Feast Ermita Bulletin May 5, 2020

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S U D D E N LY I just want to share this inspiring message that I received amidst the ordeal that we’re all experiencing: New York, the city that never sleeps, is now asleep, all quiet. Paris, the center of romance, lives in echos. Rome, the eternal city, is deserted. Disney is out of magic. London is caged in silence, the Queen speaks to her people from a hidden room. Mecca is empty! Nobody to “stone the devil.” The Chinese wall is no longer a fortress. The G8 nations are speechless. The developed world suddenly on its knees. Churches, mosques, great parks, monuments, stadiums are filled with unfilled spaces. The busiest places at present were hitherto the most dreaded: hospitals and cemeteries. The famous football leagues, fashion shows, exotic weddings, festivals all lost to memory. Celebrities have run out of celebrations. Our titles, status and privileged positions are stale. With all our boastful ‘citizenship’ we cannot step out of our houses. With all our savings in gold and cash, we can only buy food to eat and toilet papers to take care of the waste. We usually went to watch animals in cages, now animals roam our empty streets, watching us in our “cages”. With our expensive clothes and shoes, our house clothes and pyjamas are the latest fashion. And despite all these “oddities”... the world still goes on; the sun still shines; the birds still sing; our God is still in His Throne. When this long night finally gets over and a new day sets in, let us not forget the lesson of the long night -- that the only essential is LIFE, the rest are but dispensable prefixes and suffixes -- BUSY EMPTINESS. Let’s live our life to the fullest, to be a blessing to others. Let us make our life simple, no lavish lifestyle. And please focus more on our God almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and everything on it. Be Blessed, Adrian Panganiban

B A B A N G O N TAY O I will not lie to you. May mga araw na hindi ako makakilos. Bakit? Kasi minsan nakaka-overwhelm ang mga nangyayari. Hindi ko rin maiwasang matakot. Makakabawi nga ba talaga ako agad pagkatapos nito? Will I still be able to provide for my family given this new normal? These are some thoughts that swim in my head. I have known myself to be an optimistic person but this crisis is really something. That optimism seems to be not as strong anymore. In my prayers, I ask God what is he teaching me at this time. Slowly I am beginning to appreciate the reality. Wala ka naman talagang pwedeng panghawakan kundi si Lord. Because the securities we hold on to can be taken away easily.

Special Talk: 3 Life Changing Assignments TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Acts 2:14, 36-41 Psalms: Psalms 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 Second Reading: First Peter 2:20-25 Gospel: John 10:1-10 05.03.2020 9:00AM FB Live | Holy Mass, Worship & Talk

Fear can immobilize you and cripple you, but it’s important to keep moving in faith during this time. It may be uncertain, but God is certain. Hindi Niya tayo pababayaan. Question mark pa ang bukas. Pero dahil kasama natin si Kristo, babangon tayo. Have a blessed Feast today. In Christ, John Ben Rodriguez

BLESSING BLOG Sprouts of Hope During Pandemic Me-Anne Castañeda, Music Ministry

The moment when the President announced the lockdown, nawindang ako. Isa sa mga una kong naisip, “Paano na ang transport and supply of goods?” See, when you’re a mother and you have a one-year-old child to feed and nourish, securing food supply is one of your utmost priority besides protecting him from the virus, of course. It came to a point when I asked God, “Why now? Bakit ngayon pa nangyari ang pandemic na to? Why now when we have a helpless little human being in our care?” Oftentimes I’d think and say, maybe things would’ve been a lot easier if it was just my husband and me. Sabi ko nga, kung sarili ko lang iisipin ko, ‘di ako takot magutom. Pero hindi ko kakayaning tiisin na makitang nagugutom ang anak ko.

The Castañedas: Dino, Elon and Me-Anne.

But God used the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) to remind me of His steadfast faithfulness. As they say, in whatever situation, you always have a choice. You can always choose to feel exhausted due to anxiety or you can choose to be hopeful. And I learned that the moment you choose to be hopeful, it brings about something positive in your life.

With the seed of hope that God has planted in my heart, came the birth of our humble backyard vegetable garden and a newfound love for gardening. You see, I always wanted to grow my own vegetables but never found the time to do so. This unique situation forced me to finally start this long time dream. We started planting on the second week of the quarantine and by God’s grace, may aanihin na kami next week! It is still in its early stages and a continuous work in progress yet it is teaching me a lot of lessons. One, we have a God of abundance -- that nature’s original design is to continuously give when you take care of it. Proof nyan yung mga tanim ko mula sa vegetable scraps. And two, when you commit mistakes, nature is forgiving. Most importantly, it taught me to hope. Hindi ba kapag may nagtanim ka, hindi mo naman hinahangad na ‘di ito tumubo? When you plant a seed, you always hope it sprouts. And when it does, you continue to hope that it grows and not die. And when you see it’s thriving, you continue to hope that it will soon bear fruit. And all the hard work of tending the garden comes from the desire that, someday, we’ll share the bounty of its harvest. May this be an encouragement to always choose hope despite uncertainties. I am grateful that the Lord opened my eyes to see beyond the crisis and focus on the blessing instead.

Personal Reflection: Which assignment was most helpful for you? Why?

The humble vegetable garden of Casteñeda family at the backyard of their home.

LAST WEEK’S HOMILY FBA AM Session live session by Fr. Anres Intig, SSP The Gospel Reading According to Luke 24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus

Last Sunday’s gospel was a story of two unnamed disciples who were talking about their anxieties and grievances when a man walked along and said all will be well. Unknowingly, they were venting their frustrations to Jesus.

“God is journeying with us on our own roads.” - Fr. Anres Intig, SSP

Christ is always with us. Whatever road we are taking right now -- be it of frustration, of sadness, or of guilt -- God is there taking every step with us. Knowing God is with us, may it also move us to proclaim His love and mercy to others in the way we live.

LAST WEEK’S TALK BEST PREACHING EVER TALK 5: THE MASK CALLED ANGER Unmanaged anger is dangerous. Jesus pointed out that besides murder, unrighteous anger is dangerous. The question is this: Is anger always wrong? The quick answer is “No.” Anger is a feeling. It is fine to feel angry but acting it out in a destructive way is wrong. What are the reasons behind anger? Reason 1: Anger is usually a mask of fear. It is only a secondary emotion oftentimes used to hide our fear. We need to address our emotions properly. What we feel, we can heal. Next time we catch ourselves feeling angry, let’s not deny it. “Feeling angry is normal and not sinful. It’s how you respond to it that makes it right or wrong.” - Bro. JB Rodriguez

Reason 2: Anger comes from either hurt or immaturity. Past traumas haunted us with a feeling of guilt and anger. Sadly, we sometimes use anger in our own immature ways. Acknowledging your feelings allow you to understand it better. When you forgive, you heal.

Stop feeding your anger with your attention, time, and energy. It’s not worth it. When you act on it in a destructive way, you are like a murderer to your enemies. Anger is fuel. Poisonous words can kill both the listener and the speaker. The “Law of Reciprocity” states that you get what you give. The question is: How can you reconcile with God if you are not reconciled with another human being? Don’t let Mr. Anger stay overnight. Stop replaying the mental video that feeds your anger. God’s love is bigger than your anger. When you catch yourself feeling angry, just pray and let it go. “Getting angry is a punishment you make to yourself from the mistakes of other people. Choose your battles wisely.” - Bro. Adrian Panganiban



Connie Zabala Music Ministry


Simon Joseph Santos on keyboard

Jillian, Alliah, & Jianna Dance Ministry

SO MANY ARE AFRAID I cannot count the number of people who have messaged me, telling me how fear has become a giant monster that is now ruling their lives. One woman told me she would find herself in the middle of the day just breaking down in tears, her entire body shaking in fear. And this fear is understandable. Thousands have gotten sick and thousands are dying. Thousands of OFWs are being sent home. Companies are shutting down. People are being laid off.

We ask, “Will we survive this crisis?”

I want you to know that God knows what you’re going through. And in this talk, God wants to speak into your fear.

This talk is very special. This isn’t just a talk where you download information, it requires you do 3 things. And I want you, in the days ahead, to upload in the comments section, as well as in your social media, photos of some of your assignments. If you do these three things, your life will never be the same again. Have a miraculous Feast. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez

Revised Oration Imperata (to be prayed at 12 noon and 8 in the evening)

God our Father, we come to You in our need to ask Your protection against the COVID 19 that has disturbed and even claimed lives. We pray that You guide the people tasked to find cures for this disease and to stem its transmission. Protect the medical experts that they may minister to the sick with competence and compassion. We pray for those afflicted. May they be restored to health soon. Protect those who care for them. Grant eternal rest to those who have died.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Give us the grace in this trying time to work for the good of all and to help those in need. We implore You to stop the spread of this virus and to save us from our fears. Grant all these through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. (Sub Tuum Praesidium) We fly to you protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petition in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. Our Lady, Health of the sick, pray for us. Saint Raphael, the Archangel, pray for us. Saint Rock, pray for us. Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us. Saint Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.


Need prayers for healing, for that job or exam, to pay off debts and other requests? Email us at thefeastermita@gmail.com


Payable to: - The Builder of the Light of Jesus Family Mega Manila Feast Bay Area, Inc. Union Bank Account No. 000-40-002485-8 - No erasures or alteration

THE FEAST ERMITA LEADERS: Builders: Adrian Panganiban, John Ben Rodriguez / Council Heads: Mayvin Alejandro, Gigi Alvarez, Mon Bumatay THE FEAST ERMITA BULLETIN STAFF: Media Heads: Ryan Alejandro, Joemer Ernn Embernate / Editor-in-Chief: Judee Quiazon / Editorial Assistant: Krystel Tobias Writers: Mark Nevado, Me-Anne Castañeda / Layout Artist: Jaela Prado / Photographer: Earnie Dimailig / Contributing Photographer: Joriz Espino FOLLOW US @THEFEASTERMITA

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