The Window - August 2021

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THEWINDOW 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM |AUGUST 2021

What’s Inside Page 02 A Look Ahead

Page 04 It Starts with Prayer

Page 06 Banners

Page 10 New Youth Director




Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives.


Greetings, First family! Are you as shocked as I am at how quickly 2021 seems to be going by? I am! Maybe it’s because we are preparing for our son’s senior year of high school. It might be due to emergence of society SENIOR PASTOR from almost a year of Todd Salzwedel isolation in so many places. I’m not really sure, but I sense it.

I was reflecting on this seemingly increased pace because of a morning ritual I have each morning when I come to the church. On the corner of my desk sits a Book of Common Prayer from the late 1800s. For more than two years now, I have made it a practice that I go through the prescribed readings on any day that I come to my office. I do this for two reasons. First, as disciples of Jesus, we are called to drink deeply from God’s word, and using this method has allowed me to explore areas of scripture I might otherwise overlook. Secondly, when I spend time reading the Bible, it reminds me that what I do in my office and the church is not simply a job. Instead, I need to be living out what God instructs each of us to do through his Word. That exploration is what led me to consider pace. In my reading the past few weeks I have come across words like “steadfast”, “firm”, and “resolute”. What I don’t find are words like “agile”, “nimble”, or “flexible”. I found that odd. It’s not that I think God doesn’t want us to possess such attributes. In fact, throughout the biblical narrative, we see example after

example of the flexibility and agility. The rapid pace by which we experience Jesus the last week in Jerusalem demonstrates just how adaptable he and God are! Maybe, my focus on these attributes is a result of so much literature and advice in modern society encouraging us to be agile. We are encouraged to seek innovative solutions to complex problems. And we can all relate to the sometimes-breakneck speed by which we too often live. But then I’m reminded of the Psalmist’s words when we are told to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Patience is virtue continually encouraged for us as believers, especially with respect to love of one another and the work of God in our lives (see Proverbs 14:29, Romans 8:25, Colossian 3:12, and others!). And God’s patience with us as individuals is stated so eloquently by the apostle Paul in one of my favorite verses: “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” –1 Timothy 1:16 For many of us, our lives are filled with more things than we can often say grace over during certain periods. In the hurried lives we often live, we can fall into the trap of moving from one event to the next without fully experiencing and appreciating the moment. Rather than take the time to be still and take note of all that God has done in our midst, we can quickly turn our attention to the next item demanding our attention. (continued on page 2) AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW



As fall approaches, we are excited about new opportunities to fellowship together and grow in Christ. Here are a few things to be anticipating:

Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care

Individualized Spiritual Formation Plans- this will provide you with an opportunity to meet and visit with one of the pastors to develop a plan for spiritual growth.

New Bible Studies- This fall’s Bible study options will include an Old Testament overview, Sandra Richter’s study of the Psalms, Beth Moore’s Study of Galatians and more. Meet me for Lunch- You will be invited to bring your lunch and meet with one of the pastors or other special guests to have a devotional time, discuss how our faith informs how we live and respond to current events, and other topics relevant to Christian living.

Explorer Sunday School Class- a new Sunday school class will be offered for those who are visiting or new to the church, do not have a Sunday school class, or are interested in spending four to six weeks on a particular topic and then returning to their own class. This class will be led primarily by the pastors but will also include other leaders in the church as well. Sunday School Grand Gathering Breakfast- November 14All who attend Sunday school or are interested in attending a class are invited to this breakfast in Memorial Hall during the Sunday school hour. Rev. Dr. Todd Salzwedel will be the keynote speaker. The Senior Adults have a full slate of activities planned and inviting the entire church to participate in many of them! Please watch the Friday online Weekly Window, your order of worship, posters, Sunday school announcement, emails, future newsletter articles, and our website at for more information about these and other ministries at First Lubbock! Soli Deo Gloria, Shera

(continued from page 1) As I pen these words, I recognize the irony of the moment. By the time you read this article, I will have returned from a long overdue vacation with my family. But I’m writing this the night before we depart. I’m trying to hurry and accelerate my pace. I’m completing the task that is before me. Hopefully, I remember to be still, be patient, and to celebrate with my family. I hope everyone of you has been able to take some time do to the same. And maybe take to heart the words of Paul to the church in Philippi: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Blessings, and I’ll see you each Sunday! Invite a friend and may First be a place we all experience a respite from the hurried pace we have all encountered! Blessings! Pastor Todd 2 AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW



Find events online at, or scan the QR code.

It’s Back! We are excited to announce that The Lord’s Acre Dinner, Auctions, Bake Sale and Store is back so please save the dates! November 5-6. Friday night we will have a catered dinner, wonderful entertainment, a silent auction and a live auction led by our very own Harold Bob Bennet. Saturday you will have an opportunity to get a jump on your Christmas shopping as you visit with the vendors and snack on fabulous bake goods and coffee. Be sure to put this on your calendar today and watch for your opportunity to make reservations!

Serving Jesus by Serving Others I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. – Matthew 25:35-36 In general, we often divide care and service into two categories- Care ministries for those within the church and Missions for those in the community and across the globe. The reality is that we are called to live missionally in the world, loving people and serving all. We best love and serve God as we love and serve others. Our care ministries within the church serve to assist, care for and heal those experiencing difficult times and allows them to then go into the world living out care for others. They also care for those who are homebound and remind them that they are still a vital part of our church. Our CARE ministries include the Flower Ministry, Handy Man, Quilters, Shawl Ministry, Lay Shepherd Homebound Ministry, Treasured Times ministry for those with Dementia, Hospital Visitation and Followup and our Counseling Ministries. If you or someone you know needs help, please call Shera Atkinson at 806-763-4607 or email at

HELP! Some consequences of COVID still remain and are unlikely to change. Hospitals are relaxing their visitation policies but are not publishing a list of patients for clergy to review. If you or someone you know is in the hospital, please call Shera Atkinson at 806-763-4607 or email at satkinson@

ALL-CHURCH BOOK STUDY We will study the book, Dangerous Prayers, by Craig Groeschel which teaches "how to pray prayers that search your soul, breaks your habits, and send you to pursue God's calling". Sermons will intersect with the reading, Sunday school classes are encouraged to discuss the book. A short-term book club will meet on Tuesdays, August 17, 24, and 31, at 12 p.m. in the Welcome Center. Contact: Shera Atkinson,

by Craig Groeschel


Treasured Times Resumes in September

Our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Ministry, Treasured Times, will begin again in September. This is a respite care for those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. This ministry provides a safe and caring place in which participants may enjoy socialization outside of the home. It also provides a weekly respite for caregivers and enables them to care for themselves. If you or someone you know is interested in this program, please call or email as we are now taking applications for this program. Contact Challa Goedeke at cjgoedeke@hotmail. com or call 806-799-7421 or contact George Ann Benson at or call 806-786-8015, if you don’t reach us please leave your name and phone number and we will contact you. Volunteer opportunities are also available with this ministry. If you are looking for a place to serve Treasured Times could be the place for you. Diane Foard, a volunteer, said it best when she said, “God has a mysterious way of working. I believe He brought each participant, caregiver, and volunteer together to be a blessing to one another.” Please contact the persons above if you are interested in using your talents to bless others. AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW


Dear Church family, I want to introduce you to the Parkers. Josh and Stephani, along with Noah and Nehemiah, are missionaries to Thailand. (You may know them better as Chuck and Laura Heinz family!) They are doing amazing work in Thailand which is first and consistently rooted and grounded in prayer. Over the next three months, they will share a prayer strategy with us through our newsletter as well as a zoomed conversation during our October “Meet Me For Lunch” discussion time. Be reading and watching for updates on their ministry and the prayer strategy that will blanket Lubbock in prayer! I hope you enjoy their first! Soli Deo Gloria Shera

It Starts with Prayer not glorify God, and so, by God’s grace, it must change!’ In the majority of movements, new believers pray on average two hours a day. As people are praying, God is answering. With each answer to prayer God is building momentum, drawing more and more people to himself. During our first term in Thailand, we weren’t sure what God would do, but we were certain prayer would play a part in it.

As we were preparing to go overseas we constantly encountered the connection between prayer and God doing incredible things. Prayer is the catalyst to Disciple Making Movements around the world. In David Garrison’s book, Church Planting Movements, he says, “We pray because our vision exceeds our abilities. Prayer is the soul’s deepest cry of rebellion against the way things are, seeing the lost of this world and crying out, ‘This does

When COVID hit our country it threw many things into chaos, not unlike here, one of which was our ability to renew and extend our education visas for language school. With borders closed we were unable to follow the traditional visa processes and needed to find a way to stay. We ended up in a 60 day extension cycle. So every 60 days our language school would prepare a mound of paperwork showing we were attending classes and in good standing. And we would ask our support team and friends to pray and fast with us

Steinway D concert grand piano settles in, New to Lubbock and its magnificent setting, a Steinway D concert grand piano has found its home in the FUMC Sanctuary.

about a rare opportunity on a concert grand from a local gallery, adding that the piano would be well suited in a concert hall or large church sanctuary.

“We needed a concert grand piano, which should be a 9-foot, or at least a 7-foot, to fill up the whole sanctuary space,” said Seung-Won Cho, director of traditional music. “What we previously had was a modest Baldwin 5.5-foot instrument, and we could not present recitals due to the unimpressive sound projection.”

“In 20 years of being in business, I have never seen an instrument like this come into the open market,” Lubbock Piano Gallery president David Melton said. “When I was a dealer for Steinway, we called these ‘unicorns,’ since almost all concert grands were sold to institutions.”

It was December, 2020 that piano technician Doug Rittenberry told Dr. Cho 4 AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW

First Lubbock Sanctuary’s new Steinway, built in 1987, was originally purchased and placed in a home in Amarillo. It was gently yet rarely used by the family

as we looked to God for favor with immigration. If we didn’t get approval, we would have seven days to pack up and leave the country. God began showing us favor as we continually walked through this process. With each yes from immigration we got to share with our language teacher and the school how God was answering specific prayers. Our teacher would often reply, ‘Why is it so easy for you?’ and was shocked that we never had any issues or were asked questions. Eventually our education visa was set to expire, and the only way to get a new one was to leave the country, but borders were closed. The only thing to do was to ask the government of Thailand for an exception. This was not going to be easy, and involved many moving pieces. Before anything started, we asked our network to begin praying. The first big yes we needed was from the Ministry of Education. Our language school reached out to this office to ask what we would need to do to get the next visa without leaving the country. Within just a few days, our teacher told us they had all the details

back of what to do! This was amazing, because normally they never got all of the information quickly, it was usually a series of several communications and up to a week or more of time. The school was so surprised. God was already showing up! The school gathered all the documents and helped us make sure we had the homework and writing samples needed to submit. Very quickly the answer was back… The Ministry of Education said, yes! The next step would be to take this approval to immigration and see if they would indeed grant us the visa. The day before we were set to go apply for the visa, our language teacher told us someone else had applied with the same paperwork and been rejected. They had to leave Thailand. She told us we needed to have our people start praying! This was coming from a Thai Buddhist. She had seen the pattern of people praying and God answering, and when she didn’t have an answer of how this was going to work, her advice was for our people to pray.

The next day we went to immigration ready to see what God’s response would be. When we were called back for our appointment time, our immigration agent quietly took our paperwork and looked it over. She didn’t say a word. And then, stamp, we were APPROVED! We were speechless, and when we shared with our language teacher her response was, ‘Thank you Jesus!’ Yes, a Thai Buddhist, praising Jesus for the favor we were shown in response to the prayers of so many. God showed that He moves on our behalf, that He’s involved in the details in our lives, that He’s listening and active, and cares for us. God is using prayer to draw unbelievers to Himself. This experience reinforced what we already knew of prayer whether we were in America or Thailand. If we want to see people come into the Kingdom, if we want to see our friends, our family, our neighbors who don’t currently know Jesus come into the Kingdom, we start with prayer. Blessings, The Parkers

finds new forever home at First Lubbock members who were enthusiastic about classical piano music. It also was well kept and consistently maintained. Its keys are full length ivory, rendered in Germany and considered the highest quality keys ever put on a piano. This instrument was built shortly before the worldwide ban on use of ivory, Dr. Cho said, adding that post-1955, Steinway sent all 9-foot concert grand actions to Germany for these keys. They are not the two-piece ivory versions like a typical piano bears. “We have prayed hard on this opportunity,” Dr. Cho said.

And God’s answer to these prayers came in the form of a magnificent instrument. Then, when an estate gift was donated to the FUMC Traditional Music Ministries in January this year, Dr. Cho formed a small advisory committee to discuss this opportunity, proposing it in May to the Trustees for approval. “Thankfully, the local piano gallery waited for us to complete the Trustees process, as they had thought FUMC would be a perfect home for this particular instrument,” Dr. Cho added. In mid-June the piano arrived. Music and the First Lubbock congregation

are most grateful to the family who contributed the estate gift, and to committee members who served during the acquisition process. “It is a great blessing and privilege to have world class instruments like our pipe organ and now, the Steinway D,” Dr. Cho said. “Along with our new Letourneau Op. 135, this concert grand piano will continue to make our traditional music ministry thrive amid highest standards. A long-awaited dream has come true.” —Marilyn Murfee AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW


Liturgical Season of Kingdomtide Presenting the power of the great I AM through scriptural design, elegant fabric, and beautiful stitching, eight new banners soon will grace the Sanctuary and hang from the rafter racks. The banners will be dedicated during the 11 a.m. traditional service on Sunday, Aug. 15. The eight new adornments culminate a project that began several years ago with a donation designated for “the creation of banners to be hung during Kingdomtide.” During meetings in early 2019, FUMC Lubbock’s Worship Team members were challenged by chair Susan Gordon to collect ideas and explore themes for a new set of Sanctuary banners.

and leadership, Worship Team chose the ideas of green vines of life, along with leaves, flowers and birds to symbolize Kingdomtide.

Each banner’s design and phrase are the same on both sides, but with hand sewing and cord work, vary slightly from front to back.

“According to Luke 13:18, the Kingdom of God is like a tree. We are reminded to plant our roots deep into the heart of God’s sustaining presence,” Dent said. “During the season of Kingdomtide, we declare the glory of the Kingdom of God.”

Additional Worship Team members who also served on the banner committee were Kim Ansolabehere, Jaime Goodman, Sue Lewis and Cheryl McKnight.

Worship Team’s work began with sketches and computer renderings that became the banners. “The ‘I’ on each banner draws inspiration from illuminated lettering of medieval transcripts, which is fitting for our Gothic sanctuary architecture,” Dent said. In addition, present on the bottom of each banner is a symbol of the Trinity, which also is visible overhead in the chandeliers.

Powerful messages The banners blend powerful texts with elegant design, and feature the seven passages in the Gospel of John that begin with “I AM.”

Dent’s committee chose Gayleen Garrett, with Gayleen’s Creations near Plainview, to order the fabrics and then to construct and bind the banners. Many supplies were provided at wholesale costs. The four blue and four green banners complement the rich colors of the Sanctuary stained glass. Each ‘I’ design was created by Lolly Pasewark through her talents with stitching and cording. From various themes and Scriptures, the “I AM” statements seemed the perfect fit. Then, a banner committee chaired by Robin Dent took on the tasks of design research to complement the Sanctuary through artistry, style, color and symbols. After multiple banner meetings, and with Dent’s meticulous research, sketches, 6 AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW

In addition, Dent’s leadership chose as text for the eighth banner, the Exodus passage where our almighty God calls himself the “I AM.” When God identified

Kingdomtide emphasizes service, charity Leading up to Kingdomtide, which usually falls on the Sunday closest to Aug. 31, a Service of Dedication in the 11 a.m. traditional service is set for Aug. 15. “This period of time (Kingdomtide) lasts either 13 or 14 weeks, and has a special emphasis on the liturgical calendar on service and charity,” senior pastor Todd Salzwedel said. “The first two Sundays in August will feature lessons as Kingdomtide approaches.”

Eight new banners of the ‘I AM’ will hang aloft in Sanctuary beginning with dedication service Aug. 15 continues until the new liturgical year begins at Advent. Green signifies a time of growth, and the vines, flowers and branches are quite fitting on the new banners, which culminate the multi-year effort made possible by a designated gift. “Kingdomtide is generally recognized as the last half of the period between Pentecost and the first Sunday of Advent,” FUMC senior pastor Todd Salzwedel said. himself as I AM WHO I AM, He affirmed that no matter when or where, He always was, and is, and will be.

• Sixth, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Those who believe in Me will live, even though they die.—John 11:25

“And God said unto Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ This is what you are to say to the Israelites. Tell them that I AM sent you.”—Exodus 3:13

• Seventh, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” No one comes to the Father except through Me.—John 14:6

Then, in the Gospel of John, Jesus makes seven statements beginning with the words “I am.” The “I AM” proclamations increase our understanding of His ministry in the world and link Jesus Christ to the Old Testament revelation of God. Jesus said: • First, “I am the bread of life.” Those who come to Me shall never hunger; those that believe in me shall never thirst.”—John 6:35

An eighth New Testament reference is found in John 8:58 when Jesus said to the Jews, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Banner designs Green is the color for this season of the church year, as seen on pulpit, lectern, altar and clergy stoles. The colors change — from Pentecost’s red to the green of Kingdomtide — usually on the Sunday closest to Aug. 31. Green

He added that Kingdomtide generally spans 13 to 14 weeks, and promotes a special liturgical emphasis on service and charity. Worship Team members said it is their hope that all who see the banners — all who worship, sing, and pray beneath them—will be drawn closer to the Kingdom of God through their scripture and artistry. Amid this approaching season of rest, service and renewal, and with lessons from the great “I AM,” we are thankful for the time, talents, gifts and service of all who worked on this new adornment in our Sanctuary — the Banners of Kingdomtide. —Marilyn Murfee

• Second, “I am the light of the world.” Those who follow Me shall not walk in darkness.”—John 8:12 • Third, “I am the door.” All who enter through Me will be saved.—John 10:9 • Fourth, “I am the true vine.” You are the branches. Those who abide in Me, and I in them, bear much fruit.—John 15:1 • Fifth, “I am the good shepherd,” who gives his life for the sheep.—John 10:11 AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW


College Ministry is Back!

Missions & Outreach Ways to Serve

We are excitedly planning and preparing for the return of our College Ministry this fall. If you know of any college students looking for community please contact Sara Lattimore at We would love to reach out to them. We also have numerous ways that you can be involved with our college ministry.

giving students the opportunity to serve.

College Leadership Team

College Outreach Volunteers Needed! We are at the start of something NEW and we need you! It is so exciting to be looking forward to welcoming Students into the First College Ministry this fall. All summer long we have been working on plans, developing programs, and designing spaces. Now we need your help! College Ministry is an outreach to students in our community. Come be a part of showing and sharing Jesus with students in their home away from home. The Open Table We are launching a Wednesday evening College Dinner called The Open Table where we will build community, and share a Jesus story. This is going to take a team of people who are willing to serve students through food, music, community, and story. This is a great local outreach in the beginning launch stages and a perfect opportunity to answer God’s call to serve your neighbors. We can’t wait to see what God does this fall through First LBK in the lives of college students and young adults! Come be a part of the outreach!

Are you a Young Adult or College student looking to grow your leadership skills while helping impact your peers? Please consider joining the First College Leadership Team and help us plan relevant and impactful ministry to students in Lubbock. The Open Table FirstCollege is excited to be launching a college community dinner this fall on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. All students and young adults are welcome to join us for dinner, community and a Jesus Story.

Check the website and follow us on Social Media (Facebook and Instagram) to keep up to date on what’s coming and how you can get involved. Opportunities like: • Taco Tuesdays • Networking Nights • Service Saturdays • Movie Mondays • Dorm Room Devo (digital gathering) • Fall and Spring Retreats • Mission Trips • Care Packages

First LBK Volunteers Needed

Small Groups and Community Building

• Volunteers willing to serve our college community by providing food for gatherings. • Volunteers willing to share gifts of music, art, and storytelling • Volunteers willing to help with logistics of set up and clean up and other behind the scenes efforts. • Volunteers willing to attend a Networking Night to mingle with students interested in hearing about various career fields and professions. • Volunteers willing to prepare welcome gifts for incoming Freshmen. • Volunteers willing to assemble care packages for First students who are attending college outside of Lubbock. • Donations and gifts to help provide low cost opportunities to students • Prayers for the hearts of those serving and those we will be reaching.

As we continue to build the ministry of FirstCollege we are also planning other gatherings, events, as well as

To get involved with our College Ministry in any way, contact Sara Lattimore,

Sunday Bible Study Sundays at 10 a.m. beginning August 15, we will have our Bible Study gathering for college students and young adults in the newly redecorated Room 5 in the basement. Come Join us as we dig deeper into our faith. Social Media Follow FirstCollege on Facebook and Instagram for the latest happenings and ways you can get involved in community, leadership, missions and service, exploring faith, and just plain fun!


Serve our College Ministry! Care Package Team Volunteers needed: 4-8 Types of jobs: Shopping and package assembly The Open Table Team Volunteers needed: 10-20 Types of jobs: Cooking, Serving, Table Hosts, Music, Storytelling, Art, Clean Up, Set Up, Greeters Networking Night Volunteers needed: 10-15 Types of jobs: Representing various career fields Resource Team/ Sunday Morning Greeters Volunteers needed: 2-4 Types of jobs: Behind the scenes coordination, planning, outreach, Sunday Morning greeters directing students

MONTHLY MISSIONS FOCUS FOOD 2 KIDS - SNACK BAGS Last school year FirstLBK started a partnership with Food 2 Kids to provide snack packs to Bayless Elementary. As families and school gear up for a new school year we also want to prepare to serve by filling snack bags that will be given to students who may not have access to food over the weekends. Food 2 Kids is a great partner and has worked diligently to establish the logistics needed to supply so many schools and students with snack bags. This fall FirstLBK will be having work days at the Food 2 Kids warehouse. Be on the lookout for these announcements. Also, please join the Missions team and hold in prayer our schools, including Bayless, and the students and families as they begin to prepare for a new school year. May God use our hands and feet to meet the needs of those in our community who struggle with food insecurity and the resources to send children to school. Contact Sara Lattimore,

Missions & Outreach Living Missionally LAMESA – DISASTER RESPONSE UPDATE

FAMILY PROMISE September, and November

This June Lamesa was hit hard by tornadic winds and flooding and recovery has only just begun. Volunteers willing to spend a Saturday or longer working on various recovery projects are needed beginning in August and over the next two to three months. Please consider helping our neighbors in Lamesa as they look forward to being able to return to their homes.

Our church will partner with St. Luke’s for 2021 to provide meals for Family Promise. Since the pandemic, no volunteers are allowed to stay with the families and meals are delivered. To maintain safety protocols, Family Promise only has two families at a time in their program.

Projects might include: painting, window replacement, drywall repair, and other cleaning projects. As always we will also be showing the love of Christ. Please contact Sara Lattimore to sign up, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY September 6-18 Labor Day Weekend we will have a Blitz Build work week to help build three houses for neighbors in our community. We need volunteers to help in many different ways. For more information how you can help and the sign up link, visit

Meals can be: · home cooked · ordered and delivered from a restaurant · or gift cards to restaurants can be given to FP staff Please let your class know about this opportunity and let me know if you’d like to be included. Thank you, Zoellen Fields Home 806-792-7913 Cell 806-787-4256 Sara Lattimore Director of Missions & Outreach

Missions & Outreach Growing Missionally MISSION STUDIES Roxanne Turnipseed visited FUMC during our Lubbock Snow Storm. We recorded her presentation about Tranquilidad while she was here. We don’t want you to miss this story! However, because she shares details about the children in their care, the link to her video will not be posted online but is available for classes and groups to watch. We will have past team members available to visit classes and share the video and engage your class in discussion. Please contact Sara Lattimore to find a time to learn about this mission and how FUMC has been involved over the years. SMALL GROUP New Meeting Day Second Monday of the month 6:00-7:30 p.m. Lattimore House We are re-launching are Families in Mission Small Group this fall. Come join our small group for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Build community with families that desire to serve, grow, learn, and love others together. Contact Sara Lattimore, slattimore@ for more information. AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW



da n e l a C

Fall Sunday Line Up

August 15 6TH GRADERS’ FIRST DAY WITH FIRST YOUTH Join us for Small Groups at 9:45 A.M. CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION 9:45 a.m. Wesley Room (Parents welcome!) FALL KICK OFF 5:30–7:30 P.M. CLC 134/135



9:45–10:45 A.M.

5:30–7:30 Wesley Room



September 23–October 2

December 18–22

@ South Plains Fair

High School

New Director of Youth Ministries – Dakota Bybee We are excited to announce that Dakota Bybee will be joining our ministry staff as the director of youth ministries! Dakota is married to Lauren, and they have two children - Harper and Hudson. Originally from New Deal, Dakota has lived in Lubbock most of his life. He served as the youth director at St. Stephens UMC in Amarillo for six years. Lauren is from Lubbock and is a speech pathologist. As Dakota settles into his role, Kirk Dana will continue to serve on ministry staff until the end of September when he retires. It is a blessing to have this kind of overlap so that the baton will be passed from Kirk to Dakota. Please joining me in welcoming Dakota and his family to our church. I also want to thank the search team for their work in this process. The team interviewed and vetted several candidates in this process. Grace and peace, Bailey Barkley




Memorials & Honorariums – July 15, 2021 EVERLIVING CHURCH TRUST In memory of Glenda Elliott by the Ambassador Sunday School class In memory of Jim Bob and Wanda Wylene Sims Bryan by James F. Lyon III In honor of Cate Bibb celebrating her birthday July 19 as your special day, by Ben and Robin Lock

Blessing of the

Bapckpacks August 15 All services

Pre-K thru College Bring your backpacks to worship.

Our Life Together SYMPATHIES Sympathies to Cindy Harendt on the death of her brother, Stephen Sheridan. Stephen passed away June 16. A Celebration of Life was held June 24 at Sanders Memorial Chapel.

First United Methodist Church, Lubbock in partnership with Habitat for Humanity FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK



Blitz s BUILD

September 6-18, 2021

Once upon a time... Everyone has a story. Stories are a powerful tool of communication and connection. We would love to tell your story whether it’s a written story in our newsletter, or a video story we produce. Sharing your story could help someone else in their relationship with Jesus. Our stories are a part of God’s story.


Contact: Karen Flores,

Information & sign up:



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8:30 a.m. Connect - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center @fumclbk @fumclbk 12 AUGUST 2021 | THE WINDOW

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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