International Communication Management

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Metal heads, rappers.

Football supporters, badminton players.

Atheists, believers.

Artists, lawyers.

Whoever or whatever you are, it doesn't matter.

At International Communication Management in Eindhoven we are crazy about people. All people.

We are curious: what do they think, what do they feel, what moves them?

The better we understand them, the better we can communicate with them. Because communication is always about people.


In our university degree programme, we strive to closely align with professional practices throughout the four-year journey for our students.

Based on the ambition to work at the pace and in the manner dictated by the professional field, we have revised our graduation year at the Fontys ICM course in Eindhoven. Where our students used to write a thesis, they are now free to build a portfolio of diverse cases, in a form of collaboration that can be coordinated with you. They are supported by a process coach, a battery of expert teachers (on topics such as research, strategy, concept, and creation), and a peer group of fellow students with whom they exchange knowledge and experiences.

In concrete terms, this new form of graduation means that:

• Approximately 130 students are available all year round;

• Students can participate in both large and small communication jobs that you have to offer;

• Collaboration is possible, both on a project basis and in an internship-like construction;

• There are no more start or stop times determined by the programme. This makes our graduation year a lot more flexible, where we offer students real work field experiences in a safe environment, and you have the opportunity to have students on board whenever you need it.


Our graduates can work on a range of communication issues. On the following pages, a number of students share their experiences, so that you can get a good idea of the possibilities. They are students of our Dutch-taught communication bachelor's degree, our international communication bachelor's degree, and the advertising specialisation.


Imagining and creating creative video concepts; that is Menno's specialty. When his own communication course wanted to capture their new branding in a catchy video, they immediately knew whom to turn to.

Menno came up with the image concept, filmed all the shots, and did the editing and VFX all by himself. The result is an energetic video that explains the entire branding story of the course in 30 seconds.

Watch the video here:


Janne loves the advertising world. Before graduating, she decided to work for two large Amsterdam advertising agencies. For three months she worked at DDB Unlimited on, among other things, a sustainability campaign for IKEA Netherlands, with the kick-off activation 'Date for the planet'. No fewer than 10,000 speed dates took place during this successful event. Janne also worked at Alfred International for three months. She and her colleague developed an April Fools campaign for the cell phone provider Simpel. They initiated, set up and carried out this campaign themselves.

The opportunity to fully participate as a junior creative in high-end advertising agencies not only gave Janne the opportunity to develop herself as a concept creative, but she also got the chance to add quality work to her professional portfolio. By working with experts, she learned the intricacies of advertising and her network grew immensely in a short time.


For five months, Mick worked two days a week for MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg. For this large healthcare organization he started working on an internal change communication issue in which healthcare employees had to learn a new way of working. To come up with sound advice, he held six expert interviews and six interviews with healthcare workers, organized a focus group and spent a day working at a Meander residential location. In addition, Mick immersed himself in the world of internal communication and carried out a stakeholder analysis.

He processed all this in a strategic advisory report, including five different employee journeys and thus took the different types of employees within a change process into account. An excellent advice, and one that he presented to the management team.



Advertising agency Scheepens in Tilburg was Boudewijn's client for no less than eight months. Here he worked as a concept creative on concepts and on campaigns for ASML, Uniek Sporten Brabant, De Wever and several formulas within the Mandemakers Group.

In addition to working for Scheepens, Boudewijn participated in the Dutch Creativity Awards and developed a positioning campaign for bed textile brand Dindi Home.

During the project for the Dutch Creativity Awards, Boudewijn spoke with various experts, including a clinical physicist-audiologist, neuroscientists, a strategist and a tech innovation specialist. He and his teammates developed BEEP, a creative concept for people with tinnitus. The potential of the concept is great. There is even interest from the medical world. And with the concept, he and his teammates are taking a shot at winning a Golden Lamp during the Dutch Creativity Awards in October 2023.


How can the Municipality of Eindhoven improve its relationship with (international) young people aged 18-24, so that they participate more in upcoming municipal projects?

Sonya, together with fellow student Minouk Slijpen, devoted herself to this difficult issue for four months. She spoke to young people, did thorough literature research on stimulating participation, and attended a workshop.

She incorporated all the new insights into a corporate communication campaign, with the creative concept for a design competition called Eindhoven Connects: Design Edition. In this competition, the municipality challenges young Eindhoven residents to create designs, that are then exhibited at various locations in the city. This idea fits in nicely with young people who need more social contacts, recognition and free cultural (art/design) activities in Eindhoven.

With this concept, the municipality becomes more open, accessible and attractive in the eyes of young international Eindhoven residents.


For seven months, Lieke and Lieke worked on an assignment for Berden Mode two days a week. This family business has existed for 120 years and has a rather traditional image among the 18 to 24-year-old target group, while they actually sell trendy fashion brands for young people.

After several interviews and two panel evenings with young people from the area, the Liekes came to surprising insights and points for improvement. Based on this, they wrote a strategic plan with practical advice on how Berden can appeal to and activate the youth target group.

In addition, Lieke and Lieke have developed a festival campaign, because festivals are the place where all young people can be found and where they want to look their best.


With the rise of migration and an increasing number of refugees, a municipality can no longer make do with Dutch-only communication. Evi and Hayam worked for five months on a project to improve communication towards non-native speakers of the municipality of Heusden, to make them feel more at home.

They started their project with a survey to create a picture of the various target groups. The interviews in particular provided great insights. Based on this, they drew up a broad, scalable communication plan.

The plan contains solutions for the language barrier, the communication channels and intercultural differences, and offers a feeling of home that is in line with the vision for the future, 'Together at home in Heusden.'

The advice also includes a brochure, website optimization, internal and external writing advice, intercultural training for employees and a buddy system to connect the non-native and Dutch-speaking residents.


Do you have a communication assignment where you can use the help and expertise of our graduates?

Then please contact our account team at:

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