Sheet Metal Industries - Digital Advertising Space

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Digital Advertising, Media & PR Bundles Version 4 Oct 2022

Randomised banners displaying sitewide including the homepage, sitewide footer, news, all articles, videos and member directory.

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For maximum impact on mobile devices, we also request a banner image in a mobile-friendly ratio. It will appear in the same position as the desktop version of the website.

A Read Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. BENDING / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDLING Read Contrary to popular be ief, Lorem psum is not simply random text BY JOHN SMITH Read Lorem psum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s BY JOHN SMITH Read There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum ava lab e BY JOHN SMITH BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Sheeting Hot News #2 #3 #4 #1 Lorem ipsum dolor s t amet, consectetur adip scing el t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem ipsum do or sit amet, consectetur adip scing elit BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu la Nul a fac lisi BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nulla Nul a faci is BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Etiam eget al quam arcu Nul am et ligula quis metus BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 See All News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News Video Members Become a Member Contact Pol c es About TRENDING NEWS: A l the gossip from MACH 2022 at the NEC Birm ngham TRENDING NEWS: All the gossip from MACH 2022 at the NEC Birmingham Static Website Banner A DV E RT I S E M E N T A DV E RT I S E M E N T Desktop 1280w x 170h px Mobile 370w x 280h px Please note the minimum font size is 18px Your banner here Sitewide Website Banner Adverts Your advert on every page of the website! WELCOME TO T E PLUS. DISCOVER LASER GENIUS+

Featured Member

A feature within the ‘Featured Members’ rotating carousel section of the homepage that displays logo, featured image, specialisms, description and location with a link directly to your member profile page. Featured and highlighted within the ‘Find Member’ area and will score higher within the directory algorithm - essentially appearing at the top of all search results on the page.

BRUDERER UK s the UK s ndustry eader in H gh Prec s on S amp ng Presses Both New and Preowned and the Market Leader in H gh-Qua ty Press Shop Automat on and Anc ary Equ pment p ease c ck hrough our Read More


Ma vern Worcestersh re


We oer he best poss b e consu t ng, the broades ange of produc s and the best team of profess ona s prepared o face any scenar o wi h mach ne oo s in the secto of sheet me a and stee struc ures We oer the Read More

Axe & Status

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Bletch ey M ton Keynes


The bus ness was es ab shed n 970 hen rad ng as Axe Mach ne Too s L d and Sta us Sheet Meta Mach nery Ltd These two compan es specia is ng n meta cutt ng mach ne too s and fabr cat ng machinery we e Read More

View Member


Ma vern Worcestersh re


We oer he best poss b e consu t ng, the broades ange of produc s and the best team of profess ona s prepared o face any scenar o wi h mach ne oo s in the secto of sheet me a and stee struc ures We oer the Read More

Axe & Status

View Member


View Member

Bletch ey M ton Keynes The bus ness was es ab shed n 970 hen rad ng as Axe Mach ne Too s L d and Sta us Sheet Meta Mach nery Ltd These two compan es specia is ng n meta cutt ng mach ne too s and fabr cat ng machinery we e Read More


Ma vern Worcestersh re


We oer he best poss b e consu t ng the broades ange of produc s and the best team of profess ona s prepared o face any scenar o wi h mach ne oo s in the secto of sheet me a and stee struc ures We oer the Read More Axe & Status

View Member

B Read Lorem psum is simp y dummy text of the printing and typesett ng industry. Read passages of Lorem Ipsum ava ab e BY OHN SM TH BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Lorem psum do or s t amet consectetu adipisc ng e t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem psum do or s t ame , consectetur ad p sc ng el t BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu a Nu a fac s BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec a sap en nu a Nu la fac si BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum e vu puta e n sl BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc u maximus psum et vu pu ate nis BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget aliquam arcu Nul am et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 See Al News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Latest Videos See A V deos
ul a sag t is rhoncus ul r ces Nam ve empo acus Praesent aoree d purus sed consequat
unc a orci v tae quam e ei end sagitt s in nec massa Mauris e us orc , u tr ces e emen um quam nec eu smod congue n bh Duis v tae Leo ut n s portt tor eu smod a ve augue Featured Members 01 02 0 0 05
BRUDERER UK s the UK’ s ndustry eader n H gh Prec s on S amp ng P esses Both New and Preowned and the Market Leader n High-Qua i y P ess Shop Automat on and Anci a y Equ pment, p ease c ck through ou high ghted Read More BEND NG / OLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDL NG View Member Lu on, Bed ordsh re Lorem psum do or s t amet consectetu adipisc ng e t BY NAME OF COMPANY 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu a Nu a fac s BY NAME OF COMPANY 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, e vu puta e n sl BY NAME OF COMPANY 0 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula quis me us BY NAME OF COMPANY 01 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Featured Member Articles Find a Member ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Members Directory BRUDERER UK FEATURED MEMBER Map V ew L st V ew D sp ay ng 93 Resu ts Most Re evant Sort by Show A Services Birm ngham Sea ch View Member BEND NG OLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDL NG BEND NG / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HAND NG Luton Bedfordshire
e Banner Advert
A - Webs
Home News Video
e a
Contact Pol c es Abou
Read Lorem psum is simp y dummy text of the printing and typesett ng industry. BEND NG / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDL NG Read Contrary to popu ar bel ef, Lorem psum s no s mply random text BY OHN SM TH Read Lorem psum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the 500s BY OHN SM TH Read There are many var at ons o passages of Lorem Ipsum ava ab e BY OHN SM TH BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Sheeting Hot News #2 #3 #4 #1 Lorem psum do or s t amet consectetu adipisc ng e t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem psum do or s t ame consectetur ad p sc ng el t BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu a Nu a fac s BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec a sap en nu a Nu la fac si BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, e vu puta e n sl BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc u maximus psum et vu pu ate nis BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget aliquam arcu Nul am et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 See Al News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News V deo Members Become a Member Con ac Pol c es About TRENDING NEWS A the gossip from MACH 2022 at he NEC B rm ngham Your Featured Membership Homepage Member’s Directory
TRENDING NEWS: A the goss p from MACH 2022 at the NEC Bi mingha

Entire website homepage, news and video section colour scheme change of background. Includes a top banner on these 3 pages. Depending on brand colour will dictate if rest of website displays ‘light’ or ‘dark’ version. Some colours may not be available if colour contrasts are too poor and are not up to WCAG 2.1 A-class Standards.

C Read Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. BENDING / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDLING Read Contrary to popular be ief Lorem psum is not simply random text BY JOHN SMITH Read Lorem psum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s BY JOHN SMITH Read There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum ava lab e BY JOHN SMITH BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Sheeting Hot News #2 #3 #4 #1 Lorem ipsum dolor s t amet, consectetur adip scing el t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem ipsum do or sit amet, consectetur adip scing elit BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu la Nul a fac lisi BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nulla Nul a faci is BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Etiam eget al quam arcu Nul am et ligula quis metus BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 See All News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News Video Members Become a Member Contact Pol c es About TRENDING NEWS: A l the gossip from MACH 2022 at the NEC Birm ngham HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER SPONSORED BY Desktop 1280w x 170h px Mobile 370w x 280h px Please supply HEX code or RGB values for brand colour Your banner here Homepage Takeover Your brand colour for the background TRENDING NEWS: All the gossip from MACH 2022 at the NEC Birmingham Static Website Banner A DV E RT I S E M E N T A DV E RT I S E M E N T Mobile THE UK LEADER IN PRECISION PRESS SHOP MACHINERY View Products Homepage

Entire website homepage, news and video section colour scheme change of background. Includes a top banner on these 3 pages. Depending on brand colour will dictate if rest of website displays ‘light’ or ‘dark’ version. Some colours may not be available if colour contrasts are too poor and are not up to WCAG 2.1 A-class Standards.

C Homepage Takeover News Lorem psum do or s t ame consecte ur ad p sc ng el t BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Lorem psum do or s t amet consectetur ad pisc ng e t BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec a sap en nu a Nul a fac s BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu la Nu a fac is BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum et vu puta e n sl BY OHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum et vu puta e n sl BY OHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Et am ege a quam arcu Nu am et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nul am et ligula qu s me us BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Lorem psum do or s t ame , consecte ur ad p sc ng el t BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec a sap en nu a Nul a fac s BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vu puta e n sl BY OHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Et am ege a quam arcu Nu am et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Mos Recent Sort by Show A Top cs ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 03 04 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News V deo Membe s Become a Member Contact Pol c es Abou TRENDING NEWS: A l the goss p rom MACH 2022 at the NEC B rm ngham HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER SPONSORED BY
Lorem psum dolor s t amet, consecte ur ad p sc ng e i BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Lorem ipsum do or si amet consectetur ad p sc ng e t BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu a Nu a aci s BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu la Nu a fac is BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc u maximus psum et vu putate nis BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum e vu puta e n sl BY OHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 E iam ege a quam arcu Nu am et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a quam arcu Nu am et ligula qu s metus BY OHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Lorem psum dolor s t amet, consecte ur ad p sc ng e i BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu a Nu a aci s BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc u maximus psum et vu putate nis BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 E iam ege a quam arcu Nu am et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ Mos Recen Sort by ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 03 04 05 A - Webs te Banner Advert Home News Video Members Become a Member Contact Pol c es Abou TRENDING NEWS: A the goss p from MACH 2022 at the NEC Bi mingham HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER SPONSORED BY Read Lorem psum is simp y dummy text of the printing and typesett ng industry. BEND NG / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDL NG Read Contrary to popu ar bel ef, Lorem psum s no s mply random text BY OHN SM TH Read Lorem psum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the 500s BY OHN SM TH Read There are many var at ons o passages of Lorem Ipsum ava ab e BY OHN SM TH BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Sheeting Hot News #2 #3 #4 #1 Lorem psum do or s t amet consectetu adipisc ng e t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem psum do or s t ame consectetur ad p sc ng el t BY OHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sap en nu a Nu a fac s BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec a sap en nu a Nu la fac si BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, e vu puta e n sl BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc u maximus psum et vu pu ate nis BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget aliquam arcu Nul am et ligula quis me us BY JOHN SM TH 0 / 06 / 22 See Al News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News V deo Members Become a Member Con ac Pol c es About TRENDING NEWS A the gossip from MACH 2022 at he NEC B rm ngham Videos News Your banner here Your brand colour for the background

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Sed ut persp ciat s unde omnis iste natus error s t voluptatem accusan ium doloremque audan ium totam rem aperiam, eaque

Nemo en m ipsam vo uptatem qu a voluptas sit aspernatur aut od t aut fug t, sed qu a consequuntur magn do ores eos qu rat one vo uptatem

Eque porro qu squam est qu do orem psum qu a do or s t amet consectetur, ad p sc ve it

Ut enim ad m n ma ven am qu s nostrum exercitat onem ul am corporis susc pit a oriosam, nis ut al qu d ex ea commodi consequa ur

Over a day ago 3 days ago 5 days ago 11 days ago

D 01 02 0 0 05 BRUDERER UK s the UK s ndustry eader in H gh Precis on Stamping Presses Both New and Preowned and the Market Leader n High-Qua ity Press Shop Automation and Anc l ary Equipment, p ease c ick through our high ighted Read More View Member Luton, Bedfordshire Lorem ipsum dolor s t amet, consectetur adip scing el t BY NAME OF COMPANY 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu la Nul a fac lisi BY NAME OF COMPANY 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY NAME OF COMPANY 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula qu s metus BY NAME OF COMPANY 0 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ
rs © 2022 Sheet Meta ndustries A R ghts Reserved Privacy Policy Cookie Po icy Accessibi ity Statement Subscr be Enter your email address Sign up to our Newsletter ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Back to Top Your logo here Supplier Logo Homepage Featured Your supplier logo featured on the homepage rotating carousel. Read Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. BENDING / FOLD NG MATER AL / SHEET HANDLING Read Contrary to popular be ief, Lorem psum is not simply random text BY JOHN SMITH Read Lorem psum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s BY JOHN SMITH Read There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum ava lab e BY JOHN SMITH BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 2 M N READ Sheeting Hot News #2 #3 #4 #1 Lorem ipsum dolor s t amet, consectetur adip scing el t BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Lorem ipsum do or sit amet, consectetur adip scing elit BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nu la Nul a fac lisi BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Donec at sapien nulla Nul a faci is BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Nunc ut max mus ipsum, et vulputate n sl BY JOHN SMITH 01 / 06 / 22 Et am eget a iquam arcu Nu lam et ligula qu s metus BY JOHN SMITH 0 / 06 / 22 Etiam eget al quam arcu Nul am et ligula quis metus BY JOHN SM TH 01 / 06 / 22 See All News Latest News 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 M N READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ 2 MIN READ ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert ADVERT SEMENT 01 02 0 0 05 A - Website Banner Advert Home News Video Members Become a Member Contact Pol c es About TRENDING NEWS: A l the gossip from MACH 2022 at the NEC Birm ngham

Editor’s Monthly E-Newsletter Banner

An informed and informative blend of all the latest industry news, features events and videos, served directly to readers’ inboxes. Delivered 12 times a year.

Advertising: Prominent clickable banner slot on the newsletter to re-enforce your brand image amongst the dedicated sectors of sheet metal, metal forming and fabrication.

Size 560 x 300 px

Minimum font size 18pt

Your banner here

Media Bundle

The media bundle offers a comprehensive promotional package, including the production of a video showcasing new products or news within your organisation, alongside a supporting article, photography and social media posts to help you spread the word.

Onsite Video
Media Posts & Graphics Photography Website Article


Membership with us gives you access to a community of like-minded organisations. We strongly believe that championing yourself and your products shouldn’t cost the earth. So, we’ve crafted advertising and media bundles that offer large and small organisations alike the same opportunity to publicise important information about their companies to the entire sectors of sheet metal, metal forming and fabrication at a very competitive price. Grow your connections and promote your business.

Member’s Directory Member’s Profile Page


Summary Code Description Weekly Cost Monthly Cost Yearly Cost One-off Cost
Sitewide Website Banner Adverts
Featured Member
Homepage Takeover
Supplier Logo Homepage Featured
Editor’s Monthly E-Newsletter
Media Bundle Includes onsite video, article feature, photography, social media post writing & graphic
PR - Website Article
PR - Upgrade Article
PR - Application Story Feature
Require banner design help? If you want to advertise in a professional manner, we also offer a graphic design service! We can design your desktop and mobile optimised banner at a one-off cost of £275.00. Description One-off Cost Please email the below information for your company to £275.00 • Website link • Colour - RGB values or hex code • Logo • What key message, copy or text would you like on the banner? • What call to action / button would you like on the banner? • Where is the banner linking? To your member page or your website? • What imagery would you like on the banner? • Do you have brand guidelines? • Do you have any existing marketing material (eg. leaflets or posters) that we can follow the style of?
n/a £375.00 £4,500.00 n/a B
n/a £425.00 n/a n/a C
£1,250.00 n/a n/a n/a D
n/a £125.00 £1,500.00 n/a E
n/a £495.00 n/a n/a F
n/a n/a n/a £1,940.00 G
n/a £40.00 n/a n/a H
n/a n/a n/a £250.00 I
n/a n/a n/a £250.00 J
n/a n/a n/a £350.00
Get in touch to book your place!

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