GAYLE KEE Award-winning TG’s Chid Care and Preschool celebrates its 20th anniversary this year with a bang. Gayle Kee, General Manager together with Centre Managers Toni-Lee, Linda and Laura work their magic to encourage children to love learning in an environment based on love, trust, respect, compassion and endless fun!
G’s won Excellence in Business and Employer of Choice at the Armidale Regional and Greater Port Macquarie Business
Awards last year. We ask Gayle where she goes from here.
will see TG’s investing a lot more in the
with us over the years. We firmly believe in
future of children and the families in our
The TG’s family is built on three Foundation Stones - Building Relationships, Understanding our Gifts and Encouraging Collective Thinking. These have spurred our growth by becoming the natural collaborative base of the teams we foster and develop and the relationships we have with the community. We will continue with these foundation stones as we Play Learn and Live, as that is how life should be for everyone.
empowering women and the importance in
This is what makes it worthwhile investing in
communities, where we involve them in helping the children play, learn and live life to the fullest! To do this we are formalising our business management with Diane Gray of Change
It is amazing how we have grown from
Play Consulting, with plans to open more
three to five centres in Armidale, Wauchope
early learning centres. Veronica Lind of
and Uralla! Our team of educators has also
Vermilion Pinstripes will lead marketing to
expanded from 65 to 106, and only three
drive activities for our new brand. We are
are men!
developing our unique culture to Play-Learn-
It takes a village to raise a child. We strongly
Live life across regional New South Wales.
believe in the family’s influence but we
There are going to be more fun campaigns
also want to pro-actively involve the wider
in each community, so get ready to come
community so that the children at TG’s
paint colourful murals with us or adopt a pet
Can you pick an element that has contributed to the winning formula of TG's? Without a doubt, it is our educators who make TG's stand out.
gain a well-rounded education. So 2018
rock, perhaps in one of our award-winning
Ninety per cent of educators have grown
investing, encouraging and providing them with career advancement and development opportunities within our services. Several have won national awards as trainees and early childhood teachers, and others have advanced to management and leadership positions within TG’s. They are our gifts … It is truly gratifying to go to work each day and see children learn with a smile and parents beaming with joy in their hearts. the future of the children and the families in our communities. TG’s is taking registrations for 2018 and
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