FM Stride Magazine August

Page 47

Downtown  Fargo  -­  August  28th  and  September  18th

QA &

RORY BEIL How  does  Fargo  rank  in  terms  of  over-­weight  and  child  obesity  of  our  \RXWK" &XUUHQWO\ ZH ÂżQG ourselves  in  the  middle  of  the  pack  when  ranked  on  a  national  scale.   We  are  not  in  the  lower  half  of  the  nation,  but  there  LV GHÂżQLWHO\ URRP IRU improvement. What  was  some  feed-­ back  from  Streets  Alive  ODVW \HDU" NDSU  did  a  survey  for  the  event  last  year  and  we  received  some  constructive  feedback  from  participants.   Everyone  who  came  enjoyed  the  event.   One  tweak  in  the  event  this  year  is  that  we  cut  down  the  length  of  the  course  from  6  miles  to  3  miles.   We  really  want  to  focus Â

on  people  interacting  with  each  other  at  the  event;͞  by  shortening  the  course,  it  will  give  more  people  the  opportu-­ nity  to  cross  paths  with  someone  who  could  become  a  long-­time  workout  partner.

This  year  the  course  will  b shortened  to  jue  over  3  miles,  b st  with  many  morut  e  events. avenue  and  participa-­ tion  parkway,  both  of  which  are  designed  to  educate  participants  on  WKH EHQHÂżWV RI OLYLQJ DQ active  lifestyle.   As  part  of  our  initiative  to  lower  childhood  overweight  and  obesity,  we  are  Â

Last  year  over  6,500  people  joined  in.  Some  of  which  were  on  GRXEOH GHFNHU ELNHV DQG HYHQ D ¿YH SHUVRQ ELF\FOH

What’s  going  to  be  new  DW WKH HYHQW WKLV \HDU" We  have  set  up  special  attractions  along  the  route  that  are  really  going  to  amplify  the  event.   We  have  activity Â

encouraging  kids  to  get  outdoors  and  play.   Therefore,  we  will  be  teaming  up  with  some  elementary  schools  to  encourage  outdoor  activities  and  participa-­ tion.

Who  are  you  targeting  for  6WUHHWV $OLYH" We  are  really  target-­ ing  everyone  in  the  community  to  come  out  and  participate  in  the  event.   Through  our  survey  efforts,  last  year  we  found  that  over  60%  of  our  participants  were  Caucasian,  from  middle  to  high-­income  families  and  were  already  living  an  active  lifestyle.   We  would  really  like  to  reach  all  corners  and  areas  of  our  community  and  see  a  larger  demo-­ graphic  coming  out  to  participate  in  the  event.   If  you  came  last  year  and  really  enjoyed  it,  grab  a  friend  or  encour-­ age  another  family  to  join  the  movement! pages/Streets-­ Alive/263885966939


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