The Window - February 2020

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM | FEBRUARY 2020

What’s Inside Page 03 Cancer Companions

Page 04 Missions

Page 06 ELCT

Page 09 First Youth




MAKING AN IMPACT It’s not often that we hear about the impact we have on the people we serve, but we did this time! FUMCs Helping Hands team, and Backyard Mission Team worked on Gloria’s house, making major repairs (including a new wall heater, soffit / fascia repair, etc) over a four-month period. This project culminated in the church wide Helping Hands day on April 27. Gloria who was undergoing chemotherapy had a delightful spirit and worked alongside us. Kathy and Susan Clark invited her to come visit our church. Here is the “rest of the story”... The last Sunday in October, Frank received a text that Gloria was looking for us at church. We met and attended the Contemporary Service with her. During the service our church was asking for volunteers to work at our Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Gloria told us she wanted to help. She said Backyard Mission and Helping Hands had done so much for her; she wanted to give back. Gloria did in fact come and helped feed the hungry in downtown Lubbock! On Thanksgiving morning, Kathy’s phone rang, and it was Gloria. She told her that in December 2018 she felt angry about her illness and her living conditions and did not have any gratitude in her life. She said that FUMC, Helping Hands, and Backyard Mission had given her hope and had brought back joy in her life and was now looking for ways to help others. What a lovely Thanksgiving gift! Missions is about living out the Greatest Commandment of Loving Your Neighbor. Mission Programs can be life changing for the recipients of these programs. It is not just about doing things for others, but making lasting impacts in lives of those that we may never realize. “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.” –Matthew 25:40 — Frank & Kathy Phillips, Helping Hands Ministry

Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

February 2020 | The Window


CANCER COMPANIONS I will venture a guess that there are few people in our church and in our community that have not been touched by cancer, either first hand, as a caregiver, family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor. Cancer comes with many faces. Not only the people– cancer is not picky about who it inflicts; but also the types of cancers. Different cancers affect different parts of the body. Some cancers are aggressive and require acute care and intense treatments. Some cancers are slow moving, silent, quietly growing until sometimes it’s too late. No one wants that diagnosis and we sometimes are slow to seek treatment. There are different facets to the disease and its care. We all have different coping mechanisms and support groups–or not. The one constant through all of this is that we all have a support system that is absolutely unwavering–that is our Father above.

provide an outlet to study and worship God through a bible study/support group forum. It is open to anyone who has been touched by cancer. As noted above, maybe you have not been the one diagnosed, but you have been involved with someone who has. It can be hard to continue to have faith in a God that “allows” this to happen to you. But it is exactly this faith that can help get you through the questions, concerns, full-out hardship of dealing with cancer. We hope to bring together like-minded or similarly situated people to probe through the questions using scripture, shared experiences; crises and joys, and have a family that knows a little of what you are walking through. Every journey is different, different twists and turns, different emotions, different options, different time periods. But we have a God that can carry us through it with love, prayer, and faith.

First Lubbock is excited about an opportunity for us to come along this unwavering support system with a cancer outreach called Cancer Companions. This is a program to

In the next few weeks and months, we will form a study group and establish a meeting time to work with a bible study curriculum created by the organization, Cancer Companions.


February 2020 | The Window

We will also share–or not–our own experiences and how we got through or, how am I going to get through this. In addition to a study group, we hope to establish a network of volunteers to provide assistance here and there when needed. We would also like opportunities to simply make a phone call to you, help you to an appointment, help you with simple errands, or just come sit with you for a time. You are not alone in this unwelcome journey; not physically or spiritually. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Leslie Moss (the short one) at 505-328-3735 or Shera Atkinson at 806-763-4607, — Leslie Moss

BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING Make plans now to attend FUMC’s 2020 Women’s Ministry Retreat on February 22. Our speaker is our very own Melanie Neal who lives the message she will be sharing. Melanie, retired from Texas Tech University, remains active in the Lubbock Lion’s Club, the FUMC Choir, and a multitude of other service activities at FUMC and in the Lubbock Community. You will be blessed by her optimism and enthusiasm for using the word “YES”. Please join us from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on February 22 in the CLC Worship Center. The cost is $10 and includes lunch and all materials. Register online at Contact Gloria Ashby,, 806-763-4607, ext. 222.

Women’s Retreat

Blessed to be a Blessing

Speaker: Melanie Neal February 22 | 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Cost: $10 includes lunch & materials Sign up: Contact:

ALL-CHURCH BOOK STUDY The 2020 All-Church Book Study begins on February 26. We will join together across all services to study the book, “Don’t Give Up: Faith That Gives You the Confidence to Keep Believing and the Courage to Keep Going” by Kyle Idleman. Our lives are minefields of challenges that take their toll on our courage, our conviction, and even our faith. But God whispers to the weary, “don’t give up.” Drawing from inspiring biblical stories and first-person testimonies of perseverance, bestselling author and pastor Kyle Idleman encourages readers to cast their concerns on God, trust in his love and timing, pray for patience and strength, and seek support in the family of God. Books will be available beginning February 16 in the intersection by the Open Door Welcome Center, in Sunday school classes who reserve books, and by the CLC Worship Center. A study guide will be available online and for Sunday school leaders. Contact Shera Atkinson, or Gloria Ashby, Reading Schedule For Sunday March 1- Section 1: Chapters 1-3 For Sunday March 8- Section 2: Chapters 4-5 For Sunday March 15- Section 2: Chapters 6-7 For Sunday March 22- Section 3: Chapters 8-9 For Sunday March 29- Section 3: Chapter 10- Epilogue February 2020 | The Window




We have had the wonderful opportunity to help send snack home with children at Bayless over the weekend. Some children and families rely on the food offered at school. When the weekend comes it can quickly become a concern as to where their next meal or snack will come from. FUMC has been providing 100 snack packs to Bayless children for the last few years. Volunteers are so important to keep this ministry running and the service happens right at FUMC. This is a great way to show the love of Christ through the gift of snacks. 1. Join us in prayer for the families of the children receiving the snack packs as we lift them and their needs to the Lord. 2. P ray for the volunteers who will back the snack bags and those who will help deliver the bags to the school. 3. P ray for Bayless and the needs that are so real in the school. 4. P ray that we will have the financial means to continue this ministry. 5. A sk God how he is inviting you to be a part of our Snack Packs outreach. Could you be part of our team that prepares, prays, and delivers this gift of love to students in our community? Learn more about missions at

Bayless Elementary

Restock the

Shelves! Snack Pack Volunteers Needed! We need to pack 500 snack bags for Bayless Elementary every month,but we can't do it without you. Delivery team members are also needed. This is a great activity for Sunday school classes and small groups. Please contact Sara Lattimore,, to sign your group up.


February 2020 | The Window

FEBRUARY 2020 Supplies Needed: Clorox wipes Kleenex Hand Sanitizer Markers Crayons Play dough

Coming Up in Missions February TBD Bayless Ministry Meeting February 1-25 Bayless Restock the Shelves Supply Drive February 9 Pancakes for Missions Fundraiser February 16 Outreach Center Spring Cleaning February 27 Bayless- Deliver Supplies MARCH March TBD Helping Hands Work Day March 16-22 Honduras Mission Trip


The missions team needs your help with deep cleaning and organization of our Outreach Center. Sign up online at or contact Sara Lattimore,, with questions. This is a great opportunity for those needing volunteer hours for schools or organizations.

February 2020 | The Window


EVER LIVING There are several ways to leave legacy gifts to FUMC but only the Ever Living Church Trust (ELCT) is an endowment where gifts are added to a permanent fund and generate ongoing funds in perpetuity. The earnings (dividends, interest, royalties, etc.) from the permanent ELCT endowment are provided to the FUMC Trustees annually to be used for non-routine maintenance and replacement costs related to the FUMC facilities. Legacy gifts, honorary gifts, and memorial gifts are major sources of funds to this endowment.

• Purchase a storage unit for First Youth A/V equipment

Because you gave, the ELCT was able to help pay for over half a million dollars worth of repairs and upgrades during the past four years, including:

• Replace the protective floor covering (tarps) for the Gym floor when used for large event seating/dining

• Sanctuary and Chapel painting and plaster • Repair/replace multiple boilers • Make repairs to the HVAC system • Make an assessment of need for choir loft lighting • Replace the ice machine in the CLC

• Replace and repair heat exchange unit in CLC • Upgrade the audio and video equipment in the CLC Worship Room • Upgrade the security system cameras, sensors, and alarm • Make renovations to the Narthex and Library restrooms, including ADA compliance • Paint walls in Children’s 2nd floor area

• Purchase tile for future library restroom renovation • Sound System Upgrades • Carpet for 1st floor including Children’s area • And more! Your legacy gifts should reflect your passions and priorities during your earthly life. Family, church, and other

worthy causes can all be included in your estate plan and are not mutually exclusive. Estate plans and wills are not just for the very wealthy but for all individuals in this era of extended life spans and self-directed individual retirement accounts (IRA, 401k, 403b, etc.). Wills should be developed early and updated as life changing events (marriage, births, deaths, retirements, etc.) or other circumstances change. IRA and Life Insurance Beneficiary forms should be reviewed and updated as well. For more information on ELCT legacy giving, memorial gifts, or gifts to reduce current tax liabilities, please go to or call FUMC and request Jeanine Austin, administrative assistant assigned to the ELCT, mail you a printed copy of this information to discuss with your family and advisors.

SPECIAL NEWS … For 2020, the ELCT has a matching gift offer that lets you double the impact of your gift to the ELCT!

Our church facilities are far more than a place for us to congregate on Sunday mornings for worship, to celebrate new beginnings through weddings, to nurture our youth through baptisms, confirmations and children and youth ministries, or to hold services for those who have passed. While all of these worship activities are a vital part of what we do as a church, our many and varied missions as people of God extend beyond the walls of FUMC. To fulfill those missions, our facilities must serve both as a gathering place for worship as well as a home base from which we launch our activities that carry God’s word into the community. We’ve seen how capital campaigns like Greater Things fund major facility projects, and we know that routine facility needs such as light bulb replacement, carpet cleaning and plumbing repairs are addressed through the church’s annual operating budget. But for the repairs and other maintenance needs that fall in between, the Ever Living Church Trust (the “ELCT”) is the safety net that steps in to help meet those “in between” needs of our church facilities – and those needs can be significant. Contributions to the permanent endowment of the ELCT create an ongoing legacy of love for the benefit of future generations. Ben Lock – Ever Living Church Trust, Chair 6

February 2020 | The Window

CHURCH TRUST The Ever Living Church Trust (ELCT) is a tremendous benefit to FUMC, one that hopefully will be substantial for many years to come. A simple concept, monies donated to the trust are invested and earnings are used to assist church finances. Most of the assistance is used for building maintenance, some for other needs such as children’s needs. The high cost of maintaining our beautiful building would be much more different without ELCT and I am a firm believer that we must maintain this building annually to prevent its deterioration. Please consider memorials, donations, and legacy gifts to help sustain this great cause. Terry Dane Many changes in ways to communicate God’s word have occurred since the early 1980s when the FUMC-LBK’s Ever Living Church Trust (ELCT) was created. These include the public’s access to cell phones (1983), the worldwide web (internet) services (1989), public email servers such as AOL (1992), “smart” phones which stream both live and recorded audio and video events (2007), as well as digital microphones and speaker systems. The list of innovations, and related obsolescence of previous methods, continues annually into infinity in addition to the normal building upkeep of our church home. FUMC-LBK’s leaders of the 1980s knew each time a dollar was spent from the annual operating budget for facility infrastructure, it was a dollar unavailable for the current programs and ministries of the church. Although they could not foretell nor dictate exactly what church programs and ministries would be needed in the future, they could see ongoing facility and equipment costs were inevitable and increasing in cost annually. Hence on faith they gave the original ELCT endowment dollars, and subsequent FUMC-LBK members have continued to provide additional donations to the ELCT as legacy gifts, memorials, or to honor an occasion or person. In the 21st century the ELCT endowment’s earnings allow the annual FUMC-LBK operating budgets to focus on developing/implementing programs for TODAY’s needs and audiences while the ELCT provides more than $100,000 annually toward facility infrastructure costs. A gift to the ELCT, no matter how large or small, is a gift to accomplish the mission of our church now and in the future. Diane Gillit My husband, Phillip, and I are lifelong Methodists and have been members of FUMC since 1988. We first became aware of the ELCT when one of Phillip’s elderly clients left her estate to the trust. At that point, the importance of preserving the church became a reality for us, that its history, meaning to the community and a beacon to God’s word for the people of Lubbock and Methodism is truly something worthy of being maintained. Tricia Hays I am grateful for the fact that “forward thinking” leadership within FUMC created and put in place the Ever Living Church Trust. This Trust provides for, and insures into the future, the monies that are needed and necessary to provide for the upkeep and maintenance of our beautiful facility. This is accomplished without ongoing budget requirements, or emergency monetary infusions. when such needs come about. It simply allows FUMC to be “proactive” as opposed to “reactive”. It is a great tool for FUMC to have and use for the benefit of every member. Barry Johnston Legacy gifts provide a stimulus and revitalization for ministry into future generations. Charles and I look forward to our grandchildren, Ellis Corinne Key and John William Key, growing spiritually at FUMC. Ellis and John William are 4th generation members of FUMC, and gifts to the ELCT have made this possible. ELCT donors create a stewardship that allows FUMC to support and sustain the ministries of the church. Paula Key February 2020 | The Window



February 2020 | The Window


We were blessed to celebrate our infants in the 11 a.m. traditional service on January 19. Nine babies and their families were presented with a Bible. A special thank you to our UMW for providing the children’s Bibles for the infant celebration. We appreciate the love and support you give for the babies and their families of our church. – Tessa Armes


DINNER WORSHIP FUN ACTIVITIES Come have fun and grow together with your family and church community.


For questions contact Tessa Armes at Childcare provided for children under three.

February 9, 16, 23 March 1, 8 5:30-7 PM • CLC

Registration for current church members and PDO families begins February 24. Registration for the public opens March 2.

Discounted prices available for registration by April 17.



$12/child or $30/3 or more siblings Sign up by noon February 27 at Don’t forget to bring pjs and dinner!

May 27-29 Lil’ Ceta #1* Grades 2 & 3 • Fee by Feb. 23: $172 • By April 17: $183 • After April 17: $193 June 22-26 One Way Grades 4-6 • Fee by Feb. 23: $280 • By April 17: $295 • After April 17: $308 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • LUBBOCK



February 2020 | The Window


Give Electronically!

First LBK has three ways to securely give electronically.

1. Computer Go online to or follow the “Online Giving” link from

Our Life Together – January 2020 BAPTISMS Congratulations to Mark and Julia Clay on the baptism of their children Bella Cantu, Greg, Charlotte, and Alejandro Clay in the11 a.m. contemporary service, December 22, 2019 by Rev. Bailey Barkley.

Congratulations to Mark and Julia Clay and their children Bella Cantu, Greg, Charlotte, and Alejandro Clay on joining FUMC December 22, 2019 in the11 a.m. contemporary service,by Rev. Bailey Barkley. Julia is transferring from Trinity Church.

Congratulations to Alexander and Petra Higby on the baptism of their daughter, Adriana Estelle Higby,December 22, 2019 in the 8:30 service by Dr. Craig Curry.

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to Betty Wall and family on the death of her husband, Dr. Richard Wall. Richard passed away December 23, 2019. A time of remembrance was held on December 26, 2019 at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. A Celebration of Life was held December 27, 2019 in the Wesley Chapel. Graveside services followed at Sunset Memorial Gardens in Norman, OK.

Congratulations to Kevin and Laura Bailey on the baptism of their son, Kristopher Bailey, on January 12 in the 8:30 service by Dr. Craig Curry. Kristopher is in the confirmation class of 2020. 2. Smartphone Download the SecureGive app on your smartphone, or go

3. Kiosks SecureGive Kiosks access either of the two in the church using your credit or debit card • Just outside the business office • At the CLC Welcome Desk


@fumclbk 10

February 2020 | The Window

Congratulations to Jeff and Kelly Shropshire on the baptism of their son, Sam Shropshire, on January 12 in the chapel service by Dr. Shera Atkinson. Sam is in the confirmation class of 2020. Congratulations to Ben and Karen Webb on the baptism of their daughter, Ella Marie Webb, on January 12 in the 11 a.m. contemporary service, by Rev. Bailey Barkley. Ella is in the confirmation class of 2020. Congratulations to Bailey and Randa Barkley on the baptism of their son, Hudson Bailey Barkley, on January 12, in the 11 a.m. contemporary service, by Rev. Bailey Barkley. Hudson is in the confirmation class of 2020. NEW MEMBERS Congratulations to Rhett, Kenzi, Tierni, and Jace Green on joining FUMC December 22, 2019 in 11 a.m. traditional sesrvice by Dr.Craig Curry. Rhett is transferring from Muleshoe UMC and Kenzi has joined by Profession of Faith.

Sympathies to Don and Robin Walker and family on the death of Don’s father, Karl Winston Walker. Karl passed away December 27, 2019. A celebration of life was held January 17 with visitation following at Sunset Church of Christ. Don and Robin have been members of First Lubbock since October 1981. Sympathies to Larry Littrell and family on the death of his mother, Patsy Ann Pettiet Littrell. Patsy passed away January 8. A celebration of life was held January 13, at Lake Ridge Chapel. Larry has been a member of First Lubbock since June 1990. Sympathies to Rob and Pam Allison and family on the death of Pam’s mother, Thresa O’Dell. Thresa passed away January 11. A memorial service was held January 15 at First UMC in Celina. Rob and Pam have been members of First Lubbock since July 1976.

Memorials & Honorariums – January 15, 2020 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY In memory of Juanita Hardaway by Larry and Margaret Mullins

GORDON MCMILLAN CONSOLE FUND In memory Todd Quisenberry by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Charli Kate Jones by Joe and Kay Walters

GREATER THINGS BUILDING FUND In memory of Dick Craig by Larry and JoAnna Willis

EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In honor of Alison Schwartz on her birthday, December 19 your special day, by Ben and Robin Lock

MISSIONS In memory of Charli Jones by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Martha Boles,sister of Ginger Jones, by Bonnie Aycock

In memory of John and Sammie Speers by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Dorothy Nagy by Bonnie Aycock

In memory of Mickey Hammonds by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Dorothy Nagy by Ingram Family Foundation

MUSIC MINISTRY In memory of Suzan Headrick by Eric and Cheryl McKnight

In memory of Jimmie Mason by Shirley Dyess In memory of Kathryn Grinnell by Shirley Dyess In memory of Allen Ehresman by Eric and Cheryl McKnight In memory of Rex Fuller by Eric and Cheryl McKnight In memory of Becky Rankin by Lex and Mary Helen Jameson In memory of Joe and Dorothy Nagy by Choc Hutcheson

In memory of Larry Neal by Eric and Cheryl McKnight In memory of Dina Lawrence by Eric and Cheryl McKnight In memory of Larry Neal by Dr. and Mrs. David Bush In memory of Jack Miller by Dr. and Mrs. David Bush In memory of Marnie Reed by Dr. and Mrs. David Bush

In memory of Sammie Speer by Pat Alderson

ORGAN FUND In memory of LaWanda Murfee by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Coach James Carter

In memory of Suzan Headrick by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In memory of Dr. Patrick Thomas by Quentin and Sue Hancock

SECOND HELPINGS In memory of Karl Winston Walker by Kenneth and Julia Isom

In memory of Richard E. Adams by Monika, Porter, Madden, and Callie Wilson

In memory of Karl Winston Walker by Bruce and Lexie Isom

In memory of Juanita Hardaway by Larry and JoAnna Willis

In honor of Hannah Tipps and Shelby Cox by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Nelda Merrell by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Delbert Debnam by Larry and JoAnna Willis FRIENDS OF MUSIC In honor Dr.Seung-Won Cho and family by Dr. and Mrs. David Bush In memory of Mary McCown by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Larry Thatcher Neal by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Jack Miller by Larry and JoAnna Willis In memory of Rex Talley by Larry and JoAnna Willis February 2020 | The Window




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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 12

February 2020 | The Window

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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