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• News from the CEO


• Important Numbers


• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


• Sudoku Challenge






• Country Club News


A division of black marble media

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info@silverlakes.co.za | www.silverlakes.co.za | HOA

Disclaimer: This eNewsletter is produced especially for residents of Silver Lakes to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by GLOVent Media & black marble media, on behalf of Silver Lakes. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Silver Lakes HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.



News from the

October is usually associated with the October Fest with German beer, bratwurst and sauerkraut, but if you are in Pretoria, flowers would be in bloom and South Africa’s capital city would be full of colour and would be described in a poem by C. Louis Leipoldt as the prettiest month of the year, “die mooiste maand”. ………and for those with sensitive noses and hay fever, October in Pretoria would probably not be the most awesome time of the year.



Have you received a penalty for speeding on the estate? If so, it is because Management has introduced a prototype speeding camera that is being tested before we purchase a speed control camera for Silver Lakes HOA.

A joint webinar was hosted by Vodacom / MTN on 4 October 2020 to address any questions our residents may have about the proposed Vodacom masts and their location. They will now follow an official process for a public participation process and all residents will be advised accordingly. This is all part of an official process to be followed before the authorities will make a decision on whether the masts will be allowed on the estate.

The Supreme Court of Appeal handed down judgement on the appeal in the matter of the Mount Edgecombe Country Club Estate Management Association II (RF) NPC v Singh & Others (323/2018) (2019) ZASCA 30 (28 March 2019). The judgement represents a victory for the right of HOAs to regulate the conduct of members through a system of rules and reaffirms that the relationship between a HOAs and its members is founded in contract. That having

COVID-19: LOCKDOWN UPDATE (cont.) been said, HOAs must still ensure that their particular rules are lawful and satisfactorily regulate conduct including, but not limited to, conduct on their internal road networks. Rule 4.38 states that “The speed limit is restricted to a maximum of 40 kilometres per hour in Gleneagles Drive and 30 kilometres per hour in every other area of the Estate including in the nature reserve and near designated children’s play areas. Strict enforcement will apply”. Provision is currently made for a penalty of R250 for a person who contravenes the rule and this can be escalated to R500, then R750. Thank you to the majority of residents who adhere to the speed limit and stop at stop streets. RULES, RULES, RULES Our residents may have become aware that we are busy with a process to address various non-compliances to the rules. This includes but is not limited to the skipping of

stop streets, speed control and more recently the removal of concrete balls on 75 verges on the estate. The Association is now busy addressing the encroachment of property into common areas and more specifically the game reserve area as well as the golf course. Letters have been sent to those residents who are non-compliant with the specific rules and we thank everybody for their cooperation. Rule 6.22 states that “Members may not commence construction work without the prior approval of the plans by both the Association and thereafter the Local Authority”. Please do not be mislead by a building contractor, advising you that plans are not required. If in doubt, contact the office of the HOA. We have a number of building sites where work commenced without approval and where the work was stopped and the member is being penalised until such time that either the structure is broken down or the plans formally approved.

Our Law Enforcement Officer continues to send letters to various culprits and where necessary, issue penalties to ensure that they adhere to the rules. Thanks again to the majority who really work along well to ensure that we create a culture of compliance with our rules on the estate. COUNTRY CLUB The Country Club has the following exciting news to share: • We will officially start a Gaming Club for our teenagers with our gaming evening planned in January 2021. We have installed a dedicated fibre point in the Chapel (Parkview Room) where our new club will meet. A Gaming Club is an opportunity for students to socialize and have fun together based on their hobby of playing computer games. Our gamers will have an opportunity to play multi-player games, and spend time discussing gaming strategies and preferences. So, if the words World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Mind Craft or Counter-Strike does not make sense to you, this 4

COVID-19: LOCKDOWN UPDATE (cont.) club may not be of interest to you. More information will follow. • The tennis and squash championships have officially started and we look forward to announcing the Silver Lakes Tennis Champion before the end of the year. • The Book Club has received many donations of books which are now available at the Clubhouse. We have started a book exchange club for residents on the estate. There will be no cost involved for taking a book, but you will be required to exchange it with another book you have brought from home. If you have more spare books, please feel free to drop it with Bobby at the Clubhouse.

• The McKenna Golf Academy has expanded their fitness centre. They are continuing their Pilates classes, but have additional one-on-one training sessions. They have agreed to one free coaching lesson per resident, subject to availability and pre-bookings. • As a result of lockdown, the majority of clubs and events have been put on hold. These are being introduced systematically as and when we are allowed and our residents advised accordingly. SNIPPETS • If flags have been removed on the golf course, you may use the golf course for social activities. If you see any golfing while the flags have been removed,

please report this to the Pro Shop who will address the unapproved golfing. • A new deck was built at the swimming pool and the garden upgraded. • Any plants that you have available for the retirement village? Please contact Annemarie on 072 7565 233 or Rika on 082 928 9368 to arrange for the delivery. Your contribution to their common areas will be appreciated. • When you go for a walk through the game reserve, please ensure that you leave nothing but footprints and take all your rubbish with you. • The swimming pool was repainted and some upgrading will still be done in the area.

• Do you know what your kids or their visitors are up to when they walk the estate in the evening? Please ensure that they are aware of the rules of the estate and please remember that you remain accountable for the behavior of the friends of your kids. • Frustrated with a Telkom Call Centre? You can call 0800 111 250 and use estate PIN 56023 to skip the line and be helped by Telkom. • The average sliding 31-day rainfall during October in Pretoria is rapidly increasing, starting the month at 1.3 inches, when it rarely exceeds 2.8 inches or falls below 0.2 inches, and ending the month at 2.7 inches, when it rarely exceeds 4.8 inches or falls below 0.9 inches. 5

COVID-19: LOCKDOWN UPDATE (cont.) • Have you visited our website on www.silverlakes.co.za? • The Clubhouse is fully operational during load-shedding. • The weather has changed and the average number of days with rain in Pretoria is expected to increase from 2 in September to 8 in October, while temperatures will increase to 14/28 on average. • Businesses that operate on the estate need to be registered with the HOA at a nominal fee. Please contact Leandré Mervis if you need any clarity. Should you have any queries about any matter on the Estate, please feel free to contact Leandré Mervis, our Resident Liaison Officer at the HOA, who will assist you with your query or get you in touch with the right person. Kind regards HENK BOOYSEN Chief Executive Officer Silver Lakes Golf and Wildlife Estate


0800 428 428 / *120*7867# from any cell phone

Persons with disabilities:

SMS ‘help’ to 31531

Women Abuse Helpline: 0800 150 150 Child line: 0800 055 555 SAPS Crime Stop:

0860 10111 / SMS Crime Line: 32211

GBVF-related service complaints

(SAPS): 0800 333 177/ complaintsnodalpoint@saps.gov.za

National AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322 National Human Trafficking Helpline:

0800 222 777

Suicide Helpline: 0800 567 567

Coronavirus Hotline:

0800 029 999

IMPORTANT WEBSITES: • National Department of Health: www.health.gov.za • National Institute of Communicable Diseases: www.nicd.ac.za • World Health Organisation: www.who.int




With these tips, recycling at home has never been easier! Get stuck in and help protect our planet today.

Recycling is one of the most effective ways that we can help preserve our planet and make sure that it is a healthy and happy place to live. A lot of household waste can be broken down and reprocessed to make new products and this process uses less energy and resources than making new items. There is no need to take your recycling anywhere, as both household refuse and recycling is removed weekly by our service provider, Bi-Waste. Residents may purchase recycling bins, or collect clear recycling bags from the Management office at no cost.



Recycling Tips: • Always wash containers before recycling, especially if there are remnants of food in them. Remove labels and bottle tops. • Look for the universal recycling symbol on packaging if you’re unsure if an item is recyclable. • Carboard boxes must be flattened and placed next to your refuse bin Do recycle: • Paper - white office paper, carboard packaging, milk and juice cartons • Tin - food and cooldrink cans, metal food containers and foil • Plastic - cooldrink and mineral water bottles, plastic bags, sauce bottles • Glass - beer and wine bottles, food jars and glass containers





Please Note: You do not need a bin in each colour as the recycling material is taken to a dedicated sorting facility, your glass, tin and plastic recycling can be placed in the same clear recycling bag/bin however, paper should be placed in its own orange bin or clear recycling bag, please.

Don’t recycle: • Paper – Newspapers, magazines, nappies, dog food bags, carboard boxes with polystyrene inside and coloured paper • Tin – Packaging with foil base: e.g. sweet and chip wrappers • Plastic – Fruit Juice and milk containers, polystyrene food trays • Glass – Light bulbs, ceramic cups, plates and pottery, windshields Debbie Viljoen Operations Administrator


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NOTICE Challenge

Please wash your hands thoroughly when moving your bin in and out for refuse removal.

Complete all 4 and send to marketing@silverlakes.co.za and you could feature in the next e-newsletter publication. CLICK ON THE IMAGE to download all



EASY PEASY PIZZAS With summer around the corner, lazy weekends by the pool are slowly coming closer. Why not make Sarah Graham’s Easy Peesy Pizza this weekend, it’s easy, fun and delicious.



RECIPE OF THE MONTH: WHAT YOU NEED: For the Pizza Dough • 1 x 7g sachet dried yeast • 1 tsp sugar • 2 Tbsp olive oil • 500g flour • 1 level tsp salt For the Topping • 1 tin chopped tomatoes, juice drained • 4 zucchini, thinly sliced • 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese • 1 cup roughly crumbed feta or goats cheese • 1 Tbsp each chopped fresh basil and mint, to serve • 1 tsp lemon zest, to serve

1. Add the yeast, sugar and olive oil to a large jug along with 300ml lukewarm water, stir and leave to stand for a few minutes. 2. Sieve the flour into the bowl of your stand mixer (with the dough hook attached), add in the salt and then slowly add in the liquid, mixing slowly and continuously for at least 5 minutes or until you have a smooth ball of dough. 3. Transfer the dough to a large, lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to rise in a warm spot in the kitchen for at least an hour, or until the dough has doubled in size. 4. Remove the dough, ‘knock it back’ by gently kneading to knock out the air and divide into 4 equal portions. 5. Pre-heat your oven to 200°C and roll out each portion on a lightly floured surface until about half a centimetre thick. 6. Cover each base lightly in chopped tomatoes, scatter over the sliced zucchini along with a drizzle of olive oil and then scatter over the cheeses and bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden. 7. Remove from the oven, add an extra drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle over the fresh herbs and lemon zest and serve immediately.


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we create awesome. Contact us for a list of Estates and pricing advertise@blackmarblemedia.co.za

Country Club NEWS

CONTACT THE COUNTRY CLUB | Clubhouse Reception: 012 809 0281 | clubreception@silverlakes.co.za


LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Visit our Silver Lakes Facebook page for the latest golf news and specials.


Thank you for your feedback We have had some serious challenges with our booking system over the past 2 weeks. Nonetheless, we are very happy to report that we are managing to sort out the small hitches, and we would like to thank our members for reporting any issues they may have been experiencing. We trust that the new online system is far more convenient than a call to the Pro Shop. Brendon van Niewenhuizen Golf Manager





We aim to provide you with a stellar playing experience

Beautiful photos by some of our residents The sun is out and we are certainly getting out more often than we did earlier this year. While out on your daily walks in and around the estate or the Nature Reserve, snap a picture of the sunrise/sunset or any of our diverse wildlife. Post your picture on our Silver Lakes Golf Estate Residents Forum for it to be included in the next edition of the Newsletter. Photo 1 and 2 by Albert Roos. Photo 3 by Derek Bekker.


The seasons are changing, and we are elated to report that our spring treatment is almost complete. The soil temperature is rising and has already reached 13’, which means that we can apply the necessary fertiliser. Once that is done, the mowers will be burning the midnight oil and the grass clippings will be flying in order to present you with the pictureperfect golf course.


BIRDS of Silver Lakes Please let us know if you come across any bird not on our list so we can include it. We would need a photo of the bird as well as the location on the estate.

Click here for birds list


Please drop an email to suggestions@silverlakes.co.za, or send a WhatsApp to 081 848 2787 or call 012 809 0142 or 012 809 0424/5 (Control Room)

It is our pleasure to assist and serve you. 20


Queries and Suggestions

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