Interview Jose Julio

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W e n d
Parkinson Journey
Together, you can achieve more!
Enjoy life
"Youare not alone!"
JoseJulioDelgado(58) diagnosedathis44th 24
Jose is founder of the Facebook group “Living with Parkinson daily. Live.”

A group where you can ask your questions, tell your stories and attend the Living with Parkinson daily. Live. Zoom. For the past three years, Jose hosted weekly Saturday zoom presentations. Jose: "We are all fighting the same battle."

Aneice Farrer WA State, USA :

“Jose Julio has created a safe place for people with PD to meet other PWP from around the world, which is positive, upbeat, educational & supportive Jose implemented a weekly zoom meeting, which is presented by a variety of professionals & PWP who provide valuable education, to help us understand how PD affects the entire body, & ways to help manage our symptoms PWP share their daily PD challenges as well as their experiences trying out new activities, exercises, hobbies, creating art, music, writing poetry & inspirational books about their PD journeys & most importantly, they are Living their Lives, despite the challenges of living with PD. Jose works tirelessly to encourage members to keep active & moving, to maintain a positive outlook, and to increase PD Awareness. He truly cares about the members in the group, he wants the best for all of us, so we know we are not alone, we are all part of this Parkinson’s family”



Jose Julio: “I still remember being weak on my right hand and right leg when I was 11 years old and started playing soccer. It was then that I realized my right leg was weak and I could only kick the ball softly and without direction. They made fun of me for it and said I kicked the ball like a lady. Despite their ridicule, I continued playing soccer until I was 21, always kicking the ball like a lady. However, I also faced the same issue with my right hand when I played volleyball. At the time, a doctor. As a South American, rs while the poor go to work. I son's disease.”

“In 1995, I moved to California, a state in the USA, which was a completely different world for me. As an immigrant, I had to take any job I could find. My weakness in my right hand and leg was immediately noticeable, but I still didn't go to the doctor. I thought going to work would fix everything. In 2003, I had my first doctor's visit, and the physician diagnosed me with carpal tunnel syndrome. He wanted to perform surgery to cut the nerves, but I declined and decided to use a brace and keep working. Regarding my leg, I saw an orthopedic doctor who recommended special shoes.”


“The doctor said while I was entering his room: ‘You have Parkinson’s. I was 44 years old!” Jose Julio entered into a period of depression and anxiety.

Jose Julio is the proud father of his two sons Alonso and Sebastian and grandfather of five.

Jose's life took a significant turn from being a successful businessman owning three Domino's Pizza franchises to face the challenges of Parkinson's.

“Although I was a successful businessman, I lost my motivation and fell into a deep depression for about three years until I accepted my condition. Then, in 2017, my second divorce broke me into two pieces, and I felt like I was losing my support.” His second divorce left him emotional restless, and he was wondering: “What the hell am I doing here, I don’t belong here”, ”I was into a dark tunnel without hope. I was depressed, it was hard for me to accept I lost everything, I lost my self and had no longer hope.”


My doctor recommended a consultation for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), after a year I decided to go for it, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. However, DBS did not fix all of my problems, and that's when I found Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Through Him, my heart was restored, and I found purpose in helping others. During one of my church visits, I prayed for guidance and suddenly felt an electric shock run through my body. I heard a voice in my head say, "You are not alone." Moved by this experience, I opened a Facebook group called "Living with Parkinson daily.Live" to connect with people around the world facing similar struggles. Despite facing challenges and being kicked out of Facebook several times, our group has grown to 825 members from various countries such as Iceland, the UK, The Netherlands, Italy, Africa, South Korea, Kosovo, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Australia, and other countries. We offer each other support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

“Special activities on "Living with Parkinson daily. Live.”

Join Our Facebook Group and Step Towards Progress Together! We have an activity called "Step by Step" every Tuesday. Members come together for a walk and count their steps. The more people counting their steps, the higher the number will be! Let's inspire each other. On Saturdays, we meet on Zoom to hear from different speakers who share their testimonies and discuss various topics. Through these Zoom meetings, we continue to learn from experts and connect with new friends from all over the world. The group has also provided a platform for me to start writing, and I am thrilled to receive positive feedback. It's an honor to be a part of this supportive and inclusive community. I am committed to reaching out to more people like us, who are everywhere, with the support of my biggest ally, God.

Click here to watch the video

Poem by Jose Julio: My friend Parkinson.....

When I met you, I was scared. When the Specialist Neurologist introduces us I was scared. He said only bad things about you, he describe how you will kill me day by day. My family, friends and everyone feel sorry about me. I went into a depression stage, you came to destroy my life, live with you is impossible.

I hate you.

It’s been 11 years since that horrible day when I met you. It’s been an adventure trying different medication, possible cure I try too

I have to study you to know more about you. If we are going to live together till our last day I need to know more about you, and only I can say is thank you my friend.

Because you I eat better than ever, drinking only water. No smoking, no drugs, no alcohol. I eat and drink healthy taking care of my self. Because you I have a life style and schedule to live organized, time to eat, sleep, exercise, tv, friends. Everything is better for me

Because you I realized who are my real friends, family. Who really love me, who is with me in my off time. Because of you I met thousands of real people, friends, brothers and sisters. People with whom we have something in common, You.

Because you we can understand each other. Because you, I meet interesting people in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Nigeria, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Andorr, UKRAINE, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Austria, India, Pakistan, Iran, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, El Salvador. Canada, China, Indonesia, England, Iceland, Wales, Denmark, Cameroon, republican Dominicana, Puerto Rico Ghana Romania, Mexico, USA, Mongolia, Kosovo, Slovensk, South Korea, Ethiopia, Scotland, South Africa, Iran, Sweden,Lebanon, Philippines, Poland, Vietnam

Because you I’m pretty sure I meet already or I will meet the woman of my life. Because you people love me and I love people.

The more important thing my friend, because you I came close to God and I meet Jesus. Soon or later I won’t need this body you can take because when I go to heaven I won’t need it. I can spend hours and hours talking about wonderful way how you change my life for good

Because I know you I will tell others how live is with you

Good night my friend tomorrow I will beat you again.

Join us with “Step

by Step”

It's time to inspire one another to take a walk with family, friends, and your pets. Step by Step is a weekly event that takes place every Tuesday. It's an online event, you can join where ever you want and let's break our previous record for the most steps taken together. By counting our steps together, we can motivate each other to stay healthy.

Mark your calendars and make Tuesday your walking day. Together, we can achieve anything. We're all in this together!

Thanks to your support, we have set the highest record of 2,332,033 steps in 1 single day. Let's keep the world moving!


Jose Julio I met this Latin American Dynamo during Covid. We both belonged to an international zoom group out of Knoxville. After Covid , I joined Jose’s, Saturday Group You will not find a more caring or Passionate person Jose freely gives himself to better the lives of those diagnosed with Parkinson’s. It’s people like Jose that make a life with Parkinson’s bearable.

“Jose Julio is a great person with a big heart and soul. In terms of Parkinson, he connects people with Parkinson with each other across the world. He launched huge programs that help Parkinson's patients more comfortable in their daily lives. He is also very helpful and caring. He has given me the opportunity to communicate with his followers base on social media and I will never thank him enough for that!“

Ian Robertson Broderick, Saskatchewan Canada Mariam Bennouna - England



By following his dedicated medication schedule and observing how Parkinson's reacts to various factors, Jose proactively manages his condition while staying positive and connected with others.

Maintaining a positive outlook is essential, and for me, prayer is a powerful tool. As a firm believer, I find the Bible to be a great source of guidance, and I pray regularly. Whenever I face emotional situations, I meditate with God.

up-to-date on the latest

Living with Parkinsons Daily is like a big family and we have made so many friends all over the world in this group. We love the zoom presentations on Saturday with Anne Fribbens, the Parkinson nurse and Ian our exercising and advocating ….. Without groups like this some would be very lonely and has a place to be heard 24/7.

Susan and John Scotter Scotland

Jose Julio, lives with Parkinson's, fighting every day for himself and others. He puts other before himself, making sure they have support. He has his own Parkinson's site, daily being there, for the many worldwide, he supports. Behind the scenes... He suffers, wearing always, a smiling mask of support. His site flows with supporting Parkinson's people of all races and countries, it is a friend, that never leaves in its support.

God Bless Him.

Janice USA

I have learned so much, and have new friends that understand what I am going through. It is a very special support group. And, what is so amazing is that people drop in from different states and countries.

Margo Van Den


Arizona USA


Special Friends

Accepting my Parkinson's diagnosis has been the most important step in my journey. I pay close attention to how Parkinson's reacts to various stimuli, such as food, emotions, and other factors. Consequently, I follow a regular medication schedule and avoid activities or foods that I know will affect me.

I met Diane 5 years ago on the day this picture is made. She became a dear friend to me. We have shared many adventures and created unforgettable memories together. It's comforting to have a friend who understands you so well and can be there for you during challenging times.


“We started with 8 in the group and has grown now to 825 members from all over the world. You learn so much in this group and meet a lot of people Julio, the leader of the group, does so much for us.” Diane.

“This magazine I find amazing. You should share it all over the world. This magazine will be liked by many people. It looks great with the colours and the beautiful pictures. “

ANNE FRIBBENS, special guest on Living with Parkinson daily. Live. Anne is a Parkinson's disease nurse specialist for around 30 years:

Being able to reach out to so many, living so far and wide is an honour. The groups allows us to have open discussion on how Parkinsons affects them living with it but also their families, their colleagues and often very young children.

PWP often feel alone and isolated. Hopeless scared and confused. Parkinsons is incurable, we have no cure, but being part of the group give them hope. inspiration, empowerment, but most of all they never need to feel alone again. Jose lives with Parkinson's and understands much more than any scientist or allied professional what it is like on a daily basis living with Parkinson's. My expertise in this field hasn't come from books but from both PWP and their families. Without groups like “living with Parkinson daily” our expertise would be limited to what we learn from books. Finally Jose is committed in bringing together people from around the world living with Parkinson's so we can all share their expertise and share great tips on how to survive Parkinson's on an every day basis.



Jose was elected Manager of the year -Domino's Pizza

ea Jerusalema Dance challenge with parkinson
all over the world!
here to watch the video

Ambassador Wendy's Parkinson's Journey

Jose Julio Delgado


Living with parkinson daily. Live.

My name is Jose Julio and in 2010 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. As the founder and CEO of the international Facebook group 'Living with Parkinson Daily', I have met and worked with many people from all over the world. When I met Wendy, we immediately shared our goal of raising awareness. In this magazine you will find countless wonderful and inspiring stories about people with the disease

Parkinson's worldwide. Wendy has the knowledge to connect everything and create something beautiful like this magazine. Subscribing is essential to support this magazine. I feel honored to be an ambassador of this project. We want to create more awareness with our stories. In this magazine you will find valuable information. I stand for Parkinson's awareness and encourage a subscription to Wendy's magazine.

Students from UMC Utrecht responded enthusiastically to my presentation. I was asked to share my story as a Parkinson's patient, but also to talk about my magazine and my initiative for the Woman and Parkinson's event. It's a wonderful thing to do something that brings you satisfaction while also creating something beautiful for others living with this disease, and most importantly, spreading more positivity. Good to tell you what is still possible with Parkinson's.

Wendy van Wijk

Click here to watch the video

Listen to the interview with Jose Julio Delgado, Wendy's Parkinson Journey Ambassador, at

To listen to the interview click here. Visit the Radioparkies website by clicking here.

To listen to the interview click here.

for Volunteer Awards 2024
Woman & Parkinson Event

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