The Window - October 2020

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM | OCTOBER 2020

What’s Inside Page 02 Adult Ministry

Page 04 Organ

Page 05 Singing During Tough Times

Page 06 Our Life Together




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

”IT AIN’T NECESSARILY SO!” When I was in seminary, my very first class was an introduction to Theology class taught by Dr. Walker. Dr. Walker would lead us through an exploration of various theologians throughout the centuries SENIOR PASTOR that have influenced our Todd Salzwedel understanding of our encounters with God. For many of us, it was the first time we read the thoughts of some of the great minds that shaped how we understand God, the church, and our relationship with one another. Class discussions would become lively as new ideas and understanding were emerging for all of us. And just as soon as it appeared many of us were growing in confidence of our own theological prowess, Dr. Walker spoke four simple words that still give me pause… “it ain’t necessarily so!” Over the years, I’ve attended countless conferences, read hundreds of books, and had countless conversations centered on best practices for the church and how she carries out her mission. The presentations have been compelling and the passion for the subject evident, and still, Dr. Walker’s voice somehow echoed in the back of my mind…” it ain’t necessarily so!” While I didn’t appreciate fully Dr. Walker’s words at the time, I have come to understand the profound wisdom he was offering for our class, for our calling, and for life. Sometimes, the work that we undertake as a church becomes so ingrained in us that it

never occurs to us to question whether we are fulfilling what we set out for in the first place. Often, our tactics are in direct opposition to our values or mission. And frequently, we simply have not allowed our curiosity to flow into certain areas of our lives. In the life of the church, my curiosity has often steered me to think long about stewardship – specifically what we both mean by the term and how to live that out personally and corporately. Too often, our definition is limited to refer solely to finances. While this is definitely an area of focus, it’s limiting all that God has asked of us and wants to bless us with! In fact, we can inadvertently present stewardship as the ultimate goal of our walk with God. I disagree with this train of thought, opting instead to understand stewardship as just one facet of our discipleship. If, in fact, I’m correct about this, there are then implications for how we operate and demonstrate this truth as the church. During the month of October, we will explore an expanded and fresh look at stewardship in a variety of areas in our life as simply a part of our discipleship. We will seek to recognize the movement of God in our midst; to respond in all facets of our lives; to make God the focus of all that we do; and rely on the Spirit of God to guide our church in modeling faith. And just in case you think this might look like what we have done in the past, let me remind you of the wisdom of my old theology professor…”it ain’t necessarily so!” Grace and Peace! Pastor Todd Salzwedel October 2020 | The Window


Dear Church Family, I am pleased and excited to announce that Sandra Richter is still scheduled to preview her new study on the Book of Psalms November 21-22. If you have already registered, you will receive a phone call or email confirming your availability to attend. If you have not yet registered, please contact Gloria at or visit In preparation for her visit, Mary Francis Baucum created a 40-day reading plan that can be found at Reading the Psalms is a wonderful way to spend your fall and will allow Sandra’s teaching to impact you more deeply and so I invite you all to begin the reading plan. I’d love to hear your insights! Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care

Soli Deo Gloria, Shera



Encouraging women through wit, authenticity and biblical wisdom.

Save the Date January 16, 2021


Lisa is the author of twelve books including A Perfect Mess: Why You Don’t Have To Worry About Being Good Enough For God and her latest, Believing Jesus: Are You Willing To Risk Everything?. She also has three best-selling video-based Bible study curriculums with LifeWay: Malachi: A Love That Never Lets Go; Hebrews: The Nearness of King Jesus; Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For; and The Sacrament of Happy.


October 2020 | The Window

Missions & Outreach Ways to Serve HOODIES FOR BAYLESS


As the weather begins to change toward fall, we want to remember the students and families at Bayless and bless them with new hoodies. Hoodies are perfect for the West Texas fall, and as we all know, children outgrow and wear out their clothes from year to year. Please consider purchasing new hoodies, sizes youth small all the way through adult large as we try to share the love of Christ through the gift of warmth to these children and their families.

Second Helpings is always serving meals to our neighbors. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at lunch if you are interested in serving in this way contact Sara Lattimore, or Nancy Edwards,

A collection box will be at the front desk throughout October. We will deliver the hoodies to Bayless on October 28.


Sign up to be included in our emails for upcoming Mission Trips. As travel becomes more possible, we will be planning Mission Trips with some of our partners. Add your email to the list to get the details as soon as we have them. This is not a commitment to participate, but a way to stay in the loop. fumc. com/global-outreach On the horizon: Alaska - June 2021

Be on the lookout for a church-wide packing day.

Loving My Actual Neighbor by Alexandra Kuykendall Book Study – Wednesdays, September 30-November 4, 6-7 p.m. at First LBK, room TBD. Sign up online at or email Sara Lattimore for more details, Purchase the book at your favorite bookstore.

PRAYERS FOR BAYLESS Sign up to be paired up with a Bayless Elementary Teacher to offer your support through prayer and notes of encouragement. To participate contact Sara Lattimore, or Leslie Moss,

Mondays 6:00-7:30 Lattimore House Contact Sara Lattimore slattimore@fumc. com for more information


Take your family or join some of your church family in packing snack packs with Food2Kids. Sign up with Food2Kids directly, Food2Kids 2020 - 2021 Calendar at

The warehouse is located at: South Plains Food2Kids - 12516 Chicago Ave.

Build community with families that desire to serve, grow, learn, and love others together.


COMING UP November 14 Community Thanksgiving we are working on how to carry out this outreach within the current COVID restrictions. More details coming soon. December Mission Offering Month Food Bank Food Boxes Food Bank Work Day Sign up for our annual Christmas Box Distribution with the South Plains Food Bank on December 19. — Sara Lattimore, Director of Missions & Outreach

FAMILIES IN MISSION (Small Group) Something new this fall! A small group for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages.

October 2020 | The Window


“The organ is in truth the grandest, the most daring, the most magnificent of all instruments invented by human genius.” You might remember in last month’s article about singing during tough times that there is a science in our innate ability and desire to sing; not only when things are going great in our lives, but also when things aren’t going so well. Singing promotes good health, uplifts the spirit, our brains are wired for it, and can help us make the world better. It can be easy to forget the power of song in our lives, and it might even easier to forget how important it is to unite ourselves through song.

Létourneau Opus 135

One incredible way we will unite our voices is with the completion of the new Chancel Organ in the Sanctuary very soon! As work on voicing and tuning the 4,200+ pipes continues through October, there is a day in sight when its many sounds will fill the entire campus with accompaniment for singing. Lots of work has been completed already, and some ranks of pipes are sounding, but many more need adjusted to fit our worship space. Both the Chancel and Antiphonal organs are speaking to each other, and you might just be hearing and singing along with some of these new pipes in worship soon! In a sense, our unity will be displayed through the songs we sing with these pipes. I’m reminded of the story in Scripture from 2 Chronicles, chapter 7 when King Solomon and the Israelites are dedicating the temple when “fire came down from heaven… and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.” The singing and the instrumental accompaniment had reached such a peak that the people could no longer stand – they got weak in the knees! The Scripture says that they “united their voices and sang ‘for He is good; His mercy endures forever!’” Can you imagine the sound that must have taken place that day? The power of God was there with His people and is also with us today as we sing the same song. No doubt, when the 4,200+ pipes are sounding in full chorus, our music might just reach a similar peak, because we should “be no more afraid of our voice now, nor more ashamed of it being heard… and above all, [we should] sing spiritually.” The French novelist and playwright, Honoré de Balzac, once entered a cathedral in France (which cathedral is unknown) and heard the pipe organ playing. He was so moved by the grandeur of the cathedral and the sound of the organ he began to pen the narrative below about singing and the organ. I invite you to read through his narrative and remember these words as we, very soon, 4

October 2020 | The Window

will be uniting our voices with the “grandest, the most daring, and the most magnificent of all instruments.” “The organ is a whole orchestra in itself. It can express anything in response to a skilled touch. Surely, it is some sort of pedestal upon which the soul poises for a flight forth into space, essaying on her course to draw picture after picture in an endless series, to paint human life, to cross the infinite that separates heaven from earth. In addition, the longer a dreamer listens to those giant harmonies, the better he realizes that nothing on earth save this hundred-voiced choir can fill all the space between the kneeling of men and God hidden by the blinding light of the Sanctuary. The music is the one interpreter strong enough to bear up the prayers of humanity to heaven, prayer in its omnipotent moods, prayer tinged by the melancholy of many different natures, colored by meditative ecstasy, upspringing with the impulse of repentance, blended with the myriad fancies of every creed. Yes, in those long-vaulted aisles the melodies inspired by the senses of things divine are blended with a grandeur unknown before, are decked with new glory and might. Out of the dim daylight, and the deep silence is broken by the chanting of the choir in response to the thunder of the organ, a veil is woven for God, and the brightness of His attributes shines through it.” +Soli Deo Gloria+ Matt Johnston Organist and Assistant Director of Traditional Music


COVID spurred some creativity and innovation within First Youth. We saw a need to create an opportunity for students who joined FirstLBK and First Youth later than 6th & 7th grade. This fall, First Youth launched a hybrid learning opportunity for older students to learn more about the Methodist church, in addition to deepening their faith to later be confirmed.

6:45-8:00 P.M. First LBK Church | Wesley Room

HIGH SCHOOL October 14 | October 28 6:45-8:00 P.M. FirstLBK Church | Wesley Room

SKI TRIP INFO MEETING October 4 | 12:15 p.m. | Wesley Room High school students & families! if you are interested in the ski trip this year, please attend this meeting.

October 2020 | The Window


Our Life Together – September 2020 BIRTHS Congratulations to John and Courtney Norton on the birth of their son, John “Jack” Lyle Norton born Thursday August 6. Congratulations to Clayton and Calley Brake, son and daughter-in-law of Shelby and Holly Brake. Clayton and Calley welcomed a daughter, Navy Jane Brake. Navy was born July 17. NEW MEMBERS Congratulations to Casside Street on joining First Lubbock August 30 by Reverend Bailey Barkley in the 9:30 Contemporary service. Casside is transferring from Kress UMC. Congratulations to Sue St. Clair on joining First Lubbock September 6, by Pastor Todd Salzwedel in the 11:00 Traditional service. Sue is transferring from Lakeridge UMC. Congratulations to Jeri Strange on joining First Lubbock September 6, by Pastor Todd Salzwedel. She is transferring from Boston Ave. UMC in Tulsa, OK.


October 2020 | The Window

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to Doug and Sherry Saffle on the death of Doug’s father, Rex David Saffle. Rex passed away August 15. A graveside service was held August 21, at Resthaven Cemetery. Rex was a member of Second Baptist Church. Sympathies to John and Carolyn Simpson on the death of John’s father, John Elzie Simpson, Jr. John passed away August 30. A small memorial service was held September 12 at Sanders Funeral Home. John and Carolyn have been members of First Lubbock since November 5, 1978. Sympathies to the Humphries family on the death of Harold E. Humphries. Harold passed away August 31. A memorial service was held September 3, at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. A private burial was at Resthaven Memorial Park. Harold was a part of the Friendship Sunday School class and a member of First Lubbock since April 4, 1926. Harold was 106 years old. Sympathies to the McMillan family on the death of William Garrett McMillan. Bill passed away September 3. Funeral services were held September 5 in the sanctuary officiated by Rev. Marisue

Smith. A small reception followed in the parlor and then a graveside memorial was held at Lubbock Cemetery. Bill was a member of the HI Robinson Sunday School, Friends of Music, and a member of First Lubbock since February 6, 1938. Bill was 93 years old. Sympathies to the Pruss family on the death of Donna’s father, Elbert Hadley Phillips. Hadley passed away September 6. A memorial service for family only was held September 12 at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. Hadley had been a member of First Lubbock since January 9, 2005. Sympathies to the Pruss family on the death of Dennis’s mother, Betty Suelick. Betty passed away September 15. She resided in Sheridan, Wyoming. A memorial service will be held in the summer of 2021. Sympathies to Betty Carr and family on the death of Dr. Robert Carr. Robert passed away September 19, 2020. A memorial service was held September 25 in the sanctuary officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson. Robert had been a member of the Homebuilders Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since February 12, 1933. Robert was 95 years old.

Memorials & Honorariums – September 15, 2020 ARCHIVES MINISTRY A contribution in honor of Archives by John White

In memory of Bill McMillan by Alyssa Barnes

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY In honor of Tessa Armes by John White

In memory of Bill McMillan by Larry and Sue Hess

In memory of E. Hadley Phillips by Kent and Susie Hance In memory of E. Hadley Phillips by Lubbock Country Club

In memory of Becky Cooke Davis by Gary and Virginia Evitt In memory of Bill McMillan by Gary and Diane Gillit In memory of Bill McMillan by Ann Leake

In memory of E. Hadley Phillips by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of Bill McMillan by Shelah Lile and John and Shavonne Lile Fogg

In memory of Dee Craig by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Bill McMillan by Robert Snell

In memory of E. Hadley Phillips by the McCammond family

FRIENDS OF MUSIC In memory of Ed Smith and Monta Jean Smitherman by Baird and Glenda Helfrich

In memory of E. Hadley Phillips by Stevan and Sheree Coleman EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of Ed Smith by Horace Mitchell

In memory of Bill McMillan by David and Harriet Bush

In memory of Bill McMillan by Jim and Wanda White In memory of Bill McMillan by John White

In memory of Ed Smith, Dee Craig, and Erik Richards by Jere and Marisue Smith

In memory of Bill McMillan by Quentin and Sue Hancock

In memory of Lorine Daniel by Dr. Jan Garverick

In memory of John Elzie Simpson, Jr. by Scott and Cathy Porter

GORDON MCMILLAN CONSOLE FUND In memory of Ed Smith by Mary Cato

In memory of Ed Smith by Patsie Ross

MEMORIAL FUND In memory of John Elzie Simpson, Jr. by Mike and Marilyn Riley

In memory of Bill McMillan by Alan and Susan Leach In memory of Bill McMillan by Dan and Jane Sykes In memory of JoAnn Knight by Bob and Dana Craig and Alan and Ruthanne Davidson

In memory of Pat Thomas by Mike and Jayne Field

MISSIONS MINISTRY In honor of Dr. Shera Atkinson by Steve and Liane Locke

In memory of Ed Smith by Bob and Dana Craig

MUSIC MINISTRY In memory of Ed Smith by Tom and Carolyn Neal

In memory of Bill McMillan by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Bill McMillan by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of John Elzie Simpson, Jr. by Bob and Dana Craig In memory of Bill McMillan by John and Cathy Howard

In honor of Eric and Marta Thornton on their marriage August 22, 2020 by Marcia Evans

In memory of Ed Smith, Bill McMillan, Dee Craig, and Erik Richards by Dwayne and Beverly West

ORGAN FUND In memory of Harold E. Humphries by John and Ginger Jones

In memory of Bill McMillan by Mike and Sharon Bennett

SECOND HELPINGS In memory of Ed Smith by Don and Nell Furgeson

In memory of Bill McMillan by Clay Williams and David Groff In memory of Bill McMillan by Jerry and Ann Casstevens

October 2020 | The Window




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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 8

October 2020 | The Window

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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