The Window - March 2021

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM | MARCH 2021

What’s Inside Page 02 Discipleship - The Sabbath

Page 03 Missions

Page 04 UMCOR

Page 06 Memorials & Honorariums




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

THE SEASON OF LENT Have you ever felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders? Maybe felt like everywhere you turned, there was another obstacle in your way threatening to derail you from what you intended or wanted SENIOR PASTOR to do? If you haven’t Todd Salzwedel had at least some sense of that this past year, all of us would like to talk with you! Nevertheless, as people of faith, we are reminded that God is with us in the midst of whatever storms we might encounter. At this time of year, we also find ourselves in the midst of the Lenten Season here at First Lubbock and across the world. I’ve confessed many times how much I have come to appreciate and need this time of the year in my own spiritual journey. This period helps me to reflect on those areas of my life in which I have strayed from where I want to be and, more importantly, where I believe God wants me to be. Lent allows me the opportunity to pay special attention to the circumstance others find themselves in. I consider how the actions of individuals, groups of people, and institutions have contributed to distorted views of God, faith, and the influence of the church in the world. Intimately, it causes me to assess my own relationships

with others and with God. Unfortunately, for some people, Lent becomes a morose period where we take account of all the things in our lives and the world around us that fail to measure up to our understanding of God’s will. If that is all that Lent encompasses for us, we are failing to recognize the transformative nature of this holy time. When early converts to the faith, or those seeking to be reunited with the Body of Christ, entered this period of the year, they did so with the full knowledge of the celebration that is the realized at the culmination of Holy Week… Easter! It is for that reason that every Sunday during Lent is not counted in the forty days of Lent. Each Sunday is a reminder to us that the power and grace of God far surpass the areas of our life and world that at times mar our relationships. It is this same power that gives us the hope of resurrection when we celebrate the life of a loved one, that helps us to carry on when we feel overburdened with the anxieties of life, and that empowers us grow into the people God created us to be individually and collectively. One of the amazing wonders of our faith is that we are able to look back and witness the movement of God amid our own history. Our human tendency is to get caught up in self-judgement and feelings of inadequacy in the eyes of God. That can apply to the groups and affiliations in our lives as well. Sometimes we counter (continued on page March 2021 | The Window 1 2)

The Word of the Year: Discipleship Perhaps you have noticed that most of the newsletters I write to you are on the topic of discipleship. There is nothing more important than being a disciple… one who follows the teaching of Jesus and walks in relationship with Him. Often, when I write, I focus on a particular discipline and encourage you to practice. Shera Atkinson This month, you may be surprised Minister of Spiritual by the discipline chosen. I Formation and encourage you to begin to truly Congregational Care practice the discipline of Sabbath, of rest and of self-care! Consider, if you will, the first time in the Bible God called something holy was on the seventh day… the Sabbath… in which God rested! Did you know that in the Mishnah, the Rabbinic interpretation (continued from page 1) that by comparing ourselves to others and seeing how we measure up. But the goal of Lent is much more personal and prophetic – while we might be broken people at times, we are also people redeemed by Jesus Christ! And his work and story with us in not finished…it’s only just begun! As we sojourn together the through Lent, I pray that each of us help each other to focus our attention on God in anticipation of God’s mighty work in our


March2021 | The Window

lives and the world! I pray God will give us the hope to conquer the adversity we all face at times in our lives. And ultimately, I pray that we will acknowledge the presence of God in our lives with gratitude as we emerge from setback after setback, knowing that God – and each other – are with us every step of the way! I look forward to joining with each of you during this Holy Lenten season, and know that God will bless us each in our journey together! Pastor Todd

of the scriptures, the largest tractate is on Sabbath? Sabbath rest is a theme throughout the Bible. The word faith appears 247 times in scripture, love 310, joy 165. However, the word rest appears 411 times in scripture. It begins in Genesis and is seen throughout the rest of the story. James Bryan Smith writes, “The number one enemy of Christian formation is exhaustion”. When our bodies suffer from exhaustion, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and stress, our soul suffer as well. If you find it hard to practice the commonly understood spiritual disciplines such as prayer, study, service, worship and so on, spend a month practicing the discipline of rest, sleep, healthy diet and exercise. God gifts us with rest and steps to health! Your rest matters to God! Your rest sets you up for spiritual growth and intimate relationship with God. Soli Deo Gloria, Shera

Thursday Bible Study Begins March 11 9:30-11:30 Available via Zoom or in Person in CLC 106/107 Contact Gloria Ashby,


Wednesday Study Begins April 7 Noon Education Rm. 206 or via Zoom led by Shera Atkinson Contact Gloria Ashby

Missions & Outreach Ways to Serve LIVING MISSIONALY




Take your family or join some of your church family in packing snack packs with Food2Kids. Sign up with Food2Kids directly Food2Kids 2020 - 2021 Calendar go/10c084baaa622a4f85-food2kids

April Early Response Team (ERT) Training Day

FAMILY PROMISE Our church will partner with St. Luke’s for 2021 to provide meals for Family Promise. Since the pandemic, no volunteers are allowed to stay with the families and meals are delivered. To maintain safety protocols, Family Promise only has two families at a time in their program. Meals can be: · home cooked · ordered and delivered from a restaurant · or gift cards to restaurants can be given to FP staff I’m asking if your Sunday School class would be responsible for providing the meal five times during this year. You can cook or just use class funds to buy food. Again, volunteers are not needed to go and stay with the families. You would be responsible only for providing the food for one evening meal five times during the year. St. Luke’s needs help on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The scheduled weeks are in April, July, September, and November. As before, you would receive information about the families the week before so you would know how many people you would be feeding. If you think your class would like to help only once or twice instead of five times, that would be okay. Any help is appreciated. This is a good way for our church to resume a ministry that FUMC helped start in Lubbock over 20 years ago. Please let your class know about this opportunity and let me know if you’d like to be included. Thank you, Zoellen Fields Home 806-792-7913 Cell 806-787-4256

Be on the lookout for a church-wide packing day. The warehouse is located at: South Plains Food2Kids - 12516 Chicago Ave. GROWING MISSIONALLY MISSION STUDIES Roxanne Turnipseed visited FUMC during our Lubbock Snow Storm. We recorded her presentation about Tranquilidad while she was here. We don’t want you to miss this story! However, because she shares details about the children in their care, the link to her video will not be posted online but is available for classes and groups to watch. We will have past team members available to visit classes and share the video and engage your class in discussion. Please contact Sara Lattimore to find a time to learn about this mission and how FUMC has been involved over the years.

If you are interested in joining a small group of people to serve our neighbors in Orange TX please contact Sara Lattimore to put your name on the interest list for when a final date is set. April 24 Early Response Team (ERT) Training Day If you are interested in receiving training from the United Methodist Church to respond to disaster recovery please email Sara Lattimore at to find out how to sign up for this training that will be hosted at FUMC. May Helping Hands We are looking at dates in May 2021 for a work day on homes in need right here in Lubbock. Summer Mission Trips Possible trips depending on travel restrictions. Please contact Sara Lattimore if you are interested in joining a mission team this summer. June - Bahama Methodist Habitat July - Alaska

Join a Small Group in 2021!

Sara Lattimore Director of Missions & Outreach



Mondays 6:00-7:30 (Ongoing) Lattimore House A small group for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Build community with families that desire to serve, grow, learn, and love others together. Contact Sara Lattimore, slattimore@ for more information March 2021 | The Window


MONTHLY MISSIONS FOCUS UMCOR- DISASTER RESPONSE The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is focused on responding to crisis and disaster locally and globally. We also have a conference coordinator and committee that helps coordinate resources in response to disasters locally and regionally. There is training available for individuals who feel called to serve on a team responding early to disasters. In April, First LBK will host a training for those who are interested in being the hands and feet of Christ to those affected by disaster. As we saw right here in Texas, in February, disaster can come in many forms and the needs are great. Throughout the storm and recovery, the church has been present. First LBK was a part of coordinating with our Conference Coordinator to receive a trailer of hygiene kits from New Mexico to help the Salvation Army provide for the influx of people staying there to stay warm. In Lubbock alone – one night during the storm – the Salvation Army had 180 people and 17 dogs. There are many ways to help, and there are many needs to fill. When we coordinate together, we can be more effective and when we get training on how to respond, we can be prepared and ready to help as soon as the storm ends. Please pray for those who are serving in disaster areas and for those who have been impacted by disasters. May there be strength and healing. Please also pray about how God might be calling you to respond and serve the needs of others. Contact Sara Lattimore,

Let’s go to Camp Nova July 12-16 $335 per student


Register now through the Ceta Canyon website:







9:45 A.M.

March 10 6:45-8:00 P.M. | Wesley RM



5:30-7:30 P.M. | Wesley RM

March 3 | March 24 6:45-8:00 P.M. | Wesley RM



April 2 |11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.

SUNRISE SERVICE April 4 | 7:00 A.M.

SPRING 2021 MEAL SIGN-UPS We still need parents to volunteer to bring breakfast Sunday morning and dinner Sunday evenings for First Youth students. Sign-up links can be found on the Parents tab of the website:


first youth mission trip ‘21 7th-12th grade students

more information coming soon

Over Spring Break, First Youth is heading to East Texas to aid in disaster clean up. Please pray for our team of students and families, that they will have safe travel and that the Name of Jesus will be glorified through their work.

june 21-25 oklahoma city, ok registration begins april 5






May 16 Registration info will be sent out in late March.

June 21-25 Oklahoma City, OK Registration will begin April 4.

July 12-16 Registration is open now through Ceta Canyon website.

December More details coming later this year.



March2021 | The Window

A New Chapter for the Women of First LBK As of February 25, 2021, women of First United Methodist Church will have been involved in missionary service for 119 years. On that date in 1902, eleven women met with Pastor T. W. Sharp to organize the Women’s Home Missionary Society. Their first fund raiser was an oyster supper, and their first project was a pledge of $100 for the new church foundation. In the early days ladies in mission gave aid to projects in China and Arizona and around the world but often in providing curtains, serving pieces, hymnals, paint, and carpet for the local church. (A mattress for the parsonage was not to cost more than $3!) In 1940 a new society was formed – Women’s Society of Christian Service and in 1941 a Wesleyan Service Guild was organized to meet evenings for women in the work force. Mission work increased at home and abroad and spiritual growth and study became important. Ladies served regularly in the kitchen, hosting receptions, teas, and luncheons. In 1968 the Methodist Church merged with the United Evangelical Brethren and in 1973 the mission society became United Methodist Women (UMW). Mission ladies began to put away their aprons and 9x13s to be active with a FUMC neighborhood preschool, Family Promise, McCurdy School in New Mexico and Wesley Community Center in Amarillo (both Methodist missions) while still serving and giving to UMW

and many other concerns. By 1980 our local UMW had over 400 members and a giving budget of $10,600. United Methodist Women served with Vacation Bible School and Salvation Army, assembled and donated “flood buckets” and school bags and continued to be active in the NWTX Conference School of Mission and hosted many conference and district meetings and programs and stayed busy and generous in fellowship, study and service. In 1997 an endowment from Christine Flynn allowed our UMW to increase mission funding to international, national and local needs. In 2020 we continued our decades long support of a hospital in Mozambique with $1600 and gave $2000 from Christine Flynn Fund interest to UMCOR and local causes beyond UMW pledges and other support we care about. The UMW members of FUMC Lubbock celebrate the history and mission that we have participated in since 1902. The first missions of this organization were in education and medicine in India and China. That service is not so appropriate or available for us today and there are strong WSCS and UMW units in the Philippines, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Today the focus of national UMW is influencing government legislation and corporate policy through social action. Due to the increasing gap between the direction of the national organization and the desired direction of our local

group, and after conversation and consideration in our local unit, we decided in 2020 to disassociate from the national organization of UMW. As we move forward, we honor our heritage and we will still be in mission, studies on issues, spiritual growth and support within our membership. We will still care about and support the needs of women, children and youth locally and around the world and we will continue to support the missions of FUMC. This year we are deciding what we will become, presently taking back the former name, Women’s Society of Christian Service, but seeking guidance as we try to be relevant to the times and significant needs. We hope to meet on Monday, March 8. Pam Allison is part of the leadership team for WSCS and can answer any questions at 806-773-5651 or pam. We welcome all ladies to join with us in this journey. I am reminded of a song from that 1969 movie, Paint Your Wagon: Where are we goin’? I don’t know? When will we get there? I ain’t certain. All I know is we are on our way. Got a dream, girls. Got a song! Paint your wagon and come along! Martha Webster Women’s Society of Christian Service

April 4, 2021 • 9:55 K & under • 10:20 1st-5th


at First United Methodist Church, Lubbock


• E as

ter Egg Hunt •

Wear your Easter clothes, bring your baskets & join us for an egg hunt in Memorial Garden during Sunday school on Easter morning. Parents and grandparents are welcome to come!

Palm Sunday March 28

Maundy Thursday April 1

Good Friday April 2

Easter April 4

“We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and he will never die again. Death no longer has power over him.” — Romans 6:9

March 2021 | The Window


Memorials & Honorariums – February 2021 EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory Charles Prater by Bobbye Shaw

In memory of John Shropshire by Richard and Kellye Bouldin

In memory Lex Jameson by Bobbye Shaw

In memory of John Shropshire by Shropshire Agency

In memory Steve and Jeanette Meinecke by Bobbye Shaw

In honor of Owen Hamilton by Kay Hanna

In memory of Lex Jameson by Rick and Kathy Bradley

In honor of Linda Andersen by Kay Hanna

In memory of Lex Jameson by Inez McCaffree

In memory of Jim Lowder by Kay Hanna

In memory of Lex Jameson by James and Sarah Stebbins

In memory of Tom Craig by Kay Hanna

In memory of Dub Harris by Tom and Lindy Jones

In memory of Tam Gammill by Kay Hanna

In memory of Jim Lowder by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Lex Jameson by Kay Hanna

In memory of Mildred Mauldin by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Nel Luck by Kay Hanna

In memory of Chris White by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Catherine Royalty by Kay Hanna

In memory of Fred Baker by John White

In memory of Mildred Mauldin by Kay Hanna

In memory of Chris White by Jerry and Ann Casstevens

In memory of Joy Sparks by Kay Hanna

In memory of Jim Lowder by Pat Enloe

In memory of Chris White by Frank and Kathy Phillips

In memory of Jim Lowder and in honor of Betty Lowder by Patsie Ross Milosevich

In memory of Mildred Mauldin by Tom and Lindy Jones

In memory of Wyley and Mildred Mauldin by Ernest R. Walcher In memory of Lex Jameson by Patsie Ross Milosevich In memory of Lex Jameson by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of Dub Harris by Mike and Sharon Bennett

In memory of John Shropshire by Joe and Pam Murfee In memory of John Shropshire by Tommy and Carolyn Bartley In memory of Jim Lowder by Glenn and Lesley Robinson

In memory of John Shropshire by Gary and Carol Harber

FRIENDS OF MUSIC In memory of Fred Baker R.G. and Jo Webb

In memory of Bill McMillan, by Don and Robin Walker

In memory of Fred Baker by Fuston McCarty

In memory of George Morris by Don and Robin Walker

In memory of Charles Prater by Fuston McCarty

In memory of Billie Ruth McCarty by Don and Robin Walker

GENERAL FUND In memory of Dub Harris by McMillan Sunday School

In memory of Robert and JoAnn Knight by Don and Robin Walker In memory of Jimmie Mason by Don and Robin Walker

In memory of Tam Gammill by McMillan Sunday School

In memory of John Shropshire by Don and Robin Walker

MUSIC MINISTRY In memory of Dub Harris by Larry Hagood

In memory of Tom Craig by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Fred Baker by Mark and Myrna Grimson

In memory of Dub Harris by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Jim Lowder by Dick and Sue Tolley

In memory of Chris White by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Tom Craig by Dick and Sue Tolley

In memory of and Jim Lowder by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Fred Baker by Dick and Sue Tolley

In memory of Jim Lowder by Jim and Wanda White

In memory of Jim Lowder by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of Lex Jameson by Shelah Lile

In memory of Tam Gammill, by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of John Shropshire by Jerry and Ann Casstevens

In memory of Chris White by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of Joy Sparks by HI Robinson Sunday School

In memory of John Shropshire by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of Tam Gammill by Richard and Kellye Bouldin 6

March2021 | The Window

Memorials & Honorariums – February 2021 ORGAN FUND In memory of Charles Prater by Owen Hamilton

SECOND HELPINGS In memory of Chris White by Kris Rogge Fisher

In memory of Fred Baker by Owen Hamilton

In memory of Chris White by Brad and Rhonda Baccus

In memory of Bill McMillan by Owen Hamilton

In memory of Chris White by Marc and Terri Holder

In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by Owen Hamilton

WOMEN’S MINISTRY In memory of Tam Gammill by the Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study

In memory of Dub Harris by John and Ginger Jones PRAYER GARDEN In memory of Robert “Red” Tipps by Hannah Tipps and Shelby Cox

Our Life Together BAPTISM Congratulations to John and Courtney Norton on the baptism of their son, Jack Lyle. Jack was baptized February 21 in the 11 traditional service by Pastor Todd Salzwedel. Congratulations to Travis and Lauren Winston on the baptism of their daughter, Leighton Elizabeth. Leighton was baptized February 21 in the 11 traditional service by Pastor Todd Salzwedel. Leighton has two older siblings, Kennedy and Maddox. NEW MEMBERS Congratulations to Jeffrey Feagin on joining First Lubbock, February 21 in the Chapel service by Dr. Shera Atkinson. Congratulations to Ronnie and Dana Madison on joining First Lubbock February 28 in the 11 traditional service by Pastor Todd Salzwedel. Ronnie and Dana transferred from Lake Ridge UMC.

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to Janet Powell and family on the death of her mother, Mildred Mauldin. Mildred passed away January 27. A memorial service was held January 30 in the sanctuary. Rev. Bailey Barkley officiated. A private graveside service was held with the family. Mildred was a member of the Homebuilders Sunday School class and a member of First Lubbock since August 6, 2006. Her husband Wylie passed away in 2018. Sympathies to Marsha Craig and family on the death of her husband, Tom Craig III. Tom passed away January 28. He was a member of the Friends of Music, the HI Robinson Sunday School class, and a member of First Lubbock since December 7, 1975. Sympathies to Betty Lowder, Nancy Faye Edwards, and family on the death of James E. “Jim” Lowder. Jim passed away January 28. He was a member of the HI Robinson Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since December 16, 1956. A tribute will be held in the summer of 2021.

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to Vada White and family on the death of her husband, Chris White. Chris passed away January 29. A time of fellowship and remembrance was held February 4. A memorial service was held February 5 at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. Chris was a member of the McMillan Sunday School and of First Lubbock since October 9, 2005. Sympathies to the Sparks family on the death of Joy Sparks. She passed away February 9. Joy was a member of the Friends of Music, HI Robinson Sunday School class and a member of First Lubbock since May 24, 1998. Sympathies to Nan Shropshire and family on the death of John V. Shropshire, Jr. John passed away February 16. A memorial service was held February 22 in the sanctuary Dr. Shera Atkinson and Pastor Todd Salzwedel officiated. John was a member of the McMillan Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since April 6, 1952.

March 2021 | The Window


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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 8

March2021 | The Window

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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