The Window - August 2022

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM |AUGUST 2022

What’s Inside Page 03 Director of Missions & College

Page 04 First Kids

Page 05 First Students

Page 06 Parking Lot Ministry




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.

A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE Recently, I came across some old textbooks from my undergraduate studies. I casually looked through the text to see what I recalled from those studies so long ago (maybe more to see if the information contained SENIOR PASTOR within its pages was Todd Salzwedel now irrelevant, just as I sometimes feel about myself!). I found notes I had written in the margins that I’m sure seemed profound to me at the time, but now seemed to be elementary at best. There were class handouts that were poorly put together and lacked the professional layout and polish that is so commonplace today. But the thing that caught my eye was a quote from the professor that day. It read, “take the time daily to learn from those who went before you.” I would venture to guess this is a lesson that has been taught, restated, and impressed upon each of us countless times throughout our lives. In truth, we’ve probably conveyed the same message to our children, our loved ones and anyone else that might care to listen to our sage advice. In rereading this lesson, I began to wonder how often I employed this in my own life? From whom did I seek such wisdom and insight? And what evidence did I have in my own life that I was, in fact, living this maxim? This momentary time of reflection reminded me of a simple three-part guide for selfleadership that is prominent on the desktop of

my computer. I wish I could tell you this guide came straight from the lips of Jesus himself, or that I gained this revelation due to years of meditation upon the scriptures. Alas, that would be a lie! Instead, at some point years ago, these three principles struck a chord deep in my heart that continues to resonate for me today. They read: 1. Invest in yourself – what are the areas of your life that you can influence/adapt/ change to accomplish the goals you have set in the near and far future? Who or what do you need to make such an investment? 2. Measure success with an “inner scorecard” – resist the temptation to allow external measures of success. Demand for yourself that you are less concerned with being “right” all of the time, and more committed to being “less wrong” each day. This is measured in relationships and contentment with life. 3. The success of your life is measured by one four letter word… LOVE! – when you are more concerned about the welfare of those you lead or care about, you are being driven by a power that far exceeds selfish desire and greed. As I read over this list again, I’m convinced that at their core, these lessons have significance and even correlate with foundational biblical values. But in an effort to prioritize such an approach to life that reflects our faith, I would invert the order. The success of our life is measured by LOVE – first of God and then of neighbor! (continued on page 2)



Dear Church Family,

Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care

It does not matter how long it has been since I attended graduate school, I still seem to remain on a semester system with fall always feeling like the beginning of a year. In the whisper of a wind, Fall is upon us and it is time to start fresh. Let me share just a few of the opportunities you have this fall to grow in your faith journey and to be blessed by others, and to be a blessing.

August 14, all new members are invited to a new member luncheon, which will be held in Room CLC 106/107. This luncheon allows new members to ask questions, discover classes and know the staff. Then on August 21, the entire church is invited to this year’s Fall Reveal Picnic. We will gather in Memorial Garden from 4:30 to 6:30 for dinner, games, Kurbside Sweets, and information about our ministries. In September, our kids are back in school and we are back in Bible study! New classes will start just after Labor Day, so be watching for the start of new sessions of the Tuesday Morning, Wednesday Noon and Thursday Morning Bible Study Groups. On September 5, a new short-term class on “What the Bible has to say about Civility” will begin. The class will (continued from page 1) The “inner scorecard” refers to the desire of our heart to be in relationship with God above all else so that our words, thoughts, and actions ultimately reflect who God created us to be in the first place. And lastly, we should invest in ourselves, because Jesus first “invested” in each of us by giving his very life for us. This same “investment” was made for all of mankind, and we should treat others with the same sacred worth. So, who was the author of the initial list? Who offered such advice that, if employed properly, would guide such 2 AUGUST 2022 | THE WINDOW

read the book, “Choosing Civility,” by Dr. Forni and compare it to biblical passages. One of the most exciting events of the fall is our WelbornPayne Christian Life Conference, which will meet on September 17. Once again, we will be inspired by Marcus “Goodie” Goodloe. As a special addition, our Men’s Ministry will have the honor of hearing Goodie speak as well as the opportunity to fellowship with him on the evening of September 16 as part of our Men’s Ministry dinner and cornhole tournament. Advent begins November 27 and this year’s Advent Daily Devotional book is “God is Here” by Casey Page Culbreth. The books will be ready for pick up beginning the second Sunday in November. The annual Women’s Advent Event is scheduled for December 1 in CLC106/107. Come start the holiday season with lunch and a Wesleyan Christmas Experience. Throughout the semester, be watching for special videos and emails with spiritual encouragements and new opportunities. My prayer for you is that you will encounter Jesus and know the peace and power of His Spirit throughout the upcoming semester. Soli Deo Gloria, Shera

essential life decisions? None other than the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, maybe the most influential investor of his time. Please know I’m not advocating that a financial guru should be the source of our life’s meditations, but I do think we can easily recognize that success can be defined and realized in various ways. Sometimes a different perspective allows us to see truths in a different light and to understand just how God might work within our lives. When viewed through the proper lens, our life can be blessed just as we are a blessing to others. And while it may seem foolish or a distortion of success in the eyes of the world, we are reminded:

“the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.” -1 Corinthians 1:18 May God bless you as we wind down this blistering summer! And may we be guided by the love of God, the desire to do His will, and an understanding that God has given us His very best that we might reflect Him in all we do! Pastor Todd

New Director of Missional and College Ministries We are excited to announce that Michael Spaulding is joining our staff as the Director of Missional and College Ministries. Michael grew up in Wylie. He graduated from Texas Tech with a degree in Human Sciences. Michael has also been on staff at the Texas Tech Wesley Foundation, where he has ministered to college students and led mission trips. Michael will take on most of the responsibilities that were previously held by Sara Lattimore. When you get the opportunity, make sure you connect with Michael!


August 28


Executive Director & Founder, Tranquilidad Foundation

Memorial Hall 9:50-10:50 a.m. Roxanne Turnipseed will visit the US and Lubbock and would like to share the story of Tranquilidad Foundation Home for Children and Youth and update the church on ongoing work at our sister mission in Honduras.




Tranquilidad Foundation’s purpose is to manifest the love of Jesus Christ as we provide care, love, protection, and a home to the orphaned, neglected, and/or abused children and youth of the Quimistan Valley in Honduras. Now that our children are older, we have begun to do outreach into remote villages. Our goals are: • To teach our children there is joy in giving. • To provide our children the opportunity to share from their resources with children who have less than they do. • To understand the provisions they receive due to the generosity of our donors. • To share the love of Jesus wherever we go and with whomever we interact. AUGUST 2022 | THE WINDOW



As excitement builds for the upcoming school year, new school supplies are purchased, back to school letters are opened with great anticipation, first day outfits are carefully chosen, and schedules and structure return to our homes, we are given the opportunity to build new rhythms into our daily life. Start small. Choose one intentional Christ-centered moment to share with your child. It doesn’t have to be some big, elaborate lesson plan filled with an hour of activities. Starting small gives you the best opportunity to stay consistent and

AUG 14

be intentional. You, as the parent, have the most potential to influence your child’s relationship with Christ. Yes…YOU. The more you practice having Christ-centered moments and conversations with your child, the easier and more natural it becomes. All of the “little” ways you bring Christ into your home and conversations add up and create a faith-filled foundation for your child. If you need a starting place, here are a few ideas: • Read a Bible story together before bed • Listen to your child’s problem & tie it back to a Biblical truth • Pray together before dinner or bed (sometimes by being the example and sometimes guiding your child to pray)

• Listen to music in the car that is uplifting and scripture based • Allow your child to observe your spiritual practices – prayer, scripture reading, Christ filled conversations. • Pause in the moment and pray for a concern or give thanks for a joy • Talk about what they learned in Sunday school or during the sermon • T ell your child about your faith journey. • Allow your child to see your struggles and how you problem solve in grace-filled ways (or apologize after less than gracefilled moments!) • Pick a scripture (weekly, monthly, or semester) to memorize and focus on together as a family Tessa Armes Director of Children’s Ministry



SEPT 8, 11, 25


Memorial Hall • 5:30-7:00 p.m.


Memorial Hall • 5:30-7: p.m.

OCT 23

At’l Do Farms

Sunday School Hour


OCT 2, 9



AUG 14

NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM Memorial Hall •4:30-6:30 p.m.



First Students have been keeping busy this summer with camp, Mystery Mondays and trips! AUGUST 2022 | THE WINDOW 5


We have great things planned for this school year that we can’t wait to share with you. More information is coming soon! Sign-Ups

Fall Kick Off 1


@firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK


Rush Week For Incoming 6th Graders AUGUST 810 Register at

Save the Date South Plains Fair SEPTEMBER 22OCT 1 High School Ski Trip JANUARY 15, 2023

Last Days of Summer Mystery Mondays AUGUST 1 & 8 Watch our social media for details. Thursday Lunches AUGUST 4 Torchy’s in West End AUGUST 11 Capital Pizza on 82nd

NEW MINISTRY! In the continued effort to expand the quality of our welcome to guests and members alike, a new Parking Lot Ministry will begin August 21. For those parking in the south lot, a golf cart will patrol the lot offering rides to the door of your choice. Visitors will be taken to the atrium doors. Initially, rides will commence at 9:35, just after the chapel service, and continue until after the 11 a.m. services end and all who need rides have returned to their cars. As more volunteers join the ministry, these hours will expand to offer rides to the 8:45 and 9 a.m. services. Thank you to Sergey Haberer for filling these first hours of ministry! To volunteer to assist with this helpful service, please call or email, Shera Atkinson at806 763 4607 ext 240 or 6 AUGUST 2022 | THE WINDOW

Begins August 21

Parking Lot Ministry


Memorials & Honorariums – July 15, 2022 CHANCEL CHOIR In memory of Carolyn Selby by Bobby and Sandy Hart

FRIENDS OF MUSIC In memory of Larry Hagood by David and Harriet Bush

COUNSELING CENTER In honor of Dr. Shera Atkinson by Lou Conner

In memory of Carolyn Selby by Beverly McDuff

EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of Wanda Atkinson by Tom and Sammie Prather

MUSIC MINISTRY In memory Carolyn Selby by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Bob and Betty Carr by Tom and Sammie Prather

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Laurin and Sharon Prather

In memory of Larry Granby by Scott and Cathy Porter In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Scott and Cathy Porter

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by David and Harriet Bush

In memory of Bob and Betty Carr by Scott and Cathy Porter

In memory of Carolyn Selby by Scott and Cathy Porter

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Jim and Wanda White

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Carolyn Selby by Jim and Wanda White In memory of Don Curry by Jim and Wanda White

In memory of Carolyn Selby by Mary L. Livermore Foundation

In memory of Joan Sanders by Jim and Wanda White

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Grover E. Murray Trust

In memory of Carolyn Selby by Donald and Sammie Bricker

In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Beverly McDuff In memory of Lou Dunn Diekemper by Don and Robin Walker

Our Life Together BIRTHS Congratulations to Samantha and Andrew Edgin on the birth of their son, Adam Taylor Edgin. He was born June 28. Adam has an older brother, John Luca. Samantha is the administrative assistant for the traditional music department.

BAPTISMS Congratulations to Ronnie and Lindsay Woodard on the baptism of their son, Wesley James. Dr. Todd Salzwedel baptized Wesley in the 11 traditional service, July 24. His proud grandparents are Ron and Angi Nail.

Welcome to Chris and Susan Roberts on joining First Lubbock July 17 in the 11 traditional service by Dr. Todd Salzwedel. They are transferring from St. Luke’s UMC.

SYMPATHIES Sympathies to the Selby family on the death of Carolyn. Carolyn passed away Wednesday, June 22. A private graveside service was held on June 25 officiated by Reverend Bailey Barkley. A memorial service will be held later. Carolyn was a member of the Friends of Music, the McMillan Sunday School class, and a member of First Lubbock since September 12, 1958.

NEW MEMBERS Welcome to Steve and Sherry Owens for joining First Lubbock July 3 in the 11 traditional service by Dr. Todd Salzwedel. They are transferring from Lakeridge UMC.



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8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock 8 AUGUST 2022 | THE WINDOW

@fumclbk @fumclbk

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