Fig Lancaster Spring 2021

Page 5



Emily Kiera


Lisa Karlo Jason Pete


The Things

We Keep



A note from Fig

Deb, 1996, NYC

W E A R E D E F I N E D by the people who raised us, the places we’ve been, and the hardships we’ve overcome. This issue marks one year since many of us first heard the word Covid. Most of us are very different people now and our city reflects the change as well. As we slowly emerge and rebuild, we are using this issue to celebrate our milestones along the way. We mourn for the businesses who are gone but we also cheer for the new businesses who decided to seize the day and pursue their dreams. Eight of them can be found on the pages of this issue of Fig.



For our team, we’ve taken a moment to look back on the milestones in our lives that defined who we are as individuals—the small things with big meaning—and we featured some of them on the cover of this issue. They may not look like much, but each item represents a step taken that has shaped us as people. Like Emily, who treasured the very first paint tin that sparked her artistic fire; or Tina, who’s 90s trading card reminds her of the positive influence a strong female superheroine could have on a young girl, as well as the memory of her parents supporting a small local comic book store. Or Melissa’s very first concert ticket—igniting her passion for live music. These are the small things that add up to who we are. These are the things we keep.

Spr ing 2021

We hope this issue gives you hope for the future and a renewed energy to live with courage and intention. Lastly, we hope you like our new refined look! Since we could all use a bit of self care after last year, we thought we’d start off the year with a fresh perspective. The look is different, but the mission is the same—to celebrate and support our local small business community. Please join us. DEB BRANDT & THE FIG TEAM Be a part of the mission. Become a subscriber of Fig and help us spread the love-local message even farther while giving back—10% of your subscription goes to our Social Mission Partner, Crispus Attucks. Subscribe at subscribe. Gift subscriptions available.

/ Cit y of L ancaster, Pennsylvania

/ T he M ilestone Issue


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