Greater Port Macquarie Focus i167

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Camp Quality gives kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again, with services and programmes designed to help change the cancer story: in hospital, at home, at school or away from it all. The Turpie/Scotts are a local family who were introduced to the programme four years ago, and the support that Camp Quality gave to this family was invaluable. L:R Dylan Scott, Ashton Scott, Suzanne Turpie, Caleb Scott, Rob Turpie, Blake Turpie, Jae Turpie


an you tell us about your family and how you became involved with Camp Quality? We are a big family with Rob and me. We've been together for about 10 years now. Rob has two kids - Blake (21) and Jae (19). I have three boys, Dylan (17), Ashton (15) and Caleb (13) and we live in Port Macquarie. In 2015, when Caleb was nine years old, he was diagnosed with brain cancer. We were flown to Sydney for emergency surgery, followed by radiation and then chemotherapy. It was at Sydney Children's Hospital that we were introduced to Camp Quality and all that it does. CALEB HAS ATTENDED What Camp Quality programmes and THE KIDS’ CAMP, services have you accessed over the years? AND TOGETHER AS A was invaluable. She was our constant We were first introduced to Caleb's FAMILY WE'VE BEEN person by our side every single day, play therapist, Kylie, at Sydney's offering us so much love and support. She ABLE TO SEEK RESPITE Children's Hospital at Randwick. She provided coping techniques for the medical AT THEIR RETREAT AT was a true ray of sunshine for us and procedures he faced and play opportunities SALAMANDER BAY. supported us through some of our to distract him and ensure his continued toughest days. development. She did what she could to We've since been so fortunate to continually bring a smile to Caleb's face attend Family Camps as a "family"; Caleb during some of the darkest hours and has attended the Kids’ Camp, and together as a family we've provided us with so much comfort. been able to seek respite at their Retreat at Salamander Bay. Camp Quality for us is such a positive experience. To know Caleb participates in the Beads of Courage, where every bead that there are so many people, including many volunteers and on his necklace commemorates a medical procedure. community members, choosing to make a difference in lives like What does the support you have received from Camp ours truly touches your heart. They are selfless people who truly Quality mean to your family? do make a difference. The support we received from Kylie, Caleb's play therapist, Thanks Suzanne.

10 Greater Port Macquarie focus

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