Forum Factorum Issue IV (V. XLIII)

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Forum Factorum Apr. 2018 // Issue IV // Volume XLIII


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Forum Factorum


Table of Contents Officer Letters 3 4

Farewell, Class of 2018

Harvard Certamen


Navigating BHS

Guide to Voting


7 9





Anushree Iyengar 1st VP

2nd VP


Tim Liu


Tamsin Edwards



Rachel Wang



Vikiana Petit-Homme



Welcoming Letters

Carina Layfield






Activity Page


Past Art


MassJCL Moments

Cover Caption: Certamen Notes Photo by Jesse Hogan Cover Seal by Colette Stapp

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Forum Factorum

Jesse Hogan


Jacob Hane




Jonathan Yuan



Ms. Tamara Bauer Ms. Meg Burns Ms. Janet Fillion Ms. Victoria Miklosky



Tech. Co. and Parli.



Dear MassJCL, It is with a heavy heart that I present to you the fourth and final issue of the Forum Factorum. In this issue, you will find a wonderful collection of articles, reports, and letters from our dear JCL friends from across the state and nation! While I hope you enjoy this issue of the Forum Factorum, I request that you venture out into this State Convention and make stories of your own. Be engaged. Scream your heart out in Spirit. Dive headlong into Olympika. Explore your artistic talents in art competitions. But most importantly, make this convention your convention. Enjoy it, MassJCL. Time flies quick, and soon enough, you too will be passing down our purple and gold torch to the next generation. Ex animo,


Jacob Hane MassJCL Publications Editor Photo by Jesse Hogan

Photo by Jesse Hogan

Salvete MassJCL! We on the MassJCL board are incredibly excited to welcome you to State Convention, the biggest and most fun event we host every year! We’ve spent months planning, and it’s finally time to experience it. We sincerely hope that you enjoy every moment you spend here, and we don’t think you’ll be disappointed! State Convention is also the grand finale of this board’s term of office. It has truly been such an honor to serve you all for the past year. It is a bittersweet time for us, as we celebrate our successes but say goodbye to the MassJCL for the year. With that being said, the MassJCL year is not over yet! We still have this amazing weekend to create memories that will last a lifetime. It is up to you to make this the best States you’ve ever attended, so carpe diem and live this convention to the fullest! Ab imo pectore,

Jonathan Yuan

Jonathan Yuan MassJCLTechnical Coordinator

The Last Hurrah!


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Farewell, Advanced Math and Science Academy Anushree Iyengar Christina Bibinski Siobhan Gannon Srinidhi Raghav

Case Western Reserve University University of Connecticut Rochester Institute of Technology University of Massachusetts Amherst

“I have found a wonderful family in this organization, and I will miss it dearly next year!” -Anushree Iyengar, AMSA Barnstable High School Christo Campbell Dante Leone Derek Rockwell Drew Dalton Joe Lennon-Phillips Nora Canaday Sophia Blakely Yohan Cadet

University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Westfield State University University of Massachusetts Amherst New York University Massachusetts Maritime Academy Boston University

“The JCL has allowed me to develop a genuine and passionate interest in the Classics and have inspired me to pursue it after I graduate.” - Jonathan Yuan, BLS

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Boston Latin Academy Malika Cruickshank

Rutgers University

“Later Losers! With Love,” -Drew Dalton, Barnstable Boston Latin School Anna Aldins Erin Nuestro Ina Beinborn Jonathan Yuan Maurice Malone Nestoras Apodiakos Ting Wei Li

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston College Undecided Harvard University Centre College Boston College Boston University

“It’s been a blast. See you JCLater.” -Siobhan Gannon, AMSA Littleton High School Abbi Hartzel Anson Staples Brian Provost Camille Sawosik Jacob Montepolu Jessica Carter Kyra Toomey Olivia Rosenblum Phaedra Ferrini Sarah Baker

Northeastern University Undecided Dartmouth College Johns Hopkins University Undecided Undecided University of California Davis Skidmore College University of Massachusetts Boston Undecided


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Updates Stuart Mackersie Tommy Johnson Zac Carelli

Undecided Undecided University of Massachusetts Lowell

“Thank you for allowing me to thrive. Here’s to past and future schenanigans.” -Grace Kelley, Mount Greylock Member-At-Large Tamsin Edwards

Northeastern University

“Thank you for providing me with a second home for these last seven years.” -Tamsin Edwards, MAL Mount Greylock Regional High School Cole Seaman Connor McClannan Grace Kelley Jack LeBlanc Jacob Hane John Werner

Undecided Undecided Undecided CCV Bennington Hamilton College Undecided

“People put the love in JCL. They are what make each State Convention special.” -Cole Seaman, Mount Greylock Sandwich High School James Hanlon Sam Bates

Quinnipiac University Massachusetts Maritime Academy

“The JCL has been a huge part of my development. Thank you for all the grand memories!” -Jacob Hane, Mount Greylock

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Perspective Photo by Jesse Hogan

Harvard Certamen Harvard certamen as a whole was such a thrilling experience. Days before the competition, I was told that this Certamen event was actually nationwide. Entering the facilities, I even recognized some students I remembered seeing at nationals. I personally arrived at Harvard around the lunch break. Most of the schools

A Supportive Message for BLS! gave their students the chance to roam around downtown Boston, so I caught other JCLers buying lunch from a slew of different restaurants and cafes before semi-finals and finals. While a handful of members from the Boston Latin Academy certamen team explored the area surrounding Harvard, I watched many schools such as BC High, BLS, and Exeter discuss the competition while dining on an array of Bostonian snacks (Dunkin’ Donuts, of course, was omnipresent). After we finished eating, all attending JCLers returned to watch the semi-finals and finals. The nine teams for semi-fi-

nals all played at once--three teams per one room. The top three teams, of course, would proceed to the finals. During semi-finals, however, I chose to watch a fellow BLS team that was competing. After the ensuing battle left two teams defeated, both audience members and competitors boxed up the buzzers and migrated towards the finals

“I watched many schools...discuss the competition while dining on an array of Bostonian snacks (Dunkin’ Donuts, of course, was omnipresent).”

chamber. Novice finals proceeded semi-finals with a short buffer: we had but just ten minutes of rest before the declensions and conjugations began to fly. Competitors sat in the front row; Teams from DC, BLS, and Exeter inhabited these seats. BLS took the first strike and gained an immediate lead, but DC and Exeter were not far behind. With every correct answer came a roar from the crowd, and every wrong elicited silent suspense. Ultimately, BLS took the win, and I left Harvard satisfied as my friends exited with pride and first-place plaques.

-Lia Van Der Linde, BLA ‘21

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Entertainment Photo by BLS JCL

Navigating BHS Thank you so much for coming to our school! We’d appreciate it if you left it in the same mediocre quality it was in when you arrived. The Barnstable delegates have suffered enough to know their way around this school if you have any questions. *Disclaimer: If you find an angry senior with a furrowed brow and an all white party suit, run in the opposite direction, that’s Derek.* Firstly, if you begin to be smothered by the remnants of axe body spray, you’ve gone too far upstairs, near the grotesque eighth grade hallways. When you arrive at the bus port, you will have an astounding realization; this school is massive. We request that you kindly put on your Dora The Explorer™ backpacks and pull out the Map if you plan on ever finding your way around. After entering the school you will see registration tables. To your left there will be a long hallway, and ahead of you, another long hallway. If you take a left you will be welcomed by the delicious stench of Aramark food from the cafeteria, and the delightful lack of books in our overtly large library will usher you into the reality of your presence in Barnstable. Luckily, this school is a square, and if anything you will end upback where you started. Our tragically barren library is the center of the school so, when in doubt, go there to recuperate.

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If you choose to go straight down the hall from the bus port you will find yourself in the main lobby, where you will be graced further by the presence of Barnstable JCLers selling you food and making timely jokes about Latin declension they don’t understand. Also you will be near the Performing Arts Center. This is where the magic happens (GAs, spirit, etc.). Don’t go too far outside unless you’re visiting our highly over budgeted track and field. And not to worry, each room is numbered, and so is each hallway by signs and plaques. To me, these hallways have special connotations. For instance, I view the Astro Garden as the “hide-from-Mr.-Lenhart-garden.” We hope that you will learn to name the hallways and spaces yourself. Perhaps the left wing will be the “where-I-got-lostat-my-first-state-convention” hallway, or our cafe will be “the-place-where-I-danceduntil-my-feet-hurt” room. You may get lost here--in fact it is very likely--but wherever you end up, someone from our Mass JCL family is sure to find you, or, even more likely, to get lost with you. Thank you and we hope you enjoy our school.

-Sophia Blakely, Barnstable ‘18

Entertainment Photo by BLS JCL

Guide to Voting The following information has been provided by the MassJCL officers. In it, you will find important and helpful tips to follow in the voting process, from what to look for in a candidate, to how to cast your ballot!



When looking for a candidate, consider these three important factors: what their qualifications are, what their platform is, and how they engage MassJCL. Vote for the most qualified candidate whom you believe will serve MassJCL well, not the candidate who may be the funniest. Attend events such as Open Forum to meet with candidates. Find time to talk with candidates in a personal setting. A good candidate is always open to discussing their ideas!


When voting fellowship begins, make sure to voice your opinion on who you think will be the best officer. Keep this discourse respectful, of course! Keep your mind open as well--someone may have a different perspective that is valid!


Cast your vote! Keep in mind, every chapter may have a different voting process. Make sure to check with your local club to see just how you handle voting procedure.

Candidate Breakdown: What Qualifies an Officer? Qualifications A candidate will highlight their accomplishments throughout JCL. Look for what local officers they have held, any awards they have won in the JCL, and any offices they have held in organizations outside the JCL. Are their compositions good? Take a gander! Platform What is the Candidate proposing to change about their offce? What do they want to bring to the state? A candidates platform is their collection of ideas. Maybe they want to expand outreach, or maybe they have a new idea for a contest. Pay attention to find out more! Engagement A candidate should be passionate about the JCL, but there is always a fine line. Be wary of candidates who lie for votes, degrade other candidates, or act unprofessional!

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Welcoming Salvete, MassJCL! My name is Joseph Delamerced, and I recently finished my term as President of the Ohio Junior Classical League. Your President, Anushree Iyengar, attended OJCL Convention, and I was thrilled to have one of my best friends there. I am so excited to be attending your state convention soon! Our state JCLs share many similarities: Certamen, a talent show, and a general disdain for the Pittsburgh Steelers, to name a few. However, the event I look most forward to at OJCL is Certamen. While I’m no expert like Dante Minutillo, I love playing Certamen and having some exciting competition against my friends. At OJCL State Convention, my team was comprised of three seniors and one sophomore, who had never studied Roman History yet was playing as our history expert. We eked out a semifinal spot, and in true underdog fashion, we qualified for finals. But unlike certain Philadelphia underdogs (who I understand that we all despise), we lost.

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“Our state JCLs share many similarities: Certamen, a talent show, and a general disdain for the Pittsburgh Steelers, to name a few.” The thing is - we still had so much fun. It was awesome playing against all our friends in our last year in the JCL. That’s what I think this year’s convention theme is all about. The friendships and memories you’ve made with people in the JCL will last for a lifetime. I know I’m excited to reconnect and meet some amazing friends and to see some amazing Certamen matchups at MassJCL. I’m looking forward to it! E corde,

Joseph Delamerced

Joseph Delamerced OJCL President


A Nation-wide

Welcoming Greetings from Nevada! I am thankful for this opportunity to write in your publication because it allows me to connect more with my fellow JCLers, even if they’re across the country. That’s my favorite part of the JCL: how it helps me make friends and have valuable interactions. So here’s my recommendation to you all: If you’re at convention, do as many activities and talk to as many people as you can; if you’re not at convention, I still urge you to connect with JCLers, either through other JCL events or through internet chats and online JCL publications. Any which way, get out there and have lots of fun! Zoa Katok Torch: United Editor Salvete! Well, Massachusettians, Convention is upon ye. May fortune smile upon ye all and the gods have mercy. No pressure. Peter Bota CJCL Nuntius Editor

Hey MassJCL, I hope you have an amazing convention! I am sure you all have spent so much time preparing for this weekend, so now take some time to enjoy it! Savor your time with your friends, venture out and participate in a new event, sit by someone new at dinner, and take lots of pictures to capture the special moments. Happy competing, best of luck, and have fun! Jade Woods NJCL Editor Salvete, mi amici! I’ve pondered a lot about what one single thing I would have liked to hear before my first convention. By considering this, I realized one of the most amazing aspects of the JCL: that there is truly no one thing that I needed to hear, for even as I entered my first convention as a timid 6th grader, the JCL still swept me up with its incredible camaraderie and kindness. So for this 2018 MassJCL convention, just enjoy being swept up by the JCL. Garret Frye-Mason NMJCL 1VP

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Horoscopes Mar 21- Apr 19


Think hard about how you have been treating the people in your life. Are they happy? Are you happy?

Apr 20 - May 20

Take time to recenter yourself around those you love.



May 21 - Jun 20

“A jack of all trades, master of none” but better than a master of one.

Jun 21 - Jul 22

Even though it is tedious, organization always pays off in the long run.


Jul 23 - Aug 22


Remind yourself that you don’t always have to be who or what others want you to be. Decide on your own.

Aug 23 - Sep 22

This week will be freeing and uplifting. Allow yourself to be uplifted.

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Sep 23 - Oct 22

Your life may feel overwhelming right now, but sometimes it’s okay for it to feel like that. Keep calm and carry on.

Oct 23 - Nov 21

You may soon find yourself especially closed off or argumentative to others. Recenter and recollect yourself.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

The sun, moon, and stars are yours for the taking. Consider what or who is stopping you.

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Confusion and misdirection will abound; a good friend can be a map.




Jan 20 - Feb 18

Even though this may sound impossible, try your best to relax yourself and open your mind this week.

Feb 19 - Mar 20

This week is the week of new beginnings--but with each new beginning, there must also be an end.


Space Creds: Wikipedia Astrological signs custom made by Colette Stapp, Mt. Greylock ‘19

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Activity Page

MassJCL State Convention Crossword! 1.


3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.




Answer Key BEFORE YOU PEEP, answers can be found throughout the newsletter and the program! Check your schedule for hints! 1. KAHOOT 2. BOBDYLAN 3. FELLOWSHIP 4. STEELERS 5. PAC 6. DEREK 7. LITTLETONHIGHSCHOOL

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Forum Factorum



4. ‘A general disdain for the Pittsburgh _________.” 7. A “little” high school with 13 graduating JCL Seniors.” 9. The number of MassJCL officers there are. 11. Where students go at the end of each day. 13. You can find your art here! 14. Name of the OJCL President attending our State Convention

1. This event happens in Knight on Saturday 2. “Why __________ Matters” 3. Where each delegation votes. 5. Where all GAs are held. 6. The BHS Senior who JCLers should “run in the opposite direction from.” 8. Where Gladiator Games are held. 10. Lunch on Sunday. 12. The President of MassJCL.

Arts Photo by BLS JCL

Past Art Blast from the Past In this issue’s section of The Arts, we are highlighting MassJCL art from the 2016 State Convention--the last time Barnstable hosted us! Included in this section are photos from all walks of art. Come reminisce!

Photo by BLS JCL

Music Fills the Halls of BHS Photo by BLS JCL

Photo by BLS JCL

Art Pickup in the Library

Towards Scylla

Photo by BLS JCL

Photo by BLS JCL

A Wonderful Scrapbook of Yore

Custom Jewelry

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Photo by Jesse Hogan



Photo by BLS JCL

Photo by BLS JCL

Gladiator Game Spectators (2016)

Winchester Cheers at States (2016)

Photo by Jesse Hogan

Photo by Brian Provost

A Masterful Lecture at Harvard Certamen

Seniors from Littleton High School

THANK YOU Curry Printing in Westborough, MA for your beautiful prints!

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Gratias Maximas

THANK YOU Merrimax Mechanics for donating state and local websites!

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