Studio Border Conditions: Masters of Mapping - Kyiv Kiev Київ Киев

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900 - ‘Mother of all the Russian land’ - A large settlement ruled by warrior Oleg and part of the great Russian Empire. 980 - ‘City of Vladimir’ - Finalised the long process of territory’s formation determining the borders of Kyiv. 1030 - ’City of Yaroslav’ - Kiev developed largely in culture and education by Yaroslav ‘the Wise’. 1073 - ‘City of Izyaslav’ - A period defined by the construction of a lot of new monuments and temples/churches in the city. 1113 - ‘Fight for the throne’ - Fight between three princes led to the destruction of the city. The border dispersed and new settlements where constructed around the townwall. 14th - ‘Lithuanian feudal state’ - The city was a second time in large part destructed by the raid of the Krim Horde. 16th - ‘Christian Centre’ - In the Russian empire Kiev was a primairy Christian centre, attracting pilgrims, and the empire most important religious figures, however its commercial importance remained marginal. 19th - ‘Paris of the east’ - Starting from 18th century the city blossomed. Building regulation calling for bigger streets, monumental facades and development of infrastructure. early 20th - ‘Capital of the Soviet republic Ukraine’ - Stagnating growth because of food shortage and epidemics known as ‘the great famine’. 1960s - 1980s - ‘Constructing Kyiv’ - The soviet five-year plan of restoration and development of national industry changed the face of Kyiv. Presumably 80% of the city emerged in this after war construction. after 1991 - ‘A European Capital’ - Still today the city is a stage for reconstruction of old monuments and the construction of a new economy.

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