

The top five Pests: Slugs & Snails: They eat their way through young leaves and shoots of most plants. They are most active at night and in damp conditions. How to get rid of them: Search around plants, pop your captives into a bucket of hot water and add them to your bird table.


From the desk f the Estate Manager

Ants: Ants are more of a nuisance than a

Greenfly: These pale-green aphids feed on

How to get rid of them: Find natural

pest, they do little damage to plants. They

the sap of young, fleshy shoots, and can

predators, such as ladybirds. Their distinctive

feed mainly on insects and disturb the soil by

cause distortion of leaves and introduce viral

stripy larvae, and lacewings, will deal with this

digging their nest.


problem for you. The other option is to squash greenfly by hand. This is best done while

They mound fine soil and if disturbed, ants will

They exude a sticky substance known as

come crawling to save their larvae.

honeydew that can encourage mould to grow

wearing gardening gloves.

on leaves. The females are born pregnant and

Blackfly: The black bean aphid is the most

soon become an infestation.

common. They attack the soft, sappy growth of plants. They also exude honeydew that encourages sooty mould to form on leaves.

How to get rid of them: If the nest is


accessible, pour water on to it regularly.


From the desk f the Estate Manager

How to get rid of them: Check your plants regularly before they become a major problem – simply squash any that you find. Natural predators such as ladybirds may get rid of them. You could also use a strong blast of water. Lily beetle:

Refrigerator: Make sure the door is With their bright red bodies, these

unmistakable beetles are becoming more widespread.

properly closed. When in use do not They weaken the plant, and the plant will not flower.

let the door stay open for too long, so it does not use extra power to get

The adult beetles eat leaves and then lay their eggs on

How to get rid of them: Arm yourself with a pair of

host plants for their young, which cover themselves in

garden gloves and remove them by hand and wipe

excrement, to carry on the job.

off the eggs and larvae from the underside of leaves.

Do not overfill your fridge or freezer.

Chemical methods can harm bees.

Refrain from putting hot food directly

Kind regards Source: www.which.co.uk


back to its optimal cooling level.

into the fridge. Rather let the food cool down, as this will also assist in keeping the temperature consistent.


The Wilds


1. PRE-CLEARANCE CODES AND RF TAGS Our RF-tags have proven to be exceptionally good in ensuring that your car`s windows can stay shut whilst moving in and out of the estate. Get yours now. Once again, a request is made that your visitors be given a code when an appointment or visit is scheduled. It will help them so much to enter at the gates, also negating the use of the phones, which sometimes are really not giving us clear voice quality. With the Covid-19 pandemic far from over, touching things should be extremely low on your list of activities, especially things touched by many.

Your visitors are not there yet, but we really want to help them by asking that they be given pre-cleared codes by you. Their time at the gates will be so much less, and those poor lines need not be used. Please assist!

2. PRE-CLEARED CODES ARE NOW THE NEW MODERN. In order to improve our security and especially the very long queues at the visitor`s gates should now be much shorter, with visitors arriving with a code, the code punched in, scans made, and entry granted. A note is sent to the resident stating that the visitor has arrived.


speed limit Please do not exceed the speed limit: Trumpeter`s Loop maximum 40 Km/h Sub-Estates maximum 20 Km/h Sectional-Title Complexes maximum 15 Km/h Camera speed control is in place and the first offenders have been caught. Watch this space.


For more information, click here to contact Estate Manager, Ronel Mulvaney


Registered Service Providers (click to view) • Gardening Services • Armed Response • Cleaning Services

• Registered Businesses • Registered Estate Agents 11









Coronavirus Covid-19 Impact

Rule changes and additions: The rules were changed in line with the lockdown regulations issued by government on 1 March and thereafter. These changes are temporary and will change as the levels and ministerial rules are changed. You will be kept informed at all times.

In essence the basic wise rules are still: • Stay at home. • Only go out to purchase essential goods (food, medicine) or to go to hospital or a funeral or to fill up. • Wear a mask when going out. • Do keep the social distance of at least 1.5 meter. • Sanitise, very often.


Coronavirus Covid-19 Impact Effects on the HOA Depending on the level and length of restrictions, members will be informed of any changes to the AGM or any SGM if so required. The board members are all fully conversant with the developments relating to the lockdown and do take the required steps where necessary. Estate management are working mostly from office, but do operate from home at times, where they are fully online and involved with all things happening inside (and outside) the estate. Their personal telephone numbers have been communicated to members.


There will always be someone at the office during business hours.

Effects on BC`s The trustees of the body corporates are now allowed to meet but can also do their business on a virtual platform.

Employees: What is the situation. All employees are now back in service. Those who can work from home should do so.

Lockdown Levels We are on an adjusted level 1 now.



The Park in The Wilds

Market Day

Access to the facilities and the related procedures.

The City of Tshwane did not approve our application to develop the park, as it is below the 50-year flood line. The park will be maintained, and benches, walkways and paths will be put in place.

Herman Schuld and his team are now back onsite, after the Covid-19 lockdown. They are delivering their wonderful foods, crafts, and other interesting things. Please support these small independent traders, as this is really the root of our economy. They are scheduled every 2nd Friday.

The clubhouse facilities are now open for use by residents and their visitors. It is still subject to the DMA regulations, as gazetted from time to time.

Speeding There had been several incidents of speeding, as well as other forms of untoward driving in the estate. Please adhere to the rules!!!

The normal precautions of wearing masks, sanitising regularly, keeping social distance and not going anywhere if not critical, stays in place. All of these steps were taken with the health and wellbeing of our residents at heart. It is trusted that the situation will improve soon and that facilities will be available to residents. It is hoped that all will abide by these restrictions and that all will be able to enjoy the clubhouse facilities soon. All the prevailing Covid-19 measures will stay in place in the estate.



Committees at Work News from the various committees are as follows:

Clubhouse: Chaired by Mr Gilbert Muller The clubhouse area is once again, at level 1 and subject to the Covid-19 regulations relating to the number of persons, accessible to residents. Bookings can be made for tennis and squash and swimming helps for the summer heat. Finances: Chaired by Mr Alex Philippou The financial statements as well as the budget has been signed off and will be presented to owners at the AGM. Security: Chaired by Genl (ret) Ben Groenewald With effect from the 1st of March the no code – no entry rule for visitors will be implemented. It will resolve a lot of familiar issues, including the long visitor ques and the struggling to hear the calls being made. The electrified security fence around Trumpeter`s Loop is now being installed and will add to your safety. The team hopes to have it completed by mid-April. Rules & Fines: Chaired by Mr Danie Schoeman Strict adherence to procedure is both a protection to the estate and the owners. It does lead to frustration for those wanting to see swift justice, with “justice delayed is justice denied” placed in contrast to the “audi alterem partem” principle applied correctly. Whenever



Committees at Work (cont.)

a fine is issued by this committee, it is done so after due consideration of all of the aspects involved and healthy debate. It stays of cardinal importance to a leading estate that the Memorandum of Incorporation as well as the Rules and Regulations are enforced, to the benefit of the group that approved those documents. Aesthetics: Chaired by Mr Christo Myburgh Thanks to all the members who responded positively to the request to bring their gardens back to the standards, after the Christmas break. It is much appreciated. Gardening: Chaired by Mr Rupert Oberholster Observations from a Wicked Wandering Warrior: There are several processes in place to make our gardens look better. Obviously the heavy

rains and Eloise did interfere somewhat. From the large number of comments on Facebook, there are several horticulturists living on site. Please join the gardens committee and make a lasting impression! The gardening committee are busy with some very good plans, which will bear fruit soon. Especially the clubhouse area will receive a lot of attention and some trees were planted. The circles are also coming of age now and starting to show their true colours. Thanks to all involved.

Critical Telephone Numbers : SAPS 112 or 10111 or 012-4704200 (Garsfontein) Ambulance 012-3106300 or 0860-999911 (Discovery Emergency) Security 012-9961062 Fire Brigade 10177

Enjoy March!

Tshwane Electricity Tshwane Water

012-3399111 012-3582111

Duty Manager 082-9783288






As autumn gets into full swing, there’s no need to give up on all those great summer salads that you’ve been enjoying. Rather, take advantage of all the great vegetables on offer moment andcorner. make your Valentine’s Dayatisthe around the Have you planned family a delicious roast vegetable salad that’s packed full of goodness. something special for your loved ones? Jan Braai’s delicious Marshmallow and Chocolate Braaibroodjie is bound to hit the sweet spot. Give it a try and send photos of your Valentine’s Day celebrations to wilma@blackmarblemedia.co.za – you could be featured in the next edition. Source: Food Lover’s Market

RECIPE OF THE MONTH: WHAT YOU NEED: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 white onions peeled and quartered 2 red onions peeled and quartered 3 potatoes peeled and quartered 1/2 med butternut, deseeded, peeled and cut into thick slices 2 sweet potatoes washed and cut into slices 2 tomatoes washed and cut into quarters 10 string beans blanched, ends removed 2 cloves garlic finely chopped 1 tbsp fresh thyme finely chopped 3 tbsp olive oil 1 avocado peeled and cut into slices 2 large handfuls of baby spinach leaves 2 rounds of feta cheese 2 tbsp pine nut kernels 1 tbsp smoked chilli salt • 1/2 cup Balsamic dressing

1. On a large baking tray (two if you do not have a large enough one), arrange the cut onions, potatoes, butternut, sweet potatoes and tomatoes in groups. 2. Coat the vegetables in olive oil. 3. Dot the crushed garlic over all the cut vegetables, then sprinkle them liberally with chilli salt and the finely chopped fresh thyme. 4. Place in a pre-heated, 180 degree Celsius oven, for about 40 mins, turning all the vegetables half way through this cooking time. 5. 5. Once they are roasted, remove the tray from the oven and allow to cool. 6. 6. Spread the spinach leaves over a large platter. 7. 7. Then begin to build the salad, arranging the various roasted vegetables around the platter, tucking chunks of feta cheese amongst them. 8. Dot the blanched green beans over the salad. 9. Fan the avocado slices in the center and sprinkle the pine nut kernels over the entire salad. 10. Lightly season the avocado, then drizzle with a good quality balsamic dressing. Serve immediately.




Our estate was featured in the latest Around Your magazine. You can read it here. 23

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