Ag&Ed | December 4th, 2023

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Volume 158 – December 4, 2023

Ag&Ed Educational resources for schools & students

Read, listen to and watch what is happening in New Zealand agriculture by scanning the QR codes or following the links. Answer the questions to complete the exercises. Did you know?

In the news

How many trees? A new interactive tool will provide the forestry industry with powerful inventory information to help forestry and wood processing companies.

Can you be a world champ without leaving the farm? A three-year-old bull from Southern Waikato has been named the world champion of his breed.

Have a go: 1. What does the prototype aim to achieve for forestry and wood processing companies? 2. Who has designed this prototype? 3. Why is it important to track locations and inventory levels of forests? 4. What percentage of non-radiata pine forests is the government aiming for by 2030? Stretch yourself: 5. Why do you think co-operation between forest growers can help individuals as well? 6. Do you think the use of AI technology will reduce the need for jobs or change/increase the skills needed? Have a go: 1. How was the Galloway Champion of the World competition judged? 2. What is the distinctive characteristic of a riggit Galloway? Where did the breed originate? 3. Why are Galloways in demand as terminal sires over dairy cows and for smaller farms? 4. What value do you think the title has added to the Cherrybank rare breeds stud?

The big issue

Stretch yourself: 5. What is embryo transfer? 6. How can embryo transfer help fast-track genetic gains?

Analyse this

Where to for lamb? This table shows a snapshot of AgriHQ average North Island slaughter prices for prime lamb and mutton. Have a go: 1. How does the ‘This Week’ lamb price compare to Last Month and LastYear? 2. What is the difference in per head values for prime lamb compared to last year? 3. What is the difference in per head values for mutton compared to last year? Has lamb or mutton had the biggest price difference? 4. It has been reported that lamb growth rates have been slow this spring due to weather. How does weather impact lamb growth?

Why are estuaries important? Whānau of Ngāti Whakahemo at Pukehina marae have secured funding for a multiyear restoration programme to protect and improve the mauri of the estuary and to restore the wetland ecosystem. Have a go: 1. Where is the estuary? 2. Who is involved in the project and who have they collaborated with? 3. How have the funds been used? 4. What are the goals of the project? Stretch yourself: 5. How big was the estuary in 1943 compared to today? 6. What is a catchment area? Learn more at

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