New guide06262016

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First Baptist Church 212 Twelfth Street Post Office Box 828 Columbus, Georgia 31902 - 0828

2016 State Music Camp for Children and Youth

Volume 25

June 26 - July 2, 2016


Diminishing God’s Holy Name Exodus 20:7 Dr. Jimmy Elder INVOCATION / OFFERTORY PRAYER Dr. Ron King / Dr. Dan Ross CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Dr. Jimmy Elder SANCTUARY FLOWERS The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of

There will be no Wednesday evening supper or other activities July 6 and 13.

Mrs. Frances Dixon Blackmar

There will be Wednesday evening supper,

by the Belk and Woolfolk families.

Church in Conference and Bible Study July 20.


There will be supper and Bible Study July 27. READ THE BIBLE THROUGH IN A YEAR


READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 18 - 25, 2016 25th


Ecclesiastes 4:1 - 6:12 II Corinthians 6:14 - 7:7 Psalm 47:1-9 Proverbs 22:16

Ecclesiastes 10:1 - 12:14 II Corinthians 8:1-15 Psalm 49:1-20 Proverbs 22:20-21

Song of Songs 5:1 - 8:14 II Corinthians 9:1-15 Psalm 51:1-19 Proverbs 22:24-25





Song of Songs 1:1 - 4:16 II Corinthians 8:16-24 Psalm 50:1-23 Proverbs 22:22-23

Isaiah 1:1 - 2:22 II Corinthians 10:1-18 Psalm 52:1-9 Proverbs 22:26-27

Isaiah 6:1 - 7:25 II Corinthians 11:16-33 Psalm 54:1-7 Proverbs 23:1-3

Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 9:18 II Corinthians 7:8-16 Psalm 48:1-14 Proverbs 22:17-19


Web Address:

July 1 Isaiah 3:1 - 5:30 II Corinthians 11:1-15 Psalm 53:1-6 Proverbs 22:28-29

JUNE 29 Country Captain / Squash Casserole Rice / Broccoli with Sauce Fruit and Salad Bar Rolls / Dessert

Phone: 706.322.4468

Children and Youth: Hot Dogs Please remember to call the church office (706.322.4468) to make or cancel reservations by noon on Tuesdays. Fax: 706.324.7422


Babies: Judy King Toddlers: Kristin Hinton Threes: Leslie Jones and Cynthia Jordan DEACONS OF THE WEEK

Ron King and Dan Ross GREETERS

Dayton Preston, Garry Curtin, Tracy Fisher, Tom Inman and Mae Watson SHUTTLE DRIVER

Jimmy Mummert View the 11:00 AM service live on WTVM or on the internet by clicking the "Watch Live Streaming" link on the left side of the website.

J U LY E V E N T S No Wednesday Evening Activities July 6 and 13 1 GAs Return from Camp 3 No Evening Worship 3 - 10 VIP in the YAB 4 Church Facilities Closed for Independence Day 5 FABC/FBC Prayer Breakfast (Ruth Ann’s) 8-9 Mommy and Me 10 No Evening Worship College Kickball Game 10 - 16 Youth Passport Camp 11 Bible Study 3 14 Young in Heart 16 - 19 Children’s Passport Camp 17 Lord’s Supper in 8:30 and 11:00 Services 20 Church in Conference 21 Young in Heart/Senior Adult Day Trip to Yoder’s 21 - 23 RA Camp 23 Peru Mission Trip Departs 26 College Lock-In in the YAB 28 Fifty Plus Night Out at Fred & Lester’s in Ft. Mitchell

Loving none more than Christ and loving others as ourselves, we strive to reflect God’s love to all.

FAMILY MATTERS IN MEMORY OF Mr. Max Brabson, Sr. Mrs. Virginia Bass Peggy G. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mumbrauer Bob Offer and Carole Rutland Scarbrough Bible Class Mrs. Katharine Triplitt Young in Heart Mrs. Dot Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Boles Mrs. Emily Moore Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Billy Logan Mission Action I Mrs. Mickey Timbes Mrs. Katharine Triplitt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walden

, My dear friend, Dr. Mike Ruffin—scholar, teacher, preacher, writer, editor and a bit of a philosopher—writes a daily prayer that he sends to anyone who wishes to receive it. He has compiled these prayers in books and published them. The prayer for today touched what was on my mind in a world that has become so complicated. I cannot believe the conversations about social issues, politics, decision-making, faith and values. More and more and more religion has become a tool and God has become a pawn in a greater scheme to one-up a person or organization over another. People of faith are seen as a political constituency to be courted, bringing unprecedented division between what God created in His own image. Brokering God complicates the faith experience because instead of our focus being on the Lord Christ, we are called to prove ourselves by being in an acceptable group. I love the song, Give Me Jesus, not just because it expresses the simplicity of my faith, but because it also reminds me that if I follow Jesus and allow His teachings to guide my life, I do not need some other person to validate my faith. It is simply a relationship of trust in a God who loves me in simple terms and only expects me to follow Him. I am called to the revelation of God’s heart in Micah 6:8, He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Anything that harms the peace of that simple relationship with God and pushes people away from it is not of the Spirit. Jesus emphasized this humble walk when he said in John 13:35, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. In my life, these words reveal the heart of God and the expectation of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit. To poison the place where the Spirit of God dwells with the vitriol of manipulative language and actions, judgmental attitudes and a spirit of exclusion for those who do not see things as we do, is stepping outside relationship and seeking to take charge of something that is the complete purview of God. We must never forget that ours is a very simple relationship of trust, faith, love and complete commitment to the relationship that we have with our Lord. Why do we complicate it and frustrate so many people who are seeking to find the very basic relationship of faith and trust in a world that can be very hostile and manipulative? The experience of faith and the church must be a refuge. I think of our loggia (cloistered garden in the center of the church building) as a living symbol of what the church is to be. So many witness to the fact that, when they enter the garden area, it is a place of peace and beauty, meditation—a place that mirrors what our spiritual relationship with God should be like and where we may be ourselves before God and find grace and healing for our souls. Now to the prayer that touched my day:


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the family of Mrs. Peggy Bullard Sandra, Gary and Kathi Murphy and family in the death of Mr. David Murphy Connie Swearingen and family in the death of her son, Mr. John Swearingen FOYER FLOWERS The beautiful flowers in the foyer are given to the glory of God and in honor of

our friends and family who have been instrumental in influencing the walk with Christ of our daughters,

Chesley and Chaney, by Brice and Emilie Thompson.

To this end, I am seeking the simplicity of God’s leadership and my complete trust of where He takes me. On Sunday, July 3, we will have a very beautiful and simple service of worship combining the 8:30 and 11:00 services into one service at 11:00 AM. Our focus will be to celebrate the simple gift of being able to worship our God in the beauty of holiness, recognizing that God gave us this environment for worship by allowing us to live in a nation of freedom where religious expression is protected. We talk about and thank God for allowing us to live in a nation where we can practice our religion freely. Let’s just do it—practice our faith freely by praying for our nation, for God’s wisdom and leadership, for God’s restoration, for the healing of bruises and wounds inflicted by evil and praying for freedom from misguided use of religion. Let’s recommit ourselves to who we are as a free people who do not just talk about religious freedom but celebrate and exercise this freedom in the power of the Spirit of God. Your Pastor, Jimmy



Sunday School June 19, 2016 335 Choirs / Missions 58 / 63

June 26 - July 2, 2016

Home from college for summer, I've had the opportunity to be involved in Second Story. I didn't realize I had put my faith in other things until I felt a change. Lately I've been so content and at peace. I told Bistro about God moving in my life, and afterwards I read the most fitting devotional: "I am creating something new in you: a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives. Do not mistake this Joy for your own. Instead, watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you and become a reservoir of the Spirit's fruit." Being surrounded by other believers at Second Story has helped strengthen my faith and put my relationship with God first again; and I couldn't be more thankful. Carson Outler




Children’s Hunger Relief was the recipient of the offering for VBS this year. Each 25 cents the children raised will buy a meal for a child somewhere in the world. Each day we were introduced to a child from a different part of the world who had been helped by this organization. By the end of the week, we had gathered enough nickels, dimes, quarters and a few dollars to buy 750 meals. Our children are AWESOME! On Friday of Vacation Bible School, Jean Norman and Sandra Beck led the children in missions crafts that were taken by our mission team to Nicaragua. I heard this week that the children there loved receiving these gifts made by our kids.


Simple O God, for simple blessings, for simple pleasures, for simple words, for simple feelings, for simple reasons, for simple hopes, and for simple dreams, we thank you. Amen.

CITY MINISTRY ( [Brandon Strozier]

The Imagine 20/20 Committee continues to work quietly to prepare for the next steps with the five focus areas identified by the First Baptist Family: Connection, Leadership, Missions, Spiritual Growth, and Worship. Focus groups will meet this summer to begin making plans for transforming dreams into action. As the second Forty Days of Prayer emphasis concludes, commitment cards and booklets may be picked up in and returned to the church office. More information is available on the church website. Please continue to pray for God's direction for our church.

Thanks to Myron for filling in for me while I was on vacation visiting family. I missed the performance of the Spring Hill Singers last Wednesday, but I know they were as good as advertised. Some have asked for DVDs of the performance; they will be available upon request through the music office. I understand we had a good crowd representing the church, and thanks to those who came to the concert. I’m sure it was a blessing for the listeners as well as the performers. It is always a joy to see young people give of their time and talents to the Lord. They are witnesses to other young people and an encouragement to each of us to be better stewards of our talents.

Financial Stewardship Giving 2016 Year-to-Date Annual Budget 2016 Expected Receipts to Date Actual Receipts to Date Receipts to June 21, 2015

$1,853,002.00 $824,907.00 $762,484.47 $767,887.84


8:30 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM


GAs Depart for Camp 9:30 AM

Food Closet TUESDAY



"Oh.....we're going to the Miskito Coast (and not the Mosquito Coast) in Nicaragua. That's wonderful!" When we heard the word, we thought immediately of the little, biting insect. We often make assumptions about people and places when we are “on mission.” So many times our assumptions are based on our world and not the world where we are going. Jesus taught us to know where people are coming from and to meet them there—a reminder for us all! Stephanie Warnock, on mission in Nicaragua


Below is a list of Sunday Bible Study lessons for June 26 at First Baptist. If you and your family are planning to be out of town, I hope this reminder of your lesson helps you stay connected with your class. Our leaders and facilitators arrive each week ready to share God’s Word. They have studied and prepared a lesson they hope will speak to each class member and meet specific needs. Let them know you appreciate their labors; and if you are going out of town, please let them know when you will return. Formations: Mary Magdalene John 20:11-18 Connections: Ignoring God's Plain Truth Romans 1:18-23, 28-32 Nurturing Faith: What Will Prevail? Galatians 5:1-25 Bible Studies for Life: Transformed in My Plans Matthew 6:25-34 Blessings.

11:45 AM Breaking Bread Bible Study with Jimmy Elder (Second Story) 1:00 PM Quilting at Barbara Bell’s home WEDNESDAY

GA CAMP College Bowling after Bible Study 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM

Fellowship Supper (FH) Prayer around the Tables (FH) Adult Choir (Music Suite) Pastor’s Coed Bible Study THURSDAY

GA CAMP 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study (Panera) 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study (Burger King Wynnton) 9:30 AM Food Closet 5:30 PM Fifty Plus group departs for Pannie George’s in Opelika FRIDAY


SECOND STORY CLOSED For an updated calendar, please visit our website: FOOD CLOSET ITEM FOR JUNE: PORK AND BEANS

Please bring cans of beans and other Food Closet items to the church office. FIFTY PLUS NIGHT OUT THURSDAY, JUNE 30 PANNIE GEORGE’S IN OPELIKA

Call the church office (706.322.4468) for reservations by Tuesday, June 28. When you call, please let Kay know if you will provide your own transportation. YOUNG IN HEART LUNCH AND MEETING 12:00 PM IN FELLOWSHIP HALL THURSDAY, JULY 14

Call the church office for reservations.

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