Focus i19 - Coffs Coast

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Feature Story Danielle Burford


I N S I D E 19

April 2012 // issue 19

DREW HOPPER We talk to local photographer Drew Hopper about his passion for beautiful pictures.

PETER FITZSIMONS This ANZAC Day, Coffs Harbour will host the fabulous Peter FitzSimons, who will be guest speaker at C.ex Coffs.

inside this issue.


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editor's note.

kim gould.

editor. C from the

Welcome to the April issue of Coffs Coast FOCUS. an you believe that we’re already

amaze me what fascinating locals we have

a quarter of the way through

here on the Coffs Coast!

this year?! And you know what

We also found out where Aussie Punk Rockers

this means? The Easter bunny is

Frenzal Rhomb have been hiding for the past

just around the corner, with some delicious

few years (page 22) and had the pleasure of

chocolate easter eggs! It’s the one time of year

speaking with writer Peter FitzSimons in the

where you can eat as much chocolate as you

leadup to his guest appearance at C.ex Coffs

like and no-one tries to make you feel bad

for ANZAC DAY (page 9).

about it … well, except for maybe that pair of


jeans that seems to have shrunk overnight!

Our feature photo this month (above) was


taken by Dan Stewart – a stunning shot of the

Just to make us feel guilty about excess

lightning up at Woolgoolga during a recent

consumption of chocolate, this month’s cover

storm. Dan says: “These photos were the

girl is the extremely fit Cassie Scully. Cassie

result of an unstable trough crossing our coast,

is an amazing athlete who has trained hard

which did see some damage to parts of the

for most of her life, firstly as a gymnast and

Coffs Coast.” Great job on capturing nature at

then moving in to aerobics, where she has

its finest, Dan!

competed on the world stage. She shares her

If you’d like to see your photography published

story with us on page 13.

in FOCUS, email samples of your work to


We got to chat with some pretty amazing


people this month, locals and celebrities alike.

“Minds are like parachutes – they only function

On the local front, we caught up with surf ski

when open.” – Thomas Dewar.

champion Matt O’Garey (page 6) and local grandma, Kay Seccombe (page 40). We also found out more about the Sawtell Scout Group (page 36) and the Coffs Harbour District Family

Kim Gould – Editor

History Society (page 48). It never ceases to

focus C O F F S C OA S T

Got a story idea? Looking to advertise in Focus? Contact us for more information.

contacts. EDITOR: Kim Gould


ART DIRECTOR: Jay Beaumont



ADDRESS: 3/57 Grafton St, Coffs Harbour POSTAL: PO Box 286, Coffs Harbour PHONE: 02 6650 9343 FAX: 02 6651 3798 WEB: iPHONE: TV:





SALES MANAGER: Louise Beaumont

Comments and opinions of our contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of the Publishers or Editor. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. Information appearing in Focus is believed to be correct at the time of going to press, however no liability will be held for inaccurate information approved or supplied by advertisers or contributors. While all care is taken it is recommended that readers confirm dates, times, prices and any other material including advice with individual businesses and industry professionals. Coffs Coast Focus is produced and published by Creative House Publications PTY LTD ABN: 621 287 8600 5. Material in Focus is Copyright © Creative House Publications PTY LTD 2011 and may not be reproduced whole or in part, in any form, without permission of the Publisher. All rights reserved.





COPY EDITORS: Reg Brookhouse / Jo Atkins

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coffs coast focus 3


Artist Profile

Danielle Inspirational Aboriginal artist, Danielle Burford, shares her creative story with FOCUS.


ell us about your Aboriginal that is Wiradjuri country, the land that I can feel heritage. run through me, of that I am attached! Creativity I am a Wiradjuri woman tells our stories, our dreaming, our daily activities. from central NSW, growing Creativity stores and records our life history ... our up in the remote regions of culture! Bourke, Warren and Trangie. Through creativity, I remember my family, My grandparents were very well known and both past and present. Through my creativity, my respected in the central western region of country ancestors live! NSW. My grandfather worked across this region Describe your style of art. fencing and shearing sheep. My works are Contemporary Indigenous Art – a In order to enlist in the Army, he had to alter mixture of Wiradjuri style, that consists of X-ray his age and race, as at the beginning of WWII views of animals, skeletal structures, organs, Aboriginals were not permitted to fight in the war. genitalia and diet – infused with the conception of He was in Bourke shearing when he received his modern day, non traditional colours, constructed call up. and formulated to depict our ancient old patterns My great grandmother was born on a mission of Australia. at Collie, in Wailwan Country, 45 mins north west You’ve said that your art is generated by of Dubbo. As a young woman, she worked as two things – the dream about the topic and a governess on Haddon Rig sheep the nature around you. How do you stud near Warren. draw inspiration from these Not much is known about things? my great grandmother’s I have very vivid dreams. A new world of family, and this is a topic I can walk into a room or ea blue contains crd by that is dear to my heart building, see a painting on unpainte s re tu t and one I constantly the wall, and when I awaken ye s me and patternel y ul tr fe I search through history I record every detail on paper. ! to discover de here si re to d to find. From there, I recreate blesse st. on the Coffs Coa My great grandfather the image on the wall ... was a Wiradjuri man from mind you, it never ever looks Nyngan; he spoke his tribal like the one in my dreams, and language, but never passed his I now believe they aren’t suppose knowledge onto his children. to look alike, but to simply stimulate and In those days it was forbidden to speak your inspire my creative side. Nature holds the most tribal language or practice cultural beliefs, as my interesting, detailed and breathtaking patterns. great grandfather’s family were, back then, living I really enjoy exploring through nature, whether in the centre of town. at the beach looking through sand, or rock eroded My grandfather and his brother were well over time by the power of the sea. known for their sporting achievements in cricket Nature holds so many forms, and the best and Rugby League. inspiration of all is discovery! My knowledge of my culture has been passed Do you think that the Coffs Coast provides down to me by my many family members. good inspiration for your style of art? Creativity is a big part of Aboriginal culture, Definitely! The Coffs Coast is such a change particularly in the form of dance, storytelling from the bushlands, where I grew up ... the and art. How has this influenced your life? variety of animals, plants, textures and mediums Creativity is hugely my culture; I live that exist, that inspire my imagination by way of and breathe It every day. My art, although the mountain range and its forest to the sandy contemporary, keeps me connected with my ocean beaches and beyond! A new world of blue elders and the land – most particularly the land contains creatures unpainted by me and patterns

4 coffs coast focus.

yet to discover! I feel truly blessed to reside here on the Coffs Coast. What mediums do you work with, and why? I mostly paint with Matisse Acrylics on canvas. I find them easy to apply and love the rich, creamy consistency when mixed with water. Also, I think it’s wonderful that they have brought out colours named after Australia e.g. Australian Blue Gum. Another favourite medium is Ochre bound with egg whites; I really enjoy its earthy tone and textures. I do also use other mediums in my works that imitate interesting textures, such as: beach sand, which when painted gives the look of velvet: and toilet paper, for bark or tree textures. Tell us about some of the awards you have won for your art. As I said earlier, I started out with the Scott’s Head Art Show in 2007, acquiring first in the Indigenous Section and Best in Show. In 2008, I attained first place in NAIDOC Week Art Prize in Coffs Harbour with Bogong Moth; that same painting picked up People’s Choice Award. Then in 2008, I was invited to exhibit in Tribecca, Manhattan, NYC, and I attended. 2009, I entered and attained the Clarence Valley Indigenous Art Award at the Grafton Regional Art Gallery, which included a solo exhibition in 2011, with my painting Wonambi and the Wollemi Pine – a painting depicting a focalised skeletal structure of a Wonambi (giant prehistoric snake) that lived in the mountain ranges of Australia and the not so long ago discovered Wollemi Pine, that dates back to the same time period as the Wonambi. This painting is now part of the Grafton Regional Art Gallery’s collection. 2010 brought in the attainment of the First and currently the only Saltwater Freshwater Indigenous Art Award at The Yarrawarra Cultural Centre, with my painting Unsung Heroes, which tells the story of different aspects of recognition within communities and Australia as a whole. This painting is now a part of the Wadjar Art Gallery’s collection. 2011 saw me off to La Paz, Baja California

Sur, to represent Australia, exhibit and open the 6th International Festival of Arts and Culture dedicated to Australia, where I was awarded Australian Cultural Ambassador by the governor of La Paz. What is Stories and Songs, and how are you involved? Stories and Songs of the People is an international Indigenous collaboration that brings together cultural presentations and ways of expression through the arts, music, storytelling and dance. Through this collaboration, Stories and Songs of the People facilitates the sharing of cultural experience and knowledge, while finding commonalities and strength through Indigenous cultural practices. As an Indigenous storyteller, through the arts, I’m able to share my experience and the experience of my Aboriginal Australian heritage at Stories and Songs of the People events, like the one at the Coffs Harbour Campus of Southern Cross University on 13 and 14 April. How can people find out more about your work? You can find my portfolio on my website: I am also on Facebook under Danielle Burford’s Art. I also permanently hang at Wadjar Art Gallery, Yarrawarra Cultural Centre, The Jaaning Tree (Contemporary Cuisine), Nambucca and Dunghutti Ngaku Indigenous Art Gallery, Kempsey. Thanks Danielle.

upcoming exhibitions 30 & 31 March 2012 Sydney Opera House. 13 & 14 April 2012 Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour. 28 April – 12 June 2012 Club Coffs, Coffs Harbour. 16 June – 29 July 2012 Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre.


inside this

Drew Hopper Local photographer, Drew Hopper, was the winner of our Snapshot Competition last year. Finally we get the chance to talk to him about his passion for beautiful pictures.

Issue 19 - April 2012

Assistance Dogs Assistance Dogs provide independence and freedom plus great companionship for people with physical disabiliites who are not able to do everyday activities such as open and close doors, pick up dropped items and press the buttons at traffic lights.


usual suspects.



12. what’s on for April 14. eat featuring local restaurants 26. social scene with Carole Beros 38. star guide with Terri

Our Living Coast Elle Morrell from Our Living Coast tells us more about Sustainable Living in our region ...

53. business voice with the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce

55. tourism with Tourism Coffs Coast

No matter where you are in the world,, read Focus for free online every month th @ follow us on

coffs coast focus 5


Matt O’Garey has lived on the Coffs Coast since 1997. He’s been paddling surf skis competitively for 25 years, starting in Tasmania and enduring the freezing cold, relentless winters. Now at 38 years old, Matt finds himself in the strange but enviable position of being the fittest and fastest he has ever been.


his May, Matt will be racing the World Championships of Ocean Ski Racing in Hawaii – a huge paddle of 32 miles (52 km) from the island of Molokai, across the Kaiwi channel to the island of Oahu. Matt shares his inspirational story, and hectic training schedule, with FOCUS ... The Molokai Challenge, recognised as the World Surf Ski and OC1 Championship, is the title watermen covet most. The race begins near the west end of the island of Molokai, crosses the volatile Kaiwi Channel – considered one of the roughest ocean channels in the world – and finishes at Hawaii Kai on Oahu. The distance is around 30 nautical miles. Win the greatest ocean race in the world, and you’re in select company. Over the past 25 years, only six men have won the surf ski division: Grant Kenny, the famed Aussie Ocean Ironman and Olympic Bronze medalist, won his first of five titles in 1979. In 1983, a 20 year old South African named Oscar Chalupsky defeated Kenny, to win the first of his seven consecutive titles. When Chalupsky was barred from international competition for five years due to apartheid, Australia’s Dean Gardiner stepped in as the Molo man to beat, winning his first title in 1993. A former commercial fisherman from Perth, Gardiner holds the course record of 3:21:26, set in 1997. I currently try and balance 11 – 13 training sessions a week, a full-time job, 2 amazing children, family and a new part-time coaching business! Following is an example of my typical day. Enjoy! W E E K D AY S … 5.05am: My trusty iPhone alarm sounds, and up I get. A quick check of weather apps on my phone, and I am in the car and off to training. Luckily, it’s only a 3 - 5 minute drive. I am on the water for around 60 - 90 minutes, with a very deliberate and specific training plan. I work on a 4-week cycle broken down into microcycles, with taper variations incorporated for upcoming races.

6 coffs coast focus.

7.15am: Finish training and tear home to spend 15 - 30 minutes with the family and kids. Grab some breakfast, pack for the mid-day and afternoon session and off to work. 7.45 - 8am: Arrive at NSW Real Estate and complete a full day’s work until 5pm. I am licensed real estate agent g Ocean ski paddlin t and auctioneer. Working es st fa e is one of th orts in property management, growing ocean sp of ay w t ea my day includes property and is a gr azam an in t fi ng getti inspections, meetings, gular re n ru I . ing setting phone calls, client Ph s. coaching clinic km race without breaking interaction, tradesmen 0423 790 525. down. contact etc etc etc … The Molokai World 12midday: Lunchtime gym Championships and in turn, the session at Power house gym. I do Kawai channel is an unforgiving place. 2 - 3 gym sessions a week, to try and Conditions can and have varied from a dead flat maintain my strength. Getting old and taking on ocean, adding at least an hour to the race, to a the young guns requires every bit of strength, full on downwind race with 30+ knot winds and 5 endurance, surf skill and technique I can possibly metre seas. The race record stands at 3hr 21 min. muster! I raced the channel in 2010 in a 6 man 1pm: Back to finish the afternoon at NSW outrigger. It was a changes race, and I represented Real Estate. Australia in its first attempt at sending a national 5pm: Finish work and travel down to training. crew. To give you an idea of the extremes of this My afternoon sessions are at least 90 minutes race, one paddler died on the start line, another in duration and where possible, will be in open was run over by his support boat (swells so big water. If the wind is up, I will try and mimic the you can’t even see a 30 foot sports cruiser), Molokai Championship and do a downwind run. 3 support boats broke down and one sank 7.30pm: Finally make it home, just in time to completely. stretch and see the wife and kids. Harrison (8) This is my Everest, and I can’t and won’t and Isabel (5) help with my nightly session of attempt it ‘just to participate’. As you can see, pushups (100), sit ups (100) and planking (2 x 2 my day is packed to the brim, but what it doesn’t min sets). Issy counts and Harry will usually join show is the sacrifice and support needed by those in, as he is almost as driven as me! around me in order to make this a reality. Time 8.30pm Try and snuggle the kids, quick chat with my family, financial burden with racing, with Ginny and get ready for the next day, travel, accommodation, etc all adds up. before passing out at around 9pm, ready to do I am lucky enough to be supported by some it all again. amazing sponsors ... Simmocean watersports, M Y W E E K LY S E S S I O N S I N C L U D E : Stellar Skis, Paddle2Fitness Coaching, Meek 8 paddling sessions Paddles, as well as a wave of support from 3 gym sessions secondary sponsors who help out with advice, 2 running sessions product and support. Of a weekend, I try and do a long paddle of at The entry fee alone for this race is US$350, least 25 - 30 km. This will increase to between with a total cost to race of around $US5,000. This, 30 and 50 km in the coming weeks, to ensure combined with racing as much as I can locally that my body can cope with the rigours of a 52

(usually 2 - 3 times a month), is an enormous expense. BUT ... I count myself extremely lucky that I am fit and healthy and get the opportunity to paddle in the ocean and see the sunrise and set over the water pretty much every day. A week wouldn’t go by without seeing a dolphin beside me, a turtle pop its head up, or a stingray leap out of the water (regularly in the harbour). Flying fish are my favourite though! They buzz past you at an amazing speed and regularly travel 50 - 100 m out of the water – a common sight out around Split Solitary Island. I train a lot on my own and it can get a bit hairy out there, as I am often 1 - 2 km out to sea in big swells. I carry a mobile in a waterproof cover, wear a lifejacket and leg rope and rely on state of the art equipment to ensure that I am well covered if things go a bit pear shaped! Ocean ski paddling is one of the fastest growing ocean sports and is a great way of getting fit in an amazing setting. I run regular coaching clinics – if you’re interested, give me a call on 0423 790 525 or shoot me an email at au Ocean ski racing is a great platform for fitness. The most inexperienced paddlers can line up with Olympians, world champions and elite athletes and enjoy the water and racing just as much. I am very humbled and thankful that I can get the opportunity to race, train and live on the Coffs Coast. Thanks Matt.

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with Nicci Seccombe

with Joel McCulla from Zulu’s

After winning 2011 Triple J Unearthed High competition, Snakadaktal’s self titled debut


EP comes with massive expectations and the good news is, it has lived up to the hype. Despite listing Metronomy as a major influence, Snakadaktal’s mellow tones have more


in common with The XX and Foals. What they do share with Metronomy, however, is serious skill with a synthesiser and a com-

very excited to hear that they will be touring

plexity in composition.

with The Jezebels in June this year… no

When I first stumbled across Snakadaktal, I

doubt it will sell out!

couldn’t stop listening to the track Air. It is

I can guarantee when I’m cruising around

such a beautiful track, and it’s one of those

the Whitsundays in April, Snakadaktal will be

songs I could never get sick of hearing. The

added to the play list. Definitely a must have

self titled EP only consists of 6 songs, but

record for winter 2012.

each song is quality, and the album packs a punch – albeit a soft and dreamy one. I am


Competition Winner. Last month FOCUS ran a competition to win a family holiday in Port Macquarie. The package included 3 nights’ accommodation at The Observatory Hotel, a complimentary O-Zone package, a welcoming bottle of Cassegrain wine on arrival and free games/ DVD hire plus a day out at Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries’ award winning farm gate, including lunch for two and a complimentary ‘pick your own strawberries’ experience. It is with much pleasure that we congratulate the lucky winner, Danielle Bodanski of Tweed Heads. An ex-local, Danielle was back in Coffs for a few days visiting friends and family, when her parnter’s mother encouraged her

8 coffs coast focus.

to fill out the entry form, because she “had a good feeling about it”. Well, that “good feeling” has turned into a holiday! Congratulations Danielle! To stay up to date with what’s happening at FOCUS, including competitions, join our Facebook page –

Okra is coming into o sea season, ason on,, whic which ich h br brin brings ings gs u up p so some interes interesting esti t ng food points abo about outt a group off sed d in in western west s errn co cook oking g – but in n llig ight h o e free and vegetables rarely used cooking light off a rise in carbohydrate heal he alth th h or or allergic a le al erg rgic ic reasons, rea easo so ons ns,, we should ssho hould all start to re-think. k gluten free diets forr health Mucilaginous plants are plants that when cut or ground, ooze a sticky soluble fibre known as mucilage. This mucilage has an incredible bonding and thickening property and has been used throughout the centuries to enrich soups, aid in bread making and even adhere postage stamps. On a medicinal level, mucilage, being a soluble fibre, has been used to help ‘bond’ d in its regularity. things through the digestive system ... and aid ound everywhere, an nd So, common plants rich in mucilage can be found and all of them are interchangeable; their texturess are similar and flavours have a common link – a lightly bitter after taste, with a ommon in a lot of ‘gooey’ or ‘slimey’ feeling on the tongue uncommon ompared to that western cooking. The gooey feeling can be compared e into a not quite feeling you get on your tongue when you bite kra recipe and wantt ripe banana. But if you do have a favourite okra e to try it in a more milder form, substitute okraa with peeled aloe vera. he abstract tex exThe benefits available though, far outweigh the texmucilaginou us ture, and unfortunately the common uses of mucilaginous rnatives. plants have given way to more unhealthy alternatives. Mucilage was once used to stiffen meringue mixtures er and to make a soft marshmallow from another mucilaginous plant, marshmallow root (that’s wheree n the name comes from), but this has now been substituted with the animal product, gelatine.. moree Sometimes history’s recipes really do give wayy to more exciting modern takes on food.


In April, follow me as I hunt down Marshmallow Root, Aloe Vera and Okra, to try working some modern food magic on my website:


Peter FitzSimons. This ANZAC Day, Coffs Harbour will host the fabulous Peter FitzSimons, who will be guest speaker at C.ex Coffs. His great respect for ANZAC Day is reflected in the many military books he has authored ... eter, you have a strong background in military history, don’t you? Yes, I have a background of writing a lot of military books, and I have great respect for ANZAC Day. The major military books that I’ve done started with the biography of Nancy Wake (The White Mouse) – the most decorated hero of the second World War. I also wrote about Kokoda and Tobruk, and in my biographies of Kingsford-Smith and Les Darcy there’s a fair quotient of the first World War. So, I’ve done a lot of books with military themes, and I also get on very well with Diggers generally. I am on the ANZAC Centenary Advisory Board, which is advising the Government on how we can properly commemorate major events of Australian involvement in World War I. What fascinates you so much about the military? Both of my parents were returned service people. Dad fought in the Battle of El Alamein and in New Guinea. Mum was an Army physiotherapist, helping to rehabilitate those who were injured and wounded. Mum and Dad were both early to mid-forties when I was born – my friends’ grandparents were the same age as my parents, so I grew up around people of the Second World War in many ways. Basically, I have great respect for those people who have served our country. You mentioned you wrote a book about Kokoda. Did you actually get a chance to do the Kokoda Track yourself? I did, and it nearly killed me … it was the

hardest thing I’ve ever done! It was the most arduous thing I’ve ever done. I walked it in 2003 at an absurd pace – we did it in 5 and a half days, and we walked from Owers Corner to Kokoda. For most of that journey, I was writing the book, which has now sold about 270,000 copies. You also write a lot of biographies. What is it about sharing other people’s stories that you enjoy? Somerset Maugham, the great English writer, once said: “I don’t like to boast, but I don’t think I can spend half an hour in the company of somebody without getting seven ideas for a short story”. I think that everybody has their own story to tell, and many of them are For most of ,I at th journey interesting. I’m not a short e th g n ti ri was w story writer, but I love the Sydney Morning h ic h w k, o o b stories. Ever since I was Herald, and it was going ld so ow has n a little boy, I’ve always to be published the next about 270,000 loved stories, so writing Thursday. copies. biographies fitted with that. We had a very At the moment, I’m writing competitive relationship and about the Eureka Stockade, and I wanted to beat her and show I can’t wait to get stuck into it again that I could be published, so I wrote a today, because it’s such a good story. I find story about playing Rugby in Italy. the actual process of researching and then It took me 2 days and 2 nights, and they writing a story wonderful. I have a great published it at the top of the back page! I’d passion for it. never felt such professional satisfaction in You were a professional Rugby player my life in anything I’d ever done. Once I did prior to this, so how did you actually get that, I thought: “Who’s been keeping this into writing? a secret?!” When I went back to France, I In the mid-80s I was playing Rugby in started writing stories of life in the village in France … I’d played Rugby for a year in Italy France, and then I wrote a lot of Rubgy stuff, and then four years in France. And when sport stuff and travel stuff. So I just kept I was back in Australia, a friend of mine writing. mentioned she had submitted an article to I did a couple of books, which were

collected works of stuff I’d written in the Sydney Morning Herald, but my first real book was after the Wallabies won the World Cup in ‘91. In ‘93, I wrote a book on Nick Farr-Jones, which sold just under 50,000 copies, and that sort of launched me into writing books. And these days you get to speak about your experiences too! I do, and I love that too. I love telling stories, one way or another. Well, we’re really looking forward to having you here in Coffs for ANZAC Day, Peter. Thanks for your time.

the plug! Catch Peter FitzSimons at C.ex Coffs for ANZAC Day. For more details, contact the Club on 6652 3888.

coffs coast focus 9



Skydivers Taking The Leap.

Blush Thanks to Sothys, Kristie and Susan are off to Paris. Blush Makeup and Beauty Studio are proud users of the best skincare range in the heart of the city, Sothys from Paris. Kristie, who is renowned for her expertise in Sothys skincare, has worked with the product for 24 years and has decided to bring in the skincare foundation. Kristie and Susan are off to Paris to do workshops with the experts from Sothys and also auditioning for Moulin Rouge. Hydroptimale THI3 Tinted Moisturisers – smoothes, hydrates and diminishes skin imperfections for a natural makeup finish. Light Defence Foundation (age defying treatment) – provides a longlasting, flawless and velvety finish to the skin. Oxyliance Foundation (anti pollution and radiance) – leaves the skin satiny smooth with a lasting 100% matt finish, while protecting

against the effects of pollution and external aggression. Anti Redness Concealer (fragile capillaries) – corrects and evens out skin tone, while reducing redness. Correcting Concealing Treatment (problem skin) – a matt texture that repairs while hiding blemishes and complements the Sothys correcting skincare line for problem skin. Smoothing Compact Foundation – a creamy smooth compact foundation, with superb coverage. Easy to apply.

the plug! For a FREE Sothys makeup consultation, book an appointment now. Call the girls at Blush on 6652 1100.



Personally, I’m a bit of a thrill seeker. While some people are terrified of heights, I love them! I enjoy things like abseiling or the flying trapeze, so when I was given the opportunity to go skydiving, I jumped at the chance. Prior to the jump people, were saying how I should be nervous. But for me … it was the complete opposite. I arrived at Coffs City Skydivers HQ, ready for my jump with owner Steve Hill. I was most impressed with how safe I felt, leaving my life in the hands of someone else. Steve talked me through what we would be doing, discussed the risks and gave a thorough rundown of what to do to reduce the risks. He strapped me in, and off we went. As we climbed to 10,000 feet, I couldn’t help but soak in the view. The stunning contrast between the gorgeous coastline on one side of the plane and the rugged hinterland on the other made me realise what a beautiful part of the world we live in. Steve was surprised at how calm I was – especially for a first time jumper. And you know what? I really WAS calm. This is where most people would be getting nervous,


Mountain You’re invited to Topper’s Mountain Vineyard! oin us on Sunday 15 April starting at noon, at a celebration of the 2012 vintage in the garden at Topper’s Mountain, near Tingha in the New England. The fare will be a long, lazy degustation lunch at the Long High Table with Seamus O’Brien, chef from the American Club in Sydney looking after us. You will be the first to taste the new release 2010 reds and 2011 whites from our trophy winning vines, superbly matched with Seamus’ small and delicious plates of local produce. Rub shoulders at the Long High Table and ramble through the vineyard with the guest speaker, renowned Master of Wines, Rob Geddes, the winemaker Mike Hayes and the owner and viticulturist, Mark Kirkby, while discussing terroir, climate and whether or not they are important in modern wines (as well as some lighter topics!) 10 coffs coast focus.

thinking about the risks and talking themselves out of jumping. But I felt so safe, that I was actually looking forward to jumping. After all, if it wasn’t safe, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it! We moved to the doorway, then ... 1... 2 ... 3 ... jump! Falling to earth at 200km an hour, wind in my face, and all I could think was: “How good is life right now?! Not a care in the world and a beautiful view ... How can anyone be scared of this?” The parachute released, and I was floating, calmly making my way back to earth and soaking in the serenity. In this moment, I was completely at ease. I had let go of all life’s stresses and was deeply relaxed. I can honestly say that skydiving is one of the most therapeutic things I’ve ever done. When you leap from that plane, you let go of everything negative and experience an overwhelming sense of freedom. It is unlike anything I have ever done. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! Thanks to Coffs City SkyDivers for giving me this opportunity. Story by Kim Gould.


Come and savour the highlights of the New England this autumn for just $130 per person, all inclusive. The catch is that there are only 62 seats at the Long High Table, so be quick to book your seats.

the plug! For bookings or enquiries, Log on to Email Mark on Phone Mark on 0411 880 580 Tickets also available through the Inverell Visitors Information Centre on (02) 6728 8161.

Are you looking to do something completely different this Easter, while helping to raise money for a worthy cause? Well come along and join in Sawtell’s Second Annual Big Dig, and help raise money for Rotary and the Sawtell Surf Club. So what exactly is it? The Sawtell Big Dig is a day of fun, where Sawtell Beach is sectioned off to accommodate for some exciting all ages activities … a real dig for treasure! Lots of numbered paddle-pop sticks are hidden beneath the sand, and for just $5 a turn you can go digging for buried treasure! Each number corresponds to a prize waiting for you back at the Sawtell Surf Club, and you can enter as many times as you like.

There are some fantastic goodies on offer, including cash and loads of prizes that have been generously donated from local businesses. Food and drinks are available on the day too – the perfect refreshment after a hard day of digging for ‘gold’. Don’t miss out on array of exciting events on the beach, including surf rescue demonstrations from the Sawtell Surf Life Saving Club. So bring the family and go on a different kind of treasure hunt this Easter! When: Easter Sunday, 8 April 2012. Where: Sawtell Beach from 10am. For more details you can contact 0411 727 255 or 6651 9701.



he ongoing revitalisation of Coffs Harbour’s CBD will receive a significant boost, with a multimillion dollar upgrade to Palms

Shopping. Following the upgrade, Palms Shopping will be relaunched under the new name of ‘Coffs Central’. “The upgrade works are quite extensive and will transform not just the Centre itself, but the CBD as a whole, to form an exciting hub for food and fashion,” said Julie Smith, the Centre’s Retail Manager. A 450 seat food court with contemporary furnishings will feature an increased array of food offerings with added convenience. The food court will be relocated to the upper level and will overlook Harbour Drive, the City Centre and have distant mountain views through frameless glass. This will provide a central and comfortable space for people to enjoy the growing and vibrant CBD. The improvements to the upper level will also include modern bathrooms and an over sized parents’ room, with the latest fittings and fixtures.

our decision to invest in the property. The The former Coles supermarket is being upgrade works will enhance the existing opened along Harbour Drive, to create a attributes of the Centre, including the number of new prime street-front shops adjacent under cover car park with over and an additional entrance for customers. 1,000 spaces, the prime CBD location and a These new shops will ideally suit alfresco safe and secure environment. café and restaurant operators, as well We anticipate that the as boutique fashion retailers who majority of new want to be a part of the CBD e th , ly al rn tenancies and streetscape. Inte g in be is e tr en C upgrade works will Internally, the Centre reconfigured be delivered in is being reconfigured to an e to introduc of ix time for retailers introduce an increased mix m d se increa with a to capture the of specialty stores, with a specialty stores,s that fresh retail focuand Christmas trading fresh retail focus that will will add depthCentre’s period and just in add depth and quality to quality to the g. in er time for the Centre’s the Centre’s strong current off current 26th birthday.” offering. With a passion for Palms Shopping joins Port retail, an eye for detail and Central, Kempsey Central and a strong commitment to the Mid Moonee Beach Shopping Centres as part North Coast, Pacific Coast Shopping Centres of Pacific Coast Shopping Centres, which is is looking for innovative and like-minded owned by Gowing Bros. Limited. retailers to be part of Coffs Central to create The Managing Director of Pacific Coast a contemporary hub for fashion, food and Shopping Centres, John Gowing says, lifestyle conveniently located in the heart of “Knowing that Coles would be moving Coffs Harbour. into its new premises was a key factor in

There are still opportunities in a number of categories for new and established businesses to be a part of this exciting development.

COFFS CENTRAL COMING SOON BE PART OF IT Stephen Byers m. 0418 603 461 e. Danae Leeson m. 0428 468 008 e.

coffs coast focus 11


what’s W H AT ’S O N A RO U N D T H E R E G I O N // A P R I L 20 1 2

22 Sunday Soundscapes. Rain in the Mountains: Songs from Henry Lawson Henry Lawson was an Australian lyricist and poet par excellence! On Sunday 22 April, Lawson’s life and times will be presented by the multi-award winning folk band, Wheelers & Dealers. From country waltzes through to Irish slip jigs, the music will traverse songwriters as diverse as Slim Dusty, John Schumann of Redgum fame, and jazz composer Ade Mondbourgh. This will be a delightful afternoon of Aussie music for all the family. Where Jetty Memorial Theatre When 2pm Sunday 22 April 2012 Tickets Only $6 (including booking fee) Bookings 6652 8088 or


coffs coast focus.

‘Old Masters’ Exhibition Come along and view some exceptional replicas of Old Master’s Artworks, created by members of the Sawtell Art Group. Where Sawtell Art Gallery, Cnr. Lyons Rd. & Bayldon Road (opp. bowling club) When Until 22 April, 2012. Gallery open daily from 10am - 3pm Tickets: Entry by gold coin donation. more info Call 6658 6477 or email

ANZAC DAY Honour those who have served our country and remember those who made the ultimate sacfrice. Lest We Forget. Where Wednesday 25 April. Time Ceremonies will be held throughout the day. Contact C.ex Coffs on 6652 3888.

Woolgoolga Curryfest Experience a showcase of Indian and multicultural cuisine along with entertainment, arts and crafts. Where Woolgoolga Beach Reserve When Saturday 28 April, 9am-9pm For more information: Visit


on the world stage

CASSIE Cassie Scully is an amazing athlete. She has trained hard for most of her life, first as a gymnast, then moving into aerobics, where she competed on the world stage. Scully finished second at the World Championships on the Gold Coast last year in front of a home crowd. This result was a career best and the crowning achievement of an amazing singles career.


cully shows no signs of relaxing or retiring from aerobics and has started training for a mixed doubles partnership with Andrew Ikin, who delivered a stellar performance in the first series of So You Think You Can Dance. We caught up with her in between teaching classes at her Sapphire studio and her busy personal training schedule, to see what she has planned for this year. How old were you when you started training? I was 9 years old when I was selected to go to a specialist gymnastic sports school in Sydney. I trained 36 hours a week until Year 7 when I went to an aerobics competition. I fell in love with the sport, and I have been doing it ever since. Was having a background in gymnastics an advantage? I think that most aerobics athletes need or at least benefit from a background in gymnastics, and it helps when learning the necessary skills. The training schedule seems very rigorous for someone so young. Did you find you were already conditioned from the time you had spent doing gymnastics? Yes, because of my background in gymnastics I was used to getting up early and pushing my body to the limit. The advantage with aerobics for me was that I could get into it, train hard, and get it done. I wasn’t involved in a club or a group and my training was based on quality over quantity, which is the same training schedule I follow when coaching my athletes. Pushing yourself to the limit usually comes at a price. Have you acquired many injuries?

I have been very lucky with injuries. I always try to train on a good surface, and that has protected my joints. The floor I train on at home is the same as what they use for the world championships. It’s a sprung floor, with foam under the wooden surface. Parents who send their children to you for tuition must feel at ease knowing their kids are training on a decent surface. Is it punishing for your body landing on a floor that is not set up this way? I have coached around Australia at different clubs, and sometimes it feels like you’re walking into a warzone ... students walking around with elbows and knees strapped. It shows you really have to train on the right surface. Hardly any of the kids who come to me get injuries, and we have a great facility for training here. Whom do you teach aerobics to? I have coached people from 5 years old to 50 in aerobics. I also do personal training for all ages, levels and personal goals. What are the advantages for children who take up aerobics? Fun, strength, fitness and flexibility are the main things. Also though, they learn how to organise their time better. Being an elite gymnast as a child didn’t allow much social or study time, which taught me how to prioritise quick smart – I was always organised and so were most of the other gymnasts. We would always have our schoolwork done; it’s a life skill that you learn. You mentioned you are available for personal training as well? I love my personal training, whether someone’s goal is to lose a bit of weight or

I have coached people from 5 years old to 50 in aerobics. I also do personal training for all ages, levels and personal goals.

to better their fitness, or to maintain their strength and fitness as a lifestyle. I enjoy going on that journey with them, and to see them get the result they are hoping for is an awesome feeling. You seem to be moving towards becoming a full-time coach, now that you’re not competing as much? I do all my personal training and coaching here in the local area. I am also asked to travel to Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast to undertake coaching there. I even coach via email; students send me footage from all over Australia and the world, and I coach this way as well. Even though you have stopped competing in singles aerobics, you are now taking up mixed doubles. Tell us a bit about that? I have gone into mixed pairs this year. It’s something I have never done before; I have always been an individual. It’s an awesome change for me; I am having so much fun with it. Of course, I am a very competitive person, so when I get on stage I am going to do my absolute best. My partner is Anthony Ikin, who is an awesome guy, and I think it’s going to be a great year. He was on So You Think You Can Dance, the first season, and he did great there. He is an awesome aerobics athlete and reached

third in the world at one stage. What differences do you see? I think having him warming up with me backstage and performing onstage I won’t be as nervous as usual. When you’re out there as a single, it’s all on you. We will see ... I will still have the pressure of not wanting to let my partner down. What has been the biggest highlight of your competitive career? Last year I achieved my best world ranking, which was 2nd in the world by 0.1. It was very close – I did 3 awesome performances, and it was a personal best. It was at the Gold Coast, so it was great to achieve this in front of a home crowd. It’s a great memory. Have you have been involved in the world championships for a long time? I had 1 year off 4 years ago, to rest the body. My whole life I have been an elite gymnast and then all the crazy training for aerobics, so it was good to have a year off. But, apart from that, I have been doing them for years. I am lucky that my sport has shown me the world; I have been able to travel and have seen many places I would have never seen otherwise. For more info on aerobics classes or personal training with Cassie Scully:

coffs coast focus 13

Coffs Coast

Cover Dish Hasting Valley Duck Breast and Maryland served on Caponata and Puree of Chickpeas with Juniper Berries and Port Jus from Fiasco Ristorante + Bar.

eat. Dining Guide is now available on the App Store.

eat. Bluebottles Brasserie Bluebottles is located in beautiful seaside Woolgoolga. Open 7 days a week from 6.30am – 3pm and under the guidance of head chef Gerard Geerligs, we offer superb all day breakfast, lunch and daily specials in a relaxed alfresco atmosphere. Bluebottles is also open until 6 pm on Friday and Saturdays for afternoon tea and coffee. Bluebottles uses fresh local ingredients for their seasonal modern Australian menu. Also on offer is a wide selection of housemade desserts, cakes, muffins and cookies. Bookings are recommended, and private functions are catered for.

Horizons Restaurant & Bar It’s Back for the April School holidays: Horizons Brassiere! 11.30am - 9.30pm every day. Dining is easy for families, with the new extensive brassiere menu. Daily specials available using the region’s fresh produce and seafood. Dine alfresco on the terrace overlooking the pool and lagoon. Remember, you also get rewarded for dining in Horizons! With our new Horizons reward card, each time you dine in the restaurant you will receive a Horizons point stamp for every $30 of food purchased. Once you have 4 point stamps, we reward you with $30 off your next bill! This is our way of saying ‘thank you’ to you our local and regular diners for your most valuable support. Horizons Bar has fabulous cocktails and happy hour 5 - 6pm daily.

Head Chef Gerard Geerligs. Clinton Hunter Head Chef.

Shops 1 & 2 53 Beach St, Woolgoolga t 6654 1962 open Breakfast and lunch daily.

Opal Cove Resort, Opal Boulevard, Coffs Harbour t 6651 0510 open: breakfast, lunch and dinner – 7 days a week.

Urban Espresso Lounge Urban has built a strong reputation around fast, friendly service, great coffee and fantastic food. Whether you are at Urban for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you will be presented with an extensive menu to assure your palate is well catered for. Our Head Chef, Blake, drives a young, dynamic team sourcing fresh local produce, to bring you a seasonally changing menu, daily specials and gluten free options. On Friday and Saturday nights, we take it down a notch and create Urban After Dark, for a relaxed dining experience. Whether it’s a table for twenty or just two, Urban is here for you!

Latitude 30 Restaurant + Bar Welcome to Latitude 30, boasting the best view in Coffs Harbour and tantalising food and wine to match. Sit down, chill out and listen to our weekly Jazz bands playing every Sunday between 3pm - 6pm. You can choose from our extensive new menu. There is a choice for everyone, with a huge range of 50 dishes – whether it is sticky pork belly with black pepper caramel or our funky chicken drumetts with white bean puree and garlic croutons.

Head chef Ben Massey.

Unit 8/1 Marina Drive, Coffs Harbour t 6651 6888 w open: 8am ‘til late.

Head Chef Blake Walton.

384a Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour Jetty. t 6651 1989 w open: 7 Days from 7am for breakfast and lunch. URBAN AFTER DARK Fri and Sat from 6pm. coffs coast focus 15

eat. Oceanfront Brasserie

Red Rooster

at the Deep Sea Fishing Club

At Red Rooster Coffs Harbour, our chickens contain no artificial colours or flavours, are hand seasoned and lovingly roasted for 55 minutes to deliver perfect roast chicken every time. Our Peri Peri range features succulent 98% fat-free chicken fillets in a Peri Peri glaze, served with crisp lettuce and fresh tomato, all wrapped up in a soft tortilla, damper bun or a freshly baked baguette. We also offer succulent seafood, freshly cooked deep-sea dory fillets, lightly coated in a golden, crisp tempura batter. Add some delicious sides and you’ve got a tasty, fresh and fast catering solution for any occasion.

Our new chefs have been busy making changes to our ‘affordable, quick service’ counter lunch menu. The chef’s favourites are available Monday to Friday, like the very popular chicken asparagus vol au vents and osso bucco. The Brasserie is starting Sunday Early bird roast, which is available from 5.30pm to 7pm. We have introduced a new member’s lunch deal Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which includes a drink of your choice for just $14.90. So come on in and we will throw in the best view on the Mid North Coast for free.

Franchisee Matthew Culgan

Head Chef Craig Clarke

Jordon Esplanade, Coffs Harbour Jetty t 6651 2819 w www.

4 locations: South Coffs, Bray St, and 2 foodcourt stores located in Palms Shopping Centre & Park Beach Plaza. open: 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks

open: lunch and dinner daily.

Saltwater Restaurant Superbly positioned only a few lazy metres from the rolling surf at Emerald Beach, just 15 km north of Coffs Harbour. Take in the view, while our team of award winning chefs and staff look after you. Enjoy breakfast on the terrace, a leisurely lunch, or fine dining in the evening. Saltwater is the perfect location for your wedding reception or function. Recently voted Winner Best Breakfast Restaurant, Northern/New England. Reviewed and recommended by SMH Good Food Guide

Avé Restaurant

Chef Nathan Walker.

104 Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach t 6656 1888 w open: Wed - Sun: Breakfast, Lunch (open Easter Sunday DINNER). Wed- Sat: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

16 coffs coast focus.

In the heart of the beautiful Bellingen valley on NSW, Coffs Coast, is this area’s most unique and innovative restaurant. Built inside a magnificently restored old timber church (circa. 1800s), this restaurant just oozes character. From the secluded courtyard entrance through to the high ceiling main dining room with its unique wooden tables, original stained glass windows and French inspired furniture, the olde worlde charm is not lost with the modern open kitchen and stylish ambience. Modern European inspired cuisine and stunning wines ensure your night will be rewarding. Mention FOCUS to receive a complimentary glass of wine.

8 Church Street Bellingen t 6655 0070 w open: Lunch and Dinner Friday to Monday, Lunch from 11:30, Dinner from 6. Closed Tues, Wed & Thur.

Robert English Co-owner/Chef.

Fiasco Ristorante + Bar

The Pier Hotel

Located at the end of the Jetty Strip, Fiasco Ristorante offers an authentic Italian dining experience – with award winning cuisine and service, together with an extensive international wine and beer listing, it has featured in the prestigious SMH Good Guide for the last six years.

The Pier is paving the way for pub food here on the Coffs Coast. Once again, they are a step ahead with innovative food. This month will see the introduction of a new fresh contemporary menu – a clever fusion of bistro food, with modern Australian cuisine, resulting in a funky and very tasty menu. Succulent steaks and fresh seafood will still play a part in this new dining experience. Take advantage of our beautiful coastal climate and chill out upstairs in the open dining area.

Fiasco Bar has a relaxed feel, and the bar menu offers light meals. Especially popular is our special woodfired Bar Pizza ... a favourite with locals and visitors alike – still only $10 – available Tuesday to Saturday from 6 pm.

Head Chef Stefano Mazzina

Head Chef Dave Newick.

22 Orlando St, Coffs Harbour Jetty t 6651 2006 w

Cnr Harbour Dr and Camperdown St, Coffs Harbour hotel 6652 2110 bistro 6651 8222

open: Ristorante open Tues to Sat from 6pm. Bar open Tues to Sat from 5pm.

open: lunch 11.30-2.30pm, dinner 5.30-8.30pm, 7 days a week.

Zulu’s Restaurant & Bar Modern techniques in food are often a sham! I think I’ll need to explain this a little more. Pictured before you is a tropical sundae, with instant mango sorbet, a pippete of mint essence, coconut pudding in little balls and a passionfruit sherbet mouse that continues to grow before your eyes, but there’s no food chemicals, liquid nitrogen or crazy concoctions involved ... it’s all regular food using regular food techniques ... want to find out more? ... We’re taking expressions of interest on our website for Zulu’s influenced cooking classes. Go to and follow the link for ‘Be One of Us’ to register your email address for more information.

Wholly Vegie Breakfast.

Wholly Cow Café By now you would know that Wholly Cow does great burgers and coffee but did you know they also have a delicious breakfast menu, served all day! Wholly Cow not only does breakfast burgers including the ‘hair of the dog’, the ultimate breakfast burger, but also have great brekkie choices such as Eggs Benedict, yummy Wholly Vegie Breakfast or fantastic Banana Omelette, served with a scoop of mascarpone and drizzled with honey, Ciabatta French Toast to Bircher Muesli for the health conscious.

Owner Ricky Lee

Chef Joel McCulla.

27 Grafton Street, Coffs Harbour (Pacific Highway). t 6652 1588 w open: Breakfast: Monday – Friday, 7am – 9am. Dinner: Monday – Saturday, 6pm – late.

2/39 First Avenue, Sawtell t 6658 2682 open: Mon - Tues. 7am - 5pm. Wed -Sat. 7am - 8pm Sunday – 7am - 3pm. coffs coast focus 17

Creative Etch

Under New Management Buddha’s Bounty Café is under new management! Let Sharon and the team bring you their special kind off friendly hospitality. Nestled amongst the award winning gardens of Cockbain’s Sawtell Nursery in a peaceful and tranquil setting, you can savour the new and exciting menu at the edge of the lush lagoon and feel like you are somewhere else. The food is also something else. Try our selection of cakes made onsite, and the produce is sourced locally. They boast a brand new coffee blend that has to be tried to be believed. You can enjoy sipping on your coffee, or BYO your drinks and enjoy the live musical talents of The Chill Seekers, who play from 11.30 - 2pm on Thursday and Fridays for your listening pleasure. Buddha’s Bounty Café also caters to the cyclists amongst us. Sharon and her team cater for small groups and for special occasions. From a work function to a girls lunch, just give them a call to discuss the many options available. The other big change is that they are open 7 days a week. So what are you waiting for? Come and discover a hidden jewel!

18 coffs coast focus.

Autumn has arrived at the ECO shop of Coffs Harbour, Greenroom Gallery, a boutique for ethical and sustainable fashion. @ Greenroom you can get a great pair of organic cotton Fair Trade jeans and HEMP clothes that you won’t find anywhere else in Australia, in natural dye colours and feel. The soft BAMBOO clothes are trans seasonal, flattering and great for layering. Popular ‘Bodypeace’ bamboo has new colours and designs, arriving in April. Another exclusive label is novel ‘Ecodiva’, with super soft MODAL (another sustainable fibre) and exquisite hand painted, silk chiffon kaftans and kimonos. Apart from BAMBOO socks that walk out the door, you can get your legs a pair of coloured tights with cute designs, from ‘Tightology’. Greenroom also stocks beeswax candles, botanical perfumes, Fair Trade gifts and more. Charlotte is friendly and helpful. “I just want my customers to feel at home in Greenroom, knowing that it’s OK to try garments on and take your time. Finding what makes you feel good and look good should be fun, as simple as that.” If you want to keep summer in your house all year around, the art by Wayne French should do the trick. ‘Aqua Moods’ is the latest now on our wall. Reproductions available.

Creative Etch is located at the Old Butter Factory Shopping Village, Bellingen. Ronnie Gillingham, owner of Creative Etch, specialises in sandblasting and engraving onto glass, jewellery, drink bottles, flasks, wine coolers, wine bottles, wine glasses, key rings and just about any other product to suit your needs. His range of services include: company logos etched onto bottles, glasses, coffee mugs, or onto a large range of crystal and glass products. Trophies and awards for sporting and school groups: a huge range of budget trophies/medallions is available to choose from, as well as catering for more classy top end awards. Name badges, dog tags and plaques, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries: whatever the occasion, Ronnie can provide a very unique and personal gift. At Creative Etch, Ronnie prefers to use the sandblast procedure, which is a natural wearing away method on all his glass products, as it gives a smoother, cleaner look without damaging or weakening the glass. Ronnie prides himself on providing excellent customer service at a competitive price and caters for individuals as well as business, school and sporting groups, and he will deliver free of charge to the Bellingen/Coffs Harbour area. Contact Ronnie on (02) 6655 0488 or 0417 500 995.

W A L K E R .

The new Head Chef at Saltwater Café & Restaurant.


ow long have you been in What’s unique about your menu at the area? Saltwater? Twelve months living and We are running three different menus working in Bellingen. during the day and night: a great café style What inspired you to breakie, Asian inspired lunch and French bistro become a chef? at dinner. The chefs I’ve worked for; they are my What will locals love about Saltwater? mentors. The fresh food, excellent coffee and great How long have you been cooking? service from our friendly team and the best Almost 15 years. Some restaurants where view of the ocean from a restaurant on the I have worked in Sydney are Catalina, coast. Fishface and Bistro CBD. What do you enjoy most Tell us about your style of about running an eatery in cooking? beautiful Coffs Harbour? I’m inspired I’m inspired most at the The availability of local most at the moment by French food, produce, the people I work moment by after spending time there with and the location. French food ng di (in Normandy, Brittany and What is new at en after sp e. er th e Leon) over the past 2 years. Saltwater? tim When you learn the French Our delicious autumn style of cooking, you need to menu! travel to get the full understanding Do you cater for functions or and perspective of the culture – one any other special services? example is just visiting the local markets and Yes, we cater from weddings to small seeing 10 different cheese stalls with various groups, from cocktail parties to four-course sit aged cheeses and 20 vegetable stalls, some down dinners and degustation dinners. Every specialising in one variety of fruit or veg only. 6 weeks or so we have Tapas and music on a I travelled to Spain and Italy and became Sunday afternoon. Our next Tapas will be 29 a member of the ‘slow food movement’; it’s April at 4.30pm. like tasting centuries of knowledge ... tasting Saltwater will be extending our opening history (pertaining restaurants display an hours over Easter; we will be closed Good image of a snail on their doors) Originating Friday and open Saturday and Sunday for in Italy and spreading through Europe, its breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are a popularity is growing in Australia now. local or a visitor to the area, do come out What are your favorite ingredients to to beautiful Emerald Beach and take in the cook with (and why)? outstanding view over a cup of coffee or a Fresh local seafood. This has to be the meal. We look forward to seeing you. pinnacle of what fresh food means. Thanks Nathan. coffs coast focus 19


Look what’s new at the Zoo! Healthy Kids Healthy Food. Stress Free Holidays. The school holidays can be a stressful time. Kids get restless, parents get frustrated … the dog gets yelled at. What if you could drop the kids and escape for a few hours, content in the knowledge that they are being cared for in an exciting, safe and nurturing environment, which is not only using up all their excess energy, but teaching them new skills for life? Well … Jr. Superstar Sports is that place and more! With our holiday activities, you can drop the kids for an hour or longer, enrol them in a gymnastics clinic or just let them have free play; we’ve got jumping castles, trampolines, a foam pit, a multi-story play centre, there’s basketball and rock climbing ... the possibilities are endless at Jr. Superstar Sports for any 5 - 12 year old. If you’ve got multiple children, then take advantage of our family pass discounts. Want to get the most out of every day? Why not buy an all access pass for up to 2 hours entry daily, or just enjoy the flexibility of the pay by the hour option. Like us on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news, and use your smart phone to unlock special discounts and deals.

20 coffs coast focus.

There will be lots of fun to be had these school holidays in the City Centre, with North Coast Health Promotion, Go4Fun, Coffs Harbour Library and Coffs Coast Growers Market all joining forces to bring a variety of activities to City Square to teach kids and parents about the importance of nutrition and exercise. The annual Healthy Kids Eat Healthy Food promotion held as part of the Coffs Coast Growers Market will this year be expanded to include three days of fun and activities. This year’s theme is based around Eric Carle’s classic children’s tale, The Hungry Caterpillar. The fun will kick off on Tuesday 17 April, with Coffs Harbour Library hosting story time in City Square. North Coast Health Promotion’s Pam Johnston will also be on hand, with lots of great prizes, games and giveaways. Wednesday 18 April will see Go4Fun descend on City Square with great games for kids to participate in, including Caterpillar Hopscotch and Gymnastics. Parents can come along and learn more about the Go4Fun program. The week wraps up on Thursday at the Growers Market, where children will have the chance to make Hungry Caterpillars, enter a colouring competition, enjoy food tastings and other freebies.

Billabong Zoo is delighted to welcome their first Snow Leopard into their state of the art exhibit. Be one of the first to be amazed by this beautiful and mystical big cat – one of the most endangered on the planet. The estimated numbers of the Snow Leopard in the wild are below 4,000, and there are only 5 zoos in Australia that have them. CREATURE FEATURE If VIP treatment and a private animal experience is more your thing, then our Creature Feature is a must! We have various experiences available, including holding a snake, bottle feeding one of our zoo babies, feeding our endangered spotted-tailed quolls or a koala experience you’ll never forget. Creature Features can be purchased at our kiosk and bookings are essential – why not book in advance, to be sure you don’t miss out? GET CLOSER THAN YOU THINK Our daily keeper talks allow you to get hands on with some of our unique wildlife. Hands-on presentations happen throughout the day and feature our koalas, dingoes, snakes and crocodile. Other keeper talks allow you to learn about our endangered park residents, such as our Black Handed Spider Monkeys, Spotted-tailed Quolls, Cassowaries and Snow Leopard. AND IF THE MUNCHIES STRIKE A visit to our zoo café is a must, with yummy home-made desserts, fresh ground coffee, scrumptious sandwiches, wraps and burgers, decadent ice chocolates and many other tempting treats.

focuseditorial. Human Foosball

While it may sound like fast paced havoc, the key to winning was in team communication and playing on the strengths of each individual team member. Getting to know the Segways Laser Clay

Time We only have a handful of staff here at FOCUS, and when you’re part of such a small team, it’s important that you communicate well and get along with one another. But when you’re under immense pressure, as we often are in this industry, morale and communication can often go out the window ...


or this reason, it’s important that every now and then you get the team together and do something fun, not only as a reward for hard work, but also to restore morale and reopen those lines of communication. And we have found the perfect team building solution, right here on the Coffs Coast! Time Out Xperiences recently launched their exciting new business in Coffs Harbour, and they offer a very unique range of fun and exciting group and leisure activities. Director, Jason Moran, and his crew are all about fun and adventure. “Life is short, and we can so easily become consumed with the busyness and stresses of life that we become tired, lethargic and unmotivated. Well, we want to change all that by putting some fun and adventure back into your life!” says Jason of his new business venture. “There is no better medicine than laughter and no greater relaxant than fun, and we guarantee that if you take Time Out and join us on one of our Xperiences, you will be relaxed, energised and motivated.” So that’s exactly what the FOCUS crew did. Our sales and design teams got together recently for a fun and rewarding day of activities, which saw us working together as a team, being competitive, but still really enjoying ourselves. In fact, it’s not just corporate team building that this great business model is built for. TimeOut Xperiences also offers the perfect party with a twist! Their programs and activities are great if you’re looking for something different to do for a birthday party, a buck’s night, corporate function, or even just some fun in the school holidays! Here’s an example of just some of the activities that we got a taste of: Segway Lympics

Riding a Segway feels like nothing you’ve experienced – because there’s never been anything like it. It gently moves you and keeps you balanced – almost like an extension of you, as it intuitively moves in response to where you want to go. Segways are natural, safe and instinctive; just step on, shift your weight forward, backward, left or right, and you are sent gliding in the precise direction you want to go, at exactly the speed you want to move. It is fun, exhilarating and thrilling, all wrapped up in one amazing Xperience. Jason and his team gave us initial lessons in riding the Segways – it was quite amusing to watch, as each of us overcame our initial fear of falling off or letting the Segway get away from us. Once we got the hang of it, which was only a couple of minutes, we were off… and you couldn’t stop us! What a fun and exhilarating piece of equipment! The best part was the SegLympics … a segway race between teams around an obstacle course. The members of each team were required to ride the Segway around the slalom course, while simultaneously mastering other activities (e.g. balancing a large egg on a spoon, throwing balls into a bucket, scoring a goal with a 1 m high soccer ball etc.) and racing the other teams to the finish line. It was particularly exciting when we got to throw balls at our team mates, who were wearing these brightly coloured yellow velcro suits! Our adrenalin was pumping, we were screeching words of encouragement to our team mates and shouting out directions to one another. While it may sound like fast paced havoc, the key to winning was in team communication and playing on the strengths of each individual team member. You choose your leaders, devise a plan of attack BEFORE the race, figure out who is best for each task (e.g. who’s the fastest to make up lost ground at the end, who’s the most experienced

to lead by example, who’s the smallest and can be carried, etc.). Using such strategies ensured success on the course – just like it would in the corporate world. And it was so much more fun than being stuck in an office all day! Human Foosball What an exciting way to spend the afternoon – Giant Foosball! It is suitable for all group sizes and is a great addition to any party or work function as well. This Xperience has all the fun and challenge of the popular table game foosball, as it has now been made into a life-size, inflatable, fun experience. This game is very interactive, hilarious to watch and play and requires minimal skill to have fun. Each participant puts on a waist harness and is connected to a rope, enabling them to only move from side to side. The teams have to overcome their restrictions by synchronising their movements. Teamwork and communication are essential to pass the ball between the team members in an attempt to score a goal. Just like the SegLympics, this was a game of strategy, communication and teamwork – especially when there were two balls in play at the one time! Boy, did we need to work together then and when we scored a goal despite being strapped in and restricted, there was such excitement! Laser Clay Laser Clay is a sport which can be enjoyed by anyone. Players use a modified shotgun to train their trigger finger to fire an infra-red beam at clay targets that are launched into the air. A module scoreboard generates the shotgun ‘bang’ whenever the trigger is pulled and when a player hits the target, it reproduces the sound of breaking clay over the speakers. In each round of Laser-Clay, up to 5 people can shoot at the same targets launched from a number of different positions at various speeds

Segway Lympics

and angles. There are four really cool games you play, such as Skillshoot and Rapidfire, and at the end of the competition the players who have scored the most points are the winners. Laser Clay is the only shooting sport you can enjoy, knowing that there is absolutely no harm to the environment. Laser Clay guns fire a harmless infrared beam at reusable clays – and even the sound is totally controllable. Best of all, you can play it on land or water and in day time or night time. In this game, it was obvious who needed glasses and who the crack shots were! But it was great for a laugh! We had a great time on our Time Out Xperience, and we guarantee that you will too! Additional activities such as Survivor, Amazing Race, Construct It and Casino Royale are just a few of the other activities they have on offer. Jason says: “We are only limited by our imaginations” and he loves to tailor an experience that is “just right for the client”. So if you’re planning a party, special function, corporate event or team building session, check out their website for more details at and give them a call on 1300 090 767. We had the best time and will definitely be using them again. We had so much fun! Thanks guys!

coffs coast focus





Australian Punk Rock gurus, Frenzal Rhomb, have come back to life with a new album and upcoming national tour. We catch up with frontman Jay Whalley, to find out where they’ve been hiding.


renzal Rhomb have been flying pretty solid these days. It’s nice to tour because we under the radar for a few years don’t do it very often, so when we do it’s nice to now ... where have you been?! see each other. Exactly that … under the radar. Yourself and Lindsay have both been We have been keeping to ourselves, presenters on Triple J radio ... what has this but keeping busy. I went overseas for a while and experience been like for you? lived in the third world. I travelled through the I don’t do that anymore, but Lindsay still has Middle East, India and Central and South America. his afternoon show there. It was good for me; I It was an awesome experience, and I came back enjoyed it a lot. I learnt how to listen a bit better poorer, but also richer in some ways. Oh – and … you have to really listen to people when you’re pregnant! When I came out of the haze of child interviewing them. Although some people would rearing, we thought what’s better than to make disagree and say that when I’m interviewing them, another record! my eyes glaze over! I really liked learning all the Album number eight, Smoko at the Pet technical skills I guess, but I think after waking Food Factory, has debuted on up that early in the morning for 3 years the ARIA charts at #14. If you I was definitely ready to sleep in! were asked to review this Although, having a child hasn’t album, what would you really helped that! d ar I have he at have to say about it? You’re set to tour the th y sa s other band m bu al I think I would say country soon. We saw you st be e th this is ed as “What the hell were they le live at Splendour in the re ve ha we ge thinking, after the relative Grass in 2003, where you yet, which is a hu we t lack of success for the had all kinds of on stage compliment, bu previous 7?” We actually antics happening, like the will see…. just found out that our Goon Dog and Poker tables. album from 1996 went Gold, What can we expect from this which means we now have 3 Gold tour? records. Oh, I forgot about the Goon Dog! Tell us about recording the latest album. We haven’t organised anything for this tour yet, It was pretty good. I’m not sure if you know but I can guarantee that we will bring plenty of Bill Stevenson, he plays in a band called the entertainment for the fans! Descendants and used to play in the Black Flag. So now that you’ve come out of the Well, he helped us produce the album, and it was woodworks again ... can we expect to see a dream to able to work with someone like that. plenty more of Frenzal Rhomb? It was a really good experience, except for being Yeah, I reckon. I reckon we will do this tour and next door to an actual Pet Food Factory! then start writing some more songs for another But apart from that, it was really great. I have new record. Plus, this year is our 20th year of heard other bands say that this is the best album being a band, so we will probably do something to we have released yet, which is a huge compliment, mark the occasion. but we will see … Thanks Jay. Good luck with the tour. So do you think you’re still the same band tickets you were 5 years ago? What changes have Frenzal Rhomb will be performing at you seen in the band over the years? the Plantation Hotel on Sat 21 April. We still play pretty much the same set list, Tickets on sale at the venue and Oztix. except for a couple of new ones. In the last 5 years For more information visit there have been no line up changes, so we are

22 coffs coast focus.

Happy Easter from the team at Darrell Lea, Park Beach Plaza.

It’s fun, ingenious and like nothing you have seen before.

Gene Peterson Live.

It’s only Easter if it’s Darrell rell Lea. It doesn’t get any better than our iconic nic Fluffy Nougat Eggs. Or you may like to try our range of half eggs, which now meets everyone’s tastes .... from Liquorice to Turkish Delight and Rocklea Road. Our hand rolled lines are famous. Come and see the giant 100s & 1000s display egg in our window. The Bilby remains a popular option, with a donation from each sale made to the Save the Bilby fund. Happy Easter from the team at Darrell Lea, Park Beach Plaza.

What about our staff’s favourite Easter products? Mark - Dark Indulgence Egg Margaret - Huge 600 g Easter Egg Gift pack Maria - Milk Choc Cutie Bunny Damien - Decorated Bunny & Duck

Our hand e rolled lines are famous. Com ant and see the gi 100s & 1000s display egg in our window.

Kylie - Wrappa with Choc smilies inside Daniel - Peanut Brittle Hand Rolled Egg There’s something for everyone. Iconic lines, adult and teen specialty lines and kids’ favourites.

A lucky Coffs Coast family may wake up to our giant 3.5 kg Giant Foiled Egg ... be quick; there’s one only!

Get down to the Jetty Theatre on 28 – 29 April and witness master musician Gene Peterson in this phenomenal rhythmic extravaganza, featuring special guest and percussion genius Saia Hanlon (Stan Walker), and internationally renowned Hip Hop and tap dancing duo, TMC! In this exhilarating production, the four artists combine astounding drumming with blistering tap dancing and hilarious novelty acts, to present a fun-filled show not to be missed. The talented Rhythmists also make music from kids’ toys, office equipment, junk, kitchen utensils and household items, taking audiences of all ages on a rhythmic journey exploring ‘found sound’. With virtuosic drumming, voracious tap dancing and a splash of comedy, Gene Peterson Live promises to be a wonderfully entertaining celebration of rhythm! “It’s fun, ingenious and like nothing you have seen before… a unique musical event

for the whole family. Not to be missed!” – Echo, Byron Bay. Gene and his fellow performers will be hosting workshops in Hip Hop dancing, body percussion and junk drumming during their stay in Coffs. To book your place, call our Box Office or hop online and check out our new website for details … but you’d better hurry – Gene’s last show Loop the Loop sold out at the Jetty Theatre and in venues all over the country! To catch some of our own local talent, get down to the theatre right now to see CHATS’ production of the seminal Australian play: Summer of the Seventeenth Doll by Ray Lawler, directed by Rex Madigan and running until 1 April. Then from 5 to 27 May, Coffs Harbour Musical Comedy Company return to the stage with their new production of Sweet Charity, directed by Maureen Burgess and Judi Williams. or call/drop into our Box Office/Café 12 - 4, Tuesday to Friday: 6652 8088.

coffs coast focus 23


pic and photo captions in stories folder

Computer generated Artist Impression of new multi deck car park.

Plaza Developments. he Bachrach Naumburger Group, projects in the Coffs Coast region. Edwards the owners of Park Beach Constructions are innovative construction Plaza, Park Beach HomeBase, contractors who have been working within Gateway House and a number of regional New South Wales since 1981, commercial and retail properties, has a proud specialising in the commercial, industrial, history of sustainable, responsible and high aged care and government sectors. Their quality development in our local region. strength is their mobility and the strong They are very excited to have commenced relationships established with sub-contractors construction at Park Beach Plaza, with a and suppliers. Their policy is to employ major development for the region which will apprentices on all sites, use local tradesmen provide shoppers with an enhanced shopping and local suppliers wherever possible. experience and an improved retail offer. This development is bringing a considerable With the construction of the new purpose economic boost to the local economy, built Bus Interchange complete, the new bus including a much needed shot in the arm for stop located near Australia Post is a purpose the local construction and building industry, built area for Plaza customers to now board with a forecasted 300 jobs created during the and alight buses with ease, convenience construction period. and safety, with a dedicated stopping area The focus of the construction project will for buses which includes weather be in the corner of the northern car park protection, seating and tactile facing the Pacific Highway, and indicators for sight impaired whilst changes to parking will The new multi passengers. be kept to a minimum, there deck undercover With up to 2% of have been some alterations to ill w rk car pa customers travelling lanes on the access road from provide an 0 car additional 40es, to Park Beach Plaza by Arthur Street across the front parking spac300 of t as le bus, the investment of at of the centre near Australia with these being fully over $300,000 towards Post and the Commonwealth undercover. the construction and Bank. relocation of the bus stop In addition to these major was considerable. It again works, the substantial refurbishment demonstrates the commitment from the of Target continues in the centre. Stage 4 owner of Park Beach Plaza, The Bachrach of the new look store is nearly complete Naumburger Group, in their support of our in the front section of the store, with the local community. The investment in this store’s new entry statement currently being new facility encourages an alternative and reconfigured in the construction area, with sustainable avenue of transport. works on Stage 5 set to commence in late The completion of the Bus Interchange has April. While these works take place, the store paved the way for the construction of the is continuing to trade as usual. Many sections $17m multi deck undercover car park, which of the latest format new look store are now is now well underway. The new multi deck in full operation and definitely worth a visit, undercover car park will provide an additional as the new Target store is a new generation 400 car parking spaces, with at least 300 of of shopping not seen before on the Coffs these being fully undercover, as well as an Coast. undercover walkway, so customers can access Along with these works, the amenities the centre and stay dry or shaded. in this area of the centre are also receiving Edwards Constructions was appointed a major facelift, which will see them fully in February as the construction company refurbished. The new environmentally friendly to lead the project for the multi deck toilet facilities are in line with the standard of undercover car park. Edwards are a regional the newer amenities that can now be found based organisation with a 15 year history of throughout the centre.


24 coffs coast focus.

focus interview.

Drew Hopper. Local photographer, Drew Hopper, was the winner of our Snapshot Competition last year. Finally we get the chance to talk to him about his passion for beautiful pictures.

Drew Hopper.

hat inspired you to make photography your profession? I like to think that I took the scenic route to my nature photography career. I have always been an outdoors person, always been enveloped by nature and inspired to explore my natural surrounds. I eventually settled on nature photography for my creative outlet, as it combines my passions for the natural world, discovery, innovation, excitement and inner peace. You shoot a variety of subjects, but what’s your favourite thing to photograph? Mother Nature. What sort of equipment do you use? Canon 5D Mark II, with a variety of Canon L series lenses, carbon fibre tripod, neutral density filters and other bits and pieces. I’m definitely a wide-angle shooter; 80% - 90% of my images are taken at the wide end. Aside from the ability to instantly see


Basia your photos, what do you see as some of the major benefits of digital photography over film cameras? The ability to shoot hundreds of photos without the expensive need for film, preview buttons to be sure the desired shot was taken, and no need to spend hours processing film, scanning, or printing in a darkroom. You’ve pretty much mastered the art of still photography, but do you ever dabble in videography? I feel life is moving too quickly as is, so I think I’ll stay still for now. Describe your typical day. Check emails, check website, check blog, check stock images, wait for the light, chase the light and hopefully come home with something worthwhile. What inspires you? Art has always been a large part of my life, and I can confidently say that in addition to the countless hours I have spent outdoors, my photographic style has been largely influenced by my experience in travelling Australia from

an early age, my sensitivity to nature and my love for discovering new untouched locations. Outside of photography, what are your hobbies and passions? Everything I do I usually have my camera with me, so it’s not really ‘outside’ of my photography. Definitely camping though, being outdoors and exploring new locations. How long have you lived on the Coffs Coast, and what do you love about the area? Roughly 12 years. I think it’s the slower pace and the diversity of the area that give me the best of all worlds. The pristine beaches through to the lush rainforests do it for me. What products do you offer from your website? I offer a diverse range of fine art prints on various mediums and sizes. Gift cards are in the making, and I have just started my own stock image brief for anyone interested in having a specific image for their project. Where can we find your work? Web:

I feel life is moving too quickly as is, so I think I’ll stay still for now. Blog: Facebook: Drew Hopper Photography And a few other photo online communities I’m sure you can find if you search my name. Finally, 3 most important pieces of advice you would like to give budding landscape photographers? • Accept constructive criticism from the professionals who know best. • Be ruthlessly self-critical. If something isn’t good, don’t fool yourself into believing that it is. Go back and shoot it over again and again, until you get it right. • Study the work of other photographers, not just landscape shooters, but all genres of photography. • Practice makes perfect. The more you shoot, the quicker you’ll learn. Thanks Drew.

coffs coast focus 25


CaroleBeros F ROM L E DĀ I N DE S IG NS

Pictured John Chapple, James Throsby, Kim Gould and Steve Hill after a jump with Coffs City Skydivers.

Right Group President, Lorraine Gordon, and the crew at Sawtell Art Centre.

Below Cherry Macleay, Marilyn Cragg and Mayor, Councillor Keith Rhoades, at the Bunker Cartoon Gallery.

Left Chris & Denise Knight at Sawtell Art Centre. Above Di O’Ferall, Colin Wilkes, bestt dressed EJ Ford and Kay Ryan at the Coffs Harbour bour Musical Comedy Company Gala Ball.

social scene. That big fluffy Easter Bunny will be arriving soon, loaded up with one of my favourite things ... chocolate! I’m afraid I can’t resist it.


ut what is it with the guys? They don’t seem to do the whole “I will feel much better if I eat the WHOLE box” thing. I asked The Husband, and he said there were other things that they appreciate ... Great for Easter, and my favourite treat at the moment, are the delicious Belgium chocolate coated strawberries from Wicked Berries. Yum, yum! My excuse is that they are healthy, as there is fruit involved! And of course, you get the fabulous rush from the chocolate blast. Mmmm ... Talking about getting another kind of fabulous rush and an adrenaline blast ... Well, our crazy thrill seeking Editor, Kim, decided she would hurtle herself out of a plane strapped to a guy (good excuse), who hopefully knew how to open a parachute. Well of course he did, as it was Steve Hill, the owner of Coffs City Skydivers, and they were about to embark on a tandem skydive! I went along to watch this performance, hoping to see her squirm a bit (cruel) or at least look a bit nervy ... but NO! Much to my disappointment, Madam Gould (as I call her) did not blink an eyelash! Cool as a cucumber! They tried in vain to get me up there with her (not very funny), as I have admitted before to being a scaredy cat! So up she went into the open skies with Steve, the cameraman James Throsby and another thrill seeker, John Chapple. I was basically there just to take photos and cause trouble! After the courageous Kim had gracefully floated down from the skies, I surprised myself. This was a really safe and fun thing to try; I am going to give it a go! Wonders never cease! On with the Social Scene ... Sawtell Art Centre proudly launched its Old Masters exhibition recently. The Centre looked amazing, displaying copies of the Old Masters works

26 coffs coast focus.

produced by local artists from The Sawtell Art Savouries with a Twist were the caterers for the Group. After the Centre’s brand new President, event. Lorraine Gordon, had opened the evening, We were served platters of scrumptious guests were left to admire the artwork and cocktail food and there was fine wine and enjoy fine wine and finger food. The exhibition bubbles available to quench our thirst. The runs until 22 April. For enquiries, phone 6658 evening was filled with laughter and excited 6477. anticipation of what to look forward to at our To celebrate International Women’s Day, Jetty Memorial Theatre. there were laughs aplenty at the Bunker Well, all Balls are fabulous, but The Coffs Cartoon Gallery. A packed house for the Harbour Musical Comedy Company threw launch of this exhibition enjoyed entertainment a Black Tie Gala Ball, which was something from the hilarious Ms Denise Gold. She is special. Staged at Club Coffs, all guests arrived well known for being a comedian, singer dolled up in their very best ballroom attire. and raconteur. The works of The night was also special for women cartoonists from us, because Le Dãin Designs over 30 countries were and FOCUS are their new exhibited for all to see proud sponsors. Le Dãin l ia or The Jetty Memac to e and enjoy. The MC Designs, along with pl e Theatre was th Theatre 12 for the evening was Fashion Stylist Kay 20 e be for th se. An ca ow Sh on our very own Deputy Ryan, had the difficult as Se were excited crowdev Mayor Denise Knight, task of judging the d to a pr iew ofin the te ea tr us who is a source of Best Dressed. The for what is in storepr oduced entertainment herself! runner up was Virginia way of locally t. . Along with a few Craze, and Best Dressed entertainmen bubbly refreshments couple went to Ilona and tasty finger food, the Bradbury (who was the night was nothing short of talented songstress for the special. For information, call Fran evening) and John Swain. Stephenson on 0409 716 774. Choosing the Best Dressed Male was a little The Jetty Memorial Theatre was the place easier, as we couldn’t go any further than the to be for the 2012 Theatre Season Showcase. Man about Town, Colin Wilkes. Not only did An excited crowd were treated to a preview he look dapper, but the man actually whipped of what is in store for us in the way of locally the suit up himself! Le Dãin Designs had the produced entertainment. pleasure of awarding jewels to the winners Our Lovely Deputy Mayor, Denise Knight, and the Belle of the Ball, E.J. Ford, who was was the MC for the evening and opened dressed in a gorgeous blue ball gown. With all a show which tantalised us with titbits of of this, dancing to the band Simply Us and a what we had to look forward to. Our Mayor sumptuous three course meal, the night was a Councillor, Keith Rhoades, mentioned that huge success. “having a thriving arts and cultural scene is Looking forward to the next performance a sign of a healthy community”, and I have from the Coffs Harbour Musical Comedy got to agree with that! How lucky we are. Company. It will be the fabulous show, Sweet

Charity, which runs from 5 to 27 May. Don’t miss out! Do not forget to purchase your tickets for the 2012 Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, which is to be held at the Bonville Golf Resort on Thursday 17 May from 9.30. Local ambassador, Kirsten Howton, will host her 5th annual event. There will be an unlimited range of delicious morning tea treats, along with a fantastic raffle and giveaways. This year’s event will feature a fashion parade showcasing winter fashions from Seasons Boutiques, My Sisters Wardrobe and stunning designer jewels from Le Dãin Designs will add a sparkle to the parade. A sneak preview of the new Race Day and One Night in Paris collections will be at the show. Tickets available at Bonville Golf Resort, Seasons Boutiques and My Sisters Wardrobe priced at $25 per person. Be quick, as tickets are limited. Going back to what we all enjoy. There I was, lolling around in my favourite spot on the sofa with a box of my early Easter present (chocolate coated Wicked Berries) in front of me, chick-flick ready to play, and I decided I would be sociable and caring and just check in on The Husband downstairs in his cubby garage. As I was feeling in a nice, pleasant un-naggable mood and not armed with the to-do-list, I started a full on gabble attack about ... well nothing really... and he calmly looked at me and said, “You know how you said you girls like to finish the WHOLE box of chocolates? Well, can we have this chat another time, darling? Because us guys happen to like to finish listening to the WHOLE game on the radio. That’s what WE enjoy!” How rude! Here is to life’s little luxuries. Carole, Le Dãin Designs.

Charity sings, dances, laughs and cries her way through a string of disastrous romances.

Sweet Charity Event! Meet Cath Beynon, the star of Coffs Harbour Musical Comedy Company’s upcoming production of Neil Simon’s romantic comedy, Sweet Charity. The Company first produced Sweet Charity ten years ago, with none other than a very young Cath Beynon in the title role – and is delighted and very proud to welcome her back to reprise her role. Cath is an extremely experienced and talented actress, with a string of serious professional roles to her name, such as The Glass Menagerie, The Vagina Monologues tour of Regional Australia, and The Alan Bennett Monologues. After having toured professionally in Europe and Australia, Cath now lives in Bellingen and is a firm believer in community theatre. “I love the way theatre can unite people from all walks of life who love theatre, who then come together to make a show, united by their passion. It’s all about connecting with the community you live in,” says Cath. Sweet Charity is a tender, poignant and funny look at the misadventures of the guileless Charity Hope Valentine, a dance hall hostess who always gives her heart and her dreams to the wrong man. Charity sings, dances, laughs and cries her way through a string of disastrous romances, and Cath brings a wonderful comic timing and sense of naivety to the role, which audiences will find just charming. Audiences will recognise many of the musical numbers, such as Hey Big Spender, If My Friends Could See Me Now and Rhythm of Life. With the comic wit of writer Neil Simon and Bob Fosse’s stunning choreography, the show is a musical comedy spectacular not to be missed!

education + learning! Rain in the Mountains Coffs Harbour Regional Conservatorium is delighted to present the second concert in the 2012 Sunday Soundscapes concert series – Rain in the Mountains: Songs from Henry Lawson – on 22 April.

Youth Directions offers a range of services to assist young people engage with education and learning. The Youth Connections (YC) program delivered by Youth Directions assists young people who have left school early to reconnect with education, find training options that suit them and ultimately attain Year 12 or an equivalent qualification.

“Sunday Soundscapes concerts are very popular with Coffs Coast residents,” says Director Carol Hellmers. “The artists are of top quality, the diversity of programming engages all music lovers, and the price is fabulous; at just $6 a ticket including booking fee, Sunday Soundscapes would have to be the best value cultural event on the Mid North Coast.” Blue Mountains musician and singer, Christine Wheeler, teams up with a group of fine acoustic musicians; their program will traverse music by songwriters as diverse as Slim Dusty, John Schumann of Redgum fame, and Jazz aficionado Ade Monsbourgh. The instrumental sounds of wooden flute, whistle, fiddle, guitar, bodhran and more will be combined with great vocals. Wheelers & Dealers will pay tribute to one of our most loved poets. Their CD, along with a special songbook, will both be available for sale at the concert.

Youth Directions staff provide individual support and assistance to help young people get back on track with their education and plan a positive future. The program focuses on helping young people build personal resilience and empowers them to make healthy life choices. Young people are encouraged to participate in activities and group work with a vocational focus.

One concert only – 2pm, Sunday 22 April at the Jetty Theatre. Don’t miss this fabulous concert presentation by Coffs Harbour Regional Conservatorium – Where Music Lives!

The YC program is funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

This approach provides hands-on learning opportunities and the chance to work with others and develop self-esteem, socialisation and communication skills. Youth Directions recognises that family and community play an important role in a young person’s development and wellbeing and support young people to reconnect with both. Youth Directions welcomes referrals to the YC program from: young people, family members or friends, education providers and community organisations.

For further information on Youth Directions services – call 6653 2900.

a presentation by


2pm Sunday 22 April 2012

Wheelers & Dealers “RAIN IN THE MOUNTAINS” SONGS FROM HENRY LAWSON JETTY MEMORIAL THEATRE 337 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour TICKETS ONLY $6 [includes Box Office fee]

BOOK NOW Call 6652 8088 Visit BOOK NOW Call 6652 8088 Visit

coffs coast focus 27

in the heart of the city

shopping in the

of the city


28 coffs coast focus.

essential health

eating glue. pina colada. Piña Colada Juice Bar is committed to providing consumers with the tastiest, freshest and highest quality juices, smoothies and food, with an emphasis on healthy, fat free, fast and nutritional product – made by staff who are themselves healthy, friendly and courteous. The Piña Colada Juice Bar is a family run and owned business that has been in operation since 2003. Piña Colada juice bar started in the Palms Shopping centre and after 5 years, moved to Harbour Drive to expand and be able to offer healthy, fast takeaway food to go with our delicious, nutritious juices and smoothies. For the last 4 years, Piña Colada has also been offering a daily selection of fresh gourmet salads, rice paper rolls and gourmet pies during the working week. Soups are added to the menu in winter. We source the best ingredients and use local growers as much as possible. Our bananas come from a local chemical free supplier. We buy locally from the weekly farmers market when possible for our gourmet salad bar, as well as using organic produce when available. We use real, whole food ingredients for everything we do. We make all our own salad dressings and sauces. Everything in the salad bar, including Rice Paper Rolls, are made fresh daily. We have Byron Bay Gourmet pies and Funky pies (including gluten free and vegan).

There was always that kid in Kindy who would get in trouble for eating Clag glue (remember the one with the red lid with the brush inside?) Not much has changed … Back in the day, they used to make wallpaper glue out of flour, sugar and water … Now think about most people’s diet: cereal for brekkie, sandwich for lunch, a few bikkies for afternoon tea and a bowl of spag bol for dinner … Flour-sugar-water! You are eating glue. This then becomes stuck to the walls of your intestine, causing constipation and blocking the absorption of nutrients, leaving you feeling lethargic. Refined foods like rice crackers, supermarket bread, packet noodles and wheat pasta have no health benefits, and your body actually has to donate its own existing nutrients to help break them down! Double negative! So how about a mushroom and capsicum omelette for brekkie, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, fresh fruit and peppermint tea in the afternoon then a yummy prawn and vegie stirfry with brown rice for dinner? Keep it fresh, keep it real and make sure your food is recognisable as it was when it was growing in nature (have you seen any Nutri-Grain trees lately)?! Emma Caller is a naturopath and nutritionist who consults by appointment at Essential Health.

coffs coast focus 29

in the

of the city

in the heart of the city

love & kisses.

beauty gallerie special offer. Does your skin look a little dull? Tired? Dehydrated?

Need some gifts under $5 to take home for the grandkids? A unique piece of jewellery under $30 for a friend’s birthday? A welcome-baby gift? Or a beautiful Italian leather wallet just for you? For the quirkiest range of gifts and surprises you’ll ever find under one roof, Love & Kisses is the place to look. Owner Judy Sheehan has just been on a huge buying spree at the autumn trade fairs, and new stock is pouring in every day. So if you can’t find the gift you need, be sure to ask for help – it might still be in a box waiting to be unpacked!

ASAP Mother’s Day packs are now available – free consultation to match your skin with the correct products. Pack contains Vit A, Vit C, Moisture Daily Defence SPF 30 plus Ultimate Hydration Cream – just $99 for a $155 dollar value. Buy three individual ASAP products, and you receive a 15% percent discount.

Judy says some of her favourite finds are the ‘painted ladies’ from American artist Kellie Rae Roberts; Alice in Wonderland teapots and mugs; and some lovely Italian stationery sets from Florence.

Every day our skin is exposed to environmental stresses such as pollution, smoke, wind, as well as hot and cold temperatures. We need to saturate life back into our skin and promote cell turnover and stimulate collagen production.

There are also some new toys from Germany for little boys and girls, new craft books, and of course, all that new jewellery from over 20 different suppliers.

Cleansing, exfoliating, nourishing and SPF protection are all important steps which we can do at home with the correct products, recommended by your therapist.

It’s a pleasure to browse through this lovely little shop, which has a growing clientele of business travellers and tourists who make a point of stopping there on every trip through Coffs Harbour.

In the salon we take the next steps, using carefully selected serums, peels, masks and massage, plus adding high frequency and galvanic current treatments to further enhance the products. The correct treatment will leave your skin revitalised.

Give yourself ten minutes this week to take a look at what’s new, really check out the great stuff hiding on those shelves, and enjoy the Love & Kisses experience.

Jan Young’s Beauty Gallerie carry 3 treatment products – all Australian owned and made.

You’ll be glad that you did!

30 coffs coast focus.

We have a special offer valid until 15 April 2012 on a ASAP 1 Hour Antioxidant Facial, including eyebrow wax. Potent and effective antioxidants rejuvenate and revitalise, leaving skin feeling smooth and radiant. Bring a friend, and you only pay $45 each, or on your own, you pay $60.

Indio Skincare, ASAP Skincare and Mineral Makeup, Skinstitut Skincare.

The place for that unique gift

ella baché. Reveal your skin’s natural radiance at Ella Baché Coffs Harbour. Bursting with pure organic tomato extracts, Fruit d’Eclat certified organic range and facial treatments immediately brighten, illuminate and hydrate.

zab designs. Zab Designs – the store you can’t wait to get to and never want to leave! • Wall Art • Jewellery • Homewares • Handbags • Lamps • Diffusers • Candles • Wax Melts • Glassware • Affirmations And much much more! Right there next to Rivers, in the centre of the city. Helen, Kandy and Sam can’t wait to help you – six days a week.

Introducing NEW Organic Fruit d’Eclat Radiance range and facial treatments, with Ecocert certification. The new certified organic products and facial treatments contain a delicious mix of fruit cocktail ingredients, grown without fertiliser or pesticides. They also contain tomato extracts, a potent mix of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to improve overall health, evenness and glow of skin. Experience the new Organic Fruit d’Eclat Facial Treatment today for $110 and receive a bonus Organic Anti Fatigue Eye Mask valued at $25! Let Ella Baché take you on a journey of the senses, for skin good enough to eat!

Introducing NEW Organic Fruit d’Eclat Radiance range and facial treatments, with Ecocert certification.

Reveal your skin’s natural radiance. Experience the new Organic Fruit d’Eclat range and facial treatment today to immediately brighten, illuminate and hydrate your skin. Ella Baché Coffs Harbour T: 6650 0800 Shop 22, City Centre, Habour Drive

coffs coast focus 31

Same day computer repair and support.

vacuum city.

in the heart of the city

Your team of colour experts.

Geeks 2u. “The whole experience was extremely professional, with capital C for Customer Service – which is very rare these days and extremely refreshing. We have been recommending you to everyone we know as a result of this experience.” Elizabeth V. “Chris is a very competent technician, and I feel very confident in him looking after our business computer. I have expressed that I shall be calling on him for a service when it is due. He is very courteous and polite and maintains professionalism at all times, and I am more than happy to continually use Geeks2u for all my computer needs.” Virginia M. Kapersky Internet Security 2012 delivers premium protection from viruses, Trojans, spam, hackers and more. It’s cuttingedge, hybrid approach to digital security combines innovative cloud-based technologies with advanced antivirus protection, to deliver faster, more effective response to today’s complex, ever evolving threats. You, your private data and PC are completely protected as you work, bank, shop and play online. Keep this ad and present it when you book your next service call for a FREE 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION of KASPERSKY INTERNET SECURITY – (normally $49) – Europe’s No.1 world class security software.

32 coffs coast focus.

harbour hair design. Vacuum City is a specialty shop for all your domestic and commercial cleaning needs. Established nearly 20 years ago, the family owned and operated business is well known for their product diversity, competitive prices, outstanding customer service and quality repairs. Whether you need a small, low cost vacuum cleaner for your apartment or a luxury inbuilt system for your mansion, a steamer or polisher for your hard floors or a carpet washer to get rid of those stubborn stains, Vacuum City has it all. Always on the lookout for the latest innovative products, the recent arrival is a 3-in-1 buff/polish/vacuum – a high performer without the big price tag. Commercial Cleaners look no more! There are all sorts of backpacks and solid, reliable machines in store. Along with the supply of all consumables, including bags, spare parts and accessories, repairs to all makes are carried out with diligence and a minimum of downtime – satisfaction guaranteed! Always happy to help; please ring Karin and Franz on 6651 4477 or call in to check out their weekly specials at 33 Little Street, Coffs Harbour (near Woolworths Park Ave).

Welcome to Harbour Hair Design, centrally located in the City Centre in The City Boulevard. Chris and the staff offer a happy, relaxed and fun environment. The girls at Harbour Hair Design have a loyal and longstanding client base, who all keep coming back to enjoy being pampered and well looked after in the hair department! Harbour Hair Design maintain the highest reputation of being experts in colouring and cutting. They pride themselves on really listening to the customer and providing them with what they want. There are many factors when designing your look, and it is important to get the right advice. Chris and her team are dedicated to the craft. They are specialists in colour, ranging from full head colours to all types of different foiling techniques on both short and long hair. They are available for weddings and formals and cater to men and ladies, as well as children. Come in and enjoy and take advantage of all that experience at Harbour Hair Design. You can feel confident that you are in the hands of experts!

The Look is



Now is the best time to begin your Hairfree treatment course. Start today and be smooth in time for summer.

Guara Gu G uaran uaran ntee ttee ee

Coffs Harbour Positive Health and Beauty, Shop 24 Cinema Walk, 7 Vernon St




need a

lift ?

34 coffs coast focus.

s your face ages, a natural descent begins. Today, many women and men are seeking facial rejuvenation procedures at a younger age to help maintain their youthful appearance for longer. Now there is a minimally invasive, short recovery technique that can shave years off your age – without major surgery or visible scars. Next-generation Promoitalia dissolvable threads have been available in Australia since 2009 and have been successfully used in thousands of thread lift procedures. The threads dissolve within 9 to 12 months, while the long term benefits of the thread lift will last for several years. These new threads (unlike the older permanent smooth threads) have small soft barbs that resemble a fishbone. When inserted just under the skin, the barbs cling to the facial soft tissue, gently lifting the tissue and thereby providing a new support scaffolding that lifts and holds the tissue in place. These new threads rebuild the structure of your skin from within.


Over a period of nine to twelve months filler injections, or skin tightening laser the threads dissolve – but before dissolving, treatments. they produce fibrosis that in turn creates The longevity of a Thread Lift depends on a new support scaffolding of collagen for your age at the time of the procedure, the the skin. This new scaffolding can lift and degree of sagging, the areas treated, the support the thread lift for many years to extent of the procedure, and the technique come. used. In addition to the lift effect, the thread Many doctors report that results may last lift creates new skin firmness and may assist from two to four years. In most patients, with improved skin colour, skin tone and additional filaments may be placed as texture. needed to extend the results for The Promoitalia thread even longer, and to keep up with lift preserves the natural the ageing process. The Promoitalia contours of the face, The results from threads thread lift preserves so that the results are are generally subtle, and the natural contours of the face, so that more subtle and natural should not be equated the results are more looking. The results to the results of surgery. subtle and natural are achieved without The expected degree of lift looking. hospitalisation, without will depend on a number of scarring and with a minimum factors, including; pre-existing of downtime. degree of skin laxity, age, skin Generally speaking, the best thickness, area treated and the number of candidates for this procedure are both threads used. women and men in their thirties ‘til their Thread lifts can help with the sixties who don’t want or are unable to repositioning of sagging cheeks, lifting have a traditional face lift, but long for a sagging eyebrows, adjusting asymmetric more youthful appearance. brows and face, enhancing the neck area, The best results are achieved in patients redefining facial structure, reducing facial with mild to moderate sagging of the wrinkles and creases, rejuvenating the brows, cheeks, jowls and neck. mid face, brow and neck, giving the face The Thread Lift is ideal for someone a natural, fresh and youthful appearance who wants a more dramatic result and by inducing collagen and improving skin can be combined with wrinkle and dermal texture, hydration and tone.

fine lines. Want the best skin results without surgery? Fine Lines Beauty Salon is proud to introduce the new Heritage Healers ECH02 Oxygen Therapy Facial. With Heritage Healers ECH02 Oxygen Therapy, we soothe away internal stress, then regenerate and boost the health of every skin cell with pure oxygen gas, plus essential vitamins and minerals. It is the most effective skin treatment program of its kind, designed to cleanse, nourish and revitalise every skin cell of the face, pore by pore. What are the steps involved? 1.Relax and De-stress 2.Exfoliation 3.Cleansing 4.Hydration 5.Oxygenation With ECH02 Pure Oxygen Gas Skin Therapy, we can ... • Soothe away internal stress • Regenerate and boost the health of every skin cell with 180 million essential nutrient particles a second. • Increase the production and strength of the facial collagen. • The result is instant rejuvenated skin, glowing with youthful good health! How many treatments do I need?? Visible results will be seen after just one treatment; however, to achieve maximum benefits and results, we recommend an intensive Heritage Healers Oxygen Therapy start

fit factory personal training. up program. These programs are designed to quickly boost the skin metabolism and restore optimum health to previously damaged ageing skin. How does Heritage Healers ECHO 2Oxygen Therapy differ from other oxygen products? Most products presently on the market use an oxygen derivative, such as Hydrogen Peroxide, for treatment of the skin. Heritage Healers ECH02 Oxygen Therapy uses pure oxygen gas with a unique sub-micronic delivery system to allow safe passage of oxygen, vitamins and minerals into the skin, thus assuring the most natural, nutritional effects of the oxygen at the cellular level. For more information/to make an appointment for this amazing treatment, please call the girls at Fine Lines Beauty Salon on 6651 5559.

FitFactory PT operates health and fitness classes out of the Coffs Harbour Olympic Pool Facility. Our focus is not so much on how you look, but how you feel inside and out. Are you tired, sick, stressed and grumpy, or are you happy, healthy and vibrant? Do you have high blood pressure, carry too much fat, get tired playing with the kids?

As long as you are moving and having fun, you will become well. Our group sessions give you the motivation and challenge of working out with a fun group, but also with the one on one attention of a highly trained coach to ensure your Our focus is not movements are safe and that so much on how you are constantly improving you look, but your health, your fitness and how you feel inside and out. your strength.

Then we have a solution for you! We offer dryland strength and fitness classes, aquarobics and squad training for the beginner or advanced athlete. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how ‘unfit’ you think you are, we have a session to suit you.

The Coffs Harbour Olympic Pool is open all year round, so kick start your healthy lifestyle now, train all through winter and be fit and strong when summer rolls around. Your first fitness session is free, so come and try us out. We promise you fun and fitness in one complete package.

coffs coast focus





couting is basically a personal development program for young people. What activities are involved that help kids

grow? We give them the opportunity to do all kinds of outdoor activities, like camping, canoeing and abseiling, and part of the program is developing organisational skills. The kids can design their menus and buy their food for camping trips, and when they get into the older sections, they actually program the activities themselves. There is a badging system for the different activities. There are set badges that the kids have to do, like First Aid, but they can also choose what other ones they want to do, depending on what they’re interested in. There’s also an awards scheme that looks at trying to create a holistic approach to developing the different areas of Scouting. Explain the ranking system in Scouts. Basically, it’s based on age groups. You’ve got Joey Scouts (6 - 8 yrs), Cub Scouts (7.5 - 11 yrs), Scouts (10.5 - 15), Venturer Scouts (14.5 -18 ), Rovers (17.5 25) and there are also adult volunteers. Scouts is very male dominated, so

36 coffs coast focus focus.

Sawtell Scout Group is busy revamping their hall, fundraising and recruiting members. We catch up with Scout Leader, Beki Abood, to find out more about the movement. what has it been like for you, as a female, coming through the ranks? It’s been unbelievable. I’ve had so many opportunities given to me and have learnt so much in my time here. I think that there is a perception that Scouts is for boys, and Guides is for girls, but that’s not the case at all. When I was a kid, I did a year in Guides while my brother was a Cub Scout. He was going on all these camps, and I got sick of the inactivity of Guides, so I transferred over to Scouts. I started as a Cub Scout when I was 7 and have come up through the ranks. I’m now a Rover and a Group Leader, so I’m here to advise the kids and give them guidance as to how they can go about the different tasks. How do you find that Scouts has helped you become more employable? Well, as a Venturer I had to do employment skills, such as mock interviews, which was really handy. Scouts has also helped me learn to interact with other people and develop strong leadership skills. On top of that, they’ve recently changed the system, so that we’re getting nationally accredited qualifications as well.

When you’re in Venturers, you can get a Cert II in Outdoor Recreation, and as a Leader you can get a Cert III in Outdoor Recreation, and I’m also doing my Cert III in Frontline Management. So having those qualifications is opening up so many more doors for us. You’re a member of the Sawtell Scout Group. What’s happening with the local club? Over the last 2 - 3 years we’ve been doing upgrades, to get the hall up to regulation. A huge amount of work has been done here, and we’re into our final stage now. But it’s a long process of fundraising. So a major goal for this I started as a Cub 7 year is to get that all Scout when I was up e m completed, and once and have co s. we’ve got it all up to through the rankand r ve Ro I’m now a standard, we can start so a Group Leader,se the renting out the hall. vi ad I’m here to THAT will be a great kids and give them help for our fundraising guidance ... too. How can people find out more (or join)? Contact Sawtell Scout Group’s leader, Ryszard Herzig, on 6658 3916. Thanks Beki. Scout Leader, Beki Abood, with the only female Scout in Sawtell, Rachael Harrison.

coffs coast focus 37

APRIL 2012


A R I E S.

L E O.


MAR 21 - APR 20

JUL 24 - AUG 23

NOV 23 - DEC 21

A holiday will soon settle some restlessness within. Visit a travel agent or look at some travel brochures to awaken the adventurous you. A fresh new perspective will be gained, which will reflect positively back on your life. Expect some new friendships too. Carnelian helps us take active steps towards change.

Bring out your happy self, as you are taking life far too seriously. This has left you drained lately and feeling unenthused. You just do things: you don’t need to talk about it or plan it, so remember this when you are next tempted to procrastinate. Sugilite would be of great benefit at this time, as it helps us face our challenges with a joyful outlook.



C A P R I C O R N.

APR 21 - MAY 21

AUG 24 - SEPT 23

DEC 22 - JAN 20

Even though your challenges may seem overwhelming, look at the new you that you’re expressing to the world. You are a very strong person, so congratulations on owning your own power. Try a little fresh goal setting; this will ease your restlessness. Tourmaline amplifies your inner peace, playful inner child energy and settles restlessness.


You are in desperate need of some personal time. You make everyone else a priority, but neglect your own personal needs. Set some new goals and try to remain positive. You have such a gift of manifesting; just play with it. Tiger Eye helps to maintain a sense of balance and direction.

Your focus will be clearer after you have set some new goals or direction. Get that clever Virgo mind active and satisfy your intellect. An exciting new opportunity is out there through learning something different, so look for that perfect course or read an imformative book. Azeztulite allows us to explore alternate realities comfortably.

Begin something new. Soon, work opportunities will keep you busy, fill your being with satisfaction and complete you. However, your enthusiasm needs to be strong when the project begins, so now is the time to feed it. Rhodonite helps us to discover new talents in the workplace.



SEPT 24 - OCT 23

JAN 21 - FEB 19

Connect with a passion you have. Your love of life needs satisfying. Change is coming forward, and this is a natural challenge for the Libran. Start a project, or play with your creative energies. You will soon offer your family members some profound healing advice, so don’t be afraid to speak. Topaz strengthens our self-esteem and brings personal power to situations surrounding us.

Y may b You be feeling a little uprooted or unsettled lately. A new move or the discussion of moving is likely to be on the agenda. Avoid rash decisions; wait for what feels right, and you will have no regret. New friends are coming into the picture.


S C O R P I O.

P I S C E S.

JUN 23 - JUL 23 JU

OCT 24 - NOV 22

FEB 20 - MAR 20

You so desperately want a change in direction, but this is challenging your rules and boundaries in life. At present, your personal strength is being tested, which also may make it harder to pursue your desires. Ask yourself how badly do you want change? Let this motivate you. Phenacite helps us to release other people’s worries from our energies.

38 coffs coast focus.

Focus on your most important challenge at this time in order to achieve your hard earned sucess. You are too easily distracted at present, which is causing frustration. Be a little more aware of your thoughts, and eliminate negativity, self doubt and fear. Turquoise and Rose Quartz will enhance your loving charisma.

Remove all self-doubt. You already know what your challenges outcome will be. You even have your answers for getting there quicker. Find out what it is that renders you powerless, so that you can not be played with. Snowflake Obsidian is wonderful for shattering negative thoughts.

An ending of a situation is bringing an exciting new influence into the picture. Your task at the moment is to understand your place in the scheme of things. Don’t compromise your standards to soothe your fears. Keep in touch with what makes your heart sing. Rose Quartz attracts us towards loving experiences.

coffs coast focus 39






Kay Seccombe is a born and bred local, with a beautiful story of family, flowers and fighting cancer.

Art in Sawtell Why Wh h go to Paris, when you can see it all at Sawtell Art Gallery? The Old Master Exhibition, a wonderful example of the amazing talent here at Sawtell, is not to be missed. The members have copied many of the old masters, with appropriate recognition on the artwork. Paintings are for sale. Entry is by gold coin donation, and the exhibition runs daily from 10am - 3pm until Sunday 22 April. Following, a week later, will be the Flora & Fauna Art Exhibition, commencing with a High Tea on Saturday 28 April from 2pm - 4pm. Entry $5. Sawtell Art Group has a reputation for its outstanding exhibitions by artists with their high standard of work, such as Olga Moller with her copy of Tom Robert’s Eileen (pictured). The exhibitions are coordinated by the highly acclaimed artist, Helen Goldsmith. It is the passion of this group to foster visual art among the local regional communities, with classes and workshops run by well known tutors and artists. Also, to work cooperatively with other groups in the region, to tap into the vast amount of unrealised artistic talent from all walks of life.

40 coffs coast focus.


ell us a bit about your life as a born and bred local. I grew up on a farm in Bonville with my parents, my 2 sisters, Jean and Nancy and my brother, Bob. We all attended Bonville Primary School, including my dad, and it’s great to see the school is still going strong after so many years. It wasn’t a very big school, and it was a 4 mile walk every day from our property. We weren’t the richest family but we got by, and we had a really great childhood. When I turned 15, I went off to become a nurse. Back in those days I didn’t have a car, so I stayed in the nurses’ quarters. I met my husband Paul, and we got married after a few years together. In those days once you were married, you left work. After I was married, we moved to a house in Karangi and lived on a farm. Then as the kids grew up, we moved into town, which hasn’t really changed a great deal building wise. Years after, Paul and I parted, so I went back to work as a nurse. That was only going to be for a little bit, but 18 years on I am still going! You have raised a pretty big family, haven’t you? I have 2 boys, Paul and Dean and 2 girls, Lisa and Toni. My children and my grandchildren are my life; I enjoy the time I spend with them. The girls live in Brisbane. Lisa has 2 children; Toni has a one and a half year old. The boys still live here. Dean is married with 5 kids, and Paul has 6 kids. I have 14 grandchildren – the oldest is Nicci, who is 27 and Mark, the youngest, is one and a half. Jaimee, the third oldest, is almost 9 months pregnant, so I am

But I was neveI r t scared, I though this. I h ug ro th t ge n ca think st ju u yo guess if are u yo positive then to get ed in cl more in positive results.

almost a great grandmother too! You have been heavily involved in a variety of different local sporting groups ... My kids were juniors for Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club; they were very good at it. Both boys played soccer, but they were more involved in Rugby League. Paul and Dean both played for NSW during high school. Paul was actually signed for the Magpies, but injured his knee close to the start of the season. Both the boys played for Coffs Comets and Orara Valley. I still love going to the games ... it brings back so many exciting memories. Both of my girls played netball, and Lisa actually represented the North Coast. You’re a nurse at Legacy Nursing Home. What has your career been like so far? I have been a nurse for 53 years. I started at St Augustine’s and the Coffs Hospital, and I have been at Legacy Nursing Home for 18 years now. It is a wonderful place to work, and I have made many great friends working there. I would be lost without it ... it’s probably the reason I am yet to retire. You were diagnosed with and conquered lung cancer a few years ago. How did that impact your life? I was at work, and I felt a sharp pain my chest. The boss sent me to the doctor and did an ECG, thinking it was the heart. They

sent me to hospital for some tests and found the cancer. Three days before my 60th birthday, I was sent to Brisbane for an operation, then came home and had chemo. I’ve never smoked a cigarette or had a drop of alcohol in my life, so it was a bit of a shock. But I was never scared ... I thought, “I can get through this”. I guess if you just think positive, then you are more inclined to get positive results. The doctor in Brisbane told me I would never work again, but I was back at work 3 months later. It was picked up just early enough, and they tell me the pain I felt in my chest had nothing to do with it, so I think it was the universe’s way of telling me to go to the doctors. You’re a bit of green thumb. What do you enjoy about your garden? I love to potter around in the garden. My garden is fairly big and since moving to Boambee, the garden has changed several times. And I do it all myself. Roses are my thing, but I’ve also had pansies, poppies and sweet peas – I love colour. I also have a lot of hedges and some fruit trees and vegetables. I have always had a well maintained garden. Gardening is the love of my life. It always has been. Thanks Kay.


Support your local fruit shop and in turn, support your local farming community.




Make sure you make a special visit to Oz Jewell in First Avenue when next in Sawtell.

Just in time for winter!


Twilight Mystique in Sawtell Twilight T Tw ilig il ili ight ght Mystique M has captured captu the fashions of the 1950s, bringing elegance and classic style back. b i i ffun, colour, l l

Fresh Produce in Sawtell

OzJewell in Sawtell

Fashion should be fun, and that is what is reflected when one walks into the Sawtell Boutique.

We have We ha h ave been trading in Sawtell for over 9 years, with ffriendly i dl local l l staff. t ff We W have h been sourcing as much produce as possible from the local farming community. This will help financially support the local farming community and will provide fresher, tastier produce for you, the customer. Where possible, all other produce is Australian grown.

Wayn Wayne Wa ayn yne e has ha been in the Coffs Cof area for over 50 years, d he h really ll knows k hi jewellery. j and his Now situated in First Avenue, Sawtell, Wayne from OzJewell has a huge array of jewellery that really has that WOW factor.

Gorgeous full skirt dresses in lovely bright prints, wiggle dresses, full skirts and petticoats ... all carefully selected by the boutique’s owner, Joanne Newman.

Sawtell Paradise Fruit has been evolving over the years and offering new and exciting products like locally roasted coffee beans, fresh fruit salads, local people creating homemade jams, pickles, relishes and marmalades. We now offer K’Pane Artisan breads, Norco Milk products, and the list of locally made products will increase in the near future. The local fruit shop is being squeezed out by the supermarket wars. TThe local fruit shops and farmers markets are the only outlet fo for the local farmers to sell their produce. Supermarkets are not n interested in dealing with small quantities that local fa farms grow. Please support your local fruit shop and in turn support your local farming community; they grow the best produce in the world.

Wayne believes that what sets him apart from other jewellery houses is that he stocks that one off unique item that a customer will feel really special wearing. Wayne has sourced and hand picked his jewellery from all over the world. This includes costume jewellery, golden, diamond and silver pieces, as well as natural gemstone. Oz Jewell is also a licensed second hand dealer and is always looking to purchase unwanted jewellery items. They are also equipped to do manufacturing, repairs and watch batteries. As well as all of this, Oz Jewell carry a huge range of well known boutique handbags like Etiquette, Serenade Leather, Modepelli, Spencer and Rutherford, Anna Nova, Vera May and Mywallet, to name a few. Make sure you make a special visit to Oz Jewell in First Avenue when next in Sawtell.

With so much to choose from, it’s easy to find something special – a dress that makes you look and feel fantastic. There is a great selection to choose from, like the classic, classy timeless dresses by ‘Bettie Page’. These designs flatter a woman’s shape, full skirt or A-Line; wiggle dresses are available and also a range of separates for the cooler months. The well known brand ‘Hell Bunny’ is also a huge favourite. The Hell Bunny range consists of a variety of fun prints, full skirts, halter necks, and colourful petticoats. Adding to our collection is ‘Pinup Couture’ and ‘Folter’ and for those more conservative shoppers, we carry ‘Pink Ruby’ and ‘Natasha Gan’ – both labels consistently create beautifully made dresses for that special occasion. Really, anything goes at Twilight Mystique. You never know what you’ll find ... clothing, lingerie, headpieces and hosiery, gloves, evening bags, shoes and jewellery.

coffs coast focus 41


Sea the Change One of the most common questions asked of UnitingCare Ageing’s Paula Vaughan is, “Can Mum go out?” She’s quick to allay their misconceptions, but perhaps May Cowan, 90, Pacifica agedcare facility’s first resident, best provides the answer. “I can still go down the street, and I set the tables here for meals. Friends and family come and visit and take me out when I want.” Aged care has evolved in the last ten years, in response to the needs of this generation. UnitingCare Ageing is leading that change with their fresh approach to care. Says Paula: “The old model was institutionalised. It was a medical model based on impairment and illness. “(Now) it’s about continuing to enjoy their life – enabling people to still use their gifts. Our care is personalised. Everyone is treated as an individual. “Physically, we bring the outside world in.” Pacifica is made up of a series of households, with residents encouraged to continue to participate in community life. Onsite facilities like a café, hairdressing salon, gym, computers and library are enjoyed by residents, staff and visitors.


coffs coast focus.

C I T ROE N The household model is strongly embraced. Wings come with their own kitchen, dining and lounge area, also providing private spaces like a personal dining room for when the family visits for a meal. Paula is facilitator of UnitingCare Ageing’s ‘Inspired Care’ philosophy and sees little things every day that make a big difference to the confidence and dignity of residents. “I watched a carer and a resident working in the garden the other day. The resident was teaching the staff member how to prune the roses. That’s our care in action.“

Introducing the new Citroen DS4, now available at Coffs Coast Prestige. Citroen DS4 is a coherent whole, where every detail counts. From every angle, it looks great – it has been designed to inspire an emotional response.


he sculpted silhouette features raised, unarmed rear doors and clean lines. The raised rear is imposing and robust – a strong contrast with the sleek and sporty

front. Citroen DS4’s interior layout meets the highest standards. The refinement of each element and the quality of carefully selected materials has created an air of pure elegance. All the elements of the passenger compartment are practical but still stylish and comfortable, from the smooth chrome of the gear lever to the full grain leather of the seats, with a design inspired by a classic watch strap ... it is a car that you will want to drive. The DS4 offers a new driving experience, thanks to a driver-oriented layout – the panoramic windscreen and high driving position providing optimum visibility for greater safety, while offering breathtaking views for the passengers. For privacy or a softer ambience, the DS4 is fitted with individual blinds that include folding sun blinds. The on-board acoustics have been developed with passenger comfort in mind – a windscreen with an integral damper, noise absorbers in the engine compartment and sealing barriers on the body and doors. The soundproofing for the engine, the sleek aerodynamics and the comfort-oriented suspension combine to guarantee a velvet onboard ambience. The DS4 is a compact car, but it introduces real space and practicality into the dynamic, exclusive silhouette. It features a large boot, easy access via generous doors and plenty of innovative storage solutions. For rear seat access, the DS4 has unadorned rear doors that are integrated into the body design, with handles discreetly incorporated into the doorframe. It features a spacious passenger compartment and a large boot with a capacity of 359 litres. Citroen DS4 also offers multiple storage places – a large glovebox with lighting, generous front door troughs and a useful drawer under the front passenger seat. The centre console is fitted with Citroen’s EGS transmission, including refrigerated, lighted storage

space and a connectivity zone with a jack plug, USB socket and 12v power socket. The DS4 offers a strong sense of being glued to the road, providing you with a feeling of safety in every situation. It has a proven suspension system, which has been especially adjusted to offer uncompromised agility. Road handling ability is just part of this car’s commitment to safety. Standard safety features include electronic brake force distribution, emergency braking aid, ABS and ESP. It also has intelligent traction control as standard. This worldexclusive system makes driving on slippery surfaces safer. The DS4 offers the micro-hybrid technology of the e-HDi engine with a second generation Stop and Start function. The e-HDi engine offers driving pleasure combined with environmental friendliness. The micro-hybrid e-HDi technology reduces your fuel consumption and CO2 emission by up to 15% with city driving. The DS4 features first class equipment designed for your wellbeing: massaging front seats with electrical lumbar adjustment and the sound system with audio processing software that allows the sound to be space-conditioned. You can select the on-board ambience that suits you: four ranges of polyphonic sounds for the alarms and warnings, three intensity levels for the air conditioning flow rate and a colour chart ranging from white to blue for the driver’s controls. The programmable cruise control allows you to record speed settings when the car is stationary, and they can be selected for use throughout your journey over different speed limits. To increase visibility when cornering, the DS4 has front fog lamps with static intersection lighting to provide an additional beam of light. Another innovation is the blind spot monitoring system, which works on the same principle as reversing sensors and indicates presence of the blind spot monitoring system by a pictogram in the door mirrors. The new Citroen DS4 truly is a remarkable vehicle, so book a test drive today at Coffs Coast Prestige. Visit www.coffscoastprestige. to find out more. Source:

New Village Operations Manager, Bob Newport, receives a cuddle from Coffs Harbour Resident, Beatrice (Betty) Hayes

at Sunrise Supported Living.

he Sunrise concept is simple and is the most advanced model of seniors living available in Australia today: residents simply purchase and live in their own home, retaining their independence, dignity and respect, being comforted by the thought that when required, they can access the onsite care services such as cleaning, personal care, clinical care and the provision of restaurant quality foods. Today at Sunrise Supported Living, we pride ourselves on being the leaders in excellence in nursing within a supported living environment. Our Care Staff are not just employees; they are members d Sunrise Supporinteg of the Sunrise community, with a nd Living is expa rrently common goal for the elderly to cu d an rapidly 400 live with choice of level of care manages overvi Supported Li atng and emotional support within their Apartments N6SW own home. Our staff offers a broad locations across. knowledge base and skill set, to ria to and Vic provide exceptional care. I joined the Sunrise Team, having managed Independent Living resorts and villages throughout Australia, but found uniqueness with the Sunrise model in that the care level had been extended to allow residents to remain in an independent environment for the rest of their


lives, while able to access a variety of care services right on their own doorstep. Sunrise Supported Living at Coffs Harbour is an incredible, breathtaking place to live, with the village being only 10 minutes from beaches, parklands and the Coffs Harbour CBD. The accommodation at Coffs Harbour, known fondly as the Coffs Coast, boasts spacious single, double and even large 2 bedroom apartments converted by using 2 single dwellings. You can even become involved in the design process, as we convert to order. Sunrise Supported Living looks forward to introducing you to your new retirement lifestyle.

open days We are holding a series of information sessions, which includes afternoon tea, a tour of the village and a sit down information session, followed by questions and answers. Sessions commence at 2pm each Friday throughout April starting 13th, 20th, 27th. Phone Bob Newport, Village Manager and make a booking: Ph 6651 3374 or Mob 0430 038 322.

coffs coast focus 43


In Flight on the Coffs Coast.

Coffs Harbour Regional Airport, the aviation gateway of the Coffs Coast, boasts a wide range of facilities and services that surpass most other regional airports. offs Harbour Regional Airport is currently serviced by three carriers, with direct flights from Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne – QantasLink, Virgin Australia and Brindabella Airlines. In addition, the airport has the facilities and capacity to service international flights and is the base for a stack of other aviation businesses that call the Coffs Coast home. Located just 5 minutes from the CBD, Coffs Harbour Regional Airport is one of the most accessible airports in the country. Since its humble beginnings as a simple airfield in 1928, the airport is now a busy and contemporary facility. Owned and operated by Coffs Harbour City Council since 1984, as a self funding business unit of the Council, the airport incurs no cost to local ratepayers and is a major economic driver for the region. In keeping with the strong growth of the Coffs Coast, the terminal has been regularly updated and refurbished, to ensure that it continues to provide modern facilities and infrastructure within a pleasant environment for its users. Today, the airport is one of the largest and busiest regional airports in New South Wales, handling regional, domestic and international style aircraft. With its main runway – 2,080 m long

44 coffs coast focus.

by 45 m wide – the airport is capable of handling most jet aircraft types up to wide body jets such as the Boeing 767. Coffs Harbour Airport is also designated as a restricted International Airport. “Not many people are aware of the fact that the Coffs Harbour Regional Airport runway is actually longer and wider than those at the Sunshine Coast and Mackay airports, which handle two-and-a-half to three times as many passengers per year,” explains Airport Manager, Dennis Martin. “In fact, our runway was even longer than the Gold Coast’s runway until theirs was upgraded in 2007, and the Gold Coast handles more than 4 million passengers a year.” The Coffs Harbour Regional Airport provides commercial and general aviation facilities, a charter facility, aircraft maintenance services, a café/news kiosk/gift shop and an ATM machine. The airport is also home to state-of-theart security and baggage handling systems, a 24-hour security carpark, an array of car rental companies and a full service travel agency. The general aviation sector of the airport hosts a variety of service operators, including helicopter flights, pilot training and sky diving, to name just a few. The airport’s fully air-conditioned terminal building underwent major improvements

last year, including; repainting, new carpet, additional seating in the Biggles Café area and new flat screen televisions in the departure lounges. “We are extremely fortunate to have such a diverse range of service providers based in and around the airport, who contribute to the uniqueness of this facility,” says Mr Martin. “Airports these days are much more than a transit hall for airline passengers. In regional areas, we have the opportunity to become more closely aligned with community needs and expectations.” Currently, the Coffs Harbour Regional Airport is enjoying strong growth in what is a somewhat subdued market. Airlines nationally are experiencing difficult trading conditions as a result of recent natural disasters, the high Australian

dollar and the economic downturn. The 2010/11 financial year proved to be a record for the Coffs Harbour Regional Airport, with almost 340,000 passengers utilising the facility – which is a growth of 6.5% on the previous year. Coffs also enjoys one of the most convenient flight schedules in regional Australia, as a result of the mix of Q400 turbo prop and jet aircraft. Air travellers have a choice of seven flights a day to Sydney, a daily flight to Brisbane, a weekly direct jet service to Melbourne and convenient ongoing connections to other major cities in Australia and overseas. Airport Management is also working closely with the airlines to increase services on this route in a timely and commercially viable manner.


A daily flight e to Melbourn e id v ro p ld u wo a r capacity fo110n,000 additional , at no passengerscost. additional

The matter of direct international flights from Coffs Harbour is often raised; however, the only possible route that may prove viable in the short to medium-term is New Zealand. “Unfortunately, the trans-Tasman route is currently over serviced from both Sydney and Brisbane, and a direct flight from Coffs Harbour could not compete with the fares on offer on those routes at this stage. In addition, Coffs does not have Customs, Immigration and Quarantine services based here, which adds significantly to the cost of potential international operations,” explains Mr Martin. “We believe that it is much more sensible to grow our domestic markets in a sustainable and risk-free manner, in order to achieve longterm benefits for all concerned. For example, a weekly flight to New Zealand would generate an additional 18,000 potential visitors a year, whereas a daily flight to Melbourne would provide capacity for an additional 110,000 passengers, at no additional cost.” Coffs Harbour has enjoyed a consistently high standard of air services over a long period of time, as a result of a close working relationship with the airlines, which has resulted in sustainable growth and improved services. “We have seen many instances of other airports losing services, because they proved to be unviable after short periods of operation,” Mr Martin explains. 2011 was a hugely successful year for the Airport. Mr Martin lists the following amongst the highlights: • Successfully hosting the Service Centre for the World Rally Championships; • Supporting the QLD Floods Appeal, which was coordinated by Biggles Flight Lounge staff. 150 large boxes and 30 bags of goods were sent to needy communities in the Grantham area; • Hosting the opening night of the Utopian Dream Dance Festival in January; • Commencing the new shuttle bus services in May; • Congratulating another team of young Air Niugini cadets graduating as pilots after being trained at Professional Pilot Training; • QantasLink introducing the first stage of their Next Generation check-in system.

And it looks as though this successful trend is set to continue for 2012, with more major projects on the drawing board, including: • Extending the airport apron to increase parking for large aircraft; • Building a new road to provide airside access for heavy vehicles such as freight, fuel and fire trucks; • Expanding the parking facilities for buses, shuttle buses and taxis; • Resurfacing the main runway. “I also look forward to working with our airline and aviation industry partners to further improve airport services and infrastructure over the next few years,” Mr Martin says. The airport is well-positioned to accommodate a substantial amount of growth over the next ten years, with very little additional capital expenditure required on infrastructure and resources, over and above the usual cost of maintenance, repairs and programmed capital works. Coffs Harbour Regional Airports is one of the best regional airports in Australia and will continue to contribute to the growth and prosperity of this region for many years to come.

coffs coast focus 45



Story By Joachim Ortlauf. The runway to my aviation career has its threshold in my childhood. I am expressing our collective thoughts and passing them to you with a smile of satisfaction.

Precision Helicopters. Precision Helicopters can take you just about anywhere. It’s always special to showcase the harbour and international marina and to provide our guests with a bird’s eye view of our sensational turquoise coastline and beautiful beaches – often to see dolphins playing in the crystal clear waters or whales, in season, during their annual migration. There are also the boutique style resorts, magnificent mountains and secretive waterfalls. Choose from the two seater R22 helicopter, or the larger JetRanger helicopter for groups of two or more. Have a 30 minute lesson in the R22, and see if you can master the controls and hover like a professional! Gift vouchers are always available for those special events and unique gift ideas. Arrive in style at your wedding – a fantastic way to spoil your bridal party or make an entrance at your reception. Maybe a transfer to a 5 star resort for breakfast or lunch to celebrate a special occasion, get the guys together for an adrenaline adventure – fly in to go paintballing or go-karting. For those who want to experience the awesome splendour and diversity of our fabulous Coffs Coast, there is no better way than with an aerial perspective from a helicopter.

Australian Air League. Ean Rosenberg is one passionate man who loves all things aviation. He also volunteers all his time to keep the spirit of aviation alive and well, and he would love to see more young people become involved. Australian Air League was established in 1934 from humble beginnings, when an ex-army man wanted to form a club so that his son could learn how to make model planes. It has evolved over the years, and the Coffs Harbour branch was established in 1995. The Air League cadets meet weekly in the general airport area at 60 Aviation Drive, Coffs Harbour. Girls and boys from 8 years old and up, as well as adults, can really enjoy everything aviation. There is education and history to be learnt, as well as practical fun like building model aeroplanes. There are aviation classes, as well as the opportunity to learn all about electronics. There is the famous Longster plane on site, which is also a great learning tool. For anyone who is intrigued with astronomy, space flight, meteorology or aircraft construction, then this is the place for you. Ean said that you can come along and try a session for free to see if it is for you ... so what is stopping you?

Not so long ago, ten of us were brought together from varying cultures, ages and places all around Papua New Guinea. We were bonded by a shared vision, “becoming an airline pilot”; this is something I have always dreamed of doing. The idea of flight was always something that intrigued me, and rather mystical and something I have always had a great interest in. The recruiting (in to the Air Niugini Pilot Cadet Program) was competitive and very thorough, so we felt good to be the last men standing. There were mixed emotions leading up to our departure from PNG. Apart from enthusiasm and sheer exhilaration, we all felt a responsibility to Air Niugini, our families, our country, and some nagging fear of the unknown brought an atmosphere of adventure. My first impression of Australia was that it was so cool (temperature wise). I also noticed how everything was more organised and very clean, with beautiful roads and tall buildings. Our training began with a flourish. We were given uniforms, study and flight materials, as well as accommodation and classroom seating allocations. We commenced single engine flight training immediately. I couldn’t believe I was actually flying the aeroplane now; instead of being a passenger looking out the side window, I was a pilot looking out the front window – the ‘sharp end’, as we say. Some of my most memorable moments are my first solo, the first solo jetty jump and watching all my brothers flying the multiengine duchess. Conducting spins, aerobatics and instrument approaches to a runway in low visibility have all imprinted themselves in my long term memory. For the first solo, my life support system got out of the aeroplane and simply said, “It’s all up to you now. Relax and go and enjoy your first command.” Before take-off it didn’t seem that easy, but after take-off it was an extremely enjoyable and satisfying experience. After first solo, we all went to Coffs Jetty and jumped from the highest posts many times; this solo jump was a lot more scary than the first solo in an aeroplane – particularly for those who could not swim. The first spins and aerobatics took our minds off everything else in the world. Fear came up my throat and almost all over my instructor, but I managed to control myself and the aeroplane. Spinning and aerobatics have given me complete mastery over myself and the aeroplane. It was like an adrenaline shot of confidence that makes you stand a little taller and walk a little faster. I’ve felt that being here, in this school, doing this training has taught me so much – not only about flying, but more importantly, about myself. I feel very privileged to be in this institution and on the runway to my career. We have come a long way since leaving PNG and boys are becoming men, but we know that we have an even longer road ahead of us. We have a great opportunity, and we are all thankful to Air Niugini for giving us this opportunity to fulfil our dreams and to Professional Pilot Training for turning our dreams into reality. Seven years from now, I see myself as a Captain of an Air Niugini DASH 8, but I still vividly remember the little boy making paper aeroplanes and throwing them with a great care, because I wanted the passengers to get a smooth ride and a safe landing.

46 coffs coast focus.


The Security e only ar C park is thar rp ca secure ort –kas at the airp g well as beinr. undercove

Security Airport Parking.

hare with us a brief history of the business. We started building Coffs Airport Security Carpark over 11 years ago, after leasing the land from Coffs Harbour City Council. We opened in December just before the year 2000, with about 56 parking spaces. Since then, we have expanded 3 times, as demand grew. We commenced secure airport parking in the early days, when we designed, built and worked at Hi-Tech Self Storage in 1989, and the current security carpark has grown out of that. We think we’re locals now, after 23 years of living and being in business in Coffs. During your 11 years in operation, you’ve had no break-ins or major issues. Do you think this comes down to the quality of your security and surveillance? The carpark has been purpose built with security in mind. Surveillance is 24 hours each day/night, with all cameras recording. The TV in Biggles Coffee Lounge shows snapshots of the live camera feeds. The carpark completely locks down overnight after the last scheduled flight. As usual, we have gone overboard in our effort to make people feel secure about parking their car, by researching and purchasing the best equipment available and building an unique building to house the carpark. As well, the carpark is cleaned at least two times a week, and the

sprinkler system is tested weekly. We also have a record of running a security operation from our 15 years at Hi-Tech. What systems and security features do you have in place to ensure that this safe trend continues? We belong to the Parking Association of Australia and regularly attend seminars to be in touch with the latest security measures and trends. We replaced most of our equipment last year. It is serviced regularly and kept up to date. Are you a separate entity to the airport? How does that work? Yes. We lease only the land from Coffs Harbour City Council. The building, equipment etc. belong to us. Eric from Biggles Coffee Lounge manages the day to day operations on our behalf. Many people don’t know where the security carpark is. Tell us where we can find it. It is in Airport Drive. On your right is the General Carpark entrance, as you drive to the terminal. Then straight on your left, the large white building with the blue gate, before you turn the corner to the terminal, is the Security Carpark. Just a very short walk away. Are there levels of security in parking at the airport? There are 2 levels of security – none in the General Carpark. The Security Carpark is the only secure carpark at the airport – as well as being undercover. Tell us about the time restrictions and prices for your carpark? You pay only $4 more for each 24 hours than in

the General Carpark to be safe and undercover in the Security Carpark for the first couple of days – little more than a cup of coffee each day. Then, every seventh 24 hour period is free. The carpark opens at 5.30am, 7 days a week and locks down 20 minutes after the last scheduled flight, but is still under surveillance. Do people need to book their space in advance, or can they just show up on the day of their flight? There’s no need to book. We are very conscious of the fact that some people travel a long way to the airport; therefore, on the very rare occasion that all the car spaces are full, we valet park the car within the carpark building. It would usually only be for a short time, as we then park the car in a space emptied by the people returning to the carpark after they have collected their luggage from the flight just landed. We have never turned a car away. There are pay stations located around the airport. How do they work? The 2 pay stations inside the terminal can be used to pay for the Security Carpark by cash or credit card. Near the pedestrian gate to the Security Carpark, there is a pay station that accepts credit cards and is for the Security Carpark only. On all the machines, if you need a receipt, you press the receipt button. A detailed guide to using the pay stations can be seen on our website: or just search for Coffs Security Carpark on Google. Thanks Tom and Therese.

coffs coast focus 47

The Coffs Harbour District Family History Society Inc. was formed in 1984 to promote and encourage the study and preservation of family histories and affiliated subjects.

family S







t is able to offer members the use of

useful to add interest to our stories. Never miss

an extensive collection of genealogical

a generation, as you may end up with someone

materials from around Australia and

else’s family, and it is important to verify each

overseas, especially the UK, as well

entry on your family tree.

as the skills and experiences of its

Family History Programs


These are computer programs with a special


format which enables us to enter the data as we

We are a society where our members come

go. Any notes, photos and relevant documents

together and share their time and knowledge

pertaining to our families can be scanned into

State Records National archives, as well as many

of the original entries from volume 1 and 11 of

to help one another, we exchange information,

these programs. There are many programs

other relevant resources.

the Coffs Harbour and District Pioneer Register.

relate stories and experiences, along with friendly,

available which are all basically the same,

Were you adopted?

constructive advice. Our members also volunteer

enabling us to see who and what we have and

From the earliest years of colonial settlement,

as monitors to provide guidance and basic advice

any extra information we require. Always back

children have been brought up by people other

been submitted are included in this new and

to others when and where needed.

up your work as you go, in case of problems with

than their natural birth parents, due to separation

enlarged Coffs Harbour District Pre 1930 Pioneer

your computer.

or the death of one or both parents.


Membership also offers you an extensive library on genealogy, Broadband internet computer access, ‘’ on three computers, as well as ‘find my past’.

Workshops and Seminars Workshops are held on the fourth Saturday of the month commencing at 1.30pm; however,

These children are often referred to as having

These entries were updated and revised where necessary, and many new entries which had

Our Pioneer Register was launched on the

been adopted; however, formal adoption did not

19 November 2011, to celebrate the 150th

become possible in NSW until 1923.

anniversary of Coffs Harbour

An informative journal, Genie Allergy, is

usually twice during the year a full day Seminar

published quarterly, with the latest information

is held in lieu of the half day workshop. Guest

created in 1923, and legislation formalising the

settlers in the district – and the hardships which

and resources.

speakers who have expertise in genealogy and/

adoption process was introduced. In response

were overcome to make this district in which we

or related topics are in attendance and are very

to recent community pressure, greater access

now live a beautiful place for us as residents and

helpful with our research.

to official records has been granted to those

a haven for visitors.

The library facilities are available free to members, and non-members are welcome for a fee of $5 per three-hour session or part thereof

The workshop in March is ‘Cavalcade of

or a day session $10.

History and Fashion’, April is John Donovan


speaking on ‘WAR RECORDS’, in May the

There are always two volunteer members, acting as monitors, on duty while the rooms are open. They are available to help, advise and

The NSW Child Welfare department was

affected by adoption; however, access is restricted. Further information on official adoption can

Many family stories have been told of the early

The Coffs Harbour Family History Society is located at 169 Rose Avenue, Coffs Harbour, PO Box 2057, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450.

speaker is Sharon Brennan, and her topic will be

be obtained by contacting the Family Information

Phone (02) 6651 6126 (during opening hours)


Service, Adoption Services, Department of

Email: Website:

Community Services (DOCS).

On 23 June, the speaker at the Seminar will be

guide members or visitors. Some members have

Terry Eaken, telling us about ‘IRISH RESEARCH’ –

more expertise than others, but are always happy

always interesting to find out more on our Irish

child welfare. Email: adoption@community.nsw.

10am – 4pm, Saturday 10am – 4pm, except

to share their information. The more we research,

ancestors. All these topics are very informative on

the 4th Saturday (rooms are closed due to our

the more we learn and therefore can help others.

how to further your research, with more topics to

Why do we research our family history?

come later in the year.

out were also made by solicitors, church groups

Information held in our library

and charitable institutions. DOCS has produced

It is important to know our ancestors and their stories: from whence they came, how and why they came, how they lived, where they worked, what medical conditions they had, what they did

Our records cover information from the start of colonization. Reference Books, early Indexes NSW BDM

State Records hold many records relating to

Many private arrangements to ‘adopt’ children

‘Connecting Kin’ a guide to help people separated from their families search for their families. Other handy hints are available on the

Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Workshops/Seminars). Membership Fees Annual Subscription: covers 12 months from date of acceptance to the society. Single: $35; Family* $60. *Family membership covers two persons

for entertainment, and now we have started our

Parish Records Indexes for Birth, Death and


own story. Before you know it, you are hooked.

Marriages for all Australian States and New

Coffs Harbour District Pioneer Register

The stories are so interesting.

Zealand, Cemetery and Burial Records, Colonial

The first Coffs Harbour and District Pioneer

How we start to find the answers to these

Shipping amd Immigration, Convict Indexes and

Registers 1 and 11 were published in 1987 and

the old microfiche and readers and researched


Records, Australian Genealogical Computer Index

1989. These two volumes included entries for

year by year. The original pioneer registers were

(AGCI), Directories, Electoral Records, Local Land

those pioneers who were in the district before

manually typed. Now with computers, CDs,

yourself, parents, siblings, grandparents etc.

Records, Journals from other societies in Australia

1920. In 2008, the Coffs Harbour District Family

internet and family history programs, we think

Begin with any available certificates, i.e. Birth,

and overseas, use of computerised indexes and

History Society Inc. invited families who lived

we are in family history heaven.

Death and Marriage; also, any other certificates,

CDs, access to, access to Find My

or worked in the area prior to 1930 to submit

and entries in family bibles or diaries are very

Past, affiliated library for the LDS Family Search,

entries. The new publication aimed to include all

Always work backwards from the known:

48 coffs coast focus.

residing at the same address. In 1984, when our society was formed, it was pre computers, and we managed with

HAPPY RESEARCHING. Nora Secombe, Vice President, member 276.

Fitzroy motors is the oldest Mazda dealership in NSW – from 1967 – and its Honda dealership dates back to 1969.

Dolphin Marine Magic Looking to enjoy some family fun these school holidays? Receive fishy kisses from a dolphin and a tickly smooch from a seal at Coffs Harbour’s multi-award winning Pet Porpoise Pool! Open your eyes to a world of Dolphin Marine Magic. Find out what dolphins really feel like, and witness the intelligence and playfulness of these animals. The Marine Presentations are highly interactive, providing guests the opportunity to be involved. When feeding the other animals, prepare to get splashed by the fish in the reef tank and fall in love with the Little Blue Penguins. The Pet Porpoise Pool makes dreams come true, by providing the lifetime experience of entering the water with these magnificent animals. For more detail on all of the experiences

available, please call (02) 6659 1910 for prices and availability – advanced bookings essential. MARINE PRESENTATION TIMES April school holidays program –10am and 1pm. During the April school holidays, we also host ‘Steve McEwans Reptile World’ at 11.15am and 2.15pm.

A sterling reputation Fitzroy motors are one of the most successful car dealerships on the Coffs Coast, with a sterling reputation and second to none customer service. General Manager Rob Partridge has been in the business for 46 years and has an eye for detail and an understanding for running his own car dealership. Rob attributes a lot of his success to the cars his dealership stocks. “Honda and Mazda always rate highly, because they are reliable and trouble free vehicles.” However, the cars themselves cannot take full credit for the company’s prosperity. The real driving force behind Fitzroy motors is the dedicated team of sales consultants, service technicians, administrative staff and detailers. All staff are trained to help buyers look for quality, style and safety, and they always strive

to meet any customers’ needs and demands. According to Rob Partridge: “In all, Fitzroy Motors’ success reflects the commitment and dedication of its well deserving staff.” This is the driving key for a successful company. Keeping staff trained, happy and looked after determines the dollar result at the end of the day, year, and month. If there’s a passion for product, then customers find they get the best result – because staff know exactly what to offer. Fitzroy Motors is located in Grafton Street, directly across from The Coast Hotel. It has been on the same site for more than 65 years – it was Foote’s Garage when Ces Vost bought the business in 1946 and later bought by the Partridge family in 1963. Fitzroy Motors is the oldest Mazda dealership in NSW – from 1967 – and its Honda dealership dates back to 1969.

coffs coast focus 49


Greensynergy Consulting. Sustainability for people, places, buildings, technology and energy.

Healthy living store. Water World. Max and his team at Poolside Waterworld have an exciting new product to share with you. It is the new range of energy efficient Viron eVo Pool & Spa Pumps. These pumps are revolutionary and brand new to the market, but the best part is that they could save you up to $1,000 a year on your power bill! Viron eVo Pumps are said to save you up to 85% of your pool running costs – this is not only great for your back pocket, but also the environment. Once supplied and fitted to your pool, the settings are tested to each individual pool and then adjusted accordingly. In the past, a pump only had limited settings, and this could drain unwanted power – which is not only wasteful, but costly. The new Viron eVo pump’s variable speed setting eliminates this waste. Suction cleaners, pressure cleaners, waterfalls, spa jets and in-floor cleaning systems are all easy to cater for with Viron evo Pumps’ flexibility and programmability. Viron eVo Pumps are exclusive to Poolside Waterworld, who collectively have over 144 years’ experience in the pool industry. “We care about saving our customers money, so it is a win-win all around” says Tim.

50 coffs coast focus.

Coffs Coast organic food and healthy living store, Kombu Wholefoods, timed the recent flooding to perfection, with their move to their new, larger home. The move coincided with the peak of the February floods, and although it made the physical move a challenge, it did have its benefits, as store partner Kevin Doye explained: “When we first saw the forecasts, we were more than a little concerned, but the end result was that during the move we had a wave of people wondering if we could do with a hand. We ended up with around 30 people working on the move!” The move was made necessary by the continued growth in sales, said store partner Lowanna Doye: “By keeping affordability as one of the keystones of our business, Kombu has continued to grow quickly. This is an incredibly positive sign for the future, as increasing numbers of people realise that the type of food they consume is directly contributing to their wellness. “This in turn supports the local economy through the growing demand for local delicious, fresh, sustainably produced and affordable fruit and vegetables. All of this results in a massive collective statement of support to the environment and our local community.”

Sustainability is a new, emerging culture, responding to the compelling need to protect and restore our natural systems and their eco-system services, while providing for economic development and social equity. With climate change and population growth as key drivers, at no time in human history has there been such a need to change the way we do things. We need a complete re-design of our cities, towns and communities, our houses and buildings, our methods of resource extraction and energy usage, our modes of production and transport, amongst many other areas. Great changes are occurring now, and you are encouraged to be part of the change. Since 2005, Greensynergy Consulting has been helping Coffs Coast businesses, organisations and homeowners on their journey to sustainability. Matthew Parnell, Principal at Greensynergy Consulting, is a professional with over 30 years’ experience in sustainability. He has worked on sustainability projects in urban, rural, regional and remote Australia. Current areas of activity include sustainability services in green building, energy and carbon footprint assessment, business sustainability, education and cultural change. He has recently submitted his PhD in Sustainability and Technology Policy through Murdoch University, investigating sustainability culture and its implications for sustainability practice.


A better way to paint.


Sustainability for your home.

The green painter – ‘a better way’ for healthier homes. SCHIMMINGER ARCHITECTS delivers a full range of building design solutions for environmentally conscious clients.

Traditional paints emit ‘that smell’. It is actually toxic chemicals called VOCs (volatile organic compounds). These VOCs emit very harmful toxins for up to 6 years after application and have been scientifically linked to causing cancer, asthma, leukemia, migraines, hay fever and developmental problems. 40 years ago it was asbestos, 20 years ago lead paints; now the dangers are VOCs. ‘The green painter’ difference is we use 100% VOC free paints – safe for newborns, seniors, pets, asthma sufferers, pregnant women and the chemically sensitive. We seal previously painted surfaces, stopping the toxic gases. Freshly painted areas can be used immediately, with no headaches or coughing. Premium quality products are used, and our service is equivalent in cost, coverage, durability and finish as traditional chemical paints. There are 35,000 colours to choose from, a 10 year guarantee on materials, 3 year warranty on workmanship and a 1 year free touch-up service. We are licensed, insured and committed to a healthy painting experience for you and your family at an affordable price by tradesmen you can trust. If you want the very best innovative painting technology available in 2012, get a free green painter estimate from Jake today.

Going Green Under Foot. At Choices Coffs Harbour, they’re taking steps towards the future, with more sustainable and more environmentally friendly products. Like their Embelton Bamboo. As one of the world’s fastest and strongest trees, it can be harvested every 5 - 6 years, making it more sustainable than timber. Embelton chooses only the finest raw materials so not only will your bamboo floor look great, it will also last for years to come. Then there’s new Brease, the low allergy carpet with amazing insulation, comfort and noise reduction. With its asthma and allergy friendly qualities, it is like a breath of fresh air, and it has been recognised by the National Asthma Council of Australia’s Sensitive Choice Program. This unique carpet has been especially developed by Beaulieu of Australia, exclusively for Choices. Choices and their manufacturers believe that the small steps we take today will help preserve the environment for our children tomorrow.

• Design and project management for residential and commercial projects. • Innovative design and environmental consultancy. • Specialising in ecologically sustainable developments that dramatically reduce both energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. SCHIMMINGER ARCHITECTS develops and promotes renewable energy solutions. The company welcomes partnerships with individuals, companies, educational and government bodies with the same vision. Environmentally preferable products, materials, technologies and resources can help reduce environmental impacts and create healthier and more productive living and working environments. SCHIMMINGER ARCHITECTS is committed to inspiring people to achieve a sustainable future and a healthy environment for all. April 2012 Special Offer Energy & Sustainablity Audit of your home for only $350.

coffs coast focus 51


key employment. Key Employment has been built on the foundation of an unwavering support for the dreams, hopes and aspirations of its job seekers. We ask DES Manager, Jodi Wood, about the success of this approach. ow did you go in the chase for 5 Stars? Key Employment has recently achieved a FIVE STAR rating for our Coffs Harbour and Nambucca Heads offices by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). This rating was awarded to around 5% of Disability Employment Support Services across Australia. Key Employment is now the only provider in Northern NSW to provide 5 star services to people with disability who require long term support. This means Key Employment will likely receive a new contract to continue to deliver these services well into 2015. This is great news for all our clients, who will see no disruption in their service. Better still, it means our clients are being serviced by one of the BEST teams in the whole country! We are very proud of this result and promise to continue to deliver the highest quality service to everyone we work with for years to come! How did you do it? Key Employment is dedicated to helping


52 coffs coast focus.

people with disability find a job and keep a job. We offer a full range of services, from assessment, training and on the job support, to ensure that our job seekers get the same wages and employment conditions as workers without a disability. We make sure that job seekers do satisfying and varied work, with opportunities for change, promotion and other development. This helps improve confidence and self esteem in our jobseekers and provides opportunities for them to mix with people in the community. Ultimately, we aim to help people with disability get more skills, better jobs and more respect in our community. It is this aim that drives our success, forged out of a partnership with our job seekers, our clients, our customers. When we believe, we make employers believe. When we believe, we make our job seekers believe. What sets Key Employment apart from other services is our unwavering dedication to our goal ... to improve the lives of people with disability. How has the KIKASS Program progressed? Our biggest innovation in 2010 - 2011 was the development of an apprenticeship program for

young people with a disability planning to leave school. KIKASS (Kids in Key’s Apprentice Supportt Scheme) was designed to assist the successful transition of school students with a disability into o valued mainstream employment, by providing an annual incentive program for schools and the business community. Key Employment offers employers fully paid wages of a KIKASS candidate for the first year of a three or four year indentured apprenticeship. Over the last 2 years, the KIKASS program has helped place 85 students with a disability into an apprenticeship. This year, Key has devoted four full-time staff to our KIKASS program – a move that is already paying dividends, with 31 students being placed into an apprenticeship in the last three months alone. The sky’s the limit for KIKASS in 2012 ... Watch this space! So how can a person with a disability

regi ister t with Key Employment? register The easiest way to become a client of Key Employment is to drop into our offices any time, or just give us a call. Our trained consultants can help you determine whether we are the right service for you and will assist you through any Centrelink regulations. School leavers should talk to their school careers advisor or contact Simon Booth, our Schools Projects Manager, for further information. Thanks Jodi.

focusbusiness. with the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce




5 quick steps. to developing a marketing plan

garth shipperlee. Chamber President, Leonie Kennedy, says the announcement of the Trade and Investment office closure is beyond disappointing.


ith the loss of 3 jobs, the latest move is at odds with the State Government’s 2021 plan, in which it states that they are committed to regional areas and decentralisation; with the movement to close 5 regionally based offices, how should people and businesses within the regions be engaged in the plan? The programs and funding that have been made available to our local businesses through the trade and investment office has been significant; but more importantly, the relationships that have been established and nurtured will be a huge loss for the many businesses that have used the service provided by the team. With the closure come many questions … Why was the Coffs Harbour branch selected over Port Macquarie or Tamworth or Armidale? Will the State Government honour the commitments already made to businesses? Will the representatives from the Port Macquarie office make regular trips to Coffs Harbour and the region to support/liaise with local businesses? What procedures will be put in place for businesses to contact the Department? One needs to ask the question as to why Coffs Harbour seems to be ‘left out/ left off’ the list of opportunities; it appears we are constantly overlooked. Port Macquarie and Lismore host Government organisations and representatives that provide support to business – Building Australia’s Future Workforce, Employment, Jobs and Skills Coordinator (DEEWR), Regional Development Australia and now Trade and Investment. One would like the office to be replaced with something with a regional focus, because I’m absolutely clear in my mind that the best way to grow NSW is to grow the regions. The move to close the Coffs Harbour office of Trade and Investment follows a restructure of small business advisory service, which will now be delivered through a $5 million Small Biz Connect program, with more emphasis on online services. The Coffs Harbour Chamber will be seeking to determine why our office of Trade and Investment has been selected to close and looking to strike a compromise for Coffs Harbour with the Small Business Minister. We will keep our members up to date with any developments.

upcoming events. 2012 Coffs Careers Expo The Career Expo is a significant local event currently in its sixth year of operation and will be held on 8 May at the Coffs Harbour Race Club. Exhibitors attending the Expo include local business and industry, government departments, registered training organisations and job services Australia providers. The diversity of exhibitors provides an excellent opportunity for young people, their families and teachers to investigate a range of career and employment options. The Expo provides the opportunity for local businesses to make a step towards addressing skills shortages by offering training, employment, traineeships, and / or apprenticeships to school leavers and job seekers. Many local firms are starting to experience the win-win of gaining a new member of staff, while helping to boost the local economy and their own business.


Marketing plans are essential to any business. Without one, you are setting your business up for possible failure. You may not have it written down, it may be in your head … but here are five quick steps to help you develop a clear and concise pitch? Keep in mind your USP and benefits. marketing plan that works for you! An example may be ‘fresh gourmet wood1. Describe your company’s unique fired pizzas, home delivered within 30 selling proposition (USP). This minutes’. is what makes you different to 5. Set marketing goals or your competitors. It could be objectives. When looking at t uc a combination of service and What’s the prod d in m in marketing strategy, setting ep pitch? Ke product quality, or maybe you nefits. the objective, actions, your USP and beay be have a niche? An example m oodtimeline and measurements ‘fresh gourmet wme 2. Define your target ho , as zz are key components to your pi fired 30 market/s. Who are you delivered within marketing plan. minutes’. targeting? Who is your Couple of essential tips: customer? You may have more It’s important that you have a than one market i.e. tourists and budget developed for your marketing retirees. plan. Marketing is an investment. Most 3. What are the benefits of your product marketing budgets are between 3% - 8% of or service? This may include 24 hour repair, your total revenue. one year guarantee, range or customisation Make sure you revisit your marketing plan at as examples. least every quarter. It should be a working 4. Describe how you will position your document. products or services. What’s the product Happy marketing!

The Expo will be open all day to the public, to help target the whole community, jobseekers, parents, seachangers and tree-changers. School students and teachers from Macksville to Woolgoolga will be attending throughout the day. Last year, more than one thousand students from across the Coffs Coast attended the Expo, giving businesses great exposure across all areas. Exhibitor registrations are currently open. If you would like to obtain information about exhibiting at this event, please contact the Chamber office.

MORE DETAILS Date Venue Time

8 May 2012 Coffs Harbour Racing Club. 9am - 3pm.

MORE INFO For more information on events and membership, contact the Chamber on 6651 4101 or by email

coffs coast focus 53



Assistance Dogs provide independence and freedom dom plus great companionship for people with physicall disabiliites who are not able to do everyday activities such as open and close doors, pick up dropped items and press the buttons at traffic lights.


ssistance Dogs organisation currently has 50 highly intelligent puppies at-the-ready waiting to be trained as Assistance Dogs for people who have a physical disability. Top Dog and CEO of Assistance Dogs Australia, Richard Lord, talks about the organisation’s urgent appeal to train its new puppies ... Assistance Dogs Australia trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to help people with physical disabilities. Tell us about your work? Assistance Dogs Australia is a tiny but national charity that trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to help people with physical disabilities. We all know how important our four legged friends can be, but just imagine if you needed them to help you with everyday tasks as well. Assistance Dogs do exactly that, acting as the hands and arms of people in need and opening the door to a life of freedom and independence. Our fantastic Assistance Dogs are trained to help their team mates in all sorts of ways – by picking up dropped items, pressing the button at the traffic lights, alert barking or getting the phone if their team mate is in trouble, and even unloading the washing machine! They are a constant companion providing love and companionship and smiles with just a wag of their tails. Assistance Dogs Australia currently operates without ongoing government funding and relies heavily on volunteers and sponsorship. Each dog is an investment of over $26,000, and it takes 2 years to train each puppy; however, dogs are placed with their recipients free of charge. Recipients include people who were born with developmental disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida, people who acquire debilitating illnesses later in life, like Multiple Sclerosis and those who have been injured in tragic accidents and will never walk again. How did you become involved with the organisation? About nine years ago, I saw a job ad in my local paper advertising the position at Assistance Dogs Australia. I had never heard of Assistance Dogs, but due to my special education and charity background, I jumped at the opportunity. I met the founders and saw what they had achieved with 54 coffs coast focus.

Facility Dog and a Companion Dog? the 3 staff. The organisation had a great feel, and I Service Dogs – these dogs have full public could see a blue sky opportunity to help many more access rights. These dogs increase independence people with disabilities around the country. by performing practical tasks for people with Why are the Labrador and Golden Retriever physical disabilities, while also providing love and breeds chosen to specifically do this sort of companionship. They assist their recipients by work? opening and closing doors, pressing the button Assistance Dogs Australia trains Labradors and at pedestrian crossings, retrieving all manner of Golden Retrievers because of three reasons: dropped items, paying the cashier at the shops and They are the number one big pet dogs in the even retrieving bottles of water from the fridge. country, so most people have experienced them. Companion Dogs are trained in a variety of The general public have a lot of confidence with surroundings and circumstances to enhance the Labs and Goldies, and accept them into the quality of life for people with physical disabilities by community. This makes it easier for the team, the providing interactive tasks and love. For example, person and their assistance dog, to access public they can increase motor skills for young children places with their service dog. to help overcome their disability. These dogs are They’re easy to train, because they love food! primarily for children, those who need additional Assistance Dogs Australia only uses positive care and people who only need a helping paw reinforcement methods, and much of that includes when around the house, as they do not have full giving food rewards. Also, these dogs are gentle public access rights. natured and love being with people. Facility Dogs are placed in residential How does a person with a physical or day-program facilities to benefit disability qualify and apply for the residents through enhancing a Service Dog? Assistance Dogst emotional and physical wellThe first step is to fill in ea Australia takes gr g being. These dogs are trained an application form on our in ch at care in m of to support residents in the website, which should the personality the the applicant to eir facility. They are not trained be accompanied with a personality of the to support the residents for recommendation from nc future Assista re su en n ca e community access; therefore, a medical professional w so Dog, a perfect working are not trained to travel on and photographic or video relationship. public transport or support the evidence of a suitable home recipients in public settings. environment for a dog. After the Assistance Dogs and Guide Dogs application is processed, the person do very important but distinct work. will be interviewed over the phone by Tell us about this? Assistance Dogs Australia staff and then receive an Assistance Dogs Australia trains dogs to be the in person interview. hands and arms of people with physical disabilities, Once they are accepted, they are placed on a rather than the eyes. Assistance Dogs do physical waiting list. Assistance Dogs Australia takes great tasks for their team mates, opening and closing care in matching the personality of the applicant to doors, helping them to get dressed and even the personality of their future Assistance Dog. getting bottles of water from the fridge. When the recipient receives their Service Dog, For Coffs Coast residents, tell us what is they need to pass a public access test together. involved in raising and training a dog? They do this test yearly with Assistance Dogs Assistance Dogs is sniffing out volunteer puppy Australia, to ensure they can maintain their public raisers to take care of our super puppies for the first access rights as a team. fourteen months of their training and socialisation. Applicants for service dogs need to be over For the first six months, pups and raisers attend eighteen; however, companion dogs can be placed Kindergarten training classes once a week with with children as well. an Assistance Dogs Australia Instructor and then What’s the difference between a Service Dog,

once every two months for the remainder of the 18 months. We encourage puppy raisers to take the pups everywhere, so that the pups are socialised in a range of community settings. They can go to shopping centres, the supermarket, on public transport, to the cinema – everywhere! If puppy raisers go on holidays etc. we also have puppy sitters to look after the dogs while they are away. If you can’t take on the full-time commitment but would like to get involved, you can volunteer as a puppy sitter taking care of super pups when their raisers go on holidays. Puppy raisers and sitters do not have to cover any costs related to raising a dog. Assistance Dogs Australia supplies food, a crate which acts as a bed and a training unit, tick and flea treatment and all medical costs, such as vaccination, de-sexing etc. Puppies need to spend most of their time with raisers and sleep inside. They cannot be left for more than three hours at a time. To get involved or find out more about training programs: You can contact Assistance Dogs Australia by emailing or by calling 1800 688 364. You can visit our website at Thanks Richard. Story by Karen Farrell.


with Guy Saddleton, President of Tourism Coffs Coast.

Beersheba 95th Anniversary Tour.

UPDATE Hello all. We are often asked whether there are marketing activities undertaken to promote the region and thought we would give you a quick overview of some of the activities currently being delivered to ensure that the new Coffs Coast brand is in the marketplace.


Tourism industry to continue to contribute and partner with Coffs Coast Marketing to further promote the region. An industry marketing prospectus with details of the key marketing opportunities for the region and options for partner advertising will now be available in April each year, to allow planning for the financial year. For a copy of the industry prospectus, you can contact Coffs Harbour City Council (Coffs ome of the current marketing and Coast Marketing) – media activity delivered by Coffs au – Tourism Coffs Coast will continuing to Coast Marketing (Coffs Harbour City work with Coffs Coast Marketing to ensure Council) for the Coffs Coast region we promote the Coffs Coast region in the best include: possible way. QantasLink Spirit Magazine Feature – 8 Some other matters that TCC are currently page destination piece showcasing adventure working on include discussions with relevant activity in the region. parties re holiday lettings on the Coffs The new branding is airing on regional TV Coast. In recent times, many regions have throughout March/April; coverage includes the experienced challenges, with holiday lettings Hunter region, S.E. Qld and Regional NSW. being deemed illegal in certain Council Coffs Coast has a feature targeting the family zonings and many Councils, including Coffs market in Out and About with Kids Magazine. Harbour and Bellingen, are looking at possible Coffs Coast Focus wedding feature – regional modifi cations to address this issue. NSW. The ‘problems’ usually arise There will be a MICE from neighbour complaints, industry Famil in April, and we advise all members targeting the conference TCC is working to contact us if they have market. creating training on any issues in this area – it r Coffs Coast Marketing opportunities foill is important to comply w will be attending the members that ate with relevant current AIME (Asia Pacific provide approprikey in s Council zonings and TCC ill Incentive and Meeting levels of sk ... s will continue to work on ea ar Expo) Trade expo as this issue at all levels of well as exhibiting at government to produce a more MEA (Meetings and Events suitable outcome and process. Australia) Conference. Training to upgrade skills is necessary Conference feature in the Jan/Feb and hugely beneficial for industry operators edition of the Australian Business Solutions in all types of businesses in the 21st century, magazine. particularly in a challenging and changing Saturday Disney (7 Network) will be filming a market place, as we currently have. full episode on the Coffs Coast during March. TCC is working on creating training The Saturday Disney episode is expected to be opportunities for members that will provide aired in April/May 2012. appropriate levels of skills in key areas In conjunction with Pepper PR, Council including marketing, money management, hosted a range of Sydney based journalists planning and staff management. in Sydney in early March. The event was well We hope to be able to provide this training received and provided great access to a range in the near future at greatly subsidised rates of industry PR contacts. The activity included and will keep you posted. some local tourism operators from Coffs Our Coffs Coast Explorer publication will Harbour City and Bellingen Shire. be in market late April/early May and we This is a snapshot of the activity in February continue to receive new member applications and March and covers only some of the key from across the region, as business operators activities; there are also other travel and recognise the value of joining TCC. tradeshows and a range of other activities For more details of membership benefits and planned to increase our exposure in the costs, contact market. or call Tracey Adendorff on 6651 7766. There is also the opportunity for the


During the First World War, on 31st of October, 1917 an 800-strong Australian 4th Light Horse Brigade charged across six kilometres of unprotected foreign ground to the Turkish Trenches to capture the This year, the last remaining Ottoman a Battle of Beersheb 95th its es trenches, and secure at or em comm a special the surviving wells at anniversary, with ember ceremony to rem alian Birüssebi. It’s a day that str Au e and relive th is deeply set in Australia’s Israel and Jordan. d and New Zealan war history; and one that en The 21 day fully-escorted servicem is remembered with much tour will take you to the pride and a solemn heart. fascinating cities of Jerusalem, This year, the Battle of Beersheba commemorates its 95th anniversary, with a special ceremony to remember and relive the Australian and New Zealand servicemen that led the last great cavalry charge in history to help incite the downfall of the Turkish strong-hold on Gaza. Quadrant Australia is leading the special tour to commemorate this occasion through the middle-east World War 1 campaign hotspots and to the many historic sites throughout

Masada, Bethlehem, Jericho, Dead Sea and Nazareth to name a few, where you’ll experience the many stunning historical and military sites. Including military tours of Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Jordan Valley and of course Beersheba. “Touring with Quadrant is easy, educational and a really enjoyable experience; and with their seamless organisation - you really don’t have to think!” Ailsa – Avid Quadrant tour goer.

coffs coast focus 55



property guide.


coffs coast focus.


Atkinsons Real Estate. t Atkinsons, our ‘point of difference’ is what you won’t see, not what you will see. You see, our philosophy and focus is based solely on you and your property, achieving outstanding results and ongoing management. We are a professional service agency delivering results and outcomes in the best interests of our clients and customers. We let day-to-day results and our clients and customers speak volumes of our achievements. Our ultra-modern office has been specifically positioned and designed to give your property maximum exposure and our customers a comfortable, professional environment in which to do business.

Atkinsons Real Estate is proudly independent, proudly local and has been assisting new, departing, moving, or investing Coffs Coast residents for over 23 years. Not many agencies have the history, experience, proven results, or outstanding referrals that Atkinsons Real Estate can boast. The Atkinsons Story Established in 1987 by Greg and Joan Atkinson, Atkinsons have been an iconic part of Sawtell and Coffs Coast life. Commencing with a modest property management client base, it was soon evident that the trust, communication, and results achieved by Greg and Joan were a catalyst for outstanding business growth and development. The significant growth of Sawtell (and the Coffs Coast) as the ultimate beachside holiday destination led to the expansion of Atkinsons Real Estate’s Holiday Property Management business. No other agency is more experienced, or better placed to this day, to service this expanding market.

Organic growth through effective business management, extraordinary service delivery and results has resulted in a property management portfolio of over 300 properties. It is little wonder that our owners are overwhelmingly satisfied with the ongoing commitment to them, their property, and their success in the property market. In December 2011, Greg and Joan decided after 24 years of dedication to other people and their business that it was time to ‘wind-back’ a little. The succession planning for the business that they had devoted so much of their life to required an equally passionate, customer focused new owner. continued over

coffs coast focus 57


Real Estate.


with Ivan Beros from Country to Coast Pest Control

PEST Control


Te ites or ‘White ants’ ?

continued from over

ensure attention to detail and have built a New Ownership – New Direction – Same significant returning customer base for our outstanding Service and Results owners. With over 70 holiday properties under Martin Wells – Director/Principal. For 18 management, we believe we have a substantial months, Martin had been working with role to play in Sawtell and Coffs Coast tourist Greg and Joan, and he was honoured that promotion. For many holiday-makers, we are they offered the opportunity to continue the first people they have contact with. the Atkinsons brand. The level of service Residential and Commercial Sales commitment to owners and their properties Our vision is to be identified as the leading remains the highest priority. There are, real estate agency on the Coffs Coast and to however, significant improvements and be considered by our clients, customers and enhancements in service delivery, property peers as an honest, reliable, diligent provider of management and sales. specialist property services. Actively involved in property investment for Our goal is for your property experience to over 15 years, Martin has dealt with many be informed, successful, satisfying and stressProperty Managers and Sales Consultants, free. so he knows what it takes to REALLY be a Our commitment to you is to guide you standout in the industry. Martin sees it as through every step of the property process his personal responsibility to ensure your with honesty, diligence, experience and open satisfaction. lines of communication and to achieve for Residential and Commercial you the maximum price, or rental Property Management returns, for your property in the As mentioned, Atkinsons current market. has a significant rental Our goal is for Our Commitment to the management component your property Community to our business, with over experience to be informed, There is no denying the pride 300 properties under successful, felt in being an integral part management. We are satisfying and of Sawtell and the Coffs Coast. certainly the largest and . ee stress-fr Not only do we live in the luckiest most experienced in the area country on the planet, we also get to the South of Coffs Harbour to live in the best address in this country. when it comes to property We are passionate about our area, our people, management. Providing exceptional service, our characteristics and our diverse properties. communication and positive outcomes for our Some of the public support includes: owners and tenants is something we pride • Sawtell Panthers Rugby League Football Club ourselves on. Managing a rent roll that size • Sawtell Junior Rugby League Football Club requires a significant amount of experience, • Special Children’s Christmas Party Coffs commitment, dedication and ability. Harbour The Property Management Team at • Sawtell Surf Club Charity Fundraisers Atkinsons have been specifically appointed • Sawtell Chamber of Commerce to provide a unique skill set, which together Thanks Martin. brings about the desired outcomes. Holiday Property Management Our holiday property management service the plug! ensures that all visitors to the Sawtell and Coffs Coast have their accommodation needs For more information on Atkinsons, met. From bookings, database management, give them a call or visit the website. p: (02) 6658 1577 property maintenance, cleaning and e: presentation and the return of the inevitable w: ‘favourite’ children’s toys left behind, we

58 coffs coast focus.

ivan beros.

he first piece of advice we give our also prefer humid conditions, so keep the air customers when they call up and under your house dry by improving sub-floor report that they think they may ventilation and drainage. have termites is firstly ... do not • When constructing a building, ensure the disturb the suspected site and secondly, always concrete slab is properly designed, compacted call in the services of a professional licensed and cured, as termites cannot chew through Pest Technician. Early detection is a must, and a properly laid concrete. simple termite inspection can save you literally • As mentioned, always arrange regular THOUSANDS! Below are some answers to inspections at least once a year and twice yearly frequently asked questions we have been in warmer areas. Try to arrange inspections asked about regarding termites over during periods of high termite activity, the last 25 years that we have which is early spring to late summer. been operating. • We recommend that you keep Early Many insects are confused the edges of the house (slabs, detection with termites – especially ants! foundations, piers and stumps) can save you Termites are sometimes referred clear of clutter, including garden thousands. to as ‘white ants’, because of beds and vegetation. their pale appearance. That is why • Country to Coast Pest Control has it is always advisable to have a full extensive training in inspecting properties termite inspection done on the property as for termites. Our latest termite detection tools soon as possible, so as to identify if the problem go hand in hand with our fully licensed, insured is actually active termites and not something less and experienced Pest Technician. destructive. • It is not advisable for home owners to inspect The home owner can discourage termites by and attempt to treat their termite problem remembering these facts: themselves. In past experience, we have • Termites are attracted to wood, so remove been called out to rectify many ‘DIY Termite potential termite food away from buildings. Treatments’, only to find that not only has the Their food can include: timber stacks, old treatment failed, but has ended with additional stumps, building refuse and garden decoration, structural damage and cost the home owner so such as sleepers and logs. much more than necessary. • Remember: timber can be treated to prevent Australia is a big and varied country, from Termite attack, and some timbers are naturally cooler temperate climates to wet tropical ones resistant. Always use treated or naturally ... it seems like we have had all of these in resistant timber when it is in contact with, or one month lately! But variation is important to close to, soil. remember when considering termite control. • Termites are attracted to moisture, so fix See you next time, leaking pipes, drains and showers etc. They Ivan.

Covering Sawtell to Nambucc a to Crossmaglen to Dorrigo 9 Church Street · Bellingen · NSW · 2454

6655 2458

We SELL properties

We RENT properties

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Heavenly Home in Promised Land · 10 acres, B&B approved - $1.1M

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Plenty of properties available Visit the website for more details

Community schools initiative

Community salad garden

1. List your property for sale 2. You nominate a local school 3. We sell your property 4. We pay nominated school

1. We plant edible garden 2. You pick at your leisure 3. Free, fresh organic food for all to enjoy!

Call now for a free appraisal of your property and personal presentation of our proven sales system

Open 7 days to 7pm Principals Robin Courtney & Guy Saddleton

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & You Tube

No sale - No cost

coffs coast focus 59

60 coffs coast focus focus.


with Chris Hines from Unrealestate

Stay Warm this Winter.

real Placing your home on the market is one of the largest financial decisions the majority of us ever make.

Stay warm and save money this winter through revolutionary redecorating.

chris hines.

thinking that no matter what price a property he year is now in full swing, and is advertised at, purchasers will always make a bit of stability in national and offers. international markets, coupled Put yourself in the purchaser’s shoes: with the Reserve Bank fixing buying a house is really stressful. Most rates for the last few months, seems to have people won’t let themselves get emotionally brought a bit of confidence back to the committed to something they feel is never market. going to come down to a realistic level. All in all, the market in Coffs Harbour It’s easier psychologically to move on and hasn’t suffered as heavily as many other make an offer on something that is more areas. Properties are still selling, but the realistically priced. It is wise to leave a market is PRICE SENSITIVE. What this negotiating factor when setting your asking means is simple: buyers are more educated price, but price your property to create a than ever. The internet has brought with it sense of competition, so that purchasers will many tools that enable buyers to weigh up want to snap it up before someone else does. properties against each other and unless the Contrary to what many potential prospective purchaser has a strong sellers think, the best price is emotional attachment, they will nearly always achieved in the take the value option. Contrary early stages of the marketing This leads to two more y an to what m campaign. Why? Because major considerations for a potential sellers think, the best astute buyers who are in a prospective seller: correct price is nearly ed position to buy see the real pricing and appointing an ev hi always ac ages value and will be prepared agent who can market and in the early sttin of the marke g to commit, as opposed to negotiate. campaign. looking at lots of overpriced I have written about both listings. subjects before; however, with This also means that when the current market conditions I choosing your agent, make sure you do your would like to revisit the pricing issue – in ‘due diligence’. particular, overpricing. Remember that your property is usually one Many people think that there is a of your largest assets and entrusting it to an correlation between putting a high initial agent based purely on price could be a costly asking price on an advertised property and decision. Make sure you interview a few achieving a high final selling price. There’s agents, so you are in a position to make the certainly a link, but it doesn’t work the way ‘best’ decision for you. many people think. In fact, the opposite is Also, make sure that your head rules your often the case. If a property is overpriced, heart. Although we would all like to think purchasers just sit back and wait to see what that our home is worth a fortune, the fact happens. If they’ve been looking around long is, it is worth what the market is prepared enough to be ready to commit themselves, to pay. A good agent won’t necessarily tell they’ve also made themselves very familiar you what you want to hear, but will give you with what they can get for their money. professional advice and provide you with It is common for inexperienced vendors to want to overprice their properties in the belief credible evidence on pricing. When one agent tells you a price far in that the ‘right’ buyer will eventually come excess of other agents, sit back and ‘hasten along – someone who will fall in love with slowly’. Just remember the old adage, ‘if their property and pay the earth for it. some things sound too good to be true, it But people buy with their pockets, as usually is’. well as their hearts. No one goes into a real As always, ask family and friends for estate purchase without making comparisons referrals, and always try and deal with a and weighing up all the factors. Many member of the Real Estate Institute of NSW. inexperienced vendors make the mistake of

With the cool winds of winter upon us and electricity prices on the rise, your local LUXAFLEX® Window Fashions Gallery, Coffs Harbour Blinds & Awnings, can help you keep your homes warm and comfortable with the energy efficient LUXAFLEX® DUETTE® Architella Shades. The revolutionary Duette Architella Shades feature a remarkable honeycomb design that form three distinct air pockets for increased insulation against the cold, resulting in truer colours, crisper pleats and superior energy efficiency. These pockets trap the air, keeping the heat from escaping through the windows, thereby reducing the load on heating systems and saving electricity. Research reveals that heat loss from your home occurs through uncovered windows, with Duette Architella Shades able to reduce an

average home’s heating costs by up to 43.1%. Norm Jeff, co-owner of Coffs Harbour Blinds & Awnings, explains why Luxaflex Duette Architella Shades are an excellent energy-saving window fashion. “Duette Architella Shades set a new industry standard in energy efficiency. The additional inner layers of the Duette Architella fabric provide an extra barrier against the harsh Australian sun that washes out colours – allowing original hues to maintain their true beauty, even in the brightest light,” said Norm. The Shades are great for winter or summer and can be adjusted to give the level of light desired. They are also made from anti-static, dust-resistance polyester, making it very easy to clean. Suitable for difficult window shapes such as sloping, arched, dome, triangular, round or half round, bay windows and even skylights, Luxaflex Duette Architella Shades can be fitted with electric power, automatic and remote control systems.

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our living Elle Morrell from Our Living Coast tells us more about Sustainable Living in our region ...


hat is Our Living Coast, and how did it come to fruition? The Coffs Coast is a beautiful part of the world, and Our Living Coast wanted to protect, improve and show off its assets. Generally, people in the region want to do the right thing by our environment, and Our Living Coast gives a helping hand to achieve protection of our natural assets and deliver a reduced ecological footprint. Our Living Coast is a joint initiative of the Bellingen, Coffs Harbour and Nambucca Councils to encourage sustainable living across the region and improve our environment. It is supported by the NSW Environment Trust to deliver environmental education to households on ground environmental works, a transport campaign, business program, improve Council’s environmental performance and promote sustainable living via the Our Living Coast website. Sustainable Living is a term that is thrown around a lot these days. What does it mean, and why is it important? Living within our earth’s resources is critical for the sort of world our future generations will experience. Currently, we are in an ecological overshoot, where humans are using the earth’s natural resources such as clean air, water, forests and soil at an unsustainable rate. It is like we have an environmental credit card and we are maxing it out to the point that if the whole world lived like Australians, we would need more than four earths to support us. Sustainable living is a way that everyone can do their bit to reduce their environmental impact – whether it be by reducing the amount of electricity you use by being energy efficient, such as turning off your standby power at the switch or putting solar panels on your roof, or maybe you reduce toxic chemicals being used, by cleaning your home with vinegar and bicarbonate soda. And it is popular now to grow your own organic food at home and have chooks to get fresh, free

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range eggs. Sustainable living empowers us to make choices about living healthily and in harmony with our environment. There is always more that can be done, but we encourage people to set themselves short, medium and long term goals to tackle what they can do with their family within their own time and monetary limits. Sustainable living is a positive response to the environment crisis, when sometimes it all seems so big and overwhelming. Governments and some polluting industries might be slow to act on something so important, but we can lead the way every day with our actions. So how is Our Living Coast helping to make the Coffs Coast a more eco-friendly community? We have just launched a new car pooling website for the Mid North Coast. Go to www. to register and share a ride to reduce your climate change pollution and save money on fuel bills. We also have bicycle maps now available from Council, bicycle shops and online ( Attend a Healthy Homes sustainable living workshop and learn to live in a healthier home, have smaller household bills and join with your local community to improve the environment. Currently they are running in Sawtell, Mylestom, Urunga and Bowraville. If your local community wants Healthy Homes to come to you, get in contact with us or visit We also provide small community grants for environmental projects to participants of the Healthy Homes workshop series. And by getting involved, one lucky person will win a solar hot water system for their house, generously donated by Self Sufficient Homes. We are doing environmental stabilisation works to Mylestom and Nambucca Heads dune ecosystems, Bellinger river erosion works

Currently, we al ic are in an ecologre he w t, oo sh er ov ing the humans are us s such ce ur earth’s reso ater, w r, ai n as clea at an forests and soeilsrate ... bl na ai st unsu

and bat colonies awareness and rehabilitation in the region. Our Living Coast is also upgrading the Solitary Island Coastal walk from Sawtell to Red Rock, making this an ecotourism landmark in the region. What are some of the most successful programs you’ve run so far? Hosting Healthy Homes workshop series have been an informative, practical and supportive environment for neighbours to tackle sustainable living. Just last week, a participant in Sawtell mentioned that she has done lots of little low cost things around her house as a result of the energy efficiency workshop and has saved a considerable amount on her latest electricity bill. Have you been able to see just how effective these programs have been? How have you monitored them? Our full evaluation results for the program will be out in January 2013. Anecdotally, participants have reported that they have learnt a lot and saved money on their household bills. We have supported communities to do projects such as establishing community gardens, insulating the Eungai Creek community hall, planting fruit trees in Bellingen, launching a website in Taylors Arm to promote their community and providing nesting boxes and compost bins to workshop participants. What are some of the community programs you have scheduled from April onwards? You can win solar panels for your house, donated by Self Sufficient Homes worth $7,700 and fully installed. If you live in the Our

Living Coast region, simply ‘like’ us on Facebook and tell us why ‘Solar is smart’. Learn about green cleaning and detoxing your home on 18 April at Urunga’s Neighbourhood Centre at 10.30am, or come along to a weed identification workshop and chook care either at Sawtell on 11 April at the CWA Hall at 6pm or in Mylestom on the 17 April at 6 pm at the Community Hall. If you’re interested in finding out the pros and cons about installing solar electricity, solar hot water and rainwater tanks, then come along to one of the following free workshops: Saturday 21 April in Bowraville, Tuesday 1 May in Mylestom and Wednesday 6 June in Urunga. How can people find out more and/or become involved in your programs? The best way to keep informed about environmental happenings on the Coffs Coast is to subscribe to our monthly email newsletter at and also like us on Facebook. They can enrol in the free Healthy Homes workshops at www. or contact Elle on (02) 6648 4644. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers about Sustainable Living and Our Living Coast? If you want to live in a connected and healthy community that cares about looking after the environment for our future generations, then Our Living Coast is a great place to start. You get the latest advice on how to save money on your energy bills, grow your own food and detox your home. Climate change, peak oil, water shortages, food security and waste are all very real and confronting problems that we face as human beings. Together, we can tackle these issues, build resilient communities and live lives that are sustainable. Thanks Elle.

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