June 1965

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HS Celeb a es SOth Anniversary

jfranklin Vol. 82, No. 9


Wednesday, June 2. 1965

Benjamin Franklin High School

! .


Benjamin Franklin High School celebrates 1965 as the year of its 50th anniversary as an institution of learning in the City of Portland.

Superintendent Barnes, Westcott Pay Tribute To Franklin PRINCIPAL

ARTHUR L. WESTCOTT On behalf ·o f the faculty I want to wish each underclassman a pleasant and profitable summer. Your summer months as well as the school 'P eriod should contribute to your ·growth ·a nd development, so use' this tim~ wisely and yffu will

reap the g·ood fruits of time well spent. To you, our seniors, we extend congratulations for your achievements, and thanks for your contributions to Franklin High School. We will miss you, of course, but we will constantly look forward to hearing about continued progress on your part. Because you are graduating during Franklin's fiftieth year of operation, some special recognition should be extended to this school which has served our community so well. Many fine teachers have invested their lives in you as well as other young people of this area and it is our hope that you will think often of Franklin High School as you leave and move to other interests . As you succeed in your chosen work we will bask in the reflection, knowing that Franklin High School played some part in your life. Perhaps it might be a good plan for each of you to reflect •a moment on your circumstances and then sincerely thank parents, clergy, relatives, chosen faculty and others who have helped you during the past four years. Ex.press-

ing your gratefulness for help, encouragement, and guidance is truly a sign of maturity and readiness for graduation from Franklin High School. May God bless each of you.



(At the POST's request Superintendent Barnes agreed to help Franklin commemorate its 50th anniversary by offering a fitting salutation for this memorable occasion.) In some small ways the half century of Franklin High School parallels the first fifty years of Benjamin Franklin's life. Both had humble beginnings- Franklin as a chandler in his father's shop and Franklin High School as •a refugee from some grade sch ool rooms it had outgrown. Fifty years of growth for Benjamin Franklin meant renown as an inventor, publisher, scientist, diplomat, and politician. Franklin High School also has shown remarkable growth and development in fifty years, becoming one of Portland's greatest assets •a nd making-through the education of thousands of young people-a profound contribution to the general welfare of the community. Benjamin Franklin's contributions did .not .s top at his fiftieth birthday.Jn 'fact, they l),~ve continued long after.his lifetirne. I'm sure _,,_







that Franklin High School also will ! continue to grow past its fiftieth f anniversary and that its impact upon the Portland area will be even . greater. I

Melvin W. Barne's ·: . , :'. I Superintendent of Schools ,;


Page 2

Wednesday, J un e 2, 1965

~e:JIS 'Auel. '10. '1/ie eommu,;id'I Charles Dawson Retires Franklin, the "School of Champions," is celebrating its


50th anniversary. Throughout its fifty year history it has produced many able leaders and fine citizens for the community. While in school, these outstanding people contributed to Franklin's appearance of being "young at heart," even though it is old in structure. They have significantly added t o the school's progress and have helped realize community goals. Certainly the institution has seen great progress since its humble five room beginning on the second floor of Creston Grade School; the student body has increased from its original 125 members to 2200 and the faculty has increased from its original seven to about 100. But these items are not really what make a significant institution. What is important are the individual co:q.tributions of students in which Franklinites today can take pride. These contributions have been achievements which have molded fifty years of continuous achievement. Sincere indebtedness is felt for the many administrators, teachers, non-certificated personnel and students who have aided Franklin's progress. The administrators have guided Franklin toward being a worthy and significant institution in the community. Little can be accomplished without direction and it is to the administrators to which proper direction can be attributed. The teachers, too, have been most helpful. By means of their efforts the purpose of this institution is in constant fulfillment. The non-certificated personnel cannot be forgotten . They have contributed to the operation of the school, caring for the many details necessary for smooth operation-yet sharing in none of the lime light. The students who have passed through the high school scene and into the community have made their individual contributions. Such.people as scholarship ·w inners, American Field Se;rviee representatives and student leaders from Franklin have well represented this school's progress in various aspects of community life. They have shown that this institution is worthy of community respect and recognition on its 50th anniversary. Each person who comes to this school, then, must bear the responsibility of adding something to the institution if it is to continue to progress. Franklin has had a fifty year hi~tory rich with accomplis~me~ts'. but in order for Franklin to continue along these lmes It IS necessary for each person now and in the future to decide what can be done to add to the institution's development.

~etterJ to the [Jitor BENJI'S THOUGHTS REVEALED I don't mind the wind or rain or even the pigeons, but what really irritates me is not being able to see the school building. It must be magnificent! The people certainly are nice. Lately, though, the stud ents and teachers have been acting strange. There seems to be an air of spreading excitement. From what I have gathered from conve.rsations it is the fiftieth aniversary of the school. How I '-Yish I could express my congratu-


lations but all I ever do is stand here motionless . Of course, that isn't the Quakers' fault. Something else I have always wanted to. do is thank the people at this school. They don't know what an honor it was to have -a school named after me, and such a fine scho'o l at that. Why, just the other day I was speaking to Abraham Lincoln , George Washington and Theordore Roosevelt, my ethereal companions and they mentioned (Continued on Page 6)


Published bi-weekly by the advanced journalism students of Franklin High School. Second Class postage paid at Portland, Ore. Mailing Address : 5405 S. E . Woodward



Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor i Page ·1 Editor . . . . Louise Fields \ .. Page 2 Editor Gretchen Wegner 1. Page 3 Editor . Leslie Webb · Page 4 Editor s Joan Gallaher, Sue Mitchell ·, Page 5 Editor Carl Courtnier ' , .Page 6 Editor Eileen Grellert ":Page 7 Editor Carlene Knapp Page 8 Editor Louise Fields Page 9 Editor Gary Tash Page 10 Editor Dean Howell Reporters: Carl Courtnier, Bob Earnest, Frank Frustraci, Louann Gemma, Shelley Hill, Joan Gallaher. Carlene Knapp. Barbara Lebenzon, Garry Lee, Sue Mitchell, Nick Hendrickson, Harold Thompson, Barbara Torelle and Jan Wellington Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Courtnier Business Manager Louann Gemma Circulation . . . . . . . . Harold Thompson Copyreaders: Brian Davis, Joan Gallaher, Louann Gemma, Sue Mitchell, Leslie Webb and Gretchen Wegner Editorial Committee : Brian Davis, Louise Fields, Dean Howell, Sue Mitchell, Leslie Webb, and Gretchen Wegner. . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Murphy Photographer Teresa Giannone, Pam Lenny and Martha Weiler Typists Mr. Paul J. Killorin . . . . . . . . . • . . Advisor


Twenty-two Years At FHS By Leslie Webb " I will miss mostly the students at Franklin High School. Th ey are in the most glowing and b eautiful time of their lives. They aren 't overeducated, but are simply enjoying learning and developing," expressed Mr. Charles Dawson, Franklin's only retiring teachercoach .

ve years he also refereed high school footba ll and a few college games. He gave up refereeing basketball a numb er of years ago when h e saw a fellow referee die on the court fro m a heart attack. Shortly after Coach Dawson and his wife moved from Wallowa High School to Portland they were blessed by the birth of a son and two

MR. DAWSON, FHS business law teacher, is the only retiring teacher this year. He has taught 22 years at Franklin out of the overall 40 years he has been teaching. Besides his present teaching assignment, he has instructed in many other subject areas.

Mr. Dawson has spent the majority of his lifetime teaching and coaching professionally. Yet, while he was still in college at the University of Oregon, he taught and coached college boxing. When he graduated in 1925 he stayed in Eugene and coached all sports offered at the Eugene high school. After his two year stay in Eugene, Mr. Dawson travelled to Wallowa, Oregon to assume the position of pr incipal and coach of the 172 student high school. During the two years he coached for Wallowa High, the football and basketball teams won the Eastern Oregon championships and twice his basketball teams went to the state tournaments. Dawson Recognizes Change

"The school was so small," laughed Mr. Dawson, "that every time we needed an assembly, the students would all just gather in our largest study hall. They all fit in. " It was in his second year at Wallowas that he met a pretty English teacher a nd soon after they were married. Because of his successful years at Wallowa High School, Mr. Dawson was aske d to accept a .position as coach at Sabin High School in Portland. Mr. Dawson felt sure that all the high school principals in the city sent the boys who had gotten into trouble to Sabin. But as a result they had the "roughesttough est" football team in town. Having taught at Franklin for twenty-two years (from 1943 t o 1965), Mr. Dawson is especially proud of his attendance record. He has not been .a bsent or tardy more than five times during his -e ntire stay and hasn't had instances of either for the last twelve years. In addition to teaching mathematics and business education (his major in college), he has also taught American history and physical education. He finds modern dancing a bit wild and stopped trying to teach it a long time ago. But while he was at the University of Oregon he taught a course in gymn astic dancing which is, according to him, "the toughest dancing I ever engaged in. You can't dance for more than ten minutes without dropping from exhaustion." Supplementing his athletic career, Mr. Dawson has also refereed football, and basket ball. He umpired baseball in the summer for the Blue Mountain League (which includes Southern Washington, Eastern Oregon •a nd Idaho) and for the Pacific Coast League. For twel-

years later, _by the birth of a daughter. Their blue-eyed baby boy is now the father of five children. Their daughter "graduated with honors from Reed College, majoring in music and ·Chemistry. She left Portland to become the general manager of a Shell Oil Manufacturing plant in California. Five years later she marrie d and now she has a son of her own, " Mr. Dawson proudly ex-p lained. Retirement Plans Include Travel

Mr. Dawson plans to travel after his retirement. He hasn't a definite time arranged, just "nice dre ams." H e wants to "see Alaska, Japan, Australia and then come up through South America and home ." It can also be safely assumed that h e will attend many high school, collegiate, and professional sports events-his first love. (Continued no Page 7, Col. 2)

Presentation Of Princesses Vary Have you wondered how Franklin presented their Rose Festival Princess to the student body in thos e golden years of the past? The principal ingredients included a princess and court, an fmaginative stage crew, and Mr. James Shaffer, who has handled this task for more than 12 years. From the start of the high school Rose Festival selections in 1930, ordinary and unusual manners of presentation have been used. The simple parting of the curtains, a spotlight, flowers, music, or revolving stage-pie ce were s ome of the ordinary techniques used from the years 1941 to 1954. But 1955 marked the first major change because Princes Janet Nelson was presented in an unusual way. The ALMANAC stated, "When the curtains parted, a large, gaily wrapped package graced the front of the stage, against a background of flowe rs, carpeted tiers, and a golden throne." This was in shavp contrast from the year before when Princess Elaine Lord appeared as a sHhouette surrounded by a background of pink and pillars of blue. Next to the gaily wrapped package, Franklin's other imaginative accomplishments occurred in the years of 1962, 1963, and 1964. In 1962 a dazzling, yellow tissue globe of the world opened and there in a center of blue silk stood Princess Dana Benson. Unlike the year before and unique in itself, a rotating picture frame with standards of spring flower s revealed the 1963 Princess Gail Weyand . Following this pattern, a r evolving backdrop with draped, v-shaped curtains and gladiolas, announced Princess Marydith Hooker in 1964. Commenting on Rose Festival presentations, Mr. James Shaffer said, "We try to present the Rose Festival •p rincess uniquely, but if it is not unique it is not for lack of creativity, but rather a lack of time ."

~ '<Ilrihute '<Ila ~£ttjamin ~ranklin Benjamin Franklin was a printer, For the next 25 years, Franklin inventor , author, scientist, publi- published his famous Poor Richsher, philosopher, statesman, and ard's Almanac. His Almanac bediplomat. He was one of America's came a part of life in American forefathers . hopes of the past. The book conBorn on January 17, 1706, Ben- tained wise and witty sayings projamin Franklin was fifteenth of moting thrifty habits and good livseventeen children of a candle- ing. maker and his wife. Ben taught At the age of 42, Benjamin himself to read and write, and at Franklin retired from business as an age of eight, he was enrolled in a wealthy man. About 1727, he forschool. But the Franklin's were med the Junto Club which became poor, and ·s chool was expensive, so the modern day American PhilosoBen had to quit school. phical Society. During the next ten At a young age, Ben had dreams years of his retirement, Franklin of being a sailor. To avoid Ben's founded the first circulating lirunning away, his father appren- brary, the first Philadelphia fire ticed him to his older brother department, and established the James, a 1p rinter. first fire -insurance company. In While working at his brother's 1751, Franklin helped establish the print shop, Ben taught himself na- Academy of Pennsylvania, now the vigation, logic, and grammer. He University of Pennsylvania. Besaved his money from work and cause of Franklin's ingenuity, Philadelphia became the most advanbought books. At the age of 17 Ben ran away to ced of the colonies. Philadelphia. Franklin soon got a ln 1752, Benjamin Franklin flew job in Pennsylvania as a printer. his famous kite in a thunderstorm Sir William Keith, governor of the to prove his theory that lighting is colony of Pennsylvania, noticed electricity. He then invented the Ben's work and offered to set him lightning rod. Other inventions credited to Benup in his own business. The governor sent him to London to buy his jamin Franklin during this time printing equipment and promised wc.s an imprnved heating stove to send him m oney to pay his ex- (the Franklin Stove), bifocal glasspenses. The money never came so es, and the platform rocker. In 1757 the Pennsylvania AssemBen stayed in England and worked as a printer. bly sent Franklin to England to After a year and one-half, he re- settle a quarrel between the colony turned to Philadelphia and started and it's proprietors. f(e remained his own print shop. There he began there for the nex t 18 years, trying "The Pennsylvania Gazette." He to settle disputes between the wrote most of the newspaper him- American colonies and the English (Continued on Page 7, ·col. 5) self.


Wednesday, J une 2, 1965

Pa ge 3

Ed·u cators Reminisce Over Byg ne Years! By Leslie Webb The celebration of Franklin's golden anniversary is of major importance to everyone involved in its past and present-day activities. It appears from the many accounts of moving and amusing experiences th at the mood of reminiscense has caught up with many of Franklin's past e ducators as well as many of its current teachers. Often mentioned at Franklin is the creek which ran across the campus. According to Mr. Colton Meek, past FHS vice principal and past principal at Grant, "The creek ended in a stagnant pond just east of 52nd Ave. Biology teachers just ap1p ointed a committee to go down to the pond for specimens. It furnished amoeba, paramecium, rotifers and more bacteria than one could identify. rt was really a loss to education when the city put it undergrround. " Although the legend of the creek turns out to be fact, the legends of old swimming pools continue to be tall-tales. "Before the present

science wing was built, the area was occupied by the old gym," explained Miss C. P. Grant, vice principal. "The inside walls and floors were torn out leaving the outside walls and roof as originally constructed. This reconstruction would not be especially interesting now except for the fact that the old mystery rumor oi a swimming pool beneath the old gym took a last dying gasp and expired when the curious and skeptical came to look into the shell of the old gym and believed their eyes. No sign of a swimming pool." Gymnasium Too Large Franklin students often complain about gymnasiums which are awkward to play in, but little did we know that our own school's gym was once one of them . Mr. Meek laugh ed , "The old gymnasium had the basketball baskets fastened to a running track. They were so far apart that no team would play Franklin on its own court. They claimed the Quakers were used to it and ran them to death-so all

Student Body Constitution Develops Over Half Century With the beginning of any high school many activities naturally ensue; one such activity is student government. Here at Franklin there is a long a nd interesting history of student government. Th~ first student body president · at Franklin was elected in September 1915; the boy receiving this honor was the late Mr . Arthur McKinzie. In Mr. McKinzie's administration the first constitution for the student body association was drafted, accepted, and printed in the March 1916 edition of the School Daze , then a monthly magazine. Student Offices Created This constitution was drawn up in much the same format as the present one , however, the principles, statutes, and 1policies provided for by this constitution were quite different. The first difference between these constitutions is the provisions for student body o~fices. The first draft called for a student body president, vice . president, secretary, . treasurer, auditor, sgt-atarms and an advisory committee of four faculty members. One should also note that the offices of t reasurer and auditor were then appointed positions. Executive Cabinet, as it is now called, was then the Executive Committee and was the only student representation in policy making. One major responsibility of this committee was to appoint a nominating committee whose job it was to select the candidates who were to run for student body offices.

ly quiet at FHS. However, around 1925-26 a new and more important role was placed on this student activeness in policy making. One sign of this was that the student officers' pictures appeared in a 1926 copy of the POST. Also at this same time a new student re presentation of students came into b eing. This was known as the Representative Council and was organized in much the same manner as our present student council. The representatives were a president and secretary from each room, with th student body president . serving as chairman. In this same span of time another group was organized and labeled student council. This council was the judicial arm of the government, and was in charge of the punishment of behaviour violations . However, after some years the council became ineffective and was eventually replaced by the administrative vice principals. Revision Continued The fall of 1932 brought about several changes to Franklin's primary form of student government. These changes were du e to a reorganization of the student body. At this time th e student officials' authority was increased and new offices were provided for. These offices included a first a nd second vice president, an activities secretary and two yell leaders. In conjunction with this change came a revision of the constitution which began in 1933. This was completed in 1934. As a result of this revision in the fall of '34 the Representative Council changed its title and became the Legislative Assembly and became the most effective policy making organizations, Executive Committee and Legislative Assembly. These still exist in a more complicated form known as the Executive Cabinet and student council.

Constitution Grows Another change occuring through the years has been election procedures. These first rules governing the student body provided that the election of all electoral officers, which then included the editor-inchief of the POST, was to take place on the third Friday of the ninth month of each school year, From 1932-33 revision of the and those officers served through- constitution several changes have out the next entire year. Also the taken place. Some of these changes student body president was in include the addition qf a student charge of all elections. iOther body publicity chairman and the clauses in this. first constitution class presidents to the Executive called for four student body meet- Cabinet. There are two major reaings during the year which were sons for these changes: increase in designed for the puvpose of trans- the number of students and ideas ~f acting business, and set the fees of new administrators. Usually these ~fch student . body member . . .changes occured a few at a time.' · . From the time this constitution Thus from 1916 to 1965 one can was i)f'itr~ed until the mid 20's stu- see the manner in which student d1e!lkgqv.g..l'1:nn.ent w.<is :eomparativ.e~-- ·government has . evolved .at FHS .'

our games were played in the YMCA or at Washington High School. Later baskets were swung on frames, and since this shortened the court, they lacked excuses and Franklin has some home games." "The athletic fields and track were difficult to attain, but worth it," asserted Mr. Meek. "The track in front of the school was onefifth of a mile of dirt. It got muddy everytime it rained. The student body finally arranged with the park department to get some of the cinders from the volcanic cone on Mt. Tabor. The city furnished the cinders, the student body hauled them , and the track squad hoed out the weeds and spread them. Some were pre tty big clinkers but the squad rake d them out. All in all it was a big improvement." FHS Receives Honors The 1940's seem to be outstanding years for Franklin memories. Mr. George Emigh, Jr., a past faculty member and coach, now ·a Portland laWYer, felt his "greatest single thrill was our final football victory of the year 1942. We defeated Commerce (now Cleveland) and the victory gave us an undefeated and unscored upon season. This is one of the few times such a feat has ever been accomplished by a football team in the Portland league. That was the year Franklin also had undefeated teams in bask etball and baseball, the POST won highest honors in the city, our band was rated best in the state, and our school's princess was selected Rose Festival Queen! " All this happened in 1942.

be the customary speaker and the parade across the stage for diplomas. The class was divided into groups according to vocational interests and each group was arranged in a tableau with dramatic lighting. A student from each group spoke briefly. The program was laboriously planned, rehearsed and executed. The last diploma was presented n ear midnight. This was one program that could not be

Wolfe was chosen one of the ten science students in the Westinghouse Scien ce Search. The thrill of working with a student who knows what he wants and has th e determination to get it is a most rec warding experience." With non-scholarly concern about science Mr. Meek relates the incident of the chemistry stools. "The original chemistry laboratory wasa regulation sized room. The stu-

MISS FAYE CORNUTT, Miss Anne Bohlen and Mr. Dario Raschio rem[nisce about interesting and humorous experiences they have had at Franklin High School. Not pictured is Mr. James Manning. abreviated when we saw rehearsal time and performance time did not agree. The long-form commencem ent was inspired, but not repeated. "

dents sat on tall stools about 3 · feet or more in height so that they could see over the top of the lab ~ oratory tables. When one squirmed. just right (from lack of interest or devilment) the stools would let out Science Scholar Outstanding a shriek that could be heard in the " One graduating class in the Miss Anne Bohlen spoke of next room. It sounded like .a fry-· 1940's," reported Miss Faye Corn- awards, "Teachers are a lways plea- ing pan with grease popping all utt, Franklin English teacher, "has sed to have students who earn hon- the time. The worst of it, from the memories of a commencement that ors for themselves. I will never for - teacher's stand point, was the in~ was unique. No longer would there get how pleased I was when Jack nocence of it all. ·what could orre do about it? A student should be; able to move shouldn't he?" Appearance Changes The appearance of Franklin has changed considerably in the past fifty years. Mr. James Manning reDuring the course of Franklin's When Mr. Ball left Franklin members when he "watched the fifty years as a high school, five many faculty members agreed that farmers at work on the land which principals have guided this school. h e was "friendly , never too busy to now houses Atkinson Elementary The first was Mr. Sheldon Ball. help someone" and believed "in School, the play fields, and the Born July 13, 1865 in Mattawan, great simplicity." Mr. Ball died tennis courts." He can remember when President Roosevelt's Wl' A Michigan, Mr. Ball began his school May 18, 1953 · at the age of 86. used a "Toonerville Trollery" in career by working his way through R eplacing Mr. Ball in 1938, was developing the athletic field and college by teaching in •a country Charles A. Fry, graduate of the when there was no statue of Benji. school in Indiana and Iowa. He obLebanon Valley College in Ann- The boiler room was once the men tained a Bachelor of S cience deville, Pennsylvania. His first 1p osi- teacher's lounging room and, acgree from the Tri-State College in Indiana in 1890. tion was principal of Fernwood cording to our vocational counselor, at one time study hall students· MR. S. F. BALL MR. A. L. WESTCOTT sat in the back of the room while the teachers taught the students in the class who sat in the front of the room. Teacher's Experiences Many While many freshmen find the first day at Franklin confusing, few ever stop to think about the trials of "freshmen" teachers. Mr. Manning remembers when on his first day of teaching at Franklin one of the teachers asked him to get out of the hall and go to his reg. room, which at the time was not the first period class. One modest teacher, who prefers to remain anonymous, describes her most memorable exAfter rece1vmg his masters de- Grade School in Portland. From gree from the University of Chi- Fernwood he went to Sunnyside, perience as a "freshman" teacher. cago, he rose to the position of Glencoe and Roosevelt High School "Behind me I heard a boy's voice principal of a combined grade and where he taught for 14 years. He say, "Oh no!" as I purposefully high school in Columbia City, Iowa. also taught in Illinois and Colo- marched into the 'boys's room.' BeAfter several other teaching posi- rado. ing a woman faculty, new to that tions, Mr. Ball decided to give up During his years in Portland, the wing of the school, I retreated the profession and go into business high schools grew in number from shortly, thanking any superior in Oregon. But in that year, 1906, two to nine. Concerning his career powers for the fact that I saw no the Superintendent of Portland Mr. Fry was quoted in the April, one and, I still hope, none but one Schools, persuaded him to resume 1952 POST as saying "Forty-four saw me. At any rate, the fact I the career as a math teacher at years is a long time to devote to heard no whisper about my mis-· Lincoln. one job, but I would do it 1again if adventure I think showed admir- · In 1907 he was the principal of I had the chance.'.' able gentlemanly restraint on the Arleta Grade School; in 1914 he In 1952, lVIr· Harold Santee Il).OVpart of the horrified boy who in a c<jlme to Franklin as. its first _prin- ed into the position of principal low voice said, "Oh, no!" and beat. cipal arid remained uritil he retired after h e was FHS vice pri.n cipal if before I emerged." 25 years later. ... ~.~ (Continued on Page 5,' Col. 2l (Conii'niied ori Pag~ 6, Col. 3)

Franklin Principals Number Five Through Past Fifty Years


Wednesday, June 2, 1965

Institution Of Learning Reaches Mat"urity By Gallaher and Mitchell

The year is 1914- Franklin High fhool is in its infancy. Located 1 the second floor of the old Cresn Grade School, Franklin is the urth Portland Public School in fistence. Conditions are not as od at Franklin as they could be, "th only four rooms in which to owd 125 students and seven fac:ty members. Mr. S. F. Ball, first ~incipal , realizes that something ust be done as Fmnklin is showg severe signs of growing pains. has become necessary to utilize leant buildings throughout the mmunity, while FHS awaits a w location in which to mature.

The year is 1916-Two years tve passed and Franklin prepares start a new school year in its ace of rebirth located on the 'teen acre lot between Division td Woodward streets. Plans are effect, but they will prove to be 1ite expensive. They call for a U,aped main building with gymlsium and auditorium wings. In ; early stages, the new high school tempts to organize. A student dy president and other officers e elected, the school colors of ~rple and maroon are selected fter changed to maroon and gray) . r st school publications are sucssful. The POST is published as magazine, soon to be converted to a yearbook by the senior class d the name changed to ALMA'AC stemming from Benjamin anklin's " Poor Richard Alma[c." The history group puts out weekly newspaper entitled, ~ch ool Daze." In a few years the udent body will assume publicabn responsibilities and the POST j.11 be formed, named after Frankh's "Saturday Evening Post."


. I Love Me-Maggie Lantry . I'm A Mean Job-Letha Rifler . 0 Peter-Tenbrook Ellis • Aggravatin Papa-Lil' Bob Foster . I Love' You-Jerry Knapp S":eet_Little Me-Lorry Kretzme1r . My Wild Irish Rose-Clara OIi sen ~. Happiness-Olive Mettler I . p. Railroad Blues-Fred Skobl D. Eyes Of Irish Blues-Harold Boon

. t

IThe year is 1917-This proves to e a banner year for the growth of HS. Franklin's first footstep in orts is taken when its football am wins t he city championship tle. The first class graduates with teen members after completing three and a half year course. The hool is crying for more room as pe gym wing is completed. The year is 1919-'Mrs. Ella Wiln becomes first nursemaid for ·anklin when she is named Dean Girls. This is the year the Pedogy Club decides t hat the stunts of Franklin need more than nursemaid; they need a guardian gel-a fund is started for the atue of Benji.


The year is 1925-Six years have ssed and Franklin is still atmpting to mature. An additional ing has recently completed. It ntains a fine auditorium seating, 08, a cafeteria will all convennces, eight class rooms, and a muc room, which opens onto the age. Along with other improveents around school, the new flag d.fla_g_po1e are to be noticed. The

grounds in front of the building have been seeded and the lawn will add much beauty to the campus. Sidewalks have been built in front of the grounds and these make entrance more convenient.

min Franklin (Benji) is finally completed and dedicated at the annual May Fete ceremonies. Not to be forgotten are the boys who will go to fight and die on foreign soil in World War II .

The year is 1934---The older Franklin gets the more beautiful -it becomes. This is proven when beauty wins : Princess Beth Skinner is chosen Queen of Rosaria.

The year is 1949-New guardians to Franklin are Dean Carrie Grant and vice principal Harold Santee. The school's physique is shown off by Bob Cahil, Student Body Prexy as he wins the "Mr. Oregon of 1950" title.

The year is 1939~Franklin's first father, S. F . Ball, is growing tired, he has decided to take a back seat and and let Charles A. Fry assume the duties of the · school's upbringing.

The year is 1950- Franklin receives a new disciplinarian; Mr. Fry retires; Mr. Santee takes over. One of the first disciplinary acts is to


FIRST HOME-Franklin began on the second floor of the old Creston grade school. The infant Franklin was the fourth high school started in the Portland area. The year is 1942-Franklin's footsteps are no longer wobbly. Her legs have grown firm and strong. She has stepped into the title of of the "School of Champions" because of her many achievements during the year. For the first time in eight years a Franklinite has ascended to the throne of Rosaria; Princess Shirley Fowler brings this honor home and, for the first time in twenty years, the Franklin nine became the undefeated holders of the baseball pennant. The POST maintains for the third successive time the coveted Pacemaker Award . The long awaited statue of Benja-

bar the sophomores from all assemblies. Under the Santee administration FHS, no longer an infant, begins its chapter of the National Honor Society. This year the POST is awarded a trophy by the Rose Festival Association for the best news coverage. The year is 1951-Franklin is still growing rapidly with the addition of the new Home Ee and shop wing containing 16 classrooms and labs. Enrollment soars to 2,000 to make FHS' the third largest high school in the city. 'T he year is 1952--Now almost an adult, Franklin bids Miss Julianne

Five Principals Govern Franklin (Continued from Page 3, Column 4) for two years. Prior to the latter position he was a Coca-Cola Bottling Company Sales manager, a principal in a Portland grade school for eight ye a rs and a basketball coach and teacher in Springfield, Oregon. Mr. Santee attended Oregon State University, Oregon College of Education, Univers~ty of Oregon and received his doctorate from Stanford University. Upon notification of the new position he stated, " I'm looking forward to working with the faculty and students in making Franklin the outstanding school in Portland." Replacing Mr. Santee in 1956, was Mr. Kenneth Erickson, who first came to Portland in 1948 as Personnel Co-ordinator of the Portland Public Schools. In 1950 h e was promoted to vice 1p rincipal of Grant and two years came to Franklin. Dr. Erickson is presently Superintendent of Schools in Corvallis, Oregon. Mr. Arthur L . Westcott, fifth principal, graduated from Benson Polytechnic and in 1949 graduated from the University of Portland. In 1941 he taught at Henly Union High School near Klamath Falls, and in 1942 he and Mrs. Westcott went to Crane Union High School in Crane, Oregon. During ,t he next two and a half

years he was in the Navy. In 1947 he taught civics and history at Grant and in 1955 he became the adrpinistrative vice principal. In 1960 Mr. Westcott, who replaced Dr. Erickson, came to Franklin. Mr. Westcott is a member of the board of the John R. Leach YMCA, a trustee of Cascade College, vice president of the Oregon Schools Athletic Association and a member of the administrative council of the Lents Evangelical UnHed Brethern Church. He has taught Sunday School there for 17 years. Part of Mr. Westcott's philosophy is the belief that it is just as important to make sure students get a fair deal from their teacher s as for the teachers to get a fair deal from the taxpayers. He also thinks the teachers can learn from their students. This belief was put into practice when, as a teacher, he let his students evaluate him in the middle of the year. The result of this philosophy has been harmony and ,cooperation. Evidence of this was shown when Mr. Westcott expressed his sentiments of being principal by saying, "I have thoroughly enjoyed my five years as principal and deeply appreciate the excellent cooperation from both the faculty and 'S tudents."

Roller one of the original faculty members goodbye . Mr. Harold Santee also receives a wave of goodbye as he departs and Dr. Kenneth A. Erickson takes over. There are not only goodbyes but hello's as Johnny Ray, famous singer and alumnus of FHS, comes to visit. The year is 1953-The first female Student Body Prexy, Jan Bowen is presented to FHS. In her speech Jan pledges to give the honor of Rose Festival princess to a senior boy. The year is 1955-In order to attain true maturity Franklin must expand to its fullest extent. This is accomplished when the $45,000 bowl is c.ompleted and the upper baseball field is finished. Later this year the formal dedication of the new gymnasium takes place. Frankiin also feels that a new grading system would aid in the attainment ot' tudher maturity. This year the students receive report cards in •p lace of progress reports. Besides expans10n, humor also prevails in ~u akerv111e this year. Junior Earl May suffers a broken leg while trying ouc ior rauy. He accidentally trips and rolls behind the curtain. The year is 1956-Franklin has not only grown out, but up and the need for an elevator arises. (The elevator will be used for the transportation of school supplies only). The setting of goals is high this year. This is exemplified in the ALMANAC as it gains first place in a yearbook contest conducted by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association in New York. Feeling very proud of this and the many other accomplishments, Mrs. Alice Casebeer, having taug~t at FHS since 1917, bids a fond fairwell as she retires. The year is 1958-For the first time in forty years FHS has a completely new library. The total cost of construction is $21,965 plus $6,015 for equipment. Birch paneling and hundreds of new books are welcome additions. Mrs. Eleanor Norlin, head librarian, says she likes the new lights best, "Now you can see," she exclaimed. The year is 1960-Mr. Arthur Westcott assumes guardianship of Franklin by replacing Dr. Kenneth Erickson. This year a new club system is entered allowing only juniors and seniors to be admitted to service clubs under selective bidding.

can no longer conscientiously charter clubs which continue selective bidding. This is also a year of vandalism at FHS. Benji receives a paint job during the summer resulting in a $250 repair bill. Also the cafeteria is temporarily flooded the night of August 25 . There are no clues leading to the guilty parties. The year is 1964-Adding to her many coveted awards Franklin wins the first PIL Sportsmanship Award, once again proving she is the "School of Champions. " FHS YELL BOOK OF 1929 MAROON & GREY Maroon and Grey-Fight! Fight! Maroon and Grey-Fight! Fight! Who fights? We fightMaroon and Grey-Fight! Fight! RACKETY KACK Rackety Kack-Quacks Quacks Rackety Kack-Quacks Quacks Hullabaloo! Ki Yi Get there Franklin High. HEP! HEP! Hep! Hep! Show your pep Ginger up and catch the step Fight! Fight! With all your might Sweep 'em up and do it right! Q.U.A. Q-Q-Q-U-A K-K-K-E-R K-E-R QUA-KERS (Repeat three times louder each.) The year is 1965-This is our year, and we can see that Franklin continues to mature and develop. We can see this through the addition of the foreign language lab, the beginning of a Communications Forum, and the winning of the Fraser Paper Company Award by the ALMANAC Staff for excellence in yearbook production. This, our year, is the golden year. It represents fifty years of the joys of winning, the forbearances of losing, and the building of tradition, which makes Franklin everlasting in the hearts of us all. AD Appearing in early FHS edition

The year is 1961-Reorganization is taking 1p lace as AFM revises its constitution to provide for a senatorial instead of representative committee. The class of '65 makes history as they enter Franklin as the largest class, consisting of over 600 members. The year is 1963-As an adult, Franklin must enforce strict rules of conduct. This is reflected in the administration's decision that it

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Division at Fiftieth.

Wednesday, June 2, 1965


A Pictorial Of Franklin: 50 Years Of High School (1) The 1955-56 rally cheered the basketball team to their second State Croyn in three years. (2) The Class of '27 felt themselves to be a class of sportsmen. Commmented their senior class president, "This has been a year of champions." (3) The Class of '18 put on a three-act play (upper left, lower right),; held a successful allschool barbecue (upper iight, middle right); and the girls had a grand uninterrupted camping trip (middle left, lower left). (4) In 1922 a day was set aside strictly for the festivities of the May Fete, which included the coronation of the Queen in the bowl, fun and games1 al so in the bowl, and the May Fete Ball that evening in the gym. (5) From September, 1921 to April, 1922, the library was used 55,575 times by FHS students. The shelves contained 43,507 books. Students had to wait as¡ long as three months to read TREASURE ISLAND then the most popular book. (6) In 1917, the Franklin gridmen went undefeated and unscored upon in league play They advanced to the State Tourney where thy subdued La Grande 42-0, Estacada 64-0, but lost the finale 12-0 to Astoria. (7) Mrs. H. Wilson, Dean of Girls, was a firm believer in ankle length skirts, a hemline any higher was strictly taboo.

Page 5

Page 6


Travel, Study, Plans Of Departing Faculty

Scholarships Number Greater Than Last Year

By Frank Frustaci Fifteen members , of Franklin's faculty will venture forth hoping to profit from cultural and educational opportunities. Included in this group of departing faculty members are: Mrs . Marcel Maynard, Miss Ruth Scherfenberg, Mrs. Janice Schiaadt, Mrs . Katherine Jubb, Mr. Joseph Maloney, Mr. Roger Price, Mrs. Jo Reimer, Mr. Paul Killorin, Mr. Roy Pierce, Miss Anne Sinclair, Mr. Charles Dawson, Miss Themla Collins, Mrs . Clytis Belloit, Mr. Vinson Sly and Mr. Timothy Wheeler. Mrs. Marcell Maynard will leave Franklin to spend the summer on the campus of Oregon State University. There she will attend classes and serve a period of residency on her way to a Masters Degree in Guidance. With the beg~nning of next fall she will return to Portland and join the counseling staff of Portland Community College. In response to the question of her expectations for next year, Mrs. Maynard confided, "The junior college in Oregon is new and I feel will offer an exciting challenge in the field of counseling adults as well as college students." Continuing her comment, Mrs. Maynard spoke of her feelings about Franklin and its students, "I think the school is exceptional in the friendliness of the students and faculty, and in the eight years I've been at Franklin I've seen the philosophy of faculty and students working to gether become a realization . . . Franklin is noy the best comprehensive high school in the city of Portland ." Miss Ruth Scherfenberg is undecided about specific plans for next year, however she hopes to t each remedial reading in one of Portland's elementary schools. Since coming to Franklin in 1955 Miss Scherfenberg has helped many students with their reading and comprehension problems. When asked about her reasons for leaving FHS Miss Scherfenberg mused, "The main reason is that there won't be remedial reading classes in the Portland high schools next fall ." She added, "I sincerely regret having to leave Franklin, partly because I like the school and students and partly because Franklin is an ideal place to teach." Franklin's business education department will suffer the greatest loss as Mrs. Janice Schlaadt, Mrs. Katherine Jubb and Mr. Joseph Maloney are leaving FHS at the end of the school year. Mrs. Schlaadt, after teaching at Franklin for five years and assuming the position of department chairman last year, will travel to Corvallis next fall as Mr. Schlaadt will begin study for his doctorate at Oregon State University. She ·h opes to either teach while in Corvallis or work in the offices of Oregon State's •p hysical education department. Commenting on her departure from Franklin Mrs. Schlaadt disclosed, "I've enjoyed working on the faculty of Franklin very much and believe that the students are perhaps the best in the city . . . I'll miss teaching here and would someday like to return." Mrs. Jubb is planning travel to to McCall, Idaho where she will assume the duties of homemaker. "I'll miss Franklin and it's students very much next year and consider my past three years teaching here a very pleasant experience," commented Mrs . Jubb. Traveling throughout France, England, Germany and Greece is on the agenda for Mr. Maloney. He is not fully decided where his travels will specifically lead , but is very

qptimistic as to the pleasure and prospects of spending next year abroad. Mr. Maloney's tentative plans call for departure from New York and arrival in Munich, Germany by October. From there his travels will branch out and are expected to last until the summer months of 1966. Pointing out that his departure is not •p ermanent, Mr. Maloney commented , "I don't really consider my departure as permanent as I hope to return to Franklin and resume teaching the year after next." Mr. Mel Fox , head football coach at FHS , has accepted the position of athletic director and head coach at Salem's new McNary High School. Coach Fox feels that the switch from Franklin to McNary will be a challenge and offers him an opportunity to establish athletic programs for an entire school. Like several other areas Franklin's math department will also lose a member. Mr. Roger Price is going to Japan to teach at the American High School in the suburbs of Tokyo. Riis plans call for at least two years in Japan and he referred to his change in environment by saying, " Going to Japa n will offer me an opportunity to travel and see a bit more of the world and will be of great personal value in the future." Mrs. Jo Reimer, •p resently teaching in the home economics wing, will leave FHS to assume the responsibilities of ·a non-working homemaker. In response to the ques tion of her f eelings for F r ank lin and its student body she replied, "Franklin High School is the best school at which I have taught. I will miss it, the faculty, and the students and would like to keep in contact with those I've known here." Mr. Paul Killorin, advisor for the POST, will leave FHS and join the faculty of Portland Community College as English-journalism instructor. After four years at Franklin Mr. Killorin commented, " I have genuinely enjoyed my four years experience at Franklin High School and all that that implies." Two of the fifteen teachers departing from FHS are currently serving internships. Mr. Timothy Wheeler is undecided about his plans for next year. His wife will be enrolled at Portland State College working on an advanced degree and thus he is certain that he will remain in the Portland area. Miss Anne Sinclair, the second de parting intern, is as yet uncertain about her plans for the summer and for next year. Mr. Roy Pierce will also depart from FHS as he will go on leave to accept a one year appointment to work with the Master of Arts Teaching Intern Program at Reed College. Mr. Pierce is presently director of interns here at Franklin and spoke of his career at FHS by saying, "I have enjoyed the students at Franklin very much for the last 12 years. I hope I shall be as fortunate in my students in the future ." Miss Thelma Collins, Mrs. Clyti Belloit, and Mr. Vinson Sly are scheduled to leave Franklin at the end of the year to be reassigned within the Portland school system next fall. Mr. Charles Dawson, after 22 years at FHS, is the only teacher who will r e tire with the coming of summer .

Numerous scholarships have been awarded to this year's seniors; more scholarships will come in during the summer. Those seniors re ceiving scholarships are: Gene Albrecht: Rollins College , Academic scholarship; Cornell College, Portland area scholarship; Lewis and Clark College, district and county scholarship; Oregon State University; Lauire Anderson: Oregon State University alternate ; FHS Dad's Club; Golden Gloves Association ; Melinda Bacon: Pentathalon YMCA Foster Branch; Stacy Berube: Seattle Pacific College; Elbridge Stuart Scholarship alternate; Diane Bilquist: Oberline College; Proctor and Gamble Scholarship; Soroptimist Citizenship Award, 3rd in city ; Scripps College ; Harold Black: Portland State College ; Diane Brokenshire: FHS Parent Teachers Association ; Lin Casciato: California Western University ; Brian Clow: U. S. National Bank Work-College Scholarship; Marcia Conlee: Portland State College; Don Cordi: FHS scholarship from Reed College; Carl Courtnier: FHS Parent Teachers Association; Sherman Coventry: Elks Leadership Scholarship second in city; Honors at Entrance, Lewis and Clark College . Marilyn Darby: Portland State College; American Legion Auxiliary Unit 146; Oregon Dad's Scholarship; Sears-Roebuck Foundation Home Economics ; Dave Decker: Brown University; Debra Deems: Portland State College; Christine Duddington: Honors at Entrance Pacific Lutheran College; Diance Digman: Intern Management program school agriculture Oregon State University; General Foods Oregon State University; Janet Equall: Portland State College; Schorlarship honors Oregon State University; Luana Falaschetti : Portland State College; Roger F'a ntz: University of Oregon; Oregon Mother's; Dennis Farber: Ripon College; Westmont College ; Robert Gallucci : honors at Entrance Willamette University; Steven Gilbert: Oregon State University; Diane Glassbrener: Pacific L.uthern College; California Luthern College, Dean's Schorlarship, Portland State College alternate; Honors at Entrance California Lutheran College ;

Wednesday, June 2, 1965

Floyd Godsey : Oregon Technological Institute. Dan Green: Oregon State Commission to Oregon State University; American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 146; Glenda Gunderson: University of Puget Sound; Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers alternate ; Portland State College; Phyllis H;arris: Linfield College ; Lilli Schmidli: Gordon Henderson: Elks Leadership Award, second in city; Soroptimist Citizenship Award second in city; Bob Hilsenteger: Portland State College ; Pam Hopkins: Portland Home Economics in Education ; Junior Achievment companies ; Mary Jo Howard: Job's Daughter's to Hastings School of Business; VeAnne Johnson : Rose Festival Association; Dean Howell: FHS Dad's Club; Steven Jeske: FHS Scholarship from Reed College; California Institute of Technology; Portland Alumni Regional Selection to Massachusettes Institute of Technology; Candace Jewell: Portland State College; Mary Ann Jones: FH:S Parent Teacher Association; Diana Lee: Portland Chinese Scholarship Foundation; Sharon Lee: Portland Chinese Schorlarship Foundation ; Lee Dong Benevolent Association; Marcia Leslie: Portland State College; Bonney Livesay: University of Oregon; Oregon State Scholarship Comission to Oregon State University; Joan Lunde: Pacific School of Beauty; Mike Michigami: St. Olaf College; Trinity College, George F. Baker; Elk's Leadership Contest, scond in city, second in state; Reader 's Digest Scholarship; Benjamin Franklin National Scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania ; Oregon State University; Veleda Club Scholarship; Wilhelmina Middlehoven: Portland State College; Janice Monti: University of Oregon ; Seattle University; Stephen Morris: NROTC Scholarship; Columbia University; John McMullen Regional to Cornell! University; Carol McCafferty: University of Oregon; Kathy Mccann: University of Puget Sound; John McCloud: Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; Wesleyan University; Regional Schorlarship to Columbia University. Kathy McNerney: Elks Leadership Contest, second in city ; Nan-

ette Nonne: Pacific School of Beauty; Ead Nylander: Oberlin College ; Oberlin College Summer Work program, limited to 12 in nation ; University of Oregon; Oregon Mother's Scholarship; June Pement: Jackson Foundation to Linfield; Honors at Entrance, Linfield; Fred Poujade: Oregon State University alternate; Patti Prusak: Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers to rOegon College of Education; District and County Scholarships; Oregon College of Education Dad's Club Award; Joanne Randol: Honors at Entrance, University of Puget Sound; Rick Snyder: Linfield College Athletic Scholarship; Sue Richards : Portland State College; American Legion Auxiliary Unit 146; Marga Sarriugarte: University of Oregon; Charles Schrader: West Point, Congressional Nomination; Anapolis alternate, Congressional Nomination; Theodore and Margaret Myer Scholarship to University of Washington; Julie Small: Linfield; Judy Smith: Portland State College; Betty Soljaga: Hi Ki Ki American Legion; Marsha Terao: Alumni Scholarship to University of Sou thern California; Hlonors at gntranc~ University of Southern California; Terrence Tindell; Music Scholarship to Lewis and Clark; Warren Toaln: University of Oregon; Oregon State Commission to Oregon State University; Mary Velander: University of Oregon; Oregon Dads; Dian Wahl: High School Honor Scholarship to University of Denver; Portland State College; Oregon State Commission to Oregon State University; California Western University. This report is accurate up to the date of its writing, May 28, 1965. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

(Continued from Page 2, Col.2) how envious of me they were for having this school use my name. But in my present stone form I can't ten these students about it . Oh, well. Editor's Note: For some unknown reason these thoughts, assumed to be from Benji; have been intercepted by an expert in mental telepathy. They are herein published for your benefit.

Teachers Reflect Past Events (Continued From Page 3, Column 5) Being new to teaching, to the school, and to the city are the obstacles which were overcome by Miss Margaret Smutz, former language teacher, 1928-1964. She relates, "In 1928 Portland had streetcars and this teacher and her mother moved into an apartment on the Mt. Scott line. The day came to go to Franklin to meet the principal, Mr. S. F. Ball. The conductor let this nervous newcomer off at 50th and Woodward street ·a nd told her which direction to take. This area was then in the woods-tall fir trees. Finally FHS appeared, she entered, heart in mouth, to meet Mr. Ball, a very friendly person. As we parted he asked, 'lf I can't remember Smutz, may I call you Margaret?' When on the rare occa·s ions I was called Miss Smutz, I knew something was wrong.) Then I was told my room was A23. After considerable wandering I found it. You know it now as 247Miss McKercher's 'Hideout. " Miss Smutz continued, " The first day of school came . She took the keys for A23 from the hook in the office and started on the journey to the room, however on arrival, the keys were useless . Only one thing to do-return to the office to learn that the room num-

bers had been changed but the keys had not. Now back to A23. Once in the room, I discovered there were no desk copies of texts and no time to secure them before classes." More recently, Mr. Dario Raschio refers to the birth of his twins sixteen years ago (1949). "An assembly was held at Franklin esp ecially for the event and the faculty and the student body presented me a large twin baby carriage. It was a beautiful thing with all the extras . . . the •p resentation of the carriage demonstrated what a big h eart the faculty and student body had and still have here at Franklin. Even today · when I run across Franklin alums ·o f that period they recall the event and ask about the twins. It is an event I will always r emember." Many closing remarks reflect the thrill of having been at Franklin over the past fifty ·years. Mr. George Emigh, Jr., claimed, "I could write a book on the experiences and thrills during my years at Franklin, but I think the greatest thrill of all was just to have been a part of Franklin High School." Miss Smutz concluded, " Long live Franklin High and best wishes for the next 50 years! " And Mr. Manning hesitated, "I rem emb er when I had more hair ."


Su ~oa 'J/wl.e At the





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Class Of '65 Anxiously Awaits End Of High School Routine Four years have gone by since the class of '65 crept meekly into high school life. Now, in just a f ew days, they will storm out like lions

Post, Almanac Record History It's that time of year when the ALMANAC will make its grand a•p pearance and the POST distributes its final edition. These two publications have been in circulation for many years making them traditions at Franklin and next year's new staffs will continue this tradition. However, few realize that the ALMAN AC was originally staffed entirely by freshmen and that the newspaper was published by the history department. An even greater contrast bet ween the first yearbook and the ALMANAC today is that it was published in a weekly magazine form . Its sustance was centered around editorials, poems, informative stories (in the first edition ther e is one on the different species of birds), sports, society, dep artment news, jokes and ads, instead of seniors as is the case in the present ALMANAC. In its first edition on January 17, 1915, it cont ained forty-four pages and, by the way, was called the POST. Freshmen took the lead in organizing t he magazine because the infant Franklin consisted only of freshmen. The twelve freshmen who headed the various sections did quite well, if not better than expected, under the leadership of Mrs. Blanche Thurstan.

Page 7


Wednesday, June 2, 1965

mu ch like the poets say the month of March does. However, many honors, achievements and events have been accomplished in the span of time between the sneaking in and the pouncing out. For example, this is the class which claims one of the four Oregon winners of the National Council of Teachers of English Awards, John McCloud, who also holds a National Merit scholarship. This is the year the musical, "The Sound of Music" was produced, being presented by a amateur group in this area for the first time. It proved to be a smashing success and a much needed shot in the arm towards participation in Franklin's drama productions. This is the class which was the first in many years to have a student qualify as an exchange student. Don Cordi traveled to Germany last summer dn the American Field Service summer exchange program to live with a family in the city of Fritzear. T·h is is the year that a graduating class has three graduating members who hail from other countries, Willy Middelhoven from the Netherlands, Elias and Norman Faris from Syria. This is also the year all previous records will be broken concerning the number of diplomas a senior class will receive. And, of cour se, the class of '65's special year coincides with Franklin's golden anniversary. Honors are not stranger s to this class as they have picked up a great number while waiting for the day when they could roar out of high school as their predecessors did before them. In this last year, Steven Jeske was named the third ranked mathematician in all the Portland High Schools, and a paper of his, turned into a competition sponsor ed by Stanfor d, was chosen as one of the twenty-one finalists. An ·a rt show at Portland State r ecently displayed a weaving of senior, Sharon Van Acker, which was selected among art work from high schools throughout Portland. In music, two seniors, Joanne Randol and Dan Green, and two juniors were chosen •as members of the Northwest Choir and Candy Jewell was selected to play in the Northwest Orchestra.

Post Bewmes Yearbook For about three years the magazine continued punblication until a senior class decided t o conver t it into a yearbook. It has remained such to this day only it has continued to expand. Last year's staff turned out a 240 page book which was the largest in its history and which won them •a first class rating. School Daze, which was ·t he original name of the newspaper, didn't appear for another seven years and then it appeared as ·a product of the history department. The first publication on May 15, 1922, was smal ler than the present paper, was ad- D'A WSON RETIRES (Continued from Page 2, Col 3) vised by Mr. Robert H . Down, and "There has been a great change was staffed by 16 students. The first page was filled with the usual in the students in the past forty stories such as the school play, a years," stated the sports-minded notice on the arrival of the year- teacher. "For example, people are book; however, instead ·o f having a eating scientifically nowadays. The separate sports page, the stories , diets are correct. In a high school on baseball and track were also lo- like Franklin a majority of the athcated on that page. Other items in letes are close to or above 6'0" in the four pager included poems, a height. Forty years ago a high f eature on shoes, music notices and school basketball team was fortua spicey gossip column on subjects nate to have three husky six-footsuch as yho would have guessed so ers. Now they have fifty or sixty and so would make such an excel- to choose from. The fact is they lent pole vaulter and Johnny Jones have been eating better food than in past years." is going out for baseball. Over his years at Franklin, Mr. Fall of t he next year found School Daze expanded to the pre- Dawson has noticed how outgoing sent size but other wise it contin- the students have been. As a r esult u ed much in the way it had been he has developed a game which is started. A gr eat many year s passed characteristic of his friendly n abefore the student body finally ture; now he greets students in adopted it •a s their school paper , more than fifty different ways. when a jour nalism class was form- This game started when he noticed ed taking it from under the gui- how many thoughtful boys and girls dance of the history department. spoke to him during the course of Years after both publications had the day. Once on his way from the become permanent fixtures of FHS office down the main hall, •over 75 the names were changed to· what students greeted him. "I can they are now. The general feeling truthfully say that Benjamin Frankseemed to be that since the POST lin High School has a very fine was then coming out annually it student body, resulting in a fine would be more •a ppropriate to re- group of boys and girls who are name it after Benjamin Franklin's honest, energetic, friendly and ear"Poor Richard's Almanac" and to nest. I will miss them all," conclucall the weekly School Daze the ded Mr. Charles Dawson. Franklin High Post after his SatAnd the students and faculty of urday Evening Post. Franklin will miss him too.

Former Franklin Graduates Succeed In Prominent Careers By Barbara Torelle With graduation so very close at hand, many students will, no doubt, begin to wonder what they will do in the months to come. This subject is of particular concern to seniors who will not be continuing their education. They have an entirely new life before them for which they must begin planning. However, this problem is not a new one. It is the same fate which faces every graduating senior, whether he is planning for college, for marriage, or for a job as an unskilled worker. Each must teach himself to accept his own responsibilities and it is the result of these teachings for some of Franklin's former students about which this article is concerned. Every year, about this same time, senior counselors are bogged down with students who need scholarship recommendations, college applications, vocational advice, or just plain help of some kind. Every year at this time, also, students are working desperately to straighten out last minute changes in plans for college or other vocations. But especially representative of this time of year is frustration because every graduating student seems thoroughly convinced that, for some reason or another, he is unprepared for the new life he will be encountering and that he is destined to be a failure. As frustrating as these worries may be at the time, they nearly always lose significance within a short •p eriod. This is evident when you consider the large number of these "destined failures" who have become very successful in their chosen field . SUCCESSFUL ALUMS Franklin rates high on the list when it comes to counting successful alums, revealing itself as a School of Ohampions. Although most of the present Quakers will not remember many of these alums as former students of FHS, a large number of the faculty members will. Many students may be even more familiar with the alums as they are in their present positions. Therefore, for the benefit of the entire student body and administration, this subject was researched and 'consequently, the names and present occupations of many of the prosperous, former Franklinites follow. In the field of art, Dick Miller, former student of Miss Mary Driscoll, is now the head interior designer at Meier and Frank company, while Hary Niehoff, also an interior decorator, has his own business in Southeast Por tland. Law is an especially important field for accomplishment and is the chosen profession for many Franklin graduates. Some of these are : Berkley Lent, who is now an attor ney serving as a State Legislator; Bill Brunner, local attorney; Fred Yerkee, Portland lawyer; and, of course, Don Clark, Multnomah County Sheriff. Also serving Portland are several officers working fo r the police department. They are: Dean Littell, traffic; Bob McKeown, detective division; Jack McKeown, uniform division; Lyle Hildreth, radio ; and Charles O'brien, radio; Larry Staudennaier, motorcycle. Law and politics often go hand in hand and Franklin has turned out politicians as well as lawmakers. Perhaps, the most outstanding one, at this particular time, is Dan Mosee who, in the recent primary election, lost the republican nomination for Secretary of State to Tom McCall.

As every other school, Franklin has turned out students who later entered many fields , including medicine, banking, business, thea-_ ter, journalism and so -0n. Some of these students include: Doctors Willis J. and Harry S. Irvine, brothers who have set up their office together in Portland; Dr. Glen F. Hopkins, now an optomotrist; Bob Franklin, vice president ·o f the F irst National Bank; Al Stromquist, at the United States National Bank; Jerald Mahan, a General Electric executive working in New York; Howard Riggs, who is working for the Safeway chain stores; Jack Murdock, co-owner of the Tektronics company; Lynn Mitler, now the technical director of the Civic Theater in Portland; Hilmar Grondahl, music editor of the Oregonian; Michael Frey, publisher and president of the Oregonian; and Watford Reed, staff writer for the Oregon Journal. Hobson Alum of Year Special honor should be given to Larry Smith who achieved recognition for conducting symphonic orchestras; Sander Burbank who is a secretary for Senator Wayne Morse in Washington, D. C.; Mary Carolyn Richards who has published her first book of poetry, "Centering" ; and Howard Hobson, senior vice president of Ronald Publications, who was recently honored as "Alumnus of the Year" by the men of AFM. Perhaps reflecting the influence of Franklin's fine teaching staff, many of the alums found their careers in teaching. Doris Jean Alexander is now t~aching drama at Mar shall High School, as is Ron Wilson at Jefferson. Also in drama is Carolyn Compton who teaches in San Jose, California. Agatha

CLASS POEM The years are gone-the end in view, At last I am a Senior too. Four years at Franklin-not to shirkFour years of pleasure, joy, and work; And many are the friends I've met, From whom I part with deep regret. A long year, I, as Freshman spent In working off my ·e nergy pent; In learning ancient words of weight"Amo-1 love," but Latin I hate: In turning various curly-cues Down in the shop with funny skews. Into a Sophomore then I grew, With that my .t roubles began to brew. Geometry with its proofs galore, Biology, English, shop, and more; And then I joined a club or two, I had as much as I could do. When I, myself, a Junior found, I was happy, gay, my joy profound, I studied long, my work was hard, My drooping lids o'er sleepy eyes, And many a day I had to guard As I sat in class and looked so wise. But now, at last, a Senior they say, I soon must leave these scenes so gay As others have done who went befor e, And appear no more at the High School door. Oh, the years are gone-the end in view, At last I am a Senior too. Anonymous Jan.-June '23-'25 The POST

Jenkins, a journalism major, teaches at Lewis and Clark College, while Benson Mates, Professor of Philosophy, is at the University of California in Berkeley. Granvill McCormich, mathematics major, teaches at the University of British Columbia and Bill Wyld, physics professor, is at the University of Illinois. Cleveland's Russian instructor, Loretw Wollett is a Franklin graduate also, as is the assistant to the President of Portland State College, Dr. Dean Anderson. Others in the field of education are serving as principles of the various schools in and around t he Portland area. They are: Dr. Gaynore Petrequin, Marshall High School; Mr. Marvin Rasmussen, Benson Polytechnic; Mr. Marshall Barber, Woodburn School for Boys; and Mr. Don James, Roosevelt High School. Many other former Franklin men have a career which combines athletics and education. Two outstanding members of this field are Jerry Long, head football ·c oach at the University of California in Los Angeles, and Ted Ogdahl, also head football coach at Willamette University in Salem. Currently, it should be noted that there are several alumni on the Franklin faculty. These are Miss Faye Cornutt and Mrs. Doris Avshalomov in the English department; Mr. Gilbert Erlandson in social studies; Miss Dana Small in mathematics and Mr. Lynn Hewitt and Mr. Mel Fox in athletics. Benji's History Recalled (Continued from Page 2, Col.5) Government. He retur ned to America in 1775. Franklin was in his 70's when he helped draft the Declaration of In· dependence, and was one of the signers. Franklin and two assistants were sent to France to find aid for the newly formed United States. The Treaty of Peace was written by Franklin in 1783. At nearly 80, Franklin returned to Philadelphia. In 1787 he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. He helped draft the Constitution and was a signer of it. He was the only person who signed all four historical documents: t he Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance, the Treaty of Peace, and the Constitution. Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790 at the age of 84. With all the glory and fame , he had acquired, his will surprisingly enough read "I Benjamin Franklin, printer . . . "



45 Records




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Page 8

Bishop, Kanas Crowned Royalty At Junior Prom On Friday evening, May 21 the Junfor Prom was held in the FHS gym. Approximately 100 couples entered the "Palace of Golden Dreams" through two towering gold pillars. One of the first events was the

were Carolyn Crockett, Marji DeBuse, Maureen Peloquin, Carol Smurthwaite, Linda Stucki, Diane Weisenberg, Rollyn Brown, Jim Knutsen, Dan Roison , Ted Soren ~ sen , Alan Wo olfolk, and Hank Tomlinson.

Wednesday, June 2, 196:

Installation Assembly Ushers In Officers Officers of AGS, AFM, class and the student body were installed during the week of May 25-28. Highlights of this week also included the presentation of AGS's "Girl of the Year," and AFM's "Man of the Year" awards . They were presen ted on May 25 t o seniors Kathy McNerney an d Gordon Henderson. Out-going se ni or class p resident , Rick Snyder, thanked h is cabin et and f ellow seniors for their co-

operation during his term of office. In-coming president, Dan Roison, introduced his cabinet as : Velva Thompson, vice president; Carol Bradshaw, secretary; John Cle-

Daughter Tea, and big sister pre gram," acknowledged Carol. A cat inet of Shirly Cain, vice presiden1 Sara Larusso, secretary; Pat RowE treasurer; and Lonnie Wilson, hi'

Speech Students Recieve Awards Franklin's sp eech dep ar t m ent fin ished the year with an Aw ards B an qu et and three speech meets. At the banquet, awards for this years contests were given to the speech students.

JUNIORS ENJOY dancing to the music of Bl u t e Kei.y ~11u. <»S " rchestra as the Junior Class of 1965 presented their version of the Junior Prom. This years theme was "Palace of Golden Dreams." crowning of King Steve Kanas and Queen Janice Bishop by last year 's King and Queen, Gordon Henderson and Diane Bilquist. Steve and Janice were the rulers of a gold, fairy -like Medieval Castle located near the center of the room. Hovering over the castle were three large gold balls trimmed in flowering streamers. The members of their royal court

Dave Olson, junior, was chosen ALMANAC editor for 1965-66 at a banquet h.e ld Tuesday May 25.




The Dr. Erickson trophy was won by · the senior class. The tro,phy was presented to Harold Thompson and Rick Snyder in an assembly May 28.




A new feature at the 1965 Rose Festival-the Teen-Age Fair, will be prese nted continuously during the Festival, from June 4 through June 13. It will be housed in the exhibit hall of the Memorial Coliseum. Among its highlights will be the Battle of the Bands , slot car racing, (faiice · contests, surfing movies , hootenannys , guest star s, fashion shows and game s.

The Oregon coastal community of Coos Bay, will play host to artists and musicians this summer through efforts of the citizens and the local college, There will be a series of workshops in art, music, and drama. Each workshop will run for four weeks, from June 21 to July 16 and from July 19 to August 13. Anyone 16 or over can attend. Letters of inquiry should be sent to Southwestern Oregon College, P. 0. Box 509, North Bend, Oregon.

When the couples weren't dancing to the music of Br uce Kelley and his band, they were eating cookies and drinking punch by a tiny golden palace on the refreshment table.

Quaker Assembly To Feature Senior Movie Franklin's annual senior movie which is a compilation of the major event of each senior class is now ready for its showing on Thursday, June 3. The tradition of previous years has been to show the major events of only the senior year. This year tradition has been broken in that, the film contains the most important events of both junior and senior years. Included in the film are such activities as the Junior Prom, the senior aftergame dance , senior P.K classes, and other interesting events pertaining to the · class of ' 65. The photographer of this year's movie, Doug Bell, has been seen by the student body at all the im1p ortant activities this year with his bright lights and "trusty" camera shooting hundre ds of feet of film. All expe nses created by the filming are underwritten b y the cla ss' treasu ry. Commenting on the photograp hy of this year's movie, senior class counselor, Mrs. Marcel Maynard said, "The photography is the best, the focus is excellent. Much credit is due Mr. Igrens for his supervision and Doug Bell for his photography."

Results of the tournament held by the advanced students for the beginners were announced. An "Outstanding First .Year Student'" trophy was awarded to Sheila Oestrreicher who took first in Humorous Interp and third in Serious Interp, and excellent class grades.



Cabinet Positions Filled "I want to thank this class for the privilege and the honor to serve them, and for this fine spring cabinet," state newly-elected junior class president, Jim Coons. Assisting him will be Bill Armes , vice president; Susie Benson, secretary; Jackie Hintes, treasurer; and Linda Larson, historian. Randy Lewis, Vance Putnam, Susan Ball, Pam Tyler, and Teresa Namba will be acting sgts-at-arms .

Another advanced student, Gay Stryker, was awarded the "Outstanding Advanced Speaker" trophy, voted on by the advanced students. Gay was given a standing ovation.

"It's unbelievable, I was not planning to get the office of Sophomore Class President, but we have a list of plans for nex t year and

The only t hird year student, Bob Cisco, was then awarded his t r ophy. Bob has the most National Forensic League points gained in Franklin . He grossed 269 points. Attending the banquet were Mr. Holt, Mr. Jack King, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westcott, and Mrs. Maxine Crites, who receive d the "Most Cooperative Faculty Member"trophy. After the awards, Mr. Ben Padrow, Director of Forensics and Associate Professor at Portland State College, r eceived a standing ovation following a speech on "The Qualities of a Leader." Me et R esults Recorded Sin ce the banquet, thre e me ets h ave b een h eld. Trophies were won b y th e fo llowing people: Bob Cisco~ first in Humorous I nterp., at Reynolds; Barbara Torelle: second in Serious Interp., also Reynolds, first in Oratory at Grant; Kathy McNerney: first in Oratory at Jesuit; Gay Stryker: second in Oratory at Grant; and Norma Farah: second in After-Dinner speaking at Grant.

Henderson , McNe1·ney Chosen Man, Girl of Year



ments, treasurer; and Marian Sandoz, publicity chairman. Those filling positions of sgt.-at-arms are Dick Roth , Rick Seaberg, Gary Grisanti, John Winquist, Gretchen Wegner, Ann Hopple , Jackie Strauss, and Linda Elliott.

Advanced speakers were announced next, as the total number of first, second, and third place contest wins were revealed by Mr. Don Holt, Speech Coach. Kathy McNerney received the following trophies from outside contest activities : District Championship, Knights 0£ Pythias; Second in State, Knights of Pythias; Second in State, American Legion.

A sophomore, Richard Perish, has formed Franklin's first sqamish squad. The game squamish, which is a combination of football, baseball, tennis and polo has been r ecently introduce d in Portland by KISN r a di o. Ri ck 's team, as yet unname d, plans to challenge other teams which are being formed throu ghout the Portland High


. : The 1965 graduates of Frankli:!! nig·h School are urged by the ~tate System of Higher Education "~o take a close look at the advant~ges of starting their college carr f ers this summe.r"

ABOVE ARE the new class presidents for the ~pri.1g .e1m m 1965 From left to right are: Jim Coons, junior class president; Gayle Stucki sophomore class president; and Dan Roisom, senior class president.

GORDON HENDERSON and Kathy McNerney have been chosen by the students of FHS as Man and Girl of the Year. Both were also given the honor of All-Around Quaker and Quakerette in March'" ·"··

I'm looking forward to a busy summ er," remarked Gayle S t ucki. Her cabinet will consist of Gary Walker , vice president; Marilyn Mizote, secretary; Elaine Soloja, historian; and

sgts .-at-arms:



Shiela Hildebran, Marie Swanson, Lindy Johnston, Jeanne Bisenius, and Diane Fowler.

torian , will aid in Carol's attempt' AF M preside nt, Joe G oodale ani his cabinet of Sam Hann a, vic1 president; T er r y J a cobsen, secre tary; Darrell Bowen , treasurer; ani Steve Hawthorne, historian will be gin planning for next year's AFl\ Week this summer.

Masonic Temple Scene Of Prom

The night of May 29 marked th• first step in the termination of th1 four year career of the graduate: of 1965 . This first step was the Sen ior Prom. At 8:00 p.m . couples en tered the Masonic Temple, weri announced on arrival in an irri descent spotlight, and steppec down into the sunken ballroom Dancing to the music of Jerry Var Hoomissen and his nine piece or chestra, they noticed that ill thE center of the ballr oom , decoratec with blue and green fantasy trees was an elevated "Emerald Isle ."

Attending the prom was genera chairman Luana Falaschetti. Look ing back on the momentous occas· sion, Luana said, "As general chair· man, the prom was one of my mos1 rewarding experiences . It enablec mE: to help create a lasting .memo!") for all those who attended."

AGS-AFM Plan Activities In charge of AGS next spring will be junior Carol Smurthwaite. "We are planning to accomplish a lot next year, but our biggest tasks will b e the annual Mother and

Aiding Luana in this creatiox: was Gary Tash, co-chairman ; Carol Bergstrom, decorations ; Sonia Som-

mers, programs; Denise Tourville, •publicity; Julie Small, patrons ; and Paula Halvorson, refreshments.

Wednesday, June 2, 1965

Gabner, Avery lead Team In City Qualifying Meet Except for the state meet, th e 1965 track season is a thing of th e past. At th e city qualifying, the Quakers were fortunate in qualifying for seven positions. Six men, Mike Gabner, Mike Avery, Elmer Davis, John Kincaid, Dean Moxley and Art Andrews all qualified for the meet which determined those who go to state. This meet was held at Madison May 14. The top two in each meet came back for the state qaulifying meet at the same field on May 28.

146 feet completing the seven positions. A week later these seven returned to the 82nd oval but this time they weren't so fortunate. Only two positions qualified with Mike Avery placing second in the time of 15.4 seconds. Gabner was close behind Lincoln's Tom Kommers who blazed a fine 14.9. The other home town qualifier for the Quakers was Mike Avery possibly the best high-jumper in the city, Avery went 6 feet even to make the jour-

Younger Trackmen Enter City Play; Collect Wins By Bob Earnest

Varsit Diamondmen Lose Final Four Games

Madison High hosted the J .V. and Frosh city track meet Monday, May 24. Both of Franklin's squads entered with strong contenders in hopes of taking many of the city berths.

The Franklin varsity baseball team lost their last four baseball games to Marshall 5-4, Lincoln 2-1, J efferson 3-0 and Wilson 3-0. The Quakers ended the PIL season with a 4 win-16 loss record .

Proving himself well was Bob Lovelien as he took a 1st in high jump with a jump of 5'10" . Lovelien also took a 6th in the high hurdles. Dean Seawell captured a 4th in the pole vault. Franklin's J . V. 880 yard relay team placed 7th. · Those entered in this event were: Ernie Cook, Mike Gallucci, Dean Seawell, and Ivan Wong.

Quakers Lose Two A hitting managerie took place on the Marshall diamond when the Minutemen barely squeezed ·by Franklin 5-4. Jim Hall and sophmore Ron Steffani each gathered triples and Jerry Emra blasted out a double. The losing pitcher was senior Dave Hesson.

Lincoln was mustere d up by Carl Wilson. Jeff 3, Q-Men 0 Drop ball expert Gr.eg Lebeck, threw a three hitter against Franklin as Jefferson went on to defeat the maroon and grey 3-0. Action started off for Jefferson in the first inning when Gene Lewis blasted a home run. Pitching for Franklin was Joe Goodale who managed to toss five strikeouts. Collecting singles for the Quaker nine were Steve Schmeer, Bob Carnes, and Darrel Bowen.

Competition for city berths in J .V. discus was held at an earlier date. Ivan Wong · took a . 5th with a throw of 127 feet. Ed Croft placed 7th with a throw of 124 feet. Frosh Prove Winners

FINE FORM is displayed by Quaker high-jumper Mike Avery. Avery went 6'0" to qualify for the state meet held at Oregon State in Corvallis. Mike Gabner was the only other Quaker qualifyer. Elmer Davis, a junior, and Mike Gabner, a senior, qualified on May 14th for two positions. Davis and Gabner both qualified in the 180 yd. low hurdles and the 120 yd. high hurdles. Mike Avery, the slender high-jumper easily qualified by going 5'9" in the high jump event. Art Andrews also qualified. The 880 yd. run found John Kincaid qualifying in a fin e time of 2 minutes and 7 tenths seconds, which is only a second and a h alf off the schooi's record set by Hal Westberg. Dean Moxley qualified in the discus when h e tossed the platter

ney to state. Davis took third in the high hurdles and fifth in the lows. Moxley took a fifth in the discus, Kincaid finished seventh in a fine field of half milers and Andrews grabbed a sixth. None of these efforts were good enough to qualify for the state meet. As stated b efore Gabner and Avery are the only two Quakers to participate in the state meet at Oregon State May 27-28~Here the will compete against the finest high 'School track and field athletes in the state.

Female Track Team Shows Much Promise A girl's tra ck and field team has been organized here at Franklin for the second season. " We have many new members and also several returning from last season, " st ated Mrs. Joanne M ead h ead coach. The following girls are members: Freshmen: Margo Hart, Silvia H illesland, Chris Gniewosz, Lindy Langdon, Colleen Mccready, Darlyne Little, Beverly Singletary, Filman, Minda Bale, and Susan Ann Wolf, Moira McBride, Linda Head. Sophomores: Jane Miller, Nancy Davis, Ann Gniewosz. The girl's first competitive meet was held at Grant, with Grant, Cleveland, and Franklin. Grant took first with 74 points, Cleveland 48 points and Franklin 18 points.

The following girls placed in their events: 100 yd. dash, S . Hillesland, 4th i.~lace , 14.2 ; 75 yd. dash, S. Hilleslana, 2nd place, 9.8, Ann Gniewosz, 3rd, 10.8; 220 Walk, M. McBride, 4th, 64.6 ; 220 Dash, J. Miller, 4th, 31.8; Broad Jump , S. Hillesland, 2nd, 13.3, M. Hart, 4th, 12.1 0; High Jump, C. Mccready, 1st, 4.1, N. Davis, 4th, 3.11 ; Softball Throw, J. Miller, 4th, 155.2. The outstanding trackster for the day was Silvia Hillesland, freshman, who placed in all three of her events. "The girls have been working hard at their events and have shown a great improvement over last year's team. I hope these girls and others will continue with such enthusiasm for track and fie ld," remarked Coach Mead.

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With John Struble taking two firsts the Frosh track team came on strong. He took the broad jump with a jump of 19'5" and the high jump with a leap of 5'7" . His high jump broke the FHS Frosh record and the City Frosh record. First place in the discus was garnered by Ken Bolder with a toss of 124'1:Y2 " to break the school record. Marshall Short captured a 5th in the shot put with a thr ow of 46' 21h ''. His throw also broke the school record. Dan Lanning took a 5th in the 1320 yard run with a time of 3:26 .6. He too, broke the school record. A third place was taken in the 180 yard low hurdles as John Struble crossed the finishing line with a time of 22:5. Steve Massie placed 4th in the broad jump with a bound of 17' 3". A 6th place was captured by John Gallucci in the 440 yard dash with a time of 57.0. The Frosh 440 yard relay team placed 6th in city with a time of 48.5 . Team members were: John Gallucci, Steve Massie, Terry Mulsey, and Mike Rankin.

Girls Garner 3rd In State Five girls of the Franklin tennis team were fortunate eno ugh to particiipate in the state tournament which was held May 21-22 at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Suzanne Bonney, Laurie Anderson, Janet Equall, Louann Gemma and Janet Federici represented th~ Quakers at the tournament. Gemma, Equall, and Federici had to do it the hard way by participating in the city qualifying which was h eld during the week of May 11-15. Bonney and Anderson because of their position didn't have t o participate in the city tournament. The girls gained 9 team points in the state tournament to gain third in the state! A fine effort by the representatives from Franklin.

FRANKLIN'S third baseman Jim Hall lays down a bunt in the third inning of the Jefferson game. Jefferson went on to capitalize on Franklin mistakes and downed the Quakers 3-0. The losing pit.cher for Franklin was Joe Goodale. Franklin's seven errors blew Ralph Reisbeck's one hitter as Lincoln went on to down Franklin 2-1 on the Lincoln home field. Joe Goodale and sophomore clean up hitter Ron Steffani each collected two singles. Other base hits were wrapped by Kelly Mccormic and Steve Schmeer. The lone hit for

Weak Pitching Hurts Jayvees "We have a good ball club this year but we are a little weak on pitching," commented Coach Don Nelson after his Jay Vee diamondmen had dropped their last game on the season to Wilson 5-3 . In their last five outings the underclassmen droppe d three games and won two. Coach Nelson's crew were able to collect only two runs against Jefferson and were downed by the Demos 7-2. Roosevelt was next in line for the Quakers. The Roughriders found the wrath of Franklin's Jay Vees too much to handle as the Teddies could acquire but one run in the seven inning game. This wasn't enough to overcome the three runs held by the Quakers. Washington fell prey to the smooth moving home nine as Franklin rallied over the Colonials 6 to 4 in a hard fought game.

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Trojan diamond as Franklin's Gary Volz and Wilson's Wayne Trictchell faced off. Volz tossed a three hitter while Twitchell threw a one hitter, both gaining nine


outs. The only hit for Franklin was by junior Steve Schmeer.

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Page 10


Trophies Symbolize Past 50 Years' Achievements By Dean Howell Dynasties in sports have occur· red in the .past 50 years at Franklin. Evidence of this can be seen in the school trophy case located in the main hall adjoining the office. Large numbers of trophies, plaques, and prizes adorn the woodpanelled trophy case, all symbolizing fine efforts by those attending the "School of Champions." Ice Hockey Prevails In an age when high school ice hockey was prevalent, Franklin excelled in I947, I949, and I95I by taking the PIL Championship in this sport. Although hockey was then considered a minor sport, it has grown to be the tremendous sport that it is today. For the second time in three years Franklin's puck squad skated home with the city championships. Tall defense-man Bill Edwards and center Marv Crouch paced the city winners to a 5-win I-loss 2-tie mark in I949. The first five games found the maroon and grey unscored upon. The scores for I949 were: Franklin 2-Benson 0 Franklin 6-Roosevelt O Franklin 4-Grant 0 Franklin I-Jefferson 0 Franklin I-Lincoln 2 Franklin 2-Benson 2 Franklin I-Jefferson I Franklin I-Lincoln O The sports spotlight then shifted to the basketball scene, with the Quaker's hoopers grabbing off state championships in I956 and I959 and taking third place in the state tourney in I958 and then topping it off with a first place in city in I95S. It pro·1ed to be rough going for other PIL and state teams during this span of four years. Franklin completely dominated the state scene in '56 and '59 while their final state scores showed this. The final '56 score was 73 an d Medford 60. In the '59 finale Marshfield was a little

Wednesday, June 2, 1965

Quakers State Kings In Previous Years The unrated Quakers, who had to win a playoff game to squeeze into the State Tournament, won the I959 A-I High School Basketball Championship. In regular PIL action, Franklin barely eeked out a I3-5 record against well balanced competiti·on. The Quakers beat Grant 45-40 in a crucial playoff game which gave them the right to go to the state tournament in second position while Jefferson went in first.

THIS PICTURE shows only a small representation of 50 winning years here at Franklin High. The sweat, tears, and joy which these trophies represent can never be measured. rougher but finally went down to defeat 58-52. That was the year that 7'0" Mel Counts played 'for Marshfield. To gain the finals it took a short hook shot by Jack Fauwcet to give the Quakers a 5049 win over Pendleton. Grapplers Standout The scene switches again, this time to the maroon and grey's past wrestling teams. In one span from I956 to I960 the Quakers were city champions in 56-59 and I960. Coached by Mr. Marty Bergan, the teams were all well-balanced and h ad little trouble wra'p ping up the city championship. Bu t not all trophies won by individuals and groups pertain to athletics. Many of t h e awards and plaques in the trophy case are for outstanding accomplishments concerning studen ts . Trophies are not m erely show pieces which help to liven up main


halls, but they signify the hours of hard work, dirt and sweat that goes on behind the s.c ene before the football crowd or stage audience ever sees the finished and polished product. So, as the first fifty years and the next fifty years roll by, the trophy case will expand and become full of fine efforts from those who attended the school on Woodward.

Golf Tearn Takes City In 1954-55 Th e I954 golf season opened with the Quaker linkmen defeating their first seven opponents. Gary Hual, junior, proved to be top man, as h e won his first seven matches. With high hopes, Franklin set out to win the city championship. Their expectation proved correct, as the team went on to beat Lincoln and take the city championship. Franklin's f inal standing was I3 wins, with one loss to Jefferson.

In the first game of the tournament Franklin scalped Scappoose 62-42. This was only the beginning which put the Oregon sportswriters in a trance because Franklin was not rated in the top ten teams in the state. The second game found the determined Quakers five subdueing Beaverton 50-45. One of the most thrilling games in state tournament history came in Franklin's third game when captain Jack Fawcett made a swooping hook with two seconds left to beat Pendleton 49-48. In the final game, the Marshfield Pirates with All Stater Mel Counts, were very much surprised as Franklin scored a 58-52 win and the State A-I State Championship. Individual honors for the season went to Jerry Bergstrom who captured 1st Team All-City Basketball, league leading scorer 342 points, 2nd Team All-State Basketball, and the All-Tournament Team; Roger Williams 2nd Team AU-City Basketball, and finally Jack Faucett wno obtained Honorable Mention AllCity Basketball Team.

The state basketball championship, a feather in any school's cap, was captured by the Franklin Quakers in I956. The team was coached by Mr. Mel Krause. Starting with the pre-season action, Franklin defeated South Salem, North Salem, Central Catholic, Hillsboro, and Grants Pass ; but fell prey in their sixth contest to Medford 58-53. In the PIL action, the Quakers came up with I3 wins while losing one contest to Grant 54-47. Leading scorer for Franklin in the I956 season was 6'9" junior Bjarne Jensen. Bjarne's high point game of the season was again Jefferson when he poured in 42 counters. After compiling a I3-I season, Franklin and Lincoln represented the PIL in state A-1 competition at McArthur court in Eugene. The first game found Franklin sliding by South Salem 65-62; Eugene 56-50 in an overtime thriller; Lincoln 48-40. The grand finale came when the Quakers blasted Medford 73-60 for the State A-1 Championship. Finishing below Franklin on the totem pole were Medford, Lincoln, Eugene, and Mac-Hi. Honors went to Ernie Sprague who was picked for second team AU-State, while 6'9" Bjarne Jensen Franklin's sensational center received a first team rating.






Now the team traveled to Salem to enter stat e competition. Franklin's golf team fired a two-day total of 657 to place fourth in state . Eugene came in first; Corvallis sec ond ; and Medford third.

What sort of feeling does a senior, who has been active in athletics, have when he finds himself faced with the tought of having no more high school contests in which to participate? Of course, one of the first feelings would be that of relief. Finally, there are no more of those dreaded after-school practices. No more lumps from a challenge chill, no more floor burns from the gym, no more aching legs from miles around the monotonous track, no more aching arms from those hundreds of baseballs you have thrown. This might be your initial reaction. But take a little more time to think it over. Above this feeling of relief isn't there more of a feeling of satisfaction, and even above that a feeling of sadness and sorrow? You are finally through, but aren't you a better person for having stayed with something? Maybe you weren't the star and didn't play every game, but you tried, that is what counted. Sadness or perhaps even sorrow will probably enter in with more thought. No more games Friday night to look forward to. No dances afterwards. The All-City rating you may have gotten will never come again. These may be all the things that flash through the graduating senior's mind. And I'll bet if you had to do it over again, it would all be the same.

Hard luck reigned as the Quak-· er linkmen drop•p ed their first three pre-season matches in the I955 golf season. The team prompted by state champi,on Gary Hual went on to defeat all opp·o nents in league competition except Grant. Again Franklin took the city championship by tieing with Jefferson. Quaker linkmen once more went to state, and this time the team ended up in second place. Coach James Wolfe was extremely proud of his team, as the I954 season was his first year of coaching when his team went to state. Now in I955, the even stronger team took state again. Outstanding golfers on the I954 team were Roger Williams and Gary Hual. Top scoring boys on the I955 team were Dick Hogan, Ed Steele, and Gary Hual.


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