Feast Ermita Bulletin April 19, 2020

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Blessing Blog Last Week’s Homily & Holy Week Special: Rescued Message from Bro. Bo Sanchez

First Reading: Acts 2:42-47 Psalms: 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9 Gospel: John 20:19-31

Easter Is Real Today is our 35th day after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared Luzon, Philippines on an “enhanced community quarantine” (ECQ) last March 16, 2020. It is effectively a total lockdown with restricted movements to those working and traveling to provide essential goods and services in response to contain the growing COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst all this crisis we are dealing with, there is one thing that gives us hope... Easter is coming. This is not only happening in our country, but globally. And the good thing about it is that any person, religion, denomination, rich or poor, black or white, has learned to go down on their knees and pray... looking forward that Easter is coming. Just the same, after all the mockery, suffering and dying on the cross, on the third day that Man rose from the dead. We all knew that Easter is real and that this too shall pass. Together we stand. With God, we will overcome.

04.19.2020 9:00AM Live FB | Holy Mass & Talk

Be Blessed, Adrian Panganiban

Extended “I can’t wait for April 14. Yehey, malapit na matapos ang quarantine.” Yan ang palagi kong sinasabi sa sarili ko nung nakaraang linggo. I could imagine places to eat, the clients I’m going to meet, and the people I will be catching up with. But sadly, na-extend. My heart broke. Oh well. After prayer and reflecting about it this week, I realized that God wanted me to learn something. That is, to trust. There is a reason why we need to stay at home, for our safety. There is a reason why we have to face different challenges now. We may not know why, but we still must have peace. Think about this: sometimes more than the chaos outside, what causes us fear and worry is the chaos in our hearts. ‘Di ba? Yes, I agree. Magulo ngayon at mahirap dahil sa COVID-19. But will you agree with me that a big contributor to that is the terror and panic that you feel in your heart? I believe that in circumstances like these, God wants us to learn to remain at peace. At the end of it all, no amount of external situation can give you peace. It starts with a heart filled with complete faith in God’s love.

When this is over, we will be better. In all aspects.

Have a blessed Feast today.

In Christ, John Ben Rodriguez


Fighting My Battles In Total Surrender By Robby de Guzman

In what ways have trials purify our hearts during this unique situation? Robby de Guzman, law student, shares his story. This year has been tough for all of us. Well, especially for me. Before coronavirus spread in the Philippines, my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last January 2020. I brought her back to our province in Lipa, Batangas hoping that she’d recover but her health continued to deteriorate. I decided to take an indefinite leave from work and skip one semester in law school to take care of her. Making a Tough Call My mom was supposed to have an urgent treatment in China. Due to her unstable condition and the growing number of positive COVID-19 cases at an accelerating rate in that country, our family agreed to abort the plans and stay with her in the hospital until her last breath. The doctors were at their wit’s end. We lost her in less than 30 days. Weeks after her internment, the virus spread in the Philippines and the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) happened. I haven’t been back to work and my usual life since then. My mom’s relatives embraced me in their loving care as I spent the days thinking about all the good times I had with my mother. And sadly, I’d regret the moments when I failed to give her my time and attention. I do not know if I can cope with the loss of a mother. I couldn’t imagine yet how my life would go on after the quarantine ends. I’d soon return to our house, without her. Trials Are God’s Blessings in Disguise During this particular time, however, I had time to meditate and realize the blessings that God prepared for me. First, I was able to focus on taking care of my health. When my mom became terminally ill, I was able to study the bad food for cancer patients and started avoiding them. I learned that a healthy lifestyle including the proper diet for boosting the immune system, are our key to long life and to prevent diseases such as cancer or viral infections. Next, I have learned that money is not everything. While it is true that it can help us with our basic necessities, in situations like this, money alone will not keep us from death. We may get the best doctors and treatment facilities in the country, but it is never a guarantee to save our lives. Prevention is better than cure. Be strong in faith for God will see you through, wherever it leads. Also, I have learned to value relationships. Hours at work, school, and some hobbies has kept me preoccupied over the past years. I failed to invest in quality time with friends and family. During this ECQ, I am given another chance to reconnect and make up for the times lost, whether online or in person. This also is the best time to express my gratitude to some people and ask for forgiveness to people I may have hurt. For some, it could be the best time to bond with family at home and do household chores. Lastly, I trust God more than ever. I know that whatever happened to me was all part of a grander plan. He is always in control. A Life With New Meaning Many people asked about my faith after my mom returned to our Creator. My faith grew stronger and I learned the art of surrendering myself, not to question Him in the midst of any crisis. I trust that the Lord will always protect me and everyone around me. I also believe with certainty that one day this virus will vanish and relieve the people of the world from this suffering. Be well and keep the faith.

“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.” - 1 Peter 1:6 NIV

Personal Reflection & Discussion Question: Do you obey God out of obligation, or do you obey God out of love? Why do you say that?


Gospel Reading According to John 20:1-9 “The Empty Tomb” “Every time we experience the ‘Agains’ of life, we experience the resurrection. Every time we are given a new chance, we receive the new life offered to us by the risen Lord.” - Father Reginald Malicdem, Manila Cathedral Easter Sunday Mass Last Sunday is the climax of our Christian faith. Like Saint Peter, we courageously profess that Jesus who died from the cross was buried and rose again. Our Lord has risen, He is truly alive! The Resurrection is not just the continuation of the earthly life of Jesus but it offers a glorious life -- a life of God.

The Risen Christ allows us to experience the many opportunities to have a fresh start. Sadly, we are often selfish in giving second chances. They say life is not an exam where erasures are not allowed. We all commit mistakes. May we be generous in giving each other a chance to prove ourselves again, to correct our mistakes, and start anew. The whole Easter season invites us to rejoice because the Lord has risen. Despite the present crisis, Jesus gives us hope. When this situation is over, may we not go back to our business as usual state. Instead, may we become a better person for this is what it means to have a new life.

RECAP If the cross is by chance, accept it. If the cross is by choice, act. It does not mean you need to accept everything that is happening to you. Don't act according to your feelings but act on what do you think is the right thing to do. Take responsibility and act on what you know is right.

Ang hamon ay hindi lamang kung nakikita ko ba ang Diyos kundi, kailangan ko rin syang ipakita sa iba upang masabi rin nila: God is truly here. God is truly present. - Bro. Alvin Barcelona

Accept rescue. God will rescue us. He is in your life and He is in control. Believe and receive His rescue. - Bro. Bo Sanchez God created us for greater things. Don’t you dare give up now because you might be giving up one step too soon. You are one step away from your breakthrough. Why are you experiencing the fiercest attacks? Because the battle becomes more difficult when you are about to give birth to your God-driven dream.

In Jesus Christ, the best is yet to come always and all things work for the good of those who love God and are called to do His purpose. - Bro. Jon Escoto

Jesus resurrected from rock bottom. He can do the same for your cross. He can do the same for your life. It all starts with dying in yourself so you can rise redeemed and renewed in Jesus' name. - Bro. Mike Viñas

We are in the journey of transformation. The cross is part of the process. Jesus Himself embraced the cross. It is also our call to persevere in the cross. In the end, we will be victorious. God is calling you to be better. Hang into His word. Trust Him. When we are committed to the Lord, He will lead us out of the valley. And things will come into place and we will get to where God is calling us. - Bro. J Yogawin Stop panicking. All is well. God is in control. An encounter with Christ changes you and challenges you to love like Him. Will you become His rescue partner? Miracles happen when people care enough to carry one another. God uses people to rescue other people. - Bro. Audee Villaraza

Fixing Our Heart Problem Once upon a time, someone taught you to follow God. Someone taught you to obey the 10 Commandments. Someone taught you to go to Mass every Sunday. At that time, you didn’t appreciate it too much. And you followed God because you had to. Because you were afraid that He’ll get angry. Or He’ll punish you if you don’t. Or He’ll send you to Hell. B​ ut at a certain point, something amazing happened: God went after your heart. You experienced His unconditional love. And you were blown away. You asked, “How can the God of this universe love me?” ​And all of a sudden, you want to love Him back. ​Not because you have to, but because you want to. ​This miracle is what we’re going to talk about today. ​Have a fantastic Feast! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ The Feast, Founder

Revised Oration Imperata (To be prayed at 12 noon and 8 in the evening)

God our Father, we come to You in our need to ask Your protection against the COVID-19 that has disturbed and even claimed lives. We pray that You guide the people tasked to find cures for this disease and to stem its transmission. Protect the medical experts that they may minister to the sick with competence and compassion. We pray for those afflicted. May they be restored to health soon. Protect those who care for them. Grant eternal rest to those who have died. Give us the grace in this trying time to work for the good of all and to help those in need. We implore You to stop the spread of this virus and to save us from our fears.

Grant all these through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. (Sub Tuum Praesidium) We fly to you protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petition in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. Our Lady, Health of the sick, pray for us. Saint Raphael, the Archangel, pray for us. Saint Rock, pray for us. Saint Lorenzo ruiz, pray for us. Saint Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.

ENHANCE YOUR FEAST EXPERIENCE PRAY OVER, SHEPHERDING AND HEALING (POSH) Need prayers for healing, for that job or exam, to pay off debts and other requests? Email us at thefeastermita@gmail.com


THE BUILDERS: Adrian Panganiban | John Ben Rodriguez Council Heads: Mayvin Alejandro, Gigi Alvarez, Mon Bumatay FEAST ERMITA BULLETIN STAFF: Media Heads: Ryan Alejandro, Joemer Ernn Embernate Editor-in-Chief: Judee Quiazon | Editorial Assistant: Krystel Ramos-Tobias Writers: Robbie De Guzman, Jedi Cadelina Chief Photographer: Ryan Carlo Mahinay Layout Artist: Robert Quiazon Contributing Photographer: Ice Castor

Payable to: - The Builder of the Light of Jesus Family Mega Manila Feast Bay Area, Inc. Union Bank Account No. 000-40-002485-8 - No erasures or alteration


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