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• News from the CEO


• Important Numbers


• Wonder Woman Run


• Garden Maintenance


• Sudoku Challenge






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• Country Club News


Next Newsletter: SEPTEMBER 2020

A division of black marble media


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• Queries and Suggestions


info@silverlakes.co.za | www.silverlakes.co.za | HOA

Disclaimer: This eNewsletter is produced especially for residents of Silver Lakes to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by GLOVent Media & black marble media, on behalf of Silver Lakes. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Silver Lakes HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.




From the

t this stage, it feels like life is slowly returning back to normal following the announcements of President Ramaphosa. With life slowly getting back to normal, we wish to share the following updates with our members. GOLF: Golf has returned and emphasis is placed on compliance by our golfers, specifically around the clubhouse area


Limited tee boxes are in place at the driving range and we thank the golfers for their patience while warming up

Whether we agree or not with some of the regulations that have been published, COVID-19 is here to stay for some time.

or practising. Please avoid social gathering around the Clubhouse area.

TENNIS: Tennis South Africa formally approved the opening of the tennis courts at our estate and tennis players are requested to adhere to the conditions to ensure that we may continue having our courts open. Most important, please register at the desk in front of the clubhouse before playing. SQUASH: Squash has not been approved and our courts remain closed until it is formally announced by the Government or Squash South Africa that we may return,

COVID-19: LOCKDOWN UPDATE (cont.) subject to the conditions to be shared. We have prepared the systems should squash be allowed to enable us to open on short notice. RESTAURANTS AND SERVICES: Café 41 is open for sit-down meals, while take-away meals can also be ordered or delivered. Good news is that alcohol may now be served while enjoying a meal. Please note that the total number of patrons is capped at 50. The operator is doing everything required to ensure that they are compliant, while the same is required from our regulars who support Café 41. The Halfway House opened recently for golfers only, with no sit-down meals as

prescribed by Golf RSA. Alcohol may be served. The Wines Shop is open for the sale of alcohol. The beverage cart will now be operation on the golf course. The Members Bar is open with the total number of patrons is capped at 50.

with the health requirements by continually sanitising equipment and ensuring a safe playing distance cannot be assured by Management. As a result, the playparks will remain closed in the interest of members and their children alike.

Please note that the operator needs to be compliant at all times and if Café 41 or the members bar is full, that you will not be able to be accommodated. We request your co-operation in your own interest and that of fellow visitors.

THE CLUBHOUSE: The Pro Shop is open for business as usual. Limited services are being facilitated by the HOA from the Clubhouse to limit exposure. Members are requested to ideally contact the HOA on the landline instead of coming to the Clubhouse.

PARKS: Parks may be opened as announced by Government, but ensuring that our playparks comply

Conferencing has been approved by Government and a marketing

campaign has started to get business back, subject to the conditions to ensure a safe environment. Registration for golf and tennis is facilitated outside the Clubhouse. MANAGEMENT CENTRE: The Management Centre is open, with the registration of gardeners and domestic workers being facilitated from the Chapel (Parkview Room) at the Clubhouse. Our Board, Management Team and various committees continue as normal through Zoom meetings to ensure that everything continues as normal on the estate.



nippets: enough about COVID-19 and the implications on the estate. Let’s share some other information our members need to know of. Residents remain accountable for their gardeners and domestic workers who are registered on the access control system. If they have left your service, you are requested to advise Security, failing which means that you are still allowing them access onto the estate. Feeding of animals in the game reserve is strictly prohibited. We have three official feeding sites. Should you wish be part of the process, then you may contact the Operations Department to identify new areas and ensure an even spread of the feeding areas. Feeding of wrong food affects

their immune system, resulting in deaths. Do you get emails but no smses? If so, please contact Leandré Mavis, our Resident Liaison Officer at info@silverlakes.co.za to update your personal information. The same applies if you get a sms but no emails. There are no rule currently that prohibits cycling on trails in the game reserve. Residents are requested to be cautious and show courtacy when cycling. Café 41 offers a service for 6-8 people, using your own menu whilst being your chef at home. Contact them for more information. Dogs are not allowed to be walked in the game reserve, not even on a leash. Residents in Phase 3 are allowed to walk

their dogs in the tarred roads, but nowhere else in Phase 3. Ensure that your dog and specifically cats are tagged. A cat without a tag will be considered as a stray cat. Have you been checking out the website? If not please visit the website at www. silverlakes.co.za Trees outside a property may not be removed without the official permission of the Environmental Committee. The Country Club will soon announce the introduction of more clubs and events that will start, subject to strict protocols. Permission needs to be obtained by the

HOA for any permanent structure before being installed. Please do not accept the word of a contractor, advising you that a carport or cover needs to permission by the HOA. Penalties will be issued and if it does not comply with the Rules, it will be requested to be removed. Tree houses or doll houses need permission from the HOA and may not be viewed from the street or golf course. When not sure, please contact the HOA. We wish you all of the best during the last month of winter. Keep well and keep safe! Regards HENK BOOYSEN CEO



0800 428 428 / *120*7867# from any cell phone

Persons with disabilities:

SMS ‘help’ to 31531

Women Abuse Helpline: 0800 150 150 Child line: 0800 055 555 SAPS Crime Stop:

0860 10111 / SMS Crime Line: 32211

GBVF-related service complaints

(SAPS): 0800 333 177/ complaintsnodalpoint@saps.gov.za

National AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322 National Human Trafficking Helpline:

0800 222 777

Suicide Helpline: 0800 567 567

Coronavirus Hotline:

0800 029 999

IMPORTANT WEBSITES: • National Department of Health: www.health.gov.za • National Institute of Communicable Diseases: www.nicd.ac.za • World Health Organisation: www.who.int




On the 9th of August 2020 we had our Wonder Woman Run. Thank you to those who participated in this amazing event.

Here are some beautiful photos taken by our residents. 8


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NOTICE Challenge

Please wash your hands thoroughly when moving your bin in and out for refuse removal.

Complete all 4 and send to marketing@silverlakes.co.za and you could feature in the next e-newsletter publication. CLICK ON THE IMAGE to download all



BRIGHT SPRING SALAD Welcome spring into your kitchen with this delicious bright spring salad.




WHAT YOU NEED: • 1 bunch asparagus, tender parts, chopped into 1-inch pieces • ½ cup frozen peas, thawed • A few handfuls of salad greens • 2 radishes, thinly sliced • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese • ½ avocado, pitted and diced • ¼ cup chopped, toasted pistachios • ½ cup roasted chickpeas • Fresh herbs, for garnish (basil, mint and/or chives) • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper • Dressing • ¼ cup fresh basil or a mix of basil and mint • 1 small garlic clove • 1 tablespoon lemon juice, plus ½ teaspoon zest • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, more as desired • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and set a bowl of ice water nearby. Blanch the asparagus for about 1 minute, until tender but still bright green. Transfer to the ice water for 1 minute, then drain. Allow the asparagus to dry and transfer it back to the bowl and add the peas. 2. Make the dressing: In a food processor, pulse together the herbs, garlic, lemon juice, zest, vinegar, olive oil, and salt. 3. Add half of the dressing to the bowl with the asparagus and toss to coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 4. Assemble the salad. Arrange the salad greens on a platter, then layer the asparagus/pea mixture, the radishes, feta, avocado, pistachios, chickpeas, and herbs. Drizzle with remaining dressing, season to taste with more salt and pepper, and serve.

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Country Club NEWS

CONTACT THE COUNTRY CLUB | Clubhouse Reception: 012 809 0281 | clubreception@silverlakes.co.za


LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Visit our Silver Lakes Facebook page for the latest golf news and specials.

BIRDS of Silver Lakes Please let us know if you come across any bird not on our list so we can include it. We would need a photo of the bird as well as the location on the estate.

Click here for birds list


Please drop an email to suggestions@silverlakes.co.za, or send a WhatsApp to 081 848 2787 or call 012 809 0142 or 012 809 0424/5 (Control Room)

It is our pleasure to assist and serve you. 17


Queries and Suggestions

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