Canadian Architect December 2009

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$10.00 dec/09 v.54 n.12

2009 awards of excellence



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ArchitectsAlliAnce in joint venture with mAclennAn jAunkAlns miller Architects



the Arcop group


teeple Architects inc.



bindyA lAd, university of toronto



rdh Architects inc.

d’Arcy jones design inc.


the mArc boutin ArchitecturAl collAborAtive

consortium cArdin rAmirez julien + ÆdificA

mAriAnne gAudreAult-chArbonneAu, université lAvAl

12 awards of excellence As A representAtive sAmple of work being produced Across the country, the AwArded projects point to An optimistic future for Architecture in cAnAdA.

december 2009, v.54 n.12

The NaTioNal Review of DesigN aND PRacTice/ The JouRNal of RecoRD of The Raic


Atelier tAg, jodoin lAmArre prAtte, Architects in consortium


5468796 Architecture inc.


sAucier + perrotte Architectes


eric bAczuk, dAlhousie university

16 the winners profiles of the 2009 AwArd recipients.

54 list of entrants rendering of the bibliothèque rAymond-lévesque in longueuil, quebec by Atelier tAg, jodoin lAmArre prAtte, Architects in consortium.


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PhotoMontaGe by aLLan teraMura


editor Ian ChodIkoff, OAA, MRAIC associate editor LesLIe Jen, MRAIC editorial advisors John MCMInn, AADIpl. MarCo PoLo, OAA, MRAIC

the Current sIte PLan of Lansdowne Park Is rendered In CoLour; the next two IMaGes show the sIte overLaId wIth a PortIon of vanCouver’s GranvILLe IsLand and the forks dIstrICt In wInnIPeG to ILLustrate the extent of desIGn oPPortunItIes.

above, left to right

Winning a Canadian Architect Award of Excellence can often save a project from being cancelled by an insecure politician or private client. We are yet unaware of any such project in this year’s selection of winners, but we certainly know of one redevelopment proposal in Ottawa that is not the least bit worthy of an Award of Excellence. In fact, it should be cancelled until a reputable and transparent design process is established. The project in question is known as Lansdowne Live, an illconceived plan to redevelop Lansdowne Park, a strategically located 37-acre site owned by the City of Ottawa. Rarely has there been such a shameful attempt at redeveloping a critical site in a Canadian city, and rarely have we seen a City Council reacting with such hostility and indifference toward input from the design profession. Lansdowne Park is the last 19th-century downtown fairground left in the country. A national historic site, it is situated between the Glebe, one of the city’s most beloved neighbourhoods, and the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While most Ottawans agree that something must be done to improve Lansdowne Park and its heritage buildings as they exist today, the City has yet to indicate any appreciation of the site’s importance to Ottawa’s urban fabric. Lansdowne Live is a partnership between the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG). Central to the current redevelopment proposal is a $130-million renovation of the outdated and partially demolished late-’60s Frank Clair Stadium adjacent to a rapidly deteriorating Civic Centre. But is Lansdowne Park the best site with which to woo professional football back to the city? Is it the best option for the City to allow a private developer with a reputation for mediocre buildings to profit from this project on public land? In both cases, probably not. In addition to the sports stadium, OSEG would also finance a large commercial complex on 10 acres of the site. This type of project is clearly better suited to an anonymous suburban plot of land, not a critically important site 8 canadian architect 12/09

adjacent to the Rideau Canal. As the debate has escalated over the past few months, support by local media has dwindled to the point that even The Ottawa Citizen has ducked controversy by demanding that its own staff members remove blog entries criticizing the project. Considering that certain members of the development consortium regularly place ads in The Citizen, it is not surprising to see why Ottawa’s only reputable daily has been actively (if not blindly) supporting Lansdowne Live. Responding to OSEG’s Lansdowne Live proposal, the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects (ORSA) has developed a clear position statement calling for a transparent process that identifies a vision for the site that includes a multi-phased design process, legitimate public consultation, and the development of a master plan that adequately recognizes the site’s heritage. The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) has strongly supported ORSA’s position paper, rallying behind the efforts of Ottawa architects who are urging City Councillors to reconsider the redevelopment proposal put forward by this group of private investors and real-estate developers. In addition to support from the OAA, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) has also written a letter supporting what ORSA has concluded—that Lansdowne Live is “irredeemably flawed and incapable of being improved in any satisfactory or coherent manner.” Despite the pleas of the design profession, in late November, City Councillors voted in favour to hand control of Lansdowne Park over to an investor group for a period of 30 years to “improve” the site. What has shocked many is that there was no competitive bid process or any calls for tender. We expect cities to not only do the right thing in terms of urban redevelopment, but to be perceived as doing the right thing. The Lansdowne Live proposal was clearly borne out of a flawed process. The future of Lansdowne Park deserves a proper study at the very least, not to mention an open call or design competition. Ian ChodIkoff


contributing editors GavIn affLeCk, OAQ, MRAIC herbert enns, MAA, MRAIC douGLas MaCLeod, nCARb regional correspondents halifax ChrIstIne MaCy, OAA regina bernard fLaMan, SAA montreal davId theodore calgary davId a. down, AAA Winnipeg herbert enns, MAA vancouver adeLe weder publisher toM arkeLL 416-510-6806 associate publisher GreG PaLIouras 416-510-6808 circulation Manager beata oLeChnowICz 416-442-5600 ext. 3543 custoMer service MaLkIt Chana 416-442-5600 ext. 3539 production JessICa Jubb graphic design sue wILLIaMson vice president of canadian publishing aLex PaPanou president of business inforMation group bruCe CreIGhton head office 12 ConCorde PLaCe, suIte 800, toronto, on M3C 4J2 telephone 416-510-6845 facsimile 416-510-5140 e-mail edItors@CanadIanarChIteCt.CoM Web site www.CanadIanarChIteCt.CoM Canadian architect is published monthly by business Information Group, a division of bIG Magazines LP, a leading Canadian information company with interests in daily and community newspapers and business-to-business information services. the editors have made every reasonable effort to provide accurate and authoritative information, but they assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the text, or its fitness for any particular purpose. subscription rates Canada: $52.95 PLus aPPLICabLe taxes for one year; $83.95 PLus aPPLICabLe taxes for two years (Gst – #809751274rt0001). PrICe Per sInGLe CoPy: $6.95. students (PrePaId wIth student I.d., InCLudes taxes): $32.50 for one year. usa: $101.95 u.s. for one year. aLL other foreIGn: $103.95 u.s. Per year. us office of publication: 2424 niagara falls blvd, niagara falls, ny 143045709. Periodicals Postage Paid at niagara falls, ny. usPs #009-192. us postmaster: send address changes to Canadian architect, Po box 1118, niagara falls, ny 14304. return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation dept., Canadian architect, 12 Concorde Place, suite 800, toronto, on Canada M3C 4J2. PostMaster: PLease forward forMs 29b and 67b to 12 ConCorde PLaCe, suIte 800, toronto, on Canada M3C 4J2. PrInted In Canada. aLL rIGhts reserved. the Contents of thIs PubLICatIon May not be reProduCed eIther In Part or In fuLL wIthout the Consent of the CoPyrIGht owner. from time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: telephone 1-800-668-2374 facsimile 416-442-2191 e-mail mail Privacy officer, business Information Group, 12 Concorde Place, suite 800, toronto, on Canada M3C 4J2 member of the canadian business press member of the audit bureau of circulations publications mail agreement #40069240 issn 0008-2872

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awards of excellence 2009

a fine Balance the jury selected a pleasinG Variety of projects from across the country that eVidence an increasinGly sophisticated response to issues such as urBan densification, cultural inclusiVity and sustainaBle desiGn strateGies. and is the architect leading the socially inclusive Woodward’s Redevelopment, the largest mixeduse project in the history of Vancouver. He has won numerous design awards, including a Governor General’s Medal in Architecture for the Lore Krill Housing Co-operative. In addition to being elected as a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Gregory was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and was also awarded an Honourary Degree in the History & Theory of Architecture from McGill University in 2007. The following year, he was honoured as a Carleton University Great Grad during the conference celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the School of Architecture. His new book, Body Heat: The Story of the Woodward’s Redevelopment will be released on January 15, 2010 at the formal opening of the building. Paul Raff, GReGoRy HenRiquez and Jean-PieRRe leTouRneux Take a sHoRT bReak fRom THeiR adJudicaTion duTies.

aBoVe, left to riGht

paul raff

Paul Raff is an architect and artist based in Toronto. Following his architectural studies at the University of Waterloo, Paul worked in offices in New York, Barcelona and Hong Kong early in his career. After returning to Canada, he established Paul Raff Studio as a multidisciplinary creative practice while also working as a project architect for local firms such as Kohn Shnier Architects. Paul and collaborator David Warne’s poetic investigations of space were acknowledged with an Allied Arts Award from the Ontario Association of Architects in 2001. Paul Raff Studio incorporated and expanded in 2003, and currently works both locally and internationally with projects ranging across four continents. Most recently, the studio is collaborating with New York-based Grimshaw Architects as the artist for the terminus station of the new subway line extension north of Toronto. Paul is also a founding partner of RVTR, an academic research-based practice that won the Prix de Rome in 2009. His designs have been extensively published in Wallpaper*, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, and have been the subject of four television documentaries. Paul has also contributed to several journals including articles on environmental art, design and culture. He is a frequent guest professor,

lecturer and critic at a number of universities, and in 2006, he represented Canada at a NAFTAsponsored lecture series at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Paul Raff Studio’s 2009 awards include the RAIC Allied Arts Medal, an OAA Award of Excellence, and an IIDEX Best of Canada Award. The critical analysis and creativity of Paul’s work comprise a solid foundation for the growing impact his projects are having on the global architecture scene. Gregory henriquez

Gregory Henriquez is an architect best known for the design of several community-based mixeduse institutional and social-housing projects in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. Born in Winnipeg in 1963, he graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from Carleton University in 1987 and attended the Master of Architecture Program at McGill University in 1988, where he studied under Alberto Pérez-Gómez. In his book Towards an Ethical Architecture, the authors discuss the urgent need to re-examine the role of ethics, activism and critical commentary in architectural practice. The discussion is founded upon the belief that meaningful architecture must be a poetic expression of social justice. Gregory is the managing partner of Henriquez Partners Architects

jean-pierre letourneux

A graduate of Laval University, Jean-Pierre LeTourneux started his own firm, Dupuis LeTourneux Architectes, in 1989. The firm established a solid reputation by successfully winning a number of competitions sponsored by the Quebec government, earning several architectural awards in the process. In 2004, Jean-Pierre was invited to join the partnership of the large Montreal firm Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes, where he brought his unique abilities—not just as a talented designer but also as a skilled professional with a deep understanding of construction. Some of the projects he has led include large-scale buildings such as Phase 8 of Cité Multimédia and Louis-Bohème, a 27-storey residential complex in the heart of Montreal, both winners of architectural awards in recent years. An example of a smaller-scale project that Jean-Pierre has recently undertaken is the Maison du développement durable, a unique urban project striving for LEED Platinum certification. Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes are currently involved in the design of a new research facility for Montreal’s future Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). Additionally, Jean-Pierre has been involved on an ongoing basis with La Maison de l’architecture du Québec (formerly known as Galerie Monopoli) which he co-founded in 2001. 12/09 canadian architect


awards of excellence 2009

The 13 awarded projects this year offer a balanced representation with respect to typological and geographical range. From a tiny park pavilion at the water’s edge to a massive, programmatically complex mixed-use urban development, what emerges as the most salient issue is the ever-broadening concept of sustainability. The conventionally understood environmental sustainability of the LEED point checklist is growing to encompass the larger concept of cultural sustainability and its role in developing healthy and vital cities and communities around the world. Within this framework, issues of urban regeneration and densification, heritage conservation, multiculturalism, social and economic diversity, and sustainable building practices are being addressed in increasingly refined design strategies that are evident in most of the recognized project submissions. As has become customary during each year’s jury deliberations, a number of projects—while not award winners—are identified as being worthy of mention for a variety of reasons. As such, they form a useful starting point for the discussion of the Canadian Architect Awards as a whole. One such project is the City of Toronto Shelter Support and Housing Administration Assessment and Referral Centre by Levitt Goodman Architects, which strongly resonates with Gregory Henriquez, an architect whose practice has long been involved in the design of social housing in Vancouver’s priority neighbourhoods. Henriquez comments that only two of the 113 award submissions deal with shelter for the homeless, and both involve the renovation of existing structures. While both evidence a great deal of exciting potential, they require more tectonic development, as they are still too early in the design process to receive awards. Henriquez urges design architects not to shy away from this building type, as beauty and shelter are both important human necessities that the profession must address. Paul Raff adds that the aspirations of this project’s green elements and the playful photovoltaics express a delightful vitality, a spirited gesture for an important and much needed facility. The Hamilton Farmers’ Market and Public Library Renovations and Addition by RDH Architects and David Premi Architects is just one of an increasing number of submissions dealing with issues of adaptive reuse, critical to urban regeneration and the overall long-term health of communities. Raff applauds this scheme for its ground-level intensification of a city, its positive attributes and the potential it holds for continued revitalization. Acknowledging the multitude of old, tired office buildings across the country in need of just this kind of programmatic and aesthetic makeover, Henriquez is equally enthusiastic about the project’s importance in city re12 canadian architect 12/09

The CiTy of ToronTo’s shelTer supporT and housing adminisTraTion assessmenT and referral CenTre, designed by leviTT goodman arChiTeCTs, is an imporTanT projeCT ThaT should be enCouraged To develop inTo fruiTion. Below a beauTifully CrafTed wood model of The mounTain valley house by maCKay-lyons sweeTapple arChiTeCTs and The arCop group.


programming. In addition to adaptive reuse, Beaupré et Michaud Architectes tackle the issue of heritage conservation in the Sainte-Brigide Community Centre in Quebec. Jean-Pierre LeTourneux asserts that transforming and reimagining one of the many churches in and around Montreal is a desirable and noble pursuit, particularly in this area of the city. And although he believes that the project integrates social housing and community components commendably through convincing plans and sections, greater resolution could be achieved in terms of the project’s tectonics and the overall design. Raff also recognizes the importance of the project, its noble pursuits, and its

identification of the challenging question of disused churches. However, he is not satisfied by this particular treatment of the church building. While it has an intriguing and effective theatrical quality from the exterior, the way it has been selectively demolished feels awkward. Raff also questions the strategy of gutting the church and filling it with multiple, ordinary floor plates. Another project by a Quebec firm, acdf* architecture (Allaire Courchesne Dupuis Frappier), is sited in the primarily Francophone community of Orleans, Ontario, an eastern suburb of Ottawa. A research and training centre for the construction trades, La Cité collégiale is compelling in its formal expression, according to LeTourneux. The articulation of the green roof and the introduction of slopes in an otherwise flat landscape enrich the project, but the lack of crucial information in the plans does not permit adequate evaluation of the proposal. Raff commends the project’s approach to landscape, and its engagement of a topographical architecture with an extensive green roof. Although he admires the sculptural reflectors on the roof that play with the scale and movement of the highway beside it, he also

The CiTÉ CollÉgiale researCh and Training CenTre by aCdf* arChiTeCTure; The hamilTon farmers’ marKeT and publiC library renovaTions and addiTion by rdh arChiTeCTs and david premi arChiTeCTs; sainTe-brigide CommuniTy CenTre by beauprÉ eT miChaud arChiTeCTes; monTgomery sisam arChiTeCTs’ bruCe’s mill susTainabiliTy learning CenTre.

clocKwise froM toP left

feels that the design does not adequately articulate or communicate the building’s role as a construction trades education facility. Sustainability is clearly a pre-eminent concern in the design profession, and it also forms the core of the program for Bruce’s Mill Sustainability Learning Centre by Montgomery Sisam Architects. Located north of Toronto in a conservation area, this project adopts the important role of educating the public through an engaging and potentially fun sequence of spaces. In recognizing the positive intentions for this community building and its context, Raff feels the client must be given due credit for undertaking a project of this nature. While the project has enormous promise in its highly

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11:56:20 AM

positive impact on the site, its exceptional planning, and the social aspect of education and activity, the presentation does not communicate great architecture. LeTourneux concurs, believing the structure lacks materiality. His appreciation of the way this community learning centre is planned and organized around a central public space—drawing people in from the parking area through the pavilion and down to the forest—is compromised by the enclosure of the central space. Ideally, the learning centre should better acknowledge the forest by being open to the outdoors, perhaps sheltered by some sort of roof. As is typical of every year’s crop of submissions, a large percentage is comprised of schemes for single-family residential structures in both urban and rural contexts. Poetic house-making is attempted in the Mountain Valley House by MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects and the Arcop Group. Here, two schemes for this residential compound in Hudson, Quebec represent the evolutionary design process between architect and client—the original one consisting of five pavilions linked by a gently sloping path, and the ultimate scheme accepted by the client, in which the residential functions are more conventionally housed in one structure. Henriquez recognizes the talent of the architectural team in the poetic series of pavilions in the initial concept that was not accepted by the client. He states that the process of integration into one house was less inspiring, believing that the architect could have found a middle ground that would respond to the client’s needs while keeping the poetry intact. LeTourneux acknowledges that while the original scheme of path and pavilions is interesting, it does require the clients to radically change their way of life, forcing them to continually move from indoors to outdoors, from one pavilion to the next. He feels that the project displays great process but that the presentation, despite its graphic quality, does not do justice to the project.









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Atelier TAG (technique+architecture+graphisme) is an architectural collaborative founded in Montreal in 1997 by Manon Asselin and Katsuhiro Yamazaki. The practice emerged through the fertile ground of Quebec’s architectural competition system for public buildings. The work of atelier TAG explores the material realm of architecture as an experiential field that engages, at a fundamental level, the consciousness of the body in space, and space grounded in a particular place. Established in 1958, Jodoin Lamarre Pratte et associés architectes has acquired a reputation for excellence in all aspects of construction and design, pursuing the approach to quality established by its founding partners. The firm has been involved in the realization of numerous awardwinning projects including the Longueuil Campus of the University of Sherbrooke, the Salle de spectacle Desjardins and the Théâtre du VieuxTerrebonne, two projects that have previously won a Canadian Architect Award of Excellence.

Atelier TAG team members in top photo, from left to right: Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Laurie Damme Gonneville, Thomas Balaban, Manon Asselin, Matt Balean. Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes

team members in bottom photo, from left to right: Serge Breton, Nicolas Ranger, Maxime Gagnon, Charles André Gagnon, Carlo Carbone, Guylaine Beaudoin, Gérard Lanthier.

architectsAlliance (aA) supports a scope of practice that is intentionally broad, encompassing both individual houses and institutional buildings, large-scale mixed-use developments and

new urban precincts with a diverse client base that includes public sector and international agencies, academic and institutional clients, and the private sector across Canada, the US, Western

Europe and the Middle East. With a staff of 60 architects, designers, planners and technologists, aA offers architecture, planning, urban design and landscape architecture to clients in Canada, the US and overseas. Maclennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA) is Canada’s leading specialist designers of civic community sports and recreation architecture. MJMA is unique in its clear focus on this type of building design, developing new forms of architecture that combine diverse public programs such as education, athletics and sport into vibrant civic ensembles. Their approach emphasizes community along with operator and user participation in the programming and design process. MJMA has been awarded 44 national design awards for community projects including the Governor General’s Medal in Architecture. aA and MJMA team members, from left to right: Walter Bettio, Deni Papetti, Viktor Jaunkalns, Savernaz Esmaeili, Tamira Sawatzky, Catherine McMahon, Robert Allen, Peter Clewes, David Miller, Jeanne Eng, Ed Zec.

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Rounthwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Inc. is a consulting firm specializing in corporate, community and institutional architecture. One of the oldest firms in Canada, RDH has an extensive body of work stretching over an 89-year period. Throughout this time, RDH has been responsible for unique and complex building projects in Canada and abroad. The firm has become known for offering an engaging design process striving for architecture which balances technical innovation with sophisticated design solutions. Recent projects, including the Bloor Gladstone Library, the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo, the Hamilton Library and Farmers’ Market Expansion and Renovation, the First Leaside Securities Head Office, and Canadian Chanceries in Abuja, Nigeria and Dhaka, Bangladesh, exemplify RDH’s emergence as one of the Ontario’s design leaders. Left to right: Carlos Tavares, Geoff Miller, Bob Goyeche, Tony Lopes, Scott Wilson.

The Arcop Group is an international architectural practice with offices located in Montreal, Toronto, and New Delhi, India. Arcop has maintained an architectural practice in constant evolution for over five decades and has built a solid reputation for the quality, scope and a variety of important projects executed in architecture, interior design and urban design in Canada, the United States, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Since its inception in the late 1950s, Arcop has focused on the pursuit of quality throughout the entire design process by means of a thorough analysis of the complex issues that influence the design process. Arcop is an advocate of a truly meaningful architecture, one where an appropriate response to human, historical, cultural, social and economic

requirements is created and one that contributes to the improvement of our quality of life. Above, left to right: Edward Hercun, Ramesh Khosla, Javier Martinez, Emmanuel Peyrot-des-Gauchons.

ARCOP’s New Delhi project team in photo above includes, from left to right: G. Sanglian, Sanjay Singh, Ramu Nagabathini.

5468796 Architecture Inc. is a Winnipeg architecture studio with a diverse range of interests and design expertise. The firm was established in 2007 to challenge convention at all scales, from

branding, architecture and design, to detailing and engineering systems. Clockwise from top left: Shannon Wiebe, Colin Neufeld, Grant Labossiere, Sharon Ackerman, Mandy Aldcorn,

Sasa Radulovic, Johanna Hurme, Ken Borton, Aynslee Hurdal, Cristina Ionescu, Michelle Heath.

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Vancouver-based D’Arcy Jones Design was established in 1999. With every new project, their intention is to begin with the familiar, then subtly transform it into something new. They aim to produce thoughtful, original buildings of quiet composition that endure. Their evolving language of contrasts between the rustic, rudimentary and sculptural versus the minimal, transparent and nuanced—is carefully articulated through the in-

ventive use of common materials. Their work includes new buildings, renovations, landscapes and interiors throughout British Columbia and Canada. D’Arcy Jones Design’s award-winning work has been featured nationally and internationally in books, magazines, newspapers, exhibitions and motion pictures, including Hauser, Metropolitan Home, Canadian Architect, The Globe & Mail, Western Living and Decors (Belgium). The

practice’s work was recently featured in the Twenty + Change 02 exhibition, which showcased emerging designers from across Canada. Most recently, D’Arcy Jones Design’s work was included in FAB 40: Canada in Wallpaper*. Left to right: D’Arcy Jones, Milos Begovic, Amanda Kemeny, Arya Safavi, Cedric Yu, Nick Ecob.

The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative is a research-based critical practice. The work in the studio is focused on the design opportunities that lie at the confluence of different disciplines, seeking a density of meaning that can only be achieved through the synthesis of art, architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. The resultant design portfolio has received numerous international and national awards for architecture and public space design and has been internationally published and exhibited. Recent work includes the redevelopment of Eau Claire Plaza, one of Calgary’s premier public spaces; the revitalization of Calgary’s river pathway system through a series of plazas and nodes; the restoration of the historic Calgary Public Building; the Calgary Centre for Global Community; the National Mountain Centre; and The Roadshow: Architectural Landscapes of Canada. Back row, left to right: Jerry Hacker, Andrew Bramm, Mike DeBoer, Marc Boutin, Kristin St. Arnault, Nick Standeven. Front row, left to right: Ron Choe, Mauricio Rosa, Anita Gunther, Tony Leong, Sean Knight.

Founded in 1988 by Gilles Saucier and André Perrotte, Saucier + Perrotte architectes has become internationally renowned for its institutional, cultural and residential projects. The firm represented Canada at the prestigious Architecture Biennale of Venice in 2004, and has been honoured with numerous awards, including five Governor General’s Medals in Architecture and an International Architecture Award. Saucier + Perrotte’s highly acclaimed buildings have been published the world over, reflecting the office’s status as 18 canadian architect 12/09

one of Canada’s premier design firms. While continuing to add to its body of significant built work in Quebec and Ontario, the firm is also currently working in Alberta and Malaysia, adding to their international portfolio of work in Japan, China and the Middle East. Saucier + Perrotte recently received the 2009 RAIC Award of Excellence for Best Architectural Firm in Canada. Left to right: André Perrotte, Yutaro Minagawa, Dominique Dumais, Trevor Davies, Gilles Saucier, Guillaume Sasseville, Vedanta Balbahadur, Marie Eve Primeau.

From its inception in 1989, Teeple Architects Inc. has built a reputation for innovative design and exceptional service. The firm established this reputation through a broad range of institutional, commercial and residential projects including community and recreation centres, libraries, schools and university buildings. The goal of Teeple Architects is to create original design projects in which the architectural concept is intimately linked to the day-to-day use and inhabitation of the building. An ability to respond creatively to the dictates of site, context, budget and client requirements has characterized the work of the office. In this era of specialization, the firm believes in the continuing value of the general architectural practice. To this end, the firm has pursued work in the commercial, institutional and residential fields, ranging in scope from broad planning, major institutional projects and urban design studies to highly detailed interiors. Pioneers in sustainable architectural practices, Teeple Architects has consistently been mindful of the impact of new construction on the surrounding environment by embracing the recycling of building materials, adaptive reuse, and environmentally sensitive site planning. The current work of the office employs the latest technology in passive solar design, indigenous materials, geothermal energy, enhanced air quality, energy and water efficiency, and sustainable landscape design. Left to right: Stephen Teeple, Bernard Jin, Mark Baechler, Allan Wilson.

The firm Cardin Ramirez Julien Architects was founded in Montreal in 1992 by Pierre Cardin and Oscar Ramirez, and Jean-François Julien joined in as a partner in 2003. Over the years, the firm has realized numerous projects of various scales, in several fields of architectural design: commercial, institutional, residential, office space and heritage restoration. The team, which includes several LEED-accredited professionals, heavily focuses on material research and construction methods to offer optimum solutions for sustainable development. In addition to the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium in Montreal featured in this issue, the firm distinguished itself in 2007 with its design for the Community Centre of Outremont, a finalist in the Quebec Order of Architects Awards of Excellence. Ædifica is a Montreal-based architectural firm offering integrated services leveraging the complementary expertise of architecture, sustainable design, interior design and engineering. The firm, with over 100 professionals, has been present in the North American market for nearly 30 years. Ædifica’s expertise is comprised of eight key disciplines: architecture, corporate interiors, retail design, retail rollout, engineering, sustainable design, urban design and communication. Over the years, the firm has received nearly 100 design awards, including the Governor General’s Medal in Architecture for the Consortium Ædifica & Lapointe Magne for the upgrade of the ITHQ (Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of Quebec), an International Architecture Award from the Chicago Athenaeum for the Pierre Dansereau Science Complex by Saia Barbarese Topouzanov & Ædifica (TPL), national recognition from the Canadian Design-Build Institute for the Expansion of the Montreal Convention Centre, and a RAIC Innovation in Architecture Award for the Angus Locoshop. Ædifica team members in top photo, from left to right: Simon Méthot, Lise Gagné, Erin Halpin, Annick Brassard, Caroline Magar, Guy Favreau. Cardin Ramirez Julien Architects team members in bottom photo, from left to right: Pierre Cardin, Jean-François

Julien, Oscar Ramirez, France Grand’Maison, Marina Petrova, Pierlucio Pellissier, Caroline Rouleau, Dominic Poncelet, Marie-Ève Caron, David Cotton, Danielle Duval, Minh Le Tuan, Cécile Derrien, Thomas Fontaine.

12/09 canadian architect



recycling system designed by John Rizzi

Bindya Lad is a recent graduate of the Master of Architecture program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto. She also holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Urban Planning from the University of Waterloo. Previously, Bindya held positions in the Planning and Building Department at the City of Mississauga where she was responsible for preparing design policies to guide the physical development of the city. She is currently employed at the Toronto-based practice of Dubbeldam Design Architects, and is also the Secretary of the Toronto Society of Architects, whose mandate includes ensuring that architecture and design are key considerations in public discussions and in processes that have an impact on our environment. Born in the United Kingdom to East African-born parents, Bindya belongs to a South Asian family who immigrated to Canada in the early 1990s, settling in Mississauga. Her research interests range from issues in everyday urbanism to increasing the accessibility of architecture, to more recently, the regeneration of postwar suburban municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area through a reinvention of their strategic frameworks.


circle reply card 20

20 canadian architect 12/09

LF SORT 09 09_01-PICKUP.tif

FINAL TRIM = 2.5 in X 10.625 in NO BLEED 103359 DT LF SORT-CAN ARCH REC NOV.indd

In t ro ducing

Eric Baczuk was born in Calgary, where he received a Bachelors degree in Environmental Science from the University of Calgary in 2005. Looking to apply his interest in sustainability to the built environment, Eric began studies at Dalhousie University, where he received a Bachelor of Environmental Design in 2007 (with distinction) and in 2009, a Masters Degree in Architecture. While at Dalhousie, Eric conducted exploratory research on renewable energy infrastructure in Eastern Canada. His Masters thesis focused on deriving architectural program and typology for tidal in-stream energy conversion facilities in the Bay of Fundy. Professionally, Eric has worked in the London office of Foster + Partners, contributing to a host of large-scale projects in the United States, Canada, England and Mauritius. Eric has also volunteered his time and services to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort in Biloxi Mississippi (2007) and with Arup’s Druk White Lotus School in Ladakh, India (2009). He is currently working on postgraduate research at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, where he is focusing on the development of building performance metrics for sustainable technologies. Marianne Gaudreault-Charbonneau graduated with her Masters in Architecture in the spring of 2009 from the School of Architecture at Université Laval in Quebec City. During her architectural studies, she spent her third year as an exchange student at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier (ENSAM) in France. While at school, Marianne also devoted considerable amounts of time to design-build projects, graphic design and other extracurricular activities. Her final thesis project, Stenosis, has already been awarded several prizes, many of which recognize the project’s attitudes towards social issues and urbanism. Marianne is a member of the 2009 RAIC Student Honour Roll. Since graduation, she has been working in the Quebec City office of ABCP architecture + urbanisme.

CirCle reply Card 21

award of excellence

Block 31 architectS architectsalliance and Maclennan Jaunkalns Miller architects in Joint Venture location toronto, ontario

the oVerall site, showing the residential tower rising behind the school and coMMunity facilities. aBoVe the centre garden proVides aMple coMMunity space within the tower block itself. toP

22 canadian architect 12/09

This highly innovative urban development pro­ ject has created a new model for infill develop­ ment and the integration of public services, one that is literally without precedent in the city of Toronto or the province of Ontario. Block 31 demonstrates the value of integrating key public services—education, recreation, and public green space—with amenable and affordable rental and market housing, resulting in intelligent and sup­ portable intensification. Combining innovative programming with imaginative, unconventional building typology and urban planning, Block 31 shows how public agencies and municipal gov­ ernments can revitalize underutilized brownfield sites, create new urban enclaves in proximity to existing transportation infrastructure, and deliv­ er public services more effectively, while realiz­ ing efficiencies in capital and operational costs, security, and building management. Block 31 includes a 3,500­square­metre com­ munity recreation centre with five gymnasiums; a 870­square­metre childcare centre; two elemen­ tary schools of 6,040 square metres and 5,000 square metres respectively; and 354 units of fam­ ily housing. The architectural components of the project are set into a figural ground plane; a cru­ ciform courtyard between the schools is aligned to preserve view corridors north­south and east­ west. At the west side of the site, the courtyard space terminates in a ROW devoted to a 19,100­square­metre public park and two play­ ing fields totalling 5,230 square metres. Given the social mandate of the Toronto Com­ munity Housing Corporation (TCHC) to provide quality housing for low­ and moderate­income households, the residential components of Block 31 were developed with a family­centric vision, a partial liberation from the typical market forces that drive condominium tower massing. Com­ mon amenities have been distributed throughout the building in the form of mid­level and rooftop green spaces; these places simultaneously combat the anonymity of tower life by functioning as multi­storey common rooms that act as referen­ tial space and create opportunities for the kind of informal, day­to­day interactions that foster a true a sense of “neighbourliness.” The vertiginous ledges that parade as balconies on standard condos have been replaced with more generously proportioned “outdoor rooms”—useful and amenable exterior spaces that are detailed to provide both privacy and


privileged views to Lake Ontario. These deep overhangs also serve as brises-soleil for the ex­ posed western façade, helping address the solar heat gain of the units. Through an architecture of generosity and dignified proportions, Block 31 aims to create the space for family and commu­ nity conditions that is at the heart of the TCHC mission. A detailed survey of teachers from representa­ tive local schools was conducted, and the pro­ grammatic results integrated with broader insti­ tution­wide ideals communicated by the Toronto District School Board/Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees. Distinct typologies were fashioned for each of four student stages of de­ velopment. These elements were then arranged in relation to each other and in response to Block 31 site conditions, to create additional communal spaces inside and outside the building, comple­ menting the common areas located in the resi­ dential components of the project. A prominent communication stair creates a connection be­ tween the multi­storey schools, while the trans­ parency of the western façade blurs the line be­ tween interior academic and community centre uses and the adjacent public park. Through the diversity of environments and the social inten­ tions of the communal spaces, the design partici­ pates in the schools’ goal of realizing the max­ imum potential of their students.

Green Core

Sky Ga rden Le vel 41+ Interior Garden Level 24 -30 Roof Ga rden Le vel 4-6

Mass Factors

Mass Green

Mass ProGraM

solar HarvestinG and noise attenuation

green roofs through the project’s value­engineer­ ing process prior to construction. Pr: This project builds up density where there’s

Gh: This is a very important civic project. The

mixed­use program is artfully arranged and is at the appropriate urban density to create real com­ munity identity. The architectural expression is playful, yet refined. This is the type of “city­ making” that transforms neighbourhoods. Both the client and the architect should be congratu­ lated on an exceptional design. JPl: This project deals with issues of density in an

elegant and skillful manner. Thanks to the nego­ tiation process which allows for increased heights in exchange for social and educational compo­ nents on a given site, the architects were able to free ground space and offer facilities that are much needed in this mixed area of Toronto. I hope that Block 31’s developers will have the wisdom to retain the elaborate sky gardens and

existing infrastructure, and it does it exception­ ally well. The projected balconies break up the scale and visually enrich while recognizing a need for privacy. There is some encouraging tec­ tonic aspiration here.

client toronto coMMunity housing corporation, toronto district school board, toronto catholic district school board, city of toronto parks forestry and recreation, city of toronto child serVices architect team architectsalliance—peter clewes, adrian dicastri, deni papetti, walter bettio, saVernaz esMaeili, ed zec, rogelio bayaton, Julia dicastri, rob Miacchi. Maclennan Jaunkalns Miller architects—Viktor Jaunkalns, daVid Miller, robert allen, nicholas choy, Jeanne eng, taMira sawatzky, catherine McMahon. Structural blackwell bowick partnership liMited and Quinn dressel associates—engineers in Joint Venture mechanical/electrical Mcw consultants liMited landScaPe planning partnership SuStainaBility cobalt engineering area 12,151.6 M2 BudGet $100 M comPletion 2012

award of excellence

newMarKet oPerationS centre architect location

RDH ARcHitects inc. newmARket, OntARiO

Municipal operations centres rarely attract attention from designers or from the public at large. At the same time, the various departments that contribute to the upkeep of a town or city’s physical environment are critical to the life of the community and deserve to be celebrated. Consolidating three existing municipal departments, the building will replace aging facilities on two other sites—one of which will be reclaimed as part of a neighbouring public park, and will relocate components from a third. This strategy will allow the Town of Newmarket to realize major operational savings by sharing resources between departments. The program includes staff offices, meeting and training spaces, an emergency command centre, a works yard, facilities for vehicle storage, repair and washing, and interior and exterior materials storage. The site is a former brownfield located in an industrial park near the intersection of Highway 404 and Mulock Drive, one of the primary entry points into the town. A one-storey change in grade across the site is exploited to provide a secure separation between public access at the upper level and the works yard below. A 4.2-metre-high gabion basket retaining wall defines the upper-level public parking lot while a landscaped extension of the building’s intensive, accessible green roof provides an additional visual barrier, creating the illusion, when viewed from the north, of two distinct structures. The project is conceived as a sequence of parallel programmatic bars of alternating character. 24 canadian architect 12/09

The entry atrium and fleet work areas are grand daylit halls; smaller-scaled rooms such as offices, change areas, and mechanical rooms are arranged in lower volumes between. Recessed mechanical roofs are placed on top of three of these interstitial bars, while the fourth receives a 600-millimetre-deep intensive green roof that extends north along the staff and visitor parking lot. Capless glazed curtain wall surrounds the double-height rooms, providing expansive views into the surrounding landscape. A central circulation spine threads the program together and provides the opportunity for secure checkpoints between public zones, administrative work areas, and the various fleet work areas which often operate at different hours. Serving as a the primary entry point for all users, the triple-height atrium’s grand scale is intended as a reminder of the building’s civic importance. The exposed steel structure, polished concrete floors and open mesh ceiling echo the fleet work areas and are complemented by ample daylight and views to the surrounding green spaces. Presenting a unique design challenge, the need for 20 overhead doors sized for easy access to the storage, repair and wash areas by trucks, snowplows and other large equipment meant that standard rolling door mechanisms were rejected in favour of a bi-fold system that is typically seen in aircraft hangars. The doors are clad entirely in double-glazed curtain wall and installed flush with the primary building envelope. These allow

This simple indusTrial building’s archiTecTure is heighTened Through The careful deTailing of corrugaTed meTal siding and glazed bi-fold garage doors. oPPoSite, clocKwiSe froM toP a green roof exTends along The sTaff and visiTor parking; an overall view of The building’s massing; a view of The sizeable works yard. aBoVe

for transparent and fully daylit workspaces while maintaining the thermal continuity of the envelope. In addition to the green roof, daylighting and natural ventilation, green strategies include a geothermal heating and cooling system, solar hot water heating, stormwater collection for irrigation, and provisions for a future wind turbine. Gh: The beauty of the project is the simple rigour

that has been applied to a normally profane building typology. The architects have elevated an operations centre to the level of an art gallery. The modernist vocabulary is appropriate and well executed. JPl: When planning utility buildings, municipal

authorities rarely aim for architectural excellence. The City of Newmarket should be praised for going along with this rigorous and intelligently designed project. The architects were able to cleverly reinvent the topography protecting reception and office areas from workshops, vehicular storage and truck yards. One can easily

Site Plan

imagine allowing the public to visit parts of this facility in order to better understand the city’s efforts towards more sustainable development. Pr: There is a certain heroism to this project in

terms of how it deals with both program and site.

ConCept 1

ConCept 2

Its scale deals with the contextual environs in a way that will be perceivable. The scale, massing and response to landscape grading is excellent. The design doesn’t try to do too much, and it does what it does beautifully. The world would benefit from more projects like this.

ConCept 3

client The Town of newmarkeT architect teaM bob goyeche, Tony lopes, geoff miller, carlos Tavares, scoTT wilson Structural halsall associaTes lTd. Mechanical/electrical Jain associaTes lTd. ciVil canderas associaTes inc. landScaPe nak design group inc. contractor bird consTrucTion area 6,115 m2 BudGet $22.4 m coMPletion June 2010

ConCept 4

12/09 canadian architect


award of excellence

BiBliothèque raymond-lévesque Atelier tAg, Jodoin lAmArre PrAtte, Architects in consortium longueuil, Quebec

architects location

tics industry. Due to its geographic location, Saint-Hubert benefits from unique meteorological conditions resulting in a remarkable potential for wind energy. The architecture of the new library is sculpted in response to this force of nature, poetically materializing and celebrating the presence of the wind while technically seeking to take advantage of this resource for its bioclimatic strategy. Delicately sited between protected wetlands and a red maple forest, the new library explores an essential link with Saint-Hubert’s most important natural environment. Beyond the formal allegory of the flying carpet, the architectural concept is foremost an elementary bioclimatic response to the site’s conditions. Its geometry speaks of the renewable natural resources of the earth—the wind, the sun and the rain. From west to east, its roofscape bends under the prevailing winds. The giant cut at its centre collects the rainwater in a retention basin while the wood blades of its filigree envelope filter the sunlight. The façade composition of wood louvres, inclined according to the path of the sun, highlights the constructional nature of the filigree assembly and its spatial and aerial qualities. The programmatic elements are organized in a single continuous move that unfolds from the public place to the forest, delineating a central open court. This exterior court forms the geographic, social and perceptual heart of the library. Acting as contemplative space and oasis, the court visually connects while keeping adjacent program elements physically separated. While allowing for the deep penetration of natural light, it facilitates orientation, organizes the different collections, and ensures the tranquility of the main reading room. In winter, its carpet of snow will accentuate the luminosity and peacefulness of the library spaces. Working with a team of engineers from the very outset of the competition, reduction in environmental footprint was taken into account throughout the development of the project by considering the synergy between the building’s key phases of design, construction, commissioning and maintenance. As such, the project’s bioclimatic concept relies on using as much as possible the surrounding climatic resources: sun, water, wind and earth—in the form of geothermal energy. Moreover, the building’s HVAC is supplemented by a controlled natural ventilation system and the protected microclimate of the central exterior court. Gh: The simple elegance of this proposal is a joy to behold. The library will

This project, a new main library for the borough of Saint-Hubert in Longueuil, represents the winning entry in a Quebec-wide architectural competition held in the fall of 2008. The building will be situated at the northwest entrance to the Parc de la Cité, the city’s principal civic park covering 50 hectares of land. Straddling city and park, the library acts simultaneously as a gateway pavilion, an institutional building, a civic structure and a cultural centre. It is conceived to provide designated areas for young families, children, daycare and school groups as well as for adolescents, adults and retirees. It will provide a platform not only for learning but also for vital intergenerational exchanges within the community. Its program will offer traditional library services, access and dissemination of new technologies as well as a wide range of public activities including a café and multipurpose exhibition room. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Saint-Hubert’s built environment and cultural heritage has been intimately linked to Quebec’s aeronau26 canadian architect 12/09

be a glass pavilion in the woods. I could imagine spending hours reading there. I generally hate folded buildings, but this one has subtle folds sculpted by the sun’s path. These architects have serious talent. JPl: This very poetic project constitutes a great example of sensitive and

mature planning. The architects worked with the metaphor of a flying carpet, creating a central organizing element through the introduction of an open court flooded with natural light. This area solves several programmatic issues while allowing the users to easily relate to the various sections of the library. The compact building envelope remains remarkably open to its A rendered model of the librAry reveAls its interior sPAces. oPPosite, toP to Bottom the signAture interior courtyArd of the new librAry, comPlete with louvres on the windows, high ceilings And Plenty of nAturAl ventilAtion; the librAry’s elevAtion cleArly frAmes its interior courtyArd while exPressing A PArtiAlly louvred fAçAde. toP left

park-like setting which will no doubt provide users with a variety of rich experiences. The detailing seems to be carefully thought through and the use of wooden slats on the façade nicely echo the surrounding woods. Pr: This is a fabulous library that is true to its

concept, and thoughtfully and elegantly composed. With respect to the interior in establishing a connection to the forest, the building’s massing is purposeful, with generous spatial conditions. However, the design certainly contains a lot of glass in its building envelope for such a cold climate, something which should necessitate the use of high-performance glazing. client city of longueuil architect team mAnon Asselin, KAtsuhiro yAmAzAKi, nicholAs rAnger, cArlo cArbone, gérArd lAnthier, guylAine beAudoin, mAxime gAgnon, chArles-André gAgnon, serge breton structural snc–lAvAlin mechanical/electrical mArtin roy et Associés landscaPe/interiors Atelier tAg, Jodoin lAmArre PrAtte, Architects in consortium contractor lA corPorAtion de construction tridôme area 3,975 m2 BudGet $12.2 m comPletion sePtember 2010

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second floor 15

1 2







5 9 6 7

1 2 3 4


Ground floor



site Plan



mAin entrAnce courtyArd retention Pond wAter Jets And geothermAl field 5 “the bubble” 6 PromenAde And Access to PArc de lA cité 7 wood lot 8 red mAPles 9 covered PlAyground 10 flower gArden 11 meteor gArden 12 green roof 13 service entry 14 rocK gArden 15 “north stAr” 16 Advertising columns

12/09 canadian architect


award of excellence

Jaypee Group corporate offices

architect location


This new corporate headquarters for the Jaypee Group is to be erected on a 42,000-square-metre site within the new district of Noida, a rapidly developing city located near New Delhi in India. The new head office regroups within one facility and for the first time all of Jaypee Group’s subsidiaries and administrative activities that were previously scattered in different locations within the New Delhi region. Found within Jaypee Group’s structure are varied fields of activity from hydroelectric production and cement production to hotel and hospitality activities. One of

the principal challenges was to create a functional, technologically modern facility, expressing each of the different subsidiaries within a unifying corporate identity while creating an identity rooted in the Indian cultural context. The program was fixed at a 44,400-squaremetre above-grade facility including space for 1,800 full-time workstations, two cafeterias, an auditorium, a library, and 1,200 below-grade parking spaces. The program also calls for the creation of a new shuttlebus route to facilitate employee access from New Delhi. It was the client’s intent to instill in this facility’s expression a reflection of the leadership role that the Jaypee Group plays within India’s mod-

ern economic reality as well as the important social leadership the corporation adheres to with respect to employee well-being and cultural identity. The facility is designed to respect international standards of quality as well as the sustainable design principles as outlined by the India Green Building Council (LEED India). The proposed concept uses the entire site to create a clearly defined contemplative garden in the Indian garden tradition. A protective wall, being the project’s primary security barrier, establishes the limits of the property, and once penetrated, reveals an oasis distinct from all the hustle and bustle of adjacent urban developments. Six distinct volumes are expressed, representing the different corporate subsidiaries. An interior narrow street acts as the main circulation spine joining the volumes with elevators, staircases and bridges. This narrow street also gives access to all shared facilities. The central volume, containing the ceremonial entry into the complex crowned by the executive administrative offices, is set back from the other volumes, creating an The ARChiTeCTuRe Of The NORTh elevATiON is bOTh GlObAl ANd CONTemPORARy. left The defT PlAy Of liGhT ANd shAdOw ResulTiNG fROm The buildiNG’s jAli sCReeNs is evideNT iN This ReNdeRiNG Of The wesT elevATiON. opposite top PAThwAys ANd exTeRiOR GARdeNs eNRiCh The quAliTy Of The buildiNG, whiCh is lOCATed NeAR A busy iNTeRsTATe hiGhwAy. opposite Middle A ReNdeRiNG Of The deePly iNseT jAli sCReeNs whiCh fORm The viP PORTiCOs. top

28 canadian architect 12/09

exterior meeting space. A unifying roof above shields the building from the relentless sun, while reflective water bodies are introduced to cool this exterior plaza. Completing the project’s identity are exterior decorative and protective screens recalling traditional Indian geometric patterns. The interweaving of passive and active technological solutions creates a project in which contemporary office standards are maintained while rooting the project’s character in local cultural traditions. High-tech elements are subsidiary to traditional building components of roof, structure and screens. The material palette of concrete, glass and stone is kept to a minimum to avoid all visual distractions in the reading of the project’s microenvironment qualities. Through the careful manipulation of scale and proportion, the proposed project’s monumental character is a continuation of the Indian tradition of significant building and urban design. This design creates a building that is rooted in history and is yet unmistakably contemporary, and one in which its distinct character and expression will not be overshadowed by future high-density urban developments. Gh: This is another building typology that rarely

receives awards, but the design of this corporate headquarters is inspirational. The subtle screening of horizontal and vertical planes provide shade, but also acknowledge the local cultural context and culture. Jpl: This imposing project is a perfect example of

masterfully produced corporate architecture. It pays homage to the Indian tradition by integrating elements such as overhanging roofs, stone lattice screens, and a series of inner courtyards. However, one is left desiring a more nuanced project, one that constitutes a true contribution to a country which has been able to absorb—and enrich— numerous great buildings over the centuries. pr: This is a powerful example of how Canadian

architects can have a positive impact globally. The project is very thorough in its site plan, massing, shading, details and artistry, but it’s also intensively practical. Its tectonic language and sustainability are handled very differently because of its context, especially with respect to light and energy, and it shows a lot of dexterity and rigour. client jAyPRAkAsh AssOCiATes PvT. lTd. architect teaM mONTReAl—RAmesh khOslA, edwARd heRCuN, jAvieR mARTiNez, emmANuel PeyROT des GAChONs. New delhi— sANjAy siNGh, G. sANGliAN, RAmu NAGAbAThiNi, Abhishek jAiN. structural fRishCmANN PRAbhu iNdiA PvT. lTd. Mechanical/electrical duPRAs ledOux iNGéNieuRs & suNil NAyyAR CONsulTANTs PvT. lTd. landscape The ARCOP GROuP & desiGNCell sTudiO interiors The ARCOP GROuP contractor bhAyANA buildeRs PvT. lTd. facilities ATN CONsulTANTs area 44,400 m2 BudGet $640 m coMpletion 2010 site plan



12/09 canadian architect


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CirCle reply Card 22

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1.800.871.8876 CirCle reply Card 23

award of Merit

the cowboy deSiGner Location

D’Arcy Jones Design inc. in the wilD, north AmericA

This taciturn little cabin is one of four designs in a limited line of flat-pack cabins commissioned by Form & Forest, a new Canadian company. This series of simple, modern cabins synthesizes and resolves the conflict between building generically and building specifically; the designs have been conceived of with no particular site in mind, yet they can be easily fine-tuned to specific sites, geographies, orientations and climates. Since The Cowboy’s footprint is so small, its concept is potently singular. The cabin’s parti is a literal realization of the familiar scene in many Western genre movies where a cowboy is bathing, usually in the centre of a room, keeping all friends and foes in clear sight. Similarly, this cabin’s central courtyard allows the inhabitant, from his po-

32 canadian architect 12/09

sition in the bathtub, to survey the lay of the land, inside and out. The formal “hole” in the house will contain one lone tree, an iconic reminder of nature’s quiet insistence. By assembling the cabin’s precast and prefabricated building modules around one mature tree on the cabin’s site, the simple question of “which came first, the tree or the cabin?” becomes a dynamic presence from all interior spaces. By locating the terrace, deck and main floor level two feet above the ground, flat sites and uneven sites are both deferred to and allowed for. The cabin’s massing is either gracefully hovering above or heavily embedded into the ground, articulating the duality of temporality and permanence that defines a cabin/camp in the

wilderness. The Cowboy’s radial form provides large glass openings on three sides, with one elevation left intentionally blank. Based on the inclination of the cabin’s owner or the geography of the building site, the cabin can be assembled in a variety of orientations, to allow the sun to track through the interior spaces in a personal way. The mute back wall of the house enables the cabin to be located near other cabins or roads, with total seclusion. the rAnger, the lookout AnD the cowboy Are three conceptuAl moDels thAt explore A new ApproAch to builDing prefAbricAteD cAbins.

beLow, Left to riGht

Gh: We had many simple Modernist houses to

JPL: This beautifully presented and humorous

choose from, and this was the purest and most enjoyable of them to review. The modular kit of parts, while not new, was a noble intention. The photo with Clint Eastwood in the bathtub smoking a cigar surrounded by clean lines, glass and trees is an image I will never forget!

project is greatly concerned with the issue of design integration, and aims at demonstrating the possibilities of prefabrication, possibilities that go far beyond the current marketplace’s offerings. One concern with this project however is that site issues cannot be resolved as simply as



the prefAbricAteD cAbin known As “the cowboy” sits quietly in the wooDs. aboVe, Left to riGht the cowboy proviDes An Ample outDoor Deck with A series of covereD AnD encloseD volumes thAt belie its smAll scAle; clint eAstwooD enJoys A hot bAth After A long DAy of trAvelling to reAch his DreAm cAbin in the wooDs.

oPPoSite toP

the project’s architects seem to claim. A slope with a different orientation could mean the entrance door is in the wrong place. The project may need to be more flexible.


Pr: The articulation of the box is very nicely 4

modest, tight, simple and appropriate for a little cabin in the woods, yet there’s a kind of breaking open of it. There is a resonance and interplay with the landscape and its surroundings. This kit of parts speaks of a future for prefab because it’s about component systems, not just single buildings. The components all look realistic, economical, available and sustainable. A weak point is in addressing site specificity and foundation.


3 2

11 10

1 10


5 6




Ground fLoor 1 2 3 4

entry kitchen Dining living

0 5 6 7 8

beDroom bAth lAunDry sun

9 shADe 10 storAge 11 courtyArD


iSoMetric Section

cLient form & forest architect teaM D’Arcy Jones, milos begovic, AmAnDA kemeny, ceDric yu, AryA sAfAvi, nick ecob interiorS D’Arcy Jones Design inc. with form & forest area 658 ft2 budGet withhelD renderinGS ceDric yu ModeL AmAnDA kemeny

12/09 canadian architect


award of Merit

MeMorial drive: a landscape of MeMory

The Marc BouTin archiTecTural collaBoraTive inc. location calgary, alBerTa architect

This project is part of the second phase for the Memorial Drive Landscape of Memory, a 9.5kilometre renovation to the parkway that forms a portion of Calgary’s pedestrian pathway system. The focus of the second phase is on a series of interconnected public spaces, and the Memorial Plaza is the first of these new public spaces. The project addresses the client’s programmatic directive to design a space to commemorate Canada’s efforts during wartime, while at the same time offering a much needed contribution to Calgary’s fledgling public realm by creating a fourseason, 24-hour space. The existing site is characterized as a residual green space, adjacent to the intersection of Memorial Drive, a busy road running east/west, and 10th Street with its bridge connection to the downtown core. The site includes a two-storey

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historic building that houses an outdoor resource centre and meeting spaces. North of the site is the walkable neighbourhood of Kensington, and south of the site is defined by the Bow River. While the site’s grade slopes steeply southward to the river, it lacks an appropriate connection to the water. With respect to the design, the two main challenges involved the resolution of the complex urban design diagram and the development of a commemorative voice for the space. Specifically, the urban design diagram facilitates the weaving together of the neighbourhood to the north with the river’s edge, and the resolution of the conflict between pedestrians and commuter cyclists along the pathway. The need for space to stage large formal gatherings for commemoration was to be balanced with spaces that are adaptive for everyday use. The solution strategized two distinct and interrelated surfaces, one of wood and the other of weathering steel. Both surfaces are conceived as

systems that allow manipulation and therefore transformation, framing and catalyzing different opportunities for occupation, engagement and connection. Defining the vertical shift within the grade change in the space, the weathering steel surface focuses this transition space as the primary space for commemoration. In concert with the vertical movement defined by the weathering steel, a series of narratives are cut from the surface with a water jet and then backlit, portraying different voices and perspectives in relation to the sacrifice, honour and hope associated with all facets of society during periods of conflict. In addition, the descent through and along the weathering steel frames a view across the water to illuminated sentinels on the south shore of the river, representing a conceptual “space apart” and “space of desire” often associated with the separation of loved ones during wartime. The wood surface is Balau, a fast-growing wood that is characterized by its hardness, resistance to

rot, and maintenance-free nature. Conceived as transformable decking, it sutures disparate spaces and negotiates grade changes into a singular continuous surface, and folds to provide various urban amenities, such as a canopy and surfaces for seating, eating and sleeping. Within the limited material palette, complementary design elements include body-sized weathering steel letters signalling and defining the presence of the public space to the Kensington neighbourhood and to vehicular traffic. Further, an illuminated bosque of trees honour the original trees planted along Memorial Drive in memory of the fallen from World War I. The resultant public space offers two interrelated places: a gregarious space of interaction that extends and complements the pedestrianized Kensington neighbourhood, characterized by urban sounds, commercial opportunities, and spaces of occupation at different scales; and then the more reflective space connected to the water’s edge and the pathway system, characterized by the sound of water and birds, and vistas of the river waterway.

existing building on site

heritage tree

existing monument


articulated wood surface weathering steel surface

public plaza

Gh: This is a fabulous memorial on a very banal


river’s edge. The way the elements engage the bridge on both sides of the river really creates a meaningful engagement with the landscape. The renderings, while dark, were very successful in illustrating the intentions.









Jpl: In this project, the architects have skillfully

created urban events through the use of materials and street furniture. The transition to the river is addressed in a subtle way with a series of belvederes along the lower river promenade. The accommodation of disparate user groups has been thought through. However, the treatment of the interface with the adjacent busy artery weakens the project.

site section 1 2 3 4 5

senTinel river paThway heriTage Tree sTairs weaThering sTeel wall

6 7 8 9


wood decking illuMinaTed Bosque of paper Birch gaTeway sculpTural eleMenTs weaThering sTeel leTTers





pr: It’s a beautiful, appropriate and well resolved

project. It pushes the artfulness of architecture with a dexterous hand.



a view souTh across MeMorial drive To The plaza enTry. opposite bottoM, left to riGht view froM The paThway along The river and under The canTilevered Belvedere; view souTh pasT The weaThering sTeel wall and across To The senTinel on The opposiTe Bank of The river. opposite top

client The ciTy of calgary architect teaM Marc BouTin, ron choe, Mike deBoer, Jerry hacker, sean knighT, Tony leong, Mauricio rosa, nick sTandeven, krisTin sT. arnaulT structural/Mechanical/electrical/landscape sTanTec consulTing contractor grahaM consTrucTion and engineering inc. area 112,000 fT2 budGet $8 M coMpletion 2010



1 4


7 10


asseMbly of proGraM 1 2 3 4 5

connecTion To river walkway canTilevered Belvedere canopy enTrance for exisTing Bulding heriTage Tree illuMinaTed Bosque

6 Three-diMensional weaThering sTeel leTTers 7 gaTeway sculpTural eleMenTs 8 exisTing parking loT and Bicycle parking 9 exisTing MonuMenT 10 louise riley/10Th sTreeT Bridge

12/09 canadian architect


award of Merit


architect Location

5468796 Architecture inc. Winnipeg, MAnitobA

vieW of the units Along WAterfront drive. cArs cAn Access the site froM MAcdonAld Avenue, pictured on the loWer right. bottoM right A vieW of the overheAd WAlkWAy And coMMunity plAzA connecting the units. oppoSite top An AeriAl vieW of youcube With its elevAted internAl street thAt fosters resident interAction.


youCUBE is a housing development that explores the potential for density and affordability on a narrow 264  63 urban lot. Located on the north end of a street being redefined by highpriced waterfront condominiums, the project occupies a seemingly unremarkable site with limited visibility of the river and neglected industrial surroundings. The project’s name derives from the concept that, despite the visual uniformity of the dwellings, each has an individual personality defined by its inhabitants. With 18 vertical units arranged to capture views beyond the site’s immediate context, along with expansive public space for residents, youCUBE becomes an anchor point for a transitional area where the converging conditions of

history, industry and small-scale housing have an uncertain future. As the project emerges, it has the potential to act as a catalyst for future growth, encouraging expansion of housing and the existing park system along the full length of the street. youCUBE consists of two-, three- and fourstorey townhouses clustered together along an elevated community plaza, with resident parking and a new driveway for vehicular access sheltered below. All units are accessed off the plaza, which, at six feet above grade, suggests privacy and security without disengaging from the streetscape. The plaza raises occupants above their industrial surroundings, capturing formerly inaccessible views and carving a permanent, communal space into a transitory setting.

Square unit type

rectanguLar unit type

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The units vary in size and orientation to fully engage with the site and views beyond, culminating in a series of rooftop patios with panoramic views of the city skyline. The condominiums’ vertical design leaves more room for permeable public space, eliminating the hard edge between building and landscape that typifies most block

cLient MArk penner, green seed developMent corp. architect teaM shAron AckerMAn, MAndy Aldcorn, ken borton, Michelle heAth, Aynslee hurdAl, JohAnnA hurMe, cristinA ionescu, grAnt lAbossiere, colin neufeld, tu ngoc phAn, sAsA rAdulovic, shAnnon Wiebe StructuraL hAnuschAk consultAnts

MechanicaL g.d. stAsynec & AssociAtes eLectricaL Woods engineering ciViL Mec consulting contractor denver kroeker, ArtisAn hoMes area 15,000 ft2 budget $4 M coMpLetion 2010






5 UP




Second fLoor







firSt fLoor




Winnipeg and is a very cutting-edge development in its context. It would also work well in Los Angeles, with its clever integration of surface parking below an elevated commons. I want someone to build me one in Vancouver.

1 2 4 3






pr: It has a refreshingly simple character. I love the simple dumbness of

the stucco and wood boxes, and the lack of any elaborate articulation. It would benefit from further design development, especially of the common spaces and circulation. The design to date seems a bit constrained by its own concept of “youCUBE.”



gh: I love the playful nature of this townhouse project. It works 100% for


housing design. At grade, the earth is peeled back to further soften this boundary, exposing a concrete base with entrances to commercial spaces that offer live-work opportunities for residents. Green pockets between the units provide an additional level of comfort and privacy, reconnecting the site with the Stephen Juba Park corridor. youCUBE’s design methodology reflects the client’s experience with conventional house-building, as well as his desire for units that are accessible to a broad demographic; currently, other developments on the street are unaffordable for most individuals. As such, each cube is manageable and modular, with a standardized size of 18  20 or 18  28. Similar to a house, the basement level is cast-in-place concrete, while the upper levels are traditional wood-frame construction. Variety is introduced through four different unit types—two for each size of cube—that place living spaces on the upper floors to maximize views to the city skyline and the waterfront. Each unit is an open living cube defined by an architectural “wrap”—an element that delineates floors, mezzanines, and storage units as it weaves through the space. The wrap reacts to and engages with the cube’s vertical confines by folding back onto itself, or travelling upward to form window openings. Touching only two walls at a time, the open edges of the wrap create dramatic overlooks to the spaces below. Ceiling heights soar up to 36 feet, filtering daylight from the top level all the way down to the ground floor. The wrap becomes the mediator between the simplicity of the building’s shell and the complexity of living that occurs within.



1 driveWAy 2 pArking 3 green pockets

4 coMMerciAl spAce 5 plAzA


12/09 canadian architect



award of Merit

Sherbourne Park Pavilion architect location

Teeple ArchiTecTs inc. ToronTo, onTArio

This pavilion will provide services for Sherbourne Park—a significant new public space on Toronto’s waterfront. Working with landscape architects, artists and civil engineers responsible for stormwater purification for the entire waterfront, the pavilion was conceived in relation to an overall vision for this park that focused on public interaction and connection to water, specifically Lake Ontario and its history. The park itself is conceived as a memory of the waterfront’s long history. It is an abstraction of the condition of a pure stream, running through the landscape, into the lake. Playing a significant role in the purification process, the pavilion interconnects the various elements of the park. It houses washroom and changing facilities for the rink/water feature as well as a concession for food and beverages. It also accommodates the rink chiller equipment, fuel storage for the zamboni, as well as UV filtration equipment for the waterfront as a whole. It is designed as a year-round facility to help service and activate the park at all times. The arch itself forms a covered seating area overlooking the rink/water feature. The pavilion is conceived as a casting, an intersection between the various elements of the park. It interrupts the channel of water that it helps purify and forms the edge of a year-round water feature—splash pool in summer, rink in winter. The pavilion frames a view from the rink through the glade to the lake. Rather than placing a discrete element in the park, the elements of the park are joined together by this urban connector. We believe the pavilion presents a kind of dualism. It can, on one hand, be read as an iconic form, an exciting sculpture that one experiences along the waterfront. But it can also be perceived as an urban moment, a framed connection between the park and the lake. The pavilion sets out to demonstrate that striking sculptural form and good urban design are not antithetical, but complementary, especially in the case of important civic monu38 canadian architect 12/09

ments. As it functions both as an iconic moment in the park—an abstracted arch that frames views to the lake—as well as an urban connector that fuses the elements of the park together, the Sherbourne Pavilion will become a key urban feature of Toronto’s new waterfront. Environmentally, the pavilion’s approach is two-fold. It plays a key role, as does the park as a whole, in purifying the stormwater from the adjacent area and displacing its return to the lake. It houses UV filtration equipment and interacts with the purified stream by bridging over it, affecting its course and creating ripples in the stream. It also uses this water as a medium to assist in heating and cooling the pavilion. The pavilion, largely through these energy efficiency measures, will achieve LEED Gold status with nine energy points. As a year-round building, the pavilion employs sophisticated rain-screen zinc cladding applied over a durable backup to achieve its complex threedimensional form. Zinc roofing is also employed as the building will largely be seen from new housing situated around Sherbourne Park. Durable skateresistant materials are employed in the interior, contrasting with the exterior surfaces of the pavilion, which have a soft, patinated texture. The polished underbelly will ensure that the space under the arch is bright and welcoming. Finally, the project takes the straightforward necessities of the public realm and turns them into a civic monument of significance to the city of Toronto as a whole. Gh: This is a beautiful park pavilion which is both elegant and sheltering. I

really like imagining it in the winter surrounded by ice skaters. It could be a very large snowflake slowly melting. If every park washroom aspired to such greatness, I think I may go to the park more often.

JPl: Although the building seems a little small for its program, it consti-

tutes an amazingly elaborate structure for such humble functions as public washrooms and change rooms. It is a sculptural object that will grace Sherbourne Park and its surroundings. Highly visible due to its contrasting zinc cladding, the pavilion gives the impression of a strange shimmering vessel having landed gently on the ground. Pr: We want to reward the architectural ambition of a modest public ame-

nity structure that makes a healthy contribution to the potential vitality of the waterfront and to a significant public space. There is room for improvement in its relationship to and articulation of the landscaping, but the remarkable curved volumes are a wonderful, appropriate response to the spatial flow of the site.

oPPoSite toP vieW under the Main canopy of the pavilion. above the highly dynaMic folded forM of the pavilion createS a coMpelling Sculptural oBJect in the park.

client Waterfront toronto architect teaM Stephen teeple, Bernard Jin, allan WilSon, Mark Baechler Structural Quinn dreSSel aSSociateS Mechanical coBalt engineering lp electrical coBalt engineering lp, urS canada inc. civil the Municipal infraStructure group landScaPe phillipS farevaag SMallenBerg Studio, the planning partnerShip leed conSultant coBalt engineering lp contractor eaStern conStruction co. ltd., MJ dixon conStruction ltd. area 143 M2 budGet Withheld coMPletion Spring 2010



Site Plan


12/09 canadian architect



award of Merit

MontreaL rio tinto aLcan PLanetariUM Cardin ramirez Julien and ÆdifiCa arChiteCture + design in Joint venture Location montreal, QuebeC architectS

The future Montreal Planetarium sets the stage for a special relationship with nature through views that open towards the sky, providing direct contact with new plantings and the unveiling of new landforms. Core concepts for this project include the creation of a physical and visual link between visitors and the sky through two major volumes that suggest instruments of astronomical observation, and which house the two spheres of the Star Theatres. Also important was the manipulation of the topography of the Olympic site to encourage flow throughout the public spaces and to allow natural light to reach the building’s lowest level. Furthermore, the greening of the site brings added value to an environment that is dominated by mineral elements, and rekindles memories of star-gazing in the woods. The site chosen for the new Planetarium is unique because of its varied architectural and urban qualities. A number of landmarks nearby bear witness to significant moments in Quebec history, including the Olympic Stadium, the Biodôme, the Maurice-Richard Arena and Centre Pierre-Charbonneau. The Planetarium integrates respectfully with this exceptional environment and contributes positively to the larger context. Firstly, it was desired to encourage users to appropriate the site by offering a variety of exterior environments designed at a human scale to com-

croSS Section

40 canadian architect 12/09

plement the neighbouring buildings and outdoor spaces. Consequently, the area adjacent to the Place des Vainqueurs acquires a new dynamic feeling through the clear definition of the space and the addition of an adjoining café terrace. A new wooded area at the entrance to the Planetarium provides shade and naturalizes the site, while the new building’s green roof is connected to the site, creating easy access to green space. And the provision of an agora, bounded on one side by the Planetarium and located next to the Place des Vainqueurs, offers an ideal site for gatherings and performances. The second gesture involves the topographic manipulation of the Olympic site’s concrete slab. Reworking and reorienting the slab to create new landform shapes introduces a new flow to the public spaces and allows movement across the various levels. Lastly, the new Planetarium needs to be clearly identifiable among neighbouring structures. The two optical tubes pointing toward the sky call attention to the site and give it a strong visual identity. Pointing skyward like telescopes exploring the universe, the optical tubes convey the nature of the building from the outside. The main entrance is accessible via a footbridge that crosses a wooded area below; the ground falls away and the sky draws close as one approaches the building



through the treetops. Beneath the cones, visitors inside discover the two spheres containing the Star Theatres, as well as a space that opens up over three storeys, linked by a “fault line” that extends from the Biodôme at the bottom level through to the top floor. Adjoining the lobby and located at the heart of the building, the foyer gives access to both theatres. Various spaces related to the site’s operation, management and programming are located near the foyer, in a section on the building’s north side that is reserved for the Planetarium’s private spaces. The exhibition room, located on a balcony on the top level, is accessible via a gently sloping ramp that circles one of the theatres. This ramp also serves as an extension of the exhibition room, with the space above the ramp available for the display of large objects. Public spaces, the boutique and a café are situated around the lobby


on the ground level of the Olympic site. Their location places them in dialogue with the site’s outdoor activity and allows them to benefit from already existing activities. In keeping with program specifications, the lower level is primarily dedicated to visitor groups, and is where the Planetarium and the Biodôme connect. Taking full advantage of its placement next to the Place des Vainqueurs, the group lobby provides access, natural light and views. Offering a view of the new wooded area, the naturally lit lobby opens up onto the three floors, with a progression through to the actual Planetarium containing the auditorium, the exhibition room and the two theatres.

to imagine being inside the building with the Boullée-type spheres. The architects will enjoy detailing the various elements—I look forward to visiting this planetarium. JPL: This project takes advantage of an already

Gh: This is an alternative-universe type of site.

crammed site proximate to the existing 1976 Olympic facilities. Clever reworking of the topography allowed the architects to reduce the impact of the building on the site through burying most of the programmatic elements. The integration of sustainable design components is particularly convincing, specifically with regards to natural lighting, heating and ventilation. The architects cannot be blamed for borrowing from the Stadium’s vocabulary, but I wish that this project evidenced a stronger independent identity.

But that said, this design appropriately places the new building as part of the family. I was excited

Pr: The general concept is very appropriately

the main entranCe from Pierrede-Coubertin avenue. toP the Café and exterior PubliC sPaCe at night. aBoVe the main hall of the new Planetarium. oPPoSite toP

conceived for an important site with powerful, iconic architectural surroundings. While the entire scheme from the interior is about rendering and experiencing its own amazing volumes, it looks spatially stingy and too squeezed. cLient montreal nature museums, City of montreal architect teaM Jean-françois Julien, Pierre Cardin, guy favreau, osCar ramirez, anniCk brassard, david Cotten, dominiC PonCelet, lise gagné, erin halPin, Caroline magard, simon méthot, federiCo Pilotto StrUctUraL snC–lavalin MechanicaL/eLectricaL duPras ledoux ingénieurs interiorS Cardin ramirez Julien, ÆdifiCa SiGnaGe go multimédia LandScaPe fauteux et assoCiés arChiteCtes Paysagistes area 8,000 m2 BUdGet $33 m coMPLetion 2012

12/09 canadian architect


award of Merit

John abbott college: Science and health technologieS building

architect location

Saucier + Perrotte architecteS Ste-anne-de-Bellevue, QueBec

Located on a campus that was designed along Lac St-Louis in the first decade of the 20th century, John Abbott College is home to more than 5,000 post-secondary students, faculty and staff members. To meet the demands of space and current technologies, the sciences are expanding into a state-of-the-art facility that will become the college’s first major addition to the campus in over 30 years. The new Science and Technology Building houses the College’s pure sciences—Physics, Biology and Chemistry—as well as its professional programs of nursing, paramedic and biopharmaceutical studies. The building’s main programmatic functions include general and specialized laboratories, classrooms, offices and learning centres, as well as informal spaces for the exchange of ideas. For the architects and for the college, one site stood out on the campus because of its position at the hub of student movement. Between the historic Herzberg and Stewart buildings, the opportunity existed to connect the new project to an axis often referred to as the “main street” of user circulation. The main entrance for the new building connects through the covered Arctic Circle walkway and projects toward the centre of campus, allowing for a grand entry while respecting the integrity of the campus ensemble. This connection allows students, faculty and staff to move freely between the Herzberg and Stewart buildings, and facilitates access to the new building along the 42 canadian architect 12/09

century-old path. The architecture stems from the landscape, taking cues from its context, and the design of the new building literally takes root in the topography. On the site is a majestic ginkgo tree that was envisioned as a centrepiece for an outdoor gathering space. On the western edge of the exterior courtyard is the new multi-purpose Student Agora, which architecturally deforms to become a ground plane that flows into and takes root in the new building. As this interior topography meets the fulcrum of the building, it folds upward to become a lightfilled, vertical circulation space that acts as the central link between the sciences. Like an architectonic tree, analogous to that of the adjacent ginkgo, this atrium space contains branches that extend in the form of benches and interior elements on each level. Acting simultaneously as signage, the central “tree” is a symbol of the different fields of science that converge in the building. The principal volume of the Science Building appears to float in the campus. Its main floor is liberated and permeable to allow the landscape and users to flow into and out of the building. The project thus functions as a node and a passage to various parts of the campus. The volume above frames views outward to the lake, landscape and the town of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. Facing the centre of the campus, the front portion of the building gives students inside the feeling of inhabiting a virtual balcony that overlooks the campus below. Composed of a light material palette made up

the new Building’S deSign waS heavily influenced By an exiSting ginkgo tree in the courtyard; weathering Steel evokeS the colourS and textureS found throughout the college.

aboVe, left to right

of glass and aluminum, this building reflects the adjacent historic building. Also, the northern and southern façades contain weathering steel to evoke the colours and textures found throughout the college. Each programmatic function is clearly expressed through the building skin. In certain circulation zones, the envelope changes from translucent to transparent to allow for a variation in both lighting and spatial conditions. From the outside, this allows the building to be perceived

client cegeP John aBBott college architect teaM gilleS Saucier, andrÉ Perrotte, trevor davieS, dominiQue dumaiS, vedanta BalBahadur, yutaro minagawa, marie eve Primeau, chriStiane reuter Structural Sdk Mechanical/electrical Pageau morel

landScaPe/interiorS Saucier + Perrotte architecteS leed martin roy area 11,200 m2 budget $30 m coMPletion 2012

as continuously changing—even dematerializing—as it reflects the campus. In order to foster the connection and sense of community between disciplines, the central atrium space allows for easy access to other levels. The idea of activity from the public ground level filtering up into the educational spaces above is extremely important to the project, as it stresses the relationship of the sciences to the public. Exhibitions and activities may take place in the foyer, allowing students and visitors to derive benefits and inspiration from cross-disciplinary ideas. The college and the architects set the priority that the project must be designed to be environmentally sustainable and showcased as such. From the start, the College and design team identified particular mandates that would allow the building to be an example in sustainability, such as effective water management, energy efficiency and reuse, and the employment of recycled materials where possible.

longitudinal Section




gh: This is a classic Saucier + Perrotte building. It is elegant, functional


and beautifully presented. It is an appropriate response to the neighbouring older buildings. The contrast and tension created by the angular siting is perfectly executed.

2 1 8

JPl: This project is markedly different from the other pavilions comprising

the John Abbott College campus. A slight shifting of the plan, which replicates itself throughout the full height of the structure, creates a small interior court open to the public. As this project consists primarily of costly laboratory spaces, it is hoped that this refined and original project will not be compromised in the end by budget issues.




Pr: It handles what might have seemed like an awkward site with a simple,

remarkably effective site plan and massing. It contributes to the architectural expression of the campus as an ensemble, and contributes to the vital interconnecivity of outdoor spaces and pedestrian movement. a diagram helPS exPlain the Building’S relationShiP to the college’S central huB—the “arctic circle.” below the convergence of the ProJect’S variouS Programmatic elementS iS illuStrated. oPPoSite bottoM

1 Science and health technologieS Building 2 new agora 3 “arctic circle” 4 Stewart Pavilion Site Plan

5 6 7 8

dental clinic laird Pavilion hochelaga Pavilion herzBerg Pavilion


o er



e lak



SuPeriMPoSed PrograMS

12/09 canadian architect


Building Envelope Solutions From Coast to Coast

Glazing & Curtain Walls • Architectural Metals • Roo�ng Service & Maintenance • Roo�ng Systems AGO, ON

Dauphin Ukrainian Church, MB

Vancouver General Hospital, BC

Vancouver Conven on Centre, BC

FLYNN CANADA LTD. CirCle reply Card 24

University of O awa, ON

Student award of excellence

immigrantS do not Simply Settle


Bindya Lad, University of toronto MississaUga, ontario

sissauga, Brampton, Markham, Richmond Hill, and Vaughan rather than the city of Toronto. First conceived during the postwar period, these suburban landscapes continue: they are designed for a particular “white” nuclear middle-class family; they separate and segregate land uses; they are sparsely densified; and, they are based on metrics associated with the automobile. The result is the production of homogeneous, inefficient built fabrics that contribute to creating barriers to settlement for immigrants. However, immigrants do not simply settle. In the manner in which the North American land-


Today, one in every five persons of the total Canadian population identifies themselves as being an immigrant. Of particular importance are the landscapes where these immigrants choose to settle, as they form part of their adaptation to life in Canada. The province of Ontario receives over half of Canada’s immigrants, with a particular concentration in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), within which there is a growing trend for immigrants choosing to settle in surrounding suburban municipalities such as Mis-

parking spaces � new




ay init iated by m unicip

scape has been shaped by certain ideals, upon immigrating these individuals bring with them different social and cultural attitudes and sensibilities about the practice of everyday life and the use of space. To accommodate their own needs, immigrants assume the role of designer, choosing to modify these suburban landscapes using tactical approaches and their own programs of use. Though innovative and resourceful in their execution, such informal approaches are frustrated and criminalized by strategic frameworks such as bylaws, regulations, and policies even a specULative drawing iLLUstrating possiBLe ways in which a sUBUrBan singLe­faMiLy dweLLing can accoMModate extended faMiLies; coM­ Bining varioUs UrBan and cULtUraL eLe­ Ments to deveLop a More viBrant sUBUrB.



redefining new fraMe­ works for iMMigrant coMMUnities Liv­ ing in the sUBUrBs incLUdes acknow­ Ledging reLigioUs festivaLs Like hoLi and other oUtdoor festivaLs.

aBoVe, left to right

Below, left to right

parking space required per unit

dwelling units �

each unit required to provide exclusive open space adjacent to unit, equivalent to 25% of its floor area

home business home business �

permitted in units facing street with direct access from grade

introduction of onstreet parking through permit system with maximum of 2 onstreet parking spaces per property Scenario 5—adapting the Single-family home

front yard setback reduction

the “network”: identifying deSign potentialS 1 cULtUraL eLeMents 7 decorations 2 Market 8 Banners 3 rest areas 9 waLkway 4 BUffer 10 Bike Lane 5 canopy 11 roadway 6 Lights 12 pLantings

12/09 canadian architect


CirCle reply Card 25

Student award of excellence

StenoSiS—dwelling the narrow Student

Marianne gaUdreaULt­charBonneaU, Université LavaL QUeBec city, QUeBec


volumetric potential optimal sunshine + existing windows + pedestrian walkways + potential courtyards optimal sunshine + existing windows minimal sunshine – 3m from window from 10am to 2pm

[stenosis]: a term borrowed from the medical domain; coming from the Greek stenos, which means narrow, narrowing. (Manuel Gausa, 2003) The term stenosis is used here in an attempt to define external pressures on site, which, after successive divisions and multiple constructions, has become spatially narrow, reduced in one or several points. Intimately linked to the concept of space infiltration, stenosis here refers to a local narrowing, a direct reaction to the physical constraints of the built context. It assumes a tension created by pressure applied to a void, but is also a reaction aimed to fill the interstitial space—an infiltration of sorts. This infiltration, in its literal sense, refers to a liquid which “slips” across the space through a reduced opening, as a constructed space could slip into a site by a slit, a narrow opening—thin, but possible. The “fluid object” then fits into the available three-dimensional space, and bonds to its limits. Strong external pressures permit an unforeseen development from the inside. Close to the recently revitalized Saint-Roch district, Saint-Sauveur is a Quebec City neighbourhood that was formerly a working-class suburb during the 19th-century period of naval development. Saint-Sauveur went through a process of deurbanization from 1950 to 2000, due to a gradual exodus to the suburbs. However, for the past five years or so, the area has enjoyed a renewal of sorts with people returning to the region, reversing its negative population growth. The project proposes a “soft” densification and revitalization of the area by developing its interstitial spaces to consolidate the existing context. Instead of demolishing entire blocks of housing to erect large multi-dwelling units, the project attempts to understand and play with the existing urban fabric. The central concept proposes new types of dwelling—narrow spaces that fit into these available interstitial zones, creating density by adding residential units which serve to improve the built environment. The particular site chosen for this project was derived from an investigation of a larger slice of land running through the residential centre of SaintSauveur, allowing for a more precise analysis of the interstitial zones found in the area. Variables such as sunlight, existing fenestration patterns, passageways, trees and potential courtyards were considered in determining the ultimate site. Eleven units were designed to fit into the narrow voids, creating a second layer of housing and a courtyard through the existing urban fabric. Particular attention was paid to access to natural light, the thickness of windows and walls, dimensions of height relative to narrow widths, easily assembled and graceful structures, and integration of the project into its context through building materials, proportions, solids and voids. gh: This is perfectly executed urban infill. The mature skill is that of a seacounterclockwiSe from top left a perspective of st­LUc street; varioUs scenarios that can increase density of the saint­saUveUr coM­ MUnity; ModeL iLLUstrating the proposed infiLL MethodoLogy; two renderings of the project proposaL in context.

12/09 canadian architect


Student award of excellence

deSign and power Student

Eric Baczuk, DalhousiE univErsity Bay of funDy, nova scotia


World energy demand is increasing. The devastating effects of climate change, unprecedented volatility in the world’s energy markets and the destabilizing effects of transnational energy corporations all indicate that the existing global energy structure demands radical amendment. Environmental awareness, mounting concerns over energy security, and increasingly frequent power outages have recently amplified public interest in energy issues. Today, people are demanding more from their utility providers than unlimited supply at rock-bottom rates. Social awareness is clockwiSe from top left a sectionaL perspec­ tive of the sUBMarine ferry terMinUs; an enorMoUs hydrogen Battery stores Up eLectricity prodUced dUring off­peak hoUrs to sUppLy the eLectricaL grid dUr­ ing peak tiMes; BLack rock tUrBine asseMBLy and research; the entire faciL­ ity site pLan is coMprised of seven dis­ crete sites; seen froM west Bay road, the Large hydrogen cUBe gLows at night.

driving issues such as transparency, equality and environmental accountability to the forefront of the global energy agenda. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have already witnessed marked increases in production capacity and efficiency over recent years. However, they continue to remain largely overlooked as significant contributors to most power distribution networks. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the “real world” viability of largescale renewable energy production in Nova Scotia and illustrate how socially engaging building program and typology could help redefine the public’s overall perception of the energy industry. Renewable energy differs intrinsically from conventional power production in that it, by its very nature, is regionally specific. Unlike coal or oil, which can be transported and combusted in power plants virtually anywhere, renewable energy developments require a very specific set of geographic, climatic or geological criteria such as strong winds, clear skies, volcanic vents, etc. The massive tidal range of the Bay of Fundy in East-

ern Canada offers one such example; with ocean currents over 10 knots and tidal ranges exceeding 17 metres, the Bay of Fundy is the most promising site on earth for tidal in-stream energy conversion (TISEC). By focusing on the systemic connections between nature, technology and society, this project puts forth design interventions that simultaneously respond to both the unique cultural and physical characteristics of the region while demonstrating the awesome potential of TISEC technology. This project proposes that a suite of TISEC facilities could be installed throughout the Fundy basin, supplying jobs and clean tidal power to the region. The prototype and flagship installation of this tidal-energy program would be F-TEC(1), or Fundy Tidal Energy Conversation Station #1, located 10 kilometres southwest of Parrsboro on the northern tip of the Minas Channel. At midtide, more water passes through this Channel than all the rivers and streams on earth combined. This fact, coupled with well established electrical and transportation infrastructure,

12/09 canadian architect


Student awardS of excellence—continued Bindya lad

(continued from page 45) though they produce the conditions that architects, landscape architects, planners, and urban designers strive to achieve. The research here explores the tactical approaches immigrants have undertaken in customizing the suburban environment in Malton, Mississauga. The community of Malton is the residential community most proximate to the airport, with an immigrant population that accounts for over 60 percent of its total population, with South Asians being the prominent visible minority. Taking the South Asian community as a case study, an examination of cultural, economic and social factors shaping the modification of three types of space—small-scale retail development, places of religious assembly, and domestic space—is pursued. The result is a set of “virtual” interventions that guide rather than define how a space could be used, allowing any user to customize its design to suit his or her particular needs. Together, the interventions suggest how conventional strategic frameworks could be redefined to encourage an alternative urbanism promoting the practice of everyday life. gh: The project challenges our traditional per-

ceptions of both zoning and what is expected of immigrants to this country. Imagine a true mosaic where we could layer each new culture onto our physical landscape. Imagine an inclusive approving authority, which would embrace such diversity. This is an important piece of cultural commentary.

graphic and cultural realities of our changing social fabric.

marianne gaudreault-charbonneau

(continued from page 47) soned architect. The neighbourhood can grow and the existing population is not displaced. Very impressive student work. Jpl: This project examines new ways of inserting

functions into an existing urban fabric and pays particular attention to this Quebec City neighbourhood’s spatial and light conditions. The new planning ideas put forward in this project may serve to improve the overall character of the area and its chances at successful revitalization. This student tackled an important issue which affects the densification of our cities, and her effort is definitely deserving of an award. pr: The investigation of the intensification of

housing and the use of existing urban infrastructure is very important. It takes a very clear approach with respect to testing how that might happen. It’s exciting to see so much intensification and yet the domestic character of the existing neighbourhood seems to be enhanced by this juxtaposition. My immediate concern with respect to the site plan is how this much density would cut off natural light, but the student is aware of this, employing a very light reflective masonry to retain a sense of lightness and vitality to the project. I love the modesty, yet I think it’s shockingly utopian and unrealistic at the same time.

Jpl: The student’s approach to this project cer-

tainly demonstrates a remarkable amount of optimism and hope. Creating a place in architecture that addresses cultural diversity, allowing immigrants to express their way of life through the buildings they occupy when living in Canadian cities is a joyful and rich idea. It is a new way to work with a growing segment of contemporary Canadian society. pr: The thesis explores a very large, real and oft-

neglected reality, particularly here in Canada: the use of public space, particularly older suburban streetscapes, which could stand to be revisited and intensified—and is where a healthy percentage of the immigrant population lives. It’s given a new vision and a new vitality, and it’s an exciting, colourful reinvigoration of intensification brought to a fairly banal suburban condition. The majority of buildings are single-family, and must be rethought in terms of multi-generationality, accessibility, and adaptability to suit the demo50 canadian architect 12/09

across the channel. The land-based components of F-TEC(1) would consist of 16 distinct buildings and landscape interventions, accommodating a whole host of services, from power upgrading and hydrogen storage to kayak rentals and the performing arts. Each building was thoughtfully designed to work within the environmental context of the development, while responding to the specific geographic constraints of its site. Compact building footprints, minimized tree clearing and nominal earth-moving ensure that the development would have as little impact as possible on the existing watershed and ecosystem. F-TEC(1) aims to demonstrate how nature and the energy industry might coexist to offer a viable and sustainable energy future for Nova Scotia. Walking paths, bicycle rentals, and regular shuttle service from Parrsboro all encourage guests to visit and explore the site through a variety of lowenergy means. Campgrounds, park spaces, lookouts, bookstores, restaurants, an amphitheatre and a renewable energy science centre all place human perception at the centre of the F-TEC(1) experience. These features and activities aim to overcome the social and psychological barriers that exist in conventional power stations. By creating an atmosphere that is open, transparent and welcoming to the public, F-TEC(1) promises to redefine the commercial energy industry in Nova Scotia. gh: This proposal is a “future world” concept,

where we are able to create new institutions to celebrate our relationship to nature and the resources we require from her. This is a brave design with heroic aspirations. I can detect more than a hint of cautious cultural commentary.

eric Baczuk

(continued from page 49) makes Parrsboro stand out as the ideal location for a large-scale TISEC development. At this 150-square-kilometre ocean site, up to 150 TISEC units could be deployed (spaced on a onekilometre grid), generating up to 900 MW of carbon-free ocean energy. Electricity produced at off-peak times would be used to create and store hydrogen gas, which could be later spent in fuel cells—like a giant battery—that would supply the grid in times of high demand. Additionally, a unique hydrogen-fuelled submarine ferry service would offer visitors an alternative to driving from Halifax or the Annapolis Valley. This system, which would be built off of the turbine infrastructure, was developed to reduce the number of cars rounding the Minas Basin, and offers visitors an unparallelled, undersea experience of tidal turbines in action while socially connecting the communities from

Jpl: When looking at this presentation, I see the

expression of a great deal of hope as well as lots of worries about our future and our planet. pr: This thesis has a very provocative title. It is

concerned very much with energy but it recognizes political struggles in the future of development with respect to energy projects. It’s a bit of a fantastical project that looks into the future, and tries to have renewable energy facilities to not only provide energy but also stimulate the local economy. The whole tone of the incredibly rich and evocative graphical and design expression of this presentation possesses a nice blend of anticipating both a scary and optimistic future. This scheme engages people—the attempt to provide social and tourist amenities as well as jobs is a great one. This is an exciting exploration, as it handles a large landscape at an appropriate scale with this suite of buildings and facilities.


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12/09 canadian architect



list of entrants Jury members GreGory Henriquez, Jean-Pierre LeTourneux and PauL raff Pore over submissions To THis year’s awards of exceLLence.


Moss et Associés Architectes, Kanva Architec­ ture, Laroche et Gagné Architecture Design, Miljevic Miljevic Architects, Services integrés Lemay et associés inc., Sid Lee Architecture. new BrUnswick ADI Limited with Cannon

Design, David Foulem Architecture Inc., Mur­ dock & Boyd Architects. noVa scotia Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd., Judyann Obersi Design, MacKay­Lyons Sweet­ apple Architects Ltd. in association with Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd., MacKay­Lyons Sweetapple Architects Ltd. and The Arcop Group, Studioworks International Inc. 2009 awards of eXcellence

2009 stUdent awards of eXcellence

In addition to this year’s winners, the editors thank the following individuals and firms for partici­ pating in the 2009 Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence:

In addition to this year’s winners, the following architecture students were chosen by their schools to enter their thesis projects in this year’s awards: Jessie Andjelic (University of Calgary), Jean­Daniel Bernier (Université Laval), Samuel Bernier­Lavigne (Université Laval), Dirk Blouw (University of Manitoba), Adetokunbo Bodunrin (Dalhousie University), Nicholas Bokobza (Uni­ versité de Montréal), Annick Brassard (Université de Montréal), Dan Briker (University of Toronto), Aiden Callison (University of British Columbia), Alexander Liu Cheng (University of British Col­ umbia), Brent Cotton (University of Manitoba), Tania Delage (McGill University), Kristina Duynisveld (University of Waterloo), Emma Fitzgerald (Dalhousie University), Laurie Damme Gonneville (McGill University), Ryan Gorrie (University of Manitoba), Jonah Humphrey (Uni­ versity of Waterloo), Jesse Jackson and Luke Stern (University of Toronto), Samantha Lynch (Uni­ versity of Manitoba), Jean­Bruno Morissette (Université Laval), Jason Mrdeza (Dalhousie Uni­ versity), Nicolas Neisingh (University of British Columbia), Komi­Oluwa Olafimihan (Carleton University), Elizabeth Paden (McGill University), Justin Perdue (University of Waterloo), Daniel Rabin (University of Toronto), Christopher Sklar (University of British Columbia), Sean Solowski (Carleton University), Nicholas Standeven (Uni­ versity of Calgary), H. Cuong Tran (Université de Montréal), Michael Votruba (University of Water­ loo), Candace Wiersema (McGill University).

YUkon Streamline Architects Ltd. northwest territories Nadji Architects Ltd.

and Lombard North Group/Golfplan Associates. British colUmBia Architect Daryoush Firouz­ li/Robert Boyle Architecture Inc., Busby Per­ kins+Will, CEI Architecture Planning Interiors, Helliwell + Smith: Blue Sky Architecture, IBI/HB Architects, Iredale Group Architecture, Kenneth E. King Architecture, Matthew Woodruff Archi­ tecture Inc., Patrick R. Stewart Architect, Prosce­ nium Architecture + Interiors, Public Architecture + Communication Design, Salikan Architecture Inc., Stantec Architecture in association with Meiklejohn Architects. alBerta AKA/andrew king studio, David J. Fer­ guson Architecture, Group 2 Architecture Engi­ neering Ltd., Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd., Ryan Schmidt Architecture Studio, shelterbelt architecture, Terry Frost De­ signer Architect Ltd. + Maltby Prins.

ontario AKB—Atelier Kastelic Buffey Inc., BBB

Architects Toronto Inc./Janet Rosenberg and Associates, Breathe Architects, Bruce March Architect, Core Architects, CS&P Architects Inc., David Johnston Architect Ltd., Diamond and Schmitt Architects, Dimitri Papatheodorou Architect, Drew Mandel Design, Dubbeldam De­ sign Architects, gh3, Jennifer Turner Architect, Joseph Bogdan Associates Inc., J.P. Thomson Associates Ltd., Kirkor Architects & Planners, Leo Mieles Architect, Levitt Goodman Architects Ltd., Makrimichalos Cugini Architects, Mont­ gomery Sisam Architects Inc., Moriyama & Teshima Architects in association with March Schaffel Architects, Moriyama & Teshima Archi­ tects/Walter Fedy Partnership, National Capital Commission—Architecture Section, Queen’s Quay Architects International Inc., RDH Archi­ tects Inc. and David Premi Architects Inc., Shore Tilbe Irwin + Partners, Stantec Architecture Ltd., Steven Fong Architect, Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co. Architects Inc., WZMH Architects, Young + Wright/IBI Group Architects, Zeidler Partnership Architects.

manitoBa BIOS Architecture, Cibinel Archi­

tects Ltd., Friesen Tokar Architects + Landscape + Interior Designers, Jac Comeau Architect, MMP Architects, Smith Carter Architects and Engi­ neers Incorporated. 54 canadian architect 12/09

QUeBec acdf* architecture, Allaire Courchesne

Dupuis Frappier architectes, Atelier Ville Archi­ tecture et Paysage, Beaupré et Michaud Archi­ tectes, Eric Pelletier Architecte, Fourier Gesovitz

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