Fredrikson & Byron 2021 Pro Bono Report

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Produced by Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Copyright © 2021 by Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. All rights reserved.

2021 Pro Bono Report “There are two kinds of heroes. Heroes who shine in the face of great adversity, who perform an amazing feat in a difficult situation. And heroes who live among us, who do their work unceremoniously, unnoticed by many of us, but who make a difference in the lives of others.” – Susilo Banmbang Yudhoyono, former president of Indonesia This past year has brought many changes to our lives and communities. We experienced social and physical isolation due to a pandemic but found new ways to stay connected and safe. We witnessed social change and collective awareness because one young woman had the courage to record a horrendous act by someone sworn to protect and serve. We saw communities devasted by social unrest and riots, but we also witnessed the unshakable resilience and tenacity of individuals and organizations determined to build back better and to bring hope to those in need. Through it all, Fredrikson & Byron and its lawyers and staff have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the real heroes, our clients, to help right wrongs and injustices and to bring relief and hope to those in need. Most did so unceremoniously, unnoticed by many, but with an immeasurable impact on individuals and organizations. This year also marked the 25th anniversary of Fredrikson being an original signatory to the Pro Bono Institute’s Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge, committing a minimum of three percent of our billable work to those in need. This report highlights some of our past work as we reflect on what it means to be a privileged profession with a commitment to helping others.

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Jim Baillie

redrikson & Byron has been a pro bono leader throughout its history. We formalized our firm-wide commitment in 1992 with a written pro bono policy. This policy encourages each lawyer to contribute a minimum of 50 hours each year, consistent with resolutions of the American Bar Association and Minnesota State Bar Association. Fredrikson reaffirmed its commitment to pro bono legal services in 1993 by being one of only 47 firms nationwide to become a charter signatory to the Pro Bono Law Firm Challenge, a program that began when the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono (Standing Committee) started to consider ways to challenge law firms to expand their pro bono programs in order to provide more access to justice to those in need. They formed a sub-committee and hired a consultant named Esther Lardent, a former Legal Aid lawyer to assist on this and other projects. The sub-committee included members of the Standing Committee and lawyers from law firms across the country, including Jim Baillie. From that, the Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge was created. vi

It challenged the largest law firms in the country to pledge to use their best resources to contribute a minimum of three or six percent of their billable hours to pro bono. Jim recently recalled, “The idea was that this was a public challenge of the law firms to each other. The wish was to get the largest law firms around the country to adopt this and be very public with the commitment they were making doing that. It was issued in 1992, and in a year or so they got over a 150 or 170 of those law firms to sign on to the challenge.” Since joining the Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge and formalizing our program, Fredrikson lawyers and staff have contributed tens of thousands of hours to those in need in our immediate communities and throughout the world.

John Koneck

“The unmet need for legal services for the disadvantages in the United States has never been greater. The Pro Bono Institute created the Pro Bono Challenge to encourage lawyers and law firms to try harder to meet that need. Striving to do our part, Fredrikson & Byron is proud to have been one of the original signatories to the Pro Bono Challenge in 1996 and to have participated in the Pro Bono Challenge every year since then.” – John Koneck, Fredrikson & Byron president



“Where do human rights begin? In small places, close to home, so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person, the neighborhood he lives in, the factory, farm, or office where he worked. Such are the places where every man, woman and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere.”



Sandy Smalley-Fleming


Jessica Sharpe

Matthew Webster

hen the need arises, Fredrikson answers the call to help the most vulnerable. As previously reported, since 2018, Fredrikson lawyers have been involved with Advocates for Human Rights on behalf of the 92 Somali nationals whom ICE attempted to deport in December 2017 without their right to due process rights according to our laws. For two days, ICE forced these deportees to sit shackled in an airplane in inhumane conditions, including 23 hours stranded on a runway in Senegal. Upon returning to the United States, these individuals were detained for up to two years as they litigated their claims for humanitarian relief. Many of the deportees had been in the United States since they were young children or adults and had no family or contacts in Somalia. In addition, many no longer spoke their native language, and some had mental health issues, which could be a death sentence in this war-torn country. Fredrikson attorneys assisted four clients with their claims, including preparing appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals and to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. As in many cases, representation in immigration can last for years. One of our four cases was concluded this past year. In October 2020, via video conference due to COVID-19, attorneys Sandy Smalley-Fleming, Jessica Sharpe and Matthew Webster briefed and argued the final of these cases before a three-judge panel at the Eighth Circuit. The case had taken more than two years, two appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals and multiple motions to stay their client’s deportation to ensure that he finally had his day in court. This man had fled violence in Somalia in 1993 after he was gunned down with an AK-47 because of his ethnicity. Fearing for his life, he fled to a refugee camp in 2

Kenya in 1993, later marrying a United States citizen and coming to America. Through a series of unfortunate events, the client’s conditional permanent resident status was terminated, and he was ultimately ordered to be removed on September 21, 2011. In 2017, he was detained and summarily deported as one of the Somali 92 individuals and, unfortunately, like most of the Somali 92 individuals, deported while his appeals were pending. Fredrikson lawyers agreed to the representation of these clients because they felt it was important that the individuals had the opportunity to have access to justice and the court system to ensure that the rule of law would be followed. Former Fredrikson paralegal Brenda Haberman provided critical legal and emotional support throughout the process. Additional clients were assisted by Sam Andre, James Brand, Lukas Boehning, Adam Gyurisin, Sage O’Neil, Debra Schneider, paralegals Barb MacInnis and Diana Bospachieva.


Barbara Marchevsky

Olivia Cares

arbara Marchevsky and Olivia Cares assisted a Cameroonian woman who sought asylum in the United States after becoming a target of state violence directed at activists in the “anglophone” region of Cameroon. Although she was simply a member of a student health advocacy group, she was misidentified as a protester and arrested with a large group of students protesting suppression of the region by the francophone dominating party. She was then driven into the bush where she and the other female students were violently raped, resulting in her hospitalization and ultimately blinding her in one eye. Attempts to levy complaints with the local and national police forces were met with additional detentions and threats. When police groups began to frequent her home to make repeated threats to her family, she decided to leave the country. The client’s claim for asylum was submitted in 2018, she had her interview in 2019 and she was granted affirmative asylum in the United States in July of 2020. Today she works in the healthcare 3

field and is studying to obtain her nursing degree. She has expressed profound gratitude to her team, which also included Nicole Moen and Matthew Webster, and to the firm for always being there for her as she navigated the United States asylum, visa and work authorization systems.



Kiel McElveen

Ryan Young

t is said the wheels of justice turn slowly. This has especially been the case for many asylum seekers. Kiel McElveen and Ryan Young represented an Ethiopian man seeking asylum through a referral from The Advocates for Human Rights. Their client was a member of the Oromo ethnic group in Ethiopia. The Oromo people are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia but hold very little political power in the national government and have been persecuted by the national government for many years. The client, a field epidemiologist who studied outbreaks and other public health emergencies. He had advocated for many years for the self-rule of Oromia by the Oromo people, and as a result was detained, tortured and prevented from working in his chosen field by the Ethiopian government. Due to this treatment and a well-founded fear of further persecution and torture, the client fled to the United States, leaving behind his pregnant wife and young child. Kiel and Ryan worked with the client on his asylum application, which they filed in December 2016, and were with him for his interview with the Department of Homeland Security on April 20, 2018. The team, client and his family anxiously awaited a decision on his application. After five long years, Kiel and Ryan’s client recently received notice that he was granted asylum. The client, who has worked at Medtronic and other health-related companies, will now be able to apply to have his wife and two young sons, ages eight and five, join him in the United States. 4



Jessica Sharpe

essica Sharpe was asked to assist a man with an urgent immigration issue. He had legal resident status but had been placed into removal proceedings by ICE after being arrested for possession of marijuana. The client was Eritrean and was struggling with PTSD, job loss during the pandemic and addiction issues. He grew up on the Eritrean and Ethiopian border during the country’s last war. He was orphaned at just 12 years of age. The Ethiopian army invaded his village and gave him food and water. When the Eritreans saw him accept support, they accused him of being an Ethiopian sympathizer. They tortured him and tried to subscript him into the army as a child soldier. He managed to escape to a refugee camp with his siblings where he obtained refugee status and came to the United States. Once here, he attended high school and found a job. During the pandemic, after he lost his job, he started to struggle. He was arrested for non-violent drug possession charges in South Dakota and was eventually put in deportation proceedings for marijuana possession. Jessica helped him apply for a 42-B waiver and withholding of removal. The 42-B waiver cancels removal for legal residents. It is a one-time option and based on the judge’s discretion. Right before his hearing, war broke out between Ethiopia and Eritrea for a second time. As Jessica worked on the brief, there were alerts about skirmishes and possible massacres between Eritrea and Ethiopia. These reports made it even more important for the client not to be forced to return to the war-torn country he left as a child. At his hearing, the client testified that he had gotten into trouble because of his addiction and PTSD. He had already started attending a 5

twelve-step program while in jail. He also testified that he had hopes of becoming a barber and had already started cutting the hair of everyone in the county jail, including his own, which was well-groomed at the hearing. The judge was sympathetic and fully aware of the impeding war in Eritrea. She reiterated that he needed to continue attending treatment, which he agreed to do, then she granted his 42-B waiver. The client was released from custody the next day, relieved he was given a second chance and grateful for the assistance for his pro bono lawyers. Jessica was assisted by a colleague at another firm and lawyers at Advocates for Human Rights. “During a year of so much hardship, I wanted to give back. I do pro bono work as a way to help in those in need in our community.” – Jessica Sharpe



Lukas Boehning

he last year has been particularly difficult for many tenants and small landlords alike. Maintaining a clean rental history is vitally important to find housing in a tight market. Small landlords need the income from renters to survive. Balancing those needs is critical, as is ensuring fairness and accurate accounting. Such was the case when Lukas Boehning represented a tenant who was evicted for nonpayment of rent and who also had a large judgment entered against her. She needed to dispute the amount owed and have the eviction expunged so she could secure new housing. She turned to Volunteer Lawyers Network for a referral and Lukas stepped in. 6

She told Lukas that every time she paid, the landlord told her she owed more. Lukas confirmed that the client had in fact overpaid the amount she owed her landlord for missed rent and the costs of her eviction. He also discovered that the landlord was trying to charge her for four months of rent after she was evicted in addition to charging her an early termination fee. Lukas first tried to contact the landlord to ask that they stipulate that the client had paid the full amount due under the judgment for her previously missed rent. After the landlord delayed responding for months, Lukas moved forward with a motion to mark the judgment as satisfied and filed a petition for expungement at the same time. The client had full documentation showing that she had paid more than $3,000 dollars, far exceeding the amount owed under the settlement agreement and the judgment against her. Finally, after numerous attempts to settle the issue, the landlord’s lawyer claimed that the client still owed $365 dollars for the judgment and thousands of dollars in damages, unpaid rent, etc. The lawyer indicated that they would stipulate to mark the judgment as satisfied if the client paid the $365 and that they would deal with the rest at a future date. Lukas asked the landlord to provide documentation to support their claims, such as a copy of the lease, proof they sent notice that they were taking the security deposit and documents to support the fact that they tried to re-rent the apartment after the client was evicted. Surprisingly, the landlord’s attorney responded to this request almost immediately stating, “After further review, my client informs me that all amounts have been paid including the judgment. My client is willing to stipulate to the expungement and add language that the judgment can be satisfied too.” Lukas quickly filed a stipulation with the court stating that the judgment was satisfied and that the landlord did not oppose the expungement of the eviction on the client’s record, allowing her to more easily find new, stable housing. “Evictions are often the end-result of a very challenging time in someone’s life. Yet, these records provide no context of what happened that led to the eviction. Our legal system should not punish people by preventing them from finding housing simply because they fell on hard times.” – Lukas Boehning


Chris Pinckney

Mark Vyvyan

Living in a home or apartment with a mold issue can be unhealthy, especially for anyone with respiratory issues. Chris Pinckney and Mark Vyvyan assisted a client who was referred through Volunteer Lawyers Network after he realized his home was making him very sick and he had unsuccessfully tried to work with the landlord to have the problem eliminated. The client had moved into an apartment in September, but once cold weather set in and the windows needed to be closed, he began to feel unwell. He soon realized he would have an “extreme histamine attack” whenever he showered. He contacted the landlord to inform him that there was visible mold in the bathroom, which was adversely affecting his health. The landlord agreed to mitigate the mold but did so by only covering it up with paint. The client’s reaction to the room persisted and visible mold soon returned. After being notified that the problem persisted, the landlord hired a “mold expert” to inspect the situation. After the inspection, the expert prepared a written report stating no mold was found, but the client continued to have an adverse reaction to the presence of mold. The client then hired his own mold expert who inspected the apartment and found not only black mold in the bathroom, but also outlined numerous deficiencies in the report by the landlord’s “expert.” The client then filed a rent escrow case on his own in housing court and contacted Volunteer Lawyers Network to find a lawyer to help him present his case. After Chris and Mark stepped in to assist, they found that the City of Minneapolis had also sent an inspector to the property in recent months where mold was found and had ordered repairs to fix moisture issues in the bathroom. With the reports and information, Chris and Mark were able to settle the case for the client. The settlement called for the landlord to make subsequent repairs to address the mold issues, provide a rent abatement for the months of January through April and to waive the May rent completely. The client was very grateful for the outcome, especially knowing that the apartment was now a safe, healthy place to live. 8

Bryan Morben

Bryan Morben assisted a client who had been living in an apartment for approximately three years when he suddenly became severely ill and was hospitalized. Prior to his illness, the client had parked his car in the apartment’s parking lot without incident and without the need for a parking permit. The car was always in working order, the property’s management knew the car belonged to the client and the client had moved the car whenever asked. After being released from the hospital, the client’s care team told him it was not safe for him to live alone and provided him with a letter to present to his landlord about terminating his lease early. In mid-September 2017, the client spoke to the building manager and explained that because of his illness and disability, he could no longer live alone and needed to move out prior to the end of his lease. The client said that he could be moved out by the end of October, and the manager approved the request to terminate the lease early. During this time, the client frequently attended medical appointments and lived with a friend at another location because it was unsafe for him to live alone. His vehicle remained parked in the apartment’s parking lot as usual. At the end of September—just two weeks after requesting the accommodation to terminate his lease early—the client received a letter from a towing company that they were in possession of his car and he would have to pay nearly $200 to get it out. When he asked the towing company why his car had been towed, they replied that the apartment management had it towed. The excuses from management were many; it was “a mistake,” but the management would pay for it to be returned (they did not and the storage charges continued to accrue); it had been “abandoned” or was “inoperable” (it was not); and finally, it was towed because he did not have a permit to park (it was not needed, had not been needed and was not written in the lease agreement). Eventually, the storage costs exceeded the value of the car, the client could not pay to have it released and it was scrapped. 9

The client moved out of the apartment at the end of October as promised, and the apartment was inspected shortly thereafter. The inspector found and commented on the apartment’s cleanliness. Accordingly, the client expected the $500 security deposit to be returned within the 21 days as required by the Minnesota law. However, when the client did not receive his deposit or any other written notice, and after waiting several months, he requested assistance from Volunteer Lawyers Network. VLN staff lawyers contacted the property management company and demanded the return of the security deposit, at which point the property management company stated that the deposit had been withheld because the client failed to pay rent for October and November 2017. Bryan agreed to assist and started on a journey that lasted more than two years and caused considerable emotional stress for his client. Bryan first advised the towing company that they had not followed state laws relating to notice that would have allowed the client to recover his vehicle and his possessions in it. The tow company quickly settled in favor of the client for the approximate value of the vehicle. After initiating a lawsuit against the property management company, the management company returned the security deposit in order to avoid punitive damages, but it refused to admit any other wrongdoing or pay the client for the other damages sustained as a result of their discriminatory conduct. After over two years of litigation, including multiple unsuccessful attempts by the property management company to dismiss the case, it settled for a significant payment to the client to compensate him for the discrimination and emotional distress that he had suffered. Erin Edgerton Hall provided substantial assistance throughout the case. “This client came to me seeking help to recover something for his unlawfully withheld security deposit and wrongfully towed vehicle. But instead of owning up to its actions and making the client whole, his landlord doubled down on its bullying and intimidation tactics throughout two years of litigation. In the end, we were able to recover enough to compensate the client for his out-of-pocket damages as well as a significant amount for the emotional distress he was forced to go through in his already fragile, disabled state. I am so pleased to have helped this client seek justice.” – Bryan Morben 10

David Lillehaug

Upon referral from Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, David Lillehaug represented an 80-year-old disabled Vietnam veteran who faced a lien foreclosure for late payments of assessments levied by his homeowner’s association. The association sold the lien to a real estate investment company, which sought to foreclose in Hennepin County District Court. David took the case one month before trial, well after the discovery deadline had expired. After identifying novel legal issues under the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act, he collected documents, prepared a trial brief, submitted witness and exhibit lists, and announced that he was ready for trial. Successful settlement negotiations ensued that led to release of the lien and dismissal of the court action. The client was very appreciative of the work and the ability to stay in his home.



he Children’s Law Center of Minnesota opened in 1995 to promote the rights and interests of children in the judicial, child welfare, health care and education systems. Throughout the years, more than 30 past and present Fredrikson lawyers have represented children in foster care, empowering them to use their voice to speak up for themselves. Children in foster care are extremely vulnerable and often scared after being placed into the system. This can lead to issues that prevent them from finding permanency. One of the goals of Children’s Law Center is to help children by providing them with a consistent, reliable and unfailing advocate.


Erik Splett

Erik Splett represents a 16-year-old child who has bounced between foster homes and shelters for three years. Erik is assisting the child with a formal foster placement which will ideally lead to adoption. At the last review hearing, everyone was optimistic that the child would find permanency soon.

Cindy Moyer

Children’s Law Center’s staff provide resources and guidance on many legal issues relating to children being represented by volunteers. Volunteers sometimes provide legal research and advise on issues that impact the work of the organization and the children in foster care. This year, Cindy Moyer and summer associate Megan Massie looked at a unique legal issue relating to the interstate compact placement of children. Often children who are removed from their custodial parents for safety reasons are placed with their non-custodial parents until specific safety and other issues are resolved. Sometimes the non-custodial parent lives in another state, and many states differ in placement requirements. Cindy and Megan looked to the Interstate Placement of Children statute to help determine if a parental placement in another state requires the compact be completed prior to placement and whether Minnesota has agreements with other states to address this.


Fredrikson’s partnership and commitment to Children’s Law Center and to the children in foster care is long-standing. Lilia Panteleeva stated: “Over the years, countless attorneys from Fredrikson & Byron have partnered with CLC to help provide quality legal representation to our growing number of child clients. The firm’s attorneys and staff are an invaluable part of CLC’s pro bono representation of foster children. In fact, over the past 15 years, Fredrikson & Byron lawyers have donated hundreds of pro bono hours with a value of over 2 million dollars to CLC and our clients. Fredrikson’s lawyers are zealous advocates ensuring that CLC’s clients’ voices are heard, that they maintain contact with their siblings, preventing unwarranted movements between placements, and fighting aggressively in court for what our clients want. They also have a long history of providing CLC with expert Amicus and appellate assistance. In addition, since our inception, Fredrikson has continuously provided CLC with a variety of support. For example, Fredrikson assisted CLC with its incorporation. For years the firm has provided CLC with pro bono IT support, enabling us to save thousands of dollars and operate more effectively and efficiently, ultimately passing on the benefit to our clients. In 2013, Fredrikson and Byron provided CLC with office space and administrative support for three weeks during our office renovation. In recent years, Fredrikson & Byron has generously provided CLC with critical assistance through the firm’s Government Affairs Department to help CLC navigate legislative changes to ensure legal representation for foster care youth throughout Minnesota, as well as to secure new government funding to support our work. CLC is extremely grateful to Fredrikson & Byron for helping us achieve our goal of giving children in foster care a voice in the systems that affect their lives. As a recognized hero for children, we are grateful for all the firm and its lawyers and staff have done for our organization and the children in foster care.”



For more than 25 years, Fredrikson & Byron has committed time and resources to




build strong communities by assisting minority, micro-entrepreneurs in their business development. Beginning in the early 1970’s when John Stout co-founded the Metropolitan Economic Development Association




present work with the Neighborhood Development Center (NDC) and The Northside



Network (NEON), Fredrikson lawyers have assisted hundreds of companies get their start. The work with microentrepreneurs involves educating the owners about how to run a business as much as it does providing legal services.



Pat Kelly

Larry Berg

he year 2020 was a very difficult year for many. First, the pandemic led to many individuals being laid off or having their hours cut. The civil unrest following the killing of George Floyd left many small businesses in the heart the Twin Cities damaged or destroyed. Sometimes, adversity inspires courageous individuals to take a leap of faith to start something new and leads others to follow their dreams and assist others. Abi’s Café had served Salvadoran and Mexican food at its Minneapolis location since 2015. Unable to stay in the same location, Abi was fortunate to find new space but needed help reviewing a new lease prior to signing. Pat Kelly initially assisted by reviewing and revising Abi’s lease for her new space. The negotiations included terms and conditions concerning a necessary build out and repairs. Once the work began and the walls were removed, significant hidden defects and problems were revealed. Pipes had broken, damaging the walls and floors, mounds of debris were discovered and had to be removed and the entire space needed to be commercially cleaned and sanitized. Larry Berg negotiated an abatement of two months’ rent, which will be added to the end of the lease, which gave the landlord time to fix issues while giving Abi some relief from having to pay rent and pay for repairs or improvements.


Abi’s Café Entre

Abi’s Café billboard in progress at her new location


Clint Cutler

Leah Janus

David Streier

Family-owned Elite Cleaners has operated in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis since 1992 and had built a very successful business when it suffered significant damage and was forced to close during the summer of 2020 due to the civil unrest in Minneapolis. Clint Cutler helped the owners understand their rights and obligations under their lease while the business was shut down and in negotiations with their landlord. In addition, Leah Janus assisted the owners with insurance matters immediately after the unrest. The team also helped the owners extend the lease while they investigated their option to purchase the building, which they have decided to pursue. David Streier is assisting with the purchase and a license agreement that will allow the company to continue to grow and serve its community. When the business reopened, its owners placed a sign in the front window to publicly thank those who helped it survive.

Thank you sign posted at Elite Cleaners




Jacob Abdo

ife changed rapidly early into the pandemic for Tameka Jones after she was furloughed from her job as a makeup artist. As the restrictions continued, Tameka decided to take matters into her own hands. Tameka used her savings to start a new business called Lip Esteem, a plant-based, gluten, animal cruelty and paraben free lipstick brand. She began to sell her products at two local farmer’s markets and her business began to take off. Using her own recipes that include using only natural ingredients, Tameka partnered with a manufacturer to produce the lipsticks. Working with Fredrikson’s community economic development partner, Neighborhood Development Center, Tameka connected with Jacob Abdo and Lance Vietzke, a lawyer with 3M Company, to assist her with trademarking her business name and logo. Grateful for her success, Tameka has volunteered her services to help others by starting a mentoring program for young women and is working on a children’s book about self-esteem. She was recently chosen to be a participant in the reality show “Small Business Revolution.”



Pam Abbate-Dattilo


Jade Jorgenson

Melissa Hodge

any of our veterans depend on the services and the collegiality of organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFWs) posts to meet with others who have lived similar experiences as they have. VFWs not only serve as a meeting place, but they provide many other benefits and services, including counseling, job placement, ways to support each other and more. Running a VFW post can be complex and often require unique skills and an understanding of issues veterans face. This past year, Pam Abbate‑Dattilo, Jade Jorgenson and Melissa Hodge represented the Columbia Heights Veterans of Foreign Wars post after the post let two managers go for cause. The managers then filed a whistleblower complaint and marital discrimination complaint, alleging that they were let go for accusing the Quartermaster (accountant) of mishandling pull-tab funds and other issues. Through discovery, the team proved that the organization was justified in letting the managers go for cause, and not due to whistleblowing or marital discrimination. The team successfully argued and won their Motion for Summary Judgment on both the whistleblowing claim and marital discrimination claim, and the case was dismissed. The team was assisted by Jean Boos.


Jessica Manivasager

Levi Smith

Tyler Bush

One of the most difficult hurdles for small businesses without credit history is finding a way to fund their business or growth. This past year, Jessica Manivasager helped We Invest in You form its nonprofit. We Invest in You is a nonprofit with a mission to provide capital at a lower cost to small businesses. To make loans, the organization also needed assistance with industry-approved documents that will enable them to make the loans. Levi Smith and Tyler Bush worked with We Invest in You to develop template documents that the organization could utilize as they develop their portfolio of loans. We Invest in You not only will provide loans, but it will provide free business coaching that will enable businesses to grow faster and achieve a higher standard of living for its owner and employees. Ted Yoch, the founding member said, “…thank you for all of the work that you put into the legal papers for We Invest in You. I just wanted to tell you that we made our first loan last week of $100,000, 3.9 percent interest only to a company you can look it up called: “Your Ears Rock.” It’s ear protection. They are distributed for 3M and I have assigned two coaches to them… Just wanted to let you know that your work was well put… and thank you. We’re going to make a lot of loans like this because of your help. Thanks again. Have a great day.” Jane Ball, Karen Grandstrand, Paul Jones, John Koneck, Annette Peterson-Igbinovia and David Waytz also assisted on the project.


Debra Linder Olivia Norwood Emily Pontius Bryan Morben Bridget Penick Noah Tabor

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) was founded in 1974 as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes equal access to justice and provides grants for high-quality civil legal assistance to low-income Americans. LSC distributes more than 90 percent of its funding to 132 independent nonprofit legal aid programs with more than 800 offices. Legal aid programs help individuals in family law, housing, disability law and much more. But even with this funding, studies have consistently shown that only 20 percent of people in need of legal services receive the help due to lack of resources. In Iowa, Fredrikson lawyers not only assist Iowa Legal Aid by providing pro bono legal services to individuals, but they also assist by providing pro bono services to the organization itself. This past year, Debra Linder, Bryan Morben, Olivia Norwood, Bridget Penick, Emily Pontius and Noah Tabor provided assistance with employee benefits, employment and union matters, and government relations at the capital.






Malissa Eng

he United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) named Malissa Eng and Fredrikson & Byron as recipients of the 2020 Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate. The certificate recognizes individuals and law firms that assist financially underresourced inventors and small businesses seeking patents. Malissa was a major contributor to Fredrikson’s pro bono hours through this project in 2020. She provided services through the LegalCORPS Inventor Assistance Program and received the Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate for the second consecutive year.




Jade Jorgenson

ade Jorgenson began her career at Fredrikson in 2016 and immediately sought pro bono opportunities to give back. Over the past five years, Jade’s work has encompassed a wide range of issues, including representing a young mother with three children on an asylum matter for three years. The case began in immigration court, but due to the unique circumstances of the case, it was appealed to the 8th Circuit, which found for Jade’s client and remanded the case back to the immigration court for reconsideration. Jade has also worked with several nonprofits, including working on a complex employment issues for a local organization that supports homeless youth and assisting another organization that provides therapy and wellness counseling for traumatized individuals. Jade was also instrumental in defending against a whistleblower lawsuit brought by plaintiffs against a VFW post. All charges against the VFW were dismissed, ensuring that the organization can continue to provide invaluable services and support to the veteran members. We congratulate and thank Jade for her dedication to providing pro bono legal services to those in need. “It is wonderful to see Jade Jorgenson recognized for her commitment to pro bono service! Despite the fact that Jade has become a highly sought-after senior associate on litigation matters, her commitment to pro bono service on behalf of Fredrikson has not waivered. Last year, Jade took a pro bono employment litigation case on behalf of a valuable veterans organization. Jade was committed to getting the best possible outcome. She achieved a stunning summary judgment victory on not one—but two—factually and legally complex summary judgment motions. Through her selfless efforts and tireless commitment to the case, Jade literally saved the client’s business.” – Pamela Abbate-Dattilo 27



Clint Cutler

roviding pro bono legal services to those in need has been a hallmark of Clint Cutler’s legal career. Clint began his legal career at Fredrikson in 1983 and has contributed thousands of hours to those in need. His pro bono work has spanned across many different practice areas, including as a part of a team representing a man on death row in Louisiana, providing consumer and bankruptcy screening and advice through Volunteer Legal Network and teaching and mentoring students at a bankruptcy clinic at the University of Minnesota School of Law. As a member of the board of directors at Fredrikson, and as a past chair of the Bankruptcy Department, Clint has encouraged lawyers at the firm and in his department to volunteer to provide pro bono services. For example, all lawyers in the Bankruptcy, Restructuring & Workouts Group rotate and take calls from clients through VLN. This past year, in addition to his work with law students, Clint stepped up to assist several small businesses impacted by the riots following the murder of George Floyd. Clint has been recognized as a North Star Lawyer every year since the program’s inception in 2012. The program recognizes lawyers who give a minimum of 50 hours to those in need. Clint has been honored with the Distinguished Service award from the Hennepin County Bar Association in 2000, the Reader Larson Public Service award in 2010, the Judge Nancy C. Dreher Pro Bono Distinguished Service Award in 2013 and named a Minnesota State Bar Association Pro Bono All Star in 2020. We are proud to recognize Clint Cutler for his service to the profession and to those in need.





redrikson employees have a long history of giving back to the community in several ways. Lawyers and staff serve on nonprofit boards that contribute significantly to the quality of life for individuals and our communities. They serve food to the hungry; collect school and other supplies for children and families and plant trees and flowers to honor the earth.



riends of Fredrikson is a stand-alone nonprofit that began more than 25 years ago and is run by employees of Fredrikson & Byron. Its mission is to aid low-income families with children in a variety of ways. Due to the pandemic, the program was not able to provide on-site assistance through many of our community partners to help the people they serve. Instead, it hosted the first-ever virtual Friends of Fredrikson Holiday Gift Giving Program during the holiday season. In Minneapolis, employees purchased gifts for Jewish Family & Children’s Services, which were distributed to low-income families and senior citizens. Employees also provided Sharing & Caring Hands with gift cards to local grocery stores which were distributed at Mary’s Place, a shelter for families. In addition, Minneapolis employees purchased and donated gifts for five formerly homeless or very low-income veteran families through the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV). “I am sending this card to express my most sincere gratitude and am beyond grateful, thankful, and there are not enough words to express how happy you made my family and me. I wish we could have gave you all hugs and been able to tell you in person that you made Christmas so memorable. The past year and a half has been extremely hard and emotional. You made the end of the year great. Thank you so much!”


In Mankato, employees partnered with The Reach, a program through Lutheran Social Services, that supports homeless youth. The office hosted a virtual shopping happy hour to purchase items from The Reach’s wish list including books, furniture, first aid supplies and kitchen necessities. In Bismarck, employees continued their tradition of partnering with the North Dakota National Guard’s Family Assistance Program to adopt a military family. The veteran family included a dad, mom and their seven children who had recently moved to the area from Louisiana. They were extremely appreciative of the help to make the holidays special. In Des Moines, employees adopted a family through the Des Moines Council for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The nonprofit helps those in need become self-sufficient through education, community connectedness and unconditional support.



ast September, the Minneapolis office partnered with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities, a nonprofit with a primary mission to repair homes, revitalize communities and rebuild lives. They serve low-income homeowners who are seniors, individuals living with disabilities, families with children, and veterans and their families in need. Fredrikson volunteers worked to landscape the townhomes at Emma’s Place, a permanent supportive housing development serving large families. Lawyers and staff planted several dozen shrubs, pulled weeds and mulched gardens. Volunteers included Leslie Delfs, Marilyn Donahue, Lora Friedemann, Roxanne Gangl, Jodi Gustafson, Sharen Keehr, Curt Okerson and Bruce Rehberg.

Sharon Keehr and Katie Cox volunteering with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities at Emma’s Place 33

Curt Okerson and Marilyn Donahue volunteering with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities at Emma’s Place

In Minneapolis, employees hosted an Earth Day community service event at The Bakken, a nonprofit located on the shore of Bde Maka Ska. The Bakken’s mission is to inspire a passion for innovation by exploring the potential for science, technology and the humanities to make the world a better place. Volunteers tackled gardening projects in the wetland, vegetable garden and on the Green Roof. Volunteers included Diana Bospachieva, Sandra Chu, Marilyn Donahue, Roxanne Gangl, Jodi Gustafson, Vicky Handler, Susan Lach, Ken Olson, Elizabeth Prisby, Marvic Salminen-Morillo, Linda Steinger, Sherrie Timm, Jim Vogl and Julie Witt. 34

Volunteers pose for a photo in front of the Bakken

Volunteers gardening at the Bakken

The Bismarck office partnered with Bismarck Parks & Rec District for an Earth Day community service event. The team planted trees and shrubs at Sibley Park to bring new life to a playground, campground and a newly constructed hiking trail. Volunteers included Mary Etter, Kristen Hansen, Bethany Hughes, Justin Hughes, Kim Nagel, Amber Nelson, Lyn Odden and Karen Phillips.


Lyn Odden and Mary Etter at Sibly Park

Karen Phillips at Sibly Park for Earth Day community service


THE MINNESOTA KEYSTONE PROGRAM The Minnesota Keystone Program identifies, encourages and recognizes Minnesota companies that help enhance quality of life in the state by donating at least two percent of pre-tax earnings in the form of time, money or in-kind services. A proud participant since 1989, Fredrikson has been a contributor at the five percent level. Our firm was honored to receive the Keystone Award for mid-sized companies in 2010.

FREDRIKSON & BYRON FOUNDATION Funded by contributions from the law firm’s officers, the Fredrikson & Byron Foundation exists to support law-related institutions and events, organizations that complement the rule of law and access to justice, and cultural and social service groups. The following organizations received support in the 2021 fiscal year from the Fredrikson & Byron Foundation: American Brain Foundation Anishinabe Legal Services Ann Bancroft Foundation Art Buddies The Bakken Ballet Des Moines Belwin Conservancy Bismarck Library Foundation, Inc. Bismarck-Mandan Orchestral Association Books for Africa The Bridge for Youth Cancer Legal Care Charities Review Council Children of Incarcerated Caregivers Children’s Cancer Research Fund Children’s Law Center of Minnesota Children’s Minnesota – Health Legal Partnership Collaborative Community Law Initiative Cookie Cart Cristo Rey Jesuit High School

Des Moines Metro Opera Dress for Success FamilyWise Foundation for Public Affairs Fredrikson & Byron Foundation’s Small Business Recovery Fund – administered by Neighborhood Development Center Friends of Fredrikson Fund for Legal Aid Girls Rock! Des Moines Global Minnesota Global Rights for Women Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corp Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery Guthrie Theater Hennepin Theatre Trust HIAS House of Charity Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota The Infinity Project International Institute of Minnesota


Iowa Legal Aid Jewish Community Relations Council of MN/Dakotas Jonathan Zierdt Cancer Fund Judicare of Anoka Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota Legal Rights Center Legal Services of North Dakota Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota LegalCORPS Literacy Minnesota Loan Repayment Assistance Program MacPhail Center for Music Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation Metropolitan Economic Development Association Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Minnesota Film & TV Board Minnesota Justice Foundation – PASS Minnesota Justice Foundation – Summer Fellowship Program Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans Minnesota Land Trust Minnesota Orchestral Association Minnesota State Fair Foundation Minnesota Women Lawyers Foundation Mitchell-Hamline Law School MSBA Mock Trial Program Neighborhood Development Center Neighborhood Development Center Capital Campaign Neighborhood Justice Center Northern Plains Dance Northern Star Council


Northside Economic Opportunity Network NorthStar Science Film Festival OMEED Page Education Foundation PeaceMaker Minnesota Phyllis Wheatley Community Center Pillsbury United Communities Plains Art Museum Polk County Bar Assoc Volunteer Lawyer Project Prepare + Prosper PRISM Project for Pride in Living Project SUCCESS Ragamala Dance Company Reader/Writer Rebuilding Together Twin Cities Salvation Army Sandbox Theatre Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services St. Paul Chamber Orchestra St. Pascal’s School – Afterschool Care Program St. Thomas Law School Sweet Potato Comfort Pie The Advocates for Human Rights The Link Tubman Twin Cities In Motion University of Minnesota Law School University of Iowa College of Law University of North Dakota Foundation Volunteer Lawyers Network Volunteers of America Voyageurs National Park Association Washburn Center for Children Yaya Foundation for 4H Leukodystrophy YWCA Cass Clay – Fargo




o report can adequately name all of the lawyers, paralegals, librarians, summer associates, interns, secretaries and administrative staff who have helped provide free legal and other volunteer services to economically disadvantaged people, nonprofits and to our community. The management of the firm and the Pro Bono Committee thank everyone who has contributed their time and talents to our programs. We will continue our commitment to increase these services in the years to come. The Pro Bono Committee welcomes questions or comments about this report, the firm’s pro bono policy, the Pro Bono Law Firm Challenge or opportunities to get involved with pro bono work. Please direct your calls or comments to our Pro Bono Director, Pam Wandzel, or to any member of the Pro Bono Committee: Rick Snyder (Chair), Tyler Gludt, Christian Hokans, Bryan Morben, Katie Perleberg, Steve Quam, Brett Roberts, Ben Tozer or Haley Waller Pitts.

INDIVIDUAL SERVICE TO NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Fredrikson & Byron lawyers, paralegals and staff serve our nonprofit communities in a number of ways including providing legal services for charitable organizations, handling numerous matters for individuals and serving on boards of directors for organizations focused on the arts, community development, education and legal services. In the past year, Fredrikson lawyers and staff provided board and committee leadership assistance to the following organizations: Pamela Abbate-Dattilo

U.S. Attorney’s Forum on Criminal Justice

Jacob Abdo

American Bar Association, Forum on the Entertainment & Sports Industries, The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, Associate Editor Minnesota Motion Picture & Television Board, Board Member The California Society of Entertainment Lawyers, Member


Beverley Adams

Pardon Advisory Board, Advisory Committee Member Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Foundation Board Member

Lisa Agrimonti

Public Utilities Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin, Board Member

Marguerite Ahman

Ragamala Dance Company, Board Member

Kristy Albrecht

ELCA Foundation, Executive Committee and Development Committee of the Board of Trustees Federal Advisory Committee for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals 2020 Judicial Council of the Eighth Circuit, Committee Member

Travis Anderson

Special Olympics of MN Endowment Foundation, Director

Robert Aronson

HIAS f/k/a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Chair of the Board Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, HIAS Representative American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, Advisory Committee

Jim Baillie

American Bar Association, Section of Business Law, Pro Bono Committee, Member; Business Bankruptcy Committee Member; Pro Bono Services Committee, Member American College of Bankruptcy, Vice President; Pro Bono Committee Member LegalCORPS, Emeritus Board Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Legal Assistance to the Disadvantaged Committee, Member Turnaround Management, Upper Midwest Chapter Member, Volunteer Services Committee Volunteer Lawyers Network, Benefactor Board, Member

Kyle Barlow

Essentia Health Regional Foundation, West Region, Board Member, Planned Giving Committee Chair

Charlie Bennett

LegalCORPS, Board Member

Frank Bennett

Washburn Center for Children, Capital Campaign Co-Chair

Jeffrey Benson

Neighborhood Commercial Spaces, LLC, Board Member

Larry Berg

Minnesota Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Board Member Race for the Cure, Co-Race Director Saint Paul Winter Carnival, Member of Securian half marathon, 10k and 5k race crew

Bob Boisvert

Twin Cities In Motion, Board Member, Executive Committee Member, Secretary, Governance Committee Member, Human Resources Committee Member

Matt Boos

American Bar Association, Section of Business Law, Federal Regulation of Securities Committee, SEC Enforcement Matters Subcommittee American Bar Association, Section of Business Law, State Regulation of Securities Committee Member and Task Force on Model Solicitation Rule Children’s Law Center, Volunteer

Sarah Borgendale

Gustavus Adolphus College Alumni Association, Board Member

Megan Bowman

Central Lutheran Church, Council Member

Gail Brandt

Minnesota Hospital Association, Volunteer YWCA of Minneapolis, It’s Time to Talk Race Steering Committee, Member

Lauren Breckenridge

Tiyumba Foundation, Board Member, Secretary

Bill Brody

Boy Scouts of America, Northern Star Council, Board of Directors, President and Member

Philip Bubb

Iowa State Bar Association, Construction Law Section Council, Member The Historic East Village, Inc., Board Member

Jessica Buchert

South Central College Foundation, Board Member Mankato Area Foundation, Board Member

Jason Cassady

Minnesota DFL, State Executive Committee Parliamentarian, State Central Committee Member, State Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee, Secretary and Member

Joseph Cassioppi

Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter, Officer and Board Member

June Cheng

International Institute of Minnesota, Board Member Twin Cities Diversity in Practice, Committee Member Yaya Foundation for 4H Leukodystrophy, Co-Founder, Officer and Board Member


Katie Cole

MinnPost, Board Member

Bronwen Cound

Brent Eichten

Dakota Ringnecks Chapter of Pheasants Forever, Board Secretary

College of Saint Benedict, Campaign Leadership and Steering Committee, Member

Malissa Eng

Ingrid Culp

Judy Engel

Children’s Cancer Research Fund, Board Member Books For Africa, Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative Advisory Board Member St. Louis Park Public Schools Foundation, Board Member Park Public Schools & Community Foundation, Board Member and Board Co-Chair

Laura Danielson

Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Board Member and Executive Committee Member Camp Katherine Parsons, Co-Chair Global Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers, President

Tracy Deutmeyer

Trademark Public Advisory Committee, Member

Joe Dixon

American College of Trial Lawyer Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter, Member The Fund for Legal Aid Society, Board Member

Chris Dolan

Convent of The Visitation High School, Committee Member University of St. Thomas Law School, Board Member

Cara Donels

Polk County Women Attorneys, Board Member Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute

Jim Dorsey

Wild Rivers Conservancy, Board Member United States Global Leadership Coalition, MN Advisory Committee Fairvote Minnesota, Board Member

Devin Driscoll

Minnesota Supreme Court Historical Society, Board Member and Finance Committee Member City of Saint Paul Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Member and Representative to Capital Planning Team University of Minnesota Friends of the Libraries, Board Member

Julie DuBois

Board for Project Success, Finance Committee, Chair


Reader/Writer, Board Member Hennepin County Conciliation Court, Volunteer National Association of Property Tax Attorneys, Board Member

John Erhart

Finnish American Chamber of Commerce, Board Member St. John’s University School of Theology & Seminary, Board of Trustees Member, Executive Committee Member, Finance Committee Chair

Mary Fee

Minneapolis Commission of Civil Rights, Commissioner

Linda Fisher

Growth & Justice, Board Member NAIOP, Land Use Committee Member, Public Policy Committee Member

Terrence Fleming

Legal Rights Center, Board President

Jessica Foss

State Bar Association of North Dakota, Young Lawyers Committee, Member YMCA Cass Clay, Board Member

Dulce Foster

Children of Incarcerated Caregivers, Advisory Board Member Eighth Circuit Historical Society, Minnesota Branch, Treasurer Law Firm Anti-Racism Alliance, Criminal Legal Working Group Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter, Diversity Committee Member Women’s White Collar Defense Association, Chapter Co-Leader

David Glaser

Talmud Torah of St. Paul, Past President

David Gollin

Minneapolis Golf Club, President Temple Israel Foundation of Minneapolis, Board Member

Austin Goodnight

Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute – Community Connect Program

Kevin Goodno

American Brain Foundation, Board Member and Past Chair Bush Foundation, Board Member Campaign for Legal Aid, Southern Minnesota Legal Services, Committee Member Minnesota Business Partnership, Deputy Minnesota Government Relations Council, Member Public Affairs Council, Board Member

Karen Grandstrand

American Bar Association, Banking Law Committee, Member Independent Community Bankers of America, General Counsels Advisory Group, Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Banking Law Committee, Co-chair, Business Law Section, Executive Council Member and Past-Chair Minnesota Women’s Economic Roundtable, Member and Past Chair of Board of Directors Women Corporate Directors Foundation, MN Chapter, Member

William Guy III

Floyd Shores Homeowner’s Association, Board of Directors Hope Lutheran Church and Hope Lutheran Foundation In Fargo, Advisor State Bar Association of North Dakota, Business Entity Drafting Task Force, Chair and Uniform Trust Code Drafting Task Force, Chair University of North Dakota Foundation, Emeritus Board Member University of North Dakota Alumni Association, Emeritus Board Member, Past President University of North Dakota Alumni Association Caucus, Member

Robert Hamilton

Global Rights for Women, Treasurer, Chair of Finance Committee, Board Member

Kristen Hansen

Northern Plains Dance, Member State Bar Association of North Dakota, Energy Law Committee

Jacob Harris

Minnesota Justice Foundation, Board Member

Shep Harris

City of Golden Valley, Mayor International Education Center, Pro Bono Government Relations Minnesota Government Relations Council, Member Public Affairs Council, Member

Thomas Henke

Minnesota State Bar Association, Employee Benefits Council

Tom Hipkins

Minnesota American Indian Bar Association, Member Camp Odayin, Board Member

Sten Hoidal

Volunteer Lawyers Network, Board Member, Secretary Minnesota Law Review Alumni Committee, Board Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Computer and Technology Section, Governing Council

Andrew Holm

United States Tennis Association Northern Section, Board Member Minnesota Cup, Life Science and Health IT Division, Judge

Lousene Hoppe

National LGBTQ+ Bar Association, President of the Board of Directors ACS Minneapolis/St. Paul Lawyer Chapter, Advisory Board Member Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, Board Member

Will Howieson

Voyageurs Conservancy, Finance Committee Member

Noah Huisman

McKnight Foundation, Board Member

Christopher Hunt

Minnesota State Bar Association, Probate & Trust Law Section, Member Salvation Army, Nominations Committee Chair, Executive Committee Member, Board Member

Loan Huynh

Advocates for Human Rights, Board of Directors Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Women’s Committee, Co-Chair

Leah Huyser

MSBA Appellate Practice Section Council, Secretary Treasurer

Leigh-Erin Irons

Neighborhood Development Center, Board Member

Katie Ilten

FamilyWise Services, Board of Directors

Mercedes Jackson

EMERGE, Board Chair Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Board Member, Finance Committee Member, Strategic Executive Committee The Science Museum of Minnesota, Board of Trustees, Member


Michael Jacobs

Mankato Area Foundation, Investment Committee Member Greater Mankato Growth, Public Policy Committee Member

Leah Janus

Paul LaVanway

American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section, Landslide® magazine, Editorial Board Member American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section, USPTO Ex Parte Patent Practice and Policy, Vice Chair

Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter, Officer Minnesota Bar Association, Consumer Litigation, Kristin LeBre Council Member Angel Foundation, Board Member Seward Coop, Director

Ryan Johnson

American Health Lawyers Association, Life Sciences Practice Group, Vice Chair, Advisory Board MedCity INVEST Twin Cities Advisory Board Minnesota Cup, Life Science and Health IT Division, Judge Minnesota State Bar Association, Health Law Section Northstar Science Film Festival, Founder and Board of Directors Planetary Society, Advisory Council Science Debate, Board of Directors Silicon Valley AI, Founding Director, Advisor University of Saint Thomas, Future of Health Care Conference Planning Committee Member

Paul Jones

Sandbox Theatre, Board Member University of Minnesota, Professor

Gregory Karpenko

Minnehaha Academy Board of Trustees

Sean Kearney

Hennepin Theatre Trust, Finance Committee Member

Pat Kelly

Global Minnesota, Board Member Minnesota Bar Association International Section, Secretary Minnesota Bar Association International Institute, Planning Committee Member

John Koneck

Minnesota Board of Law Examiners, President Minnesota State Bar Association Real Property Law Section, Pro Bono Program, Chair

Mary Krakow

Minnesota Healthcare Behavior at Work Collaborative, Board Member City Church, Board Member

Ann Ladd

Medical Alley, Board Member The Bakken Museum, Board Member University of Iowa Law School Foundation, Board Member The Collider Foundation, Board Member


Stefanie Lee

Minnesota Paralegal Association, Co-Chair MPA Litigation Sectional Women in eDiscovery, Membership Director, Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter

Jacob Levine

Minnesota Hillel, Board Member

Ken Levinson

Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence/ MCFE Board, Board Member, Executive Committee Minnesota State Bar Association, Tax Section, Board of the Tax Council University of Minnesota Law School, Adjunct Professor Temple Israel, Minneapolis, MN, Usher Captain Carver County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Posse, Chair, Sensory Evaluation Committee

Keith Libbey

Carleton College, Board of Trustees

David Lillehaug

MSBA Mock Trial Advisory Committee, Board Member Minnesota Supreme Court Historical Society, Board Member

Debra Linder

Minneapolis Downtown Next Generation Lions Club, Treasurer Minnesota State Bar Association, Employee Benefits Council, Past Chair PACER Center, Advisory Board

Lynn Linné

Minnesota State Bar Association, Tax Section, Past Chair, Council Member

Warren Mack

Dahlberg Family Foundation, Board Member Jorja Fleezanus and Michael Steinberg Fund For Music, Board Member Madeline Island Music Camp, Board Member Minnesota Orchestra, Board Member North Memorial Medical Center, Board Member

Patrick Mahlberg

Wright County Planning Commission

Jessica Manivasager

Minneapolis Ibaraki Sister City Association, Board Member MRA – The Management Association Inc., Board Member, Executive Committee Member Belwin Conservancy, Board Member

Dave Marshall

Children’s Law Center of Minnesota, Board Member

Emily McAdam

Federal Bar Association, MN Chapter, Law School Liaison

Brian McCool

National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, Public Policy Committee, Member St. Odilia Catholic School, School Advisory Council Member

Kiel McElveen

Special Olympics Minnesota, Board Member

Chris Melsha

Totino-Grace High School, Advancement Committee of the Board of Directors

Ryan Miest

Baby’s Space, A Place to Grow, Board Member and Governance Committee Member Baby’s Space Environments, Board Member Pathways Minneapolis, Inc., Board Member and Finance Committee Member

Amanda Mills

Find Your Power, Secretary of the Board of Directors Federal Bar Association (MN Chapter), Co-Chair, White Collar Crime Practice Group

Nicole Moen

David Naples

Mankato Clinic Foundation, Board Member

Emmy Nelson

International Enneagram Association, MN Chapter, Board Secretary

John Nelson

Grassroots Culture, Board Member Peacemaker Minnesota Yellow Tree Theatre, Board Member

Sue Ann Nelson

Minnesota State Bar Association, Tax Section, Member and Past Chair National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Legal, Tax and Accounting Committee, Member and Past Chair

Kurt Niederluecke

University of Minnesota Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Advisory Board Member

Carl Numrich

Voyageurs National Park Association, Board Member

Robert Oberlies

Committee on Foreign Relations, Member Minnesota China Business Council, Board Co-Chair The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Governance Committee Vice-Chair

Penny S. Oleson

First Lutheran Church of Red Wing, Secretary and Church Council Member

Kendric Olson

Annunciation Catholic School, Council Member

Zach Olson

American Diabetes Association, American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota, Board of Directors Board Member, Chair Harvard Club of Minnesota, Board Member, Chair

Bryan Morben

Minnesota State Bar Association, Labor & Employment Law Section, Council Member

Daniel Mott

Innovative Quality Schools, Board Member, Chair National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Legal, Tax and Accounting Committee Member, Past-Chair United Hospital Foundation, Executive Committee, Board Member, Past Chair

Ryan Murphy

Sam Orbovich

ARRM, Board Member Care Providers of Minnesota, Committee Member Leading Age of Minnesota, Committee Member Lyngblomsten, Governance Advisory Committee

Tim O’Shea

Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter, Committee Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Minnesota E-Discovery Working Group, Board Member

Jeri Parkin

Turnaround Management Association, Upper Mahtomedi Area Education Foundation, Midwest Chapter, Program Committee Co-Chair Member Minnesota Bankruptcy Practice Mahtomedi Area Education Foundation, Committee, Member Board of Trustees


John Parzych

Boy Scouts of America, Woodbury Troop 9072 Committee Member, Friends of Scouting Fundraising Chair Guardian Angels Catholic Church, Volunteer Woodbury Athletic Association, Volunteer

John Patterson

Boy Scouts of America, Northern Star Council, Board Member, Camping and Properties, Vice President Deer Lake Conservancy (Environmental), Board Member Ramsey County Bar Association Foundation, Former Board Member and President

Bridget Penick

American Bar Association, Section of Labor and Employment Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee Ballet Des Moines, Board of Directors Vice President Girls Rock! Des Moines, Board of Directors legal advisor Iowa Legal Aid Central Iowa Advisory, Council Member Iowa State Bar Association, Board of Governors, Annual Meeting Committee Member, Employment and Labor Section Council Member Polk County Board Association, Board of Directors Woodlands Creek Reserve Home Owners Association, Board of Directors and Secretary

Annette Peterson-Igbinovia

Emily Pontius

Des Moines Metro Opera Board of Directors: Executive Committee and PresidentElect; Chair of Diversity & Inclusion and Nominating Governance Committees Iowa State Bar Association, Centralized Diversity Task Force Plymouth Church, Health and Safety Task Force

Jenny Pusch

Minnesota State Bar Association Tax Section Council, Council Member

Anne Radolinski

Minnesota State Bar Association, Lawyer Certification Board for Labor and Employment Lawyers, Board Member

Melissa Rahn

Minnesota Government Relations Council, Committee Member Public Affairs Council, Committee Member Women Winning, Board Member Women Winning State PAC, Member Women Winning Federal PAC, Vice Chair Bell Museum, Member, Advisory Committee Minnesota Business Partnership, Deputy

Mary Ranum

Concordia College, Board of Regents, Board Member Twin Cities Diversity in Practice, Board Member August 2020 – Board of Regents of Concordia, Chair

Michael Raum

North Hennepin Community College, Paralegal Advisory Board Member

Plains Art Museum, Board of Directors United Soccer Club of the Red River Valley, Board Member, President and Volunteer

John Pickerill

Lindsey Remakel

Advertising Federation of Minnesota, Board Member Art Buddies, Board Member

Chris Pham

Federal Bar Association, Diversity Committee, Co-Vice President Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Board of Trustees MSBA Access to Justice, Subcommittee Member

Andy Pomroy

Citizen League, Member Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless, Board Member Minnesota Government Relations Council, Member Public Affairs Council, Member St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Public Policy Committee Member


Hennepin County Bar Association, Environmental Law Section Co-Chair Minnesota State Bar Association, Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Section Council, Member

Kenard Rockette

Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Board Member

Brett Roberts

Iowa Prayer Breakfast Committee, Finance Subcommittee Member Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute, Board of Governors Member Judicial Nominating Commission (Iowa District 5C), Commissioner

Kristy Dahl Rogers

Polk County Women Attorneys, Board Member

Melodie Rose

National Association of Corporate Directors – Local Chapter, Board Member

Howard Roston

YWCA: It’s Time to Talk Event, ITT Steering Committee Member

Levi Smith

Hennepin County Mediation Project, Mediator

Twin Cities-Metro Certified Development Company, Board Member

Gauri Samant

Jamie Snelson

MN Asian Pacific Bar Association, Membership Committee Member

Karen Schanfield

Cristo Rey High School, Board of Directors University of Minnesota Law School, Board of Advisors

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of St. Paul, Committee Member Infinity Project, Board Member MinnPost, Board Member

Eric Snustad

Debra Schneider

Richard Snyder

Loan Repayment Assistance Program, Board of Directors

Dale Schoonover

Ashland Productions, Board Member St. John’s University, Planned Giving Committee Member

Chuck Segelbaum

PRISM Minneapolis Food Shelf, Board of Directors Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals, Alternate Member Golden Valley Planning Commission, Member Mitchell Hamline Law School, Intellectual Property Institute Advisory Board, Member

Cameron Seybolt

Minnesota State Bar Association, Probate and Trust Section, Vice-Chair and Legislation Committee Co-Chair American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, Minnesota State Chair

Kendra Simmons

Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center, Board of Directors and HR Committee Chair Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute, Governance Chair Young Professionals Connection, Ambassador

Anni Simons

Citizen League, Member Minnesota Government Relations Council, Member Public Affairs Council, Member The Arc Minnesota, Member

Sandra Smalley-Fleming

Opportunity to Lead, Event Director The Women’s Club of Minneapolis, former Executive Committee Member, Building Committee Member University of St. Thomas Law School, Board of Governors, Executive Committee Vice Chair

University of Minnesota-College of Science & Engineering, Alumni Advisory Board, Engagement Committee Chair Minnesota Land Trust, Board Member Minnesota Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure, Committee Member

Joe Sokolowski

Legal Access Point Clinic, Volunteer Attorney Federal Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section, Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section, Member Hennepin County Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section, Member

Kevin Spreng

James J. Hill Reference Library, Board Chair Minne*, Board Member Real Phonic Radio Hour, Board Member

Karen Sandler Steinert

American Bar Association, Real Property, Trusts and Estates Law Section, Member; CLE Committee, Co-Chair; Business Planning Group, Committee on Estate Planning and Administration for Business Owners, Farmers and Ranchers

Jeff Steinle

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Chair of the Board Pillsbury United Communities, Board Member and Executive Committee Member South Dakota Biotech Association, Board Member

Matthew Stortz

MinneapolisNext, Board of Directors, Member

John Stout

American Bar Association, Business Law Section, Corporate Governance Committee, Emeritus Chair and Vice Chair, Artificial Intelligence Task Force; Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Vice Chair; Member, Governing Council Carleton College, Past Member, Board of Trustees


Metropolitan Economic Development Association, Innovative Quality Schools, Co-founder, Secretary, Director Board Member, Treasurer Milestone Growth Fund, Co-founder, Chair/CEO Kyle Ubl Minnesota Film Board, Co-founder, New Century Home Owners Association, Emeritus Director Board President National Association of Corporate Directors, Transfiguration Catholic Church, Co-founder, Minnesota Chapter, Capital Campaign Committee Member Emeritus Director Brandon Underwood Minneapolis Club, Member Iowa State Bar Association, Construction Law Noah Tabor Section Council, Member Eden Theological Seminary, Board of Trustees Spina Bifida Association of Iowa, Board Member Ankeny United Church of Christ, Jonathan Vessey Board of Directors Alliance Francaise of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Ankeny Area Democrats, Executive Committee Board of Directors, Chair of Nominating and Asmah Tareen Corporate Governance Committee OMEED, Co-Founder, Board Member Mark Vyvyan Children’s Law Center, Volunteer Attorney Volunteer Lawyers Network, Board Member South Metro Islamic Center, Security Committee Rahma Heart Care, Volunteer Debbie Walker Kool British-America Project, Board Member American Bar Association, Implementation of the Model Policies on Labor Trafficking Courtney Thompson Subcommittee, Co-Chair Advertising Federation of Minnesota, American Bar Association, Model Principles Board Member Implementation Task Force, Vice Chair; Mitchell Hamline School of Law Intellectual Corporate Governance Committee Member Property Law Review, Alumni Board Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Teresa Thompson Committee Member Anne Bancroft Foundation, Board Member, Super Bowl Anti-Trafficking Committee, Member Governance Committee Member Committee, Member Edina Swim Club, Board President

Roxanne Thorelli

Hennepin County Bar Association, New Lawyer’s Section – Board Member

Ashley Thronson

Women’s Business Development Center, Ambassador & Advisory Committee Member

Marcus Tibesar

Cretin-Derham Hall Alumni Board, Member

Ben Tozer

International Right-of-Way Association, North Star Chapter 20, Director

Jeanne Tracy

Off-Broadway Musical Theatre, Board President

Alyssa Troje

House of Charity/St. Stephen’s Human Services, Board Member University of St. Thomas Law School, Student Mentor Program, Alumni Giving Fund Committee Member Hennepin County Bar Association, Chair of Real Property Section

Sarah Tucher

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Volunteer


Pam Wandzel

Association of Pro Bono Counsel, Board Member, Treasurer

Marc Ward

Broadlawns Hospital Board, Board of Trustees, Board Chair Iowa State Bar Association, Business Law Section Council Taxpayers Association of Central Iowa, Board Member

Tammy Warren

Association of Legal Administrators of Minnesota’s Salary Survey Committee, Co-Chair

David Waytz

Temple Israel- Minneapolis, Board Member

Matthew Webster

American Immigration Lawyers Association, MN/DAK Chapter, Secretary, Executive Committee

Rich Weiner

Brazil-Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Board Member Canada-Minnesota Business Council, Board Member

Bridget Welter

Minnesota Justice Foundation, Board Member

Amanda Welters

Project Success/Community Presence, Committee Member

David West

Central Lutheran Church Congregation, Nominating Committee The Origins Program, Board President

Robert Whitlock

Mill City Commons, Board of Directors

Tom Wilhelmy

National Association of Property Tax Attorneys, Board of Directors Member National Association of Property Tax Attorneys, Education/ Programming, Vice President ABA/IPT Advanced Property Tax Program Planning Committee, Vice Chair

John Williams

National MS Society, Upper Midwest Chapter, Board Member Red River Valley Estate Planning Council, Board Member Oak Grove Lutheran School Foundation, Board Member

Todd Wind

ALS Association of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, Board Member Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board, Panel Member Page Education Foundation, Board Member

Masha Yevzelman

Minnesota State Bar Association, Tax Section, Past Chair Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT) Twin Cities, Chair

Randy Zellmer

Welcome Manor Family Services, Chairman of the Board Summit Heritage Foundation, Board of Directors Mankato State University Foundation Development Committee Member Blue Earth County Historical Society, Finance Committee Member Minnesota State University Mankato, Athletic Advisory Board CityArt, LLC, Committee Member

Aubrey Zuger

Hope Lutheran Church Council, Member

Chantal Wilson

Miss Minnesota Education Foundation, Board Member Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest, Board Member


FIRM PRO BONO HOURS Special recognition goes to those individuals who met or exceeded their goal of providing 50 hours or more of pro bono work for fiscal year 2021: Pari I. McGarraugh Jacob P. Harris Kristy Rogers Rachel L. Dougherty Jacob J. Baer Dulce J. Foster Clint E. Cutler Jade B. Jorgenson Richard D. Snyder Larry J. Berg Melissa R. Hodge Leslie Anderson David P. Bunde Jacob Abdo Malissa Eng Karen G. Schanfield Kristy L. Albrecht Zachary S. Pratt Jennifer R. Pusch Christian V. Hokans Ann M. Ladd Erin M. Edgerton Hall Ryan C. Young Roger Yang James E. Dorsey Bryan J. Morben Jessica R. Sharpe Joseph T. Dixon, III Emily M. McAdam William T. Wheeler David B. Tibbals Mary G. Hyland Cara S. Donels Michael R. Cummings Mary L. Fee David M. Streier


471.1 440.6 417.1 319.3 302.2 291.6 241.5 238.0 234.2 184.2 164.1 150.2 140.8 138.5 137.9 130.2 122.4 116.8 114.9 112.2 108.7 108.1 102.5 101.4 101.4 99.7 98.3 94.0 90.1 89.6 89.1 85.4 84.8 83.9 83.1 81.9

Joseph J. Cassioppi Aaron J. Hurd John J. Erhart Jesse C. Beier Lousene M. Hoppe Leah K. Flygare John M. Koneck Noah J. Tabor Noah M. Huisman Barbara Marchevsky Lisa M. Lindenfelser Samuel M. Andre Jacob D. Levine Cari L. Martell Gail F. Brandt Gregory E. Karpenko Lukas S. Boehning Tanner J. Pearson David L. Lillehaug Sarah E. Tucher William M. Howieson Emily S. Pontius Andrew J. Neumann Patrick J. Kelly Ashley R. Thronson Andrea H. Snook Leah Janus Schuyler G. Troy Christy Carrier Barbara J. MacInnis Matthew P. Webster Erik A. Splett Mirna L. Serrano Barahona Warren E. Mack Matthew L. Stortz

81.7 81.3 80.9 80.1 79.9 79.4 77.3 74.5 73.9 73.5 69.8 67.2 65.7 64.7 64.1 64.1 61.5 60.6 59.6 59.6 58.7 58.5 58.4 58.2 58.1 57.7 56.5 56.4 56.3 55.7 55.7 54.5 54.4 52.8 51.5

Other lawyers, paralegals and summer associates who provided pro bono work in fiscal year 2021 include: Pamela J. AbbateDattilo Beverley L. Adams Lisa M. Agrimonti Marguerite J. Ahmann Mimi H. Alworth Nancy S. Anton Thomas B. Archbold Robert D. Aronson Nadja Baer James L. Baillie Jane C. Ball Kyle A. Barlow F. Charles Bennett Frank B. Bennett Meredith Bensen Jeffrey R. Benson Elisabeth Bernabe Jacqueline A. Bernu Thomas L. Bird Paula M. Blenker Kristin N. Blenkush Andrea Boeckers Robert C. Boisvert, Jr. Jean Boos Matthew T. Boos Tash S. Bottum Megan A. Bowman James C. Brand Ryan C. Brauer Lauren M. Breckenridge Kyle M. Brehm Christina K. Brusven Jessica A. Buchert Tyler J. Bush Eric D. Buss Marielos S. Cabrera Olivia E. Cares Edward Q. Cassidy

Angela Caulk Emily M. Chad Zhu “June” Cheng Sandra V. Chu Katherine Linnea Cole Carolyn R. Coverdale Rachel L. Crane Ingrid N. Culp Laura J. Danielson Tracy L. Deutmeyer Daniel P. Deveny Marilyn C. Donahue Katherine J. Douglas Devin T. Driscoll Bret A. Dublinske Jeremy P. Duehr Eve P. Durand Judy S. Engel Grant D. Fairbairn Terrence J. Fleming Jessica L. Foss Lora Friedemann Barbara Fritz Victoria Gelardi Rebecca Gin David M. Glaser Tyler J. Gludt David B. Gollin Austin L. Goodnight Kevin P. Goodno Dominick J. Grande Karen L. Grandstrand Abigale R. Griffin Jodi Gustafson William L. Guy III Laura A. Habein Laurie E. Hartman Mary E. Heath Steve E. Helland Thomas B. Henke

Michelle M. Hill Jennifer L. Hodge Burkett Kayla C. Hoel Sten-Erik Hoidal Cody J. Holliday Andrew P. Holm Angela M. Horel Caitlin B. Houlton Kuntz Christina A. Huckfeldt Justin G. Hughes Loan T. Huynh Thuy P. Huynh Leah M. Huyser Ashley K. Ignaszewski Katherine B. Ilten Leigh-Erin Irons Mercedes Jackson Michael P. Jacobs Andrea G. JensonPacker Victor Jimenez Laurie M. Johnson Ryan S. Johnson Alicia P. Jones Paul B. Jones Breann Jurek Natalie D. Kadievitch Steven R. Kinsella Mary M. Krakow Patricia Larson Kristin LeBre Lacey L. Lesmeister Ken S. Levinson Debra J. Linder Lynn S. Linne Tara Mack Debbie L. Maday Patrick D. Mahlberg


Erik E. Malinowski Jessica D. Manivasager David R. Marshall Megan Massie Brian S. McCool Hannah J. McDevitt Kiel C. McElveen Zachary S. McFarland Christopher J. Melsha Aramis Mendez Amanda M. Mills Alissa N. Mitchell Ayesha Mitha Nicole M. Moen Jennifer Mojica Daniel C. Mott Cynthia A. Moyer Sarah Munson Ryan T. Murphy John Nelson Joann R. Nessler Dylan Nguyen Andrew M. Nick Beckie L. Northrop Deborah Norvold Olivia N. Norwood Robert M. Oberlies Penny S. Oleson Zachary D. Olson Bonnie A. O’Malley Sage H. O’Neil Samuel D. Orbovich Jeri L. Parkin John G. Patterson Rita Pavey Bridget R. Penick N. Chethana Perera Katie A. Perleberg


Annette PetersonIgbinovia Christopher D. Pham John Pickerill Christopher A. Pinckney Andrew G. Pomroy Jeffrey W. Post Spencer D. Ptacek Steve J. Quam Anne M. Radolinski Mary S. Ranum Michael S. Raum Lindsey A. Remakel Brett F. Roberts Carolina Rodriguez Anne E. Rondoni Tavernier Howard A. Roston Marvic SalminenMorillo David Salmon Gauri S. Samant Karen Sandler Steinert Mark D. Savin Debra Schneider Jeffrey J. Serum Cameron R. Seybolt Kendra D. Simmons Anneliese Simons Thomas L. Slaughter Sandra S. SmalleyFleming Erika A. Smith Levi J. Smith Mollie M. Smith James H. Snelson Joseph M. Sokolowski Marilyn Soltis

Ryan M. Spanheimer Anupama D. Sreekanth Shataia Stallings Adam R. Steinert Jeffrey J. Steinle Aaron Z. Stenz Noah Stommel John H. Stout Jacob Strinden Erik A. Sundberg Asmah Tareen Julie A. Taylor Courtney A. Thompson Teresa M. Thompson Roxanne N. Thorelli Marcus J. Tibesar Benjamin R. Tozer Jeanne M. Tracy Alyssa M. Troje Kyle W. Ubl Brandon R. Underwood Emily A. Unger Anna J. Vitale Mark W. Vyvyan Haley Waller Pitts Laura J. Wanger Marc Ward David G. Waytz Giselle Webber Amanda L. Welters David C. West Todd A. Wind Masha Yevzelman Randy J. Zellmer Aubrey J. Zuger

FREDRIKSON & BYRON Where Law and Business Meet®

At Fredrikson & Byron, we’ve built a reputation as the firm “where law and business meet” by bringing business acumen and entrepreneurial thinking to our work with clients. We operate as business advisors and strategic partners, as well as legal counselors. A proactive, problem-solving mindset runs throughout our service areas, which enables us to understand and keep client objectives firmly in mind, as well as anticipate and address problems before they arise. Our lawyers blend a common-sense approach with in-the-field experience, and we utilize our firm’s strong reputation and our lawyers’ broad networks to get things done.



Damon Allen Thibodeaux testifies before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.


or more than 35 years, Fredrikson & Byron’s lawyers and staff have represented men and women on death row in Louisiana. Damon Thibodeaux was only 22 when he was wrongfully accused of murdering and raping a woman in Louisiana in 1996. He was unjustly convicted and sentenced to death for that crime in 1997. Beginning in 1999, a large team of Fredrikson lawyers and staff, led by now-retired shareholder Steve Kaplan, began to represent Damon in his attempt to overturn his conviction and death sentence. Working with the Capital Post-Conviction Center of Louisiana and the Innocence Project of New York, the team investigated and uncovered evidence that established Damon’s actual innocence. After serving 15 years in jail and prison, most of it on death row, he was completely exonerated in 2012. Damon’s gratitude for receiving this assistance and a second chance at life inspired him to always look forward and find a way to give back to those who gave so much for him. After his release, he moved to Minneapolis and worked at the firm for over a year while he obtained his GED. After that, he began a career as a truck driver, which gave him the opportunity to see the country and gave him the flexibility to give presentations to many organizations about his experiences. He became involved in Witness to Innocence; a nonprofit whose mission is to empower exonerated death row survivors to be the most powerful and effective voice in the fight to end the death penalty in the United States.


Through our work with Damon, many of us at Fredrikson got to know him well. Being wrongfully accused and convicted and serving 15 years in prison for a crime he did not commit could make a person bitter and angry. But not Damon—he was kind-hearted, forward-looking and optimistic. According to his family, those qualities and especially his optimism continued until the very end. Damon died on August 31, 2021, at the age of 47 after a long battle with COVID-19. “Damon was one of the most resilient, peaceful and joyful people that I've ever been privileged to know. We can only wish that he had been granted more time to enjoy his life and freedom.” – Steve Kaplan Rest in Peace


Each year, our firm contributes thousands of hours in pro bono services to individuals in need and nonprofit organizations throughout the community.

Main 612.492.7000

Address 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-1425

Offices USA / China / Mexico Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota

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