December 1977

Page 1

For shoppers

Star Wars hot item by Stacie Smith Star Wars gadgets, video games and ski equipment are at the top of lists of things to buy for Christmas presents. "Star Wars things of any kind are selling like mad, and also a game called Blip. They both are our. big sellers," stated Sherri Shird, employee at King Norman Kingdom of Toys in Washington Square. Two other new games are selling strong, Electric Battleship, and Computer Football. For the sports minded people the popular items are warm-ups tennis shoes, and baseball caps with NFL football teams or basketball teams on it, according to salesman Ron Scharnberg of Oregon Athletic. J .C. Penneys merchandising manager Lar r y Wilson said, "This is the best Christmas Penneys has ever had. We are selling all kinds of clothing and lots of ski equipment. People are buying all

kinds of small electric appliances such as Fry Baby's. TV games again this year are selling big for Fred Meyers, along with all the stereo and television equipment. Fred Meyer assistant manager Dennis Gallagher also said that all departments' sales far exceeded last year's Christmas season. All the stores are up in sales from last year. Many stores are· r unning out of the items such as these that are popular. A Fred Meyer employee said, "People are going all out for this Christmas season." The estimate on how much people spend was approximately fifty to one hundred dollars per person at least for Christmas presents. Store personnel advise people to get their shopping done early so they. don't get the leftovers, and are happy with what they get.

HOLIDAY RUSH BEGINS - Scenes like the above are being repeated throughout Portland as Christmas shoppers look for that "Just right" gift.

Program answers Santa letters by Barbara Head It usually starts with a Dear Santa and ends with a Love Jimmy

Le.vy failures responsible for extra week added to vacation by Julie Belmore Making winter vacation longer this year is the result of last year's levy failures. Every student in the Portland School District will have an extra five days in which to celebrate the holidays this year. Mrs. Ellen Law, vice principal, explains, "There ·are two reasons for this change: the school board decided . that this is one way to make up for the lack of funds as it is the coldest, darkest time of year. Schools will save on fuel and electricity during this time. And, salaries will not be paid for these five days."

It is mandatory for all school

employees to take at least a five-day cut. Teachers and other employees with a '190-day .c ontract will be given this five-day pay cut. Administrators and other staff members with a 225-day contract are all subject to a six-day cut. Those people such as area and central office personnel who work year-round are given a seven-day cut. Law emphasized that the number of school days is "still within the state limit." School will end at the same time this year and will not be lengthened because of the longer vacation. The three-week winter vacation was recommended by Superintendent Robert Blanchard with

the approval of his staff and was passed by the school board. The plan seemed to be the fairest ·way to compensate for the loss of money which was the result of the unpassed levies last year. Law relates that the alternative would be to "lay off people throughout the district." The extended vacation plan is fair in the respect that every teacher and administrator shares the· loss evenly, without putting anyone out of a job. $6,917,250.00 had to be cut from the budget and shortening the All the foreign languages by Barbara Head school year was one way of doing · (Russian, German; French, and it. The extended vacation will save The mellow sounds of "Stille Spanish) plan to participate. All $2,489,000.00 because of the shortened pay check for teachers Nacht," (Silent Night), "Hervei 0 four languages will sing their Ihrglaubigen," (Oh Come, All Ye versions of "Silent Night," and "Oh and administrators. Faithful), and "Sainte Nuit," (Oh Come All Ye Faithful," then each Holy Night) echo the sounds of language will sing a special Christmas around the world. selection of their own. The Spanish department will These songs of foreign cultures can be heard today during both sing an Argentine carol while the thinlt it's a good idea, it enables lunches as the foreign language Russian department plans to sing people to work together and department carols in the main hall popular Soviet wi~ter songs such as "Moscow Nights" since many express their ideas." to celebrate the season. Russian Christmas songs are elaborate hymns. The French students plan to sing "C'est Minuit OU' est Arrivee" (It Came Upon a Midnight Clear), as one of their selections, and the German classes will sing "O Tannenbaum." Russian teacher Alan Ellis commented that this is the first year they have done this, but in the past they "just walked around from door to door." Also, to celebrate Christmas, the Spanish and Russian clubs are both having Christmas par ties. The Russian club party will be a potluck of traditional Russian foods, while beside the traditional pinata the Spanish club party will involve the "American" activity, foosball. Even if you don't take a foreign language, stop by to listen, you may not understand the words, but the feeling will be the Westcott in faculty lounge was made by Miss Smith's General Arts Class. [LeAnn Hansen Photo] same.

Classes decorate doors for holidays by Terri Crotteau As you go down Franklin's school halls, don't be alarmed at the abominable snowman looking at you, just laugh and get into the Christmas spirit. Because this year, classrooms are taking the time for the Quakers by decorating classroom doors.

Christmas atmosphere, and the kids enjoy doing it." While a student Suzanne Wallace added, "I

A contest was being held all during this week to determine the winning door. Judges of the contest, Dr. Westcott and art teacher Miss Smith, both mentioned t his idea was bringing out the Chr istmas mood in everyone. You might read a poem about Christmas, such as on the door of room 132, or see Santa and his reindeer on the door of room 133. A picture of math teacher, Mr. Dick Mabry in a Santa Claus suit will be on his door, room 160, with the sa~in~, "Season's Greetings from Jolly Old Saint Dick!" English teacher Mrs. Bousquet replied, "It contributes to the

OUR LEADER - This portrait of Dr.

Many of t he letters entailed (or Suzy, whatever the case may be(. Then it's addressed to: Santa lengthy lists of "what I want for - North Pole. But what happens Christmas" items, while one girl to these letters once they reach asked for a note from Santa to her mother to let her get her ears the Post Office? A number of years ago, these pierced. Another girl's request letters were just considered "dead was for some plaster and light mail" and destroyed. However, green paint for her room to cover now this is not the case. Through a the "awfullest" pink paint in the post office program, these Santa world. letters are read by post office The influence of television employee Denise Tennyson and s hows was seen in one child's then, she explained, "We have letter as he stated, "I hope you individuals and organizations that won't be sick on Christmas Eve. read and answer them with letters Favorite Christmas items could and occasionally a request." How also be seen through these notes. the .letters are answered depends The Portland program of organupon the individual who answers izations answering the letters started with an influx of calls a day them. The program received about . or two after a Johnny Carson show 1500 letters last year and although in which he read some of these they aren't sure the number yet letters over the air. Similar this year they are expected to programs are in operation in exceed that. "They're coming in a almost every major post office in lot quicker," Tennyson com- the United States. So far this year, the program mented. Most of the letters are from has had a slow start with only four young children, but, Tennyson individuals responding to the replied, "We have from letters and officially, no organizaa housewife and one from a tions are involved . . None of the teenager who still believes in letters may be taken from the Santa Claus." office.

Languagedept. sings Christma.s carols



December 16, 1977

For creative people ...

Personalized tree decor uses imagination by Linda Flynn "O Christmas Tree, 0 Christmas tree, your' branches green delight us." Does this song conjure up the painful picture of a beautiful green fir tree pitifully straining under the tons of lights, tinsel, and the disintegrating ornaments that you made at school in the third grade? If this is the case with you, don't worry, there is still hope! Today there are many new ways of decking out the Christmas tree.

1f you are addicted to sweets you can decorate the tree with candy and gum. This may seem to be an unattractive idea but it's really very simple to beautify the tree with candy. How? Take five sticks of gum and make them into a fan, tie marshmallows on the branches with a red licorice bow, attach mini candy bars. When displaying the gum fans, marshmallows, and candy bars, remember to leave the shiny wrappers on.

If you, want the most original tree in town, then the Pasta tree is for you. A pasta tree takes a lot of work to make it look just right, but when it's finished, you will have the most unique tree in Portland. All the ingredients for a pasta tree are in your neighborhood stores noodle section. You can create a pasta tree with ziti garlands, lasagne banners, styrofoam balls covered with pastina, even manicotti icicles. If your hobby happens to be cooking or sewing, you can make beautifully decorative ornaments. For those who prefer to sew, there are patterns of angels, santas, even reindeer waiting to be sewn together. You can find the patterns you like at any department store or fabric store, or you disorganized in many ways. We can design your own. did very well as a team, but we If you like to work with your weren't judged fairly." Bernie hands, there are an unbelievable Shadder commented, "I went all my rounds but in my second amount of ornaments to be made round the judge wrote "no show" in the kitchen. For example, there is a type of bread which after and I was there." Other problems appeared setting turns hard as a rock. With when Shelly Johnston had enough this bread you can shape it nearly points for finals but the judge anyway you want. There are also forgot her name on the list, and· the gingerbread men or you can when Judy Alloway received a use your favorite cookie recipes. plate for humorous interp that was If, after reading these ideas, you engraved "junior expos." still prefer the tinsel, lights, and But not everything went wrong. Bernie Shadder explained, "You the disintegrating ornaments feel like you're part of the college made in the third grade, then go because you go to the different ahead! As they say, "Beauty is in places on campus to speak and you the eye of the beholder." mix with college kids." Teacher Kris Wilkins added, "It was neat because they didn't give trophies. They gave engraved plates instead." The new Pleiades and Friars Irene Tikerpuu summed up the members were announced last meet by saying, "I was totally week in the Candyland Assemdisgusted no matter how well it bly. Lisa Johnson, Pleiades turned out. I don't think Franklin president, named Cheryl Bland should ever go to Pacific again. It's for Imagination, Patty Luknot worth our time." rofka for Charity, Tina Marks for Character, Keely Pillette for Scholarship, and Kathy Shields for Fellowship. Friars President Mark Tidswell announced the five new Friars Members. Joe Bobzien was cited for Friendliness, Dave Bullock for Scholarship, Duthe annual Christmas concert. wayne Crouch for Fellowship, Vocal highlights included the Dale DiLereto for Athletics, and concert choir singing a renaissance Jack Russell for Leadership. Christmas piece called "On Magnum" and another called "There *************** Shall a Star." Other vocal groups that perKGON is asking its listeners formed included Cadet Choir, to create the 1978 KGON Intermediate Choir, Sophomore Poster Calendar. The design Mixed Choir and the Junior and may be done in any form and in Senior Girls' Ensembles. any medium - but it must include the letters KGON. Senior band performed a lively Christmas tune called "The Cock Shop" and the traditional "Sleigh Adults remember Ride." The stage band and swing choir also did a jazz tune called "Peace on Earth." The grand finale by Chris Pillette "Twas the Night Before ChristCertainly, surely, definitemas had members of the drama ly, positively, absolutely." class acting out the scene.

Speakers place high in statewide meet by Karen Grieve Franklin was the only school from Portland to have people in the finals at a recent speech meet at Pacific University in Forest Grove. The display case in the main hall is full of ribbons, trophies and plates earned by the current speech team at that and other meets. The five finalists were Lisa Ritthaler, Judy Alloway, Jodie Snyder, Carol Cassell, and Irene Tikerpuu. Out of those five, three placed. Judy Alloway, with Neil Simon's "Come Blow Your Horn," received second in humorous interp. Carol Cassell placed seconct in serious interp with a scene from "Antigone," and Lisa Ritthaler placed second with oratory on child pornography. "Even though we made finals, everything didn't go smoothly," Irene Tikerpuu explained. "I was interrupted in the middle of a very important part of my speech. A teacher walked in and started arguing with the judge." Judy Alloway added, "It stunk! It was

Around Campus

Choir performs for holiday celebration. The bands and choirs are doing their part to get everyone in the Christmas spirit by performing in different places throughout Portland. The Galleria, Lloyd Center and Shriners Hospital are just a few places where the choir has performed during the Christmas ~eason.

Unlike every other year, the choir will not be singing in the main hall on the last day of school because of a performance at the Galleria. The foreign language department will be caroling instead. Other performances by the band and choir were an assembly for the student body on December 13 and


SENIOR MIKE TANG demonstrates how photography classes have used background in making Christmas cards. [Khoa Trins photo]

Entries will be accepted at a special booth located at Wasbington Square from December 12 until noon December 18, at which time the judging will take place. The winner will receive $400 worth of albums from D.J.'s, and his/her signature will be included on the calendars with the winning design: all entires become the property of KGON.

*************** Junior Nancy Foss has been accepted as a member of the 1978 All-State Band. Foss plays clarinet and was accepted as a second chair clarinet for the statewide band group. To auditon Foss sent a tape of her playing to a Gresham school where it was judged by a group of musicians. She received a letter certifying her placement and will soon be sent the music that the band will play. In February students from all

over the state who placed in the band will meet and practice the music together. They will finish a three-day gathering with a concert.

*************** New things are in the planning for the Franklin library. Media Specialist Charles Ercolin has some ideas he wants to try. He has already started a system known as Author-of-the-Month in which all the works of a certain author who is popular with Franklin · students is placed on the counter of the check-out area. He also plans to make it possible to buy books when they are recommended by students who ask for them. The library has an average of 25 students in it each period and Ercolin is trying to find out what students would like to change or add to the library system.

Christmas different in years past

MEMBERS OF THE SENIOR ENSEMBLE participate in Christmas caroling at Lloyd Center. Other choirs from Franklin also performed at the function. [Le Ann Hansen photo]

These were all answers to the question: Was Christmas more religious when you were a child? Seventy-two year-old Barbara Stanley, a long-time Portland resident, continued, "Religion has always been an important part ·of my Christmas. Even the thought of all the commercialization upsets me! When I was a child, presents weren't important to me or my family, like they are to the children of today. Our only thought was of religion." This was only one of many who had approximately the same answer. Miss Annette Whinomey, of the Care Center . East nursing home, stated, "The commercialization that has plagued Christmas in the past decade is terrible! Some , just don't know the meaning of Christmas anymore." Although most don't like the commercialization of today's Christmas, there still were some favorite presents that were always asked for back then. Pencil boxes, dolls (not like the mechanical ones of today), BB guns, chalkboards,

and books, just to name a few. Some of these are the same as the pleas of the children this year. Several have been noticed "begging" for books, BB guns, and yes, those mechanized beauties that wet everywhere when you pull. their hair and tickle their feet. National AAU Jr. Olympic boxing chairman, Jerry, Dusenberry, a BB gun beggar as a child, gave a brief summary of a typical Christmas day when he was young, "We kids would get up around 7:00 in the morning and go wake up Mom and Dad. Then we went downstairs and opened the goodies. After breakfast we would go to Grandma's house, where everybody (my 20 relatives and I) would feast." Mother of five, Mary Lou Pillette, summed the whole matter up by saying, "Cbristmas is different now than when I was a little girl. If I had to go back now, as an adult, I would see all the work that my mother and grandmother went to. I think then I would appreciate it more."

December 16, 1977



Nutritional food to partially replace lounge 'junk' food HURRY! You've only got one more day left to say farewell to your favorite candy bar in the machines at the student lounge, because chances are 1 in 2 that when you come back from vacation, it won't be there. That's right; the Portland School Board , after revising its original decision to ban all "junk" food sales in high

schools, has decided to make half of all food sold in high schools "nutritional" food. The Board has banned "junk" food sales entirely in elementary and middle schools. We feel this decision was responsible on the part of the School Board, as it still gives Franklin and other Portland high school students freedom of choice as to what


editorials letters



we want to eat. According to a staff report 'Nutritional' written by Board member · Beverly York, "doctors, dentists and nutritionists agree and urge that sweets and fatty snacks not be sold in schools ..,_ _,__., because of the implied approval of them." What happens if the "nutritional" food is not placed in the machines is definite. "We simply have the machines removed," Mrs. York added. What kind of food dc:les the district consider "nutritional" food? A panel of dentists, doc~ors. teachers and parents decided that "nuts, apples, oranges, yogurt and the like"

food in, candy out

.bIe C0 ns Um ers res. Pons I . . fOr COmmerc1ahzat1on qu;~:ysoard Every year about this time people can be heard complaining about the over-commercialization of Christmas, what with Christmas items on display in stores before Thanksgiving, and Christmas catalogs mailed out in September. But can we really blame the merchants? Is it not our fault for being too busy to make tree ornaments, bake cookies or send out Christmas cards? It has become all too easy to blame the other person - "It is the store owner who has brought about this marketing of Christmas, not me!" But, if such a venture was not profitable would the proprietor continue? We think not. For it is not the customer who buys his Christmas gifts in June - to beat the Christmas rush - that is affected, but the average citizen, who on Christmas Eve runs from store to store hoping to find "the perfect gift" for Aunt Jane. No, the fault lies not on the store keeper but on ourselves for having let him get away with it. No store owner can tell a person how to celebrate Christmas it is left completely up to the family members and once it is m~de clear that Christmas is not just for gifts but for family unity and friendship, only then will Christmas stop being commercialized. Christmas must be appreciated in the home, for once it becomes commercialized in the home there is no hope left. We must stop worrying about what the other guy or the store keeper is doing, and start worrying about the approach and meaning we're giving to Christmas.

doesn't expect a11 people to buy "nutritional" food, and the "junk" food will probably continue to sell better than the apples and oranges. But, it does provide us all with a choice; when we do want an apple, it will be there.

Santa not what expected to be You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why . .. Santa Claus is coming to town! This familiar children's song, which is sung over and over this yuletime season, is starting to be remarked as "Big Deal, so what!" The sounds of big deep "HO-Ho-Ho's" are no longer heard, but instead little "HAHA-HA's" linger through the shopping crowds. Many of the Santas in town are no bigger than the children who ask for candy canes. Maybe that last

Controversial letters policy restated Some controversy seems to have arisen over The POST's policy toward letters to the editor, i.e., having the writer's name withheld. In our first issue for '77-'78, we stated, all letters "must be signed by the person(s) submit-

ting them," however, "upon request we will withhold the name of the writer." This has been and will continue to be our policy. We feel even though people should be willing to stand up for what they write by signing

Hear me out



fl .. -

Vandalism Dear Editor: This is our fourth year at Franklin. Until this year, we have never seen so much vandalism in the school. The toilet seats in the upstairs boys' bathrooms have been broken. The bricks in the gym torn out, and the doors to the boys' locker room have been slightly torn up too. What Is going on here? I always thought the school was for people and not for animals. The "people" who think it's fun to destroy public property ought to be in a cage. We're sure the students and parents who want their .building to stand would be happy to supply the bananas to keep





.. , .... ; ••.• ·'~~s~•st&ot Newse~nor .. ~

their name (in most cases), what is most important is that the idea be presented. It is not our job to force someone to stand and be recognized for what he/ she believes in. It is, however, our place to present new ideas.

statement was a little exaggerated, but when was the last time you actually saw a fat Santa who fit your Christmas fantasies? Why do Santas always ask the same old questions such as "What would you like for Christmas? How about one of those Super Sonic Beamweavers?" Naturally, the little kid doesn't even know what one is to him, but that doesn't matter since Santa knows what he's talking about. The little tot walks away happy with the candy cane stuck in his mouth, while thinking that he'll ask for a couple of those "super somethings." Big sisters and brothers are beginning to find it very annoying when their little sister or brother is constantly asking, "Does Santa have a couple of twin brothers?" But the kid doesn't mind since he or she has started a swell collection of

. . . .•.

. :v.Ju1rsae1.m~P

'Editorial ·Edttor· ..... , .• ~" • • •.•••.. di', ... • .,, . Qavld .Gois•k·i,. ,\AsslstantEdltorlat E~ito~ ...•.• •.••• , ,, ., •• • • • • •• •: •f;larbaf'll l:tSS:d'. ·Feature Editc:>r •.•• , •••.•••..• , •. : • ; • .' .•.•..•••..••. ·~ Stev&·G1inri As$istant Feature Editor ••... 't •.•. :•. ;\ .:•.. c. .•...•••. Pam North Sports Editors ' • ;, .• '.. , ...•. ~· ...•.•• David L~t~er$.1 ooug \'\'alters 'Buslnesa Manager •...•..•.....••.• t •• , •• . •.• '...' t , , , •• Cheryl~pge Ac;lvertising Team •• .• ••..• ... : ......... :Bob Lewis, Cheryl Bland

Photographers ..•.. ; .. : ..•.•... : • ..... •.. v .. , ... LeAnn Hansen Artist .. .................. . , ..... , ..............., .John Hall, Jr, Writers ... ., . • .. • .................. Olane Bellamy, Pheryl Bland .. Karep Grley~_,J;<a~hYPalmer, T~rri Crt>tteau Linda Flynn, Renee Russell, Stacie Smith - JTiiworkman, Paui Hug ties Advisor ••.••• , •. .•• ••.•••.•••.•••••..••••.••,. . ; •••.•• Jerry H<>J•oway

vandals healthy and happy. - Joe Harding, Dwayne Crouch, Scott Derby, Vince Leary, Randy Neukamm, Thomas Hayes, Vince Barbour, Erik Utterstrom and Mark Tidswell.

Cabinet response Dear Editor, We, the members of the senior cabinet would like to respond to the article, "Apathy Leaves Seniors Penniless" in the issue of November 18, 1977. We feel that insufficient information was gathered for the article. Most points that were presented as facts are fallacies. The article stated, "It is quite a shock to find that after three years of fund-raising and one prom, your class is out of money." We are not . "penniless," as stated in the headline. At the begining of our fall term in office, we had $345. in the treasurey. After our succcessful senior week, we now have $1,050. For a cabinet of 11 members to raise approximately $800. in a period of five days is an outstanding accomplishment. This was pointed out to us by our peers as well as our administrators. May we make one suggeston? Be certain to get specific facts concerning dollars and cents. A check with the class treasurer should have been considered before stating "penniless" referring to the senior class. Class cabinets have specific duties, not including holding a free senior prom. Only in the past few years have the senior proms been free. Due to inflation, and the decrease of enrollment in each class, the task is harder to achieve each year. This year, the seniors were fortunate to have a prom committee that worked hard and helped raise money. Class cabinets have no obligation to work

candy canes. Why does one want to be a Santa Claus? Talking to several Santas around Portland, many different answers were given such as "I need extra Christmas money," or "It's a way to share the holidays," and yes, even "I like getting my picture taken." Do the Santas still Ho-HO when a mother of five wants a Christmas picture taken? It seems like a nice idea, though the 6-year-old and 5-year-old keep sneaking candy canes while the 3-year-old and the 2-year-old are trying to pull his beard off with their sticky fingers (from the last Santa who gave them candy canes down the street), and the little cute wrapped up 1-year-old screams frantically at this sight. Oh no, Santa is turning red. Is it because of too much weight on his lap? No, for the 22nd time today. It's wet diapers. ,

·ff... - ..


throughout the summer months. Conflicting schedules among members of each cabinet ·makes participation minimal. Concerning the statement" ... the re-election of the same people to the cabinet, . . . " we would like to point out that cabinet positions are open to any member of the class. The class has the choice to elect who they feel are qualified and will represent them well. We hope the facts presented will help clarify any confused ideas concerning the senior class. We all wish you a Merry Christmas! Sincerely, The senior cabinet Gwen Couture, Liz Babnick, Ann Thomas, Linda Miner, Vince Leary, Susan Gartrell, Rick Barrigan, Vicci B. Blackford, Sandy Hiles, and Kelly Tilton.

Rally's job . To the Editor: This letter is to the person who wrote the "rally rebuttal" in the Dec. 2 POST. I have worked with the rally girls making locker signs and putting them up. I know how hard they work to help the team's spirit. I also know that most of the rally stayed after school until 4: 30. It's hard work for the rally to make locker signs and the large posters for the team to run through after half-time. After the rally works on locker signs, if there is a game after school, they try to go watch it. But some of them have jobs or other things to do at home. The varsity rally has worked hard to get more people to the games. They gave the school and the team a lot of spirit. They have worked hard and I think we should be proud of them all. Richard J. Parks




December 16, 1977

Scrooge - Santa Face off

-Christmas not yet "snowed" Under----


1 would like to point out to you that the way in which your fans are treating Christmas these days is not only a disgrace to you, but to your holiday also. It's not that I really care, but thought it to be only fair to give you the warning of such behavior. And it is obvious that I am winning over more and more people for my cause. Why, it was ol).ly yesterday that I saw a gentleman doing some last-minute shopping for people he hadn't planned to ·buy for. When I asked him why, his reason was they had sent him a gift. I knew in a moment that was my kind of person. If you haven't noticed, this is happening too often, and your concern may be needed. You might also check into something that never used to happen. These lovely "Tinsel Trees" with the plastic ornaments just aren't the same, but it helps to keep the Merry out of Christmas. Oh, and t hose fake green trees that look like something that you would buy from the Fuller Brush man, they really ought to go. That is, if you wish the true meaning of the Christmas tree to remain for future generations. I just got word from my man in Portland. He reported to me that t heir school district is starting to work with me in my endeavor to do away with the Christmas traditions. You know they would never give three weeks for CHRISTMAS VACA.TION but as soon as they changed it to WINTER VACATION, we arranged for an extra week. That man is a real good worker. He has arranged to do away with Christmas Concerts, only to replace them with a Mid-Winter Concert. He got a report from his contact at Franklin High, and my fan club there is ending a 30-year tradition. They are not singing "O Holy Night" to end their concert this season. Another step towards a great goal. If you haven't noticed, Mother Nature is on my side also. When was the last time you saw a great amount of snow on Christmas. I ask you, have you ever seen a sleigh on paved streets? Let's face it, Santa, you're up a hill without your sleigh. Bah-Humbug, Scrooge.

BAii· 1111MBllG

Dearest Scrooge, I was very happy to hear from you and get your report on the progress of your cause so far this year. Oh yes, the wife says hello, and Merry Christmas. I'm glad you wrote as it shows what I always knew, that you really do care about the most joyous season of the year, and want to see it kept intact. Although you said it didn't matter to you, I know better. Now I would like to clarify some of these things which you say are helping your cause. You may not know it but these are trying times in the souls of men. Money is tight and gifts cost a lot more than I bet even you realize. I bet this man was doing a·practice very common nowadays, saving money. But as the days till Christmas grew nearer and nearer the spirit of the season loosened his purse strings and he decided to expose his true feelings toward the holidays. You could learn a lesson from this man. Act now before it's too late. As for the name Christmas Vacation being replaced by winter, and then having the vacation extended, we have our reasons for letting that one slip through out fingers. We figured that by giving up the word Christmas for winter to get an extra week was a great deal. The word Christmas is practically synonomous with winter anyway. This way people have more time to be with their families and extend the joy of the season. Call it one small step for Scrooge and one giant leap for Santa. The 30-year tradition ending for Franklin is for sentimental reasons only. As you probably don't know, their music teacher of over 30 years retired last year and the music department felt that out of respect for him they would not end with "O Holy Night." The Mother Nature problem is being worked out. We drew up a new contract with her to have snow delivered on Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. The snow order for Thanksgiving was just a tad-bit early, but she assured us that the Christmas snow would be just on time. · Scrooge, I don't want you to think that I am trying to make up excuses, or to show you up. I just wanted to point out to you that the . joy and spirit Christmas brings is just as strong now as it has been and will always be. So don't think the Merry is out of Christmas yet. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless you all, Mr. Santa Claus

Students expose New Years resolutions

SANTA shows patience as he listens to a little girl tell him her Christmas dreams. [Photo by LeAnne Hansen]

by Karen Grieve and Paul Hughes Confetti, champagne, and Guy Lombardo help bring in the new year but what would the new year be without resolutions. Here are some plans that Franklin students have made for 'the coming year. Junior Tom Palmer resolves to "give up sex, beer, failing classes, and telling the truth," not necessarily in that order. Senior Cheryl Bland commented, "I don't make resolutions. I make goals. When you make a resolution you feel like it has to be something you want to change about yourself•. such as quitting bad habits or starting good ones."

"I resolve to graduate this year," stated senior Jim Fauts. Sophomore Chris Pillette resolves "to work on my body." Senior Ronn Guldenzopf resolved "to make a success of my life." Sophomore Donald Feeley resolves "to stay awake in class:" Senior Gary Myers resolves "to eventually shave my beard." Senior Bob Lowen resolves "to get my act together." Scott Derby said, "if I make a resolution to give up some things I have, I would have to replace them and I may not like the new me. That's why I never make resolutions because I'd hate to be a new Scott Derby."

Charities lend helping hand during holiday .season . · by Linda Flynn Makers, Toys for Tots . . . Loaves and Fishes, Sunshine What do these names mean to Division, Francis Center, Blanchet you? Nothing? They would ~f you HouseofHospitality,ToyandJoy were an underprivileged child of

Have you thought atiout Planning for Your Future?

a personal challenge? You should! Enjoy a full life Join the people \Vho've joined the Army.

1-14 year old, in which case the You ve heard of Christmas Toy and Joy Makers would play boxes bef~re, but do you know Santa and you ~ould be given toys who provides tho~e? boxes h of for your Christmas tree. The can?edfo.odsand.fruits. Webll,that United States Marine Corps proJect is carried out Y t e Reserve also provides this service. Sunshine Division. They Their program is called "Toys For 2,200 boxes year-round. to famih~s Tots." In both programs the in Portland. The Francis Center is firemen of the "Toy and Joy also providing food boxes for Makers" and the Marines for the Christmas. In their boxes they "Toys For Tots" work together hope to have special Christmas collecting the toys from donations, food, the kind. of foo~ that is then repairing and delivering usually _for Christmas dmner. them to needy children. The Salvation Army is providWhat if your family cannot ing many services for the afford any type of Christmas Christmas holidays. They provide holiday? The children might be approximately 40 baskets and they given gifts but the feeling .of also give requisitions to about Christmas spirit was lost? If this 3,140 families. Requisitions are was the case your family would be like checks and these are given so welcome to the Loaves and Fishes that a family can buy their own Christmas . program on the 23rd. Christmas dinner. The Blanchet They plan to have a dinner, a House of Hospitality is not alone in. gathering around the Christmas giving dinners_ for the homel~ss tree and a big Christmas program. men of Burnside. The Salvation


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GIVE TO THE NEEDY - Dedicat~ volunteers, such as this ma1 outside a Portland area store, rln! bells during the Christmas seaso1 for the needy. · [Photo by Karen Wong

Army is also giving a Christmai dinner. They expect a turnout o approximately 1,000 men. The Salvation Army is an experl on Christmas festivities. T1 demonstrate their expertise the; are giving parties for underprivi leged children in cities and town all over Oregon. The aged citizen of Oregon are not let down either They are to be · visited in thei nursing home and hospital rooms They will be sharing in th1 Christmas spirit with singing ani perhaps some dancing. And unde their respective Christmas tree they will each receive a beautifull: wrapped Christmas present. If you've wondered where th1 money or food you donate goes you now know the answer. Wha you give goes to the under privileged families, children, sen ior citizens, and homeless men. S1 next time you're out shopping ani full of the Christmas spirit and yo1 come upon a Santa ringing a bell give something, and share you: Christmas spirit.

December 16, 1977

FHS child care class celebrates holidays by Jill Workman Cinnamon bear, presents, singing children, and refreshments were all part of child care's Christmas parties. Jim Caputo, who works as Cinnamon Bear, was at the party for the four and five year olds yesterday and will be today for the two and three year olds' party. All the children received or will receive presents they are told are from Santa Claus. "Each parent brings a present for their own child. That way they get what they want," explained child care teacher Ruby Sewright. "The parties are for the children, their parents, and the student helpers, who made Christmas stockings for the children," said Sewright. According to Sewright, "The children sing

_by Terri Crotteau When I was little, I would go visit this old ghost town named Shaniko. I would sit on the wooden walks and watch some of the old people who thought they were cowboys when they would entertain the tourists. Just as I was sitting back to laugh at this town, an old man dressed up as a sheriff would come strolling out and stop the tourists and have them pay him a $1.00 to let them take his picture. NO, not a dream, just memories... For the past 20 years, Mrs. Sue Widmark, an RN, provided a foster home in Shaniko for as many as 30 state wards, primarily aging and mentally retarded persons. She had to sell the hotel and move "Her big family" elsewhere because the state compliances were too rigid and the state had too many demands of fixing the hotel. A big roblem suddenl


pushed on to Mrs. Widmark, and covering the costs was impossible. Applying for state and federal aid, but not succeeding, the hotel went up in public auction and sold for $54,000. After the purchase, the bidder, 84 year old Mr. Earl Bone developed a blood clot on the brain and is being hospitalize'd. Meanwhile, the transaction never went completely through and is at a standstill. The town, which had been built many years ago, developed into a tourist attraction known as the "Great Ghost Town." Mrs. Widmark added, "You should see it now, the life has really gone out of it." Mrs. Widmark feels frustrated and slowly g!lve up with the state since they gave her such a bad time about the ghost town. Trying to explain to all her old friends that they would have to leave each other and the town · wouldn't be known as "theirs" anymore, brought many sad emotions into the scene. But if wouldn't matter anymore since the state didn't have to be the one to break it to the old people." "Christmas won't be the same, I'll really miss Shaniko's spirit," replied Mrs. Widmark.

PADDY O'CINNAMON - These two young Cinnamon Bear admirers seem to enjoy the attention given to them. [Photo by Cheryl Bland]

by Paul Hughes And now for the further adventures of Paddy O'Cinnamon and his quest for the silver star. Paddy O'Cinnamon is, of course, the Cinnamon Bear. A tradition going back 25 years with the Lipman Wolfe company. This year as you crawl upon his knee, take a good long look, you may recognize that twinkle in his eye or that shake of his head as that of Franklin senior James Caputo. Caputo heard about the job from Bob Coles, Work Experience Coordinator, who set him up for the interview. When he arrived for the interview he ' found his schedule was already written out. "No different than any other interview. She asked me questions about when I could work," commented Caputo. "There's no training involved, you just sit there and give out cookies ... you can't talk. When it's slow you can walk around and hug kids or give out cookies." Or else you just sit there while 84 year old ladies sit on your lap and get their picture taken." "While I'm shaking my head or hands, or giving out cookies, some kids come up and poke me in the face or take my he!ld off or turn my head around backwards." "Yes I'd do it again. It's a fun and good way to exhibit your Christmas spirit," concluded Caputo.

Happy Hanukkah!!!

Jews celebrate own holiday by Cheryl Bland The Menorah (candlestick) is lit and a Yiddish blessing is sung. A spinning · Dreidal (top) is brought out into a circle of laughing children. Christmas is not the only holiday this time of the year. Hanukkah has begun. "Hanukkah is a minor, eightday, Jewish festival or holiday. They are celebrating religious freedom," said Eve Rosenfeld, a member of Beth Israel Synagogue. According to Dr. Sydni Patkashnick, a Rabbi, "Hanukkah is a time of rededication. At the time when Israel was occupied by the Greeks, the king downgraded groups of people for gathering together for prayer. With the help of God, they overcame the king." He continued, "They went to give thanks in the church. When they arrived, they found only enough oil to light the room for one day. They lit the lamp and it burned for not one day, but for eight days. This is where the

eight-day celebration came from." day, December 25," said Rabbi "It is customary for Jewish Patkashnick. people to have a menorah in their "It has become tradition in home or in a gathering place," said America to give gifts to others for Ms. Rosenfeld. "They use the Hanukkah, but this · was only middle candle, the Shamash (one started about 50 years ago," added who guards), to light one candle Ms: Rosenfeld. "This may have for each night. A prayer or originated when people gave their blessing is said when lighting the children coins to save or spend as candle. they wished. "The Dreidal g{lme is a common "Certain types of food are eaten game of the children," she added. during the holiday," she said. "The The top is spun and if it lands in a type of food is usually dependent certain way, you win. upon what the family's backHanukkah, which was celebrated ground is. If they come from between December 4 and Decem- Israel, they have one type of food. ber 12, is quite often related with If they come from somewhere else, Christmas. Ms. Rosenfeld re- they have another type of food." ported, "The only resemblance And, as in any other holiday, between Christmas and Hanukkah Hanukkah does have its own celeis that they fall during the same brations. There are Hanukkah timeoftheyearandgiftsare given." parties which are sponsored by "The Jewish calendar follows .a organizations and synagogues. lunar calendar, so Hanukkah falls on And there are songs which are a different day each year .•Because .sung to wish others a "Happy next year is a Jewish leap year, Hanukkah." and it will fall later in the year, both holidays will be on the same

Wartime Christmas showed true spirit by Pam North The following is an article which appeared in the Post in the December of 1942... Christmas Day, and a gold star gleams from atop the lighted tree. The smell of holly and evergreen spices the air. Mother's new hose were not silk, but cotton mesh. The presents were rather sparse and all practical, with the exception of one package bearing a New Guinea THIS TREE, bought by rlars, now postmark and containing a huladecorates the main hall · for the .hula skirt. Pungent odors of fruitcakes, Christmas season. [Photo by Khoa Trinh'] plum puddings, turkey, and mince

Shelter signs provide use Back during the time of the Cold War, the United States government decided to take steps to ' ensure the safety of citizens. The result was fall out shelters. According to George Bennett of the Oregon Department of Ernergency Services, many business, state and federal buildings were licensed to be fall out shelters in 1963. These buildings were set up by the ODES. They had to pass certain qualification standards to be able to attain a license. They had to be large enough to accommodate 50 people or more for at least two weeks, have a water supply, and good ventilahnildinn had to be ..... A

surveyed by competent personnel and then approved. "No fees were charged for getting a license," he said. These fall out shelters are set up in cases of emergencies such as bombings, floods, tornadoes and other disasters. Victims of. these disasters are then able to come to these fall out shelters and be provided for. · Fall out shelters are still being issue today, but the fall out shelter signs are not displayed on the buildings anymore. Although the fears of some of these disasters aren't as strong as it used to be, it's nice to know that there are fall out 11helters around.


Senior portrays Cinna111on Bear

songs, have refreshments, open presents and there is just general merry making." Child care is a "community service program for the children" which provides a "live laboratory class" for the student helpers to learn, stated, Sewright. Sewright explained that the two and three years olds come on Wednesday and Friday and have class from 9:30-11:30, while the four and five year olds have class on Tuesday and Thursday and stay from 8:45-11:45, leaving Monday as a planning day. "Child care aid training class is open to all junior and senior students including boys," said Sewright but "Franklin has been a little reluctant to get boys involved." Sewright is hoping that next year some boys will take the double period class.

Shaniko: known only -in the memories of few


pies seep from the kitchen. For the first time in many shifts the family is reunited and will eat around the same table at the same time. Father has hung up his shipyard helmet, and sister has shelved her welder's torch. The meal is eaten with deliberation as no after-dinner ride is anticipated, for where can one go on an A card? The coffee pot sits neglected on the back of the stove. Only the thinnest pretense is made of drinking its thrice-boiled grounds. Over the group, over the great American family, hovers Little Tim's benediction. "God bless us, everyone." For the gold star atop the tree shines upon the blue star in the window. After reading that, we should try to realize how lucky we really are. During Christmas '42, World



War II was in full swing and yet we still celebrated. With a star in the window to signify a family member in the service, families came together to celebrate the Yuletide. It may not have been one of the happiest Christmases ever, but it was certainly one of the closest. Now, as we sit here 35 years later, we're at peace. No longer are our parents, sons and daughters dying overseas. No longer need we worry if our brothers, friends, or boyfriends will return. Everyone should reflect upon the joy those many families summoned up when Christmas had arrived in hard times, and try to make this Christmas a little closer and happier. Merry Christmas and God bless.

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December 16, 1977

Seniors ·reveal Christmas Wishes I, Roger Arel, wish Ray 0, a vat fu'll of Mlchelob. Jeff H, a free pass to get al I the records you want at Chrystalshlp . Glenn C. your own personal Galleria. Ron S. , a pinnacle to put yourself on. A. Ellis , debonair anj 100 bottles of Vltalis. Randy M., a halo . Marlene 0. a hubcap for the car you want. Scott C. a successful operation and a foxy nurse. Oscar A. a place for you in the NY Art museum . Dorothy K. Presidency of the NAC. Debbie P. a stocking big enough for the guy you want. Nell M. an alarm for your car. David G . a year's supply of your favorite brew. Ann O, more of what we found . And to me , I give the meaning of life. I Liz Babnick, wish the following people : Laura- a ne_:, , exciting job ; Maureen- a lifetime membership at the OAC and a good one before going In ; AnetteDeacon back and fun skiing; Vickie- new guys and exciting Friday nights with lots of show and a great vacation; Bugs- a happy vacation with 0. D. and no more 66 mph tickets; Bugs , Chris, Kit, Tammy, Jerene and all the c.c. team- a vacation ~illed with lots of running and a terrific track season ; Patti- a chance to move Into your new house; the senior cabinet- a vacation with no work or planning; Plelades- a good start with the whole group; and myself- a great vacation and lots of trips down to Eugene afterwards! I, Cynthia Ann Baker, wish ... to the guys In reg. 141, dates with the rally from DD . To J . Addleman , a date withtheoutdoorschool lover. To · (J.W .)A32 AAA! To P. DePlnto, Dates for every night and happiness f orever and friends always and your license. To Bear, I leave my yellow formula including one free ride to Burger King. To K. Gilpin, many more happy days with Mark and a new car! To T. Gayton, Mac's forever Good limes in the future! To K. Mc ., More dates with Mr. Seventeen . To F. Wolfe , a winning all-star football team . Jamerson W., first chair on the tennis team, another year with Faurot . 2nd year Chem/Phy students and teachers. S. Martin, no more D.H. A white Alaskan Huskle. Snowed in cabin. A fireplace and "Me" forever. And to everyone else love and happiness forever .

I, Alison Barbee, wish: To Leva M.: many days at Burger King , a box of choco late pie, a month of Sundays , the Presidency, a si licone implant, and my friendship forever. Tamy G. : a hundred transfers out of math class of your choice , a perfect hair-do and many weekends off. Cheryl L.: Al l the Sarah C. orders she wants, school meetings alter school and bronzed barses . Liz B. and Nancy F. · the Perfect swim meet. Dorothy K. · Can 't you get at least one "B"? Mark J. : my love and laughter. Joe B .: Never having to say " it's Joe B. , not Bob J ., and many dark nights in Lima . Mary : I give you Mark. Mo: another 201 lbs ., when you want them . David B .: another, and the best mountain . John H. : whipped ·cream instead of shaving cream. Paul C. : another ride home In my tank . Ann 0.: Stag parties, small couches, the Eagles and weekends off. Joanne D. : an "O" that doesn't stick. Patty L. · then years of free piano lesso ns. Kathy Palmer, the Perfect ear. Bev B.: the Championship and can't you park three feet closer? Luster : an " A" In typing : Irene T. and Carol C.: my friendship, even If you don't want it . Mr. Mauchley and Mrs. Moore, my Gratitude and Friendship. Mr. Coles : thanks for not letting m<rgfve up . To everyone whom I know I'll never see again: Your Influence has made me what I am. I thank you and hope that you will have as good a future as I hope to. Live and Enjoy. God Bless . I, Susie Barnard, wish : Terri P. - A handsome " Canadian" two years at Fox . Eileen E. - "May Fete Queen" . Tina K. - A piece of Sausage , Admission to U of 0. BooBoo - membership in A.A., pacemaker for your mouth. Carla H. - Happiness always. Norma B. A good marriage. Heidi: A Big " Chocolate" milkshake. Teresa S : A & W Rootbeer forever. Louisa F. - An A in Chemistry . Claudia - A rotten Egg . "A SUPER CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE." I, Holly Barrett , wish : M. Hex! - more fun and good ti mes together. Happiness with Mike. Another hot rod like Yellow Banana so squeeze will be happy In It. I wish that you never lose your new Herby down the drain. More piano playing parts and a chance at Soprano ; Senior Ensemble - Another great year and good luck to all In the future: D. Peterson - a hot date with the guy at Mac's; K. Condray - I wish that you have a good time in choir next year even without us senior girls; C. Wienke - a quick decision; J. Speciale - a new .backend for your car ; T. Gayton - I wish some day you can leave Mac's . Time to rest; A. Thomas - another great three weeks; S. Barnard and V. Blackford -1 wish more Reg . time talks; D. Stone I wish the best of luck In everything and another chance for a solo ; S. Proffitt - I wish long fingernails and a dozen new typing erasers for all our mistakes . Meeting more new people at Blazer · games; A. Wootres-1 wish four Inches of my height; M. Davis more lime to do things together. The best of everything to you and Bob . A chance to get your four wheel drive truck, and play In the mud; R. Geske - I wish to you whoever your heart desires.

married; Sandy H., obesity and an Arabian Knight of your very own ; Jimmy , a role on Broadway, your own personal oil slick and straight hair; Stork Hartwig, a four-foot-long banana to flt your mouth, a hanky big enough and a good season ; Susan H., your "Mommy Mommy" jokes In paperback; Tina Tart, crooked teeth and fat legs; ·Ricky B., a new Mercedes with a built-In can of Lysol, my forgiveness (but don't hold your breath), and long live the wet head; Larry N., X's and O's and a halo for your horns; Sandy C., happiness with E.J.; Billy G., Me! 11; Jeff S., a bald face and a rubber crutch; Coony Bird, an honorary membership to the l.B .T.C. ; Rick Z., to be voted the senior boy most likely to ... ; Edith, six-Inch platforms, an Oriental Noodle, and happiness; George, thumbs up; Anne B., to be the January centerfold of Humpty Dumpty magazine (Just kidding); Cameron, I heard you're game; Tim G., three day weekends to last through the months of 1978, and a terrific forever; G'u rt, a 34th flavor ; Vince M., love and kisses, more love and kisses and a little A .F .M. on the side; Tracy A., a supply of Vlslne to cure your twitch and more of "That Effect on People"; Jill K., beauty ; Mr. Dyar, a new first period T.A. and the City Championship; Ms. Thomas, another reg . as great as ours; Senior Cabinet, continued success and some money in the treasury (HA!); Mrs. Mo ~e and Mr. Nelson, many thanks; Mom and Dad, all my love, respect and gratefulness ; Jeffery, every hope and dream to become a reality, someone to share It with (namely ME), a best seller, a happy quarter of a century birthday and anything that makes and keeps you happy; to myself, I wish more tolerance and less impatience, a tilgger and better vocabulary, and of course, a 14kt. gold Vee Wee with leather Interior, a brass steering wheel, and a sunroof. To the Faculty and Student Body of F.H.S. I wish a joyous Christmas, continued good spirit and a juke box with Perry Como's collection of The Best Loved Love Songs . For Christmas this year, I, Cheryl Bland, hereby wish : Sandy H. : another surprise party, the men In her locker, and a hole in her waterbed . Ginger 0 . : D. " Dimples" Clark , and a date with " Charlie"; Becky 0.: Good luck in the line ; Gary M.: many pleasant trips to the beiich, and a new pair of boots for his " Big Foot"; John "Blade" A.: a date with a goodlooking Eskimo, and three weeks at Howard in the spring; Bob "Pij" H.: a good day on plants; David "Packer" G.: The weeks at 0.0.S . that he never got, bllllons of creatures in the Pond, a song (and a voice to sing it with), and enough editorials to fil l his page; Paul "Cap'n" H.: his own dealer , and an extended deadline. To the who le Howard Gang: Good Luck in the fut ure andan excel lent spring session; Doug W. : A comp lete page with no army ads (and In on time); Steve G. : Extra copy, and a decent grade from Jackson and.Jerr.; Bob L. : a law-suit from the Beatles; David M.: his own ulcer, and season tickets to the 76'ers; Mr. Holloway : good luck with h;s book, more chauvinism and twins. To the Post Staff: an All-American rating and an electric typewriter ; To the Almanac Staff : their own darkroom and some photographers to go with It; David B. : a real Rocky Mountain High, and Good Luck In the future ; Melia T. : Shredded pig's flesh and scrambled chicken embryos, an excellent basketball season , a feminine Jock, records at city relays, city and at school, andatriptoState. To the girls' track team : a successful season; To the boys' track team: a city ch~pionship and a nice lime at state . To everyonif: A good Christmas, and peace In the New Year. Joe Bobzien wishes you a Merry Christmas, and to Tim: a girl with big lungs, Larry : a nice Christian girl, Dennis : a bad non-Christian girl, Georgia : someone nice enough to trade livers, LeAnn : Luke Skywalker (or C3PO), Cyndi: Barry Manllow, Susan: Al Paclno, Jayne : Michelle, Allison : Terry Schultelz, Diane: a nice roomie. Happy vacation to those I couldn't think of anything to wish, especially Keely, Vlccl, Laura, Cheryl , Lori, Sue, Karen, Jill , Dellna, Nancy , Kris, Patty , Lisa, Weari and Lana.

I, Liz Bridges, wish: E.E. another Ashland; L.A. Hey Kiddo, a long lime with Osh; S. H. more funtlmes, free clothes at Goodwill ; K.T. grace or smaller feet, a hockeyteamallyourown; L.W. awlnnlngseason ; D.K. Where's Toto, straight B's ; S.W. Woo-Woo baby, more fun with Mrs. P., purpledartwithvenetlanbllnds; J.E. a completed deadline ; A.L. andT.M. fun with Mr. B.; Mr. B. shoelaces that lie ; S.G., K.K. longer lunch hours ; J.C . another play like "Scaputo" for you; C.L. successful wishful thinking; l.T. tha lead In the play, to win B.S. lookalike contest; L.M. agarage sale, a laugh like mine; S.H. moreAbbottandCostellomovles; M.T. tranya ; F.J. the Connie Cone of your dreams; D.L. Cheryl Lange; K.B. your own soccer team; L.M. a secret of your own; K.C. less of 4th; T.K. false teeth; Mrs . R. a perfect assembly; L.J. a warning notice; HiKIKi good luck, Merry Christmas . I, Karen Lynn Brosseau , wish all Quakers a Merry Christmas, C.M. - all my love always, another raise, Susan, a piggy bank for his change, a cheaper girlfriend , a trl;i to Mount Hood, a night with Linda R., a supply of black licorice for me , a summer of touring with Steve M., and me! S.H.-C.M., followed by a punch In the nose from me, a new pair of glasses, a permanent trio with me and P.L., lots of love from me, and a Merry Chris-Maas! P.L. - less homework, lots of c .c. cookies , more pinches to come, and a beautiful life. L.M . - a dress with a higher neck, lots of frozen yogurt, a memory, and all of my love at Christmas. C.C. - Happy limes with H.L., less confusing relationships, a score sheet, a bigger locker, and a keg that never dries up. Reverend K.P. a saner life, memories of happy days with Mr. D., a lifetime supply of B.V., more & more happy limes at the mlnum , a Carmen-ghla to wreck, a life of following In Mr. D.'s footsteps, & endless partJes at cove with no hangovers. Mrs. Q - about 50 zippers for the mouths In A choir, freedom from the Brosseau kids, and a Merry Christmas .

I, Rick Barrigan , wish : Mike T., a keen wit and better comebacks. Herfy more good times at Herfy's. Fuji, good limes with the Big "G ." Mommy, more good limes; no fault contacts; upswinging arms ; less anyways . Linda C., more fortune cookie people; good times. Gert, Vee-Wee power and more kids from Cleveland . Sandy C. a good forever. Eileen E., great alter-years. Diane B., less X,Y,Z's. Tim H., my 34's. J .C., comebacks to someone. To the lunch group, free lunches at the River Front. The b-ball team , a great season! I, Vlcci R. Blackford, being of semi-sound mind and sound body, do hereby wish unto Susan T., that certain someone, pie face ala mode, a nose, maple syrup for your pancake and anything that makes you happy ; Linda M., affixed contac lenses, this could be the Don- ing of that day, and normal laughter; Cheryl L., number 34 and permanent residence at the Coliseum ; Butter Ball , height ; Jill S., the " MAN! " of your dreams and split ends; Carol W., a year and a half supply of admit slips and complete serenity; Teri S., Congratulations! I heard you were gelling

I, Jim Caputo, wish : To Tim - a night with Betty, Mountain Chablis, and Hereford's bad breath . To Rick - another day in Seattle, Ille with mommy and a giant ZORK. To Tang - a life supply of umbrellas and soy sauce . To Eileen - marriage to an Italian. To Jana MEI To Hereford - Tang's bad breath when he gets through with it . To Tina Klassy- a life supply of tarts. To Michelle - a dark corner. To Vicci B. - a date with me in 1987. To Zimmerman - a life-size statuette of Jay . To Mr. Biggs - a decision for the spring play. To Mrs . Wilkins - happiness with Mike or whoever he is . To the Speech Team - Good times at the overnighters! To Hastings - The Big Night! To Linda Meadows - a trophy at University of Portland. To Minor - a carload of zorks. To Tikerpuu - a continuation of ou r phony marriage . To Jodie - partytime at U of 0. To everyone else I have accidentally ski pped or actually wanted to skip , I wish a Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night. Shalom! I, Carol Cassell , wish Karen B . I hope your life with Chris is a happy one and that your voice squeaks next time you sing. Joanna L. I wish you success in college and guys the world over. Heidy K.: I wish you

- -----

many more B.S. and many more dates with Ted M. Judy A .: I hope your mouth never closes and all your dreams don't come true. Irene T. : I wish you much happiness and many more openings. Michelle D.: I wish you stranded on an island with Chad and Jim and Paul and George, etc., etc., etc. Dan F.: I wish you at a buffet fit for a king and a million Jodles to comfort you. Harold L. : I wish you all my love forever and ever and less broken noses. Mrs . Wilkens : I wish you less time with al/ the Blazers and more time with Mr. Wilkens . Brl Biggs: I wish you an entire cast made up like oysters.

winning tennis seasons ; Debbie S., David and a backhand, forehand, serve, etc. David Demmon a victory over me in a tennis match ; Mr. Scheele, a new 4th period class; Friars and Pleldes, a fun year together; Jack R., a computer of his own; Dale 0., a 280-Z; Mark T., some foadershlp ability; David L. , someone. else to bother; and to the rest of the FHS staff and student body , a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I, Glenn Carrico, wish all the insanity In the world to Jeff Hensley. I, Linda Cater, wish Tamra Malet no more . tests. I wish Marla McFarland many more cranks -.1th Mike and I wish Donna Seifert a size 3 bikini. I, Kris Chatterton, wish to Pip - good times and lots of fun with D.F.M. ; S.C. have fun in S.F . and good times with E.J.; K.P. -fun with Jim and good luck with the senior prom; S.H. - more curls and turls; M.H. - a bigger fuzzy wuzzy or a smaller pen knib; K.K . - good times with Ba-bert, S.G. - a seat In a murder trial; R.N. - more pe·n nles for Horny Toad; R.B. - 1,000 pounds of fortune cookies with no fortunes; L.J . - a neon sign that says My name is J-U-L-1-E; M.W . have a good b-ball season; L.B . everything she wants for Christmas except . . . "NO BRACELETS;" M.T. - a small flapper; L.J . more coordination ; T.S. - don't pick up on anymore dudes at fairs; J .S. - to get some pants that flt; L.C. bigger mammas; L.N. - good luck with skiing and Carol; L.M. - smaller mammas; S.H. - a date with MAC, GOOD LUCK;" LC. - some of my height (ha ha) ; To all rallies and winter sports - lots of fun and good luck; JUNIORS- wait your turn ... we did, and to everyone have a good vacation and a Merry Christmas . I, Linda Coon , wish : L. Miner - a stocking full of Ernies, a fun time with some French sailors and a pass at the Broadway to see X-rated movies, Gert lots of fun on the Ice, a new bathing suit and a new antenna, Tina Tart - a great ski season, a date with Art Tart and another Kiss concert, M. Tang - a happy birthday and a car that drives itself, S. Hastings - new pair of weiny warmups and a spiked milkshake for New Year's Eve, L. James - one plate lunch, one burrito, two milks, two cookies, one ice cream cone, two sweet rolls and an ap ple for lunch , C. Lange - a date ·with the guy with the nice butt, G. Hereford more fun times at the Embers, V. Blackford - a conehead snow suit , S. Tham - a new alarm clock and a ride to school, K. Kosik- a good-looking?, H.K .K . a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year, Rick B. - a date with Black Betty , Varsity BBall - a good basketball season , B. Geiger - a chance to meet the hair molester face to face , 1.0.C. - a box of Alka Seltzer, Jim Babe - a small New Year's Eve, J. Gil not hing , Everyone - a very merry Christmas and a fun vacation. I, Patti Covel le, wish Debbie Peterson , good luck with Farrin, Steve, John, etc. Hope Santa leaves you another cutie in your stocking along with your blue Corvette. Mary Hex!, have fu n with Mikey and lots of big bowls of LIFE. Barbra L. Strlesand, hope you meet Liza Minelli someday. Elizabeth Babnlck, Success and a happy life. Hope you meet many good friends in college. Robin Geske, FOREVER MARK. Laura Trevits, a happy Ille, lots of good memories , and a good looking tall stranger. Susan Tham, Good luck In college and lots of good times. Anette Wootres, Another 2 fr., motivation to go on to college, good luck In your skiing career and no more Sparks in your Christmas stocking . Laurie Pipgrass, luck in getting Daniel to take you to the Prom .. Coppedge-Reg 232-Have a good vacation and Merry Christmas . Donna Plamer, a date with big Tommy .

I, Marlene Davis , hereby wishes ... For Bob ; I wish him we will always be together and a 4x4 bronco, with a sunset I For Diane$. ; and her sweetie Joe M. ; lots of happiness together. For Sheri 0.; and K.S. to have a bunch of good years together " neato mosquito!" Merry x-mas to you and mom . For Holly B.; many more trophies, and more hayrides, merry x-mas to you and Ringo! For Brenda and Kelly; and all the rest of you Kicking Q's wish you first in state, good luck. Diane C. ; I hope you get a good job at the Hair Barn I Keep that Maverick In good shape. For Cindy B., and her guy to get a nice cabin In the mountains . For Vicki Ness; Please quit your job Vick, and get a better one. For Jackie J. ; get a chance under the mistletoe with admire "Raycel" For Marlene Howard; please change yourname, It's very hard on Mr. Ellis . For Pauline T. ; do you know how funny It looks when you're singing and really getting It in with the music on while driving? I hope nobody sees you! For Mary Lou; always remember when we use to ride the bus, and did out motion staring camera act! For Kim Leonard; please get a different job so I can for once remember the name. Have a merry x-mas. For all my other friends, Franklin teachers, Franklin staff, have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a joyous New Yearl I, Patty DePlnto, wish: RNA- accurate stats and a starting position on the varsity basketball team . CB- a calendar to keep straight the dates and lots ·of Marshall-Franklin wrestling matches. JW- a new outfit for the next concert; LJ- a cake for Installation . The girls of Plelades- lots of fun things to do for the rest of the year and another stimulating night on the town with Friars; next year's girls' soccer team- a winning ' season and more mud In the lockerroom. PK· more classes with your favorite person and matching pairs of overalls . Julie & Lisa- to meet our Alm•n•c deadlines and learn how to drop pictures. AB- her own typing eraser. OW- more Info on current events. KJ- a winning wrestling season and state championship! I, Scott Derby wish John Add leman a life size Farrah Fawcett love doll. Gary Myers more soccer balls and beer kegs. Jeff Schwab 50 lbs . of Beechnut chewing tobacco and a spittoon. Cheryl Lange more fingerprints on her glasses . The Barbour Brothers wrestling state championship y;ith Jobe . Camilla Derby more dishnights at home . Jim Caputo a book on Italian jokes and a year's supply of Italian sausages . Ricardo Zylenski more soccer balls and world champion team . Marv Flittcroff more FCA members. Doug Walters a good wrestling season. Tom Dyar another championship trophy to bring home . I wish to all of the cutest and the foxiest girls a wonderful CHRISTMAS . . . I, Sheri Doel, wish: my teddy bear to come home early. Wish all my friends happiness always, and most of all I wish Matt Taylor-Mongo- to get P.W. Merry Christmas to everyone. I, Jeff Elliott , wish the ALMANAC and POST a successf ul year ; Miss Harris and Mrs. Olsen,

I, Eileen Elmer would like to wish - My Little Sis ski lessons, a great frosh rally season , a great four years at F .H.S., T.S. My brother - 106 position on varsity wrestling team, his license, a ten course-meal at the end of wrestling season . Tart - lots of love and happiness with Gil, R.F . for Franklin, a great ski season, TR-7, a Foxy dentist to assist , another crazy friend like me. Mrs. Rowe - her bathroom finished, a perfect assembly, a telephone, a great time In California, to be able to get rid of "Ms. Pris". Lance - a perfect Ex. Cab, be able to catch the Eggers. Karen - Bart, and a Winter Hawk's team of her own . Susan - a great ski season, a high board of her own, another night on the town. Sandy - lots of happiness with Eric, a letter from the Art College In California saying you've been accepted. Netter - a great basketball season, 20,000 good luck kisses, be able to spin a basketball on your finger, lots of D.W . parties. Cheryl - lots of happiness with the sweetie of her dreams, a fantastic ski season . Kelly T. - lots of happiness with the sweetie of her dreams , a fantastic ski season. Kelly T. - lots of happiness with Alan and a great senior year. Lisa - lots of luck and happiness in the future, the sweetie of your dreams , to take you to the prom. Susie B. - all of your teeth extracted and a foxy prosthdontlst to make you new ones. Mr. Barnett - a great softball season . Susan H. - a great J.V. rally season, two more exciting and fun years at F.H.S. Jeff K., Steve G., Rick G. - a fun time at the cabin, lots of parties. Star - a half court shot, and a butterbal l of his own . Tom P. - lots of Taco's, a good looking S.T.R.A.P. Bear - a fantastic basketball season, lots of fried rice, a new B.M.W. Vince - lots of baskets . Gary F. another Candyland dance. Melia lots of happi ness with K.H ., a great basketball season. Larry - more g irls . Vince B., Rick D., Kerry J., Mark B. State , a fantastic wrestling season, and a ten course meal. Jim C. - a ci nnamon bear outfit of your own, lots of luck on the speech team. Ernie - lots of Ernies . Bobby - a fixed car. Vicci B. - Happiness always In whatever you do. Vicki S. - lots of happiness. Varsity, J. V. and Frosh Basketball Rally - a fun and exciting season . Varsity, J . V. and Frosh Basketball Teams - lots of wins. Chris P. - lots of rides home . Mike W. - a basketball game that he doesn 't foul out . Liz B. - another Ashland trip. Kris c. - a blast on rally, happiness always. Varsity Wrestling Team - City , and the greatest season ever. J . V. and Frosh Wrestling Team - lots of pins and wins . Varsity Wrestling Rally - lots of rowdy meets, and a fun and exciting season . Teri C. - lots of happiness with D.W ., a great B.B. season. Stick Woman - a healed eye, and some more weight. Barnes - lots of D.W. parties. Teresa - lots of happiness . Wally , Wally - lots of happiness with M.M., a real "diamond" crown. Kathy B. - a wonderful wrestling rally season , happiness forever. Sam - A.O. forever, a great senior year. Sayre's lots of fun on rally and happiness forever. Penny a fun and exciting time on rally, lots of luck and happiness In whatever you do. Swim Team - lots of water and strokes . Ski Club - TONS OF SNOW. The Administrators, Faculty and Teachers - a fantastic, Merry Christmas and New Year. F.H.S . - The merriest Christmas Ever. I, Joana Foote, wish: For PR : a good time with Joe and to grow about a foot; BB: Lots of happiness with J H and a good basketball season; KT: a license and then ... ; to make it to school every Monday; RM & TL : Lots of courage for our term paper ; AT: to stop causing trouble; KW: a snowball fight with SS and TP without getting your hair wet; NA: fewer errors In typing; LR: a new chauffeur and more room; BB: a happyblrthdayandallthesorrlesthatcan be said; MM : a happy birthday and happiness with whoever you are with now; EF: to win a game and lots of excitement In reg.; BG: more time In Washington Park; KG : all the happiness you deserve ; LG : Lots of fun on the hump; LT: to grow about a foot and to stop flirting with LJ; AO: lots of fun at "Macs"; to all my friends Good Luck and to everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I, Susan Gartrell , wish to L.J .M., a forever teddy "bear" to cuddle, a driver's permit, a party hot-line, new pillows, a later curfew, and a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. L.R.C., a baihroom of her own, a temper, a telephone call and a bowling date with B.M., more dark kitchens, a copy of next September's Playboy, and a season pass to Cleveland wrestling matches . Brother Bear, 100 cans of Lysol more ouchs . Little brother R.g. a great first year skiing, and a promotion at Kennys to chief Dip Stick . Kelly Kosik, Bob forever and a long-lasting permanent. Vicki Santangelo, tacos forever, an autograph record by Santana, "Nobody Told me about her." Greg Hereford, more nights at the Embers. Mike · Tang , a maid, and a date with anyone. Jeri Galow, more great times with Jeff. Cousin Kirs, good health and a Merry Christmas. Liz Bridges, 75c worth of gas . Jill Speciale, a date with s.e: John Gill, a transfer to St. Mary's Academy, a tour through the girls' bath· room, and 25 pounds . Linda (Rah Rah) Meadows, a sweater so you won't get cold, and double pierced ears and nose. Susan Tham, tickets to every concert till the year 2000. T.S., V.S., LI., and V.L., more . good times together. Cheryl Lange, many more smiles. Steve Glenn, a crash course In Brief hand, and to everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Tami Gayton wishes : To KM: a Big Mac, a Date with MH and a bottle of Pearl Drops . To MT: a new job, a package of no-Doze and another breakfast at Mac's ; To Penguin: Apairofglassesandadateto the SP ; To HB : A brand newcudafullofguys. To DK; A " B" In a class , a hot pink shirt, prontosand a scholarship to Harvard; To ON : many more maps, notes and a right place to write my name; To Cyndi B : An "A" in chemistry and a bunny; To AT : New Parents and Igor; To SB: a package ofcoughdropsand a long scarf ; To JW & CB : More collegeclasses and cushy hair; To DB & SG: A new car and lotsolfree lunches . To Pam N.: A new beslfriend; To Mr. N. : The film "The longest childhood" and long curly hair ; to Don A. : A new "M" class; To LM : To become the first woman president; To Roger A.: To become a normal person; To Tor OA : To become a part ofthegroup"N.A.C ."To Big : Fun in his mustang and a snowman; toJE: abrokentennisracket and a maid; To LB: Mr. Right and an easier time in college.

December 16, 1977 I, B.J. Geiger, wish: to Karen G. "High Chapparal" Ill she's sick, Keely P. a donation to the Barth Glmball furniture fund, Mary H. a lobster with mammoth claws, BarbraS .asenseof humor and a voice, Teresa F. a date with Don, and to J. Maloney: a red pen and a ease of "Lite" beer. Robin Geske wishes: Debbie, a guy at . every McDonald's she goes to. Mary , many good times with Mikey , Holly, a date with Bill. Kelly, nice senior girls foreverandabagof green M & M's . Shelly, David ! And our friendship forever. Lance, warm fuzzles forever with God's love. Ronn , what you wrote on the back of my picture . Merb, many more years of friendship! Lisa, good luck In the future, Todd , love and kisses . I, Kelly Gli°pln, wish a very Merry Christmas to Mark Browning , for he will find me under his tree along with a Ch Burger mustard only, a free pass behind 82 Drive In, an empty gas can , and most of all " My Love Forever." K. Grieve, singing lessons; B. Shadder, a date with F. Flucet; B. Biggs, a set of dentures, a lead role In his own play ; J. Caputo, all the C. Bear cookies he can eat; J. Fouts, a diploma ; I. Tlkerpuu, buck teeth ; T. Tiffin, 10 years at Newberrys; R. Geske, no date for the prom ; S. Crandell , a life of happiness ; Kristi, Santa to bring you lots of toys ; Suzie, a ski trip In Arizona In July, a GTO like mine, a size 30AA ; Mom, a rich boyfriend to marry her; to myself, a new TR7, a trip to Europe, to see Mark and me at the altar and to always love each other; to everyone else, Santa to stuff your stocking and a Happy New Year. I, Steve Glenn, wish the following things to the following things: To Robert G., at least a 4.00 gpa, my seat in Mabes class and a great four years . To the Post staff, a new adviser and at least a first class rating. To Vince L., a starting position, a winning year and a scholarship . To David L., a 1 :55 half and less classes with the " mouth. " To Doug W., a free ride at Land C, to OW and Terri C. , their own car. To Sandy H., a box of Pampers . To Sue G., a real car. To Tina K. , more Klass and a set of perfect teeth to play with . To Lori I., a nu srthnd pd r .50c. To the girl I hate_the most, Pam North , a weekend at Timberline with. the man . To the Almanac Staff , a new editor and at the most a third class rating . To Randy N., a chance to get small (really small) with Steve Martin. To Cheryl L. , a good time with whoever it may be, and a tube of Gleem . To Cheryl B., passage of the ERA. To Jerry H., an All-American staff, and more love affairs. Good luck on the book. To Mr. S. and S. in Science, a c lass that works . To third period guys, good grades . To Robin B. , looks and brains. To second period and Mr. Londos: Good Luck . To Mark T. , a newfortychannel CB. To Gary F., one good time with GW . To Lisa J., a gavel. To David M., more boring stories and a lifetime pass to the Blazers' away games . To David G., more radical Ideas, and a bigger suggestion box . To Diane, a happy birthday, agoodti mewith PN at schoo l next year, more fun times at KT with C. , and most of my Love. To the class of '78, Merry Christmas and "Have a good one." I, David Gorsek do wish: Karen: Chicago's big hit Another Park, Another Thursday. Jeff H.: A house In Portland, a new seating arrangemen t in third, a Christmas sock full of the chick down the street. Jr. : talent with a black pen, a ninety minute tape of "Doug Walters talks to himself," the abi lity to read these big words , know ing how to get to 167 afterschool, a white Christmas. Barbara H.: a reasonable editor, more people who like to lay on tables, decent poetry books. Glenn C.: a tap of your own since the rental fee Is so high . Tim 0 . : Lexy for a hiking partner. Jerr H.: job security after the next Issue. Lisa J.: ilfesize picture of John D., a good look at Hood on the way up to his cabin, Dave's bottle of self-confidence. David M.: Tylenol #3 prescription with refill, roll of turns, a bottle of self confidence, and Bili Schoniey's job . Cheryl B.: a lifetime of bratty sixth graders pulling your hair and asking questions you can 't (or refuse to) answer, film in your camera when taking pictures . Deuce M. : a good season of B-Bal I, an assistant coach that lives next door, 15 lbs ., a couple of Inches, an extra week of vacation and a new ladder. Scott C. : bionic elbows. Ronnee P.: a crayon of your own to use in good health , better reasons for not coming o.ver to D.M .'s John D.: success with your harem, a Cal. OLCC card, a friend . I, Karen Grieve, wish everyone a Merry Christmas. To D. Stone- Heaven on the 3rd Floor, with me ; K. Gilpin - a car that doesn't explode ; B. Geiger - a large fan club and no shadow ; J. Foote; a golden arch; D. Gorsek - every Thursday night , except holidays ; S. Proffitt - red hot and Rollin' underwear; M. Torrence - A year's supply of Tranya ; K. Myers - a week at a boys' camp of her choice ; L. Flaum- a year's supply of hairspray; J. Workman - An endless supply from Harlequin; B. Shadder, J. Snyder, J. Al loway, and D. Fuglee - a party every night; First Period Drama - a gossip column ; Advance Lunch - Barf Bags and a warm auditorium; POST staff- a case of Alka-Seltzer; G. Stauffer - Number One A , and S.P. U.S. Army Recruiting Command; L. Bridges - A 7-ft. leading man ; H. Barrett - 29 hours In a day . To P. Hughes - An A in POST without working.

I, Susan Hastings, wish the following : To Executive Cabinet - A perfect assembly: Mrs. Rowe -

a phone In her room, Mr. Dyar - another city championship, Jim 0 ., Kerry J. , Rick D., Vince B. , Mark B., and Doug W., - a place at state, Vickie Y. fun times at Farrell's and a date with last year's Benson heavyweight, Vince M. - an act for the talent show, Cheryl L. - A tree and Mitch Mitch Mitch (Double Meaning), Jill S. and Vince L. - each other, Lisa J . - A hole In one while playing Cleveland, Sandy C. - an Ink spot In your hair and a bakery. Linda C. Ernie and a dinner at Kings Table, Tina K. - a non-tie bathing suit, late night swim , another Kiss concert, a pair of grey pantyhose and See Gull, Liz B. • Bubblegum stops, a virtuous mouth during softball and Therman, Sandy H. - three-hundred bags of popcorn and a new reg, Randy 0 . - no time to be potted, Lyndia M. - To be on time and Rick, Annette L. - A kiss and a home run, Eileen E. - Eggbeater, time, another date with Mike K., one ton of red berries and that all your dreams come true, Karen .T . five hockey players, Karen B. - permanent crossed eyes, bigger ring and Chris ail to yourself, S. Ensemble - blending , another doorbell and silly beans, Patti L. - Bionic fingers and a long giggle, Mary, Holly , Debbie and Robin - Friendship, laughs, and memories , Linda M. - Inner peace , Jim Caputo Another hot date , long talks and my love, Teri S., Vickie S., and Lori I. - To ski in the Olympics , Michelle D. - To do homework and Paul and the lead In next year's musical, Melissa - Patience with rally , Jeff and a perfect piano recital , Paul - good grades on final , the girl in the Porche without the girl and another pair of socks from you know who, Girls' Softball - A winning team and loads of fun In God's half acre, Mr. Barnett - Patience and one night alone together, Mr. Biggs - The chance to direct a Broadway play and a kiss , Vickie K. - To be the best of friends

always , memories , colored dough, a tennis match , and Mark, Carol M. - To go skiing together, a little ' yellow dress and burnt fish, Susie A. - weigh over 100 lbs., the best of everything and Chris, Vince L. - a comb, Montgomery Wards HI Board - another beactt trip to get our pictures up, Dan J. - courage and a second chance, Susan G. - a date with Jan Michael Vincent and a new car, Suzanne, Penny, Sam , Linda, Zeena, Yukari, Annie, and Dana - Wh_ljtever your hearts desire, Mella- never change yourself , (iary F. Many more flashes, Lana J. - romantic evenings with Jeff and less trouble with teachers, Viccl B. - straight hair for skiing and to everyone a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. I, Jeff Hens ley , wish 'to grant David Leathers the authority to exist , that Mr. Holloway would shave the caterpillar from off his upper lip, I didn't owe Ray Oetinger $7.00, or two six-packs, Mr. Hartl - a liquid protein diet. I, Mary Hext, wish : Anette W. - My 9" platform shoes, and a key ring that's absolutely Impossible to lose. Bill G. - More grabs and squeezes than you can handle. Senior Girls' Ensemble - Many wonderful thoughts of yesterday, today and tomorrow . Holly B. - The guy you've been . waiting for. Biii, my driver's license so you can chauffeur ma around and a 5' hole In the ground so we can see eye to eye. Mr. Maloney Have a nice holiday with your playboy bunnies. Debbie P. - Ferrin, John , Steve "Gorilla"; David at McDonald's, and whoever else your heart desires. A-#1 Tenors of Concert Choir - An even better year coming up. Mr. Ellis - Patience to put up with the fabulous students In the middle of his sixth period class . Patty "Pumpkin" - Golden fingers forever. Susan H. "Fly" - Buzz around more often . Tim ·F. Sweet memories of "Good Times" and hopes for the future. Robin - Kelly, and more solos well deserved . I, Sandy Hiies, wish to Clleryl L. - more exciting movies, a date with Mitch and much happiness with Craig, Yukari 0 - fun times In her new car, Dana W an A In English, Liz B - new knobs and locks and great times with Yosh, Pip - sugar daddies forever and happiness with Dan , Linda M - another garage sale , Rick B - a bigger appetite, Susan G - another Cleveland joint, Linda C - stilts , Susan H - a gram a day, Lisa J - success, Kelly T - an eye for good pumpkins , Eileen E - and Tina K - a model of your teeth, Linda M - dances, Vicki S - happiness always, Kris C - more swing, Sandy C - have fun with Eric, Edo - a talk session in English, Karen T - a season pass to the Winter Hawks games , Viccl B - and Susan T - a new phone number, Jill S - a cup of peanuts , George P - to know what It's al about, Kerry S - a new whist le, David W- ski jackets fo rever, Gary L. - darker ski n, a nice date to the Senior Prom and fun times at O.G.'s, Vi nce L - a great BBall season, Del T pictures on the wall, Yukari 0, Terri C, and Ken H another stop on Powell, Sheri D and V;cki N - a calculator, Pam N - more exciti ng times with Scott z., Penny 0 - a job at Seaton's in the future and a new brick wall , Gloria W -_courage, Diane Band Steve G happiness always, Lisa R - more fun times with Yosh and gang, Annette L - a good softbal l season, Jill R and Zeena P - a chauffeur, Sandra G - whoever, Chris K - a state champic · in CC in the future, another dance with Scott H and another great beach trip, Lunch Gang - a new place, Mr. Hol loway - a better reg . next year, Mr. Cole - a fun first period, Mr. Bolin better jokes In sixth, Mr. Schultz - good student aides, HiKiKi - a nice Christmas party, and to everyone else a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I, Marlene Howard , wish: Jackie: Six blind babies ; and a smaller mouth . Pauline: More times waiting for red lights behind parked cars; and happiness . Edo: a car with white bottom and black top; and milk. Donna: A nice young man (oriental style). Sprout: A certain little man in the valley; a hearing aid ; and some of my height. Gwen: A big brother. Kris : Lots of little Chatterboxes. Miner: A lifetime supply of Jello balls ; and your Susie Baker pen back . Peggy : shorter toes . Jacki e W. : Rudeness . Laura, Dana, Diane, & Peggy: A great senior year. Dee: Long hair. Robin : My calligraphy talent. Diane : a different little sister. Sklz: Lots of fun at FHS . Cater : Junk food . H.L. : more bathtub phone calls . And to everyone I forgot , I wish a Merry Christmas . I, Lori IAMMAPOTATO WISH Terri Suzuki 10 galloi'llrot coffee, Billy Peterson , a Ille time supply of iron pills , parties at Dltler's, a high powered fork and . MATCHES! Vicki · Lulggi a new car with air freshener, another Jesuit bash, a silent horn, NUTS., a K.R. weekend ski trip, more "exciting " parties , and a trip to the Old Country on a pasta boat. Vickie Chaw a Darth , Killer, Dup and Crack doll , rug cleaner for your woom whisker burns and many more nights out with the " guys! " Liz Bibnlck ten/fifths of "juice," a cork and weekend herring fishing! Mike Ting a trip to Washington Park and a car wreck with Shaw , a'nd a giant FORTUNE cookie! Christ P. a bubble yum factory. Del and Muzzy an A In math . Hormel a broken foot. Linda Miner a greased laugh . Karen T. a bionic ankle. Eddie Flake and Lance a cup of C. juice, my buddy Scott Santangelo MVP and to the rest of Franklin High . . . Good Luck! Oh! Mr. Hartl , a box of breakfast bars. I, Dave Johnson, do hereby wish to Gary Meyers a TRAC II , and all thebeer he can drink In one minute, to Larry Neilson, his father's Mustang and Success on the Cabin, to Rick Zyellnskl , an "I miss you" letter from Judy Schieble, and good tuck with a soccer (career?); To Keith Koncll Schiltz keg and a revitalized car, to Paul Hughes a llfesize Hustler Foldout and a paJr of scissors , and lots of luck. To Ann ie Oliverio a new Job and lots of luck, to Dale DeLoreto, more endurance, and a "C" In SS7-8, to the varsity track· team a city championship, and to Scott Williams another state record in the 100, le;> Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour Restaurant another successful year; to Laurinda Patton, a fantastic two months at Cannon Beach In the Spring. To Dave Gorsek, a reliable Post staff artist, and Dave I WANT MY TENNIS SHOES BACK! 11 ; to Glenn Carrico, a successful underground newspaper, and to the varsity basketball team an 0-22 season , I, Leonard Johnson, wish: Keely Pillette, a solid gold pump and a math degree. Greg Herferd, a box of twlnkiesandapackageofcowboysheets. Tang,ajob In the rice fields. Felix, the tall, skinny lady of your dreams. Hartwig, 2 points. Lana, a kangaroo. K. Duncan, a woman . Gelger, a miniature tuba, B. Kosik, modesty . Klassy trip to the Alps . And to everyont Including the Faculty, a Merry Christmas. I, Lisa S. Johnson, wish: v.s'. - more pit-stops with · free nose-piercings; K.P. - "Looks Like We Made Ill", success and Steve Martin ; A.O . - Happiness and continuing friendship; Judy A . - the lead In a big Broadway Production and fun ; J.B. - lessons on how to crossyourt's and a better memory! ; Liz Bridges- more exciting French .classes, a new car and luck ; J.0.- a place on the pro tour; K.M. - more talks; Pleiades more meetings and that certain Friar!; A.B. -sunshine and roses; Susan H. - a prune (cake)!; C.L. - "The Answer Book to All Your Questions!" ; Liz Babnlck - good times ; Sandy H . - a real man!; 1.0.C. - more " feeder" parties; Mr. B. - yourown bakery ; K.C . - more shopping trips and happiness ; S.C'. - wonderful days ; E.E. - a new car and wrestling matches!; D.G. - a belt to keep your pants up - but not too high!! ; D.M . - time (to relax) and a finished research paper! ; R.N . - a lifetime membership to the Steve Martin Fan Club- oh . . .wow ... man!; Mr. Wolf-15minutes!! ; Mr. Holloway-rnore good editors like me and patience!; POST staff - good luck! ; Mr. Hartl - a class that listens ; Our reg. - more exciting talks about movies and beer! ; Ms . Piper - a NHS cabinet that knows what they're doing ; my familylove and good cheer; to K.T. -a Thank You and anything you want - what are best friends for?; To anyone I


missed- have a Merry, Merry Christmas; To Everyonea Wi ld Wonderful , PROSPEROUS, and Happy New , Year ! !! I, Jackie Jones , wish the following people a Merry Christmas, Butter Ball, DebbleC., Marion M. , Lori W. , Teri S., Ju lie B., Mark S. , Heidy K. , BarryC., Sandy H., Jackie W. , Ginger S., Terisa M., and everyone else I know . To Nibbs Howard, I wish T.H . and a couple inches shorter. To Sprout Kernan, I wish the man of her dreams and a few .Inches taller. To Donna Nigo, no more homework. To Edith M. , I wish everything she wants for Christmas. To R.J ., I wish he would move to Alaskafarawayfromme. To the swimming team, !wish they would win all their meets . To Dann, I wish N.D. To Dennis M. , I wish more scratches on his car. To Jackie W., I wish the boots she wants . To all the Seniors at Franklin High School, I wish the best of luck In the future.

·1, Mary Lou Kernan, wish Marlene Howard an. operation to get shorter and a new curling iron . Paulina T., a cute short Italian guy with a short name. Donna Nlgo a new handwriting. Edith Maze a way to pass the driver's permit test. Kathy Barnes more times playing paper volleyball in Social Studies. Jackie Jones her own car and fast moving RJ. Marlene Davis a new "Trans-Am." Karen McFarlln a way to talk without tripping and a way not to get scared so easily . Teresa Marshall a way to bring some excitement to the neighborhood. Rhonda Palmer fun times at FHS and to Randy Meske! more days at school. I, Tina Klassy, wish: Eileen E.- Mr. Wonderful , a new car, a family with twelve kids, a year's supply of dental floss, and M.F.W.; Goonie Bird- date with B. M., an " A" in speech, and a milkshake at Huckleberry Inn; Cheryl L.- Happiness with Craig, another trip to Seattle, and a longer neck; Sule H.Welny warmups forever, a dinner at the Harvest House with the gang, and another tree to ski Into; Art Tart- Susan H., Cheryl L., Linda C. to bug forever!; Minor- another night at Kah-Nee-Ta In a teepee, and ski lessons from me; L. Meadows- a medal for being on rally for four years and a half gallon of loganberry wine; Sue B.- a smaller pair of glasses and a foxy senior dental student; Kelly K.- fun with Bob H. ; Jim C.- a big bear hug and luck in his future; Vince B. , Mark B., Kerry J. , Rick 0 .- to place at state . Mr. Dyar & team- district champions; Sandy C.- a thousand little Eries; Gert- fun with Rob ; Babby K.- A fantastic New Year's and a western accent; Vince L.mosqultoes and more mosquitoes and tennis lession which he never gave me ; Ricky B.- a hug and a kiss; Jim S.- my thanks; Bruce H. and Marcy K.- each other; Motormouth- a better temper and a match with Art Tart. Kerry J .-Another party at D.W.'s . Anne B.- A blue ribbon ; Ostrem- longer legs; Jeffrey K.Everything you want and a great b-ball career ; Karen T.- A great future; Edie- an egg roll; Sue Rowe- a successful assembly ; J.B. , B.B., R.R., S.G., K.B . , (Taco House crew)- a raise ; Stephen G.- To be on time to school; ski club and Mr. Co les- a terrific ski season; Steve Glen n- To be on a court and get a decent grade out of Jackson, Lance C.- A scarecrow in his trunk ; Gary F .- a trip to Japan; Lori I. , Shaw , Vicki L., Teri S.,- to get to. go to Aspen; David L. - a book full of Mabry jokes; Mike T.- Gold plated chop sticks; Herford- another singing gram ; Randy- to gain a few pounds ; Larr Barnett- Another little Chad ; Rayce- a bigger mouth; Mark T.- a chance to speak up ; Sandy H. - to be on senior rally; Kenn y H. - a picture of me ; to my little sis Suzy I wish an exciting four years at FHS; Gilwynn Newby- My love always; and to the super seniors at FHS, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! To start, I wish everyone Happy Holidays ; to Karen - some more puck parties with B.Y., to Lana - good luck with her b-ball games , to Susan - a lucky date with R.M. , and to Bobby , better luck with Portland traffic and a check for $250,000 . To Kris, better buns , to Dee, a pugged nose fuzzy friend , to Holly, a rayce, to Rick D., some good looking ladles, to Larry a better Carol, to Tina - a looking down In the mouth career, to Liz, a few waves to State, to Worm - a case of Bud, to Jim C. - many hugs & kisses, to Kenny - a big piece of cheese, to Bob - a bunch of mistletoe, and to everyone, thanks for making my season jolly . THINK SNOW . . . HO HO HO . . . Kelly Kosik .





I, Joanna Lafferty, wish Chris V. crooked teeth K~rin J. a broken down police car, Sheri D.. happlnes~ with K.S ., Nancy R. that nice Nova so we can go out to lunch in style, Linda R. more psychology classes, Carol C. more Marshall guys; Matt T. (or Monge) no more operations, Cindy L. more parties, John G. more guest passes , Jim C. A cinnamon bear c9stume of his own, Bob L. good luck with his Russian speech, Dee M. fun the next two years at Frankl in. I, Cheryl Lange, wish: Tina - Love and happiness with Gil; runnerless pantyhose. Eiieen - the man of your dreams . Sandy H. - Parkrose dates , obesity, a ROWDY vacation .

Vince L. - a great B. Ball season; more fun lunches . Steve G. - Spooning with D; a poke In the back from Craig ; a 10 minute math class. Susan H. - a paper dress to wear once and throw away. Judy - Love; as much fun at school as I've had. Randy N. - your chance Jiii s. - Boys; tuck with D. Gary F. - Friends that have cars . Susan G: - good guys at good parties . Lyndia M. - an even higher laugh . Goon - More rowdy times like JV rally. Ken H. - the meaning of P.B.'s ; a kiss; get small! !I Mabes - a climate controlled room. Liz B. - wishful thinking; a Mr. Peanut doll. Pam N. - toilet training . David L. - C's and Q's; not my Elton John album . Rick J. - a good wrestling season. Vicki s. - a 5th of whatever ; happiness. Pago Pago - crooked teeth. Jeff K. - Nice a-1 ! Del T. - Park In a bus zone. Terri c. - snot fights. Mr. Bolin - Good jokes. Rick B. - a BIG car to take us out to lunch In. HI Kl Kl - more upstanding members like myself . Meaders - more times to ding around. David W. - to beat me at thumb wrestllng . David M . - you can have your other woman! . Kathy P. - lots of 3rd periods In Jer's room with you, me, D.l. Bod L. - parties and girls. Twin - you've got the looks, now all you need Is my personality . Stixle - skinnier legs. Jim C. - time to talk with each other. Karen T. - Grace. Zeena - eyesight. Jer - a peaceful vacation . Doug W. - batteries for your motor mouth; back rubs . Larry N. - don't break your arm skiing this year. Harold R. - Good luck in wrestling. Keely - successful prom . M. M. - HI there, FUZZY! Barnsle - cowsies, horsies, piggies, etc. Gloria W. - my friendship always . Lisa J. - not to be so organized . , and snapple. Happy Craig - All my love, Anniversary!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's Eve to


(I); Dave; a new car ; and myself- more money for more senior wishes! I, David Leathers , wish Aaron L. a 1 :29.91 WR in Moscow, Daleo. a Lamborghini, Jack R. a Lamborghini and an IBM, Mr. M. my little brother, 57 champ a team that sweeps at state and someone to remind him of 1957, Mark T. a degree at MIT and a job in my corporation , Angela B. a big coat , Keely P happiness and a box of chalk, Kelly T. nobody finds out about the secret, James B. fun ruling Stephens, Vince L. a job In my corporation and a basketball , Tracy D. a bigger aquarium, Ken H. an official stoner shirt, Mr. H. a good sports editor, Cheryl L. laryngitis, Randy N. the speck sign, Karen T. a clean locker, Mr. N. a good study hall, Tim H. UCLA, SteveG . areal car, and fun and games at PSU and a job In my corporation . I, Robert Loewen , wish : David M. , a blizzard In D.C. David L., a gimmick T-shirt. Jeff E., a peace of mind . Shelli S., super soccer In '78. Cathy B., soccer player of her choice. Scott C. , a dishonorable discharge. Biii T., a sense of humor. Julie B. , teargas. James W., a fifth of your favorite. Dave G. , a new staff. Bob L., morals. Denise M., a noose. t, Janice Longhofer wish , I could go to Hawaii for Christmas vacation . I wish Bill G.; a Merry Christmas and lots of happiness . I wish Kelley Giipin; lots of luck in the future. I wish Renee Doktor; a very Merry Christmas and !cits of friendship. I wish Karen Grieve; lots of luck, love, laughter, always . I Vicki Lulzzi, would like to wish Lori a life-Um" supply of burritos, a downtown parking space, and a car without a horn that runs on her own gas formula. Teri Lori's junior member, a faster mouth, bigger sto,;,ach, and grouchy customers. Vickie, a bottomless cup, another dent, and unanswerable questions . Liz, more nights out and a house full of bathrooms. Pat , an old rusty truck and a stay-at-home dog Karen, hockey players forever. Chris , better geometry scores . Tamera, a copy to follow her wherever she goes . Jack, a driver's license . Randy, a pair of stilts . Last but not least , my softball buddies, Teresa, Annette, and Kathy , broken arms and practice on running bases. I, Tamra Malet wish Linda C. more happy years with Henery, and Marie M. more stars and him more grass blades . I also wish Steve H. 2 lbs of green · in his waterbed, and grass .and Keith 0 . more Donna S. a case of diet Pepsi , and Merry Christmas to B.0., MB ., J.B., K.O., S.H. I, Tina Marks, being of sound mind° and body hereby wish to the fo llowing people the fo llowing things. To my sister, Michelle, fun with Ray. To Kathy, a day at the beach with Sel lwood DeMo lay. To Karen, fun with number twenty-two . To Becky , something exciting to do all the time . To Bruce, a month in Hawaii with the person of his choice. To Dorothy th e math award for juniors . To Ginger, fun" with th e boys. To Cherri, better luck with her teachers. To Regina , fun with Randy, to everyone, a Merry Christmas . I, David Mastroieni , wish David G. Blazer tickets , Editor-in-Chief , Barbara H. the editorial page , Julie B. a new news editor. Cheryl L. , you can have your other man , too! Doug W .•. a chance to work at the Coliseum one more time. Hol loway, the contin uing soap opera and luck on your book . Steve G., a speedi ng ticket , more guitar lessons, Sister Sebastian. Lisa J. , luck in whatever and no I am not trying to take your position away from yo u, and to the World Champs - another NBA championship this year! I, Lisa Mays , want to wish all of F.H.S. a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. To S.W. I wish a big enough bank account to make it to Canada, move out and have some left over for partying. Also for her to get V.P. to let her. I wish A.M. many more fun weekend nights and the energy to make it to work in the morning . Also to A.M. I wish every Friday nigh t on reserve to me when I get my car back smashed or not for some more of the "good ole nights" with the girls . To T.B. I wish the best water bed around , to let me use it sometime , and J.E. forever and ever. To everyone on 57th and Harold a vacation full of parties and a happy New Year. To M.T. I wish a wallet as big as your head, you 'll never go broke ha! ha! To my little brother, success in everything you do and a private stash that will never run dry . To my secret buddy I wish all the happiness in the world, a special place in your heart for me , my love always , and not to forget all the good times we've had together. Last but most important I wish M. D. the strength to keep his promise to me on Dec.31st, Daymlan to grow up big and strong , a long life filled with love and happiness with me by your side. I, Leva McCleary wish Alison B.: a life time supply of cookies and mad passionate love In the bath tub. To Aaron L.: a personal dinner date with ldl Amin. I, Princess Leva bequoth to my faithful subject , ' Farra, a life without Chemistry . Patty W. and Julie: Hello! Marleen : many more Christmases and candy canes to come. Kim: a perfect glaze. Mark L.: dark thick hair. Keven: a large lilly pad . Greg and Marilyn : snow . Val B.: much love from guess who? Harold: a large congregation . Mark T.: a healthy leg . Mark Q.: a high school diploma. Sabrina: a talk with you know who, and many kleenexes . To all above and others that I have come to know I give my love and wish you hope in the future and peace in your heart . With love, Leva.

I, Marla McFarland wish Tamra M. more El Caminos, B210's, and more exciting Saturday night with B.O. and I wish Linda C. straight hair, and Donna S. more pit stops with M.H . and I, myself, more happiness with Michael, and Merry Christmas to all Tequila drinkers.


Karen McFarlln, wishes you ... Jackie : Another night out with you, me, Bruce Ken and the bum's. Cuusshh hair foreverl! !I Tami : A remembrance of the crazy times we've had. A lifetime job at "Mac's." Hong: A tlfetlme supply of everything from "daddy." Bear : Someone else to pick on . Tang : A blessing on your cross by my father • .. "the holy one." Miner: Ten bags of sugarless candy and a pair of pliers to pry my r.,outh open with . • Mary: Lou : All the times you've picked on me, returned to you someday. A great senior year I Kelly , S .: a pair of leg-watcher glasses. Sandy Hopover: A remembrance of how you, me, Jeff and Mike never did a thing In Geometry, but had funll! Sue: A date with the one and only "Mr. Seventeen ." Greg : A good life filled with nothing but the best. Kelly: Lots more crazy times and good weekends to gossip about. Gary: A remembrance of cheese fondue and Bad News Bears. My little sis : A good four years at Franklin. HIKIKi : To stay strong and have fun for another forty years. Tim: A wholesome future. A wife with big brown eyes. Larryu A big kiss from me. Chyrll, Roo and Les : a click-friendship forever!!! Edo: Lots more crazy and good times this year! little Eileen: To always have a bright, shlney (no braces) smile. Jim: A beautiful morgue. Westly : A remembrance of all the good times we had giving you a bad time in reg . Van Duyn candy forever!! 1

I, Hollie Lara, wish: everyone- a Merry Christmas! And to Marlene Howard- many customers; Kelly Kosik- time; all my seminary friends- enough sleep; Larry Cooper- one workless weekend; Larry Nielsenanother Carol; Rayce Jensrud- a successful hobby

I, Linda Meadows, wish - S.M. - my apology for all the bad things I've done to you . S.H . - A friend who will keep her happy . l.T. - 10 foxy guys to take her crusln'. S.G. - my friendship always and a good party. S.C. - Eric, and a better lab partner. L.J. - a little

... and more wishes

brains and an exciting year on rally. T.S. - a job at Tosls and a 50 year vacation In Hawaii. LC. - not Chris, Brian and a new pair of feet. T.K. - 2 years alone to think on a desert Island without Gill. C.L. the thought of never running out of guys. J.C . - a successful life In drama and two 1st place trophies at U.P. L.M. - good memories and a 4:00 curfew. M.T. the happiness that you deserve. V.S. - no more days of sickness. K. B. - Chris S. equality, a successful singing career, MY ensemble, togetherness and love. E.E. - more of everything. L.J . -the brains of a 17 year old. T.H. - a big head. T.P . - a hug from me. B.B. another childhood with me. D.T. - a lot of happiness and love and a hug. L.A. - Hi. K.C. - 5 pounds, a "guy" etc. J .S. - a not-so-spoiled little heart. Whoever sent me that pizza, one in their lace. G.L. - a long Ille at OG . S.G. - 10 socks In the arm from me. L.B. - a pool, and track In her backyard and long hair. B.G. - a clean mind , a clean heart and a 4.05 . M.D. - a clean slate and a mama's boy. D.P. - Food , John and whoever else and FOOD! H .B. - a guy who Is 79'. P.O. - a pair of golf clubs . A.B. - Ken . K.M. -Ann. My good luck and a harder heart . M.J. - a shy girl who will tell you how wonderful you are. A Merry Christmas io everyone. 0

I, Gary Myers wish forCap'n ; a real (not rubber) doll. Is is ; many good evaluations . Blade ; his own ceebee . Pij ; 10 o unce steaks. Meatball ; a G.D. Daug , Woody ; a pain t jo b . B.A . ; M . Boole, Bill G. ; the other half of his car. S.S .; hi s girlfriend's car. K.S.; girls from Madison . Georg e Pouch; a camera with class . D.M .; Costa Rica. L. N. ; mystery women . Surssak Tanachangsang ; a shorter name. Joe B . ; the Panama Canal. Scott D. ; more of Heather's parties. Rick Z.; the Timbers . Sue Lee ; whatta gotta and Quaay. Marla M .; number 12. Linda C.; more hi 's. Georgia N.; a healthy life, Lauri; swimming success. Mr. Ryan; an even better season next year. Mr. Shetler ; a good nothing machine. I, Linda Miner, wish to Geri a Cleveland pany 11110, more pillows, car shopping, and a older sis. Coonie, a good fight, a captain, and defense driving lessons. My Son, A see through shirt, a wet one, more zorks, and a clean mind. Tang, a brain that is equal to mine so you can think of better burns, and a woman so you can make it through life. Jimmy C., to get it all "straightened out," and voluptuous forever. Vickie, Welch's tacos forever. Wally, my great wisdom, seniority, a cas£ot the munchies and a man (col lege). Crotch , a sense of humor and friends. Vicci, friendship, more Rose Fest nights In the big white machine . My little sis Lori, a happy life at Franklin. Aber, a cup from 7th P.E. HIKIKi, a rowdy, wild 40 more years and my thanks. Karen, more grace, time, and a rest. Tina, more Dunkin's munchies eat-outs, more drive in from the front seat floor. Hiies, more drives around the block. Lance, a kiss from me. Don, a frosh year like mine, and more games of crack it. Mick, 40 kids and a Susie Homemaker kit. Kelly, to go to a Cleveland party. James, some good "sense." Jackie, winning argument. Randy , access to your locker. Vinnie, a love life? Steve, to remember my pictire. Bridges, more wild lunch trips. Cheryl, more old men's golf games. Marshall and Lewis, my big head . Future Jock Anthony, a rowdy, wild 3 1h years. Jill and Zeena, parties to last a lifetime. Eileen, a sweet life, more AGS assemblies and arrest . Edith, lies forever. Hong, more mac breakfasts . Vickie L., more thrilling times in reg. Teri, Vickie, and Lori, a good ski season and a Merry X-Mas. Flutter Butt Buster, a Merry Christmas and love. Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Mauchley to make jt through the rest of the year, and a vacation. And to everyone, and to those I didn't mention 'coz of lack of funds I wish a Merry Christmas and a rowdy New ~ear . I, Dennis Mitchell, as a member of the gradu~tlng class of 1978, do hereby wish Joe B. plenty of gold; Viccl B. frizzy hair; Georgia N . a hair bear; Larry an undented Mustang; Kerry S. some mopar mags; Darrin a good job; Jiii S. a permanent permanent; Laur S. her own apartment; Paul a car to cruise In, and, since I am going broke, I wish everyone else I didn't mention a Merry Christmas. And to those I did not mention that I should have I am sorry because I couldn't think of anything to write . I, Georgia Negus, wish Tracy T mucn happiness, prince charming with a white Camaro, no more drive-ins with B .V., a mountain trip, Fleetwood Mac tickets, parties, and love and friendship forever; Laura G. a lifetime subscription to Playgirl, more times at Spanish Head, a healthy Herbie, a large Coke with a lot of Ice, parties and good times; Dina T fun and rowdy times, a hearing aid, more times at Bubbys and loads of happiness; Chris N. a 5th, cute guys, parties and fun times; Larry N. a lifetim,e ski lift ticket, success, love and friendship; Dennis M. a translator, a big kiss; Gary M . all the beer you can drink, a meaningful Senior year; Joe Ba lot of nights with good clean fun; Rick N. better attendance, success, thanx for listening; Eric J. chocolate chip cookies, fun and high times; Vince M. hugs and kisses; Russ N. a million grams to send in one day; Randy D. a portable bomb; Brian B. a big kiss; Ricky M. four great years at Franklin; Danny and Karma each other; Tim B. lots of cuteys, a year-long keg, great years to come; Gary A. many years of sex; Keith O. may all your wildest dreams come true; Rex T. success in gymnastics. And last but hardly least, Darrell R. tootsie rolls, a king-size bed, more good times together, your own taxi company, all the food and beer you can hold, and .all my love forever, I hope you never change. To the rest of you - a Merry Christmas and wasted New Year! I, Randy Neukamm, wish to all an excellent New Year ; To Steve, an especially small weekend; To Cheryl, another chance yet; "Mabes" a class of · Tidswells; Keely, a date with Steve Martin (Havin some fun); Jackie, a Mr. Perfect In every future class; Lisa, someone to always bug you; Dave, a fellowship of "Our Kind" ; Vinnie, a starting position, patience and jumping ability; Mike and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Yaawho Dolls; Jack , a week in Columbia; Hong - a 4-9 guy ; Vic and Vic, a good ski vacation; Carol: A "45 of Short People" and more time for cookies; Jill, Lifetime membership in "Pinheads of America" and less RT; and to Jeff, stronger bones, 50 pounds of bond-0 and a spray gun . I, Donna Nigo, wish E.M . ; a new star ring, more fun times, a driver's license, and a new car. M.H.; 6'2" and eyes of blue, a spelling book, more fun times at Penny's and agreen Datsun 710, "Sprout; " a new laug.h, her own sprout valley , and some of M.H.'s height, J.J . ; her own front seat in her own car, and a parking lot. P.T . ; No. 1 and a Mustang II. J.W.; an "A" out of Math, your own "Malibu ," and a math book with all the answers in it. L.M .; shirts . G.C . ; Mr. Blue Jeans. K.N.; 120 words/ minute in shorthand. Pleiades; fun times. D.K . ; more variety on your report card, and to the class of "78;" Merry Christmas. 1, RayOetinger; wltheveryoneamerryChristmasand a Happy New Year . Most of al l I wish Patti, and Jayne; a Merry Christmas . I, Anne Olivero, wish: Lisa J., my life-long friendship, a man of her dreams, a happy successful future and a great ski season! Barbra H., more uncontrollable laughter, greater Outdoor School explorations and less goodies from Mom. Peggy H., a visit to her s. sister's house and more sleepy mornings In art. Johana, your Mac's job back, more ice cream cones in the snow and a date with either or all, B.G . , J .F., R.A., Roger A., a chance to witness his own autopsy, a short stay at the Salem Nut House

and a new sister. The Physics class, replacement of al I red blood cells and recuperation of all pin-jabbed fingers. The art class, a fantastic calendar party. Tom H., a score of 900 in E.R. Brenda B., a Happy Birthday and no more beach parties. Bave J., management of Farrell's, DJ lessons and a larger stomach. Gayle, a trip to S.A. Mr. Hartl Wife and Kid, life-long happiness. Lance C., thanks for the Prom. G. Golf Team, success . M. McF., and I lots of who's, root beer and time to get lost . Sandra R., the greatest! a car, Mr. Wonderful, a trip to Hawaii with me and friendship forever. Chuck L., love . Lastly , to all a Mer~ Christmas. I, Debbie Peterson, wish: John Flores, I wish you much happiness and success . GOOD LUCK! Hang tough in wrestling , I know you're a star and will make it to the top . Go all the way . You're number 1, I love you! yours forever, your adorable wife!!!! XOXOX Concert Choir, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a nice vacation. Sigma, I hope you have as much fun on the beach trips as I've had! Swing Choir, I love ya all, I wishwecouldstaytogetherforever. Senior Ensemble, I hope you have a WHITE CHRISTMAS. Try to remember ... To have your seamstress fix it!!! Reg. 158, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a nice vacation. Tenors. WE'RE GREAT! Wish there were more! Roger, I hope you get it fi xed. Wish I could come along . Heidy , Good Luck with R. Patti Covelle, Hope you meet a real HUNK on the ski slopes. "Break a leg ." Anette Wootres, hope you reach your goal as a nurse . Good luck with all your men. Watch out for those you meet at McDonald's. Mary Hlllebrecht, may all Mike and your dreams come true! D.P. " WALTON," I hope you reach the sky. You're a real CHAMP! GO FOR IT! You'll make it to the top! Holly, I hope you get what you want out of life. Linda Reynolds, have a nice vacation, much happiness and success. Senior class, an unforgettable year! I, Keely Pillette, wish the lolowlng to the following : to Christopher I wish an alarm clock, a maid, and a chauffeur, and a trip to Flordia. To Francois I wish a great b-ball season, 30 pis. a game, no injuries, and most of all .. , ME. To LlsaJ ., my mother, an A In ERP, and an affair with J.B. To Bear I wish a longer pencil. To Bill G., a Barth Gimble album, a chance to direct the Myrthe Makers, a Jerry Hubbard sex book, and some new jokes. To Randy N., good times, a chance to meet Steve Martin, and my love forever. To Vicki S., I wish happiness, a goal, and more friends like me. To Pipper, tons of fun with Daniel. To K. Chatterton, fun on rally and Guy. To Michelle, a nice sweetheart, my friendship forever, and the lead role In the next play. To Jack P., more sleep. To Mabes I wish more students like me, a new theme song, and a tape of Cheryl L. In abad mood. To Edward, a pass to all the movies of your choic• refuge from Christopher, and cooking lessons. To K. Wilkens, a rock for the other hand. To B. Coles, a beautiful lady who understands. To the 1978 b-ball rally, the best underwlre bras Penney's can make. To the Hi-Ki-Kl girls, a joint with men who are too smart to show up. To the seniors of 19781 wish a great prom. To J.E., D.D. , and R.T., a FHS diploma. To Julie Durant, a BLAST in Germany and a nice German boy. To Kris Cameron, my love and friendship forever, a new mother and a car. To Jim H., me, me, me, and ayes. To all others who read this, a MERRY CHRISTMAS. And last but not least, to me I wish a four year full scholarship to the college of my choice, great times with Mr. H. and an A from Maloney .

I, Monica Riedl wish Karen a night with Peter Frampton and a very Merry Christmas . - I, Jack Russell, wish to the Friars a new president ; to my brother a can of broken glass repellent; to Mr. Mabry less of Mark Tldswell; toJ.J . revenge on D.M.; to M.T. less of Mr. Mabry; toD.L.apairof black ones; to 0.0. a four-wheel drive pickup and 500 minutes of computer time; toUncleMeltyaset of new foosballs; to Habbum a lifetime of marathons; to Michael his own Sci-Fl I ibrary; to NASTY a book olfamous comeback lines; to Mr. Scheele and Mr. Sklenika bigger and better seminars; to J.L. a poke In the ribs; to my sister pair of speaker cables; and to everyone else a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I, Vicki Santangelo, wish: (Leroy) R.N. all the oh wow men In the world; SG a greag big diamond ring; LM to be able to stay out later on the weekends and not get grounded; EE a date with someone really nice I know but I'm not telling; KT Big Al forever; SS a great season In basketball, GOOD LUCK little brother; KV, SD, & NR & KJ more great times at FHS; SH a lot oflun always; LC a great time on rally; JA & TA my name's Vicki not PEE WEE but that's OK a lot of people can't say Santangelo; LJ a greai Senior year; R. Boo Boo Bear all the Chinese food In the world Ha! Hal; and all the Seniors thank God it's our last year; and everybody at FHS Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I, Teri Sasaki wish lammapotatoe matches! Another ride in Pinky, but let's not get caught, your very one K.H., a dumpy date, and one miracle drink (with Oxygen masks). Vicki Shaw, no-fault life insurance, a dump truck for logs, and some clay. Vicki Lulzzl, fun with your Kevy, a picnic with horseburgers, and your own Arabian. Linda Coo.n: stomp, clap and rhythm. Linda Miner: just one mere fall for the lilt this season. Rick B.: an "A" In English. Liz: movie pass. Varsity B-Ball rally; looks like we made it. Teresa: remember freshman year. And to my little sister Carrie a Merry Christmas! I, Vickie Shaw, wish: L. I. Chew many happy times with Chari le, a Duncan Doughnut and a life supply of Miracle Drink and Corks. Luizzi: A horse, a hardhat, a hick from Rogue, a bumping lesson from R.M. and a mirror to see if somethings hanging. Teri: a free pass to ride the Powell Bus, an appointment to the dermo for someone you love, and Someone to light your matches. Lizabeth: A great College life Fiiied with homework and men. Scooter F.W. : a new car and a quart of Bud (maybe 2) . Marlys: a great B. Ball season a trainer for your Whippet and a good junior and Senior year. I, Barbara J. Shipley hereby wish for love, understanding, forgiveness, faith and hopethisyearlor Christmas. I, Scott Sizemore wish to the Mopar Man that 71 Challenger and a rebuild kit for that Carter 500, to Grizzly a new fender, a new hood, a new windshield , etc .. ., to Addler a kidney transplant, to Ziggy a safe Tillamook turn, Weiss a cherrled out Comet for thai hefty six, Felix a sober Friday night, to the Chevelle Man a new exhaust system, to Pouch a bottle of No Doze for Wed night, to Meskel a couple of inches to grow with, to Buck an exploding cigar, and to the rest of the people who I did not mention (including those who I have mentioned); I wish them a severe case of frostbite and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I, Mike Tang, wish Bruce Holte clothes like me. Bear: a zebra, Miner, and to never make court again. Linda Coon: 5 inches, 30 lbs . In the right places and to be always happy . Sandy Conover: anything she wants because she deserves it. Chris Chatterton : a lifetime of rallying. Fujino : a date with a real girl and to be Chinese. Herl: a lifetime of partying, Carol, and most important , a permit and then maybe a license. Hartwig: a loss of his fat rear end, 222222222 tons of Scrope, some p.t ., Lori Wop: nothing. Lana James: A research paper. Vince Bones Leary: Some meat on his body . Lisa Mays: graduation from F.H.S. Linda

Miner: a date with me, or T.H. or J.G., and a better Job than working at FRED MEYERS. Cameron Neal: confidence In himself. Zimm: my finger In his chest. Susan Gartrell: a date with anybody. Kelly Kosik: a pint of my blood. D. Walters: Kresken. Bob Harding: a wife. J.C.: a trip to Ashland. Tina Klassy: my l~gs. And to all I did not name personally, have a Merry Christmas and a Drunken New Year's. I, Della Ten Clay, wish to Marilyn D. the best of times with Keith, and lots of Interference from Inky, to Paula T. my friendship always and better times In the future, to Lorraine R. more salad plates, to Anne T. a good tlmEL with G. and D., to Cherri C., more letters from Will, to Mrs. Egg Iman a really special Christmas, to Mrs . Wray, peace, rest and I hope your students get laryngitis after vacation, to Kevin P, lots of good times and fun at the farm , to Wiiiie my friendship for what It's worth to you , to my little sis, Leslie K. a very merry Christmas, to the rest of my friends, I wish you the best times during Christmas. I, Susan Tham, wish my oldest and dearest friend, Vi -2c-i Blackford; a most happy Christmas and joyous New Year . Thanks for everything. I hope we will always be friends and a guest spot on the Mickey Mouse Club . Lyndia M.; J.M. Vincent at your front door with a big bouquet of red roses and a night on the town . Coonie ; 65 words a minute no errors, and ten pounds in all the right places . Cheryl L.; more concerts , No . 34 , and power-steering . Rons . ; I hears you're easy . Rose C. ; a chain of Taco Houses, plus the man of your dreams , K .O .. . Shawn C.; Also the man of your dreams M.B. or S.S ., plus a few others. Time G. ; a year in Hawaii with the girl of your dreams, good health , Blue Hawaiis, and Don Ho's greatest hits. Ricky B . ; a dozen see through tank-tops in the rainbow colors . Mary . G. ; my friendship forever, happiness with the right guy, and a Blue MG with a foxy mechanic. Val F.; luck with Frank and a '68 T-Bird. Steve H.; a passing grade in all your classesandsomePuetroRican imports. Mikel.; a star contract with Sixers. Tina Tart; A future contract with Charlie's Angels. Cameron N.; are you game? Gert.; a white Camero with racing stripes. Cordoba; another happy year with Steve, and a Ille supply' of LIFE SAVERS. Jackie W.; a nordys of your very own, five walk in closetsandasallor. JoeB.; SylvestorStallone's body and Redd Foxx's dirty mind. Paul; my brother, a brand new car and many more good times. Larry N.; a8 by10 of Marie Osmond, and a year subscription to Jack and Jii i Mag. Sandy H.; a box of pampers and a Arabian Knight in a Monte Carlo. Lori I.; a skiing weekend with R. Redford. Karen T. ; a silver 'vette and a reversible cast. My second period class, that you'll all pass. Matt T.; a one way ticket to Philadelphia. Ms. Smith; another calendar. Mr. Holloway; shirts without any buttons at the top. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE AT F.H.S .. . I, Karen Thiemann, w1sn: Ll:S new car windows and a lot of gutter balls; KK a starting place on the lineup In every VB game; JC a lot more "I Love You's"; ST a season ticket to al I concerts; LM a new laugh ; VL a rocking horse that jumps; EF and LI a silent day In English; LJ a completed math paper; AT a lot of batteries for her car. ; KT a lot more camping trips; LN no more problems; GF a new jock walk; LC, EE, SC, SH, and Mrs. Rowe a perfect assembly; RB a roll of paper that will hit him on the head whenever I want it to; AU and SH a new stare the other way i Hi Kl Ki a lot of fun times; OT a winning game of ping pong; to everyone a very Merry Christmas. I, Mark Tidswell, wish: D.B. Denall 's Summit, Coopers Loot. Habum, Disrespect for terminal velocity, release from the rural jungle. Dickie, a fist fight with Dr. Dolcianl, all the respect Rufus can give . Vince, a share of my State MAA title, pants with real belt loops . Chem-Fizz class - boot on the cheek. D.L., a new middle name, A CB like mine, overwhelming Inheritance tax, a friend, someone to Dirk. Olio, a 44 caliber violin case, a speedster befitting his talents . TIDBIT, a body. I, Tracy Tiffin wish; my best buddy Georgis N.; a place of our own, more foxes, a life supply of B.U., more double dates and breakfasts, clothes that flt me and most of all my love and friendship and happy times with Darrell. My other best buddy Laura G.; a crushed, ice machine, coke, V. and 0.J., new jeans once a week, a wrench and spare tire more trips to the beach, aluv truck and that hard earned diploma, love and friendship for life. Darrell H.; a supply of matches and a fire extinguisher, a shovel, high times, and my love and friendship. Randy D.; a chemistry lab and a membership to the Audobon Wild Life Society. Chris N.; high times, freedom, and all the dates you can handle. Russ; 500 grams to send In one day, lots of girls, an unbroken date with me, and my thanks for being such a sweetheart. Dina T. ; a Ille warranty on a hearing-aid. MayK.; J.M. orR.M. my friendship, lots of parties. Darrell R.; my friend Georgia, take care of her. A happy life. Last but not least, to my brother Rex; a goal in life, luck in gymnastics and wrestling, a state championship, fun times with Debbie and all my love. I, Irene Tikerpuu wish: Michelle D., Chad, the waters, waves, canal, and fun with brothers . To Carol C.: Marshall's male population. To Donanne B.: fun in second period and time to gossip. To Jim C.: More fun at Betty's. And a special friendship forever. To Dan F.: Jodie. To Jodie S.: Dan. Karen G. Nylons that will stay up! To George P. : Luck be a lady tonight I To Ronn G.: A tree. To Jim F.: More late; night talks and your Ille past 18, and no more 0.0.1. To Pam N.: Friends with Leisure Suits , pictures with blouses completely butto"ned, a dance partner, and Helen Keller wonders , Is It Pam? or Paul? To Lisa F.: A Hair Spray Factory. To Melia T.: More cotton for stuffing. To Judy A.: 2 permanent hairdressers . To Terri Y.: Pull your skirt down! To Kris W. : Help, and no burned down condominiums. To Brian B.: Patience with me and a female-dominated play! To Speech and Drama Dept.: I wish everything! To Kelley G.: A new car and boyfriend. To Camilla: Your name pronounced right and happiness with Bill. Second year Russian: "A new teacher's aide." Tim H.: Nothing. To Liz B.: Shaghettl forever . To Linda M . : More weekends searching together and a lead role together. Wes J.: B.T .G. Theatre P: More girls. Rhonda M.: Fun with D.L. To everyone else a Merry Christmas . I, Kelly Tilton wish: Lisa J. - A date with J.B . and a super GOLF SEASON . Santan. - More haunted houses with I, k, and e, and a date with the right guy. SandyH. -More glasses from Organ Grinder. Eileen E .• : More dances with? and many more scary haunted houses. Karen Mac . - More class periods to talk about all our problems. Karen T. - no more falls and all of our math papers turned in on time. Ann T. -A new seat in "A" Choir and all the answers to our math problems. Sandye. -A great time this year and many more laughs. Sue H. -A great senior ye!'r and time to sign the picture. To Mr. Biggs, reg 147, and the Senior Cabinet -A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And last but not least to my little sis Tammy K. - A super terrific four years at FHS like I had. And to everyone else A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I, L<tura Trevitts, wish Liz Babnick all the good times she can handle, a phone call from her dreamboy , much success and a very merry Christmas. I wish Linda Rozwell, more parties, her "squid" to come home , and fun-filled holidays . To wish Dawna, Tami, Maria, Linda , a Merry Christmas and lots of parties, especially mine . To Annette , Patti and "sis," Barbara, Cindy, I wish an excellent vacation, with lots of skiing and a very good new

year. (Chris, Nancy and Sheri also). I wish Eileen, Suzi, and Tina all the teeth they want. I also wish all the "Jocks" more muscles. I wish the swim team many winnings! I! I wish the Post stall a very merry Christmas. My final wish Is to my reg. and all Quakers, a beautiful white Christmas. P.S. I wish Matt Taylor more Blazer winnings!!! I, Paul Ina Turchlarolo hereby wish ... Joe T. ; good luck with? Jackie Jones; VC's RE. Edith Maze; a nice - - - with a nice - - -. Nllibs (Marlene T.H. Howard); a big guy In the valley. Sprout; (Mary Lou 1 Kernon); a little man in the valley with a permanent. Amy; (Danny Farmer); my football plays. Roger Castro; my linebacker position, Gary S.; a turtle. Shane Weber; a permanent marker and a Tablet. Mike Kelley; better luck next time. Marlene Davis; lifetime supply of toffee peanuts . Donna Ni go; a cute Oriental. Sandy H.; a better score. Pat G.; a transfer to D.D.H.S. AnnieB . ; good luck on her job. Joe B. ; from D.S. a soft sq ueeg ie for X-mas . Pat Jones; a sexy new jacket . John G.; a F.B. jersey . Bruce Barns ; hair on his schct. Monty L. ; less nervousness . F.H .S. Eastgatepeople ; a good job someday . Patty H. ; Height. F.H.S . teachers ; a job with a future. F.H.S . students ; a terrillic X-mas. I, Marilyn Tindall wish to Moses I wi sh all the tequill a she can drink - and plenty of lemons . To Moe Y. I wish she has the most sociest senior year and many forest s to conquer . I, Christine K. Verkennes wish to S.D. longer legs and a shorter body, J .L. your hair burnt off and a flea bitten wig , K. J . a lifetime suppl y of Sun-In and a new brain , Reeder, a Nova with an 000 cu in. engine , (it's safer), M. T. a case of Rolaids and a car without a clutch, M .M. a new big sis as nice -as me, To my team, FIRST place at state forever, to W.R.G . happiness and me forever . "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL .'' I, Bob Voreis, lllish Marlene Davis all the happiness in the world and a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 1-ove, Bob Voreis. I, Doug "Spazz" Walters, wish: T.L.C. fifty sets of L.U.'s. R. Goldenzopf a Charles Atlas body building course. Steve and Diane happiness and many more "walks" through Reed College. Jerry N. Holloway a son like me. Stace "Babes" Smith a date with Biii Walton. Lisa Johnson a copyright from a Beatles Album. Scott "Bones" Zimmerman the big ball and a "Zabadutee" from Neil Babes. LeAnn Cahill an extra copy of my column. Becky Burk pop quizzes In Geometry. Ken Hicks a Wayne Lunde baseball card. Julie and Linda a tag team match with S.H. Sam a spazzmonger. To all the people I've left out, including my little brother Mike, my autograph and a championship to the wrestlers. I, James Welch, wish: Dennis M. - a faster car (300 hp at least), Jackie W- a yellow Lincoln (with sunroof) and a new sally rally outfit, Dave B - a trouble free car, Larry N - a set of meats, Linda C - Marla M, Tamra M each a tall, dark and handsome (John for Marla), Tim M - 2 lbs. of choice green, Matt T and Mike T - a losing franchise In Philadelphia, Diane C - her own white bird, Eric G - a quicker rat (if possible), Darrin an untouchable 5, Joe B - more long nights at Wallowa L, Jeff E - a touch of tennis elbow, Nell M - a ten-second S.W . , Linda M. - less split ends and a career in the sky, Linda M - a speech impediment , Kerry S - two blondes In a Charger, Jackie J - a boyfriend as nice as she is , Paul H - more red hair. I, Jackie Williams, wish .. .. James, Dennis, Jeff, a lifetime membership at A.A. and/or Schick Center. Cindi, "42 DOD," a date with "cheeks." Karen, the perfect preacher husband and 24 kids . Mr. Perfect, Miss Perfect, $50,000 scholarship and many more math classes, a pair of red pajamas. Paulina & Jackie, a new street. Hong, everything you ever wanted from daddy. Donna, fun Friday nights forever. Patty, a date with the guy in variety. Tami, a new place to have lunch and a new job. Kathy , a llftlme job at Toyland. David, to become a multi-mlllionalre. Melia, a date with Maurice Lucas, M.R. and P.H. Bear, many more lunch dates. Paul, 50 cute girls for periods 3,4,5. Lyndia, happiness In the new experience of work . Susan, more cute guys at work. Mr. Neely, a new Cadillac , Mercedes and Lincoln Continental and much happiness with Mrs . Neely. Robin, Pepperdine next year. Steve, a nice soft elbow forever. Kenny, a chance to meet Ron Lee. James, may you always be a "Big Boy" in all your classes, a new reg and 25 cars that run. Marlene, many pairs of boxers the right size and happiness, love and all the memories of Franklin. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for everyone. I, Deanna Wiison, wish that LeAnn Gehring would saying I "look like Allee Cooper."


I, Anette Wootres wish Patti-a perfect package and a handsome one to with money and body, lots of love. Jackie-a car and a trip to Hawaii and a guy to go along, good luck your senior year, love ya. Debbie-my 38C and good luck with Ferren and John, Steve and Mr. Right. I'm sure you will be good In the ring. Holly-Bill and others. Linda M.-l'm sorry hope things are bright for you. Have fun in the future, love ya . Senior Ensemble-the total sound and peac.e and fun after the senior year. Barbara-I hope you reach the stars! I know you want this wish. Liz B.-Good luck in college and lots of fun with the guys and I wish you the best of friends, love ya. Mary-a long life with M Ike. Robin-Lots of fun with? Mr. Coppedge-to sir with love . Thanks. Mr. Londos-you're G-R-E-A-T Mr. Nelson-Thanks alot. Mr. Ellis-many more happy years In school. Mrs. Faurot-you'r~ great. Mrs. Quarlno-1 wish you love from your students, love ya. Mr. Jackson-Lots of good legs. Sr. class, good memories. Junior class-a short year. Sophomores-turn the school Inside out. Freshmen Give 'em - - - -1 Sigma-it was nice while it lasted. I and 2-no more cards or bed baths . 3rd-don't be too social. 6th-understand the world. 7th-understand your b-o-d-y. Love ya all, have fun. I, Scott Zimmerman, wish to: Doug W. - another fun-filled night with the brick, Tim H - a phaser, a communicator, a tricorder .. . , Guldenzopf - a . seven-week course with Charles Atlas and a 10-year I subscription to Playboy, Jim C - the unique wardrobe · of Jay, Barrigan - a pack of no-doze for film study, George P - a 5-year pass to Oaks Park courtesy of Mr. Cline, Jeff S - another Tillamook turnover, Greg H - a free dinner at Herfy's and a life-size poster of Delbert, Rick D - a state wrestling championship and a Tim Melton pinup, Mike T - a blow-up Judy doll for them boring Saturday nights, Scott S - a trac-2 razor and the ability to cast with a trolling reel, Ken H - another Hand Z marathon, Cameron N - a well paying joti as one of Santa's elves, Dave W - another McMinnville singing trip and a case of quarts, and to the people who I didn't have enough money to wish something to, have a happy Christmas and a merry New Year. First of all I, Ricardo Zyellnske, would like to wish everyone the best Christmas ever. And that goes for teachers too. To Sara, more than what she's got, and an autographed picture of her favorite person (herself). lorn H. a new Image and face. To Jill S. a date with someone that can put up with her. To Joanna L. a chair ' MERRY CHRISTMAS. I, Paul Hughes, wish ... J. Barber a workshop with the man of her choice; G. Pouch, a blow-up doll with a natural French mouth; G. Meyers all the leather balls he can kick; P. NorthTlGHTbuttons; D. Mitchell, a hairy chest, a silk shirt and six Inches; Jill, a fireproof newspaper; Carole & Jeff, whatever; Karen, a sing along with Mitch album; to Sheraton & Sizemore a course In being cool; Bob L. a deal and fingers; to Le Ann, Jill, Viki, Carol, Linda, Jana, Kelly & Tracy I wish me.

December 16, 1977



Hosting a meet tonight

Wrestlers capture Marshall Tournament by Renee Russell The Franklin High matmen got their Christmas wish last Friday as they took first place in the Marshall tournament with six wrestlers taking a first-place finish in their individual weight classes. Tonight the wrestlers hope to do the same thing as they host South Albany, David Douglas and Wilson in the gym. "The competition this week will be very tough. South Albany and David Douglas are very strong and tough competitors," stated varsity coach Tom Dyar. The wrestlers seemed to agree that today's tourney will be a challenge. "We're off to a good start and we'll have a tough one tonight," remarked Kerry Jobe. The good start came last week when Franklin saw some excellent performances from the wrestlers. Mark Barbour took first place with all pins. Jim Calhoun, Rick Davis, Kerry Jobe, Joe Harding and Doug Walters also placed first, to lead the matmen to victory. "As a team we performed very well. We improved from previous competitions," through Dyar. "We did a lot better this tournament than we did last tournament,

and we should keep improving," replied Bill Gump. "We did a good job. Most everybody really put out," said Joe Harding about last Friday's tournament. Today's meet is the matmen's first home tournament. "After we wrestle all of the schools outside of the PIL and we get back in the city, we should do pretty good," observed Rick Davis. The wrestlers will practice all through winter vacation to be ready for the upcoming matches. Franklin's J.V. team also took first place with an impressive seven first place finishes last Friday. Dave Brown stated, "We're looking better every week." The J.V. and varsity teams are really one big team as they interchange wrestlers during the season. Placing first for the J.V. team were Chuck Calhoun, Jeff Nelson, Dave Brown, Neal Dietz, Brian Holstine, Ed Manchine and Bill Liberty. Coach Jon Abraham was pleased with the tournament. Coaching wrestling is a new experience for Abraham and he says that he likes it and enjoys the kids.

WHAT A PIN-UP combination.

Harold Rostig, senior, demoralizes his opponent by using a head and arm pinning

Quakerettes face state champs gives the Quakers an added advantage in games. Other key players include Terri Crotteau who uses her h,eight advantage in scoring and Kellie Burke in rebounding. Stacie Smith, whose speed and quickness keeps the game moving at a fast pace, Annette Lewis with her outside shooting, Bev Brannon and Karna . McFarland with their dribbling abilities add to the team. This year's team consists mostly of skilled individuals who have excellent talent, but haven't been able to put it together as a team.

, AT WAR FOR THE BOARDS - The girls' basketball team "muscle In" for the rebound in a recent Quaker game.

by Suzanne Wallace Action takes place tonight when the F.H.S. "hoop" girls take on the state champion Wilson Trojans. "Wilson will be just as strong as last year, with their outside shooting," stated Coach Walt Buckiewicz. As of now, the b-ballers' pre-season record stands at 1 win and 3 losses. Though the cagers have not played up to their expectations, defense seems to be a key factor involved in game situations.

With the girls' basketball · growing stronger in competition, Coach Buckiewicz stated that, "We have an excellent chance of beating most of our PIL competition and should surprise a lot of teams."

Coach Buckiewicz things that with more work on basic skills and fundamentals, their gapie should improve. Learning how to have Last week the Quakers took on more patience with the team, Buckiewicz feels the girls are more North Salem Vikings and the competitive than the boys' teams Jefferson Democrats. Suffering he has coached in the past. "It defeat in the remaining minutes of hurts more to see the girls suffer the game to the Vikings, the Quakwhen they lose than it does with ers weren't prepared mentally to the boys," commented Buckiewicz. take on the Democrats. "I have really grown closer to the Games should pick up, fundagirls." mentals improve and skills inThis year's offense is keyed by crease because this is a team with Melia Torrence whose 5'11" height loads of potential.

With '78 rolling in

The Post looks hack-on 1977 As Father Time begins to feel the aches and pains of old age and the sands of 1977 begin to run out, we of the Post's Sports Department feel it's only appropriate to review the sporting events of the past year. Here at Franklin, in February, the student body was shocked to discover tht the wrestling team had let the PIL dual meet championship slip through their fingets. They did later claim the title of district champs for the second year in a row. Also that month a new sports program debuted on the athletic scene. It was girls' softball. Although not city champs, the team did show hope for the future. Other teams' success stories

included the freshman baseball team whose undefeated, unblemished record won them the ranks of city champions. Varsity baseball was called by some a "Cinderella Story," where the hot and cold ball club surprised a few opponents ll!cluding state champions, Benson. The Quakers immediately took control of the game and shut out the Techmen, 5-0. Teams here at Franklin were not the only ones to taste the nectar of victory but also individuals. Such was the cas~ of a young man named Kendall Jobe whose honors ranged from being chosen to represent the North in the Shriners' football game to earning a spot on the Oregon Cultural Exchange Wrestling Team. he was also AAU State Champ in freestyle,

along with then-sophomore Jim Calhoun who ruled as state champion in Greco Roman wrestling. Terri Ackerman claimed the ranks of the city champ in diving. At last this success in sports has not only been part of the younger or "Pepsi" generation, but also came to the fatigued faculty as the faculty beat the seniors for the 22nd year in a row in the annual senior-faculty basketball game. Math teacher Dick Mabry sank his first hole in one in his fifteen years of golfing at the Rose ity Golf course. Another successful achiever in the math department was wrestling coach Tom Dyar, who was head coach of the Oregon Cultural Exchange team.

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Overthe Holidays talk to a friend who's home~ the Navy. In the next few weeks, someone you know will probably be home on leave from the Navy. If the Navy has ever interested you, give him a call and get together. Ask hill) to Jay it on the line. Get him to tell you the bad things as well as the good things. You'll get a good picture of what the Navy is really like. While you're at it, talk to some of your other friends who are out of high school. Those who have their first job out of school or are going to college. Ask them the same kind of questions. We'd like you to know how the Navy measures up. So don't ask us. We're biased. Ask a friend who's in the Navy and get it straight

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December 16, 1977

Winter snow brings on new mobiling, and sledding are some activities that come with winter. Most of these have something to offer everyone from the beginner to the most experienced person. "Winter camping is really neat, according to REI. 'What is so neat about it is not too many people do it. You're off by yourself and it's so peaceful. You have to try it to really understand the feeling. It's not anything like summer camping. It really takes a special type of person to do it." Living in snowcaves is just one special feature of camping in the winter. Special equipment such as tents with snow flaps and different types of clothes are required along with experience for this activity.

• recreation

The challenge of snow shoeing can be accepted by anyone from the first timer to the most experienced person. Different equipment and trails are offered for the difference in experience or dedication a person may have. For a first timer, renting shoes for the day and a three-mile round trip between Government Camp and Multorpor may be a great experience. But for someone whose been at it for a while, an $80.00 pair of aluminum snow shoes, a pack on their back, and a map in their hand may offer five or ten days on the trail. REI reports, "We have hard plastic snow shoes for those people who only go out.once or twice a year. But they last a long time. If you're really into it, you can buy aluminum ones SHORT & TALL OF IT ALL - Many different types of skiers are now attacking the slopes of Mt. Hood. Here two skiers prepare to try the for about $80.90 Employees of Glaciers' Edge slopes. $150.00. M&B Motors. say, "Downhill skiing is the Cross-country touring, as in "Our snowmobile sales have most common winter sport. snow shoeing, has different increased, which means more There is always enough snow. offerings for the amount of snowmobiles is between $1500 Last year there was enough experience they have. "(;ood and $2200. But, if you want to snow to eki, but people were trails for beginners in Oregon rent one, it's really expensive, too lazy to go out and find it." are around Trillium Lake and somewhere around $50.00 a Many feel that downhill White River. Hood River day. Most people either buy skiing may be becoming to Meadows and Multorpor Mead- their snowmobile or they go out popular but it is still an exciting ows are also good trails," says with someone and use theirs. sport for all who take part in it. According to the salesman, if Bielefelbt. He also added, I Talbot Bielefelbt, an instruc"When you go out, someone they are interested in snowtor for the Nordic Ski School, should have some experience. mobiling, a person can contact spoke on cross-country skiing. Between the people in a group any dealer to get information "Cross-country skiing is becomthat goes out, there should be on where to use the vehicle and ing more popular, there are proper equipment such as some safety rules to follow. more people out on the trails. It first-aid supplies, ski-repair If a person enjoys the high is less expensive than downhill kits, survival techniques, and speed of a snowmobile but LOOK AT THAT - Two skiers pause before attacking the slopes, to take a skiing. A full -set of equipment map and compass usage." doesn't have the money, sledcosts between $100.00 and look at a less experienced skier. Lessons for cross-country ding may be for them. With $3 skiing lessons are offered at the to $15 many types of sleds may Nordic Ski School and the be rented at most shops in Telemark Ski School. Equip- winter recreation areas. Innerment may be rented or bought tubes at ~now Bunny Lodge, by Cheryl Bland failure to realize that violent casionally starting the car to keep at ski shops. snow discs at the Government Hypothermia (the body tem- weather conditions can occur them warm. By morning the gas "Snowmobiling is becoming Camp ski area, and toboggans tank was down. They discussed perature drops below normal) and without warning. more popular and it's a lot of at most areas where they . do The basic element of survival is the dilemma and decided to walk frostbite are the two greatest fun," says a salesman from not interfere with the ski slopes. to a Ranger Station about five dangers of participating in outdoor preparation. activities. After hiking a mile and a half to miles away. A highly known authority on the springs and spending the day In general, the statistics show hypothermia and frostbite, Dr. there, they returned to their car. that staying put in a previous Cameron Bangs has made an By the time they reached the shelter offers the best chance of attempt to prevent deaths from parking lot, snow had begun to fall survival. cold. He has compiled the and pile up. They stopped occasionally to following information with the They began to have traction nurse the baby. During nursing assistance and encouragement of problems with the car and even with Diane became thirsty and ate Scott Mcintire. The information is Scott pushing, they skidded into a large quantities of snow. She felt it an unselfish attempt to produce ditch. was necessary to keep up the something positive from the death Scott was lightly dressed and production of milk. by freezing of his young wife became very wet while pushing. Here is probably the crucial Diane. It is by no means a critique Diane was dressed a little warmer, point of Diane's death. If you have of their experience. with some wool clothing and Emily a choice, drink cold water from a· On November 3, 1973, Scott and was in pajamas and a snowsuit stream, rather than eat snow. The FRESHMAN prac;tlce hard In preparation for tonight's game against the heat loss required to melt snow Benson Techmen. Diane Mcintire and their 4 1/z- with a hood. · month-old daughter Emily left Clothing is one of the most im- can tip the balance of heat Portland for a day's outing at portant aspects to enjoying and regu!ation. _ Bagby Hot Springs: Before leaving surviving in the outdoors. It Just about dusk they decided to they notified someone of their should be worn in layers, with at go no further but to camp. They plans. least one layer being wool. found some logs that were stacked One of the hazards in the They spent the night in the car so that they could have most of the mountainous Northwest is the with soaking wet clothes, oc- · bodies under them. The requirements for a shelter with a total of 22 members. by Stacie Smith are basically three. It must keep The team lacks height; there is The freshmen boys basketball you dry, keep you out of the wind, team js looking for its second one player that is 6'2", but most of and it should insulate you from the consecutive away-from-home win the other players are under 5'11. A ground. · . consistent outside shooting game tonight against Benson. Sunday evening was spent Benson is always a strong team is another factor that has plagued beneath the log. Both were and the Quakers will have to set the team. soaking wet to the skin. They their tempo of playing to win the The freshmen do not play until SELF SE_RVICE began to talk. game. Also, they will have to work January. Utterstrom plans to One of the elements of success in on the boards, because of the size work on three main objectives a survival situation is the disadvantage the Quakers have, over the Christmas vacation: psychological reaction to it. When according to Coach Eric Utter- Better offensive execution, with one remains reasonably calm, strom. more patience. Working on conrealistic, and optimistic, the The team was 0-4 before their centration and how to keep a lead. chances of success are enhanced. win last Friday over Adams, 58-49. · 'And finally, to have the boys Diane had talked of dying on "We could have been 3-1. We led realize, better, their roles on the Monday afternoon and they both until the end of those games, then team. became more convinced t.hat thev we would let down and not play Utterstrom complimented the would not survive. with the intensity that got us the play of two of his players - Chris Scott went to sleep. When lead," said Coach Utterstrom, Pausz, who has done a good job at he awakened, he saw that about the losses. guard and Tim Clancy, who has Diane was not moving. He Coach Utterstrom feels the also done a fine job at the post, grabbed her wrist and knew strong points of their game is their pulling down many rebounds. immediately that she had died. "I think a win to give us quickness and overall team speed. At approximately two o'clock confidence will help us. This will that the team plans to This means 6 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Wednesday afternoon a helicopter fastbreak and full court press all point us in the right direction for a was heard overhead. He knew they the time. Another asset is the successful season," stated Utterhad been rescued. strong bench. Tht by Cheryl Bland As winter draws near, many people pack away their football or soccer shoes and replace them with their basketball or wrestling equipment. Some just bring out different clothes. But others begin to prepare themselves for .what some outdoorsmen consider the most "challenging season" of the year. "In outdoor winter sports you are up against different elements. You don't have to worry about the bugs and heat, but you have to contend with something a lot harder, the cold weather," says an employee of RCI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.). Winter camping, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, snow


Winter survival not easy task

Frosh hoopm~n seek second win tonight


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December 16, 1977

Page 11

Defense key to season

Varsity hoopmen crush North Salem ·62-45 score for themselves, but t hey are unselfish and trying to win as a "If our defense holds up, then team," said Coach Thomas. we will be in all the games this The Quakers had their first win season," stated varsity boys against North Salem, 62-45. The basketball coach Tom Thomas. team played a good strong game, Coach Thomas feels the team led by sophomore, Bob Entwisle defense has improved one hundred who scored 19 points. per cent from last year, but there The team has lost three others is still room for improvement. to Lindbergh, David Douglas and The team this year is more team Aloha. In the Lindbergh game, oriented. The scoring is more · 77-53, the Quakers were leading at balanced than it has been in past the half, but seemed to just fall year. "The players aren't out to apart in the second half. by Stacie Smith


Against David Douglas, 47-41, t he . team was in the game all the way but just could !lot pull it out. The Aloha game, 70-45, was a game the Quakers could never get on track in. Aloha just overpowered them. David Douglas and Aloha are both in the Metro league and Coach Thomas has these feelings of the league: "This league has good competition in it. The teams are really poised." The Quakers are in the strong east division of the P.I.L. The team will have to work hard to be competitive in the division with Madison - the team at the top and

hurt his ankle and missed t he first the team to beat. The hoopmen play their next games. The team · missed his game on J anuar y 11 against presence in the center . Greg Marshall. This means the team has Hereford also hurt his ankle but is a long lay off during Christmas expected to be back soon. vacation. "The Christmas vacation Hereford has helped a lot on the will affect all the teams, but it will rebounding, so he is missed quite a hurt us because conditioning is a bit. Scott Santangelo has led the big part of our game plan. We team this year. He is running the would rather play through the offense and has improved a great vacation," said Coach Thomas. Over the vacation the team deal on defense. "I'm satisfied with plans to work on defense and how Scott's play this year," commented to establish their kind of game Thomas. The Quakers had a game on plan . December 13, against Grant and The team has had some injuries, on December 15 against Wilson, but they are expected to be but because of deadlines the scores playing quite soon. Rick Barrigan, of these games cannot be released.

A pin in time save nine


LAID UP FOR GOOD - SENIOR EDDIE FLAKE adds two points to the scoreboard. His effort was in vain as the Quakers succumbed to the Grant Generals.

It was the night before the Franklin tourney, and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a "Mouse" (David Brown). Our head gear was hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Dan Gable would soon be there. .The wrestlers all muzzled with straps on their head, and all their opponents wished they were dead. Me in my singlet and "Muzz" in his hat, had just setled down

Officials do make mistakes ...

P.E. teacher Buckiewicz blows whistle on college basketball by Stacie Smith "A basketball official that makes a mistake has to just laugh it off. Everyone makes mistakes or they wouldn't be human," said Walt Buckiewicz, PE teacher and basketball official. Buckiewicz has refereed approximately 1,500 games in a thirtyfive year career. At seventeen, he refereed his first game in New Jersey. It was a JV high school game. From that time on til now he has refereed at many different levels of basketball. He has worked at the Portland Trail Blazers rookie camps in the summer for the first four years they had the camp. Also, he officiated for ten years in the Pacific coast league, P AC-8, in the college ranks. He was forced to retire because of age from the PAC-8, and so now he works the smaller colleges such as Portland State University. Buckiewicz stated that he liked to officiate college games better than the lower levels. He feels that the college games are more of a challenge. Players run faster,

and also a reteree should coach at least one year. It makes you realize what the other guy is going through and helps you to understand," said Buckiewicz. For young people wishing to go into officiating Buckiewicz advises, to get started right away. Start at a low level and work your way up. An official has to like sports, but doesn't have to be good at them. Referees are made up of all kinds of people, it is not limited to one group. Doctors, lawyers, teachers and many others are all officials. WALT BUCKIEWICZ Officiating is more than working two hours in a game. Meetings mo:ve quicker and jump higher. So have to be attended each week for this means it is harder to catch the two to three hours. They discuss mistakes and fouls. rules and then take written tests. Buckiewicz commented on the An official is always being consistency of officials, "I think evaluated, by fellow officials, some that there is a need for three coahes, and evaluators in the officials, that way there would be stands. If the official is found not more consistency. With two there capable then he is put on probation is no way to catch all the things and if that is not sufficient, then he that happen." is fired. . Does officiating help him with But to Buckiewicz this is all coaching the girls' basketball worth it as he said, "It really team? "You bet, I think all coahces relaxes me and the money is should officiate at least one year, good."

''Abe'' finds wrestlin.g challenge by David Leathers After nine years of wrestling with coaching cross country and track, P.E. teacher Jon Abraham has been converted into a J.V. wrestling coach. Abraham, who was hesitant in accepting the job, has passed the test of transition with flying colors. Head coach Tom Dyar testified, "He's been doing an excellent job. He's very enthusiastic and even gets down on the mat and tries the moves himself." Abraham confesses that it hasn't JJeen easy "well in a little way it's frustrating, because of my inexperience but it's something different and I learn something everyday from the kids and from Mr. Dyar." When asked about the differ-

ences in the programs, Abraham replied, "It's comple~ely contained, while track is so spread out. There is more of a closeness because of the containment. Also there is a totally different conditioning than track. The upper body is stressed here where in track it is the opposite." Although Abraham never fore- · saw himself as becoming a wrestling coach, he had this opinion of his j9b so far. · "I'm enjoying it more everyday, it takes a little time to get to know everything. The kids have been helpful in that they .haven't openly criticized me when they may know more." Abraham does, however, have a different outlook on wrestling now

that he has had to go through the practices. "I really respect wrestlers now that I know what they go through." Wrestler Doug Walters, commenting on Abraham's coaching, stated, "He's just as much a champion now as he was in 1957."

for a light workout on the mat. When up in the gym, I heard such a clatter, we sprang from the locker room. We couldn't be. madder. Away to the gym we flew like a flash, ready to kick "patutee" and then even smash. We knew in a jest that they wouldn't go, but we also knew that we'd demolish our foes. And what to our wondering eyes should appear but David Douglas, South Albany, and Wilson with sneers. With our own Coach Dyar so lively and quick, I knew in a moment that we would click. More rapid than eagles, we wrestlers came. Dyar whistled and shouted and called us by name: now Rostig, now Nelson, Barbour and Vincent. On Gump! On Walters, on Davis; no one's missing. To the top of the stairs! To the top of the hall! Now smash 'em, smash 'em, smash 'em you all!

Winter track starts under new a·dviser by David Leathers Most people don't think that running outside in the cold is very fun type of activity for the winter time. Nevertheless a hardy group of individuals don't agree. Several members of Franklin's cross country team are the steady member of winter track. First year adviser Paul Bolin stated that the main goals of the group are to get people in shape for track so that when the season arrives the team will not have to waste time getting in shape. The group, which is made up of 5-10 runners, run on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The runs range from 5-8 miles and include touring places like Mt. Tabor, Laurelhurst, and Washington Parks. While creating a continuous activity for some long distrance runners, the program also preps people for winter events such as

the marathon and the Oregon indoor meet. Advisor Bolin hopes to qualify for the famed Boston Marathon and the Seaside Marathon, and the program is helping him in his cause. Bolin stated, "I enjoy it, I do it mainly for myself and hope other people get something out of it too." While the group is just getting started, according to Boiin, the team will try to hit it after the Christmas vacation.

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To the top of the brackets the Quakers they flew, with a barrel full of victories and a pin or two. As I threw my foe's head down to the ground, I knew in a moment I was victory bound. He let out a scream as he was flung to his back and my eyes gleamed as I furthered my attack. His eyes how they twinkled, his shoulder blades there, he knew as he lay down that this fish I wouldn't spare. He lay out there like a little flat bow and knew, sure as heck, I wouldn't let go. The whistle blew in the referee's teeth and then I knew I had achieved my victory wreath. With a wink of Dyar's eye and a twist of his head, I knew that the team had nothing to dread. We heard as the teams drove out of sight, "We'll be back. We'll be back. We'll be back some other night."



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