Design & Living April/May 2021

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Parade of Homes... ...MARCHES INTO SPRING!



Sandra Bohl Describe yourself in a single sentence. I am a trustworthy and hardworking person. What is your favorite thing about working at TLC Cleaning? I get to see really cute puppies, sorry if I don’t say hi to you first! Why do you love cleaning? I like to make things shiny. Having a clean house gives me peace. My mom taught me since I was little to be clean and in order. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? We have a 10 month old baby girl and it is so fun to watch her grow and all of the little noises she makes is so cute. I really enjoy being with my family. We like to go camping, swimming, fishing and being in contact with nature when it is warm of course! Who inspires you most at TLC Cleaning and why? Iris. She is a really great person. She always has answers to all of our questions and she is always there for us. She is an amazing manager. I don’t even remember a time when she was mad, angry, or annoyed. She always has a smile on her face.

DESCRIBE THE MOST MEMORABLE JOB YOU’VE DONE AS A CLEANING TECH? My most memorable job would have to be when I was doing free cleanings for a person with cancer. It will always make me think of my mom who also has cancer and has been battling with it for about 10 years now.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was young, I always wanted to be a doctor or nurse or anything that had to do with helping other people. What advice would you give for maintaining a clean home? Definitely do a quick wipe down of things after using it. Tell us the most wild thing that has happened to you? My husband and I were riding a 4 wheeler and we didn’t see a hole in the ground. We did a flip and the 4 wheeler got stuck in the hole and my husband and I went flying. Luckily we were ok and there wasn’t any injuries. If you had to pick one thing you learned working at TLC Cleaning, what would it be? Being a responsible and trustworthy person.


Serving Grand Forks, Detroit Lakes & Fargo Areas OR CALL







Parade Of Homes Take a look inside the homes that can be seen at this spring's Home Builders Association Parade Of Homes.


13 Alerus Financial 18 Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home 20 Bremer Bank 26 Profile By Sanford


Designing with Joy


Finnu Designs


Hebron Brick


Expert Advice

ON THE COVER Designer Homes of FargoMoorhead created this entry that will be featured on the spring Parade of Homes lineup. The great room pictured here features a beautiful, vaulted ceiling with wood beams, a custom stone fireplace and a stunning view.

In each issue of Design & Living, residential and commercial designer Christen Anderson of Live Christen Joy showcases a joyful project of hers. This month, Anderson chronicled the construction of her distinctive new home and studio.

With a sturdy, impactful team, Finnu Designs is always looking for the next "impossible" project.

Did you know Hebron Supply offers landscaping in various forms? Check out what they have to offer

Whether it is cabinets, windows or custom home builds, we asked these experts to give you their best pieces of advice.

For more exclusive, original content,

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We all know how the world works. It ebbs and flows constantly with little to no warning between each seismic shift. Some shifts are good and some shifts are not so good, but those are the elements that we cannot control. All we can do is react in the most appropriate manner possible. We have gone through one of those "not so good" shifts here at Spotlight. Staff departures in our editorial department have left us with a pretty thin bench. So, many of us have had to take on more work than usual. All of those things are out of my control. It is out of our team's control. People come and people go, that is uncontrollable. What is controllable is how we move forward and how we react to sudden change. For Design & Living readers like yourselves, that adversity will [hopefully] not shine through in the coming pages. In our minds, this is just as good as any issue we have ever created.

You may not even think twice about it had I not brought it up right here. At least that is the hope.

workshopping content for this publication, let me know.

Some of us have had to step in ways we didn't know we were capable of. This was done in an attempt to react to our circumstances. Now, our team is stronger because of it and we know how to properly react.

E-mail me at

However, we are not stubborn enough to turn away help. As you will see in this issue, we were so grateful to rely on the Home Builders Association for a good chunk of content. We were also able to lean on our industry friends in the community to create our "Expert Advice" piece that you will read. Is it simple content? Sure. But is it effective? Absolutely. We want to continue to partner with industry leaders for this magazine in particular. If you are reading this and are interested in contributing or

Thanks to partners like you, we can continue to create high-quality content. Thank you to those folks who really helped push us across the finish line with this issue. And thank you for reading.


APRIL/MAY 2021 Design & Living Magazine is a free publication distributed six times a year. Our mission is to showcase all that the Red River Valley has to offer in terms of interior design, architecture and landscaping, profiling the people that make these possible. We also strive to provide a quality and fun reading experience and improve the way of life in our community. The publication is mailed to homes across the US and has stand distribution throughout North Dakota and Minnesota.


EDITORIAL Editorial Team Lead Photographer

Mike Dragosavich

Nolan Schmidt Nolan Schmidt

Creative Strategist

Josiah Kopp

Graphic Designers

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Christen Anderson, Krista Mund

Nick Schommer Tommy Uhlir Kellen Feeney Ben Buchanan Emma Bonnet

Paul Hoefer Al Anderson Jenny Johnson Cora Sather Brady Sprague

Colleen Dreyer Cassie Wiste

John Stuber

Design & Living Magazine is published by Spotlight, LLC. Copyright 2021 Design & Living Magazine & All rights reserved. No parts of this magazine may be reproduced or distributed without written permission of Design & Living Magazine and Spotlight, LLC is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on such information. Spotlight, LLC accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers.

ADVERTISING: 701-478-SPOT (7768) Send change of address information and other correspondence to: Spotlight, LLC 15 Broadway N. Suite 500, Fargo, ND 58102 or


Is Now the Time to


3. Move Fast

Mortgage interest rates can change quickly. A rate that may seem promising one day can be gone the next. At some lenders, rates have even been changing by the hour. What to do? Decide in advance on the interest rate you are comfortable with. When that rate becomes available at a trusted lender, jump on it.

4. Explore a Cash-Out Refinance

With interest rates so low, and with many families needing an infusion of cash, cash-out refinances are seeing a resurgence in popularity. Particularly for those who are planning to do home improvements or want to pay off existing debt, this type of refinance can reduce monthly expenses considerably.

Mortgage interest rates are hovering near historic lows. Not surprisingly, many homeowners are asking themselves, “Is now the time to refinance?” The answer is…maybe. Before you think about refinancing your existing mortgage, consider the following:

With a cash-out refinance, homeowners tap into their homes’ equity by taking on a larger mortgage in exchange for access to that equity in the form of cash. When does a cash-out refinance make sense? For homeowners who have a need for cash, and have enough equity in their home (typically no more than 80 percent loan-to-value), a cash-out refinance during a time of lower interest rates can be a good solution.

1. Do The Math

Sure, current mortgage interest rates are attractive. But the truth is they’ve been low for several years. Before you rush to consider a refinance, take a close look at your current interest rate. It might already be fairly low. There are many factors to consider when refinancing a mortgage. While the interest rate is important, closing costs and how long you plan to stay in your home are important, too.

5. Has Your Home Gone Up in Value? Eliminate Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) Many homeowners, particularly newer homeowners, are familiar with private mortgage insurance (PMI). That is the insurance that many lenders require homeowners to purchase until they have paid off enough of their mortgage to reach 20 percent equity in their homes. Often, a refinance can result in the elimination of PMI. That is because homes are typically reappraised during a refinance. If a home has increased enough in value to cause the homeowner’s equity to reach the 20 percent threshold, PMI can be eliminated. With PMI often costing between .5 percent and one percent of a total mortgage loan amount, that can result in potentially saving hundreds of dollars each month.*

Work with a professional loan officer to understand the total costs associated with a refinance, which typically include credit checks, appraisals, origination fees and other closing costs. Next, determine how long it will take to recoup those costs through a lower interest rate. For example, if you expect to incur $2,500 in closing costs, but will save $150 a month by securing a lower interest rate, it could still take nearly 18 months to recover your closing costs. The key is to determine how long you plan to own your home. If you plan to sell in a year or two, a refinance may not make sense. If you plan to own your home for several more years, you may want to go for it.

*[Source: Investopedia]

2. Shop Around

Not all lenders are created equal, nor are the interest rates they offer. Rates can vary from one financial institution to the next. Do your homework and shop around for the best rate. Interestingly, because of the spike in demand for refinances, some lenders are purposefully keeping their interest rates high as they struggle to keep up with demand. Ask lenders if the interest rates they offer are higher because of supply-and-demand issues.


In this low-interest rate environment, a refinance can be a great solution. Do your research to find the best rates and work with a lender you trust to guide you through the process. At Alerus, we’re here for you every step of the way. The information contained herein is general in nature, is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Alerus does not provide legal or tax advice. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation. Alerus Financial, N.A. is Member FDIC.


DESIGN & LIVING TEAM At Design & Living Magazine, our goal is to create a publication that is just as much fun to read as it is to view. Here are the writers, designers, photographers and contributors who so affably use their time and talents to tell a story and give our pages purpose.


Born and raised on the prairies of North Dakota, Josiah’s love for capturing the moment with his camera led him to Spotlight Media in 2020. He graduated from Concordia with a BA in Graphic Design and is currently a photographer for Design & Living. Outside the office, you can find Josiah writing and producing music or chasing a colorful sky with his camera.


German is the marketing designer for Spotlight Media. She is a native of Watertown, S.D. and Northern State University graduate with a BFA with an emphasis in Graphic Design. In addition to designing marketing materials for print, she also is the graphic designer behind Design & Living.


Anderson is a Minnesota native with an eye for decor and design. She is the owner of Live Christen Joy and is known for her exceptional remodels, expert staging and accessorizing high-end living spaces. Anderson is also a passionate art collector, world traveler and home cook who frequently entertains friends.


Krista Mund is the executive vice president of the Home Builders Association of Fargo-Moorhead.


Spotlight's Other Magazines

Small business is a vital part of any community. Regardless of the type of business, FargoMoorhead continues to be a burgeoning area for new, local businesses. An industry this is potentially most prevalent in is fashion and shopping. We have been so lucky to welcome new boutiques, stores and businesses to our ever-growing community. This month, we highlight a few small businesses in that industry. Each of the four businesses featured within has its own niche within the shopping world. What they all have in common is this: they are owned and operated by women. Meet these strong women and the businesses behind them.

Unfortunately, medical tragedy is a part of our lives. Either everyone has experienced it themselves or knows someone who affected by it. Thankfully, we don't have to be alone. In this month's magazine, we highlight Lend A Hand Up, a local nonprofit making sure that people experiencing medical hardships don't deal with things on their own.

Look for us in early May!

Coming Soon!

MEET OUR TEAM AT JEREMY - Contract Photographer

BRADY - Digital Solutions

CHRISTY - Design BEN - Design

PAUL - Sales

AL - Sales JOSIAH - Editorial

EMMA - Social Media COLLEEN - HR & Operations


NICK - Digital Services

JENNY - Client Relations TOMMY - Videography

JOHN - Distribution NOLAN - Editorial

BRADY - Editorial KIM - Design

CORA - Client Relations

KELLEN - Digital Services

“We have been working with SWL for 8 years. They help us with HR practices, contracts, and other legal issues that come up. I love how progressive and proactive they are. They have always felt like a partner and not just a law firm we call when we need something.”


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Tell Your Story


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anson-Runsvold Funeral Home has a century-long history of serving the needs of the Fargo-Moorhead community. They continue their long tradition of service by offering preplanning services as a way for individuals to make decisions about their own funeral arrangements ahead of time.

you are able to make sure your story is not only remembered but is told in a way that accurately reflects who you are and the life that you’ve lived. Writing one’s own obituary can actually be a therapeutic experience, as you have the opportunity to think through the many life experiences you’ve had and reflect on what’s been the most important. Every life deserves a time of honor.

Dean and Nikki Jo Hulse recently preplanned with funeral director, John Runsvold, and found the experience to be both beneficial and comforting.

“Dean is a writer, so he wrote our obituaries. It sounds really depressing but it wasn’t. The idea of having this done and having one less thing to be thinking about was important to us." - Nikki Jo

“He made us really comfortable. He wasn’t awkward or morbid or depressing. It was just a really good experience. When we left, we felt that internal sigh of relief and we knew this was the right thing to do. And John’s willingness to honor our wishes about where our ashes are to be scattered is really peace of mind.” – Nikki Jo The decisions that need to be made when a loved one passes away can be difficult and overwhelming and are often complicated when the person’s wishes weren’t known. Whether they are general ideas or very specific desires, most of us would have something to say in regard to what we would like to happen when we are here. “The pre-planning concept gives you more control over that component of your life which is something I think that I lot of people would like because you not only have your say in how you leave this world but you’re taking some of that burden away from other people. At Johns's age, he doesn’t need to still be working but is. My take on that is it’s because he enjoys what he does. He’s providing a service people need and that says a lot to me.” - Dean Each of us lives a life, and our life is our story. Through Hanson-Runsvold’s preplanning,

To make plans for something in advance seems logical, but it isn’t always as comfortable as we wish it would be. Planning funeral arrangements in advance can naturally bring some difficult feelings as we contemplate our mortality, so having a funeral home that gives you a feeling of comfort is very important. “I was a runner for many years and ran through Island Park 1,000 times at least. I would also see Hanson-Runsvold on my runs. I really like their location. It’s in a beautiful part of town and we’ve had a lot of friends that have passed and had their services at Hanson-Runsvold so we’re very familiar with the facility.” – Dean Throughout the last one hundred years, the caring and compassionate staff at Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home have been helping to walk families through the most difficult experiences they’ve faced. They also understand that there is no time better than the present to plan ahead, which is why their free preplanning services are available both online and in-person. To find out how you can start the preplanning process, visit or call (701)232-3222.





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Bremer’s Remodeled Fargo Branch Represents Its Modern, Community Focus Photos by Josiah Kopp

Two years ago, Bremer Bank started rethinking how it could best meet the changing needs of its customers and communities. A renewed focus on the bank’s digital capabilities and physical branch design emerged, with a special emphasis placed on reimagining how it could best serve customers in its community.



If a more private area is still needed, there are a number of breakout rooms throughout the bank where clients can discuss their needs with a Bremer team member.

To the left of the reception area lies a Bremer coffee bar offering free, local coffee from Fargo-area businesses that rotates a new local brand to taste every two weeks. Comfortable chairs and workspaces designed for all visitors to use run parallel to the welcoming reception area. “This is a space we want people to feel comfortable coming to hunker down for a while," said Burkhart, North Dakota Region Consumer Banking Manager. "We want this to be a place for people in the community, not just our customers. 22

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The freshly remodeled Fargo location is the first Bremer branch to benefit from this innovative new design, and its customer-focused update is evident the moment you step through the door. Partner tables have replaced the traditional teller lines in the bright and inviting reception area and full-service community space is open for local organizations to use at no cost. The redesign allows Bremer to live out its purpose of cultivating thriving communities. “Our goal is to remove any perceptions that a bank is stale and impersonal," said Andi Burkhart, Consumer Banking Manager. “This new design allows us to be welcoming and collaborative while still being professional and confidential when needed.”



Streamlined technology and upgraded monitors are seamlessly equipped throughout the entire building. Each room is screen-sharing capable and features a full speaker system, making the spaces valuable resources for the Fargo community to access, gather and collaborate.

That streamlined technology can also be found in the Lee Frigen training room, a state of the art and spacious are where all desks are easily moveable, allowing for greater customization of the space to meet a gathering's specific needs. 24

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New residential community IN HORACE


The ideal Horace location for your family Near Horace High School and Heritage Middle School Choose your builder Limited availability. Contact us today to reserve your lot! | 701.639.6245


with joy



Introducing Design and Living’s new series —

BY Christen Joy of Christen Joy, chronicling the construction of her distinctive new home and studio.

The Dutch 30

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ach issue we’ll share recommendations for building your dream home, adding ease to the process, and making choices that will create lasting value. Plus, you’ll get insider access to the Dutch’s one-of-a-kind design touches and unique ideas planned to wow clients and guests alike.

THE DUTCH — EAST COAST STYLE MEETS WEST COAST CHARM It’s not very often I get to be my own client, so when I decided to build my new home and interior design studio space in Moorhead, Minnesota I had a distinct style in mind — Dutch Colonial. The home style was inspired by my many trips to the East Coast, including Cape Cod where this type of clapboard home with its cedar shake Gambrel roof, shutters, flared eaves and hidden garage have been built since the 1700s. The unique charm and unexpected design of this home can also be found in Fargo-Moorhead, dotted around Fargo’s historic Eighth Street neighborhood and scattered throughout a few other places in the metro. The feeling of reverence found in a home of the Dutch Colonial style appealed to me. There’s comfort in the controlled sophistication and elegance of East Coast style. But the home wouldn’t be me if it didn’t have the elements of my laid-back, West Coast, sunny optimism. EAST COAST STYLE This plan appealed to me because I wanted the exterior to be a wow factor with symmetry, covered entrances, and balanced asymmetry by using all sides of the home, not just the back. The Gambrel roof (sometimes called a barn roof) is defined as a symmetrical two-sided roof with two slopes on each side. The top slope is built at a shallow angle, the lower slope is steep. The garage is tucked behind the house and accessed on the elegant driveway running under the porte


co·chère — a covered drive-through area to park when unloading packages, groceries, or London, my sweet doggie, directly into the office, home pantry/butler, or her favorite chair. Afterwards, park in the garage or turn around to drive back to the street. Entertaining was a main focus for me. It meant planning a large kitchen, ample space for seating and a butler pantry to stash everything when people arrive. A luxuriously expansive office space for an expanding team, a growing collection of samples and place for clients to review designs in style. This is more than my home, it’s where I will welcome clients to see one-of-akind selections, unique and personal touches that most don’t have access to in our market. “The main staircase is built in the back, along the garage to provide two options: Clients can go directly up to the office above the garage bypassing the living space. Or she can welcome them into her home on the lower level to see decorating finishes and ideas in use.” —Jackson Strom, Strom Architects WEST COAST CHARM There’s a creative care-free mix in West Coast chic. It’s a natural, laid back vibe which is in contrast to the traditional and coordinated feel of East Coast decor. What I appreciate is that it works well together and speaks to my personal design style of classic comfort with pops of visual fun. “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” — Rachel Zoe THE DREAM TEAM: FINDING MY BUILDER AND ARCHITECT Having built a house in the past and working with contractors and builders for years now, I know there are many different types of work partnerships you can have. Take it from me, in any relationship, communication is the most critical component to make or break a team. That’s why it’s so important to be sure you can communicate effectively with the architect and builder you are considering for your project. And that they work well together when you’re not in the conversation.


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The Dream Team – (Left) Chris Schuler of Century Builders and (Right) Jackson Strom of Strom Architects

Before starting The Dutch, I made a list of qualities I wanted in a builder and in an architect. I knew I needed people who were: Proven performers, great communicators, skilled craftsmen, and people who I would enjoy working with. I interviewed architects and builders on their: • Communication style, policy and cadence. • Skillset and experience working on the style of home I thought I wanted. • References and referrals — to speak with people and hear details on their process — for better or worse. • Interest in what I’m wanting to do and willingness to learn. • Guarantee, policy or assurance when designing or building a home. • Personality and enjoyability? It’s important for me! For instance, after discussing the Dutch Colonial style home in the interview with Jackson, he bought the book, Timeless: Classic American Architecture for American Living, by Patrick Ahern and even took an online class from the author. Then, Jackson sent ideas

to scale the roof and dormers for authenticity. He proved his interest in my idea and willingness to dive in and research the style I wanted. “Christen brings an infectious energy to the project. It’s been refreshing to bring her vision to life.” — Jackson Strom, Strom Architects Chris Schuler of Century Builders says he’s learned through his years of experience as a custom builder that the interview process is as important for the craftsman and contractors as it is for the client. Chris says, “Christen is a lot more involved and is specific, which is great. We’re known for taking on very custom projects. So, from our first meeting, we knew that this was going to be a showstopper. There are a lot of custom features, fabricated beams, traditional millwork, and wallpaper which really completes the ‘east coast feel’ that Christen is wanting.”

Following my meetings with both Chris and Jackson, I knew I’d found my dream team. They were as excited as I was to bring The Dutch to life. Both shared they had not built that style home before, however, past experience, references, workmanship examples and personalities are what sold me on wanting to work with them. It’s paying off. So far, we’re having fun collaborating and bringing our best to the project and know this will only continue. “It’s unusual to work with someone like Christen because she wants us to add our touches to the project so we can showcase our work and techniques. It’s already meant additional work for our firm. We have another Dutch Colonial lined up to build because they saw hers and wanted something similar based on her design!” — Jackson Strom, Strom Architects

Meet Christen Anderson of Christen Joy: Inspired Interiors & Events Anderson is a Minnesota native with an eye for decor and design. Christen Joy specializes in new-construction commercial projects, exceptional remodels, furnishing high-end living spaces and creating memorable special events. Anderson is also a passionate art collector, world traveler and home cook who frequently entertains for friends.


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WALK WITH ME So, with plans in place, the dream team on board, and vision firmly established — this puppy mama is excited to share the entire process of building, creating and designing a fresh new space with you! Read future issues to see our progress and be alongside me as we venture through this dream together. We can’t wait!

PHOTOGRAPHY – Hillary Ehlen BUILDER – Chris Schuler of Century Builders ARCHITECT/RENDERINGS – Jackson Strom of Strom Architecture

Join me on Instagram and Facebook to see my latest projects and email me at for design inquires.




Finnu Founder/President


Vice President of Sales

PHOTOS PROVIDED BY Nolan P. Schmidt and Finnu Designs


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n 2014, Josh Humble sat down with a dream.That dream would be to open his own business and create his own brand. Little did Humble know, this dream would eventually render itself into Finnu Designs. With a large focus on woodbased pieces of custom furniture, Humble and Finnu have injected their own Scandanavian heritage into their work. The end result is a custom piece that is perfect for the customer's home. Finnu is more than that as well. Humble says "Finnu" has no creative limits on what it can accomplish. He says they just so happen to focus on custom woodwork. Finnu's six-step design process allows them to get to a positive endgame with the customer, who is consulted throughout the project. The only rule Finnu places on potential customers? None. Finnu'ers challenge their customers to think of something unique or completely outside the box. This mentality has lent its hand to the eyepopping projects Finnu has put together in the past. Yet, Finnu is more than just a custom furniture business. Finnu is a brand and every Finnu'er has had a role to play in that branding. Humble recognizes this and is the first to give his team credit for all of Finnu's success. In the eyes of Humble, these 'Finnu'ers' are the reason the company had sustained itself since 2014. And despite all that they have accomplished in a short time, these Finnu'ers want more. Humble and the team knows they are just scratching the surface of where Finnu could go as a brand and as a business. Meet Finnu, its philosophy, the people that impact it and how Finnu continues to build its own unique niche from the founder's perspective.

WHAT IS FINNU? We get asked this question a lot. So, to get a good understanding of “why?”, it really goes back to my childhood. I have fond memories of helping my grandfather with yard work. He was proud of his yard and, to my knowledge, won community contests for best-kept yard in the neighborhood. I remember tending to the strawberries, collecting baseballs from the adjacent left field ballpark and tooling around in the wheel barrel. When the labor was done, and as a reward for my good work, he would take me into his tool shed and show me how to build little wood projects. He made lots of little items, including furniture that my family now has in their heirloom possession. You see, I absolutely loved my grandfather for the time he gave me. He was a Swedishtalking, fun-loving guy who gave me camaraderie any boy would love. So, I knew when I was going to take on this venture, the brand had to be in honor of my grandfather, It just made sense to me. So, just like any other new parent on the horizon, I scoured the internet for names. I focused in the Scandinavian regions for hours on end in my home office. I was bound and determined and I wouldn’t leave until I discovered this treasure. You could say I was on a mission, or maybe it was my inability to focus on anything else until I did just that. My wife would probably agree with the latter. She keeps me in line when I need it the most which impacts Finnu greatly. Ironically, after hours of hunting, I couldn’t find anything that didn’t have a brand opportunity or was something I didn’t like. This was until I stumbled upon a little village, trail and creek in Switzerland of all places. They called it Finnu. There was a Scandinavian settlement there, roughly 7,000 settlers came from Finland, I believe in the 50s. I fell in love with it as soon as it rolled off of my tongue. Subsequently, it was all inspired by my Scandinavian grandfather and I knew it had unlimited potential for branding. From that moment, I fell in love with its large gamut and pliability. Using the “U” insignia is just another way of doing things a bit backward. We knew it would take time to connect the dots and that’s the idea. You see, Finnu isn’t just a woodworking company, it really has no limits and isn’t stuck in a box. That’s what we love about Finnu. We just happen to create awesome custom furniture and custom builds.


THE FINNU'ERS It takes a team to make an impact. Of course, there are many layers to these impacts, some personal, some broad and communal. Each person who has been a part of the Finnu team has made all opportunities possible. I’m a firm believer that we are all woven together in the same large fabric of life, some opportunities come from circumstance, some from the hustle and of course some skill. Most of all, I believe our opportunities come from those who do the little things, not taking away from the big things either. A collection of little things adds up for the big swing at another opportunity. Cabinetry • Windows & Doors • Roofing • Siding

For that, I focus on gratitude for all the hidden “little things” that are actually big things to us. I make mistakes, and we all do so I don’t get too bent out of shape either way. I believe that keeps the train going.

FINNU AND THEIR CUSTOMERS It goes without saying, our customers make it all possible. We are focused on customer relationships first and service second. If we don’t have a relationship, what’s the point of the service? We are in the hospitality business as much as we are anything else. Our space is for our customers as much as it is for our operation. The customer is the big ball of energy in the center of the equation. Without them, there isn’t an equation. We are most grateful and always look forward to ongoing relationships and new ones to come.

Decking • Insulation • Lumber • Hardware













MIKE BREVIK, CYBERDOGZ MARKETING Finnu works with Brevik to assist in the branding of Finnu.

Here is a common, everyday conversation between Mike and Josh. They describe their interactions, mostly talk about branding, what it means and exchange psychological reasonings behind everything. They’re constantly looking for answers to everyday problems. Josh explains those who connect with Mike will understand pretty quickly that he’s not only smart but listens very well. At the end of the day, his planning and creativity speak for themselves. Cyberdogz's growth is certainly a result of Mike’s expertise. Mike (Cyberdogz) recently launched a podcast, featuring some interesting people around the country. You can check it out: Brand Retro


When creating a custom piece, Finnu relies on Sucrow's design expertise for guidance. In the world of what we do, we love working with designers. Designers have a good understanding of client direction, project management, budget, expectations, collaboration and communication just to name a few. What we love about Leanne is her instinctive ability to convey all of that, and to generate conceptual ideas from across the country. She understands what is now, tomorrow and what is timeless. This eventually translates into her own interpretation. She’s an artist at the core and that is very telling in her finished work. It's top-notch if you will. Coming together with Leanne on projects is an exciting opportunity for us to hit her expectations and ultimately our client's expectations.


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Both Humble and Rostad are the glue that holds Finnu together. Jesse came onto the scene almost a year ago to the date. What started as a friendship, became an opportunity that was unexpected. Finnu was moving locations from Moorhead to West Fargo during the onset of the Coronavirus. As any good friend would do, he simply lent a hand in the undesirable move process. Because we’re both motivated people, it was inevitable we would discover the potential for a working relationship. He really wanted to understand what it took to execute the process of the custom world. So, he spent a lot of time in the shop with me and got more comfortable. Eventually, he started to enjoy all the possibilities with Finnu. His understanding of the brand range was big for me and he just got it right away. In addition, with his experience in the banking world, Jesse is now lead in sales and accounting and how I like to say, “Well, you’re CFO…”. Moving forward, now located in West Fargo, we look to scale up our operation that best serves our clients.

Finnu Designs 2740 4th Ave NW, Suite B West Fargo, ND 58078 701-866-7949 Facebook: @finnu2014 Instagram: @finnu_designs or @finnu_gear Twitter: @finnudesigns



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Kim Hochhalter, Building Concepts, Inc. 2021 HBA of F-M President


beauty & style


For over 30 years, Building Concepts, Inc. has built custom homes throughout the Fargo, Moorhead, and lakes area communities. Kim owns the company with her husband, Alan, and serves as construction manager, scheduler and accounting specialist.

BY Kim Hochhalter | PHOTOS PROVIDED BY Home Builders Association

he Home Builders Association of F-M invites you to join us for the Spring Parade of Homes the first three weekends in May to see all the latest designs, colors, products and innovations. Our event features more than 50 homes by 26 builders throughout five communities.

Here's a glimpse of six Parade entries before you head out to see them yourselves. Elegant, striking, charm, sophisticated, craftsman, cozy, luxurious. The words describing just these six homes illustrate the wide breadth and scope our builders and their entries offer to the community. It’s time to gather ideas, dream about building new or get ideas to remodel your existing space. We’ve all become intimately aware of what to change or update as we spent countless hours working, schooling and relaxing in our homes with our families. Now’s the time! There has never been a better opportunity to upgrade and take advantage of record-low interest rates. Remember, a home is not just a good investment, it is a refuge. It is your safe place and provides the security and stability that are essential to you and your family.

Home Builders Association of F-M Nurture a thriving, innovative and diverse housing industry in our community.

For more information, contact: HBAFargoMoorhead

Pick up an event magazine at any Hornbacher’s to browse all the entries or visit Homes are open noon – 5 p.m. May 1-2, 8-9 and 15-16. Happy touring!



Spring Parade of Homes Entry #12 - $332,500

430 Hampton Dr W, Moorhead, MN Hampton Place

WELCOMING, ELEGANT, FLUID SPACE WITH ABUNDANT LIGHT | NO STEPS, 1-LEVEL LIVING | DESIGNER KITCHEN WITH WHITE QUARTZ TOPS Instantly welcoming, Dabbert Custom Homes’ stunning, zero-step “Roberta 3.0” is everything you need on one level. The space is elegant and fluid with abundant natural light. White quartz countertops complement the designer kitchen. The suite features a walk-in tile shower with a bench, a 6′ vanity and a walk-in closet. The back bedroom has patio door access to the large backyard. An irrigation system with sod, along with a rough-in for future in-floor heat, are included.


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Spring Parade of Homes Entry #21 - $388,900

7683 Cub Creek Way, Horace, ND Cub Creek

STUNNING KITCHEN WITH QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS | IMMEDIATELY GREETED WITH STRIKING VAULTED CEILINGS | EXPANSIVE LOWER LEVEL WITH NATURAL LIGHT The “Maggie 3.0” rambler features 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a fully finished basement and over 2,400 finished square feet. The main level is complemented with breathtaking vaulted ceilings and a spacious kitchen with quartz countertops that overlooks the living space. The suite hosts a 6’ vanity with double sinks and a spacious walk-in closet. Perfect for sitting outside during the warmer months, the cozy porch completes this beautiful rambler.


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Spring Parade of Homes Entry #23 $408,900

1113 26th Ave W, West Fargo Brooks Harbor

4 BEDROOMS ON UPPER LEVEL | MAIN FLOOR OFFICE & MUDROOM | CUSTOM CABINETRY & CORNER PANTRY Quality and function combine to create this impressive “Kennedy” model that emanates charm. The upper level offers great room for sleep and storage, with 4 bedrooms and conveniently located laundry. The luxurious master suite features a walk-in closet, cosmetic counter, dual sinks and soaker tub. The main floor includes a front office, practical mudroom with built in lockers/cubbies and message center and gas fireplace with shiplap surround and custom mantle. The kitchen is exceptional for entertaining featuring custom white cabinetry, quartz counters, corner walk-in pantry and a tiled backsplash.


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Spring Parade of Homes Entry #46 - $599,900

4779 41st St S, Fargo Cottagewood

WOOD CEILING WITH EXPOSED BEAMS | WET BAR WITH WINEGRATA | CUSTOM CABINETRY THROUGHOUT HOME You will not want to leave this sophisticated Prairie Craftsman home. The kitchen boasts a walk-in pantry with luxury appliances and opens into the vaulted great room with a floor-to-ceiling tile fireplace showcasing the beautiful wood plank ceiling and exposed beams. The private master suite includes a walk-in closet, tile shower and dual sink vanity that will be your oasis day or night. The lower level is equally as stunning as the main floor with a huge flex room that can be used as a theatre, gym or game/craft room. You name it! The dedicated storage room, a wine nook and a wet bar are just a few of the incredible features of this home.


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Spring Parade of Homes Entry #47 - $627,000

135 25th Ave E, West Fargo River’s Bend at the Preserve

TWO PANTRIES & A CHINA HUTCH BUILT IN | SUNKEN, VAULTED SUNROOM WITH SHIPLAP & BEAMS | CUSTOM BUILT-INS, BEAMS & TRIM DETAILS Perfectly planned interior spaces meet quality craftsmanship and elevated design in this new two-story home. It has custom builtins, beams and upgraded trim details throughout. The gourmet kitchen, oversized pantry and semiformal dining open to a spacious living room with fireplace. A step-down vaulted sunroom, office, large foyer, mudroom and powder bath complete the main floor. Upstairs includes a vaulted master suite, pass-through to laundry, three more bedrooms and one full bath. A heated garage plus front porch complete this home.


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Spring Parade of Homes Entry #49 - $699,900

5932 31st St S, Fargo Prairie Farms

MAINTENANCE-FREE TOWNHOME LIVING | QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD WITH NO BACKYARD NEIGHBORS | SLAB-ON-GRADE WITH IN-FLOOR HEAT This entry by Designer Homes of Fargo-Moorhead offers maintenance-free townhome living. The luxurious home is nestled in a quiet neighborhood with no backyard neighbors! It has four bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and is a slab-on-grade design with in-floor heat. It features sound-resistant joining walls and is located on a private drive. The great room features a beautiful, vaulted ceiling with wood beams, a custom stone fireplace and a stunning view! The large owner’s suite has vaulted ceilings with custom wood beams, dual vanities, a custom-tile shower, a freestanding soaking tub and a walk-in closet.


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Hebron Brick has been serving customers since 1904. What started as a brick plant in Hebron, N.D., has now grown to several retail stores across the Midwest, a Fireplace Division and a Fargo Landscape Division. Hebron's experts in the masonry and landscape industry are happy to share their knowledge about products and installation techniques.

Have You Heard About LANDSCAPING MATERIALS OFFERED AT HEBRON LANDSCAPE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Decorative Rock Boulders Natural Stone Concrete Pavers Retaining Wall Systems Aggregate & Sand Outdoor Lighting Wood Mulch Soil Fabric Bullet Or Metal Edging Fountain Kits Hardscape Kits Outdoor Fireplaces Plants

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DIY Program?


ebron Landscaping is here to supply the best possible landscaping experience for the do-it-yourselfer or contractor. Either way, Hebron Landscaping has one big goal in mind: saving you money.

Upon completing that, contact your local Hebron store to get quotes, ask questions and prepare for your project.

So how do you start with Hebron Landscaping? The answer is actually rather unique. Hebron Landscaping has created a specialized packet for you to fill out before fully committing to their services. That way, you can see what Hebron has to offer and you can visualize your landscaping project before committing to it.


The steps to get started are really simple.

Do-It-Yourself landscaping keeps costs down, but bigger projects would benefit from hiring a professional installer. Hebron can give you a quote for materials and a quote for installation to help make a decision that fits your budget.

1. Pick up a design packet (example pictured) at your local Hebron Brick Supply Store and talk with one of their experts. 2. In the design packet, draw your home and lot on the grid. Indicate various features of your property on the page and supply photos.

Here are some things to keep in mind when talking with Hebron and eventually filling out your packet:

Not only is landscaping a great way to promote family time and a healthy lifestyle, but landscaping is an investment that will increase its value over time. 2. WHAT WILL IT COST

3. WHAT ARE MY GOALS? Defining your goals for a landscaping project can help you prioritize what needs to be done and the order in which you'd like those tasks done.

4. CAN I DO IT IN PHASES? Completing a project in phases can help save you money. Once you create a plan in the packet, Hebron can suggest if the project would be more cost-effective in phases. 5. WE HAVE A NEW HOME AND LANDSCAPE, CAN WE 'PERSONALIZE' IT AND IMPROVE ITS FUNCTIONALITY? A designer can help identify your goals and will help you make your landscaping project feel like 'home'. 6. GETTING STARTED Follow the steps within the packet and start collecting measurements, information and photos. The more accurate information, the better. Learn more at or call 701-232-0781. Hebron Supply 2300 Main Avenue Fargo, ND 58103



PHOTOS BY Josiah Kopp

For this first time in Spotlight's history, we are creating a special FACES of Fargo issue. This magazine will feature local businesses and why they are the "face" of their respective industry. In creating that edition, we discovered an opportunity. We have been privileged enough to work with some great clients that can also help you with your home! Whether it is cabinets, windows or custom home builds, we asked these experts to give you their best pieces of advice. Check out FACES Of Fargo coming soon!


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Bill Tweten, Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer (CMKBD), Western Products WESTERN PRODUCTS: FACE OF WINDOWS BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? As a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer, my role is a combination of architect, interior designer, appliance specialist, space planner and organizer—all rolled into one. I use my 30 years of experience to help customers navigate through all of these aspects of the process. In the end, I make sure they get exactly what they had envisioned. I also help clients stay within their budget, which for us, just got a lot easier. Recently, we announced that we are bringing in another, more affordable cabinet line called—Showplace Cabinetry—a familiar brand in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

My Advice: A lot of people have misconceptions about working with a professional. They assume it's going to be really expensive. In reality, working with a professional typically ends up saving clients a lot of money. My advice is to put your trust in a true professional. I have seen just about every cabinetry mistake imaginable. That kind of experience can help you avoid costly choices and design mistakes you'll regret later. Ultimately, the right designer will streamline the process and tailor the design to match your needs, as well as your family’s needs. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? I still love the advice given to me by my boss during my first design position,

PHOTO BY J. Alan Paul Photography

after I had graduated from college. He said, "Do what you do best, and hire the rest!"


I think this applies to so many things in life, but especially to large home projects like cabinetry. If you are not a professional in that area, please hire someone who is.

I’m almost certain the cabinet team at Western Products (consisting of our project manager, CAD specialist, expert installation carpenter, and myself) is the most experienced cabinet team in the area. We have worked together since 1997! We're also always on the lookout for quality cabinet lines that will cater to a wide variety of budgets. That's why it's so exciting to bring Showplace Cabinetry into our portfolio. Now, we'll be able to offer a more affordable semi-custom line in addition to our fine custom line by Crystal Cabinet Works!

So many people try tackling projects without the right level of expertise, or the right tools. This can get very costly, especially if you need to hire someone to fix the mess that's already been started. It's tempting, I know. It's also good to remind yourself that even though that famous YouTuber made it look easy, doesn't mean it is. That person has most likely had years of practice to perfect that particular skill. As I said before, do what you do best, and hire the rest!


Jan Bailly, Hunter Douglas Design Consultant, Western Products WESTERN PRODUCTS: FACE OF WINDOWS BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? Know what your project goals are and have a budget. Review the resources available to you locally and decide if they can meet your needs. Also, find an experienced consultant who will enhance your ideas, and in many cases, expand upon them with alternative options.


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any project. Stay up to date with the industry you’re involved with. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD?


I have the backing of Western Products, a family-owned company that prides itself on delivering the best in customer service and products. For this reason, I chose to carry Hunter Douglas exclusively. They are well known and trusted for their extensive line of window treatment styles, well-engineered hardware and fabric options for light diffusing or room darkening properties.

Listen to the client intently and relay back to them your understanding of their goals. This is the best way to achieve the desired outcome of

I’m also excited to introduce the newest addition to Hunter Douglas— custom-made drapery and decorative drapery rods through their Design

Studio™. This line is centered on a curated collection of fabrics, including eight hand-selected designs from New York designer Rebecca Atwood. The other part of this line includes performance fabrics, luxe basics, jacquards, artisanal embroideries and luminous sheers.

About Western Products The philosophy of Western Products is shaped by an intense commitment to quality and complete customer satisfaction. Western Products 474 45th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 701.293.5310

Jackson Strom, Strom Architecture STR OM ARCHITECTURE: FACE OF RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? Visit our social media and website to review our work and process. If you're interested in learning more, we'd love to discuss your project during a complimentary meeting. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Take care of the work, and the work will take care of you.

WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD? We continuously refine our three-step design process, ensuring our services are understood, and our fee is known on day one. Our goal is to remove the guesswork from the profession.

About Strom Architecture Strom Architecture is a full-service architecture firm that was founded on the commitment to service,

value, and design. We feel that great relationships build great projects, and strive to establish a relationship that is built on trust and respect. We are based in Fargo and focus on the design and interiors of custom residential architecture. Strom Architecture 530 Oak Ridge Way E Suite #4 West Fargo, ND 58078 701.446.6347

American Waterworks AMERICAN WATERWORKS: FACE OF FOUNDATION REPAIR & BASEMENT WATERPROOFING BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? Make sure you choose the right contractor for your home repair project A. Warranties: When looking for the right company, you want to make sure that the systems you choose are under warranty. If a malfunction happens, it is helpful to know what you will or will not be paying for. B. Experience and Training: When choosing which contractor to go with, it is important to research their experience with the services they provide. You can do this by looking through their website, searching before and after photos, customer reviews, etc. As for training, professional contractors will find ways to educate their employees, whether it is sending them to training, having weekly meetings, and sharing goals and values. C. Customer Reviews: While searching for a contractor, it is key to read reviews about the company, whether they are one-star or fivestar reviews. What you read and hear about will give you an idea of the company’s overall performance.

D. Service Calls/Annual Maintenance: Choosing a contractor that can address your concerns, answer your questions, and educate you on your system is the type of company that you want to make business with. E. Licensing: It is important to know that the contractor you want to hire has met the state requirements for contractors. If you were to sell your home, work completed by an unlicensed contractor does not go through in a real estate transaction. F: Insurance: Choose a contractor that has an insurance policy that does not only protect them but also defends you as the homeowner from any responsibility of injury that takes place on your property. G: Site Inspections: Working with a contractor who provides in-person site inspections is much more reliable than a phone call, e-mail, etc., especially if measurements are needed. Having an expert view of a problem will typically lead to the proper solution. H: Communication: The level of communication you receive with a contractor at the very beginning is what you should expect through the entire process. Effective and

consistent communication is one of the most important success factors. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Ask questions, and ask them often: 1.Employees who grow over time typically work in an environment that encourages growth in the first place, and that growth can only occur through learning, experiences, and asking questions. 2. A huge part of leadership is showing that you take pride in learning. Asking questions results in talking through ideas, collaborating with other team members, and improving by paying attention to on-hand training or visual examples. 3. Ask for direct feedback when asking a question. If you are wrong,

it is important to know the correct answer. Pretending that you know the right answer will only create failure for you, your department, or even your company. 4. Every question you ask is a learning opportunity. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD? We’ve been in the business for over 31 years and have helped over 30,000 customers. From the initial point of contact to completing a project, customer service is our top priority. We genuinely want to help homeowners and give them back their peace of mind. We also have a great warranty program on all of our services that can be transferred to new homeowners if they decide to move, and a dedicated service team to help maintain our systems. We also offer multiple financing options for

those that are interested. We stick out amongst the rest in our field because it is our mission to improve the lives of our customers, team, and community through education and delivering a trusted solution. We are a Basement Systems, Supportworks and CleanSpace dealers, which are all trusted nationwide contractor brands. Basement Systems is the world’s biggest group of contractors that specialize in waterproofing and crawl space construction. These networks equip our team with the best products and training available in our industry, which then allows us to provide the best solutions and the best service for our customers.

you need an expert to ensure the damage is reversed and prevented from occurring in the future. American Waterworks has several decades of experience in the basement waterproofing and foundation repair industries, and we know the best tools and techniques to see your home through its troubles. American Waterworks 4119 14th Ave N Fargo, ND 58102 701-809-5219

About American Waterworks When it comes to water in your basement or a faulty foundation, 69

Design Direction FACE OF INTERIOR DESIGN A ND WINDOW COVERINGS BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? Christina Mehl (Interior Designer): Have a budget in mind and don’t be afraid to share it. Telling your designer what you are willing to spend on the project upfront will save you from being shown either a design or products that you fall in love with but are out of your price. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Sylvia Lunski (Owner): As a business owner, I feel one of the most valuable pieces of information has been to determine what it is that you do


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best and love doing. Admit the areas in which you are not strong. Then surround yourself with people who excel in your weaker areas, by hiring the right people, out-sourcing, or creating a peer group to fill the gaps. Allow yourself to accept that you can’t do it all.

showroom features many of the products we sell such as wood, vinyl and engineered flooring, tile, window treatments, rugs and furniture.


At Design Direction, we start out with a creative session getting to know you, your vision, and requirements before planning your project. It’s important to us that your home or office reflects your needs and lifestyles. Every client is different, and we embrace that.

Delrae Schefter (Interior Designer): Design Direction stands out in the field of Interior Design because of the collective years of experience that our team offers along with the collaborative planning and attention to detail that we have working on projects. Having a showroom displayed with many items that we can supply sets us apart too. Our

About Design Direction

Our background in working with contractors, builders, and architects allows us to work alongside the other professionals during the building process, ensuring your project will be completed efficiently. Along with

design services we sell products for floor coverings, window coverings, countertops, and lighting. Design Direction 3211 Fiechtner Dr, Ste 1 Fargo 58103 701.365.4040

Duane Ohm, Precision Fence PRECISION FENCE: FACE OF FENCING BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? My best advice to someone interested in putting in a fence would be “Get informed!” You should be asking these questions: Do they have a storefront? Do they use quality materials? Do they offer specifications about their products? Is a warranty offered? You should familiarize yourself with available styles. Do your research. When properly informed, you will be able to pick the best fence for the best money. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


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FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? The best advice I have received would be, “Don’t cut corners. Go above expectations. and always use quality materials." Precision Fence is a member of the American Fence Association. Through the AFA, we are able to learn about new products, tools and techniques. We also are able to send our employees to schools to improve their skills. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD? One of the items that make Precision Fence stand out is we have one of the largest inventories in the area. This allows us to manufacture each job

specifically. We have the tools such as routers and hand tools that help us prepare materials to be installed and during the installation. This spring we will be adding a chainlink weaving machine so that we may increase our available chainlink inventory to assist in supplying other contractors.

About Precision Fence With over 20 years of experience in fence contracting, we provide workmanship for the residential and commercial markets. Precision Fence 643 5th St Ct NW West Fargo, ND 58078 701.478.3711

Stenerson Lumber FACE OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND LUMBER BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? The best piece of advice we have is to start talking to experts in the early stages of planning your project. Not all materials that are searched on the internet are readily available in our area or are appropriate for our climate. There are some high-performing, lower-cost, locally-sourced alternative products that will not show up first on internet searches. Whether you've got a new build, remodel, deck, addition, or repair, it is best to bring your ideas to experts in the field (contractors, designers, and material sales) so that they are able to provide advice on the best products and construction methods for your application. Start with the end in mind

and tell everyone about your vision of the finished project; be open to ideas the experts will share with you. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Follow through and be accountable. Simply put, do what you say you'll do. Reliability and dependability are foundational building blocks to forming relationships. Without that trust, relationships can't grow. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD? There are a few things that set us apart (outside of our 132-year history). First, we offer full service at no additional charge. Each project purchase comes

with free design, expert advice, and free local delivery. Second, we are flexible in meeting times and locations. We can meet with you at your convenience in our well-stocked product showroom, remotely, or at the location of your choosing. We'll even come to you and help you measure! Third, our customers enjoy our attention to detail and our ability to procure unique items that are different from their neighbors'. It gives us a great sense of pride to see our customers showcase their personalities in their homes, businesses, and personal spaces.

About Stenerson Lumber Our commitment to quality materials and top-notch customer service have been important since Day One. We are

proud of our rich history of building in our communities, serving local families, and lending a hand to charitable organizations. We have been committed to Business on the Level since 1889. We have specialists that plan and design homes, kitchens, baths, decks, commercial buildings, and much more! While sticking to a customer’s budget, we are happy to assist contractors and remodelers with securing the right product for the job. We’ll even come and do the measuring! Stenerson Lumber 1702 1st Avenue North Moorhead, MN 56560 218.233.3437


Steve Olson, Olson Pools And Spas FACE OF POOL AND SPAS BASED ON YOUR DISCIPLINE/LINE OF WORK, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR THOSE CURIOUS OR INTERESTED IN YOUR SERVICES/DISCIPLINE? Do not wait! All to often we hear from customers that they wished they would have had us help them create their backyard paradise years earlier to enjoy with their children, grandchildren, spouse, family and friends. FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIEW, WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Understand that failure is inevitable, so do not let it scare you. Instead, it is how you adapt and adjust from this failure to help better serve your customers and community in the future.


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WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ALLOWS YOUR BUSINESS TO STICK OUT AMONGST THE REST IN YOUR FIELD? One thing that makes our pool and spa company stand out from others is the owners are active in all parts of the company. ( Store, service and the installation) Customer satisfaction is a goal we as a company always strive for.

About Olson Pools And Spas Olson Pools & Spas has been in business for over 40 years serving the Red River Valley and Minnesota Lakes Area. Olson Pools & Spas provides installation services for inground pools and sells above-ground pools. Additionally, Olson Pools & Spas sells and services hot tubs and saunas.

Olson Pools & Spas carries a complete line of chemicals and accessories for your pool & spa. Olson Pools & Spas services all makes of spas, hot tubs, and pools. Additionally, Olson Pools & Spas also offers weekly maintenance to inground and above-ground pools, spas & hot tubs. Olson Pool & Spas 1110 Hobart St. Hawley, MN 56549 218.483.3541

PODCASTS Need some inspiration for your next home project? Listen in to these resourceful home podcasts.

Ask This Old House Insulating Your Attic

- 3:13


THE COZY MINIMALISM PODCAST A podcast that helps guide you along this path towards minimalism and creating a beautiful home that supports and nurtures you. Using intentional home styling using what you already own and love; We help you create a truly unique space that becomes your place to relax, unwind and recharge. Your home becomes a source of blessings rather than burdens.


DESIGN & LIVING | A P R I L / M AY 2 0 2 1

- 8:24


Hosted by This Old House Editor Chris Ermides, you'll hear from home enthusiasts around the country, who ask questions about the toughest projects in their homes. Learn from trusted This Old House experts, including Tom Silva, Richard Trethewey, Jenn Nawada, Heath Eastman, Charlie Silva, Ross Trethewey, Mauro Henrique, and Mark McCullough, who share tips and tricks to help listeners tackle their home improvement projects with confidence.

The Cozy Minimalism Podcast Small Bathroom Solutions

Love Your Home Lighting Solutions for Your Kitchen

Love Your Home is a podcast about renovating and maintaining your home! You will learn from the experts at Multi-Trade Building Services. We will discuss the keys to successfully renovate your home, reducing your stress levels during the process.

The Millennial Homemakers - 1:40

Interior Decorating, Hostessing, Homemaking & Lifestyle Tips

- 7:05

THE MILLENNIAL HOMEMAKERS™: INTERIOR DECORATING, HOSTESSING, HOMEMAKING, & LIFESTYLE TIPS Join Jackie Alexander & Jaclyn Humble as they discuss homemaking for millennials. Millennial Homemakers is your resource for all things home, hostessing, DIYs & more. Tips & takeaways to achieve your Pinterest perfect home on a entry-level budget!

In The Garden Maximize Your Garden

- 22:03

Talking Home Renovations Tik Tok Architect



In the Garden with Keith Ramsey is a podcast aimed at helping you grow and maintain a beautiful and healthy garden and landscape.

Are you planning a home renovation and worried that you don’t know what you are doing? Talking Home Renovations with the House Maven is an educational and entertaining podcast that will ease your fears. Join architect Katharine MacPhail as she interviews contractors, vendors, other architects and homeowners and gathers tips and cautionary tales about home renovations. Learn about materials, what to expect, what to avoid and how to make the most of the money that you will spend on your renovation.

Housesmarts Radio With Lou Manfredini

Grow It, Minnesota - 2:40


THE MODERN HOMEMAKER Discussing all things home; from cooking to decorating and everything in between.

Growing Summer Bulbs With Mike Heger

- 21:25


By showing people how various systems and components in a house rely on each other and instilling a greater understanding of a house as a “whole,” Lou Manfredini thought everyone could have greater success in their home improvement and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects.

The Modern Homemaker Tips On Managing Your Budget

- 8:04

Learn how to grow vegetables, fruit, flowers and more in a coldclimate. Long-time garden writer and blogger Mary Schier of interviews expert northern gardeners on growing techniques, how-to and garden design.

Affordable Interior Design - 5:38

Hope For Hallways!

- 18:05

AFFORDABLE INTERIOR DESIGN Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know and with answers to your burning design questions.


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