All About Different types of Content Writing Services

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Tutorial > Content Writing Guides > All about Di erent types of Content Writing Services JULY 19, 2017

All about Di erent types of Content Writing Services

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The term “Content Writer” has become pretty popular these days. Especially in the eld of Marketing. But very few know how many di erent types of Content Writing Services come under this one broad term. Today, we are going to look further into di erent types of the Content Writing services and help you decide which one best suits your needs.

Overview -Di erent types of Content Writing services -Why Understanding Marketing is Important for all Content types -Top Tools for di erent Writing Styles

Di erent types of Content Writing services

Content Writing Services can be broadly divided based upon the following Writing Styles:

Research writing, Creative writing, and Knowledge based writing

Research Writing

1. Research & report writing – Providing Quality & Detailed Information. Research and report writing aims at providing extremely high quality, long content while describing the ins and outs of a certain topic. They clearly present the factual and statistical information related to the subject matter. Highly researched reports are always in demand as they help in planning and evaluating key resources available and coming on to a wellinformed decision. Building authority of the agency is also a reason why huge MNCs like KPMG and others publish detailed reports focusing on many di erent industries. The aim is to collect and provide engaging and readable information. One cannot, however, be just restricted to their elds in such Content Writing format. Depending on the agency, writers in this eld also have to write on current trends and their e ects on people. Here you can see the best examples of Research and Report writing. 2. Journalistic Writing – Written to Inform rather than Convince. With the huge online presence of today’s journalists, Web content writing has in many ways merged with Journalistic writing. Although both are about expressing one’s opinions, what di erentiates the two is the obvious News Type writing in Journalistic Writing. News type articles are written with the intent to inform rather than convince. Thus they are neutral in nature and follow the reporting formats. With a huge dependence on detailed research and trusted sources, such content also admires and takes care of social responsibility. 3. Review Writing – Research and Analysis of a product. Unlike Journalistic writing, review writing can be Biased or Unbiased, based on the assignment. Such writing is used by many for A liate marketing. For those who don’t know about A liate marketing, below is a snapshot from


In simple words, it’s the blogger’s way of promoting a certain product and driving its sales. If the product is bought, The promoter(a liate) gets a percentage cut for making the sale. A brief knowledge of marketing and ability to lure readers is a prerequisite in Review Writing. This, when coupled with a research and analysis of the product, can not only add extra income while helping others but also in many cases invent some great marketing tactics. 4. SEO Content Writing – Optimized Writing for the Web. If you have ever heard anything about Online Content writing, I would be surprised if the word “SEO” wasn’t a part of the discussion. And this is because Online Writing is an integral part of Content Marketing Services. It’s not just me who believes this but, More than half of marketers i.e 58% say “original online written content” is their most important digital asset. (Social Media Examiner) Content Marketing is a marketing that ensures audience attraction by answering their queries. Since mostly all queries today are searched for through Search engines like Google, SEO(Search Engine Optimization) of Online Content Writing is a necessity. SEO content writers write blogs, articles, descriptions and so on by placing Relevant keywords that people have been searching for. In this form of writing, small and precise paragraphs work. Attractive headings and Subheadings that provide original content is the aim of all SEO Content Writers. How important is Google’s new SEO update

5. Action/Marketing Writing – Using Customer Research to provide results. In Action based Content Marketing Services, the research is less on the subject and more on the customers. Articles, Blogs, Social Media Postings, Ebooks, Newsletters, Email Content etc… are all written to compel a reader to take a certain action. Hence it is many a time considered to be the most challenging type of Content Writing. While SEO content writing focuses on attraction, this bad boy actually makes the audience convert. A writer involved in Action and Marketing Content needs to eye the future. He/She needs to understand their Customers’ requirements and soft points which they can target to deliver results. And this is why Customer research forms the base of this Writing Style. And if this wasn’t enough, you need to be a designer as well to place the Call-to-Action where the reader’s eyes go! Also have a look at HubSpot’s post, “How to write compelling content that converts?”

Creative Writing

1. Copy Writing – The Irresistible Writing. The most creative, competitive and demanding sets of Content Writers come under Copywriting. The reason being that this form of writing explains ideas in minimum words possible. And this art, when combined with writing that compels a reader to take action, makes the perfect Copywriter. The word usage is also generally restricted according to the assignment. Examples of copywriting can be Brand taglines, one-liner on Banner ads, the Punchline on Billboards, Newspaper advertisements etc.. Having a great Vocabulary is a prerequisite for this job. Your ability and creativity to describe the most mundane thing as the most irresistible product are tested in this form of Content Writing. And a lack of words at this position is just not acceptable. Skills required to become a successful Copywriter majorly includes: Focusing on the Reader Stating, “What they will gain?” Writing with empathy (including feelings and emotions) Using keywords in the headline Using Transitional words and phrases All Vocabulary Tools for Online Writing

2. Feature/Column Writing – Expression of purely unique views. For people interested in Newspaper Column writing, I found this point pretty helpful and would love to share it with you: According to WikiHow, one should try focus on what voice they wish to raise on a subject while writing a column. And the trick they suggested for this was…“A good way to nd your voice is to read newspaper articles that simply report the facts and then freewrite a response to the story. Do this with ve or six articles, and then chart how you reacted. You might notice that you consistently take a sarcastic tone or maybe you’re always optimistic.”

One thing that’s important in this form of writing is FOCUS. You should focus on only one thing so that your message is watered down completely. These tricks form the base of any Feature writing. It’s the expression of your views that are purely unique. This creative writing type challenges your ability to wrap your observation in words. Feature Writing can include short stories, poems, satires etc. Also, in order to give weight to your opinions don’t forget to back them with some facts and numbers. While most of the Writing styles concentrate on the audience’s needs, this one focuses more on the writer’s expressions and connection with the audience. Hence the binding force is only Creativity in this form of Content Writing. 3. Travel Writing – The perfect blend of creativity & Useful Content. Travel Writing needs no description. It’s as simple as writing your experiences or spreading knowledge about di erent locations and trips. Your job here is to transport your reader completely into a di erent world and thus be a great scene builder. As creative as this eld can be, the detailed articles, tips, costs, hazards, etc make them extremely valuable. Hence, making Useful Content is the rst tip you can nd online on every blog post helping boost other’s careers to travel blogging. 4. Content creation for Web page/ Landing page – Combining interesting read with a valuable experience. Making an interesting read also a valuable experience is the foundation stone of Content Writing for Landing pages. These web pages can be the Home, About us, Sign up for Newsletter, or Pricing pages you visit on all websites. Just like Action Writing, it needs you to have a knowledge of design along with the necessary Writing skills. Positioning of di erent multimedia elements while maintaining the value of written elements is a key here. Such short and crisp content requires great vocabulary and can be treated as a blend of CopyWriting and Action Writing.

Knowledge based Writing

1. Press Release – Highlighting Company’s Sales initiatives. Gone are the times when press releases were only restricted to mergers, acquisitions and major company policy changes. In new, and digital media, Press releases are often used as a form of a sales pitch by medium or small organizations. They exist as a part of the company’s sales initiatives. And therefore, Content Writers focusing on Press release must focus on sales and marketing in their content. Such expertise comes with the knowledge that bridges the Sales team with Company’s inner workings to form the required content. Typically, a Press release imitates a news article format, using the reverse pyramid to place the most important information rst. Here is the reference graphic by CoSchedule explaining the best practice of writing a Press Release:

2. Ghost Writing – Broadcasting an Individual or Brand’s views.

Ever saw celebrity tweets, articles, blog posts that appear so often that you sometimes wonder how they even get so much time? – “Well, of course, they don’t personally write all these write-ups! Do they?” Many such celebrities and in uencers use something called Ghostwriting. Ghost writers are the writers who publish in other’s name. They can be working under a company’s Chief Executive o cer or can even be tweeting for celebrities. The challenge, however, is to think like them while representing and knowing ins and outs of their views. Thus, to be a successful ghost writer, you must be well-informed on the topic of your content and innovate it with the style that represents the one you are ghosting. 3. Article Writing – Helpful, Detailed Content writing. Long Articles such as this one involve covering di erent topics and themes according to the needs of the target audience. Often, the objective of this particular style of writing is to draw visitors to the business domain through search engine results. Just like Marketing Writing, they ensure that the visitor is encouraged towards a desired action, such as buying a

product or hiring a service. However, It’s the detail of such articles that make it stand out from the standard Action/Marketing Writing. This depth in Article Writing requires writer’s knowledge sharing through personal experiences and research. 4. Publication based Academic Writing – Semi-formal, knowledge based writing service.

The term academic writing refers to the forms of argumentative prose used by university students, faculty, and researchers to convey a body of information about a particular subject. This is because writers in this segment write for Books in schools, colleges, and higher education. It’s generally expected to be precise, semi-formal, impersonal, and objective. If you consider yourself t for academic writing, There are a few good tools available for academic paper writing. And this link showcases the top 50 of these. 5. Technical Writing – Simpli ed conveyance of Technical terms. Technical writing is the type of writing that focuses on a variety of technical and occupational elds, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, nance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology.

The information that a Technical writer needs to convey is often complex and so their main task is to analyse the information and present it in a way that is easily understood by the target audience, whether they are from the same industry or not.

A good example of technical writing in everyday life would be the Technical content used in user manuals, technical modules, user documents, admin manuals, help les, technical literature & reports and so on. Although it is not necessary to have a specialization in the eld you write about, but such candidates are generally preferred in Technical Writing. 6. Instructional Writing – Amalgamation of Technical & Academic writing. Getting into the teaching line, Instructional Writing is a lesson plan constructed for other teachers to use. This form of writing is in major demand because of the rise of E-education. It can be treated as a combination of Technical Writing and Academic writing as it includes the need for technical knowledge while maintaining an international standard of the curriculum. What makes this type of writing harder is that Instructional writing is just like teaching but in a vacuum. Since one cannot understand if the material he/she has written is understood by all, Answering the questions without being asked is a challenge.

7. Business / Corporate writing – Professionalism oriented communication and knowledge sharing. Business and Corporate Writing is targeted at readers who are interested in commerce and business and can help you acquire knowledge in business analysis and development. Business writing features professionalism. It focuses on writing things like sales proposals, memos, o cial emails, manual writing, concept papers, summaries, RFPs (request for proposal), etc. And hence, this type of writing requires ample knowledge regarding the world of business and the ability to create well-written pieces that will appeal to readers.

Why Content Marketing is Important for all Content types? Content Marketing is a part of Marketing services that aims at developing content (blogs, articles, videos, podcasts, magazines etc.) to attract a targeted audience. It does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its services. 78% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via Articles rather than ads, and 70% believe that organisations providing them with custom content are interested in building good relations with them. Although Content Marketing is not restricted to Digital Marketing, the ease of online publishing and low costs when compared to other Marketing forms has made it a favorite in the Digital World. Digital or Not, applications of writing are many and these two medium are easily interlinked because of their common goal – User engagement. Just as every type of writing needs to appeal to the readers, Content Marketing also works on the attraction principle and teaches us to take it even further. Compelling users to take an action is what I have learned through Content marketing. And this was because I could understand the 4 types of content based on what they instigate in a reader. Complete Guide to Content Marketing Essentials for Writers

To give you a brief, there are 4 types of triggers Content can be used to deliver upon. These actions are motivated by emotions a writing conveys. And we call it the 4 As of Content Marketing. The 4As of Content Marketing:


Top tools for di erent types of Content Writers Research tools Analytics of Posts & Topic Popularity by Buzzsumo

In order to provide the content that people want to know, you need to know what is popular. And Buzzsumo does just that. It is a powerful online tool that allows any user to nd out what content is popular by topic or website. Nearly all content marketers & writers know about this tool. Every big in uencer has already written guides on using it and the internet is full of resources linking to every “How To� possible for Buzzsumo. Here are a few links if you wish to know more:

Getting started with buzz sumo Lynda course for using buzz sumo for Content Marketing Content Curation by is a tool that lets you curate content with a highly visual, easy and thus enjoyable interface. You can use it to pull together information on whatever you want. Apart from this, it will also suggest complimentary topics and other users to follow, which proves to be very helpful. You can monitor one topic for posting on two social media accounts with the Free version of the tool. However, you might need the Paid version for a more robust research.

Creative tools Designs for Publishing using Canva

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