April 1916

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.:trrankl' J)tglj iklJool




C.-' • "


a,ril. 1916

Dr. Alf. Swennes DENTIST East 13th and Spokane Avenue

Phone Sellwood 25

Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Evening and Sunday by appointment



welcomes your trade at all times F. R. PETERSON & SONS, Sole Owners Tabor 2074

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Kodak Finishing, ·Portraits, Groups, Etc. Why not a Photograph for Easter?

Get your Freshman Class Fotos -Here

There's Something In a Name-

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The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant Washington at Tenth

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High Grade Equipment for all Athletic Sports and Pastimes

The man who doesn't want to be popular is in need of a doctor. Born in every man is the disposition to ~'shine" among hi" fellows.


Everything that tailors know in the way of fit and style, combined with the best weaves from master looms, help to make Kirschbaum suits we are offering to young men.


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Patronize Our Advertisers-They want your

At the Sign of the Cherry Tree


Corner Fourth and Alder Streets


mable of Q!ontents Cover Design ........................... . Frontispiece ............................. . Dedication ...............................


5 Editorial ............... . ................. 6 John Claire Montieth in May .............. . 7 Our Freshies .......... ., ................. . 7 To Our Freshies ... . ...................... 8 The Tale of the Daisy ..................... . 9 Never Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The Apples of Idun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Popular Freshman .................... 14 An Armenian Fairy Tale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Indian Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Miser of Takhoma ..................... 20 Memaloose Isle . . . . . ..................... . 22 The First Weeping Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dreams .................................. 25 The Grimm Brothers ...................... 25 A Mods! Freshie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mother Goose Rhymes .................... . 30 Where Did You Find Him?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 "This Pig Went to Market" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 "Bean Poridge Hot". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A Hint .................................. 32 What I Thunked .................... . 33 School Notes ...... . ................. 34 Freshie's Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Exchange Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

1!lebication Hail to the Freshmen! They skate down the halls, Scribble the black-boards, And scatter spit-balls. ~

0 ffl Ul



Oh, hail to the Freshmen! With dimples and curls And modest demeanor Of rosy-cheeked girls. Yes, hail to the Freshmen! We're glad they are here; We'll help 'em and push 'em, And scrub off each tear. Then hail to the Freshmen! And all the glad noise Of sun-bonnet babies And over-all boys!

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Jobn QUoirt ntontittb in nto~

APRIL, 1916




b the student body of the is published during t~e Y:f.~'tla~d Oregon. Address all FRANK~!~ HIGH communications to theCEd't l or,' Ther Post: Franklin High School, Portland, Ore.

...... Editor-in-CJ;iief VEVA ELWELL ..... · · Associate Editor ISABEL ANDERSON .. · · · ·' ·.' .... ' ......... :Business Manager CARL A. PRIER .. ··. · · · · · · · · · · · A~s·o"ci~-i~ Business Manager GRONDAHL · · · · · · ·:' '.... CLARKE SCHOUBOE HILMAR L6iS" 'TQM:LrNSON' · ·Cartoonist ........ ,A.THERINE McKENZIE School. Notes.·'·''' .. ' FRED REINHART Art.·····••···' .K GEORGE GILLARD Athletics · ·······.MAN RMA MONNICK Humor ... ········ · · · · STON ExcJ:tange, · · · · '''''''.NO RACE LOCKE Music ................. . , .... , ....... MRS. BLANCHE THUR Faculty Advisor ... · .. · ·· .G

At the first of the term, we walked .pompously up to the auditorium doors and glanced casually m at the large arrr? of small freshies th~t re~~~~e~~~rei~~:~~f;f~~~~rc?ifo~~riJ we were very muc amf . ht ed than they were. Goodness! inwardly we were myo~ftt1~1gon:~ that we did not see how we there were so man . . H , could we make could give each one his turn of hazmg. oN h te s and them understand that they must go d~wn ~h:h~:\ s take off co"!e up the north? Could w~ e;;;r w~~~ filled with dismay. their hats when they mdet us ·h ebeen so unjust? Those B t ow' How cou 1 we ave . ? 1 sweef innocent, little lambshdoing Neve~! Nothing so fort~nate ever appen class of sweet little fresh1es.



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is one who Amongst our numerous smaII F res hmen h , there d weighs 216 stands six feet five and one-half me e~ a~n it? We don't pounds. Oregon High Schools-can you e . believe you can. 6

John Claire Montieth, the dramatic baritone and vocal teacher,. will sing for the High School again in May under the auspices of the Monday Musical Club. So many requests have been made for the songs he sang for us last year that he has decided to repeat one of the songs he sang at that time, using the one for which the most requests are made. So if you would like to have him repeat the song you enjoyed the most, you may write or telephone to him within the next few days and cast your vote for your favorite song. All of the other numbers he will use will be new and he will base his talk on what to listen for when you hear music. His program last year was: "The Lass With the Delicate Air," "Lorraine, Lorree," "Caro Mio Ben" (Old Italian), "The Toreador Song" from the opera Carmen, "Im Kahne," "The Dawn," "On the Road to Mandalay" (words by Kipp ling), and "The Magpie Is a Gypsy Bird."

Our lFrt.sbi.s On Monday morning they arrived. We could see them coming way down the road. There was Wilson Morrill bringing little brother Philip, George Gillard with little Ernest, Madge Anslow with a tiny little girl called Myrtle, Alice Cobb with her sister Edith, "Bill" Fostvedt with his sister Marie, and Cecil Saulcer just pulling his little sister Garnet along. Of course, there were more-a whole lot of them-all Freshmen -baby Freshmen. And they all filed into Room 12 and when Miss Hammerstrom called the roll there were 99. By the time she had answered all their questions, she looked smaller than ever. They were a sight to behold. There was a little boy with a great big voice, his name was Theodore; and two sisters named Helen and Marie, who never left one another; there were two girls with long, long curls and their names were Jean and Myrtle; and one girl who looked very much like the president of our Parent-Teachers' AssociationI think her name was Esther. Oh, there was every kind of a Freshman-there were fat ones, thin ones, red heads, curly heads-and they were all nice-looking; oh, they were more than nice-looking, they were also bright, although very unusual, yet true. For at the end of the first quarter we discovered that Room 12 had 24 A's, 98 B's, 110 C's, 34 D's, and 4 E's. Now, who do you think are the best people in the school? Why, the Freshmen, of course! · 7

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(!o @ur Jf'rnbits We love our Sophs and Juniors; We like our teachers, too; But, oh! you little Freshies, What will we with you do! Your heads are soft and mushy, Your memory is not long, Your English poor and slshy, You cannot sing a song. You cannot get your Math,. Your Science, History, too, And when you come to class You know not what to do. You sit around and )oak. so wise, You think you know it all; But to your own surprise You find your brain is small. But, Little Freshie, do not worry, Your time it will soon comeThe time so sweet and cheery, When Freshies you can run.

(Translated from the German by Kenneth Goetz.)



Fair tales are inherent in the hearts and Jives o! the Germanypeople. They are told and read to. the httle children and no German ever grows too old to . enJ oy them. Consetl they fill a large place in the hterature of the G~r­ ~~:s. YYou are all familiar with Grimm's ~airy Tales, which have been translated from a large collect10n made by the Grimm brothers in the eighteenth cent~ry. The greatest :nen in German literature, including the gei;nus Godethe, h_Fe g£';,1k much of their best effort to collectmg an ~ewn mg h son s and fairy tales. Among the moderi: writers we 3;Ve sev~ral who have devoted their time to fairy lore, as for~h­ stance Rudolph Baumbach, the auth<;>r o! th1~ st<;>r,Y. . .e moder~ fairy tale is almost wholly lackmg m ha~r-rai~mg mc1dents. It is marked by originality, da:nty an~ mven ve grace and a charming keenness and spontaneity of wit. . "Th Tale of the Daisy" given here is the best translat10n, chosen ~ram those handed in by the Germ~n. V ~l~ss, <;fh~


~~,:~:,f~ri~;~:'~~~ ~fo tf;sITc~d~~nt~P~r~~in~~~Ybu~ ~his version should give a fair idea of the type. 8

S you well know, good children, when they die, go to heaven and become angels. If you think, however, that they have nothing to do but fly around all day long, and play hide-and-seek behind the clouds, you are greatly mistaken. The little angels must attend school the same as the boys and girls who live on the earth. They have to go to the angel school on week days for three hours in the morning, and two in the afternoon. There they write with golden slate-pencils on silver slates, and instead of A-B-C books, they have fairy tales, illustrated with bright, many-colored pictures. They do not study geography, for of what use is the lmowledge of the earth to one who lives in heaven? And no one in all eternity knows anything about the multiplication table. • Doctor Faust is the teacher of the heavenly school. He was a school-teacher when living on the earth, and on account of a certain affair, which has nothing to do with this story, he must still teach school in heaven for 3000 years before his long vacation begins. On Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, the little angels have a half holiday, when, in charge of Doctor Faust, they take a walk on the milky way. Sundays, however, they are allowed to play on the large meadow, before the gate of heaven, and to this pleasure they look forward the entire week. This meadow is not green, but blue, and countless thousands of flowers grow there. These sparkle in the night, and we mortals call them stars. When the cherubs tumble about in front of the gate of heaven, Doctor Faust is not present, as he must recuperate on Sunday from the cares of the previous week. The responsibility of looking after the angels, therefore, is transferred to St. Peter, who keeps the gate of heaven. He sees to it that everything is kept orderly and that no one strays away. Whenever anyone goes a little too far from the gate, St. Peter whistles on his golden key; this means, "Come back!" Once, when it was very hot in heaven, St. Peter went to sleep. When the cherubs saw this, they swarmed out in all directions, and soon were scattered over the entire meadow. 9

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The most enterprising, however, on discovery bent, finally came to the place where the world is shut off by a high board fence. They looked around first, to see if there might not be a crack somewhere, through which they could peep. As they could find no break in the fence, however, they fluttered and scrambled up the side of the fence and looked over. There, on the other side was Hades, and before the gate a crowd of young imps were just rambling about. They were coal-black and had horns on their heads and long tails. One of them looked up by chance and then, seeing the cherubs, the imps began to beg fervently to be allowed to spend at least a short time in heaven, saying that they would behave themselves well, and be very good. This moved the hearts of the cherubs to pity, and as the little black fellows pleased them, they thought that this innocent pleasure might be granted them. One of the angels knew where Jacob's ladder stood. This they dragged up, (fortunately St. Peter had not yet awakened), lifted it up over the fence and Jovered it into Hades. Immediately the little tailed fellows scrambled up the rungs of the ladder like monkeys. The cherubs ¡gave them their hands, and thus the imps arrived in heaven. At first they behaved quite properly. They walked along with all due modesty, carrying their tails on their arms like trains, as the devil's grandmother, who was very particular about etiquette, had taught them. This, however, did not last Jong; they became ungovernable, tumbled about, turned handsprings and somersaults, and screamed at the same time, acting like real little devils. They teased the inoffensive moon, that looked out a window of heaven with a friendly gleam, stuck their tongues out and made faces at it, and finally began to pull up the flowers that grew in the meadow and to throw them down upon the earth. The cherubs had now become frightened and they repented bitterly that they had allowed the undesirable guests to enter heaven. They begged and they threatened, but the imps cared for nothing and grew wilder and wilder. The cherubs, in their anxiety, woke St. Peter and repentantly confessed what they had done. When St. Peter saw what the imps were doing, he clapped his hands over his head. "Go in there!" he thundered, and the cherubs, with drooping wings, slunk through the gate of heaven. Then St. Peter called several strong-armed angels to him. These gathered the little imps together and put them back where they belonged. But the cherubs "got what was coming to them.'' For three Sundays in succession they were not allowed to go out 10

~~~ ~ (I:)os"t~~-...,..__~ -------"'-~.<'\ ___,.._...../,,.........__'I.lien in front of the gate, and when they were taken out for a walk, they had to unbuckle their wings and Jay aside their halos; and it is a great disgrace for an angel to have to go about without his wings or halo. Some good, however, has come of the affair. The flowers that the imps tore up and threw upon the earth took root and multiplied from year to year. Of course the star-flower lost much of its celestial beauty, but it is still lovely to look upon, with its golden-yellow center and silvery rays. And because it is of celestial origin, it has a very extraodinary power. When a girl with doubt in her heart plucks off the white petals of the daisy one by one, she surely learns, when she comes to the last petal, what she wishes to know, if she whispers at the same time the well-known rhyme: Er liebt mich, Von Herzen, Mit Schmerzen, U eber alien Maszen Fast garnicht.

llltbtr Ulinb Never mind, Little Freshie, It's simply your fate, And has been for a good many years, To get teased till your blue And mad all the way through, And often sent home all in tears. Never. mind, Little Freshie, Be cheerful and gay; Don't. Jet a frown stay on your face; For, what would we do If it were not for you To liven and cheer up the place? Never mind-Why where has he gone? He was here just a moment ago. This dignified Sophomore-my Freshman, you say? I cannot believe it is so! Here I was still singing a song in his ear, And he calmly and quietly shakes me. I'm surprised! I'm insulted! No, I won't say goodbye! And I dare you, Big Sophomore, to make me! 11





ullcn os"t~~.....,.__~

(R:bt Jpplts of Jlbun (A Scandinavian Legend translated by Amanda Holversen.) HE great gods who ruled the world se)dom s::t upon their thrones, but rather occupied their time in combating among themselves and making journeys which mortals would think were even beyond the gods. Odin, the ruler of all of the gods, and Loke, the god of evil, once started upon one of these journeys, for they had a great many things to look after. These strong active spirits loved nothing more than hard work and hard struggle, so they traveled hard and fast. This time their journey led them over high snow-capped mountains and valleys where the sun rarely looked. ~he sun was sinking low, and as they had traveled a great distance they began to feel the pangs of hunger. . The gods sent their searching eyes over the plams and spied a herd of cattle. They easily killed one of them and now a huge pot was put over the roaring- fire, but alas-the pot would not boil. All of their good humor vanis~ed. As they were discussing their hard luck, they heard a voice fro~ an oak tree above them, which said: "I will make the pot boil if you will give me my fill when the meat is ready." . The gods looked first at ea~h other and then mto the tree, and there they discovered a great eagle. They were glad enough to get their supper on almost any terms, so they told the eagle he might have what he wanted if h~ would only o-et the meat cooked. The bird was as good as his word, and Jn less time than it takes to tell it, supper was ready. When the eagle took his portion, Loke, who was always angry when anybody got more than he, took a gre:it pole a_nd struck the bird unmercifully. Then an extraordmary thmg happened, as extraordinary things always used to happen when the gods were concerned. The pole stuck fast in the huge talons of the eagle at one end and Loke stuck fast at the other. The e::gle then flew away over the tree-tops and dashed Loke agamst rocks and branches until he was bruised half to death. When Loke begged for mercy, he found out that the eagle was by no means an ordinary bird. The eagle was _no other than the great giant, Thjasse, and he would r:ot g1".e Loke freedom until Thjasse had promised to give him the apples of Idun. These apples were owned by a goddess and were given to the gods to keep them forever. :v:oung and beautiful. Loke hesitated awhile before prom1smg to get the 12

~~,; \:::::::._:::_ i'He1Pos"t~!:~o~ apples, for if he secured them he would rob the gods of their 1mmortahty. He started however, but how was it to be done? No one ever touched these apples except Idun herself and she guarded them very closely. Not long after all this happened, Loke came carelessly up to Idun as she was gathering her apples. He bade her "g_ood morning" and exclaimed how fair her apples were. She said that the bloom of youth always kept them beautiful. "~ never S";W anything like .them until the other day," he contmued, as if he were speakmg of a matter of no importance. She asked where he had seen anything like them. . "Oh, just outside the gates," he said indifferently. "It ;y1ll take you but a moment to see them as the tree is only a little way off. Better take your apples with you to compare them with the others." . Idun gathered up the golden apples and went out, carrying with her all that made the home of the gods heaven. No sooner was she beyond the gates than a mighty sound was he~rd, and the giant Thjasse, in his eagle plumage, bore her swiftly away to his desolate, icy home in Thrymheim where he kept her a lonely prisoner. ' Loke went back to Asgard ,the home of the gods. When the gods assembled the next morning for their feast of apples there was no Idun there nor for many days to follow. Litt!~ by little the light of beauty and youth faded from the homes o!'. the gods, and they themselves became old and haggard. I• mally the gods could bear the loss of power and joy no longer and they made an inquiry. The mystery was traced to ~oke and as he saw their haggard faces and the deadly hate wInch flamed in their hearts, his courage failed and he promiHcd to bring Idun back. He. disg.uised .himself as a falcon and soon the gods were watchmg him flymg away, becoming at last, only a dark speck 11p;mnst the sky. After a weary flight he came to Thrymheim 1111<1 was glad to find that the giant was not at home. He at once changed Idun into a nut and taking her in his talons i'l<'w away. ' .Tust as Loke had left, Thjasse came home, and, finding Idun gone, he flew after Loke in a mighty rage. He saw him I'llt' ahead and his flight became as the flash of lightning. 'l'ho ~¡ods watched the race with great excitement, for youth 1111<1 1mmortahty could be restored only by the winning of Lo kc. Loke, weary and sorely worn, made desperate efforts whllo little by little the eagle gained on the falcon. The god~ 13

~~""."'".<\ ::::-.-~.......--::_ t9H.~1Pos"t~, 1" ;;;.;;...__~ ~/ .... ~ . '

ared for great fires upon grew white with rage a_nd t~tKJr~he falcon passed 1h.er /'n~ the walls. With droOJ?Idng f the wall. In an instant he 't''-e ' d on the other s1 e o h le flew over t e ire oroppfighted and a second laterd t eNe~ the giant lay dead w~de fell to the ground, burne . o a h" f es nd all the gods among is oth. n changed into her real formfa feast while Idun was e Sh read her apples or a t' "th crowded arokni her.withej~~ in their hearts. Th'Viietre f:~es the gods lo? e . on their midst, and .once more Idun sta~dmg mt d immortal youth. glowed with beau Y an

m:b• Jopulllr 11 nsbmlln Hang it all, anyway, This'll never do! Third time I've started out, Never can get through. Girls at both en~s of thedhall:Camped outside the . oor' .. b ms1de, 1 Wonder they don't come Heavens, what a ore. Afraid? Of what? Girls\ stay; Huh! That's not why It takes a lot of c_ourage To go out, I will ~ay. · each .day I'll tell you how I·t is When I go to my class · . F" t there's 'bout a thousand gir1s irs 'That I have got to pass. . s1 And such a. crodod b~;t ~:flt~~!· They nothmt d and pulled around An~ndm,ia~~ed about to batter. They pass remarks about hm~ tie·' They say I hav~ mce ai 1 That kind of talk disgusts me . But, of course, I do not care. Well now I must be going, Or I'll be late to class; takes lots of courage It s~~~se awful girls to pass! 14

(Translated by Anna Karagozian.)


NCE there was a king who had three homely daughters. Therefore, it was a hard task for him to find a husband for each of them, when their time had come to be married. Finally, however, the eldest princess married a prince, for it was the custom in those days that princes should marry princesses. '11le second girl 1narried a "nakarar" or governor of a province in another land. The youngest princess, who had the most unpleasant countenance of the three, married the janitor of a public bathhouse. Because of this, her father and two sisters felt very angry. They did not communicate with her for some time, because she had lowered her caste. She lived happy and continued in her neat little cottage by the bathhouse in which her kind husband labored faithfully. Soon after she was to become a mother. Being so poor, they did not have anything in which to bathe the little <ine. Her husband thought that the bathhouse would be the most suitable place for the purpose. Upon returning home, they could wrap the baby in a cloth or shawl. So, leaning on her good husband's arm, she walked slowly to the bathhouse by the sea. When they reached there, she entered alone. Shortly after she had entered the vast, warm 1·oom, a lovely baby girl was born. All of a sudden three fairies appeared. One of them said: "Let each one of us make a wish for this beautiful child." 'l'o this they all agreed. The first fairy said: "Everywhere ,,he steps, roses shall grow in abundance." The second fairy Haid: "At every word she utters, gold shall drop out of her mouth." Lastly, the third said: "And every time she weeps her tears shall be transformed into pearls." After thanking the fairies for their kindness, the happy mother took the child out and presented it to her husband. On their way home she told him of the strange happenings. He was very glad also. They named the baby Zabel, after her father's mother. While they were discussing this matter, the baby began to ('.l'y. A shower of pearls came down from her eyes upon the l'loor.


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In a short time, enriched by the gold that f~;:~o~e~a:;~~ babbling lips, and the pfearlst wha'~~i;~~';:;;~~nded by elegant they had bmlt a magm 1cen m parks. d h the mother heard Scarcely two years had passe .' w en e married and she that her eldest sister's son was goi~g· to.~d to the 'wedding. felt very bad because she was no mv1 wa even if she . Nevertheless, she thought she wh~ld !t,o aa~hoic~, collection of were :not allowed to attend; ~o s Jding gifts. She dressed beautiful pdeazrlbs la'!d tJhe;:;lb~st odr:S~es and over these. she put herself an a e m d her child By on ragged clothes to represent a beg.gar an . d . doin . this; she could go in without bemg recogi:ize . . ~hen she arrived there, very l~~~; naet;;n{h~n e;~~n~~v~ to her, but she man~ged to ge a · Zabel became restthe "serah" or reception r.oom. ~~~yc~~~~r of the serah. To less and c.ommenced walkmgd_u~ce fair roses bloomed everythe surpnse of th\ vas d au u;on, returning to her mother, where the baby s eppe · d entures while going to the Zabel began to talk hof ~~.1 : she talked, gold was showering other side ?f the sera b d as astonished. Then word went from her lips. Evetrytho y was present the most wonderful to the hostess tha ere w · child ever seen. 't d to her sud~en excitement, found She came to ~ee ' an ' horn she knew nothing. By her own sJSter with . a. chiii 0 ~a~t that she had better clothes this time Zabel, rea1izmg e or ra s She also sucunderneath, began to pull off her rp~othe;,s· shabby clothes. ceeded in J?Ul~ingdapthartt shomei:.;t~:r should take off all their Then she msiste a er old clothes. . h 1"Id w looked like a "bebek" or doll. The ragged lookmg c n? la but she cried so bitThe aunt tried to take Za~e\/n .hd"wn)\ke hail. Then Zabel's terly that the pearlhcam; ~;nga~ and brought her to the aunt took her mot er YTh e "ft she had given was thrown other side of the roo~j th' gi When she went and looked in a corn~r ~s a wort ess be;fg ·ift they had received. at it agam, it seemed thd h ghild were preparing to leave, When the mother an. er c d nd asked how such a Zabel's aunt came rushmg forwafhe~ the mother told her wonderful thing had occNurred. n hearing this, Zabel's aunt sister the whole story. ow, o was jealous. h'ld s to be born to her, she thought Soon after, whentha c i w~hing as her sister. True, her that she could do e same



~~"-------~ G)OS"[.~,'"......,..__~ ~~~~ ~~....:::_- "'litn child was born in the vast warm bathhouse by the sea, and the three fairies appeared as before. However, the result was not the same. The first fairy said: "Everywhere she walks the ground shall turn to stone." The second fairy said: "Every time she speaks, ashes and cinders shall fall out of her mouth." And the third fairy said: "Every time she weeps, black water shall run out of her eyes." Then they vanished and the unhappy mother went home. Years passed. Zabel's father was as rich as a king, and :.label had grown to be a beautiful young maiden. One day a handsome young prince, having heard of this wonderful girl, came and asked her father if he could marry :.l11bel. Zabel's father, knowing of his wondrous deeds, apJll'oved, and Zabel was promised to him. Yet Zabel did not Htl<' the prince, nor did the prince see her. Slowly the wedding day approached. The prince arrived with his band and troop of officers to lead his bride to his p11lace. That same day Zabel's aunt, at whose house she had 1d:lended the wedding, came and told her to take the last 11 JL'Hl'k/' or carriage, in the row, because she was going to sit t.lwl'o with her daughter (that one who changed grass into Mt.011c as she stepped on it), and she wanted Zabel to sit with t.IH1111. Zabel politely acceded to her request. When the time came to depart, she cried and kissed her d<•n1· mother and father goodbye, for they were not allowed to M'o w.ith her. There were a great many carriages with three people siti.111"· in each one. The prince Jed the procession. He was not nllowod to sit with his bride nor even see her unveiled face. Whon they were in the midst of field and forest, a terrible 111IMl'111'tune happened to Zabel. The aunt made her daughter 1•l11Hc• :.label's mouth with a handkerchief, so she could not M<'l'"lllll, while she tore out her sparkling eyes. Then she made 1/,1111"1 wtmr her daughter's clothes, and threw the poor girl out ol' tlw carriage. The band was making so much noise that i1111l111l'H cl'ies could not be heard. Their purpose in taking out lilll' .,,YtlH was to make certain that she could go nowhere, nor "''" n11,vone to speak to about herself. Whnn they arrived at the palace, the false bride was taken tl11w11 l'rom the "gark." The green grass upon which she NiPpJ1c1cl turned into pebbles immediately. When she spoke llNht•M nnd cinders fell out of her mouth. Being worried 11ho11t. what was going to happen, she began to weep and hhll'll w11t01· came pouring out of her eyes. 17

~::::Y".'."' .f'> <'>~~~.......::._ t'He1Post.~,'" ......,.___~ ~/I ,-...,-._: chamber. In the evening they took h er t o the k bridal and again ashesWhen and the prince came, she began to sp~~ He knew at once that cinders w<;re falling out 0~ ~er :'~~rrled out, and he ordered some terrible. scheme ~at ee d to be fed with dry bread and her to be put m a keg o ar ah r e to suffer her pumshwater-just enough todkeep ber: ~fter she had brought her ment. The mother ha gone ac daughter to the palacZabel had wept and wandered far and In the meantime, rttl hut owned by a good old wide until :ihe _had T~e ~da n~t ~ave any children and.they man and his wife. Y f r their daughter. were delighted to take h:r 0 t hunting he chanced to One day when the prmce wasddlng proces~ion had passed come down the same way the we t dotted with roses of all 0 before. Suddenli; he caff' to ~u"l,, filled the air. Examining varieties and their sw~~ d ragr to pick a bouquet and on the a little closer, he kne . own t red here and there. The ground he noticed pearls slte t~ent on a little further and young prmc_e was amtazedf the field of roses and pearls a lowthere stood m the cen er o t h saw blind Zabel weeping bitterly in built hut. To his amazemen e . own e esl filled with tears. He the doorway of the :ht. :~d in hi: and asked who she was. went up to her, too e~ a going to marry a prince and, She told him that s e was e alace with her aunt in a while she was on the way to th ~t and threw her on the "gark," the auntD to?k ~h~ ~~: ~he was speaking, gold was road to suffer. !1rmg falling from. her lws .. t was for my cause that you have s.uf"Oh !" said he, so 1 . e for I have been longmg fered. Now YO';, shall come ~~~nm,.~d kissed her sweet f.ace for you always. He bent h t he had found his lost bride, ·gently. Feeling very ha~py t the news that he had found he sent .his men to go ":n 1 spr~:enger to Zabel's father and her. He .sent a sp:c1a me " r including the old man and mother. Everybody m the cou~tZ~bel were invited to rejoice ' his wife, who had taken care o with him. . . h t r he had her put to death. · As for the prmcess. m \ \d\'.appily together ever after. Blind Zabel and ~he l/rhmce ,ivyou may have your wish. He has had his w1s ' an



1lnbinn 1!totnbs


HO does riot know that Hood was once an active volcano? Who has not heard of the bridge of the gods? Who is not acquainted with the names Umatilla, Multnomah, Willamette, or Molalla? All these are memories, relics of the days when the red men lived in Oregon. 'l'he Pacific coast Indians, unlike the Eastern, worshipped 110 good god such as the Great Spirit, but they feared some 1·111i11g evil deity. Tatoosh, the Thunder Bird, was generally i.111• most dreaded god. But, along the Columbia River, Tylee H11hnle, and in California, Old Man Above, were given pre<•111incnce. The wrath of these gods the Indian must always t.1·.v t.o appease unless he could outwit the gods by cunning. 'l'ilo Hl.v coyote was also a chief god with the indians, and the l'ox rnnked next to him. There were also numerous other 111iln1nl gods. Around these different deities sprang up many lc•v;<'IHIP.. "Coyote said, 'I want it to be foggy.' So it was l'oMKV. 'l'hen all the people came out. Coyote said, 'I want the M1111 l.o shine.' So the sun shone, and the fog drifted away. 'l'IH'l1 I.he people were there. No one saw them come out. /\M <'o.votc commanded t4e sun and the fog, so he befriended 1.111• I11dians by securing fire for him. Fire was kept in a box 1111 11 11iountain top, where it was guarded by three Skookums, 1111d l'0)10te stole the box. Ol.l1m· legends say that Silver Fox created the world and I.lint. llonver and Dog stole fire. 'l'i11'l·e are still Dther Indian legends not connected with the lllll IM, Huch as the story of the Indian boy who went courting 111111 /'llHH<'d through several dangers by his great_ cleverness 111111 1v 1•.l111nging himself to a dog. When he arrived at his 1l~•tl11°11tlon, upon being bathed, he became full grown. 'l'h1111 I.here were legends of the supernatural, of which the l·llh• 111' I.ho Indian youth who slept near a grave and was VIMll.t•d li.v 11 ghost, is an example.




~~........._:::_t'He1Post;~." ~-A . :.--.-',,,. I ~ ~-;:;:;;;;J/

(!be llliser of (lnltbomn (A Legend of the Cowlitz Indians, Arranged by Scanland Collins)

IKE the ancient Greeks, the Indians of the Northwest invested the unseen world with spiritual intelligence. Every tree had a soul and every mountain and ravine was the abode of good and evil genii. The Indian was confronted on every side by the work of some unseen omnipotent being against whom he was as powerless as was the "fly bug" beneath his own heel. Every unaccountable phenomenon of nature was woven into weird and fantastic tales in an attempt to account for, and explain its cause. Across these fantastic reports of older times there come echoes of a later instruction, adapted and blended into native legend so that the point of division cannot be indicated. Such is that of Miser of Takhoma. Miser lived at the foot of Takhoma, "The White Mountain." When food was scarce and the tribes around were starving Miser could find fish in secret str;eams and knew the hiding places of the black-necked elk in the dark forests. His skill as a hunter and fisherman was known to many tribes. But Miser was unhappy. All he cared for was hiaqua (money). One night Moosmoos, the elk, whispered to Miser the secret hiding place of the tiaqua of the tomanowos (spirits), which was high up on "The White Mountain." The next morning Miser rose early and made ready for the search. He sent his klootchman to dig camas roots so that he could work in secret. He made two elkhorn picks by taking off all the prongs except the upper ones. He filled his ikta with kinnikinnick and dried salmon, and at sunset began to climb Takhoma. *"All night he climbed the trail. All the next day he climbed. By night again he was above the snow line, cold and tired and hungry. When the moon rose he climbed again. Over vast snow fields, across wide cracks in the ice, over the slippery shoulders of the lower peaks he climbed. At sunrise he reached the top. Now Takhoma was the home of the tomanowas, therefore Miser was afraid. But Moosmoos had told him where the hiaqua was hidden. "In the white snow field which covered the crater was a black lake. Beyond it were three stones of equal height, all as tall as a giant. The tOp of the first was shaped like a salmon's head. The top of the second was like a camas root, and the third, like an elk's head. Then Miser believed the voice of Moosmoos.



pick."M'l~~e~h~:~e~~';;nt hi~. ikta. thHe unwrapped his elkhorn 0 olk's head. ig 111 e snow at the foot of the tl1111

"Miser thehfirst blow. A s an echo he heard a sudpuff struck Startled

~1/t110~ r~~/M~~,~;~~~i ;;~~~d,;ie~e~fg ~¥fe~ ~i;~~kc1lTsb{~!1

lllH>,ther. At last twelv~ s~~~:~s g~f~~:erdotter appealred, then Ihm r huge I d Th 111 a c1rc e around ~11.h hi~ pi;: :rthe feg;,;o~f:~eae1~~l'h~~~un~~i~e~. di~fAng All th tt ig er 1•11ped to the top of the elk's head 1111111 puff. · e o ers gave a k t d'1 ~gmg. · lllM'"Mis thp At ev~ry thirteenth blow of the pick



l'll'l'lo '!f tweJ~::'fhuX:~!~ ~l~ht~~ef~ ~~e t~k's head. Then the "Miser b. t' d e snow. lllM' otter tu~~ae~eon1~'he ~ft,sst~!cJed -$,)fi,f,in~ fotr.lahmomt ent. MIM111' on the sh Id Th · is ai e s ruck w111'll, and stru~~ hl:':; withntt~!/~:.1 ~e t:ned, b'alked backllM'1tl11. As he dug in the rock h' i " iser egan to dig ,l11111p1'll from the elk's he d H' is pick broke. ~1g .Otter 11111111.h and gave it to h' a . e seized the second pick m his "IVI. 1m. plc•h / ~J°~h~a~~~~ot ~top. With each thirteenth blow of the 1•1111ltl l'l!l•l their bre~th a~hhe t~f~~dt~he ol~;{~t~~~e Bearerth fie II M'\'11111. hole, filled with hia ua As h l'f · enea ay 1.l\11 11l.l.1•1·s returned to theirqla;ger ci el I ted out the shells, "IVll ··l'ftd rce. 11~ ~I 1·1:~:~. the ehi~;~ahgnd1~1 after handful of the s~ell money. l'~MI. le<' <'overed again n ;111e_wds, tfwenty strmgs 111 all. The h~ II II I . •t . b . e urne ' or it was after noon and


11 1

J rl~ 1 i1'.~11 i''1\:~\~g.}!£;~~h~er:tdomanowos. t~~ :~~~ ~~e¥o!~~OSM~~e~O lst;h!r:.

fl M I11'o crossed the crate th tt .i urp.ed .into blacke ( 1 Ill ' wa e1 with the!Y tails. He heard them beat the :r~t~1;., llHMli1~~}l~~ftg:~e thhrollugh the snow to the edge of the "• I ' . s e s were very heavy "" 11' Htepped over the edge of the er' t h 1 ,,1~1111, 'l'li11 i111·ee stones had vanished A th· er! t e g afnced Iw IM lihll'h wnters of the lake Unde. r th ic . mtis rose brom I 01111 I1111 · th · e mis was a lack I llllll~. 1 Ilg · e water. Miser feared tomanowos in the

l'/i'~il I 11111 ~·t' 11


l~k:.rs,Th~~ b?e;~;· t~it~a~


'"1'111111 seized him · It flun· g h'im over an ice . '1'1 l.lw l l storm 1 11• inc mess of all darkness lay around him. Col-

.1111 ' "


-. ~ ~:::::::--~ u.llen OS't~, I"""-._~




enass the storm god, came down upon the mountain. Tootah, the thunder deafened him with its roar. The storm crashed about him. 'Fiery blasts melted the snow into great torrents. Icy winds froze them solid again. In the roar and thunder, Miser heard the voice of Kakahete, hyas tomanowos. Heard also the voices of all the tomanowos, 'Ha, ha, hiaqua. Ha, ha, hiaqua.' "Miser threw away a string of hiaqua. The storm slackened for a moment. Then all began again, louder than ever. Kekahete screamed, 'Ha, ha, hiaqua. Ha, ha, _hiaqua.' . "One by one, Miser threw away the strmgs of h1aqua, strung on the sinews of Moosmoos, the elk. Always. the tomanowos screamed after him. Then when the last strmg was gone, with a last gust the storm blew him down, flat upon the ground. kh l' "Miser slept a long time. When he awo~e, Ta oma g 1stened above him, shining white _in the sunlight. All around him grew camas roots. Rocky ridges lay where on~e the forest had stretched. Sunny meadows lay around him. Miser stretched himself and arose. Only dry leaves and dead grass remained in the rotted ikta. Miser won?ered. Then he :vent down the mountain side. He ate berrie3 for food until he came to a cabin in the valley. There lived a v~ry old woman. He talked with her and found she was his klootchman. Klootchman said he had slept thirty sriow~. Miser looked. at himself in a pool. He was very old. His hair wa;s white. Many, many snows had the angry tomanowos ma;de h1i;: sleep. But Miser was happy. He no longer cared for hiaqua. *From Katherine B. Judson's translation of the Indian dialect. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Ulfmaloon Yislt Oh! the isle is a beautiful isle, Mysterious Memaloose Isle; 'Tis set in the current swift, of a stream, To baffle the waves, all the while. 'Tis heavily girdled with ancient old trees. That wave their white arms at the mght; And they moan, aye, and creak With a haircraising shriek That turns the deep waters to white. 22

~,; \::::_:::._ i°He1Pos't~~.9 Huge rocks stand about 'neath the cold moon's stare Just a few, just a few, though, there are; ' And a monument high Rears straight with a sigh That brings the wild demons from far. Dips a beach on the edge of this lone standing isle And 'tis covered with bones of the dead; Here and there is a harid, Or a foot in the sand, And here and there is a head. And they all shine bright, in the cold moonlight, And the air is as still as can be, As the Demons sweep . From the monument steep To the white bones down by the sea. Long years ago, 'ere the white men came, There, the Indians buried their dead, And all that is left of the sad ones Of the sad ones bereft, Are the bones and the skeleton head. Aye, the Red Man put off from his own home-land, With his dead in a hideous canoe, i\ nd he dug in the land, In the rattling sand, To bury his dead-it is true. But why did he come to the old haunted isle, Where Things are said to abound; Where the blood-curdling groans i\ nd the whispering tones Hold the country for miles around?

Oh I the isle is a beautiful, haunted old isle-Mysterious Memaloose Isle, Wlwre the monument walks i\ lid weirdly talksOld Oregon's Memaloose Isle. Constance Cole.


., .,..·...






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~~--- '1.ll&n.osT.~,," ---.~


«lbt 1lirst illlttping UUillo\\l OOOWHEEE-E, OoooWheee-e. What a weird mournful sigh th.e old tree gave-OoooWheee-e -and tossed its mighty branches in the twilight air. This tree, relic of preceding generations, stood high on the bank of a rocky cliff. The river foamed and tumbled at its foot, and the clouds wound in and out among its aerial arms. Twisting its knotted trunk and muttering so forbiddingly to itself-was it any wonder man and beast alike held it in fear? .. "Why," it said, "I have gold; yea, and ·many diamonds and precious stones hidden deep down among my roots. What need have I to be sad? OoooWheee-e !" "You have plenty of need to be sad," .returned a soft, sweet voice. Then, without pausing, continued: "I am the first twilight shadbw of the evening to bid you welcome, and here you stand grumbling to yourself. Cheer up, King Tree. I want to play among your leaves. Maybe tonight I can climb way up to your topmost branch." "Play among my leaves, nothing! You shall do no such thing! How dare you bid me speak to you? Get away! Full sad and sorry was the little shadow, for she loved the old tree and well she knew what would happen to it if it acted so. Thus with dew tears in her eyes she crept up, up, till she nestled in the kindly arms of Princess Moonbeam. When the Princess heard her story, her face also grew sad, as she said: "The time is come and the king of trees must be given its fate." At this time the old tree was tossing its boughs and thinking of its greatness, when, lo, the world in all places grew dark. No sooner was it darkened, than from the moon, down a wide, white stairway, came the princess and behind her came all the moonbeams of the world, and then the stars. One by one, in silence, they dropped upon the tree their golden carts. Then one by one the king's great arms drooped. All the time it was twisting and weeping with grief, till at last not an upright bough was left. Full well the tree knew that its pride had caused its fall. Then, slowly, the silent crowd turned and walked away, and rosy dawn woke over the hill. In the morning light man discovered a new and wondrous tree. The king tree was no longer a king, but with all its branches drooped o'er the ground and weeping tears of pear, it stood, the first Weeping C. C. Willow of the world.




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ltlrfllms When ,I am put to bed at night, An when my ma turns out the light If I've bin fairly good all day ' Nen the good dreams come an' play· But if I've bin bad that day, ' ,Ne.n the bad d:eams come an' stay An w1 tches, goblms, sprites an' ghosts Hover 'bout my bed in h~sts · The witches on high stools do sit An' with their sticks the walls they hit· The goblins run 'bout room an' hall ' An' make bad shadows on the wall · The spirits on my bed all climb, ' Where I lay sleepin' so sublime The ghosts in long white ~heets ar~ gowned An' ever' wheres I look they're found· An' they don't go 'way 'till it gets real light Jus' keep stayin' jus' fer spite· ' Nen all next day I'm goad's can be' So when night comes, I will ndt see Those horrid dreams 'at frighten me.

EXT to Anderson's Fairy Tales, the stories of Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm are loved in all h.ouseholds. Their stories are told in plain, simple language and yet are full of interest. The "Town Musicians, Hans and Gretel " .d and many others, will always be dear to the h c 11 ren of every country. Jakob !cudwig Grimm was born in 1785, January 4; his l>rother Wilhelm Karl in 1786, February 24. They were, after the death of their fathe_r, through the kindness. of an aunt, prepared for the umvers1ty. At the University of Marbourg ther came under the influence of Savigny. He stimulated their l".ve for learnmg and of books. One winter when he was d".mg some special work in Paris, he sent fo~ Jakob to help him. Wh.en Jakob .returned at the end of the year, he was employed m the office of the Minister of War at Cassel and afterward became li.brarian ~o the king of Westphalia (.ye~ome Bonaparte). This gave him a fine salary and plenty oL time to study, as no one but the king was allowed the use



tr~~-----~ <fD '~-:::,9 ~,., ,......._- v.Hen ost.~~~ of the library. He studied here for five ye11l'A, much of the time having his brother Wilhelm with him. Lntor both secured positions in tho .ID!ectl'lll Ilht'lll'Y nt C11HHol, It was during the thirteen YOHl'M th11t thoy wol•l1ad to1n1ther in this library, th!lt they 1rnhllMhotl 11 num!Jot• ol' !JooltH, 11111011,~· others those so dem• to chllrlron: Clhlhh'un'• 'l'11luH, 1111<1 Household '.l'nlos. 'l'hoy (1'11th11°1d th1 11torloM from tho JlUllMlllltH of' Hesse and H111111n, mllJl:V or th• t11l11 bolnll' toh1 to thurn 1>,v tho wife of 11 yuW• 1lOl'd Jli!ll' 01&1111\ whoMo l'Ptn111•l111hl11 mrn1101·y of old tholklor1, ~Qil h•r thOUll' 1tt11llnoM11 111111 "x111·c•HHl011 in telling I~ 11nt1 llld th• brothor1 to 111t110Mt w1•lto th11 Ntol'ies from

t,11r •ta•on,


~lf.111'1 th111 hrotho1•11 l1Cllltln110. cl to wt•iio tog·tither, for I IOJll ti I OOOlll!Yhllr thu Mllll1t1 Hiucly mu! Inter ud;ioining l'OlllTllo , flldea tholt• hoUM6hold Htot•los, they wrote great Wllrlcl tln hl•tnt'Y 1\111! II IOllJI' <lot'lllllll Jl'l'ttmmttr in :four volumes ·~W01 1 l1• cm 0@1•1111111 111ytholo11·y; stories called "Old German ]roroMtM," PXtt•m•tM from tho ]<]Ider Edda, a collection of Ger111"11 IPll'"IHIM, 111111 n volumo of Irish fairy stories. 'l'ho )>t'othol'H wore among the seven professors who proLc1Hiod ,l 11 Ul:l7 ug·i~inst t~e abolition of the constitution by the kl1111· o,f Hanover, for which act they were banished and obliged b! retire to Ca~sel. In 1840 both were invited to Berlin by the kmg of Prussia, where, as members of the Academy they were entitled to give lectures. Here they spent the last years of their lives, always working together, dressing alike, eating at the same table and, together, owning a fine library. The most beautiful thing about the lives and work of the Grimm brothers was their love for each other. J. L. 000~00


'.il ntob,I J rnbi, When little Fred was sent to bed, He always acted right; He kissed mamma and then papa, And wished them both good night. He made no noise, like other boys, But gently went upstairs, Directly went, when he was sent, And always said his prayers. 2n

Yltblttics BASKETBALL Franklin vs. Oregon City On Friday night, March 3, Franklin's basketball squad played the Oregon City quintet at Oregon City. The game was a poor exhibition and ended Franklin 13, Oregon City 40. Franklin vs. Newberg Saturday night, March 4, Franklin's basketball team was defeated by the Newberg five to the tune of 30 to 13. Franklin 2nd vs. Jefferson 2nd Monday afternoon, March 6, Fr1tnklin's second team won a victory over Jefferson's second team in the Franklin gymnasium. The game ended, Franklin 29, Jefferson 26. First Team vs. Faculty Friday afternoon, March 10, the first team bumped the faculty in a rough and tumble basketball game to the tune of 23 to 21. Dewey starred for the faculty, while Davis' work was a feature for the first team. Columbia vs. Franklin Franklin's basketball team played its last league game, and last game of the season, on Tuesday, March 7, in the Portland Academy gymnasium. The game was played versus Columbia University. In this game our quintet suffered the worst defeat of the season. By winning this game Columbia jumped to a tie for first honors with Washington. The game started promptly at 3 o'clock and the collegians captured the lead at the start and held it to the last whistle. The first period ended 32 to 9, with Columbia on the long end. The second half was a repetition of the first and the game ended Columbia 61, Franklin 13. In spite of the lopsided score, the game was at times very interesting. A feature of the game was the showing made by Mike Bloch. Following is the lineup of the teams: 27

(')~ ,,,, .......... _




~~---- \&.lien OS"t ~ ~ I "

Columbia, 61 Malone .................. C. Murphy ............... Jacobberger .............. Bloch .................... Knapp, Foley . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Franklin, 13 .................. Lieuallen ..................... Davis ................. Mackenzie ................... Bradley ......... ". .......... Brown

Although our basketball team this year did not lead the league, we were not quite the tail-enders. Our coach, George Dewey, deserves much credit, but a hoodoo seemed to follow the team, as Barbur and Post were out of the game most of the season. We expect to have a much better team next year, as all of the men will still be in school. SOCCER

Soccer for this season is also a thing of the past. This year very little interest was taken in soccer, but the way our team got out and fought makes us sure that next year they will have the support of the whole school. BASEBALL

Baseball is coming full-blast at Franklin, and under the supervision of Coach White our team is rapidly rounding into shape. There has constantly been a large squad out for practice and Mr. White wants, and expects, more. The pitching staff this year is the strongest we have ever had. Your Student body ticket admits you free to all interscholastic games, and we urge everybody to come out and root. Two practice games have been played this season, and won. Franklin vs. Christian Brothers Friday afternoon, March 1, Franklin played her first baseball game of the season. The game was played at the new grounds, 52d and Division streets, versus Christian Brothers' Business College. The game was fairly well played, and ended in a 10-to-2 victory for Franklin.

TRACK The track squad, under Coach Dewey, is not yet in shape. Practice has only just started, but so far there has been some fairly promising material out. Mr. Dewey wants every boy, who is not going out for baseball, and can, to come out for track. NOTICE Everybody pay your association dues and receive an F. H. S. A. pin and a ticket to all interscholastic baseball games. THE ESCAPE Confusion! Somethings happened! Something's wrong! What's amidst that raptrous throng? Why they yell so, why they cheer? And rush hither, far and near? Chairs upturned and hairpins lost, Heads are bumped and courses crost; A young woman, frightened, stands On a chair and wrings her hands; Another prances on the floor, Then, with a shriek, flies to the door; A maiden brave-all suddenly, Falls on the floor, right close to me, And comes up with her hand clutched tightAnd holds a waving tail in sight; The teacher takes the waving tail And puts it in a tight-closed pail; Now, what do you think 'twas all about? Why, Mr. Hoskins' rat got out! Constance Cole.

Franklin vs. Milwaukie Tuesday afternoon, April 4, Franklin's baseball nine met the Milwaukie High School team at Milwaukie. The game was rather one-sided, the score being Franklin 25, Milwaukie 3. A return match was arranged for the near future. 28



"Wf:Jerc :tlllib


jfinl:l J!}im?"

There was a fresh in our school, Who was so wondrous wise He worked so hard on algebra He put out both his eyes. And then he took up Latin, With all his might and main; He worked so hard on grammar That they came back in again. Come, knowledge, come, Corne, knowledge, come, Teacher stands at the door, Waiting till the test is o'er Come, knowledge, come,




The teacher of cooking Made some tarts, All on a summer's day. The teacher of Geom. These tarts did glom, And stole them quite away.. The prof. of Franklin Demanded those tarts, And chid the knave full sore. The teacher of Geom. Fetched what he did glom, And vowed he'd steal no more.


jfre.l)bie'.I) <fxperience

There were three teachers in the hall, Two of them short, one of them tall. I went down the North stairs, They called me back And asked if a cranium I did Jack. Said they "My child, remember this rule, Go down the South stairs of our school." 80

Here I am, little freshie Jean, When I'm not wanted, I'm always seen . Jimmy shall have a new bonnet, Jimmy shall go to the fair. Jimmy shall have a blue ribbon, To tie up his bonny brown hair. Three wise freshies of Franklin, Went to town in a Ford. If the Ford had been stronger My tale had been longer. Pudge and Kenneth, Fought for a pie. Pudge gave Kenneth A sad blow on the eye. Georgie was a fiddler's son

He leamed to play when he was young But all the tunes that he could play Wot•ci ovor the hills and far away.

Wt•a .Jur111!0 B1whm1m runs 'J'ht'Ollll'h tho h111J; Up•t11h·M mu! rlownHt11it•H Whot•u hut' luutmH c111l. Ill

~,; +.::::._::_ t'Htfos't~~ Little Jay Horner Sat in a corner Wiping a tear from his eye. He can't get Math.' Nor leave till its through She said "But you can if you try."

"at:bi!! Jlig Went to Jmarkct" This little fresh went to high school, This little fresh stayed home. This little fresh had knowledge, This little fresh had none. This little fresh said, "Ma! Pa! Ma! I can't find my way home."




Fresh freshies short Fresh freshies tall, Fresh freshies in the school Nine days come fall. Some like 'em short, Some like 'em tall, Mamma likes them in high school Before they learn to crawl. Four and twenty freshies Went to kill a snail, But the bravest one among them Dared not touch his tail. Little fresh, pretty fresh, Blessings light upon you. If .I h.ad a penny a day, I'd spend it all upon you.



A dillar, a dollar, A ten o'clock scholar, What makes you come so soon? You used to come at ten o'clock, But now you come at noon. Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your algebra go? With X and Y, diameter times pie, and red E's all in a row. Cross patch, draw the latch, Ditch your lessons and flunk, Take your book and scratch it up, Then call your teacher punk. 82

Test, test, go away; Come again some other day· Little freshie wants to play{

There is a teacher in room 10+2 There are so many freshies the~e, She don't know what to do! There is a teacher in room 10+3, There are a lot of freshies there Whose deportment mark is E ! !

Wbat ll m:uunkd1 Did Did Did Did

you ever really thunk, Freshie, really thunk? a thought ever strike you with a plunk, good hard plunk? you ever de.em yourself more th!'n punk, awfully punk? you ever write a !me that wasn't Junk, just junk?

Did you ever know your head was full of guff really guff? That the teachers, Sophi es, Juniors were so r~ugh, so very rough? If you never heard it yet, all this stuff really stuff Then you ought tQ read this nonsense-'..it's a bluff!' just a bluff! · -Anonymous.

(\~., ,_,.._.- -


Scbool lotes Friday morning, March 3, Professor Straub, dean of Oregon University, gave a splendid talk. His subject was: "The Greatest Movement In the World Today." It was enjoyed immensely by the students. Friday evening, March 3, the Franklin High Scl10ol i\ceociation gave a dance in the school gymnasium. Thore on the committee were: Fern Kieffer, Manfred Rinehart, Lois. Tomlinson, Kathryn Harriss and Gerald Johnson. On Tuesday evening, March 7, the Franklin High School Parent-Teachers' Association gave a social meeting. The program was as follows : Speech, by George L. Baker; talk, by S. F. Ball; duet, by Helen and Jean Harper; violin solo, by Helen Harper; a few selections given by the High School Orchestra, and a play: "The Mouse-trap," given by the Dramatic Club. Those who took part were: George Gillard, Lois Tomlinson, Fern Kieffer, Stella Stafford, Genevieve Spriggs, Helen Dustan and Kathryn Harriss.




-....-.._- \l.litn OS't~~.....,.___~

A few changes have been made since the last Student B_ody rr,ie_eting. G. G. Dewey, physical instructor, resigned Ins pos1t10n. on the executive committee and I. A. Melendy has take~ his place. Lois Tomlinson, formerly vice-president, was appomted president of the association in place of Arthur M>:ckenzie1 who has left school. Philip Strack has been appomted v1ce-pres1dent. A nominating committee was appointed to receive nominations for the Student Body officers for next term. Wesley Reynolds was appointed chairman and those acting with him are: Roswell Peake, Mildred Bur~ <lick, Ray Haizly and Hazel Cain. A new society has been formed in the Commercial Department. It will be under the supervision of Mr. Stelsel, instructor fn commercial law. The purpose of the organization will be to study parliamentary law, public speaking and debatmg. Clarke Schouboe was elected president; Carl Wilson vice-president; Robert Crawford, secretary. The club was forme~ by twenty-nine students and the name, Philogonian Debatmg Club, was adopted. .

You can't always tell by -the look of a Freshie how big a thought he can think.

The Junta Literary Society met Wednesday, March 22 to elect officers. The result was as follows: President, Glace McLean; vice-president, F1orence Bicknell; secretary, Dorothea Anderson; sergeant-at-arms, Warren Fitzgerald; librarian, Pauline Geimer . On Friday, March 24, a number of Franklin students enjoyed a party at the home of Everett Barbur. The guests participated in games, cards and music, ending with refreshments. Irmond Carlson gave several whistling solos. Those present from Franklin were: Mora Williams, Ione Forte, Mildred Zehrung, Alice Cobb, Irmond Carlson, Richard Zeisler Scanland Collins and Everett Barbur. ' The members of the Dramatic Club are enthusiastically planning a vaudeville, which will be given in the early part of May. The committee in charge includes Lois Tomlinson, Genevieve Spriggs, Grace Locke, Leah Melvin, Mora Williams, Fern Keiffer, Everett Barbur and Clarence Lewis. Pearl Catlow entertained a number of her friends at her home Saturday evening, March 25. Games and music were enjoyed, followed by refreshments. Those from Franklin were: Kenneth Goetz, Howard Robinson, Earl Wilson, Carl Goetz, MHtol Akers, Lloyd Cummins, Anna Blanchard, Edith Mathis, <:rnco Adams and Elv:a Flick.



. Wednesday afternoon, March 8, the Junto Literary Societ:i gmm its monthly program: V\Thistling solo, Irman Carlson, accompanied by Ruth Heinrichs_; piano solo, Florence Bick-¡ nell; a paper, "Choosing a Vocation," Margaret liucius. A d.ebate. closed the program, the subject being: "Resolved That All Aliens Should Take the Literacy Test Upon Entering Thie Country.". Affirmative, Mabel Southard and Inez Ford; negative, Pauline Geimer and May Hoffman. The judges were Miss Collins, Josephine Lewellyn and Veva Elwell. The nega-¡ tive was awarded the decision. On March 18, the Pacific University Extension Department gave a play, "Pygmalion and Galatea," the proceeds of which were to start a scholarship fund for Franklin. About $115 was cleared on the tickets and $16 on candy sold between acts by Franklin girls. The ushering was also done by girls from Franklin.

~,;\:::::._::_ t°Hefos't~~ A surprise party was given at the home of Melba Webster in honor of Bernita Bennison. The guests from Franklin were: Jennie Noren, Ruth Nelson, Opal Gustus, George Gillard, Floyd Ohlson, Glen Webster, Lafe Pfeifer, Bernita Bennison and Melba Webster. The Multnomah Campfire Girls gave a delightful St. Patl'ick's party for their boy friends at the home of Miss Nina Joy, the campfire guardian. The guests were: Lafe Pfeifer, William Simonson, Manley Davenport, Mclrvin Fike, Russe!I Tracy and Tom Gillis.

lxtbnnot }Dtpnrtmtnt

High school days Have their delights But they can't compare With high school nights.

The Spectrum, Jefferson High School, Portland, Oregon.An excellent paper with no waste space. We like your Exchange department. We have used the same idea ourselves. The Vermont Pioneer, Randolph Center, Vermont.-A lively paper full of school spirit and enthusiasm for the work of the school. Your Exchange department is exceptionally good. The Rosemary, Baker, Oregon.-A splendid issue full of cuts, cartoons and photographs. Your literary material is above pa'!'. The Forum, St. Joseph, Missouri.-The article entitled: "Be Energetic, Junior," is rattling good advice. We advise every Franklin High Junior to read it. It will help our languid spirits. Congratulations, Forum, on your independent American pep. Kinnikinick, Cheney, Washington.-The stories, "Number, Please," "Improving Her Time" and "How the Mortgage Was Paid," were especially interesting. Other exchanges were: Troubador, Portland Academy, Portland, Oregon. Oracle,· DeMoines, Iowa. Lion, LaGrange, Illinois. Gondolier, Venice, California. Lens, Washington High School, Portland, Oregon. High School Review, Vancouver, Washington. Royal Blue, Guthrie, Oklamoha. The Columbiad, Portland, Oregon. The Totem, Seattle, Washington. Red and White, Woodstock, Illinois. The Academy Journal, Norwich, Connecticut. The Budget, Berne, Indiana. The Brightonian, Brighton, Colorado. The Nebo, Roseburg, Oregon. The Clarion, Salem, Oregon. Willamette Collegian, Salem, Oregon. The Prescott Megaphone, Prescott, Washington. Eugene High School News, Eugene, Oregon. The 0. A. C. Barometer, Corvallis, Oregon. The A. H. S. Whirlwind, Albany, Oregon.



il Jt r•sbit's ~irtiomue 1. Automobile-A vehicle which ought to move but frequently can't. 2. Backbiter-A mosquito. 3. Champagne-The stuff that makes the world go round. 4. Dust-Mud with the juice squeezed out. 5. Echo-The only thing that can beat a woman out of the last word. 6. Fiddler-A violinist before he becomes the virtuoso who refuses to play a tune. 8. Hug-A roundabout way of expressing affection. 9. Idiot-From English idea, and out. Hence one who is just out of ideas. 10. Jelly Cake-Synonym for Belly Ache. 11. Keepsake-Something given us by someone we've forgotten. 12. Love-A man's insane desire to become a woman's meal ticket. 13. Mist-Generally a small, light rain. Scotch mist-a Cloudburst. 14. Neighbor-One who knows more about your affairs than you do. Oats-English horse feed, American breakfast, 15. Scotland's table d'hote. 16. Parents-Some of the hardships of a minor's life. · 21. Usher-One who takes the leading place in a theatre. 22. Veranda-An open air enclosure used by lovers only. 23. Wedding-A trade in which the bride is given away and the groom is often sold.

SPRING FEVER? Why have it when we serve Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda and Soft Drinks

Of Interest to Freshmen The Japanese are now manufacturing yearly $5,000,000 worth of toys, of which 40 per cent are for exportation.-Montreal Daily Star, Mr. Flook, a young Freshman, who was giving a report on a book, was heard to say: "The woman was making her way toward the house in the snow storm. Her heart was weak, so she died of heart-failure and fell in the snow and froze to death." .She Paints Yes, she paints chinaAh, you shrug, For you think Dinah Paints her mug! -More "Stone-Age" Stuff.

The Corner Confectionery and Lunch Counter ROBT. MACKINAW, Prop. 50th and Powell


Miss Constantine was heard to say, when asked to give her oral report in Eng. I: "I'm too bashful." A Brilliant Freshman Teacher: "What tense is this verb?" Harriet Jones: "Improper tense."


Miss Roller (in G. I) : "What are the three genders?" Freshie (stutteringly) : "Masculine, f-f-f-feminine, 'n-" Miss Roller: "Well, if a noun is neither masculine nor feminine, what is it?" Freshie (his face lighting up): "Oh! I know; it's neutral!"

5oth and Powell Valley


We have a nice line of


Groceries, Feed, Hay, Grain, Toilet Articles Family Medicines, Etc. 1111d


Also Candy, Fruit and Vegetables Noon Lunches.

Wu deliver. Phone Orders Given Prompt Attention Give us a trial and you'll be pleased

Green Trading Stamps

D 1116

Tabor 2723


0. SEEGER, Prop. 4904 Powell Valley Road





Dainty and brimful of the Easter spirit await your inspection

EASTER SUITS For Live Young Men You Up-to-Date Young Fellovrs who want to know you are getting smartest styles of the season ought to see the clever models down here in Kuppenheimer Clothes at $20.

Bring the youngsters

LION CLOTHING CO. Morrison at Fourth


A Smart Soph in E3 Student: "Coleridge was sure an Englishman." Miss Poulsen: ' 1Why ?" Student: "Because in the Ancient Mariner he said, "The bloody sun."

Speaking of grafting, Miss Jenkins admits that even if she is not a successful grafter on trees, she is off them.

The Oft-repeated Excuse in E. 3, P. II "I can't say that one, but I can say the ones before it."

Miss Davis: "What were the hot and cold springs outside of Troy used for?" Lafe P.: "Troy laundry."

From the Ancient Mariner Student: "He holds him with his skinny eye." Heard in English Teacher: "What is a carbuncle?" Jay: "It's one of those things that grow on the bottorr of ships." Washington Irving is a well educated negro.

A Smart Freshman in Eng. II

Miss Polsen, in Eng.: "There was a notice in Room 15 concerning your lesson." Glen Webster: "But, Miss Poulsen, I didn't notice the notice." Discovered Dorothea Anderson: "Why do words have roots?" Mr. Melendy: "Doubtless that they can grow.-¡ Some men's religion consists in allowing their umbrellas to keep Lent.

Is Helen Right? Miss Collier: "Has anyone in the class a watch with a second hand?" Helen Dustan: "Why, I thought every watch had two hands!"

Powell Valley Bakery Powell Valley Road, near Slst Street, S. E.

We Invite You to Call and Inspect Our Bakery Bread

Have You Tried the White Soda Fountain? W. A. PORTER 40



We give 26 Bread Tickets for $1.00 Phone Tabor 5983

Drugs and Camera Supplies 21st and Powell



Portland eandy Kitchen

These are Reasons why you should wear

Pure Home Made Candy "True Fruit Flavor"

Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes

Between 2nd and 3rd Streets


Heard in Science Miss Johnston.: "What causes a moraine?" Freshman: "An over-weighted cloud." Miss Johnston (in S. II class): "What are other latitudes?" Mr. Akers: "Horse-tail latitudes." Harold Bergan (describing a Roman house) : were four-sided triangles."

"The roofs



Second Floor, Mohawk Building, Third and Mol'l'i8on Streets


Miss Hansen (to one of the Freshies. Time 11 :45): "Now, John, take your seat!" (To her class): "All children fuss just before meal time." Some girls play the piano by ear and they seem to be very hard of hearing at that. "Stone Age."

Fresh and Cured Meats 6283 21st Street


iun l•nm itubio 167!1 First Street

Scholars Exchanges 2 Photos 25c Special to School Ten Days Former Price 35c

Spring Sunshine calls forth the Kodak Enthusiast Bring your Films

!!lMost popular styles. !!lStrictly all wool fabrics ![Colors Guaranteed



We'll develop them FRE:E Camera and Kodak Supply Dept. 2nd Floor Third and Alder Sts.

!!lNobody's hard to fit !!lAll seams sewed with silk !!l Best values on earth

Holton Band Instruments

MUSIC Musical Instruments






$18, $20 and $25

Buy Right SEIBERLING - LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth Street

We have everything that's new that young men wear in :Furnishing Goods and Hats

Buescher Band Instruments


Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.


Hyland's Book Store

Sout.liflmlit ( :ornor 5th and AJder

170 Fift!i St., opposite P. 0.

Sellwood 141


Who places a job of printing with Wells & Company at the price he could get it done for elsewhere, is ahead of the game.

Wells & Company Broadway at Oak

Telephone Broadway 399

Miss Hansen: "Mr. Horner, where are your problems?" Jay: "I left them at home." Miss Hansen: "What did you do that for?" Jay: "To give them a rest." Heard in H. I Class Freshie: "Why does it say that the ancient peoples buried the men with their arms? They're already on."

Rose eity eandy Kitchen Franklin's Quality

Home Made Confections "Once Try It, Always Buy It" Second and Yamhill Streets


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