June 2015

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June 2015 Issue 7

The Franklin Post Franklin High School ─ 5405 SE Woodward St. Portland, OR 97206

Inside this special issue of the Franklin Post:

Farewell class of 2015! Check out our tribute stories on page 7. What’s with the boxes of “obsolete textbooks” around Franklin? Find out on page 4.

Meet the staff! Get to know the Franklin Post writers and editors on page 8. Editors-in-Chief: Eliot Brody and Stevie Maré

FHS Modernization Project Breaks Ground By Calli Storrs This summer, construction to create the new Franklin High School will begin. The Franklin Groundbreaking ceremony commemorating the enormous transition was held on Saturday, March 16, in Franklin’s courtyard. Superintendent Carole Smith, Mayor Charlie Hales, Franklin’s Principal Juanita Valder, and other staff members, alumni, and students spoke on the incredible amount of support and effort it took to reach this moment. “Today is a really historic moment for the Franklin community and for PPS both,” Smith said. These are the “first modernizations of high schools in fifty years for Portland Public Schools.” The planning process started in 2013, when PPS joined with the architecture firm DOWA IBI to draft the designs for the remod-

el. The Design Advisory Group (DAG) was created to bring both student representatives and community members into the conversation. Using the input that the group generated, the architects crafted the final design, which involves a prominent theater with traditional configuration and bolstered technological and athletic resources. “It will both retain some of the historical features that mean so much in this community of this building as well as add modern learning environments,” Smith said. “The design is beautiful; we’ve had students who have been really instrumental in helping shape that design.” Maria Carlsen, a Student Representative for the DAG, is one of those students. She gave feedback on drafts of the design and has been involved since the DAG started. There have been some challenges

Photo by Photo by Stevie Maré

From left: Nancy Hales, Mayor Charlie Hales, Franklin Principal Jaunita Valder, Greg Belisle, and PPS Superintendent Carole Smith participate in the groundbreaking celebration. Below, daughter of Franklin teacher Susan Bartley plays in the ceremonial dirt pile.

in the process, but Carlsen believes the new school will create an encouraging environment. “It took a long time, but it’s honestly perfect. It’s very open and very encouraging,” she said. One challenge has been to honor the history that the Franklin building

has seen while progressing with modern architecture, so the Alumni Association stepped in to secure the classic old-brick appearance for future generations to admire. “It’s still going to be a home,” Steve Matthews, an administrator of the project said, referring to the leg-

acy that this redesign will leave. “We have some great staff, and that’s what’s going to maintain that family atmosphere.” With this metamorphosis from old to new, Franklin’s 101 years will be well preserved with a balance of history and progress in the new building.

Presidential Campaigning Begins Orange is the new Track

Early declarations of candidacy kick off 2016 race TriMet light rail to Milwaukie opens in September

Photo by Julia Brim-Edwards

Who will take his place? President Obama speaks at Nike Headquarters in Beaverton on May 8. His second and final term ends on January 20, 2017.

By Olivia Jensen and Karina Santacruz Hillary Clinton announced on Sunday April 12, 2015, that she will be running as a Democratic candidate in the 2016 presidential election. In the video that Clinton posted announcing her candidacy, she touched on several issues including employment and same-sex marriage. Clinton’s stance on immigration laws will likely determine whether she will have Hispanic voters’ support. Some Hispanic voters feel unsure about whether or not she’s committed to helping with immigration law issues. She will also have to win over the votes of African Ameri-

cans and young college students. “Many people think that Hillary Clinton is a shoo-in for getting through the convention and becoming a nominee, [however I’m not that confident] because of all the controversy surrounding her right now, and [the fact that] she refuses to give any interviews [puts] it kind of up in the air,” said Rhonda Gray, a Government and Economics teacher at Franklin. Bernie Sanders is another candidate running for president. Sanders has identified as an independent in the past, but he is running as a Democrat. He is likely to win votes from far-left liberal voters, but to win the campaign he will have to

appeal to more moderate Democrats. On the Republican side of the campaign, six candidates have confirmed their bid for the presidency. Ted Cruz, a current Texas Senator, plans to appeal to conservative voters while running. He is openly against many of Obama’s policies and his healthcare plan. Cruz will appeal to U.S. citizens who have been disappointed with Obama’s presidency. Rand Paul, a Senator from Kentucky, announced his candidacy in early April. He is looking to appeal not only to conservative voters, but to a wide spectrum, including young voters. Paul is against government surveillance of electronics and critical of the Obama administration’s federal spending. Also in the campaign are Republicans Marco Rubio, a Florida Senator; Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon; and Carly Fiorina, a former business executive. This may not be the final lineup of candidates, as even more Republicans may confirm their candidacy in the coming months.

By Max Hoots Next fall the first new bridge to cross the Willamette River since the Fremont Bridge in 1973 opens to the public. But the Tilikum Crossing already had its first passage, when earlier this month the new MAX Orange line made a test run. The Orange line connects underserved sections of the Portland metro area in the far Southeast sections of Portland and neighboring Milwaukie. While Portland’s public transportation system is already considered one of the best in the country, this expansion makes Portlanders’ ability to forgo driving in favor of quick and effective rail transportation even greater by connecting those living in the south of the city to the transportation hub of downtown. The new line will also provide rail service to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, allowing easy access to one of the city’s best educational attractions, particularly for school field trips and tourists staying downtown. Portland has a long history of supporting public transportation. The city

boasted a hugely extensive trolley system from the mid-1800’s through its death at the hands of the highway system in the 1950’s, and became the first city in history to remove a major highway in 1974 when Oregon 99 West was torn up and replaced by Tom McCall Waterfront Park. The MAX system’s continued expansion is good news for Portland and for light rail proponents across the country. This newest branch of the award winning rail system is not only nearing completion on schedule, but was also built for $15-20 million less than was originally expected. A good deal of those savings will go back into improving TriMet’s services,

providing more shelters at bus and MAX stops, helping to weatherproof the rail system to ease the damage done by cold snaps, as well as further reducing its environmental impact. The Orange line’s service to outlying areas and the earlier success of existing MAX lines (the Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green) show the city’s commitment to providing a carless transportation option to all of its residents, including those outside of the city center.

Photo by TriMet

The Tilikum Crossing transit bridge across the Willamette River is the centerpiece of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project, and the first transit bridge of its kind in the U.S.



Emma Harbison - emmah.fhspost@gmail.com


Protests in Baltimore Obergefell v. Hodges Same Sex Marriage Lawsuit

By Delaney Hartmann

Photo via Wikimediia

A soldier stands watch in front of Baltimore City Hall. Protests broke out in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray on April 12, 2015.

By Maria Carlsen As the Baltimore protests first hit the news on Monday April 27, emotions flooded people across the country. Freddie Gray, a 25 year old African-American male was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department on April 12, 2015. While being transported after his arrest for what the police thought was a possession of an illegal switchblade, Gray fell into a coma in the police van and was taken to a trauma center. He died 7 days later due to spinal cord injuries. While the cause of this fatal injury is still unclear, witnesses claimed that they saw the police who arrested Gray using unnecessary force. One officer involved immediately denied that statement. Police later revealed that, contrary to department policy, officers did not secure Gray in the transport van with a seatbelt. On May 1, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office filed charges against six police officers after receiving the medical examiner’s report ruling Gray’s

death a homicide. On Monday, April 27, Freddie Gray’s funeral was held at a church in Baltimore. The weekend before the funeral hundreds of people joined in peaceful protests. Only a small group of protesters were arrested for smashing police cars. At 3:00pm, after the funeral had ended, a flier from a local high school surfaced saying a “purge” was scheduled to start. Half an hour later, dozens of police in riot gear gathered on the streets of Baltimore, and after another four minutes protesters emerged and began to confront the police force about police brutality. Things quickly developed and there were media reports of violence. However, many citizens also gathered to maintain peace. One aspect of this tragic event that sheds a brighter light on the Baltimore Community is the gang truce. The Baltimore sects of the Bloods, Crips, Nation of Islam, and the Black Gorilla Gang, for the first time ever united peacefully against “decades of poverty and

police brutality,” said an unnamed gang member on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore. Gang members and community members have been protecting stores and stopping protesters from damaging police and public property to maintain peace and clean up. The Nightly Show covered this subject in a recent episode segment titled “Gang Members on the Baltimore Protests.” Although the protests have calmed down, the issue of police brutality and modern racism is nowhere near fixed. On May 1, the state’s attorney decision charged six police officers with a range of crimes. The most serious charges were against officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr., who was driving the van that carried Gray. Goodson was charged with involuntary manslaughter and second-degree depraved heart murder, another term for being reckless and careless enough that it causes someone’s death. The Gray family’s lawyer said that they were satisfied with the charges.

For quality tweets with a zesty twist follow @uberhobbit on twitter dot com

On April 28, 2015, the federal lawsuit over the legality of same sex marriages in Ohio was brought to the Supreme Court. The case Obergefell v. Hodges questions two issues concerning same sex marriage rights. One asks if the fourteenth amendment requires states to license a marriage between two people of the same sex, and the other asks if the fourteenth amendment requires states to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was licensed and lawfully performed outof-state. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled part of the Defense of Marriage Acts unconstitutional, concluding that the federal government has to recognize same sex marriages. Now in 2015, the Supreme Court has to decide if individual states have to observe the legality of gay

marriage in the case Obergefell v. Hodges. The story behind the case starts with Jim Obergefell. Obergefell lives in Ohio, a state that doesn’t allow same sex marriage. However, Obergefell and his partner John Arthur flew to Maryland to get married (a state that does allow gay marriage). Arthur was dying of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Obergefell sued the state of Ohio to have his name listed as Arthur’s surviving spouse on the death certificate. This case was brought all the way to the Supreme Court. Today, same sex marriage is legal in 37 states. However, if Obergefell wins this case, same sex marriage could be legal in all 50 states. Arguments both for and against same sex marriage concern fundamental liberties, equal protection, and recognizing the constitution’s development with society. Chief Justice John

Roberts explained how gay marriage would change the institution of marriage. He told US News, “You’re not seeking to join the institution, you’re seeking to change what the institution is. The fundamental core of the institution is the opposite-sex relationship and you want to introduce into it a same-sex relationship.” Concerning the federal government, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli feels strongly about acquiring equality for same sex couples. “Gay and lesbian people are equal. They deserve equal protection of the laws, and they deserve it now,” he said to US News on April 28. The case has not been finalized yet; however, preliminary findings indicate that the court will rule in favor of marriage equality. This ruling would be considered a big win for same sex couples, and supporters of marriage equality across the United States.

Earthquakes Strike Nepal

Photo by Rajan Sherestha

Relief workers and citizens work together to repair the damage from the earthquakes in Nepal. Two massive earthquakes have hit Nepal in the past two months.

By Eamonn Hartmann During the past month, the country of Nepal has been hit with two massive earthquakes, effectively devastating the people and the land. The first earthquake had a 7.8-magnitude, and hit the northwestern part of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The tremor killed 8,000 people and many more were harmed in bordering countries such as India and Tibet. The second 7.3-magnitude tremor struck to the east of Kathmandu, towards the edge of Mt. Everest. The death count from the second quake stands around 63 while the casualty count is 1,926.

The two earthquakes are a result of the Indian tectonic plate sliding underneath the Eurasian plate. The plates have been sliding about 2 inches every year since the Indian subcontinent broke off from Gondwanaland subcontinent. The sliding plates have resulted in several earthquakes prior to this year, including a history of tremors dating back to the year 1010 C.E. Even though Nepal has had a history of earthquakes, the ability to get resources for prevention and aid has always been a problem for relief agencies. The tremors caused an avalanche to form on Mt. Everest, which led to more devastation for nearby villages.

President Barack Obama expressed his “deep condolences” to Nepal and the devastation that the country has experienced in the past few months. The U.S. has already started Operation Sahayogi Haat, which means “helping hand” in Nepali, as an effort to relieve the suffering of the affected people. Unfortunately, on May 15, a U.S. helicopter that was delivering relief supplies to a village called Charikot crashed and none of the eight people on board the helicopter are believed to be alive. As a result of two devastating natural disasters, people around the region where the earthquakes hit and people all over the world are suffering.



Delaney Hartmann - dh.fhspost@gmail.com


Athlete Spotlight:

Eamonn’s Earful

Matthew and Mathew By Maria Carlsen Seniors Mathew Rowell and Matthew Tetreault have an unusual friendship. They have not only been inseparable friends since elementary school, but also close teammates working in a unique environment that most friendships do not have the opportunity to experience. Both seniors have been playing tennis since elementary school including private lessons before high school. They have been doubles partners at FHS all four years. Their biggest competition this year, with the move into 6A, comes from Lincoln and Grant. “It’s been tough with the introduction of Grant and Lincoln into the league this year, but it has made the season a lot more exciting with lots of close matches,” said Rowell. On May 12, 14, and 15, Rowell and Tetreault competed at the Portland Tennis Center for districts. “Four singles and four doubles teams go to the district tournament. Then they seed the top four teams out of those eight and we were the only people that got seeded who weren’t from Lincoln or Grant,” said Tetreault about the tough competition this year

By Eamonn Hartmann

Photo by Sara Tetreault

Tetreault and Rowell haved been tennis doubles partners since Freshman year. The pair went to the State Championships their Junior year.

at districts. They placed third at districts last year behind Wilson and Benson teams, but only the top four doubles pairs move on to state from the district tournament, and this year they weren’t able to place. “I think our team as a whole hasn’t done as well

this year but the practices have been better, longer, and more planned out,” Tetreault said when asked about his feelings on this season as it’s coming to an end. Rowell and Tetreualt are coached by Ted Salter here at Franklin who is “a really enthusiastic coach” according to Rowell. Te-

treault will be attending University of Puget Sound next year and has spoken to the tennis coach about playing competitively on their team. As for Rowell, who is attending Emory University in the fall to study business; he plans to continue playing tennis just for fun.

Franklin Seniors to Play in College By Sarah Rose Ezelle

Franklin offers a wide range of sports and it is commended for its quality coaching and training programs. Some of its sports are more conventional, such as basketball, soccer, and cross country. It also offers a more unique sport, dragon boating. Next year, Franklin alumni will be participating in all of these sports at the college level. Kaeli Frank Kaeli Frank has been on the Quakers Basketball team for all of her four years at Franklin, and doesn’t plan to stop playing when she attends Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She said she hopes to grow as a competitive athlete, and see where college athletics take her. Franklin basketball taught her how to balance her time between school and athletics. Sawyer Hiton Sawyer Hiton has been doing Cross Country

at Franklin for 3 years. He’ll be starting at Kenyon College where, in the fall, he said he looks forward to meeting more “goofy and nerdy runners while exploring new lands.” Franklin helped him become academically successful, which helped him get into a good college. “I didn’t run before high school, but now I don’t think I’ll ever quit,” he said. Eamonn Hartmann Eamonn Hartmann started playing soccer at Franklin when he was a freshman, and he has played ever since, moving up to varsity when he was a sophomore. When he starts college at Pacific University in September, he will be playing for their soccer team. He attributes his success in soccer to the rigorous schedule and good coaching that he received at Franklin. He hopes to make the varsity soccer

Photo by Sarah Rose Ezelle

Sawyer Hiton and Tabor Redman-Racklin pose in their college gear. Hiton will be running cross country at Kenyon College, and Redman-Racklin hopes to paddle at the University of Puget Sound.

team by his sophomore year at Pacific. Tabor Redman-Racklin Tabor Redman-Racklin has been on the Franklin Dragon Boat team, the Aqua Rockets, for all of her four years. Next year when Tabor starts attending University of Puget Sound she plans to start up her own team. “I hope to bring together a

close knit team, show new paddlers the joy of dragon boating, and win some medals,” she said. One of the things that dragon boating has taught her is that all walks of life can work together cohesively, which is important on the boat. The Franklin Aqua Rockets will be paddling at the World Qualifiers this summer.

Throughout this year, I have attacked the outside sports world in the confines of this column, but I feel that I must address Franklin sports for this last piece. With the Marshall merger in 2010, Franklin added many new faces to the athletic community and many teams gained talent to heighten the competition. However, during this next year, the opposite movement will occur and Franklin athletics will move to Marshall with the rest of the school. During this time, the already picturesque Franklin Bowl and sports facilities will be improved to provide Franklin athletics with the best resources and surfaces to play sports on. While I have been a Franklin athlete, I have noticed an intense desire and passion coming from the players and coaches that I do not think I would have experienced at other high school athletic programs. Some of the other private Portland area high schools may attract the more highly-touted middle school prospects, but Franklin’s athletic programs and coaches are generous enough to take in people who have never played a sport before and develop them into competitive high school athletes. Even though I have not played beside Division I-bound phenoms, I have played with

people who work their tail off during 6 a.m. practices and daily doubles in the scorching heat. This paradigm should be appreciated, because it not only builds character on the field, but it builds character off the field and in the classroom. Athletes have made up a big part of the 86% graduation rate that Franklin boasted in 2014 and in other years past. In the fall of 2014, the boys cross country team achieved the highest Grade Point Average out of any fall sports team in the state. With the addition of several middle school sports teams that are affiliated with Franklin, I only see the level of success continuing to rise for Franklin athletics in the future. As a multi-sport athlete at Franklin, I was proud to find athletes who also played multiple sports and did not want to confine their talents to one sport. At other schools, I might have been forced to specify the sport that I played, which I would have dreaded, because I would not have been able to connect my different athletic abilities in multiple sports. From singing on bus rides home to beating Cleveland in any sport, I have thoroughly enjoyed the memories that I have made during my time as a Franklin athlete.



Erin Ford - erinf.fhspost@gmail.com


Should SeaWorld Be Shut Down? By Emma Harbison

SeaWorld has been a controversial establishment for decades, and the subject of a heated debate for animal rights activists and SeaWord. Activists push for SeaWorld to be shut down while SeaWorld propaganda has marketed new accommodations and ways in which they are actually helping marine life. On May 7, SeaWorld returned four green sea turtles to Florida’s east coast beaches after what SeaWorld calls a “successful rehabilitation.” The week before, they posted about their rescue team’s aid of a heron with an aluminum can around its beak. However, small saves like this are not enough to balance out the damage SeaWorld is doing to its largest mammals. SeaWorld’s orcas are suffering in captivity. Some have harsh chronic sunburns because their tanks only reach 40 feet deep, when they need to spend more time submerged further from the sun. Although SeaWorld often takes in animals with

injuries to save them from death in the wild, that is not the case for whales like Tilikum, Corky, Ulises and Katina who were captured for profit by poachers and torn from their families. Tilikum took his rage out on trainers, killing three because of the pain he experienced in confinement. He was punished with solitary confinement in a tank only approximately two feet longer than him. Tilikum’s sperm has bred two thirds of the orcas born in SeaWorld theme parks. “Orcas are among the most social animals on the planet and naturally spend their entire lives in closeknit communities, enjoying their own cultures and dialects,” wrote Jennifer O’Connor of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).“When we capture them and put them in concrete boxes, we take away the two most important things in their lives: their families and the world of sound.” However, in recent years Sea World has made many improvements to their

care for animals. “On the rare occasion that an animal cannot be returned, SeaWorld provides a permanent home for that animal,” says Chris B.from the SeaWorld Education and Conservation Department. SeaWorld no longer captures orcas from the wild. “The killer whales in our facilities benefit whales in the wild.We provide scientists with access, research and data that would be difficult or impossible to get in the wild,” says seaworldcares.com. “We want everyone to learn the truth about what SeaWorld does for animals that need rescuing, and for the animals that are in our parks,” concludes Chris B. Although SeaWorld might provide some of the best care in the world for their orcas, the tanks at SeaWorld are still not sufficient in comparison to their natural habitat: the ocean. It is time for SeaWorld to acknowledge that there are some animals not meant to be in captivity because of its negative impact on their health and quality of life.

Photo by Emma Harbison

One of SeaWorld’s dolphins playfully peeks over the edge of its cement tank. Many experts have questioned the treatment and containment of the marine life.

Is Apple Watch the Future We Want?

Photo by Tucker Cochenour

Apple’s new watch can be found in stores everywhere and consumers are invited to try the device out. The Apple Watch is one of the most promising examples of wearable technology from a major company, but it is far from perfect.

By Tucker Cochenour The new Apple Watch doesn’t include any special new features from previous smart watches, and it still has the same problems, but the Apple Watch has already blown its competition out of the gate. Initial orders of the watch towered over the number of devices that use Android Wear (Google’s wearable technology operating system) after years of its primary foothold globally. The Apple Watch is finally reaching more consumers and making them wonder if it’s time to add another screen to their arsenal. Wait, that can’t be right. How can a watch that features no true innovations, still includes problems like faulty batteries and difficulty with Wi-Fi, and is going into an industry with a bunch of other giant companies be selling more than anyone else? Simply put, Apple. Simply by connecting the watch to both the company’s sleek image and its ecosystem of devices like the iPhone, Apple ensured a successful launch. In fact, the watch sold out of preorders within minutes on April 10, and in that short amount of time sold more

than any wearable device ever. Go into any Apple store and you can find people trying on the watch and oohing and aahing at the features of the small device. The Apple Watch is one of the first wearables to be truly accessible to mainstream consumers and as such it is one of the first faces of wearables yet. Although Google Glass was all the hype a few years ago, that burned out and is currently in development purgatory. There was also the slew of watches that came out with the Android Wear operating system, but none have been as successful as the Apple Watch. The Watch has an opportunity to change how we use technology, especially with the new ways that the device allows developers to affect consumers’ attachments to their software. After all, the best consumer is the one that never leaves your platform, and that’s exactly the opportunity a watch brings. When it comes down to it, the biggest reason that the Watch has been so successful isn’t that it’s some kind of new idea, or that it’s made by Apple.

No, what this watch really comes down to is the future. For decades now our science fiction-based idea of the future is a place with all of these mystical devices, and the Apple Watch looks like it would fit right in. While the average consumer can’t afford a prototype of a flying car, it is possible that the Apple Watch might just be in their budget. The watch represents an affordable piece of the future, and who doesn’t want a piece of the future today? Although the Apple Watch does represent the future of technology, we must remain wary of whether this is a future we want to live in. Years from now every accessory one wears might be powered by technology and maybe that’s too much. With Apple breaking records every time it comes out with a new device, it’s time to take a step back and look at what we’re buying. While it would be easy to see the watch as just another ubersuccessful Apple device, it’s more than that. The early success of the Apple Watch’s is what happens when consumers see a glimpse of the future and lunge at it, disregarding the life that comes with it.

60 Day Rule Remains Unclear for Students By Max Hoots The 60 day rule, a Portland Public Schools policy which states that seniors may be disqualified from walking at graduation if they face certain disciplinary action in the last 60 days of the school year, has always been controversial among the student body. It is not unnecessarily harsh, but the way it is presented to students, is not only ineffective, but may prove counterproductive. There is a great deal of misinformation about the policy, and the

mandatory assembly given each year does little to clear it up. This confusion has led many to believe the 60 day rule is much harsher and less reasonable than it actually is. The most common rumor is that a small number of unexcused absences, sometimes even one, would disqualify a student from walking at graduation. The wording of the official 60 day rule doesn’t do much to clear things up. It states a student can be disqualified for “any violation resulting in a disciplinary Action Level 3 or greater,” but

nowhere on any of the materials handed out to seniors is “disciplinary Action Level 3” defined.Neither is any ranking system described in the Franklin High School Student handbook. That’s not to say a definition does not exist; a full list of what deserves disciplinary Action Level 1-5 can be found in the PPS handbook, but it is safe to say that it is very out of the way for such a crucial piece of information. In short,“disciplinary Action Level 3” means a referral and may be applied for a wide range of infractions. In

most cases a Level 3 action results from repeat offenses. Things like skipping class, minor property damage, and display of offensive actions or material may all receive a Level 1 or 2 action the first time, and Level 3 may be applied if the behavior continues. On the other hand things like arson, battery, robbery, and drug related offenses may result in Level 3 action immediately. Franklin Principal Juanita Valder stated that while the policy, which is district-wide, was originally directed at drug and alcohol related offenses.

It was then extended to cover other reckless behaviors, like vandalism and fighting, and eventually most serious offenses. Valder was surprised to hear that there were misconceptions about what the 60 day rule covers. “If it was confusing as to what a Level 3 was, I’m kind of glad, that means our kids aren’t getting to that point. As far as clarity that’s a good point, noted, we could be clearer and we always want to make sure that kids are hearing us.” The actual effect of the 60 day rule is reasonable enough,

but the school has done a poor job relaying this information to students, despite the mandatory assembly. By referring to “Level 3 action” instead of the almost universally known term, “referral,” the school fosters these rumors, and often makes the policy appear unreasonably harsh. That combined with the already confrontational nature of the policy, which holds graduation over the heads of rule-abiding students and misbehavers alike, only serves to weaken the trust between students and the administrators.


PAGE EDITOR Maya Coseo - mayac.fhspost@gmail.com PAGE 4

Take a Hike!

Microbial Life Trails Around Portland Discovered Great reservoirs, and great places friends, it is always there,” to have picnics. Mt. Tabor said Mabel Miller (10), who By Eliana Eby in Antarctica is filled with different vari- lives only a few minutes The outdoor world be- eties of Oregon’s trees such away from the extinct volcomes and more invit- as the Douglas Fir, and the cano. “There are so many Dry Valleys ing as more summer draws near. top includes a grassy area [hikes] to choose from and By Kayla Swanson Located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, the Blood Falls are a rather interesting sight to see. Named because it looks like a waterfall of literal blood, it’s actually ice with intensely concentrated iron inside of it. It’s caused by a strain of bacteria, which may not sound that impressive, but the McMurdo Dry Valleys are among the most desolate and inhospitable deserts on Earth, and have even had their conditions compared to Mars. Scientists have long thought the Dry Valleys to be nothing but ice and earth underneath the layer of permafrost that coats the region. However, after the discovery of the Blood Falls bacteria in 2009, plenty of data has been found to suggest that there are pools of incredibly briny liquid deep below the surface. Not only that, but this simple bacterium is not alone. Scientists have speculated the possibility of entire underground ecosystems teeming with microbial life, despite the harsh environment.

Oregon offers many summer hiking options for those who can’t wait to get outside. Mount Tabor is a nearby option where families can hike to the summit and watch the sunset, with a scenic view of the cityscape, reflective

with a picnic table, which is shaded by trees. “I enjoy that Mount Tabor is a quick getaway from the city, yet so close. Whether I need to relax or exercise or just want a nice place to spend time with

there is always one to fit with what you desire.” Dozens of options exist for anyone willing to drive for a hike. Located Photo by Pepper Mionske near the Bonneville Dam, Emma Harbison (10) sits on a rock by the Saddle Wahclella Falls Trail is only Mountain Trail. Saddle Mountain is recommended for more a forty minute drive from adventerous hikers. Portland. Though crowded on the weekends, Wahclella is worth it, as it is an easy 2miles and therefore, something the whole family can enjoy. There are plenty of photo opportunities on this hike. The trail that leads up to Wahclella Falls has a few footbridges and several places that the trail hugs the cliff. The waterfall itself is divided into two sections: one, hidden behind a rock Photo by Rebecca Koffman formation, dropping 48 Mt. Tabor Park, located by Franklin High School, is easy feet and the other, splitting to access via bus or by walking. In July, there are free between two colossal rocks, concerts every Tuesday. 79 feet. There is a refreshing mist that cascades off dikes. With its mountain- for part of it. Hiking is a refreshof it, and it is not as loud as top views from the Pacific other waterfalls. Ocean to Mount Hood, and ing way to get out of the Saddle Mountain is steep wildflower meadows house, exercise and spend another option, but it is an in the summer, it is worth the time with family and hour and a half away. The trip. However, the 5.2-mile friends. These three hikes trail leads through a forest hike is not recommended are a few examples of the for small children as it has a many hikes near Portland Photo by Eliana Eby of red alder, and the top 500 feet of the mountain 1600 foot elevation gain, and for anyone who loves takWahclella Falls, on the Wahclella Falls Trail. Wahclella is a is made up of huge basalt includes a steep rocky trail ing in the outdoors. short hike, and a medium distance from Portland.

Outdated Textbooks Are they really obsolete?

By Calli Storrs

David Pearce, a microbiologist at Northumbria University, UK, was part of a team that attempted to drill into Lake Ellsworth, another Antarctic area, in 2013. The project to reach the subglacial lake then was unsuccessful, and he was thrilled about this more recent discovery in the Dry Valleys. “It’s the first time that we’ve gotten real insight into what organisms might live beneath the Antarctic continent,” he said in an interview with Nature.com. The environment in the McMurdo Dry Valleys is so harsh that for decades, scientists have ruled out the possibility of life thriving there. Since life in these environments is now known to be possible, the similarities between the Dry Valleys and the desolate conditions of Martian deserts imply that this kind of microbial life is also possible on the Red Planet, which has also been driving scientific communities wild.

For the past few months, boxes labeled “Obsolete Texts” have been appearing along the main hallway and then mysteriously disappearing. Teachers have been getting rid of unnecessary books, which fill the boxes. The purpose of this selective “weeding,” as Franklin Librarian Sandra Childs calls it, is not just to help the teachers, but also to benefit the students. “Some of those books are great, but if you keep it all there, people can’t get to the good stuff,” she said. “We also have books that are mangy and moldy and gross, and we have books that are just not being used.” This is not just an end-of-the-year cleaning; it is also preparation for Franklin’s move to the former Marshall High School in a few months. Students are free to take the books before they are sent to the district, so long as the boxes are kept tidy. “You refresh the col-

lection for the library, and one might argue for the classroom, by getting rid of stuff that’s inappropriate for the time, outdated or inaccurate, racist or sexist, or whatever-ist, torn, damaged, and just eaten away, because you want new stuff,” Childs said. Her approach is to be mindful. Another reason for this weeding is to raise the allure of our books. A book with a staid cover will not attract as much attention as a book with an intriguing one. This increases the chance a student will pick up the book, broadening their perspectives and acting as a quiet catalyst for exploring different options. Where these books will go is another question. Childs knows that the district receives the books and places them in “the warehouse.” She said, “That’s like saying, ‘that puppy went to the farm’. You know, when people get rid of their pets they sometimes say, ‘it went to the farm’ and you don’t really know what that means.”

Whether or not they are recycled or donated is up to the district. However, Grayson Perez (12) is opposed to the use of the word “obsolete.” As a student who took advantage of the opportunity to take some of the books, he appreciated but couldn’t understand why so many books were being rejected. “You don’t just become obsolete. The lessons our ancestors learned don’t just go out of fashion– this isn’t a kind of thing where you can walk away and say ‘okay, we can forget about all of that,’” he said. On the other hand, if this knowledge is available then he might as well take it. “I like having the books for myself; I don’t like having to give away all my textbooks at the end of the year. I like actually reading them. That’s just how I learn,” he said. Either way, with new books arriving, and old books leaving, there is always the possibility to find an unexpected book that enlightens a student’s world.

Nanobots Nanorock By Luna Koenig

Those who watched The Magic School Bus as a child might remember an episode in which Arnold was mysteriously turned orange. Upon inspection, it was revealed that Arnold had turned orange from eating too many cheese puffs, determined by a trip to Arnold’s digestive system. The concept of sending tiny healing crusaders into the human body was no more than science fiction until relatively recently, with the development of nanorobotics. Nanorobotics is an emerging field of technology that specializes in the creation of microscopic robots-close to a nanometer, or one-billionth of a meter, in size. These tiny robots are still being researched, but according to a recent study from The University of California, San Diego, testing of the first self-propelled nanobot was a success. These unique nanobots are driven by hydrogen bubbles, which are produced by the reaction of its zinc exterior with hydrochloric acids in the test subject’s stomach, and they

can move at the impressive speed of 60 micrometers per second. While many trials have tested for the robot’s ability to deposit medicine in the body, there are countless other possibilities for this technology. Because nanobots are so small, they have the ability to work at a molecular level, and could be used to treat pollution by making the molecules harmless. Nanobots could also potentially be used to treat cancer, by destroying the cancer cells without the need for harmful radiation treatment. As with any new technology, nanobots could easily cause harm, and if put into the wrong hands, become a devastating weapon, used for dismantling inanimate objects or attacking living tissue. This possibility, though unlikely, could warrant such devastating effects that it is crucial that nanorobotics be tested with great care. There is still much to learn about this incredible new technology, and countless more uses to be discovered.


Never Retallack - neverr.fhspost@gmail.com



HK Cafe: Authentic Chinese Food Near You By Calli Storrs & Eleanor Ewing HK Cafe is known as one of the most authentic Chinese restaurants, with a wide variety of dim sum as well as Sichuan and Canton dishes. We ventured there, excited at the promise of delicious Chinese cuisine. Marilyn Mi, Franklin’s Chinese teacher, recommended we try the dim sum (small appetizers) from HK Cafe. “I have had several dim sums from different restaurants; I found HK’s really fresh and really tasty and the variety is just phenomenal because some places only have certain, not that many

varieties,” she said. “Everybody can find something.” Jane Wong (12) completely agreed, adding that “Dim sum is life.” Upon arrival, we approached the checkout counter and were given a number and a waiting time of about 20-30 minutes. Unperturbed, we got frozen yogurt at a nearby shop then went back a while later to sit and wait. After roughly another 20 minutes, we were finally seated. We didn’t have long to wait before our server arrived to take our orders and they were very attentive considering how busy the place was. However, the menu

posed a few problems. Eleanor is a vegetarian and we found that there were very few vegetarian options and no descriptions of what was in each dish. The vegetarian options that existed were more like side dishes than actual meals, so she ordered Vegetarian Spring Rolls and (after much discussion with the waiter) Vegetarian Chow Mein. She didn’t wait long for her food, which turned out to be large portions of each item: four spring rolls with sauce and a family size plate of the Chow Mein. The spring rolls were freshly fried and the outsides were crispy; they weren’t

Artist Spotlight: Ellie Gentry

tries to think about shirts that people would want to buy because they can relate to Artist Ellie Gentry (11) it. She started out with basic creates designs for t-shirts prints and fonts but has been and accessories. She started able to expand with practice. making shirts in May of Currently Gentry hand paints 2014 when she realized that everything by drawing on it was less expensive to make the fabric with pencils and her own clothing, and she then painting over it, but she was able to replicate a simiwants to invest in a printing lar design. She is currently press or a screen printer. She working on coming up did costume design for with new designs and Franklin High School’s hopefully mass-printing musical, Footloose. them in the future. The Gentry said the most main accessories she difficult part of running uses for her designs are a business is “not getbackpacks. She sews ting discouraged during her design onto them, slow business.” “I’ve among other things like always been pretty t-shirts. Gentry is able creative and self-moto create designs on tivated, but I’ve had almost anything. Some a lot of support from people will have her get my friends and fambags or shirts as a canily,” said Gentry. She vas, but others will also is looking into schools supply their own. Shirts based around costume are normally $15, but design for theater and if you bring your own movies. In the future Photo by Never Retallack it only costs $10, and Clara Dixon (11) models one of Gentry’s she hopes to get new patches are normally designs. Gentry made this as a birthday equipment to help her $5. present based on Dixon’s interest in mass produce. People contact her moons. By Karina Santacruz

on Instagram or Facebook as well as in person at school in order to request her work. Many come to her with basic ideas and then she creates something she thinks they will like. The designs on shirts on Pinterest and Tumblr give her inspiration for designs she can put on shirts herself. She also comes up with ideas by herself; she

overcooked and the insides were hot. Because their deep fryer was apparently out of order, I ordered the shrimp dumplings and orange beef to try to stay with the Americanized Chinese dishes, and jellyfish to try something new. The shrimp dumplings (har gow) had a meaty, smoky taste that overwhelmed the delicate shrimp flavor. Although the shrimp dumplings were not outstanding, their orange beef was tender, with a fatty but not greasy mouthfeel and a crispy exterior. While it delivered the orange flavor in bits, because it was mainly in pieces of caramelized orange zest,

the sweet sauce and contrasting textures made up for that. Similar to glass noodles, the jellyfish was cut in strips that were served loosely. Unexpectedly, the jellyfish was served cold with a light


dressing of sesame sauce and chili flakes. I liked the first few bites, but the toughness of the jellyfish was a deter-

We’re glad we attended the HK cafe and experienced its unique food but we would not go there again. The service was frustrating in its lethargy and inconsistency–they forgot our order of rice–but the waiters and waitresses were very attentive. We would not recommend going to eat on a Saturday, as it seemed to be a very popular and crowded spot. However, we have both heard that weekdays are much less crowded. If you are looking for authentic Chinese food, HK Cafe is the place to go, but prepare yourselves for a long dinner.

tion and Ceramics. In fact, the Video Production class is so popular that Javier Perez, also an art teacher, will not teach AP Art next year and will only teach Video Production. The new AP art teacher is “to be determined,” according to Ms. Berning. For some art students, like Marie Nguyen (12), who is in both Art 3-4 and AP Art, the change is exciting. Nguyen thinks that the changes to the art program will be beneficial for its future. For those who feel that Marshall will make an unappealing temporary home, Ms. Berning has good news: not every part of the Marshall building is jail-like. In fact, Marshall is “actually a nicer space... for ceramics,” Ms. Berning said, “and in terms of visual arts, there’s student storage... so that’s a nice thing that we’ll actually have cubbies and places for students to keep

artwork.” Major modifications to the art program are not imminent, but some are in the works, including a printmaking class. For now at least, Ms. Berning says “all that’s just conversation.” And if that still doesn’t comfort people, Nguyen has something else to add. She says her favorite part of art has always been interacting with the teachers and getting advice. Nguyen makes an important point; though the school is changing, the atmosphere of the art program at Franklin will not. Ms. Berning, too, is staying positive. She says, “I’m excited for (the move); I think that it’ll be nice to have a fresh start somewhere, be in a different space. [Marshall has] a beautiful courtyard in the center of the school-- I’m excited to get back to the new building also, but I think it will be a nice little change of pace.”

Photo by Calli Storrs

The family-sized platter of vegetarian chow mein from HK Cafe.

Changes to the Franklin Art Program By Maya Coseo The Franklin community is no stranger to change. But how will the coming upheaval to the Marshall campus affect the art program? Carrie Berning, one of the art teachers at Franklin, is worried about logistics. “Within this program we’ve got acrylic paints, watercolor paints, drawing materials, three dimensional materials–just the amount of stuff is overwhelming,” said Berning. All supplies are going to make the move to Marshall. The class has student pottery, clay and glazes to move. According to Ms. Berning, “Mr. Anderson [the ceramics teacher] is… trying to decide what’s important to keep and what we just don’t use and don’t need.” As for new classes, students will be offered Advanced Ceramics and Video Two–second year levels of Video Produc-

2015: hip hop’s greatest year of all time? By Tucker Cochenour After what could be considered an (at best) lackluster showing throughout much of the genre last year, hip hop was posed to bounce back in 2015, and so far that seems to be exactly the case. Early on there were quiet murmurings amongst the genre’s fans, many wondering if this could be one of the greatest years of all time for hip hop due to the music coming out. After 2014, which was like a desert in terms of quality music, 2015 has looked like paradise. New artists are coming out with excellent albums on a consistent basis, and rap fans are thirsty for more. Is

this year truly an oasis of amazing releases, or is it all a mirage? About a month and a half into 2015 the hip hop industry saw its first big release of the year on February 13 with Drake’s If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late (IYRTITL), the highest selling album so far this year. By releasing IYRTITL Drake once again solidified his position at the top of the rap hierarchy with a collection of songs that was just another example of the impressive music that he can produce. The album was received extremely well and broke Spotify streaming records while selling nearly half a million records in its

first three days. A couple weeks later Detroit-based rapper Big Sean released Dark Sky Paradise, an album that found a fair amount of success in a year filled with giants, although not on the same scale as Drake’s production. Paradise is just another example of a firstrate release from an established musician this year that seems to fade into the background in such a competitive industry. On March 16 Kendrick Lamar released To Pimp A Butterfly, a superb album that dives into the complicated mind of Lamar. Butterfly found popularity across the genre with an

eclectic mix varying from the upbeat styling of “King Kunta” to the spoken word featured on “For Free?” The releases of To Pimp A Butterfly, IYRTITL, and Dark Sky Paradise feature the star power that was missing last year and Lamar, Drake, and Big Sean have played a major role in what truly is shaping up to be one of the greatest years of all time for rap. But the big releases don’t just stop at the top, with lesser-known artists like Earl Sweatshirt, Action Bronson, Lupe Fiasco, and Tyler the Creator putting out fantastic projects. Looking back on the past five months, this year so far has been very im-

Photo by Tucker Cochenour

The physical edition of If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late came out two months after its initial release and bolstered the album’s sales to nearly one million in three months.

pressive. Major albums are coming out practically every couple of weeks, and even smaller artists have found success. The beauty of this year, though, is that it doesn’t

stop in May. Albums from big name artists like Kanye West and Frank Ocean along with a slew of lesserknown rappers are expected in the coming months.



Clara Dixon - clarad.fhspost@gmail.com


College Destinations: Class of 2015 *Based on limited data available at the time of publication


top 10 Senior Complaints

The senior class of any high school is an essential component of the school’s spirited attitude, and the class of 2015 is no exception! Who could imagine good ol’ Franklin High School without their smiles, their complaining in their economics classes, their laughter, their whining as they pass through the hallway, their disproportional bitterness towards the tail end of their high school education, their moans of surrender and defeat? Without their sorrows coating every surface like melancholy wallpaper, it just wouldn’t be the same school. As a lasting testament to their achievements, 10 classic senior complaints are presented here for your nostalgic pleasure. By Griffin Drake

1. I need to not be here, right now. 2. This doesn’t matter at all. 3. It’s not like I need this class to graduate. 4. Why can’t we just watch a movie? 5. Ugh, I can’t stand this movie. 6. How long until I can go to college? 7. It’s too hard. 8. This is too much work. 9. I can’t believe that I have to write this article. 10. I’m so tired.

Words of Wisdom Compiled by Morgan Kender Here is some loving and supportive advice, courtesy of the seniors on the Franklin Post: “Actually go to school.” “Do your work sooner rather than later.” “Try and listen to people around you, but also listen to yourself.” “Have attention to detail.” “Drink lots of water.” “Stand up for what is right.”

“The biggest obstacle to your success is your friends’ attitude.” “Do your work.” “Challenge yourself senior year.” “Grades do not define you.” “Don’t stand in the halls.” “Make sure that you take enough classes to where you feel challenged, but not so many that you’re overloaded.”

SENIORITIS A Totally Real Thing

By Luna Koenig In recent months, a devastating illness has been plaguing high schools across the nation, affecting the most vulnerable of high school students: seniors. On the afternoon of Monday, May 18, 2015 a Franklin student left his journalism classroom to “conduct an interview” and was never seen at school again. The student, who wishes to remain anonymous, was a senior and would have been graduating high school in less than three weeks, had he been able to stay seated for the remainder

of the class period. “He stood up, stared off blankly into space for a moment then left,” said journalism teacher Elena Katz. “I thought that maybe he was going to interview the superintendent for his article about the school’s reconstruction, but he never came back.” According to a study from the Center for Confused Youth, around 17% of high school seniors will disappear less than a month before graduation. In most cases, the students are reported missing, but occasionally one will wash up at the local Hot Cake House, such as this anonymous student, who was found

there by a friend the next day. “I kinda knew he’d be there. He was in the big corner booth, eating fries by himself,” said Katy Reed, (11). “I’m gonna see if I can get him to come back to school but....things aren’t lookin’ too good.” Symptoms of “really not caring” include excessive eye-rolling, sleeplessness, heavy sighing, poor posture, forgetfulness, increased likeliness to wear black, and lethargy. If you think that you or someone you know may be at risk, consult a health professional or licensed exorcist immediately.

MEET THE POST Editors in Chief

Calli Storrs

Kieran Andrews kierana.fhspost@gmail.com

Griffin Drake

Calli joined the Post staff her sophomore year as the posterior section editor. H er cheery demeanor and endless energy cemented her place in the hearts of the staff.


Griffin has been on the Post staff for three years and is much beloved by his colleauges. His wit, spirit, and, of course, his crab walk will be missed.


Post Staff 2015-2016 Editors in Chief Eliot Brody Stevie MarĂŠ News Editor Emma Harbison Forum Editor Erin Ford Feature Editor Maya Coseo

Senior Staff Members

Sports Editor Delaney Hartmann Arts & Entertainment Editor Never Retallack Literary Editor Clara Dixon Posterior Editor Kieran Andrews

Dustin Diep

Eamonn Hartmann

Eleanor Ewing

Karina Santacruz

Luna Koenig

Photo Journalist Mabel Miller Web Manager Jason Chen Web Assistant Editor Emmett Allen

Maria Carlsen

Max Hoots

Milo Bennett

Morgan Kender

Olivia Jensen

Our Mission

And the Rest of the Staff...

Berkeley Wheeler

Clara Dixon

Erin Ford

Devlin Gillespie

Eliana Eby

Eliot Brody

Emma Harbison

Delaney Hartmann

Jason Chen

Kayla Swanson

Liam Anderson

Maya Coseo

Never Retallack

Sarah Rose Ezelle

Stevie MarĂŠ

Directors of Marketing and Distribution Clara Dixon Never Retallack

Tucker Cochenour

The Franklin Post works to educate and inform its readers. We encourage the community to question our ideas, as well as the events we report on. As a staff we strive to give voice to the voiceless and to inspire the community as a whole. The Franklin Post is a student-run newspaper and a public forum under Ore. Rev. Stat. sec. 336.477 (2007). The staff strives for accuracy in its reporting and coverage, and is dedicated to creating an exceptional newspaper that serves the Franklin community on time. Student journalists are expected to abide by the NSPA Code of Ethics for High School Journalists. We encourage members of the Franklin community to contribute to the Post. We invite guest reporting and editorials that represent the wide range of viewpoints found in the Franklin community. Contributions are subject to the editorial policies of The Franklin Post and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, libel, obscenity, or plagiarism. If you would like to donate to, subscribe to, or advertise in The Franklin Post, please email our adviser, Elizabeth Kirsch, at ekirsch@pps.net.

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