Finding Success Using Modern LMS for Pharmaceutical Company

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Finding Success Using Modern LMS for Pharmaceutical Company


The pharmaceutical industry is governed by different policies and regulations to ensure the safety and efficacy of its products


Along with SOP training, CGMP training and Safety & Environment training are also mandatory


These training programs ensure that pharma employees are well trained on industry operations

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Training Challenges of Pharma Industry

To utilize a robust platform to train pharma representatives on new medicines and products The need to manufacture and deliver drugs that meet specific industry compliances

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Training Challenges of Pharma Industry To deliver engaging learning experience for globally dispersed workforce

To ensure pharma representatives communicate more effectively and timely with the doctors

Choosing G-Cube Learning and Performance Platform (LPP) in Pharma Industry

Choosing G-Cube Learning and Performance Platform (LPP) in Pharma Industry


G-Cube LPP provided engaging compliance courses which meet industry standards


Effective soft skills and compliance training for pharma employees on the go


G-Cube LPP also supported automated tracking and reporting to help companies meet USFDA and FDA regulations

Choosing G-Cube Learning and Performance Platform (LPP) in Pharma Industry


It also provided compliance certificates to encourage employees pursue ongoing training


Pre-visit refreshers and learning guides prepared pharma professionals before any audit visits

Business Benefits of G-Cube Learning and Performance Platform (G-Cube LPP)

Business Benefits of G-Cube LPP


G-Cube LPP adequately trained pharma professionals on regulatory compliances


Automated reports improved engagement, knowledge retention, and workplace efficiency


Online certificates encouraged pharma professionals to bridge skillsgaps and perform better

Business Benefits of G-Cube LPP


Timely notifications updated learners about mandatory compliance training


Pre-visit refreshers aided pharma employees to quickly revise training modules and prepare for audits

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