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Contents Editor’s Note

This magazine is designed & published in partnership by :


Eldoglen Office:

A division of GLOVent Solutions www.glovent.co.za | chandi@glovent.co.za

• Our Condolences


• Monthly Levies


• Our Heroes


• The Backbone


• Almost back to Normal



• Internal Streets Camera System


Recipe of the month


Contact our sales team

The Benefits of Trees


Tel: 072 386 7347

Indigenous gardening



A division of Black Marble Media

Next Newsletter: OCT 2020 Disclaimer: This eMagazine is produced especially for residents of Eldo Glen Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by GLOVent Media & Black Marble Media, on behalf of Eldo Glen Estate. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Eldo Glen Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.


EDITOR’S NOTE As the coronavirus pandemic’s toll crept steadily into our circle, some of us lost neighbours, colleagues, friends and family members. Our deepest condolences to all bereaved families who lost loved ones. The consistency of good people in any organisation is what makes it great. And “great” is the perfect description for Eldoglen’s security-, maintenance and administrative staff who, in the time of Covid-19, dedicated themselves to the wellbeing of all our residents. We truly appreciate your loyalty to Eldoglen and we honour you for the part you play in maintaining our safety, standards and commitment to excellence during these trying times.




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OUR CONDOLENCES The Eldoglen Board of directors and HOA staff convey their deepest sympathies to all Eldoglen families who have experienced the loss of loved ones during this COVID-19 pandemic.



The Eldoglen Board of Directors wishes to convey their utmost gratitude to all home owners for the meticulous payment of their monthly levy accounts. Even during the very difficult times of lockdown and economic restrictions, which negatively impacted many businesses and individuals, most home owners still regularly paid 5

their levies and kept their accounts up to date.

MONTHLY LEVIES (CONT) As could be expected, an increase in

protective clothing. To date, these expenses

outstanding levies was experienced.

exceed R100 000. However, further essential

However, a number of affected home

additional expenses, such as fuel to fetch and

owners made the required arrangements

return security personnel at their homes instead

and it can be reported that most of those

of subjecting them to public transport where

accounts are now fully paid up again.

no personal hygiene and social distancing are kept, are not included in this calculation.

The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated

Measures like these surely contribute to the



fact that to date, no member of the Eldoglen

mostly for the purchase of personal

personnel has been infected with the Covid-19.


protective equipment (PPE) to protect our residents and personnel against infection




the are

Coronavirus. non-contact

thermometers, masks, gloves, hand and surface sanitizers, dispensers and

Thank you to each and every home owner, who by regularly paying their levies, contributed to this. 6



When President Ramaphosa announced the National Sate of Disaster on 23 March 2020 and simultaneously declared a national lockdown to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus, nobody was really prepared for or knowledgeable enough on how to deal with the sudden crisis. A number of services, including private security, were declared essential services.


notwithstanding the fact that all PPE’s and safety measures were not in place yet due to national shortages of masks, gloves and sanitizer.

In spite of this, they still ensured the safety and security of the residents of Eldoglen. It is almost 5 months since the start of the lockdown and despite the astronomical rise in Covid-19 infections and deaths, Without hesitation, every member of also in Eldoglen, they still stood rock the Eldoglen Security Staff was willing steady in their tasks. Thankfully, not a and able to man their posts, irrespective single one of them became infected. of the risks and dangers posed by the situation. They came to work every day Our thank you is humble, but it comes and every night as their shifts determined, from our hearts!


THE BACKBONE The Security Staff are heroes. Now meet the backbone of Eldoglen. Since the declaration of the Covid-19 Alert Level 3, staff members of Eldoglen, other than the security staff, were phased back into the system.

Hannes de Wet and his seven Merry Men, David, John, Frans, Samuel, Daniel, Hendrick and Thomas, kept the gardens in good stead, awaiting the most beautiful spring after the bleak Corona winter.

Standing right in the firing line was Myrtle van Vuuren at the reception desk, who also took on the responsibility of Compliance Officer to ensure that the safety regulations were strictly adhered to. She kept the body of the Eldoglen HOA straight, even though, like any spine of any body, it was expected of her to sometimes twist and turn beyond the normal.

Linda Bam and Shan Farquharson worked from home to comply with the regulations, but they were always available to ensure that the finances and aesthetics of the HOA were under sound management and control.

Thank you all! Without the backbone, the body would have slumped. You kept Eldoglen standing and for that, we pay you our deepest Rose Motseng was always there to ensure that and sincerest respect. everything was meticulously clean and sanitary. 8

ALMOST BACK TO NORMAL On Saturday, 15 August 2020, the President announced that the Covid-19 state of alert will be relaxed to alert level 2 from Tuesday, 18 August 2020. Most South Africans cheered as some of our longed-for freedoms were returned. However, Covid-19 is still very much with us and we still have to be very cautious with how we go about it. Please take note that a social gathering at any residence is limited to 10 or less guests. This is in contrast to all other gatherings mentioned, where the maximum is 50 persons. Please keep on observing the health and safety protocols and keep the Covid-19 virus at bay outside the Eldoglen walls. 9



CAMERA SYSTEM At long last the internal street camera system, a project which was commenced with in January 2020, is installed and working. The long delay can be blamed, of course, on the Covid-19 lockdown, during which no contractors were allowed to work in the estate in terms of the published Government Regulations. Twenty-six long range Hikvision and Dahua IP cameras were installed on most of the main intersections along Bondev Drive, as well as on the circle in Bondev Drive East. The placement of the cameras was done with the view that the control room operator will be able to easily follow movement of possible perpetrators should an incident occur inside the estate. The system was designed and installed to make any future expansion to adjacent streets possible as and when required.


This is the realisation of the wishes of the Eldoglen home owners expressed at the AGM last year – a request for the betterment of an already excellent perimeter and access control security, with a state of the art internal security camera system.


BRIGHT SPRING SALAD Welcome spring into your kitchen with this delicious bright spring salad.




WHAT YOU NEED: • 1 bunch asparagus, tender parts, chopped into 1-inch pieces • ½ cup frozen peas, thawed • A few handfuls of salad greens • 2 radishes, thinly sliced • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese • ½ avocado, pitted and diced • ¼ cup chopped, toasted pistachios • ½ cup roasted chickpeas • Fresh herbs, for garnish (basil, mint and/or chives) • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper • Dressing • ¼ cup fresh basil or a mix of basil and mint • 1 small garlic clove • 1 tablespoon lemon juice, plus ½ teaspoon zest • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, more as desired • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and set a bowl of ice water nearby. Blanch the asparagus for about 1 minute, until tender but still bright green. Transfer to the ice water for 1 minute, then drain. Allow the asparagus to dry and transfer it back to the bowl and add the peas. 2. Make the dressing: In a food processor, pulse together the herbs, garlic, lemon juice, zest, vinegar, olive oil, and salt. 3. Add half of the dressing to the bowl with the asparagus and toss to coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 4. Assemble the salad. Arrange the salad greens on a platter, then layer the asparagus/pea mixture, the radishes, feta, avocado, pistachios, chickpeas, and herbs. Drizzle with remaining dressing, season to taste with more salt and pepper, and serve.



Planting trees in your neighbourhood really is one of the best things you can do for the local environment and for the planet. It’s no secret that trees help the environment, but you may be surprised by all the benefits that planting trees can provide. Besides producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and contaminants from the air, trees have many other social, economic, and environmental benefits. 14

THE BENEFITS OF TREES (CONT) Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe

How Trees Help to Save Energy

out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. But

Planting trees can also help cool your home in

that’s not all trees do for us! To see just how much trees are essential to the

the summer. The Arbor Day Foundation states

planet and to humans, let’s look at the following statistics:

that the overall effect of the shade created by

• CO2 is one of the major contributing elements to the greenhouse effect.

planting a healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-

Trees trap CO2 from the atmosphere and make carbohydrates that are used

size air conditioners running 20 hours a day!

for plant growth. They give us oxygen in return. Mature trees can absorb

In the winter, trees can act as windbreaks for

roughly 48 pounds of CO2 a year. The tree in turn releases enough oxygen to

your home and will help you save on heating

sustain two human beings.


• Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas. • Trees reduce urban runoff and erosion by storing water and breaking the force of rain as it falls. • Trees also absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. In some cases, a well planted group of trees can reduce noise pollution by up to 10 decibels. • Additionally, trees provide shade, reducing the heat.

Trees shade buildings, streets, and homes. If enough trees are planted, the overall microclimate improves and total energy use for heating and cooling is reduced. 15


Health Benefits of Nature

Just being around trees makes you feel good. Can you imagine your community without trees? Trees, especially in urban areas, have numerous social benefits. For example, the addition of trees to a neighbourhood can greatly improve the mental and physical health of residents and workers.

Trees and their Benefits for Neighbourhoods Additionally, have you considered that planting a tree can significantly increase your property values? Houses with trees are also more attractive to visitors, potential buyers, and neighbours. There is no doubt that if you plant trees in your community, people will see and feel the difference. As you can see, it’s clear that trees are essential to our life on the planet. The great thing is that we as humans can play an active role in planting trees to help offset deforestation and urbanization. So plant a tree today! Excerpts from: https://www.cleanairgardening.com/plantingtrees

WHAT ARE THE ELDOGLEN HOUSE RULES WITH REGARD TO TREES? The cutting down or removal of trees on any property in Eldoglen, is subject to written application to and approval of the Aesthetic Committee. The Committee has the right to inspect the premises and to either approve or deny the application. Should trees be damaged or removed without approval, the Aesthetic Committee may impose sanctions and punitive action. Where the AC consents to a problem tree being removed, it may impose certain conditions, inter alia that it be replaced with an approved indigenous tree of a prescribed size elsewhere on the property or where the AC may determine at its sole discretion.


White-to-pink coastal vygie (Dellosperma litorale)

White-to-pink coastal vygie (Dellosperma litorale)

Yellow carpet vygie (Jordaaniella anemoniflorus)

INDIGENOUS GARDENING South Africa is one of the countries that have a lot of indigenous plant species. Several of these species of plants are exclusive to specific areas. The Fynbos Biome is one of the best known regions in the world and is classified as the world’s seventh floral kingdom. It is important to protect indigenous species because they have evolved to cope with particular conditions, for example they use less water and can be frost hardy where exotic plants can be damaged by frost in cold areas. Pink carpet vygie (Jordaaniella anemoniflorus)


INDIGENOUS GARDENING (CONT) South African gardeners are planting indigenous shrubs and trees in their gardens for all the benefits. Indigenous plants are often rich in nectar to attract birds, butterflies and insects. Indigenous plants are hardy, low maintenance and need less water as they have adapted to survive with natural rainfall. Many indigenous plants may have an increased resistance to local insects and diseases. An example of indigenous flowering plants is the Vygie (Mesembryanthemums). They are truly South Africa’s most colourful group. Their silky-textured flowers are available in just about every colour of the rainbow and will give an extraordinary luminosity to any border. The Afrikaans name “Vygie” is based on the fact that the top fruit capsule resembles a small fig. With more than 1 800 species to choose from, whatever your taste in plants and garden design, there will be a Vygie variety for you.

Pink dassievygie (Oscularia deltoids)

If you are looking for a succulent ground cover we suggest: • White-to-pink coastal vygie (Dellosperma litorale) • Yellow carpet vygie (Jordaaniella anemoniflorus) • Pink carpet vygie (Jordaaniella anemoniflorus) • Pink dassievygie (Oscularia deltoids) • Magenta coastal ruschia (Ruschia macowanii) Information used in this article courtesy of www.stodles.com and www.wonder.co.za

Magenta coastal ruschia (Ruschia macowanii)


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