The Window - January 2021

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM | JANUARY 2021

What’s Inside Page 03 Missions

Page 04 Letourneau Op. 135

Page 06 Our Life Together

Page 07 Memorials & Honorariums




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

GOD WRITES OUR STORY As the calendar turned to a new year, I couldn’t help but reflect on the hopes I had for 2020. Trips that were planned, goals that were set and experiences anticipated created excitement to begin the year. And SENIOR PASTOR while the year began Todd Salzwedel much as I expected, there was no way that I – or any one of us for that matter - could possibly foresee how 2020 would unfold. As we begin 2021, I’ve been reflecting on the Holy Family in the months leading up to the birth of Jesus and in the days, months and first several years that followed. Scripture records the fear and bewilderment Mary expressed to the angel Gabriel at the annunciation. Joseph’s confusion is obvious regarding the news of his soon to be bride. And the disappointment of having to make the journey south from Nazareth to Bethlehem so late in a pregnancy must have been frustrating. Yet, the joy and dreams that must have accompanied the birth of Jesus surely trumped anything they had experienced up to that point. There was no way for them to foresee how their lives would be upended in a short time. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for the young Holy Family to go on the run to simply save the life of their young child, escaping to Egypt as refugees far from the home and family they knew so well. Surely, this was not what they envisioned for their immediate future. Nor did any of us ever guess this past year would look anything like it ended up.

When we encounter distress in our lives and unanticipated struggle, we have a few options. Generally, we tend to take a shortterm perspective that looks to the impact on us personally. We fear for those around us paying particular attention to our loved ones. It’s only natural then that we adopt a more defensive or protective posture – at least for a period of time. But over time, as the shock wears off, we need to begin to branch out yet again and experience life, though sometimes with a more informed understanding of our potential impact on others. Given the amazing work of medical personnel, research science, policy makers, community leaders, and of course, society itself, we are beginning to glimpse a new hope in 2021. With the promise of more effective treatments, the potential of new vaccines, and the increased safety measures each of us practice in our daily routines, I can’t help but see a much more hopeful 2021 than we experienced this past year. When the Holy family made their way back from Egypt to return to what they knew in ancient Palestine, they no doubt recalled the circumstances that brought them to a place of isolation away from those they longed to be with. But a new day, like a new year, brings new opportunity. The careful actions of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were a result of their unwavering faith in God. The God that delivers. The God that provides comfort and security. And the God who continues to write our story. The future for the Holy Family surely was not without its ups and downs. Our lives will January 2021 | The Window 1 2) (continued on page

(continued from page 1) encounter the same. But diligence, care for one another and a trust that God will be with us every step of the way will surely give us the confidence to face the future with courage. The author of all salvation will continue to write our stories with the love that only the Creator can generate. And 2021 will be another opportunity for us to meet God and witness to our faith in the midst of our homes, our church, and our community. I can hardly wait to see what God will do with each of us in this year to come!


SIGN UP: Shera Atkinson, Gloria Ashby,

Grace and Peace! Pastor Todd Salzwedel Dear church family, I have learned through life that it is in the hard times and struggles as well as in the quiet times that God grows me most. Have you experienced that as well? If so, we should all have experienced great growth in our faith, discipleship and relationship with God in 2020! Shera Atkinson Last year has reminded me that Minister of Spiritual with every challenge comes Formation and Congregational Care opportunity. It is challenging to lead worship without a congregation in the building, but COVID-19 challenged us to reach outside of our building with livestreaming, Zoom meetings for bible study, spiritual formation and prayer meetings. It taught us to use our volunteer network to meet needs and to extend care. The past year has reminded me that God meant for us to be in community with Him and with one another! When we were


forced to be apart, we learned just how much we loved and needed one another. Lastly, the difficulties of last year reminded me that gratitude is essential to happiness. There is a strong correlation between gratitude, happiness, and peace. God consistently promises peace to those who come to Him with their concerns and with thankfulness. Remember that Paul in his letter to Timothy encourages Timothy with the truth that everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected if received with gratitude. Let’s walk into the new year confident that, with God, we can meet any challenge with peace and with God inspired innovation. Let’s put people before things and make time for God and one another. Finally, let’s begin a habit of gratitude. Begin each day thanking God for the opportunities He will place in our paths and end each day with a gratitude journal. Let’s remember to ask ourselves, “If I woke up tomorrow with only that for which I gave thanks today, what would I have left?” Soli Deo Gloria, Shera

Lisa Harper Event Postponed While it may be no surprise, it is with disappointment that I let you know that Our Women’s Ministry Event with Lisa Harper has been postponed until March of 2022. Watch for more information. 2

January 2021 | The Window

MONTHLY MISSIONS FOCUS TRANQUILIDAD CHILDREN’S HOME - HONDURAS We have partnered with Tranquilidad through many seasons from laying the groundwork for the playground to celebrating transitions and new staff. It is with excitement that we focus on the work being done to love and support the most vulnerable children. The most recent update from Tranquilidad is that all the children currently in their care have been placed with foster families, and three new houses have been built on the property for these families to live. On January 10, we will welcome Roxanne Turnipseed, the founder and missionary of Tranquilidad, right here at First LBK at 9:45 in Memorial Hall. Please plan to come and hear her story and vision for the future. Learn more about missions at

OUR HOME IS EMPTY! AND WE REJOICE! On November 8, 2019 our first child moved in with a foster family and his new home here on site. He was the first of nine children who have moved since then in with three foster families who have answered God’s call to serve Him by fostering these orphaned, abandoned and/or neglected children placed in the care of Tranquilidad Home for Children. No one but a Holy and Loving Father could provide the finances to build three houses, and within eleven months three families with whom they now live!

With the children now living with foster families, we have sadly had to say, “¡Hasta luego y Gracias!” to most of our great staff who have loved these children well as their caregivers. We pray for each of them as they look for God’s next appointment. What is next for the former Hogar (home)? It will become our Community Center for group gatherings each month. Most exciting: Starting in February of 2021, we will utilize the original

building to provide ‘home school’ to our TQ children and the biological children of the families. We are very excited about this opportunity for all the children to receive a Christian, bilingual education in a home setting. With smaller numbers, shorter days, and an individual focus, we believe each will learn in a healthier manner. Join us in praying for the teacher that even now God is preparing to work with us. – Tranquilidad Children’s Home

Missions & Outreach Ways to Serve HURRICANE RELIEF MISSION TRIP January 16-22 Location: Jasper, TX Lodging: staying on cots at the Methodist Church in Jasper. Church would provide breakfast and lunch, dinner would be out. Church would help with in town transportation for assessments. We are looking for at least six adults. Participants must be 18 or older. If you have any questions please contact Sara Lattimore, slattimore@fumc. com. Sign up at

January 1/10 Roxanne Turnipseed from Tranquilidad Children’s Home in Honduras will be Speaking at FUMC

GROWING MISSIONALLY MISSION STUDIES New Studies coming in February 2021!

2021 Projects Helping Hands


Family Promise

Mondays 6:00-7:30 (Ongoing) Lattimore House and Zoom

Habitat for Humanity Food2Kids Snack Packs Mission Trips- Alaska (Summer 2021) Dinner Church Mission Monday


A small group for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Build community with families that desire to serve, grow, learn, and love others together. Contact Sara Lattimore, slattimore@ for more information January 2021 | The Window


Letourneau Op. 135 resounds as a magnificent instrument The other day, I was wondering how many of you remember our somewhatwilderness-style experience in Memorial Hall in early 2019? Or how many of us recollect our worshiping for nearly 18 months in the sanctuary construction zone amid scaffolding in the front chancel area? How many of us still recall the organ pipes and parts strewn out across the pews, so much so that we had to adjust our seating space for Sunday worship services? It seems so long ago… Now, however, I am so very thrilled to announce that we have officially completed our sanctuary pipe organ rebuilding project. The official completion date was Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020. It is most significant to have been Thanksgiving Day. The completion of the installation and construction of the long-awaited Letourneau Organ, Opus 135, with 75 ranks, 97 stops and 4,229 pipes has finally arrived.

For the most part, 2020 has been a sad, difficult and strange year that we might not want to remember. However, 2020 also is among the most memorable and exciting times we have ever accomplished at First United Methodist Church. Although there were many delays and challenges, almost all of which were caused by pandemic circumstances, we are most grateful for God’s guidance and blessings on every step we have gone through to make this project possible and complete. Indeed, it has become a ‘resounding’ success.


Lots of tedious meetings were necessary to understand and plan every detail, and there were many, many dedicated people who gave their time, talents, gifts, and service to see Opus 135, this awe-inspiring instrument, stand complete. Here and now, I am pleased and grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge and to thank each person who served from the beginning of the project until the end.

And yes, this new organ has become a joyful part of an otherwise-trying time.

Our Organ Rebuilding Project Committee members have included

Back in 2019, we had anticipated this complicated yet magnificent project would have been finished before Christmas. But as we came to find out along the way, we did not promise which one. Sure enough, it WAS done just in time for Christmas. Christmas 2020, that is.


January 2021 | The Window

chair Danny Johnston, project coordinator Keith Bell, Pastor Craig Curry, John White, Mary Frances Baucum, Mary Cato, Bryan Smitherman, Gary Poffenbarger and Pastor Todd Salzwedel, our newest blessing. To each of these cherished members and loyal friends, I give my utmost and sincere gratitude for loyal and dedicated help. We also thank the members and staff of FUMC Lubbock for understanding and

enduring the three-year journey, and for making this massive undertaking a successful process. On behalf of FUMC Music Ministries, I also would like to thank Letourneau Organ company of Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, one of North America’s leading pipe organ builders, and one of the world’s finest. We very much appreciate their high-quality craftsmanship, professional demeanor, and sincere work ethic, from start to finish. This instrument has become the showcase of excellence not only here in West Texas but also of the Letourneau organ builders. They truly have done a marvelous job! And finally, I am greatly humbled and immensely honored to be a leader of this installation process, from the very beginning until completion day and

beyond. When all the voicing, tuning and final touch-ups were finished on Thanksgiving Day just weeks ago, I sat upon the organ bench in tears, playing to listen to every hand-picked sound of all the customized stops. I am so pleased to hear these most beautiful and magnificent sounds from our mighty organ. This is a once-in-a-generation moment, and now the responsibility is ours to maximize this incredible gift. For many years and generations to come, Letourneau Op. 135 will serve to fulfill our mission to glorify our God and touch the hearts and lives of His children. We give all the praise and honor to our mighty God! Soli Deo Gloria, Dr. Seung-Won Cho Director of Traditional Music Ministries and Senior Organist

January 2021 | The Window


Our Life Together BAPTISM Congratulations Cole and Gail Shooter on the baptism of their son, Zane. Zane was baptized on December 13 in 11:00 traditional by Pastor Todd Salzwedel. Cole and Gail have been members of First Lubbock since April 2018. BIRTHS Congratulations to Clayton and Sarah Bevers on the birth of their daughter, Katherine Reese Bevers. Katherine was born November 17. Congratulations to Matthew and Jessica Burges on the birth of their son, Cody Matthew Burges. Cody was born November 17. Cody has two sisters, Lila and Lainey. Congratulations to Charles and Vi Zeeck on the birth of their great granddaughter, Everly Antoniette Zeeck. Everly was born November 10. Proud parents are Adam and Kendrie Zeeck proud great grandparents are Charles and Vi Zeeck. Charles and Vi have been members of First Lubbock since January 1988. SYMPATHIES Sympathies to the Hutcheson family on the death of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson.

Choc passed away November 19. A memorial service will be held at a later date due to Covid situation. Choc was a member of Friends of Music, the HI Robinson Sunday School class, and a member of First Lubbock since November 1964. Choc’s wife Virginia Hutcheson passed away October 31, 2019. Sympathies to Susan Gordon and family on the death of her brother, John Earl. John passed away November 24. Sympathies to Dr. Woolam and family on the death of his wife, Nan. Nan passed away November 27. Visitation was December 2, at Sanders Funeral Home. A small memorial was held December 3 at Sanders officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson. A few months later a memorial will be held at First Lubbock. Nan was a member of the Friends of Music, the McMillan Sunday School, and a member of First Lubbock since January 1969. Sympathies to the Cowan family on the death of Elma Nelle. Elma passed away December 6,. Visitation was held December 9 at Combest Funeral Home. She was a member of the Friendship Sunday School class and a member of First Lubbock since February 1994.

Sympathies to the Prater family on the death of Charles Prater. Charles passed away December 7. A visitation and remembrance was held December 10 at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. A memorial service was held December 11 in the sanctuary officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson Sympathies to Sue Baker and family on the death of her husband, Fred Baker. Fred passed away December 15. Visitation was held December 19 and Sunday December 20, at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. A memorial service was held December 21 in the sanctuary with Pastor Todd Salzwedel and Dr. Shera Atkinson officiating. Fred was a member of the HI Robinson Sunday School class and the Friends of Music. He had been a member of First Lubbock since December 2012. Sympathies to Jeanette Meinecke and family on the death of her husband, Steve B. Meinecke. Steve passed away December 16. A graveside service was held December 21 at Lubbock Cemetery with Pastor Todd Salzwedel officiating. Steve had been a member of the Homebuilders Sunday School class and a member of First Lubbock since April 1939.





9:45 A.M.

January 6 | January 20 6:45-8:00 P.M. FirstLBK Church | Wesley Room

FIRST YOUTH GATHERING 5:30-7:30 P.M. Wesley Room

SPRING 2021 MEAL SIGN-UPS Beginning in January, we are needing parents to volunteer to bring breakfast Sunday morning and dinner Sunday evenings for First Youth students. Sign-up links can be found on the Parents tab of the website:


January 2021 | The Window

MIDDLE SCHOOL January 13 | January 27 6:45-8:00 P.M. First LBK Church | Wesley Room


Memorials & Honorariums – December 15, 2020 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY In memory Elbert Hadley Phillips by Lois Bechthold, Terry, Kayla, and Paige Bechthold, and Dennis and Gay Nell Dean COUNSELING CENTER In honor of Dr. Shera Atkinson by Tom and Sammie Prather EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of Tillman and Viola Carter by Dr. and Mrs. James Carter In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by Don McInturff In memory of Milton Dewey Henson by Don McInturff In honor of Dr. Shera Atkinson by Greg and Betty Jones In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by Tom and Susan Clark In memory of John Akeley by HI Robinson Sunday School In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by HI Robinson Sunday School

In memory of Milton Henson by Dan and Kay Howard In memory of Nan Woolam by Dan and Kay Howard In memory of Akeley by Dan and Kay Howard In memory of Nan Woolam by Tim and Tommie Hatch In memory of Nan Woolam by Wanda and Brenda Becknell FRIENDS OF MUSIC In honor of Sue Webb Baker by La Nelle Ethridge In memory of Milton Dewey Henson by Lex and Mary Helen Jameson In memory of Billie Ruth McCarty by Keith Vandivere In memory of Charles Prater by Keith Vandivere In memory of Nan Woolam by Betty Bowen In memory of Fred Baker by Joe and Pam Murfee

In honor of Norton and Jane Baker by Richard Baker

In memory of John Earl Simpson by Mary Cato

In memory of Nan Woolam by Bill and Peggy Dean

In memory of Bill McMillan by Fred and Pam Underwood

In memory of Nan Woolam by Wayne and Claudette Culp In memory of Layton Margaret Bibb by Ben and Robin Lock In honor of Carson and Logan Bibb and Campbell and Holden Schwartz by Ben and Robin Lock A donation to the ELCT fund by McMillan Sunday School In memory of Charles Prater by Carl and Linda Andersen In memory of Billie Ruth McCarty by Carl and Linda Andersen In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by Wayne and Claudette Culp In memory of Charles Prater by Patsie Ross Milosevich In honor of Alison Schwartz on your birthday, December 19 by Ben and Robin Lock In memory of Nan Woolam by Jerry and Ann Casstevens In memory of C.R. “Choc” Hutcheson by Dan and Kay Howard

GENERAL FUND In memory of Nan Woolam by George and Judy Smartt MUSIC MINISTRY In memory of Bill McMillan by Tom and Carolyn Neal In memory of Milton Henson by Donnell and Sharla Echols In memory of Milton Henson by Terry and Charlene Key In memory of John Akeley by Gwendolyn Scharp In memory of Milton Henson by Shelah Lile In memory of Milton Henson by Naomi McGuire ORGAN FUND In memory of Bill McMillan by McMillan Sunday Schools In memory of Nan Woolam by McMillan Sunday School SECOND HELPINGS In memory of Charles Prater by Mary Cato In honor of Hannah Tipps and Shelby Cox by Bob Craig family Thursday Morning Bible Study Begins January 14 Wednesday Noon Bible STudy I Peter by Jen Wilkins Beginning January 13th


Wednesday Noon Bible Study Begins January 13 Contact Gloria Ashby,

January 2021 | The Window

Contact Gloria Ashby,


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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 8

January 2021 | The Window

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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