The Window - February 2022

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM |FEBRUARY 2022

What’s Inside


Page 02 A Look Ahead

Page 03 Missions

Page 04 The Mary Bench

Page 06 Memorials & Honorariums




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

You have heard me say it before, and I will say it again...I love sports! As I write this, the Chiefs are playing the Steelers (and winning big!). As I was thinking about the playoffs this past week, I recognize Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual that there are a few things that determine Formation and Congregational the course of winning Care and losing. For example, the simpler the scheme, the better teams seem to learn and enact the system. Further, having a QB who can move seems to set a team up for success. Optionality, pace and space are also important influences on a team’s ability to win. I enjoy thinking about principles of football, different coaching styles, different offensive and defensive schemes. But having a bit of football knowledge does not make me a football player. It is the same with discipleship. Knowing about Jesus does not make one a true follower of Jesus. Just as one must practice the sport to be a proficient football player, one must be intentional about training to be a disciple. To assist us as we seek to follow Jesus, Pastor Todd, Pastor Bailey and I are introducing a disciple pathway that will help guide our discipleship. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

We follow the example set by Christ as he calls us to hospitality and welcome to all, growth, community, service and generosity. The goal of this pathway is to encourage and develop intentionality in our relationship with Christ and the ways that relationship is lived out daily. • Hospitality - Help people feel noticed and welcomed. • Growth - Grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ through prayer and study. • Community - Connect with fellow disciples through fellowship, service, study, and accountability. • Service - Serve others with a Christ-like heart. • Generosity - Bless others through sharing our resources. Over the next months, this pathway will become more familiar as each facet is discussed in sermons, devotions, newsletters and in various classes. Each ministry of the church will help us grow in at least one or more area of discipleship. All communication about ministry opportunities will have a tag attached that reminds us of the area of discipleship is supported by that ministry. Further, for those seeking help with forming an intentional plan of discipleship, FirstLBk will now offer Individualized Spiritual Formation Plans (ISFP’s). These plans begin with an honest examination of one’s current (continued on page 2) FEBRUARY 2022 | THE WINDOW


(continued from page 1) walk with God through assessments and a personal questionnaire. Afterward, you will receive a written plan for growth and suggestions regarding

classes, activities, groups, books and practices that will aid you in your discipleship journey. This ISFP process may be done in person with a discipleship coach or may be

DISCIPLESHIP PATHWAY First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

A disciple is an engaged follower of Jesus Christ who lives in relationship with Jesus such that transformation and fruit bearing is evident first within the person, and then through the person as they impact the community around them. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24


Bless others through sharing our resources.

Serve others with a Christ-like heart.

done individually receiving the materials via email. To learn more about obtaining an ISFP, contact me at satkinson@fumc. com or call 806 763 4607 ext. 240. In I John 2:5-6 we read “but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: 6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.” Let’s practice walking the path in the manner Jesus walked. Let’s walk as true disciples. Soli Deo Gloria, Shera



Connect with fellow disciples through fellowship, service, study, and accountability.

Grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ through prayer and study.

HOSPITALITY Help people feel noticed and welcomed.

FOLLOW ME At FirstLBK, we seek to be a church of engaged disciples – moved by Jesus, loving people, and serving all.

A LOOK AHEAD Lenten Study Ash Wednesday, March 2, marks the beginning of Lent 2022. This year, we encourage you to grow in your discipleship as you study The Walk by Adam Hamilton. The book examines five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. Those participating in the study will receive a weekly email from the pastors discussing the week’s reading and will have access to an online study guide. Books will be available for $10 at the intersection beginning February 20. Please sign up to receive the emails when you purchase your book. Book Club: Stewards of Eden by Sandra Richter Stewards of Eden explores the Biblical mandate to care for the environment, animals, and people on the margins. Using story and case study, Dr. Richter applies the biblical mandate to current issues and provides a Biblical theology of the environment. Please take this opportunity to gather for “Book Club”, a new quarterly ministry of FirstLbk, February 27 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in room 206. Please contact Shera Atkinson, to register and order your book for $20. 2 FEBRUARY 2022 | THE WINDOW





GRADUATION SUNDAY MAY 15 SUNDAY MEAL SIGNUPS Parents, please sign up to help provide breakfast and dinner for students on Sundays this semester. We appreciate all you do for our ministry!

CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK

MONTHLY MISSIONS FOCUS MISSIO DEI Missio Dei is a Latin Christian theological term that can be translated as the “mission of God,” or the “sending of God.” Another way to look at it is our partnership with God in his mission. God is already in the world doing His work and he calls each of us to join Him. As First LBK begins to look at where and how God is calling us as a church to partner with Him we also get to ask ourselves “how does God want to use my gifts and talents?”. We are embarking on an exciting journey as a church and God is inviting you to join your church family as we listen to Him and we respond by joining in the Missio Dei. This month prayerfully consider how God wants to use you and your gifts and then join your church family at the Activate Mission Conference as we embark on this adventure together! Contact Sara Lattimore,

Activate Mission Conference You Belong Here! Everyone has a role to play in the mission of First LBK. Plan on joining mission leaders, staff, and Rhonda Dahlin from TMS. Rhonda is the Regional Director for Church Culture with TMS. In her position Rhonda helps churches develop mission strategy and vision. We are excited to welcome Rhonda into our community and to partner with her as we discover where God is calling First LBK to partner in mission with Him.

ACTI V ATE MI SSI O N CO N F E RE N C E Event Information Where:

First United Methodist Church, Lubbock


Saturday, February 26, 8:30-1:30 p.m.


Lunch provided


Rhonda Dahlin, Regional Director of Church Culture, TMS Global

Childcare: Register Online: “Somewhere in the process God grabs your heart and you discover your purpose in the world.”


Please join us for this exciting Activate Conference, February 26, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. here at First LBK. Find out more at Contact Sara Lattimore,

THANK YOU! Continuing our Outreach and Mission is possible because as a congregation we work together to give of our talents, our time, and our financial gifts. This December we surpassed our goal of $80,000. Together through your generosity and commitment to joining God and First LBK in Mission to Lubbock and beyond we raised just over $123,000. This is so exciting and perfect timing as we begin 2022 with our Activate Mission Conference and visioning process to lean in and listen to where God is calling First LBK to join in the Mission God is actively doing in our community and the world.



TMS Global’s Activate Training is the first step your church takes in discovering and living out a unique missional vision and calling from God. The event is facilitated by a TMS Global trainer and includes a variety of learning exercises.


FRESH EXPRESSIONS NATIONAL GATHERING Have you ever thought about starting an outreach or building church community in a new way or a different way? Fresh Expressions is a movement of people and leaders who are doing just that! March 30-April 2 Fresh Expressions will hold their National Gathering in Richmond, VA. If you are interested in learning more and meeting others who are leading in this way please reach out to Sara Lattimore at to join in this awesome learning opportunity.

Sara Lattimore, Director of Missions



Bench of Heritage THANK YOU to those who added memory details for this story, including Naomi McGuire, Sue Webb-Baker, Kim Burke, Evelyn Sue Smith, Rhonda Smith, Mary Cato, Warren and Kathy Hunt, Patti Campbell, and Alwyn and Nancy Barr.

... from a little wooden bench

The Mary bench. We see it once a year. Yet it holds powerful witness and tradition. It is almost Christmas Eve. Look in the basement and other out-of-the-way niches for the manger, hay, and blanket that cradle Baby Jesus. Thankfully, we find the manger in the Hobbit Hole, a small area behind the Altar that is accessed from an opening in the Bride’s Room. Fast forward to find two scruffy-looking benches set at distinct angles in front of the Altar as we prepare for the 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. traditional services. Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, three kings and this year, six shepherds, arrive. Our newest shepherd is 10-year-old Carson Bibb, a new link for both young and old to the legacy of this great church. And so, during prep for rehearsal, I was asked about the benches used in the Nativity scenes. “They don’t match,” the questioner said, wondering why. The larger bench and its longer counterparts, built for FUMC theatre shows, is the same color as our magnificently-carved Altar. On Christmas Eve, the duty of the larger bench is to support Gabriel, who stands on high. These benches have appeared in musicals like in “Brigadoon,” “The Sound of Music,” “Hello, Dolly,” “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang” and “Fiddler on the Roof.” 4 FEBRUARY 2022 | THE WINDOW

But the little bench, the one that’s practically black, just seems to sit and wait, as if forgotten. Where did it come from? The story of the little wood bench is likely a tale of treasure here.

Powerful memories The year was 1980, and organist Gordon McMillan was in his fourth year as Director of Music at FUMC Lubbock. Two years before, he had taken about 35 Wesley Singers to the Soviet Union (then called USSR) on a 3-week concert tour from May 31 June 21, 1978. Singers who traveled to the USSR include Kim Gladden Burke, daughter of FUMC member Sue Webb-Baker; Rhonda Smith, daughter of Sue Smith; Christy McGuire, daughter of Naomi McGuire; Sylvia and Grady Taylor’s sons Ed and Warren; D.E. (Doug) William; Laura Richards; Cindy Davis and Carla Babcock. Sylvia Taylor was a parent sponsor. Coronado High School student and Wesley singer William Cameron McCool also made the USSR trip. After graduation from Coronado in 1979, Willie McCool went on to the U.S. Naval Academy and later became an astronaut. Fast forward again to the summer of 1980. It was time for the first of many choir Pilgrimage tours all over the world, from Thailand and China to Turkey, Israel, New Zealand, Norway,

East Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Scotland, Italy, England and elsewhere. But it was the 1980 concert tour to Romania and Israel that came first. Romania was ruled by dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu, who eventually was overrun by revolution in 1989. In Romania, the two Pilgrimage buses had to travel mainly at night so that the countryside was not visible. As the tour prepared its props and repertoire for Romania, however, McMillan knew that FUMC singers could not perform sacred music or religious songs, much the same as the 1978 trip into the USSR allowed none. The same rules held true on the second half of the Pilgrimage as it went into Israel and the Golan Heights. FUMC singers presented concerts in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) created by the Six-Day War of 1967. The concerts in Romania and Israel included spirituals, dance routines, and American folk songs, and relied heavily on props and costumes. “In Romania and Israel, I shook a fake bone as my prop when we sang Dry Bones,” said Chancel Choir member Sue Smith, a Pilgrimage traveler with husband Ronnie Smith. “Ezekiel connected them bones, and mine was the femur.” Incidentally, Ronnie was lovingly regarded as the ‘purse guard’ during concerts. But in prepping for the trip, McMillan had discovered that a storage system was necessary to transport the many props. Tour groups cannot just carry a few ‘extra items’ in someone’s suitcase. Props add up quickly, whether trumpets and keyboards or items like snares, drumsticks, fake bones, music stands, and the starched petticoats that ladies wore during square dance routines.

Traditions go hand in hand with service to others as FUMC’s mighty mission continues to flourish

With the Chancel Choir and Pastor Bailey Barkley looking on, PARTICIPANTS IN THE NATIVITY include Angel, Maggie Hess; Mary, Paege Salzwedel; Joseph, Sam Cribbs; Shepherds Carson Bibb, Braeden Salzwedel, Jacob Sanchez, Jacob V. Sanchez, Sam Shropshire, Jeff Shropshire; and Wise Men, the Three Kings Dale Duhan, Duane Hood and Stan Cribbs.

Legacy of details So during months of planning, McMillan knew he would need a set of boxes that not only served as risers for singers, but also stored and transported props. The wood boxes had hinged lids that were nailed shut per airline freight rules for the overseas flights. Then, they were opened on each leg of the itinerary. Two little benches built to nest inside the riser boxes could support a guitar player or a cowboy hurling his rope. The benches nested well, were straight-lined yet sturdy, and took minimal space. The boxes made a few treks after Romania and Israel, but were retired less than a decade later. Where they ended up was

known for awhile. They were stored both in the Bell Tower, located in the Bowman Chapel entry, and in a Sunday School room near Memorial Hall. This great Sanctuary opened with its first service on March 6, 1955, shortly after the death of Pastor H.I. Robinson, and FUMC’s third building, with its great organ and Rose Window, has become known around the world. By architectural design, FUMC Lubbock first housed its Pastor’s offices on Floors 2 and 3 of the Bell Tower. It was only after the Education Building opened, paid in full, in 1956, that the Bell Tower became a storage area. The nested boxes built for the first Pilgrimage in 1980 had come to reside in an historic

place. They are no longer there, but we do know where the Mary bench is. Just as the heritage of a seldom-used little black bench for Romania and for Mary has its own niche in the history of a mighty body of Christ, and just as a 10-year-old shepherd takes his place in the reenactment of the Savior’s arrival more than 2,000 years ago, so are told the details -- the legacy -- in the story of God’s great plan for the life and the mission of a vibrant church. By Marilyn Murfee



Memorials & Honorariums – January 15, 2022 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Melinda Mitchell, Greg and Shannon Hargrove, Paul and Tracey Boyes, and Dan and Laurie McMillan In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Todd Knowlton In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Mack and Becky Owean In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Beverly Bowen In memory of Steve and Jeanette Meinecke by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Art and Kate Anderson CHRISTMAS MISSIONS In memory of Mildred Mauldin by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Jim Lowder by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Jim Devine by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Charlene Wulfekamp by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Mickey Hammonds by Larry and JoAnna Willis EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Open Bible Class FUMC Graham In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Conner and Debra Stamper

In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Tom and Susan Clark In memory of Burt Montgomery by Tom and Susan Clark In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Baird and Glenda Helfrich In honor of McMillan Sunday School class by John and Dawn Crews In memory of Durwood Marcom by Pacesetters Sunday School In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Steve and Olive Hester In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Steve and Olive Hester In memory of John Shropshire by Steve and Olive Hester In memory of Shirley Williams by Steve and Olive Hester In memory of Arlan Womble by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of T.H. Holmes by Larry and JoAnna Willis FORREST ORGAN MEMORIAL FUND In memory of Randy Edwards by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Tony and Monta Smitherman and Lisa Smitherman by Larry and JoAnna Willis FRIENDS OF MUSIC In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Mary Cato In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Mary Cato

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Sherick Memorial Home, Advisory Board, Residents and Staff, and Ida Mae Oldham Trust

In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Betty Bowen

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Pacesetters Sunday School

In memory of Owen Smith by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Jane Kincaid by Bettty Bowen

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Flo Touchstone

In honor of Christopher and Amy Willis on their 10th wedding anniversary by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Edna Kidd by Pacesetters Sunday School

In memory of Robert Taylor by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Tillman and Viola Carter by James and Pat Carter

In memory of Lynn and Bettye Willis and Carlene Willis by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Glenn and Lesley Robinson

In memory of Raymond and Wilma Johns and Wallace Johns by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Shannan Lile

In memory of Shirley Williams by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Orville Fox by Phyllis Gore

In memory of Jack Miller by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of William Robert Pasewark, Sr. by Patsie Ross Milosevich

In memory of John Akeley by Larry and JoAnna Willis


Memorials & Honorariums – January 15, 2022 MISSIONS MINISTRY In honor of Ramona Prater for her dedicated service by Women’s Society of Christian Service. MUSIC MINISTRY In honor of Bryan and Ross Smitherman by Don and Dena Houchin

SECOND HELPINGS In memory of Orville Fox by Kenneth and Jane Trent In memory of Orville Fox by Joseph and Janna Bennett In memory of Orville Fox by Jo Anne Smith In memory of Orville Fox by Nancy Bennett

In memory of Robert Francis by John and Carolyn James and family

In memory of Orville Fox by Rebecca Reagan

In memory of Robert Francis by James Kirk, Jr.

In memory of Burt Montgomery by Scott and Janna Walkup and family

In memory of Robert Francis by John and Carolyn James In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Baird and Glenda Helfrich PRAYER GARDEN In memory of Robert “Red” Tipps celebrating his 105th birthday with much love by Hannah Tipps

In memory of Orville Fox by Hannah Tipps

In memory of Burt Montgomery by Bettie Lou Hardin In memory of Orville Fox by Denise Rocha In memory of Burt Montgomery by Jim and Wanda White In honor of Hannah Tipps by Bob and Dana Craig In honor of Nick and Shelby Lovelace by Bob and Dana Craig

Our Life Together

Sympathies to Bryan, Ross, and Carol-Anne Smitherman on the death of father and grandfather, Tony Ross BIRTHS Smitherman. Tony passed away Congratulations to Shelby and Holly Sunday, December 26, 2021. Visitation Brake on the birth of their grandson, Baron Zane Brake. Baron was born on held December 31 with funeral services December 30, 2021. Proud parents are following at United Methodist Church in McLean. Clayton and Calley Brake. NEW MEMBERS Congratulations to Dorothy Kayser on joining First Lubbock on January 16, in the 11 Traditional service by Dr. Todd Salzwedel.

Sympathies to the Francis family on the death of father and grandfather, Robert Francis. Robert passed away December 27, 2021.

Sympathies to Shelley Montgomery and family on the death of husband SYMPATHIES and father, Burt Montgomery. Burt Sympathies to Maxine Fox and family passed away January 10. A memorial on the death of husband and father, service held on January 14, officiated Orville Fox. Orville passed away December 13, 2021. A memorial service by Dr. Shera Atkinson. Burt was a member of the Seekers Sunday School held January 8, 2022 at Lake Ridge class and a member of First Lubbock Chapel and Memorial Designers and since April 2, 1995. was officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson.

Sympathies to the Strong family on the death of Jack Strong, Jr. Jack passed away January 16. A memorial service officiated by Rev. Bailey Barkley was held on January 22 in the sanctuary. Jack’s wife Zelda passed away in 2018. Jack had been a member of First Lubbock since April 30, 2000. Sympathies to the Lowder family on the death of Betty Lowder. Betty passed away January 18. Betty was a member of the HI Robinson Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since December 16, 1956.



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8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock 8 FEBRUARY 2022 | THE WINDOW

@fumclbk @fumclbk

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