The Window - January 2020

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM | JANUARY 2020

What’s Inside

2020 Welcome to 2020. A year of perfect vision. A year of politics. A followup year of denominational decision-making. But regardless of these things, a year of ministry expansion.

Page 03 Living Life with Jesus

Page 04 Missions


Page 06 Night in Bethlehem

Page 09 First Youth




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

Craig Curry

Our vision and task in 2020 is to build a stronger “Missional” element to our church’s ministries. Let me explain that term. Missional is not referring to missions in the traditional sense of mission trips, global missions, etc. Missional means giving ourselves in service wherever we are. We are the “sent ones” according to Great Commission (Mt. 28.19-20). It means using our gifts and graces in spontaneous or organic ways when the needs arise. Missional means always being ready to care, to pray, to serve, to give… where the needs are, largely in the community.

We are known for our attractional ministries, and now we need to also become known for our ministry care and outreach to the community and beyond. We have always sought to be a “growing grace-filled community” in what we do. Attractional churches offer weekend services and classes and tell the community, “Ya’ll come.” Attractional churches build events and programming to draw people to central locations. That has been and will continue to be essential to First LBK. Missional churches take grace into the community needs to where the people and needs are. Missional churches open the storage barns and carry God’s care and message into strategic places by effective ministry forms. We need to build that set of muscles for our church to be healthy and well-rounded. This is not an “either/or” vision; it’s a “both/and” vision—both a great attractional church and a great missional church! We have a message, a story, a cadre of servants and gifts to give our community. We are at our best when we take those blessings into our community and welcome our community into God’s house. Finding ways to do ministry from our campus that reaches beyond our campus will be how we grow in 2020. Welcome to 2020 where we will be “Moved by Jesus, Loving People, Serving All.” Pastor Craig January 2020 | The Window




Internationally known for her work on Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History, Dr. Richter brings the Old Testament to life by exploring the real people and real places from which it comes. Richter is a graduate of Valley Forge University, GordonConwell Theological Seminary, and earned her doctorate from the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department of Harvard University in Hebrew Bible. A veteran of many years of leading student groups in


January 2020 | The Window

archaeological excavation and historical geography classes in Israel, she has taught at Asbury Theological Seminary., Wesley Biblical Seminary and Wheaton College. She is also the author of several adult Bible Curriculums with Seedbed. Richter is a soughtafter speaker in both academic and lay settings. She is recognized among the laity for her The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament, Epic of Eden: Isaiah, Epic of Eden: Ruth, Epic of Eden Jonah and is currently

working on another installment of the Epic of Eden Series. We are excited to announce that we, at First Lubbock, will be the first to hear Sandra Richter preview her newest study on the Book of Psalms. Dr. Sandra Richter will lead our Welborn Payne Christian Life Conference next year on April 18 and 19. Be sure to save the date for this exciting event!

LIVING LIFE WITH JESUS We believe and we say that Jesus Christ is Lord of the whole life, including that one-third or so of our lives we spend working (or preparing/studying for work–or looking for work). It can be so easy to go along with our days and forget that as Christians, we’re called to do everything for God’s glory — that we’re called Shera Atkinson to live for Him. We go to class for Minister of Spiritual Him. We go to work for Him. We Formation and browse social media for Him. We Congregational Care hangout with friends for Him. We live life with our families for Him. How are we supposed to do all things while living for Jesus? May I make some suggestions? READ HIS BOOK: THE BIBLE. The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 3:16 “For all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” How can we know God and what He wants and desires for us if we allow our His word to us, the Bible, to remain unopened and ill-attended? Do you have time to read and consider who He is, what He is like and how we can be like Him? If we answer truthfully, aren’t we likely to say something about there is no time… we have busy, busy lives? But the truth is that we make time for what’s important. So, my first suggestion is to make learning about Him through His word a priority. Let His word richly dwell in you. The Lord will speak to you through His word and you will begin to see yourself and others through His eyes and His heart and each day, you will become more like Him. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. “You are not your own but have been bought at a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20.) Consider this: were you the only person in the world, the Lord was willing to send His only son, whose life-giving we speak of with joyous thanksgiving during this Advent season, to show us who God is, what He is like and that He wants you to be like Him and live for Him and with Him now and forever, Who

you are and will become was worth the precious blood of our Savior. Be mindful as we celebrate His birth that Jesus came to this planet to save us and call us to be sons and daughters of God. You are worth the price paid… remember who you are. KEEP COMPANY WITH OTHER BELIEVERS. Renowned author and speaker, Jim Rohn, has said: “We are the sum of the five people closest to you: Make it Count.” Both the Old Testament and New Testament say the same thing in different words: From Proverbs, Solomon puts it this way: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” (Proverbs 13:20) and Paul relates the same truth: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (I Corinthians 15:13) Is it any surprise the author of Hebrews tells us to “…not neglect our meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another…” (Hebrews 10:25.) So, here’s the question: Do you spend time with other believers? Do you neglect corporate worship and belong to a smaller group like a Sunday School class or a small group focused on Bible study and accountability? Do I mean we, as Christians, are all wise and live Godly lives… were it so! But our aim is to be more like Christ and we strive together. Come be with us here at First United Methodist. We need you and you need us. PRODUCE FRUIT. Just down the road from Lubbock in all directions we see that cotton has been harvested and waiting to be delivered to the gins. The farmers are not satisfied just to plant and water their crops. The goal is to produce a harvest and benefit both personally and for our communities, the remuneration from an abundant harvest. My suggestion to us all is to produce fruit. It’s not enough to come to church, learn about the Creator and read and study His Word, but sitting and learning isn’t the main goal. From Christ Jesus we read “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”and“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (John 4:35, Luke 10:2.) We are asked to be the workers… not the sitters. We are asked to produce fruit and we can’t do that by merely planting and watching. So, let’s get to work!

January 2020 | The Window



HONDURAS For the past five years we have had a partnership with missionaries living in Honduras who have built a children’s home from an empty piece of land to a safe and loving home for orphans. This children’s home is called Tranquilidad. First Lubbock sends at least one team a year to serve in various ways and to show the live of Christ to the staff and the children. 1. F or the full-time missionaries living there. Roxanne the founder lost her husband this fall. 2. F or the children that call TQ home that they might find healing and flourish in the time they spend there. 3. F or financial support to continue operating the home, supporting the children, and for growth. 4. I s God calling you to go and serve? Learn more about missions at

2019 Recap Community Thanksgiving 900 plates served Christmas Box Vouchers 1100 families given food for Christmas Blessings Bayless Mentoring 3rd, 4th, 5th graders with the love of Jesus. Second Helpings Providing meals to those in our community in need Helping Hands Homes repaired and made warm, safe, and dry Bahama’s Mission Trip made a home safe and dry while showing the love of Christ through the global church. We have been busy in 2019 and we have had amazing opportunities to share the love of Christ in Lubbock and beyond, but we are not finished yet. 4

January 2020 | The Window





Sunday School Class Group Delivery Available Contact Sara Lattimore, We are sending out two mission trip teams in 2020. One team will be going to Honduras in March and another team will be going to Alaska in July. Your support of these teams is valuable as they prepare to be the hands and feet of Christ.

22 YEARS OF FAMILY PROMISE Feeding and mentoring families as they rebuild their lives had been a passion at First Lubbock over the last 22 years of our partnership with Family Promise. As we start a new chapter in our relationship with family promise we will be stepping back into a more supportive role. The hearts and stories of those who have served and volunteered in this ministry of the years show us the love of Christ and how he uses each of us to be the hands, feet, and voices for those in need around us. Thank you to all who

have volunteered and given so much of their time and themselves for this wonderful ministry. Family Promise had a powerful mission and will continue to do amazing work in the lives of families. As we step back we pray the God raises up the next generation of volunteers who will Loving support the families who will need them in the years to come. I would like to thank all of our volunteers over the past 22 years who have spent nights away from home, cooked, brought meals, played with kids, and



MISSION TRIP First United Methodist Church & Aldersgate

all of the other ways you have served this ministry. A big thank you goes out to Zoellen Fields who has been our volunteer coordinator and helped us support Family Promise with her countless hours and heart. We would not have been able to support Family Promise without your help, but we definitely would not been able to do it these las fast years without Zoellen. — Sara Lattimore, Director of Missions & Outreach

Mission Monday Lunch Gathering The first Monday of every month you are invited to join Sara Lattimore, Director of Missions, for lunch and to talk about the mission God is calling each of us to. Our first two gatherings will be January 6 and February 3 from 12-1 p.m. at Cattle Barron (82nd and Quaker). If you have questions or to RSVP please reach out to Sara Lattimore at

JULY 18-25 Details and application: Contact: Sara Lattimore, Ginger Barbee, January 2020 | The Window



All-Church Breakfast November 10 9:45-10:45 a.m. Memorial Hall


January 2020 | The Window

BETHLEHEM Thank you to everyone who helped make our First Kids, Night In Bethlehem, another huge success! Many hours were spent transforming Memorial Hall into the town of Bethlehem, as well as preparing crafts, activities, music and snacks. Thank you to all of our adult and youth volunteers who put on costumes and helped make our Bethlehem a little more authentic. A big thank you also goes out to all of the families who attended. The holidays are a busy time of year, so we thank you for spending time in Bethlehem! Those in attendance were able to visit all kinds of booths in Bethlehem. There was leather working, wood working, a scribe, and candle making, as well as a bakery, a market, and a booth to try on the “latest� fashions from Biblical Bethlehem. They could also sit around the fire pit and listen to the story of Jesus. What a great way to spend time thinking about the meaning of Christmas!

January 2020 | The Window


Join us for

KId's Night out Friday, January 24th, 6-10pm $12/Child or $30/3 or more siblings

Don't forget to bring pj's & dinner 8

January 2020 | The Window

Please RSVP By noon 1/23


Treasured Times has been going strong, and has room for more clients. If you have someone in your family, a friend or acquaintance in need of respite while taking care of someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s, please tell them about Treasured Times. This ministry began four years ago and has been a blessing to those caring for someone 24/7. Our church offers this ministry each Wednesday, September through May, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Caregivers leave their loved one with us so they can have some well-deserved free time. We have the opportunity to offer their loved ones’ music, seated exercise, memory matters (remembering the past), arts and crafts, and games. We’ve found that our participants enjoy being in this social situation. It is a win-win situation for caregiver and participant.

If you know of someone in need of this ministry, please call Challa Goedeke, 806.799.7421 or GeorgeAnn Benson, 806.786.8015. We are accepting applications. There is no charge to families for this program and they do not have to be a member of FUMC. Also, if you have a heart for helping others, we are always looking for volunteers to help with this ministry. Each participant must have a friend (volunteer) with them at all times. We also need other volunteers to help with arrival and dismissal as well as floaters to do what is needed. Please email Challa Goedeke, or call 806.799.7421 or email GeorgeAnn Benson, or call 806.786.8015. – Challa Goedeke




WEDNESDAY Women’s Bible Study This study is for the person eager to continue in real spiritual progress. Through this 8session study, Rica McRoy invites Christians in all stages of their journey to learn what it means to truly thrive. This 8-week study is the exploration of the passion, power and mystery of the Holy Spirit.

BEGINS JANUARY 8 Every Wednesday noon-1:00

In the book of Jonah we find a professional holy man, a lifer in the faith who is about to have the God he thinks he understands challenge him with an assignment that he can hardly get his brain around. In The Epic of Eden: Jonah, Dr. Sandra Richter takes us on a journey through Jonah’s life that leads us all to the place where we realize that our God is way bigger than we thought.

Begins January 8 Every Wednesday 5:30 p.m.


Begins January 9 Every Thursday 9:30 a.m.

January 2020 | The Window


Give Electronically!

First LBK has three ways to securely give electronically.

1. Computer Go online to or follow the “Online Giving” link from

2. Smartphone Download the SecureGive app on your smartphone, or go

3. Kiosks SecureGive Kiosks access either of the two in the church using your credit or debit card • Just outside the business office • At the CLC Welcome Desk


@fumclbk 10

January 2020 | The Window

Our Life Together – December 2019 BIRTHS

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to the Johnson family on the death of Carrol Johnson. Carrol passed away November 28. A memorial service was held December 7 in the Bowman Chapel. Dr. Shera Atkinson officiated.

Congratulations to Will and Marlise Boyles on the birth of their son, Cristian Harrison Andres Boyles born November 22. He weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces. Cristian has two older brothers, Will and Sympathies to Harold Bob and Ruth Bennett and family on the death of Javier. his mother, Willa Sue Bennett. Willa NEW MEMBERS passed away November 27. A memorial Congratulations to Pat Karnes on joining service was held December 1 at First FUMC Sunday, November 24 in 11 United Methodist in Hart. Rev. Travis traditional with Dr. Craig Curry. Pat is Bennett officiated and Rev. Donna transferring from University UMC in San Lindley assisted. Burial followed in Hart Antonio. cemetery under the care of Kornerstone Funeral Directors of Plainview. Congratulations to Steve and Kristie Reinhart on joining FUMC in 11 Sympathies to Kirk and Tina Dana contemporary with Rev. Bailey Barkley. on the death of Tina’s father, David The Reinharts transferred from Central Daniel Hoke. David passed away UMC in Albuquerque, NM. November 26. A memorial service was held December 3 at Wesley UMC in Oklahoma City.

Thank you!

Ceramics Room

Thank you for your tithes, gifts, and donations in 2019. The 2019 statements will be mailed out by January 31. If you have any questions please contact the business office, James Rotramel, or Stephanie Davis,

Plans are underway to repurpose the third floor ceramics room. If you or someone you know has anything in the room they would like to keep, please contact Karen Flores, or Charles Norton,

Memorials & Honorariums – December 12, 2019 BOY SCOUTS In memory of Carrol Johnson by Kay Hanna

EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of Carl W. and Ellen Shafer by Marcia Evans

In memory of Dorothy Nagy by Kay Hanna

In memory of Willa Sue Bennett by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Virginia Hutcheson by Kay Hanna

In memory of Carrol Johnson by HI Robinson Sunday School class

In memory of Becky Rankin by Kay Hanna CHILDREN’S MINISTRY In memory of Charli Jones by Generations Sunday School class

In memory of Dorothy Nagy by Lou Diekemper In honor of Marsha Craig by HI Robinson Sunday School

In memory of Charli Jones by Bob Craig family

In honor of Lee Crouch by HI Robinson Sunday School

CHRISTMAS FOOD BOXES In honor of Brent and Susan Nall, Sybil Leson, Jim and Sue Sexton, Suzanne Aker, K.W. and Shyrle Hill, The Rockett Family, Dr. T.H. Holmes Jr., Bill and Gala Rutledge, Dr. Brigette Curtis, Curtis and Barbara Fish, Sallie Morris, Charles and DeAnn Britton, Dr. Shera Atkinson, Jay and Sandy Lynch, Dr. Jeffery Hannel by John and Janeen Gilliam

In honor of John Dudley by HI Robinson Sunday School

In honor of Brent and Susan Nall by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Sybil Leson by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Jim and Sue Sexton, by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Suzanne Aker by John and Janeen Gilliam

In honor of Eric McKnight by HI Robinson Sunday School In memory of Max and Kathleen Addison by Amanda Fitzgerald In memory of Willa Sue Bennett by Pacesetters Sunday School class In memory of Claire Betty “Sunshine” Mattox by Tim and Tommie Hatch MINISTRY BUDGET FUND In memory of Charli Jones by Mike and Marilyn Riley

In honor of The Rockett Family by John and Janeen Gilliam

MUSIC MINISTRY In honor of Gary and Virginia Evitt by Glenn B. Eubank Family Farm LLC

In honor of Dr. T.H. Holmes Jr. by John and Janeen Gilliam

In memory of Jack Miller by Tommy and Jeannie Patterson

In honor of Bill and Gala Rutledge by John and Janeen Gilliam

In memory of Marion T. Key by Terry and Charlene Key and Keith and Lauren Cioci

In honor of Dr. Brigette Curtis by John and Janeen Gilliam

PRAYER GARDEN In memory of Virginia Hutcheson by Hannah Tipps and Shelby Cox

In honor of K.W. and Shyrle Hill by John and Janeen Gilliam

In honor of Curtis and Barbara Fish by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Sallie Morris by John and Janeen Gilliam

In memory of Robert “Red” Tipps on what would have been his 103rd birthday January 29 by Hannah Tipps and Shelby Cox

In honor of Charles and DeAnn Britton by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Dr. Shera Atkinson by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Jay and Sandy Lynch by John and Janeen Gilliam In honor of Dr. Jeffery Hannel by John and Janeen Gilliam January 2020 | The Window




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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 12

January 2020 | The Window

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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