The Feast Ermita Bulletin - September 2, 2018

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08.26.18 / 9:00AM Cinema 3, Robin-

09.02.18 SUNDAY 9:00AM | Cinema 3 Robinsons Place Manila

Blood, Sweat and Tears

The title of my article today is derived from a popular Jazz/Rock band in the late 60’s, BS & T, or more known as Blood Sweat and Tears. But based on my research, the expression became known during Sir Winston Churchill’s speech in 1940, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat,” when he warned the British people of the hardships to come in fighting WWII. And this is what leadership is all about. It’s not about position, but more so, action. It takes a lot of sacrifice, selflessness and difficulties. And this is a true sign of a leader who is ready to give his all for the welfare of other people, even to the extent giving up one’s life so that others may live.

Feast Ermita Family, welcome to our new talk series, “Bleedership!”


Leadership Is Good For You

When I first started working I usually thought that the project managers had the easiest job. All they do is follow up and give orders to the team to implement the task. Or so I thought. Nine years after, now that I am already a project manager and a team leader, I realize that it’s not that easy. Leading people versus doing a task by yourself is way different. It takes, patience, skill and influence to lead a team well. You even have to build a good relationship with your colleagues to make the team work better. I love that my leader, Bro. Bo, have told me that “Leadership is good for you.” Back then I did not understand what he meant, but now I do. Leadership can be used by God so that each of us can be a blessing to those we lead. It’s not an easy journey to be a leader, but it is worthwhile. Get this: You are a leader, whether you like it or not. There are people around you that you influence either for the good or for the bad. In this new series, I’m excited because we will equip you to become better leaders for your family, work and life. In Christ, JOHN BEN RODRIGUEZ

READINGS: 1st Reading: READINGS: 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8 2nd Reading Psalm: 2nd Reading: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Gospel: Psalms: Psalm 15:1-5 Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Personal Reflection and Group Sharing


1. Do you know God’s Vision for your life? 2. How can you make God’s Vision nourish you and become your food?

Talk 1 - Light And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV) You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8 NET)


Life After The Death Of My Son As told to Krystel Ramos-Tobias

No mother should have to bury her child. Gina Obina, 53 years old, messenger in a government agency, shares how the death of her eldest son births a new perspective in life. My children are my biggest blessings. My eldest son, John Reynar Madulid, also known as "Mark", got terribly ill when he was seven years old. It was a challenge for him to defecate so the doctor had to make a hole on his stomach to facilitate excretion. Worst, his father left us so I took all the responsibility on my own. Fighting the Big C When Mark turned 15 years old, the doctor found a massive tumor in his colon. He was then diagnosed with colon cancer and an operation was required. I badly needed a huge amount of money. My salary as a sales lady in one of the supermarkets in San Pedro, Laguna would not suffice. I felt

Nanay Gina’s greatest love.

helpless. "Lord, saan ako kukuha ng pera para mailigitas siya?" There were times when I wanted to give up. When Mark was confined in the Philippine General Hospital, a stranger approached me and uplifted my spirit. That person reminded me to stay strong and to be prayerful. There were also times when I had to bring Mark to the hospital. I worked in different jobs, turning days into nights, while my mother took care of him in the hospital. I also sought help from PCSO to find a donor to fund his operation. Finally, we found one and his surgery was a success. My problem was far from over. I worked doubly hard to provide not just for the medical needs of Mark but for our daily expenses. My mother, my constant companion and angel, continued to care for his grandson. But then she passed away and I lost my only support. Before she bid goodbye, she reminded me to look after Mark. I had no choice but to stop working. A Loving and Responsible Son

Mark saw our daily struggle. He started to help me provide for the family. Despite his condition, he was a charming, loving, responsible son and uncle.

On July 2018, I was rushed to the hospital due to a mild stroke. Mark attended to our needs while I was confined in the hospital. He did everything possible to provide for us. Breaking the News Last July 30, I received a call from Mark's half brother, Michael. He informed me that Mark was hospitalized. I didn’t know how to react. Mark just gave me a call early that morning saying he’d visit, bringing with him rice and some money for our food. How could he be lying in a hospital? Then another call followed with a dreadful message, my beloved child left life. Losing my son was the most traumatic experience in my life. The once playful and cheerful Mark was now a lifeless body. And there was no way to bring him back. I wallowed in grief. Finding a Support Group Mark surprised me big time. After his death, I learned that he was serving at The Feast Ermita. I was clueless that he belonged to the spiritual community. I came to know Bro. Adrian Panganiban and Bro. JB Rodriguez and other members of the community during his wake. Knowing that Mark had brothers and sisters, titos and titas in the prayer group who treated him as family and accepted him wholeheartedly made me happy. Without their support, I couldn’t imagine how we could have paid for the burial. I didn’t expect to meet people who were willing to lend a helping hand without asking for anything in return. Gina Obina (middle), with Bro. JB Rodriguez (left) and Bro. Adrian Panganiban (right), expresses her gratitude to The Feast Ermita prayer community for supporting and loving her eldest son, Mark Madulid, during his service as a production assistant.

It has been 40 days since Mark left us. I was grateful that he left me a family through the Feast. I was able to release the burdens that I carry in my heart. Through prayers and comforting words, we were led closer to God. Maybe God is leading me here. I am reminded that He is always by my side and listening to my prayers. In all my struggles in life, my hope is with the Lord.

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“God reminds us that we are already rich. Start helping now.” - Bro. JB



Gospel Reading according to John John 6:60-61

Talk 4 - Gospel of Luke

“In following Jesus, there is no turning back.” - Fr. Marlon Reyes

Your Story According To...

The mission statement of Jesus is to proclaim Good News to the poor. And being poor is not necessarily materially poor. The Hebrew word “Ani”, which translates to poor, refers to those who are not valued in the society or those who are neglected. Was there a time in your life when you felt unvalued? Remember this, God will bring good news to you and miracles will happen in your life.

Do we also lose interest in the Lord and His teachings as time goes by? Fairweather friends are those who are only present in good times but leaves you in bad times. Jesus, too, experienced being abandoned by His disciples. Friends are God’s gift to us. We should always pray for them.

Who were the “ani” in the old days? 1. Materially Poor. God wants to lift you up from material poverty. Don’t compare yourselves upwards. 2. Women and Children. Though they are not counted in the society before, Jesus values them. 3. The sick. 4. Gentiles. Luke is the only Gentile among the four Gospel writers. 5. Sinners. Love the sinners as Jesus did. Luke 19:10 says, For the son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Talk 5 - Gospel of John John’s Gospel is different from other synoptic gospels of Mark, Luke and Matthew. The focus is not the history of Jesus but the theology of Jesus. Be different. If John did not write the gospel in his unique ways, our understanding of Jesus is incomplete.

Answered Prayers

God wants to personal with you. Some people know God in some ways but they don't know Him personally. Knowing God is all about intimacy. You are the disciple that Jesus loved. He’s really into you. Three simple truths:

For the successful operation of my daughter, guidance, grace, blessings showered upon us and most especially the love of our Lord - Virginita Ywayan

1. God always makes the first move. Jesus forgives to His enemies. Jesus is asking, “If you were Him what will you do?“

For keeping me alive. For the opportunity to praise and worship you. For answering all my worries in life, for giving me everything though I’m not asking. For teaching me to be grateful and humble - Ingrid Duque

2. Only you can make the second move. There should be a cooperation between you and God. Without God, you can’t. Without you, God won’t. 3. God wants a fantastic friendship with you. He wants an intimate relationship with you. It’s not just about being a Sunday Christian.

Thank you that Papa has a job now, relief from financial stress. For the strength to carry on our burdens, for not losing hope. Thank you holy spirit for reminding me to be like Jesus every single time. Thank you for everyday’s journey, lessons and blessings - Anonymous

MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDER Clarity Is Power One day, Bert was trying to get his washing machine through his kitchen door. Ernie, a neighbor, passed by, and said, “May I help?” Bert breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Yes, that will be great. I’ll get it from the inside and you get it from the outside.” The two struggled to move the washing machine but it would not budge. Ernie wiped the sweat off his face and said, “Wow, this thing is bigger than it looks. It’s stuck. I don’t know how we can get it into your house…” Bert said, “Inside? I’m getting it out of my house!”

This happens more than you think. Multiply this confusion by a billion times, and that’s what

happens to families, teams, organizations, businesses, and ministries today. Because people lack a clear vision. Welcome to our powerful brand-new series, BLEEDERSHIP: How Leadership Is Sacrifice. And for our first message, we talk about how Leaders provide Light. Through this series, I’m claiming that God will sharpen your leadership to impact many generations. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez

The Builders: Adrian Panganiban • John Ben Rodriguez Council Heads: Mayvin Alejandro Gigi Alvarez Mon Bumatay A1 Feast Bulletin Staff Media Heads: Ryan Alejandro and Joemer Ernn Embernate Editor in Chief: Judee Quiazon Associate Editor: Bethany Dechavez Editorial Assistant: Krystel Ramos-Tobias Writers: Juliann Silva, Robby de Guzman Chief Photographer: Ryan Carlo Mahinay Photographers: Mcaine Andrei Carlos Layout Artists: Dino Castañeda, Robert Quiazon Art Director: Wilma Cosme Contributing Photographer: Rhea Nodado

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