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The leaves on the covers of our Brave & Beautiful Series represent the leaves from the tree of life that are for the healing of the nations. We pray this Brave & Beautiful Journey will bring healing and life to you as well as to the nations of the world.

BRAVE & BEAUTIFUL Copyright © 2022 Releasing Generations Published by Releasing Generations Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. All articles, art, and photographs have been published and printed with the permission of their creators.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are taken from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society. Art Direction and Graphic Design: Ahava Design, LLC. Photos by Unsplash and Pixabay.

BRAVEANDBEAUTIFUL.WORLD Brave & Beautiful is a publication created by Explicit Movement, a Christian faith-based movement that heals and empowers youth and young adults to walk in sexual integrity and healthy relationships as they embrace their God-given identity and God's beautiful design for sex. We provide faith-based resources that equip youth, young adults, parents, and church leaders to have conversations concerning healthy dating and navigating sexuality issues with confidence, leading the way for young people to thrive in relationships. CREDITS COVER Floral pattern: Maria Galybina. 4-5 Photography by Luminous: Emily Ganiko and Unsplash. 10 Louisa Wendorff/Austin Lord Photography 12-14 “Brave.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, /brave. Accessed 17 Apr. 2021. “Beautiful.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, /beautiful. Accessed 17 Apr. 2021.

Dear Readers,

It is a fact that girls who believe they are important and have value, who are confident in their identity in Christ, who have a strong sense of hope, and who have goals for a positive future…are less vulnerable to falling victim to damaging and even dangerous situations. Having such positive attributes will help keep you from falling into the wrong hands, keep you from becoming a victim of sexual violence, and becoming a victim of predators. Therefore, the reason for this publication is to build and lift you up to thrive! Knowing your identity will help you walk out your God-given purpose! May each page impart encouragement, wisdom, hope, and practical tools for you to be emotionally healthy. You have a unique story. You have a unique design to who you are. We want to celebrate YOU during this time despite where your journey has taken you up to this point. God cares about your joys, your pain and suffering, your loneliness, your heartbreak, your loving moments, and your victories. Your Master Craftsman and Miracle Worker - your Heavenly Father desires to weave it all together into something brave and beautiful that can change the world. This is what He does. SO! Jump in and be fascinated by your discoveries!

Blessings to you! Michele Okimura, Executive Director Explicit Movement

Brave & Beautiful. Take a moment to ask

What is my name? What am I known for? Am I hidden in shame? Confident or Much Afraid. Lonely or Sad. Sunshine or Nervous. Rejected or Mad? God changes your name. He makes you brand new. Renewing your heart To be perfectly you. It’s time to ARISE! Beloved One, now. Finding your sparkle, He will show you how. New visions of life, You are created to see. Born Brave and Beautiful! You are destined to be.




Bave  Beauful Jurney


eR e l e ases ••

Sh eB

e li e ev


c o v

e r s •• She Accepts ••

i D ifu l •• S h e

eE •• x p re s s e s



Journey 01





B ra ve


She s

a e B

Journey 02































cts •• She Re sts



r e a te




She Bloom •• s

he s •• S




t e c ts


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She Lstens!

Journey 03

Journey 04 Listen



















e m s •• S h

eC ri


D re a


he Celeb •• She Sparkles •• S ra te

ves •• She Give o L e s • Sh • ••



ve se

We are Explicit Movement. We know that youth and young adults around the world are hurting with insecurities about their identity and are often confused when it comes to the topic of sex and how to have healthy relationships. The struggle is intensified by distorted views of sexuality and relationships promoted by the media, school curriculum, pornography, and the entertainment industry that reject God’s design for sex to be a beautiful and amazing gift reserved for marriage between one woman and one man. Explicit is a movement that heals and empowers youth and young adults to walk in sexual integrity as they embrace their God-given identity. We engage in real and relevant conversations to prepare young people for healthy relationships in God’s timing and design. We provide faith-based resources that honestly explore and equip teens, young adults, parents, and church leaders on topics concerning healthy dating and navigating sexuality issues. We care deeply about the issue of sex trafficking and want to empower youth with the awareness, knowledge, and practical tools to protect themselves.


Join the Movement! Together we can

We seek to • Help establish people’s identity in Christ and their relationship with God. • Heal hearts from hurts and shame with God’s power, love, grace, and truth. • Equip people with tools to protect their sexual integrity and to

visit us at

live out healthy relationships.

Our leadership team has decades of combined experience working with and supporting teens, young adults, parents, and church leaders within many denominations...and over the past several years has witnessed the transformation of thousands of young people in Hawaii and across the world. You are not alone in your struggles.




Embrace who you really are!

She is Brave & Beautiful She Discovers She Accepts She Believes

What is of utmost importance is to know and embrace your

Welcome to the first section of this Brave and Beautiful Journey.

identity in Christ. You must not define your worth and value

This section will lay a solid foundation for you to build on. There

by what others say or even what you say about yourself. Your

are incredible things to discover about yourself that may even

foundation must be built on who God says you are.

surprise you! You will learn to accept yourself as a uniquely designed individual that was never meant to be compared to

It is from that place of identity that your values are formed and

anyone. You are a standalone masterpiece. You were designed

from where decisions and choices are made.

to reflect specific facets of God that have never been revealed

For example, if a girl believes she has little or no value, is not

in history and will never shine upon this earth again.

good enough and is unlovable, then you can imagine what

The challenge for you will be to not just know what God says

kinds of choices she will make in life and the dangerous traps

about you, but to believe it. This section was created just for you

she can fall into. She has the potential to become vulnerable

to help truth to make its journey from your head to your heart.

and fall prey to predators. These people commonly disguise themselves as loving and caring but are filled with malicious

Enjoy your trek on this pathway of discovery and don’t forget

and selfish intentions.

to smell the roses along the way! If you open your heart, you will never be the same as you encounter the God of miracles

On the other hand, if a girl believes that she has incredible,

who has a passion for you and pursues you even now. Some

infinite value—not with a prideful heart, but with a healthy

of His most profound miracles are the miracles of the heart!

self-love—then she is in position to fulfill God’s divine call and destiny for her life with strength, love, and confidence. She

This entire Journey was His idea from the start. His gift to you.

will make a difference in this world by touching and impacting lives for good along the way.

Will you begin this journey with child-like curiosity and wonder?

Ready. Set. Dive in beloved! 9

Brave Beauti s i e sh



Be brave and courageous.

Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” PSALM 27:14 NLT


“Wait patiently for the Lord.

& e



Brave brave

adjective. \ brāv \ braver; bravest


having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage

2. making a fine show : COLORFUL brave banners flying in the wind 3. EXCELLENT, SPLENDID

“Living a brave life is not easy. We trip, stumble and fall. It is the rise from the falling that makes us brave.” BRENÉ BROWN

How is Being Brave Like a Volcano?


ot lava seeps up from deep within the earth. In a similar way, the courage of God erupts from deep inside, from God’s Spirit within you! As God sets your heart ablaze for things of His Kingdom, passion and courage becomes a stronger force that begins to melt away fear and intimidation because you know God is for you and with you.

Red is often associated with war, strength, power, determination, passion and love.

The vibrant colors of red, orange and yellow combine in a dance of fire over your heart that heaven notices.

Yellow can stand for freshness, positivity, clarity, honor, and loyalty.



Orange combines the energy of red and the joy of yellow and is known to represent enthusiasm, fascination, creativity, encouragement and success.

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” DEUTERONOMY 31:6 NLT

Painting by Francis Oda

These attributes can describe the facets of bravery God is calling you to have to fulfill your God-given purpose.

God urges you over 100 times in the Bible to be brave, be courageous, and to fear not!

Lava also flows and creates new land, new ground. In a similar way, God is calling you to not only reclaim ground that was stolen, but also to make new ground and enlarge your territory and influence!

You are His Brave-Heart!


Beautiful beautiful adjective. beau·​ti·​ful | \ byü-ti-fəl \

1. having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure 2. generally pleasing : EXCELLENT “You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words...” SONG OF SOLOMON 4:1 NLT

Know you are a beautiful bloom in the Kingdom of God!



How is Being Beautiful Like a Field of Flowers?


niversally, flowers are considered beautiful and are used to decorate and adorn people and places. There are literally thousands of various kinds of flowers in this world.

Flowers come in almost every color imaginable: shades of white, red, blue, yellow, pink, purple, green, and

orange! The shapes, sizes, and designs of flowers around the world seem limitless—yet they are all beautiful in their own unique way, just like God’s Beloved Daughters! What is your favorite flower? Tulips? Roses? Lilies? Sunflowers? You, beautiful you, are also unique in design and color, gracing the planet with your very being. Many flowers release a sweet fragrance! May your life release a sweet, pleasant,

"God gave us eyes to see the beauty in nature and hearts to see the beauty in each other."

refreshing, aroma of Jesus wherever you go!

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved…” II COR 2:15 NKJV

One bloom is beautiful, but the scene of a field of many colorful flowers blooming together creates a breathtaking feast for the eyes! Bold and delicate, vibrant and pastel, all swaying in the breeze on a moonlit night.


Lastly, God thinks a field of flowers is more beautiful than the most elegant of royal attire:

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” LUKE 12:27 NIV

Painting by Danielle Iranon


She Disco




Life is about discovering

your design and who God

says you are.




look at you girl! The world is waiting...


ver wonder why God created you? What is your purpose?

How do you discover your own unique path God has created for you? Yikes! Those distracting confusing voices can get us off track! There can be SO many voices screaming at us constantly about who we SHOULD be or what we SHOULD be doing! Pressures and expectations to be this or that can come from others or even ourselves! Maybe you are known as

Let’s pull back the drapes. What is hiding behind the curtains when those labels and roles are stripped off? There is so much more to you than labels— labels are so limiting! There is so much untapped potential within you waiting to be discovered and explode forth! What do you base your worth on? The Truth: Your worth does not come from the kind of clothes you wear, how many friends you have, how talented you are in something, or even how high your grades are in school. It’s not even based on your ‘performance,’ though the world may speak this. Though

*the smart one *the serious one *the funny one *the creative

one *the shy one *the crazy one *the stable one *the sporty

one *the artistic one *the expressive one *the laid back one, or

tempting, be careful to not base your value on how many followers or likes you have on social media. God places immense value upon you and gives you a purpose far greater and wider than you could ever dream of. You are on a journey of discovering the complex and brilliant facets of you and the hidden gems God placed within you! You, glorious daughter, you! The world is waiting!

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” ROMANS 8:19 NIV

*the bossy one.

she is self-aware. The questions you ask yourself...matter!


eing self-aware is not a natural thing for people—it’s a skill to be practiced and learned! It is crucial to grow in our self-awareness so we can continue to grow and learn from our experiences. This makes it possible for us to make positive changes, make better choices, and understand ourselves. Being self-aware helps us get in touch with our emotions which can lead us to handle them in the best possible way



rather than stuff them or react wildly to life situations without any thought.

Some helpful self-awareness questions:

Self-awareness also helps us to improve our relationships by growing in understanding of others and learning how to communicate more effectively.

At the beginning of each day, you can ask yourself:

Involve the Lord when you reflect! Sometimes we do not know our own hearts—but God knows everything about us, so He can share insights that may often surprise us!

• What kind of person do I want to be today? • What attribute do I want to grow in? (for example, patience or kindness) • What is the one thing I really want to accomplish today?

“Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. It enables you to keep growing.” Lawrence Bossidy

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”

Daniel Goleman

"If you want to change and grow, then you must know yourself and accept who you are before you can start building." John Maxwell

“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves..." 2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

At the end of each day, you can ask yourself:

If you had a concerning incident, you can ask yourself:

• • • • •

• Why did I react that way? • How do I feel about that? • Why do I feel this way? Does it remind me of a past experience?

What went well today? What did not go well—would I do anything differently? What is something I learned or discovered today? What is one thing I learned about myself today? What 3 things am I grateful for?

There are numerous self-reflection questions a person can ask themselves depending on the situation—but you can start with a few each day to grow in your own self-awareness!


“You are God’s masterpiece.” - Ephesians 2:10 NIV DISCOVER YOU! DO THIS. GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF. What runs you down? Stresses you out? Makes you angry? Makes you afraid? Makes you sad? Makes you happy? I feel emotionally drained when:

I dislike:

I lack peace.


I am unhappy.

being wrong.

I don’t feel safe.

being in conflict with someone.

I feel overwhelmed by challenges.

being rejected.

I get excited and energized when: I get things done. I am getting along well with others. I am involved and gather others to join in. I gather facts and knowledge and am accurate. Do I :

I usually feel refreshed and energized when: Tend to see the cup half full (I tend to focus on the positive)

I am around people interacting with them.

Tend to see the cup half empty (I tend to focus on the negative)

When I have my alone time.

Rank 1-6, 1 being the number describing you most, and 6 being the number describing you least. I feel most loved by people when: They give me a gift.

They take time to do activities with me that I enjoy.

They give me a hug or physical affection.

They take time to listen to me and have quality conversations.

They say affirming, encouraging words to me verbally or written.

What makes you feel alive and sets your heart on fire?



They do things for me.


What is that one thing that gives you energy?

What in particular do you have FUN doing?

What are 3-6 top things you value?

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.“ - E.E. Cummings



You're OK

“Forget about self-confidence; It’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence.” I Corinthians 10:12 MSG We all have a desire to be liked, but God-confidence is

“ I will be fine even if they don’t”






you are marvelous. Do you know who you are and whose you are? . . . Take time to ponder what that is.














In addition to journaling with words, you can also do Mindful Doodling! Whether stick figures or intricate designs, release your creativity! Draw Yourself As A House. Then ask the Lord if there is anything He wants you to know from what you drew.

Look over the list of






words to the right.






Circle the words






that highlight in your

heart—words that you






like and have positive
















feelings about when you read them.



WORD COLLAGE Write, print out, or cut out words that inspire you from old magazines or the newspaper—words that move you emotionally. (Feel free to include words you circled below)






































time to get dressed!


hen you get ready in the morning, what is your routine? Of course, getting dressed for the day is part of the plan.

Did you ever consider yourself as a real princess? The truth is, you ARE a daughter of the King of Kings, which makes you a royal princess positionally in God’s Kingdom. You are not only a princess, but a warrior princess. So, in the midst of your teenage life when so much is going on, you need to be aware of this:

THERE IS THE BATTLE YOU MUST FIGHT IN. PRINCESS, PLANT YOUR FEET AND STAND AGAINST YOUR ENEMY. Your purpose is worth fighting for, and it is far greater than what your grades are, how great you look in your outfit or new haircut, your accomplishments, or how many awards you have won. That don’t give up even though you might feel like it at times. You cry out to God for help and wait on Him. His faithfulness will never let you down. You see, you have an enemy whose great focus is to get you to give up and forget your value, forget who God says you are, and forget your future. Why are you his target? It is because the enemy knows you are God’s Secret Weapon against his darkness. But maybe you don’t fully know it yet. Get dressed for it anyway.

Graphic by Constance Woods /



So, girl, plant your feet on the ground and stand strong. Invest in deepening your relationship with God. You need God’s power and strength to be fierce in your stand against the enemy who lies and desires to damage you, destroy you, distract you, and steal away your joy and destiny in God!

“ “

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; JOHN 10:10 NIV

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


FIGHT FROM A PLACE OF VICTORY. In this battle you are in, God gives you outerwear for the battle. God does not leave you without a weapon. He gives you His sword. Yes, you are a girl with a sword. You are God’s Warrior Princess—the perfect combination of beautiful femininity and courageous strength. You are not only God’s Sweetheart, you are His Braveheart.

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” EPHESIANS 6:11-18 NLT

Read and meditate on God’s Word that dresses you, comforts you, nurtures you, grows you, and gives you the supernatural power you need to overcome every battle that comes your way!

Hey Warrior Princess, heaven and earth are waiting for you to arise and take your place.

What sword did He give you? It is God’s Word that you wield to fight with—His truth, His promises. Let’s get dressed ladies!


the big reveal Poem by Michele okimura

SHE IS and is becoming… She is God’s magnificent intention. She is a chest full of treasures and gems. She is a masterpiece being painted. She is a priceless gift given at the perfect time. She is the sunshine on a gloomy day. She is a bundle full of ideas and creativity. Her intelligence sparks innovation and solutions. Her voice is worthy to be heard. Her dreams matter to the heart of God. Her kindness and compassion heals and restores. Her prayers release angels on assignment. She is a beacon of hope, integrity, and justice. She ignites her Father’s joy and delight. She greets each day with positive expectation. She discovers new mountains to conquer. She soars with strength on eagle’s wings. She was born for such a time as this. She is a glorious mystery being revealed. And so much more... Who is this sign and wonder? Yes, she is you!




REFLECTION What lines from the poem especially touch your heart?

Which lines do you like and aspire to be more of?

Which lines are hard to believe about yourself?

We are all in the process of ‘becoming.’ Becoming everything God envisions of us is a life-long process, so be intentional yet patient with yourself! Ultimately, it is God’s work to change us as we partner with Him!

“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” PHILIPPIANS 1:6 NKJV

Ask the Lord for help to believe and live these truths. Write down a few lines from the poem that stood out to you and take a minute to meditate on them, soaking them into your heart as truths of who you really are in Him!


She Acce




“Because God loves you, you can love yourself. Because God cares for you, you must care for yourself. Because God has forgiven you, you must forgive yourself. Because God has accepted you, you must learn to accept yourself.”



Do you have a difficult time accepting yourself or parts

of yourself? What are barriers that prevent you from fully embracing who you are?

One of the quickest ways to become discouraged, envious, or intimidated is to compare yourself to others. Learn 5 KEYS to accepting yourself and be FREE from the Comparison Trap!





’m so excited you’ve started your journey!

For many years I damaged my selfesteem by constantly comparing myself to others, and I didn’t even realize it! I often found myself trying to be someone I was not. I denied my true identity and uniqueness by shrinking back and being less just so I could be like the person I compared myself to. I tried to hide my flaws and compared my weaknesses to other people’s strengths. Once I learned about the negative power that comparing myself to others had over me, I searched for keys to break out of this trap and committed to change! This freedom is available to you too.

1. STARVE THE MONSTER: Protect your thoughts from negativity.

Do you define yourself through the lens of a mean inner critic leading you to compare yourself to others?

A negative outlook influences your thoughts and magnifies your shortcomings. This impact is a trap! It can take hold and make it hard for you to change the way you view yourself.

In today’s world, negative influences primarily come from other people, news, media, and social media. In fact, more than 50% of news and 62% of social media is negative! Friends and family can affect your self-esteem and mess with your inner thoughts, leaving you discouraged about your future and life.


Ever feel like a misfit? Do you find when comparing yourself to others you try to copy what others do or think, only to realize that’s just not you?

This is a common pitfall of unique individuals who feel like misfits. They feel like they don’t fit in even when they try their hardest to. Each of us is created to see the world in our own way, with unique ways of thinking or displaying a unique personality. If you find yourself feeling like a fish out of water, find a new stream, one that suits you. If you’ve spent a lot of time comparing yourself to others, it will most likely take a bit of time for you to adjust your perspective and create a new ‘ideal you’. You may discover your true self for the first time!


3. Get personal with gratitude!

Are you aware of how much time is lost when focused on comparing yourself to other people? Comparison takes your eyes off your goals and can cause you to feel bad about how you’re doing. When we focus on other people's paths rather than our own, we lose perspective on where we are headed and lose sight of the progress we’ve made.

Perfection comparison can cause us to feel helpless, stressed, or shameful. However, failures and mistakes, though painful in the moment, can be a great help to us if we’re able to learn from them and make needed adjustments. Everyone experiences failure. If you’ll allow yourself to be mentored by your mistakes, you’ll be further ahead than your counterparts. Give yourself grace and patience in the process. Learn to accept your role in the failure but don’t stew in the negative emotions! You can move forward with more wisdom and insights that you gained.

Take the time to look at what you’ve accomplished so far and measure yourself against yourself, not another person. Be grateful for the many things you have in your life. Trade the trap of comparison for inner acceptance and contentment.

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” MAYA ANGELOU

4. Pick yourself back up after failure.

5. Seriously! Cultivate self-awareness!

Ouch! Ever made some pretty huge mistakes or experienced painful failures? I have.

Do you find you are defensive? Controlling? Are you unable to recognize how other people experience you?

Have you ever compared yourself to those you think have never made those same mistakes?

When we improve our self-awareness, we find that we will become more comfortable with who we are. Selfawareness is not something you are born with, it’s a skill you practice and develop!

Get this: Embarrassment from a failure is NOT the end of the world!

If you struggle with comparing yourself to others, know that you are not alone in this struggle. Comparison can rear its ugly head at any given moment no matter what age you are, but it doesn’t have to be that way. My greatest joy would be that you would implement some of the points in this article and begin developing selfawareness to know when comparison is trying to hook you once again. You are a powerful, young woman with so much to conquer ahead of you AND so much to offer the world. You do not have to look or be like someone else. In fact, the world is tired of phony. Comparing ourselves pushes us towards being phony. Be on a mission to embrace your unique personality, your unique style, and unique characteristics. There isn’t anyone like live out your uniqueness courageously!

Make careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” GALATIANS 6:4-5 MSG

...we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.” GALATIANS 5:26 MSG



“The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” - I Samuel 16:7, NLT “Don’t let your mind bully your body.” - June Tomaso Wood

ACCEPT & APPRECIATE YOUR BODY What do you like about your body? What don’t you like about your body?

Some people are blind, deaf, or without limbs. Some people have lost their sense of taste or smell. Some people have heart problems. What would change in your life if you focused on what your body CAN do rather than on your looks?

You may not like certain parts of your body—yet your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and you were made in God’s image no matter what size, color, or build—your body is a good gift from God. We must not hate our bodies, but grow in appreciation and in how we lovingly care for our bodies. Try this. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for rejecting, disliking, and maybe even hating certain parts of your body that He gave you. Ask the Lord to help you grow a greater appreciation for the body He has given you! Believe He wonderfully created you.

BE THANKFUL FOR YOU! Write down 3 things you are thankful for about your physical body : personality :

character :

values :

When thoughts of comparison come up, thank God and celebrate the great qualities you already do have!


“Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.” PSALM 139:13-16 MSG


List 10 things you love about yourself. 1. Do one a day if you want to.

2. Then ask God how that aspect of you reflects Him.

1. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

2. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

3. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

4. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

5. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

6. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

7. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

8. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

9. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)

10. I love

(How does this reflect the Lord?)



Write down nice things people have said about you. Choose one thing to meditate on each day.

Draw yourself as a flower.

doodle 37


I hate my red, frizzy hair!!!


his was the first thought I had every time I looked in the mirror. My perception was that the boys liked brown or blonde hair because my close friends all had boyfriends. So why would a boy ever look at me and say “Dang, she’s fine!”? But that’s what I wanted, I wanted boys to think that about me and ask me out. Then came college and I found myself just hoping I would catch someone’s eye enough for them to come over and say hi, hopefully leading to a date. Every time I would compare myself to another girl, there was always something I wanted to change about me. If you take this a little deeper, what you can see is that I was actually judging my own self! This led me down a road of fear, negativity, and self-hatred. My sexuality was being expressed through my lens of what I believed about myself. But what was I afraid of deep down? I was afraid of not being good enough for someone to love.

With the chaos going on around me, it was easy to have confusing and lonely thoughts of wondering where I fit and who I fit with in this world. I had to remind myself of the truth, that my



Father is not an author of confusion, right? He is good in every way and has only good things for me. He designed me to tune in to His true thoughts that would lead me to a place of feeling loved, knowing I am lovable, and believing that He has someone special who would love every part of me. Out of these truths, I could live every day in my true sexual identity and purity— these truths that would usher me into the destiny my Father planned for me. What is the lie that swarms around you every day when you look at yourself in the mirror or when you compare yourself to the girls around you? What is that lie that keeps you disconnected from your Father’s heart, or causes you to behave out of fear rather than being the young woman that God created you to be?

Perhaps you hear this in your head: “I’m not pretty or thin enough to be desired by a man.” Or even the thought I had, “I’m not lovable by the opposite sex?” With whatever confusing thoughts you’re struggling with today, I encourage you to talk to your Heavenly Father. He knows exactly what you’re going through and can bring healing into your heart and emotions. You are a young woman, He celebrates the goodness of your femininity that you carry. You are Your Father’s Treasure.

…we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure... 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7 NLT

but I want it!


know. Sometimes it can be hard to accept things the way things are right now, right? Ever feel unsatisfied? Restless? Hopeless? Bored? Ok, let’s be honest. I am sure there are relationships and circumstances in your life that you wish were very different. It can be hard to simply accept things that need to be accepted and find peace in your life. It can be a challenge to be content with your • • • •

situation skills and abilities looks and personality wardrobe

Let’s admit it! Many of us like nice things, popular things, stylish things, and things that our friends have that we don’t have! We live in a consumer culture that lures us to always want more, more, more! Wanting more is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be damaging when our top goals are to fulfill those desires.

Through all the life lessons and growing pains we experience, God also wants us to find contentment and peace each day with what we do have. Are you content with who you are and who you are becoming? Yup! There sure is a tension between taking actions steps to grow, stretch, improve and advance, and being at peace and satisfied with how things are. Either extreme can be unhealthy, but God wants us to find peace in the moment and accept what we cannot least right now. There is also the element of peace, patience, and timing to consider in our longings. Seeking to be fulfilled by the things of this world may give us a temporary high, but in the end it will leave us still thirsty for more. God desires to satisfy our souls and strengthen our sense of peace and gratitude in the midst of our sometimes chaotic world.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ROMANS 12:2 NLT

“…I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” PHILIPPIANS 4:11-13 NLT

“But godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 TIMOTHY 6:6 NIV

Gain strength and perspective from His Word.

LET THIS BE YOUR PRAYER God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. REINHOLD NIEBUHR


She Believ




“Every time we believe God,

He credits it to our account as righteousness.”




You are Consider who God says you are. Declare the following statements, pausing after each one, and allow yourself to feel it!

I am a child of God God’s loving presence surrounds me. God dances and sings over me. I am released to dream! I have permission to be me. I have courage to try new things. I have permission to fail. I learn from my experiences. I am called forth to create. I am uniquely and wonderfully designed. Nothing is impossible with God.



language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” JOHN 8:44 NIV


You have immense and incredible value. You were planned and purposed.

who told you? Exchanging lies for the truth

If God said it, I want to believe it. If God gives it, I want to receive it. If God shows it, I want to perceive it. If Satan stole it, I want to retrieve it.” BETH MOORE, BELIEVING GOD

Many of us have grown up having people around us label us, reject us, call us names, and put us down through words and actions. Sometimes we judge ourselves and tell ourselves lies that contradict the truth of the immense and incredible value that God gives us.

Who told you, you weren’t good enough? Who told you, you are worthless? Who told you, you are not loved? The point is, Who told you? Was it a family member? Was it a classmate? Was it yourself? Or was it God?

The battle:

“…he (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native

An experiment was done in a high school class where each student wrote the words, “I am SPECIAL,” on a sheet of paper. In the next 24 hours, if someone said or did something that was somewhat hurtful, they would tear off a portion of that sheet that represented how much the action or words ripped at the statement that they were special. By the next class period, the students were to share what their sheets looked like. The result was that the vast majority of the class had little, or NO sheets of paper left. The truth is you have an enemy who wants to destroy you. This enemy can be relentless and can work through people and circumstances.

BUT you also have a Heavenly Father, the one who dreamed you into being, who is FOR YOU, who is your ADVOCATE, and who wants to build you up. God is also relentless in pursuing you with His love. He desires you to fulfill the incredible destiny He has planned. He created you to be a GIFT to this world. But we judge ourselves and believe lies about who we are. Ask God to search your heart and show you what you believe about yourself that is not in agreement with Him.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” PSALM 139: 23-24 NLT

A first step to being able to really believe the truth of who God says you are, is to ask God to forgive you for believing lies about your worth.

Do this quick activity! 1. Get a paper and write down a list of negative words you would use to describe yourself (could be words as ugly, not-good-enough, a mistake, dumb etc.) 2. Next, ask God to forgive you for judging yourself in those ways. For each word, say, “Lord, please forgive me for judging myself as .” Repeat this prayer for each of the words you have listed.

3. Next, crumple the paper and throw it away. 4. Then ask God, “Lord, please share with me how you see me.” Sit awhile and journal the positive word, sentence or picture that comes to mind as you wait on God. Ask the Lord to continue to help you to see yourself in the truth of who you really are in Him!



Nancy Vuu is a Dreamer. She dreams with God and as a result, the anointing flows through her luxury fashion brand. Nancy Vuu Inc. Couture Designs continue to grace red-carpet events such as the Grammy’s, American Music Awards, Films and red-carpet events. In addition her designs have been featured in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Elle magazines around the globe. Now she shares her story with Brave & Beautiful on how she found her true identity through GOD who “qualifies the un-qualified to greatness.

when I was a young girl who really loved God and dreamed of one day becoming a fashion designer. As I grew up, I forgot about this dream. One day everything changed as God reminded me of my dreams while attending a women’s Christian conference. I learned of God’s heart. Suddenly, in this room filled with thousands of women, I heard an audible voice asking, “Do you know your daughter?” When the voice spoke, immediately everything shut down, I could not see or hear anyone or anything else in the room. All I could hear was this voice, and I saw a big scroll that came from Heaven. As the scroll opened, I saw my older daughter’s face. I replied, “Of course I know my daughter, that’s Isabella.” The voice replied, “Well, your daughter, along with every other little girl in America, dreams of wearing these exquisite gowns simply to be a princess.

Hello Brave & Beautiful one! I am so excited to share with you how God raised an ordinary girl that did not qualify in the world’s eyes, but God chose her to be His special ambassador in the world of fashion. It all began



Then I saw my daughter twirling with the most exquisite gown. I replied, “That’s so true!” Every girl wants to be a princess who is loved, valued and has dignity. The voice came back and asked, “What about all the other children in the world who all long to be a princess, but they can’t even fathom wearing a gown. They are thinking about whether or not they are going to live, have food and shelter.”

Then I saw children from all different nations who were very sick, who did not have food or water. These children were abandoned and abused. My heart sunk as I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. The voice came back again, and instructed me, “Start designing, and tell these little girls that no matter what their circumstances are, they are loved and are true princesses to the one True King. At this point, I did not know how to sew or know anyone in the fashion industry, but I replied, “Wow! What a great idea!” I gave God my “yes.” I now partner with God in fashion to expand God’s Kingdom by clothing children and young ladies to remind them of their true identity. We are the daughters of God Most High, Heirs to the Kingdom. To this day, I still do not know how to sew, but God has taken me on amazing adventures where I have the privilege to clothe young ladies like yourself, celebrities and royal family members. It’s not about our own gifts and talents that qualify us to do great works. Yes, God can use all that too, but it is in our love and obedience to God that qualifies us. God is able to make all things possible when we give Him our “yes.” How kind was God that even when I forgot about my own dreams of becoming a fashion designer as a little girl, God did not forget. In fact, God

in pursuing your dreams while honoring God. God loves you and He has great plans for your life. You are fashioned for love and greatness! I remember one time when God gave me a vision of being a world renowned designer and showed me I would style royal families. I rejected the vision God gave me. I disqualified myself. I said, “No, that will never happen. I’m not even a real designer and I don’t even know how to sew.” But God lovingly rebuked me and said, “No! You are a designer. I made you to be a designer, now move in your role!” Immediately when he released these words over me, it was as if a blanket of truth and identity floated from the sky and gently fell on me. I was able to receive all that God said I was. My spirit received who my Creator fashioned me to be. Knowing this truth has enabled me to walk out my purpose and destiny. How many times have we let our friends, family or the world rob us of this truth? Or even worse, how many times have we disqualified ourselves? We must learn how to silence the lies that say we are not good enough. Instead, we need to ask God what He thinks of us, and who He says we are

What He says is truth.

loved me so much that he personalized my calling and my purpose to fulfill the dream. I believe the dreams and passions we have are actually dreams and passions that God puts inside of us as invitations for us to partner with Him in that very thing.

What God has done for me, He also wants to do for you! That’s right, He wants to partner with you in your dreams and He wants to show off His greatness inside of you! I want to encourage you to share your dreams with your parents or trusted mentor and ask God how you can partner with Him

Do you know what God thinks about you? I challenge you to ask Him. He has more good thoughts about you than the stars in the sky. Do you know what He made you for? He has fashioned each one of us for Love and Greatness but He has a purpose and a great plan that He has written uniquely just for you. I bless you with strength & courage to pursue all God has for you. Love, Nancy Vuu



This Brave and Beautiful being you see here was given through an encounter I had with King Jesus when He showed me a vision of a young girl entering womanhood. I saw her clothed in the exquisite beauty and extravagance of the finest garden. Grace and strength were upon her and she had no fear of the future as she held the sword of truth and proudly wore her crown. She knew her authority and stood firm in her identity. She was the King's daughter, a mighty princess warrior. Wherever she went, she released beauty and strength. This Brave and Beautiful being lives within us. She is you. She is me. She is clothed in roses & flowers. Even King Solomon in all his splendor was not arrayed like one of these. Her couture garden gown reminds us that we are the Garden of the Lord and we wait for Him to encounter us. It was in the Garden of Eden that God encountered Adam and Eve, and this was God's original plan. God wants to encounter us today, and when we give Him access to our hearts, He is able to create in

Credits: Creative Director: Nancy Vuu Illustrator: H. Ashour



On page 48, color this same image and bring it to life in your own way. It can symbolically represent brave and beautiful you!

us an unmatched beauty. She is adorned with a crown as her true identity is etched in her spirit. She carries a sword of truth that disarms the lies of the enemy. She moves forward in combat boots ready, prepared and positioned to flow in love, greatness and victory. Her body and hair is made of olive leaves that bring healing to herself, her family, her community and to the nations. May the brave and beautiful spirit within you arise, for you are appointed and annointed for such a time as this. LOVE & GREATNESS is your portion. I bless you.




Reflect and journal any insights you gained while coloring the previous page. Why did you choose those particular colors as you brought your image to life? In what ways does this image depict beauty and bravery to you? Journal freely!






n 7th grade, my family and I moved from Southern California to Taipei, Taiwan where my parents grew up. I was completely devastated! I had finally found my group of friends and the thought of making new friends in a foreign place sounded next to impossible.

Barely into the first three months of starting school, I was off to a record start of being noticed. Within a short span of time, I had managed to projectile vomit all over the screen in health class while trying to run out of the room with my hands unsuccessfully covering my mouth. Weeks later, feeling like I missed the bandwagon on getting my period when it happened to all the girls around me, I suddenly felt a gushing sensation in my panties in English class! Horrors! When I looked down, I had leaked blood onto my floral pink jumper and left an obvious stain on the beige chair when I got up. Back then, it seemed like everything humiliating happened to me more than anyone else. All I longed for was to fit in and not to stand out. But for whatever reason, I kept standing out in all the ways I did not want to. The more I tried to be like everyone else, the more it would backfire. I even got a boyfriend, held hands, and played the game Truth or Dare because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. Instead, I was constantly getting my feelings hurt. Since my parents were not home that often, I would often blast my music and

cry in the bathroom so no one could hear me. I felt like I was an awkward piece of a jigsaw puzzle that was put in the wrong box! Years later, I began noticing the phenomenon—things happened backwards for me, hard things were easy, and simple things that made sense to others were hard for me. Sometimes, I would struggle with an overwhelming sense of loneliness, and I would feel it the most when I was surrounded by my family. I always felt like I wanted to escape somehow. However, over time as I came to know Jesus, He redeemed my childhood and showed me how He created me uniquely and set me apart from others. He told me that I am an important piece in the Kingdom of God.

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

piece that is made specifically to influence others, change lives, and impact the world. So, hang on to all the spaces and places of you that you might not like at the moment! He makes all things beautiful in His time and works all things for good as we trust Him. God already sees you as His ever-blooming, unique, and stunning masterpiece!

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” EPHESIANS 2:10 NLT

IS A JIGSAW PUZZLE COMPLETE WITH ONE PIECE MISSING? NO. “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a

special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many

parts of one body, and we all


belong to each other.”

Sometimes you may question why God made you a certain way in your personality, your physical attributes or even the family you were born into. He wants you to know you are an important



“The Lord will hold you in his hand for all to see— a splendid crown in the hand of God.” ISAIAH 62:3 NLT

“I am not concerned with outer obstacles, only the inner ones.” ANNE COLEMAN LADD, SCULPTOR



t u o h s ut! o

I AM Declarations Take a moment with God in silence. Close your eyes, and ask God to share with you who HE says you

are. Write down positive words or descriptions. Examples: I am courageous. I am loved. I am a light like the brightest star in a dark night. Quickly write down whatever positive words come into your mind

without analyzing! If you get a picture in your mind of something, ask God what is the positive attribute about you that He is trying to communicate through that picture.

After you are done writing, speak these statements out loud regularly. This can help solidify the truth of your identity in Christ and help you to believe! There is power in your written and spoken words.

I am I am I am I am I am I am I am


M IND F UL LET T ERING Trace the lettering - it does not have to be perfect! Enjoy the process of creative lettering



Action Steps

YOU GO GIRL! LET’S WALK IT OUT. she is Brave & Beautiful you!




1. In Ghana, West Africa, it is customary for people

to say, “It’s true. Thank you!” whenever someone compliments them on anything. The next time

someone gives you compliment, respond by saying, “Thank you!” In this way, you can pro-actively affirm your value and worth. A compliment is like a gift, so receive it with gratitude and do not reject it!

2. Write in depth for 5-10 minutes about one of the values that you hold dear. It could be you value

family, a loyal friend, a skill or talent you have, your

relationship with God, or an attribute like honesty or justice—anything in particular that you value. OR

3. Create an identity statement—one sentence that

reflects at least one of the many facets of who you

aspire to be. Make it a positive statement, as you are a gift from above to this world. After writing it, say it

out loud daily for one whole month. You may decide to continue this activity each month with a new positive statement.

Using a word-picture like an animal or object can be helpful in communicating your heart.

Examples of this are: • I am sunshine, giving hope to the hopeless. • I am a lioness that is brave and protects the weak.

Make a list of the values that are most important to you.

• I am a creative problem solver that makes a difference.

This affirmation activity can help you to believe that

you have immense worth. What you value matters— it is part of your identity and your contribution to the world!



Get Help Report Trafficking



You have a voice that is meant to be heard. Finding your own roar and unique expression is a

compelled to always run at full speed. We live in a

journey and a process of discovery. God gave you a voice

world full of distractions, pressures, expectations, and

literally and figuratively to make a positive difference

unexpected trials. It can be second nature for us to

and declare what is good and true in this world!

want to always pursue the next thing! Other priorities

You were designed to express yourself in sometimes

often compete with what is most healthy for us.

quiet, unassuming, tender ways, and other times loud,

Do you make space for rest that restores and refreshes

bold, and public ways. You never know when one of

your weary body and soul? Giving yourself that much

your spontaneous, profound moments will reveal the

needed pause to reflect, connect with God, and restore

glory of God inside of you.

your balance and positive energy is wise and healthy—

You have a heart that is meant to connect with people and with God. In relating to God mind to mind and heart to heart, you will realize that He is your Heavenly Father who loves to lavish His love upon you and is for you. Do you know His Father’s heart towards you? He is incredibly interested in connecting with you in a real, alive, and intimate relationship. But how does one connect to God? Great question! You will gain some practical

even godly! Welcome to this second section of Brave and Beautiful where you will be encouraged and learn ways to embrace and treasure: • more of YOU and the unique ways YOU enjoy expressing yourself • your relationship with God • the practice of rest

ways to grow in hearing God’s voice —a journey of wonder and full of surprises. Our prayer is that you

Continue your journey with positive expectation. What

will encounter God as a lifestyle.

treasures will you discover? May your eyes and ears be

You have a mind and body that are meant to have a rhythm of rest. Let’s pause. It may seem unnatural or uncomfortable to prioritize rest, since many of our lives are immersed in the hustle. Some of us may even crave the hustle and feel



attentive, so you won’t miss the gems along your path!

She She She

Expresses Connects Rests


She Expres




You have a voice. Nobody else on the planet

has your unique voice, your mind, your heart,

your story, or your hopes and dreams.



seven ways to express you! Write it! Draw it! Paint it! Make it! Dance it! Capture it!


ou are unique. And how you love to naturally express yourself will be unique too. Sometimes just talking out your thoughts or feelings can’t seem to fully express what is in your heart—but maybe baking a dessert, singing a song, painting a picture, dancing it out, or taking a photo hits the spot!

of needing to use correct grammar. You can even make your poem into something artistic to look at. One word repeated, or a phrase or question can be expressed randomly. Ask the Lord to inspire you and freely write!

Maybe you want to express a value, conviction, a certain positive message to others or maybe just to God.

Poetry can be especially helpful to write during intense, sad, and difficult times or immense, joyful times because it can help you release those deep, dark or excited and exuberant feelings you have.

Journaling is always a great ‘go to’ way to express yourself, but sometimes journaling sentences may not quite do it for you. But writing a poem, for instance...maybe then the words might flow out like a river. Here are some possible ways you can explore expressing yourself. Why not try some new expressions? You may just discover something new about yourself!

1. Write a poem

Poetry can allow you to freely express your feelings without the constraints



It can rhyme or not rhyme. It can follow a pattern or not.

2. Film it or take a photo

God expresses Himself in an infinite amount of ways—even through creation and created things! So can you. It has been said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A photo or a video captures a moment, and the interpretation of it can speak volumes and move the heart. Photos and videos often can be a blessing to others.

Capture a moment by taking a photo or video with your smartphone or camera when something is highlighted to you or when you are inspired to do so. Attach a meaning to that moment. Consider taking a moment to ask God if there is anything He wants to tell you about the picture or video you took that expresses a simple but profound message He wants you to know from His heart to yours.

3. Paint or sketch it

Painting or sketching can be a great way to express yourself. Whether you are more realistic or abstract, there are no rules! Even painting a canvas one color can mean something to you! The famous artist Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. Unlike what teachers can sometimes teach you about coloring within the lines, I challenge you to color outside of the lines! Expand the possibilities!

There are no rules when you are creating a painting or sketch—be as free and as wild as you want to be! Ask the Lord to give you courage to express yourself through this visual way. Try releasing your feelings and thoughts in this way and see what happens. Have fun experimenting!

4. Make it

Maybe some of you like to build things, sculpt things, produce a film, bake things, put together something graphically, or craft things...the list goes on! Something you make can express your thoughts and emotions in a tangible, symbolic way—especially if you like to work with your hands. Many different types of materials or media can be used! How you decorate cookies or cupcakes can also be considered mini sculptures. Arranging flowers from your garden can express a message using the colors and designs you choose! Ask the Lord to give you ideas on how to express what is in your heart and mind through making something—there are unlimited ways to express a thought or emotion through your ‘creations.’ Attach meaning to it.

5. Dance it

For some of us, dancing it out releases what is inside of us! Whether hip hop, popping, ballet, hula, jazz, lyrical styles, contemporary or cultural dances... or just however—go for it! You don’t have to be a professional to dance. It is interesting that you don’t have to ‘teach’ a toddler to dance—they just start moving their bodies to the beat of a song. Most cultures, if not every culture, have their own form of dance. Maybe we were all made to dance in our own way? Dancing does not always need to be a formal performance in front of people. It can be an authentic expression from within. Consider playing a favorite song that expresses your emotions and dance to it before the Lord in the privacy of your room to let it all out for an audience of One. Even doing a ‘happy dance’ for a few minutes when something amazing happens can bring a release of the joy inside of you. Remember King David was a dancer:

6. Play your instrument or sing a song

Making melody can be an effective way to express our hearts. Singing a sad song when we are sad, or singing a happy song when we are happy can bring great expression. Playing a beat on a drum can express joy or anger—or playing a certain melody on any instrument can be a ‘voice’ that can powerfully and simply express our heart and mind without words. Consider spending time with God, just you and your instrument. Play whatever melody comes out freely—go with the flow of His Spirit. Or sing a song while just making up the melody and words in the moment. Explore new ways of expressing yourself through music.

7. Write a story or a script

Whether writing a fictional story to express yourself or journaling a real account with real emotions, writing can get what is inside of you onto paper.

“And David danced before the Lord with all his might…” II SAMUEL 6:14 NLT


express yourself. You have a story to tell...

“I want to write, but more than that I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart. I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” ANNE FRANK, DIARIST

Journaling, writing down your thoughts, is one of the most profound practices! It can help you connect with your deepest feelings and help process and work out difficult, even painful situations. It may help you discover creative solutions and fresh insights you didn’t know you had within you. It also is recording your story, your personal history, that is being written with each new day.



You have a voice.

Keep this in mind as you go through Brave and Beautiful. We know your life can be busy and it is challenging to start a new habit, but journaling can change your life! Whether you journal on your computer or write with pen and paper, you can start with simple and small baby steps.

From whispers to a roar Just maybe God wants to turn your soft whispers into a mighty roar that impacts this world in ways you couldn’t even imagine!


Start with writing about anything you want to write about.

Reflect on your day.

Pick a time of day that is best for you to write.

What are your feelings and thoughts?

If you don’t know how to begin, make a list of things you are grateful for.


“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” - Brené Brown THE POWER OF YOUR STORY Think back over the different stages of your life. Recall significant and memorable experiences. The events in your unique life story shaped who you are today. On this timeline, from birth to present, graph and label 3-5 significant events in your life that are positive memories. Also mark and label 3-5 significant negative events in your life that had caused you emotional pain. • What were your greatest successes? • Was it an individual success or a team success? • When did you feel most excited? Recall the greatest challenges and painful times you had to overcome.



*Use the space above and below the timeline for your recordings.

How did you feel doing this timeline activity?

How did each experience change you? What did you learn from each experience you recorded?

Looking at your timeline, you see the hills and valleys of life you experienced. Do you notice any themes or patterns? If so, make note of them here:



“Vulnerability is the center of shame, scarcity, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. But it is also the birthplace of love, belonging, and joy.” - Brené Brown

Meditate on your timeline for a moment. Do you notice anything? Is there something you never saw or realized before? If so, what is highlighted to you?

COURAGE TO BE VULNERABLE It can be scary to reveal our personal secrets or things about ourselves that we would rather hide from others. It takes courage to express such details. Being vulnerable and sharing transparently with safe, trustworthy people builds connections that can heal and lift off toxic shame from our lives. Being vulnerable can give us the help and strength we need to blossom in life!! It is a powerful and meaningful experience to feel heard—for someone to know the good, the bad, and even the ugly about your life, and still love and accept you without judgment. When this happens, we can experience the tangible love of God through someone else. So how do you know when to share and with whom? It is always great to pray to the Lord for direction on this, but the following are some helpful clues to know some of the characteristics of a safe person. • Someone who is non-judgmental and accepts you as you are • Someone who will speak the truth in love to you • Someone who loves you no matter what you do

• Someone who you feel comfortable being yourself with • Someone who believes in you

• Someone who helps you be like Christ

• Someone who is encouraging and comforting • Someone who is a good listener

• Someone who can keep what you share confidential (not someone who gossips) Vulnerably expressing yourself with people who you feel safe, such as a parent, close family member, close friend, counselor, or trusted church leader can bring you the support needed to navigate through the twists and turns of life.


fun & fearless fashionista! How we dress expresses something unique about us.


e all have our own style of dress. What is your favorite outfit? Some of us go for comfort and like the casual, sporty, simple or free-spirited look, some of us like to dress creatively, some like the well-tailored look, some of us like the frilly dresses. We each express ourselves uniquely.

Ever wonder how the way we dress may tie into our own desires to be noticed? For some of us, we can dress to impress, to get noticed, or to feel like we belong. You can be beautifully stylish on the outside, but how are you clothed on the inside? “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I SAMUEL 16:7 NIV On the inside, God desires to clothe you with His likeness. He means for you to stand tall, chin up, hearts humble, yet confident in Him. With your crystal clear eyes and a willing, honoring heart, God’s living water wants to bubble up inside of you like a spring of water, overflowing to others.

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” COLOSSIANS 3:12-14 NLT



“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” PROVERBS 31:25 NLT

So, how you display

mercy kindness humility

gentleness patience forgiveness

love strength and dignity

towards others can be creatively and uniquely expressed!

May you radiate Christ! Be uniquely stylish! Clothe yourself with the right things!

JOURNAL Out of the list below, what are the top 3 attributes do you feel you need to clothe yourself with today?

*mercy * kindness * humility * gentleness * patience * forgiveness * love * strength * and dignity

Take a moment to ask the Lord about ways you can creatively express these attributes this week. Briefly journal your plan of actions here:




’m not sure when I started journaling, but I remember doing it as a tween. I had so many thoughts and feelings bottled up that needed to spill out somehow, and typically they found their way into the world through words on a page. I started a lot of entries with “Dear Fiona…” followed by questions to my future self, such as, “Did you ever meet your celebrity crush? Did you get married?” I also journaled a lot about the feelings I had about my life, my parents and my friends. Sometimes I would write entries similar to Psalms. I loved Jesus and I saw His provision and love in my life and there were moments I just had to write about them. I loved using words to express myself. As I got older, I realized that I also loved using words to express how I felt about my friends or boyfriends. I would write notes, long emails or just tell those closest to me how much I loved or appreciated them. In my early adult years, I found myself in jobs where powerful and convincing words were keys to success. Whether I was selling clothes, helping people choose which meal to order as a server, or guiding women to find the right skincare, words mattered.



One of my favorite ways to use the gift of words was to coach women through childbirth. I was a doula (labor coach) for seven years. Through words, I was able to empower, encourage and surround women with the support they needed to bring their little ones earth side. On my way to each birth, I always asked God to give me the right words at the right time. God is a very specific God and he has very specific words for every one of his children. Partnering with God to let his words flow through me to these women when they needed them was such an exhilarating partnership! And you know what’s awesome? You can tap into the gift and power of your words right NOW! Your words can make an impact. There are people all around you that are desperate to hear encouragement, truth, hope and joy. God is looking at you and asking, “Would you like to partner with me to empower and encourage others?” How you answer him is entirely up to you. You can use your gift of words creatively in so many ways—either to build up those around you or tear them down. Be mindful of when negative or hurtful

words want to flow out of you and ask God for help if this is a struggle. Words have power to give life, create realities, and damage hearts…sometimes for years to come. Ask God if there is someone in your life who could use a word of encouragement. You could write stories that speak of the wonder of life. You could write poems to share with anyone who has meant something to you. You could write songs or make videos to express yourself or to share what God is saying to you. If you feel unsure or nervous about writing, I encourage you to just begin writing in a journal or notebook. Try expressing yourself in a private way to prepare for more public expressions. God has given us all minds to create sentences and thoughts for a reason.

One of the most powerful ways to use words is to declare God’s truth about who He says you are: • In Isaiah 43:4, God says that you are precious and honored in his sight and He loves you. • He tells you in Psalm 139:14, 16 that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that your frame was not hidden from him when you were made in the secret place. He declares that his eyes saw your unformed body and he wrote out all the

days ordained for you before one of them ever came to be. • He promises in Jeremiah 29:13 that when you seek him, he will be found by you and he will bring you back from any captivity you’re trapped in. • God proclaims in John 8:36 that when you trust Jesus as your Savior, the Son sets you free!

Friend, God sees you. He knows your story. Even the most secret parts of who you are. Before Him, you can stand confidently fully known, fully accepted and fully loved. But this encouragement isn’t just for you! Partner with God and

• And out of that freedom I urge you to take Hebrews 10:25 to heart “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

ask him, “How can I share this with others through the gift of words you have given me?” You will never regret joining forces with God and allowing him to guide you as you share words with others. His words are always the best and life-giving!


She Conne




She connects heart to heart with God.



FATHERED By Michele Okimura

Your Father’s heart is passionate about you. His eyes sparkle with delight just thinking about you. He sings songs of blessings over you. He even dances over you. He pursues you because you are worth pursuing. His compassion and love for you are deep and wide and high. God could have lived any place in the world or universe, But He chose your heart as His dwelling place. You are not a mistake. You are not an accident. You are purposed. He designed you. You are His glorious intention. Your name is written upon the tablets of His heart. Your walls are ever before Him. He whispers your name, and heaven hears. When you feel alone, He reminds you of His ever-present, wrap around love.

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” Isaiah 49:14-16 NKJV

God put great effort in creating you—His divine masterpiece. You were planned and purposed as a gift to this world, an intricate part of His divine dream. If you should drift away from Him, He eagerly waits for your return. He is for you. He is for you. He is for you. His good thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand. He desires to embrace you whether you succeed or fail. He celebrates who you are and who you are becoming. He loves to listen to you, speak to you, and just be with you. You are His Beloved Child!

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” I JOHN 3:1 NIV

“He will delight over you with joy. He will quiet you with His love. He will dance for joy over you with singing.” ZEPHANIAH 3:17 TLV



Jeremiah 17:9-10 MSG

“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be.”


papered walls of our hearts. Do you like painted walls or wall-papered walls? We may like certain colors and designs on our walls to make them look pretty and pleasing to the eye. We can embellish the walls of our hearts as well with attractive artwork and wall hangings. We can plaster those walls with decorative denial, frilly frames of focused forgetfulness, or pretty patterned pastels over pain and shame. The walls can look quite dandy to us—so why bother taking them down? We actually do not fully know our own hearts and what is hiding behind those walls! Only God really knows the true condition of our hearts so we need His help... We all have walls around our hearts to protect those tender or dark parts we don’t want to deal with and maybe even aren’t aware of. Some walls are broken down by tangible love encounters of God and the love of other people. Other walls may still be standing strong as barriers, blocking out the love


of God from healing and receiving all the good He wants to give us! We want close relationships, yet at the same time we can fear close relationships, even with God. Will people reject me if they really knew EVERYTHING about me? Well, your Heavenly Father knows everything about you— walls and all—and He continues to relentlessly reach out to love on and restore every part of you. Your walls are His concern. “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” ISAIAH 49:16 NKJV

We build walls around our hearts due to not knowing how to handle our emotions in healthy ways. We no longer need our self-made walls that block God out. He wants to be our Healer, Defender and Protector over our hearts

Listen to Reckless Love by Cory Asbury and open your heart to Him. Let Him melt those walls away. One at a time, step by step!




id you ever consider that your parents were once BABIES? Well, they used to be babies and they used to be kids. Can you imagine that?! They used to be cute, little, innocent, wide-eyed, and pure. They had hopes and dreams about what life could be like, as little kids should. BUT when they were kids, they may not have been parented perfectly. Let’s face it—who is parented perfectly? NO ONE! Their hearts may have been broken over and over by being misunderstood. Maybe your parents • were raised in a super strict home with harsh discipline. • were rarely given love, kindness, or encouragement. • were not given grace for their mistakes. • were not praised or affirmed. • were abused and rejected. • experienced various traumas for which they still need healing. • were abandoned by one or both parents. • had parents who were so absorbed in their own struggles that they did not receive much attention.



They grew up the best way they knew how—just like you are now.

affects your ability to feel connected to Him.

Fast forward. Now they are YOUR mom or your dad. I know there are days when it seems that they JUST DON’T GET IT! There are days when they are silently hoping they will get it right, but they cannot read your mind any more than you can read theirs. Conflicts between you and your parents can hurt your heart…and it hurts their hearts.

For example:

Maybe there are days when your parents are fun and enjoyable to be around and life is good! (We all like to focus on those days.) And maybe there are those days when you are sweet, kind, and helpful towards them. Relationships are a two-way street! Both sides need to give patience and grace. And your parents are probably doing the best with what they have… they are still in the process of growing and learning as well. The only One who can parent perfectly is your Good, Good Father God. He is safe, kind, patient, compassionate, all-wise, and powerful! However, the negative experiences you have had with your earthly parents can negatively affect how you see your Heavenly Father. Your view of God

• If your parents rarely provide for your needs, it may be hard for you to trust God to provide for you. • If your parents are usually mad and disapproving towards you, you may tend to see God as usually angry, just waiting for you to mess up. • If your parents are not guiding you, it may be difficult to turn to God for help and wisdom because you are used to figuring things out on your own. • If your parents do not show interest in your life, it may be hard for you to believe God cares about you and delights in you. • If you do not have a heart connection with your parents, then God may seem distant and detached. On the positive side…if you have loving, supportive parents who are safe places for you to open up to, then it is probably easier for you to trust God and feel secure in His love.

God is Father, but He also has all the tender parts of motherly love too. That kind of love that nurtures and holds tight and is safe as well. As you grow in your relationship with your Heavenly Father, give to God in prayer any negative perceptions you have about Him that you recognize could be rooted in your experiences with your earthly parents. Ask Him to show you the truth of who He really is for you!

Work on forgiving your parents for ways you feel they have failed you. And at the same time, how about taking some time to pray for strength, wisdom, and blessings over your earthly parents!

If you have experienced rejection from a parent, take comfort in God’s promises to you: “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.” Psalm 27:10 NLT


JOURNAL ACTIVITY 1. Get a piece of paper. 2. Journal by writing each parent a letter. *You will NOT be giving them this letter so feel free to express yourself. The treasure will be how your heart will feel when you express things on this paper that you may not even know are in your heart. Your letter might look something like this sample: Dear Mom/Dad, I never reflected on the fact that you were once a teenager like me. One thing I need from you is One thing I want you to know about me is (could be a dream of yours or anything you want them to know about you) One reason I am thankful for you is

Make the words your own and express whatever you want! If your letter happens to be full of negative emotions and hurtful words you expressed, you can know that God understands and knows how you feel. 3. Once you are done writing, ‘give it to God’ by tearing the letter up and throwing it away. God is holding your heart! 4. Now ask your Perfect Heavenly Father to give you ways to express GRACE and FORGIVENESS to your parents. He is parenting you perfectly and your parents are doing their best (even though it may not seem like it to you).

Remember, your parents were once just babies who had to grow up! If you feel led to, you may then write a loving letter to your parents to actually give to them, expressing your needs, your true feelings, your dreams, your thanks towards them, and your positive desires for your relationship with them. P.S. Another idea is to write letters like this to God. Tell Him what you need. Tell Him what you’re feeling. Feelings are real, but they’re not always the truth. So, when you tell the Totally Truthful One, He can give your heart what it needs.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!...” I JOHN 3:1 NLT He is the perfect Father who loves you so relentlessly!



JOURNAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Take a moment, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths.

2. Ask God to clear your mind, then ask Him, "Father, what do you think about me?"

3. Begin writing a letter to yourself FROM Your Heavenly Father, asking God to speak His encouragements to you. Whatever comes into your mind, write it down like you are dictating a letter to you from God. 4. Remember that He will only say good things to you! Don't analyze your thoughts, just write down what pops in your mind. It may be one sentence or many sentences. Take your time. 5. If you want to draw anything He shares with you (what comes to mind), feel free to use the space to sketch. *On the first line, put: Dear ( write your name here )



love letter.



ave you ever felt like God was far away? Like He’s distant and too important to concern himself with little ol’ you? Do not worry, you are not alone in that thought process. The good news is that is not the truth. The truth is, God is closer than you think. He wants to have a relationship with you. One way you can find out about Him is through His Word, the Bible. Like any relationship, it takes effort to get to know someone. You don’t just wake up and know everything there is to know about a person. Your walk with Jesus will be a lifelong journey and as you allow Him to shape and guide you, you will grow in your spiritual maturity. Life will have its up and downs, but He promises to “never leave you or forsake you.” God knows everything about you! However, like any growing relationship, you will need to invest time and effort in getting to know Him. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” JOHN 1:1 NIV God can be found through His Word because He is the Word. The Bible is not just a compilation of stories, poems, or songs, it is God-breathed. Yes, the Bible is full of amazing godly principles and wisdom that will guide you through life, but He is the main character of the Bible! And guess what? You are in there too! So, I challenge you to approach your reading of the Word with a fresh curiosity to discover all of God and all of you.



Tips for Getting Started • Come with expectation. Expect that God will speak to you. What are you hoping to discover from the passages you read? • Talk with God. Ask the Lord to speak to you through His Word. Ask Him to give you a love and hunger for His Word. God’s Word is alive and a means of knowing God as He speaks through His word. • Make it a habit. Schedule a time to read His Word daily when you will have the energy to focus and be alert. Maybe you’re an early riser or a night owl. Whatever time you choose, commit to read daily at the same time every day. You can start off with just five minutes a day and increase that time as you go. However, it’s not about checking off a ‘to do’ box. Know that God isn’t giving out gold stars for perfect attendance—the goal is to continually learn and grow! • Find a quiet, comfortable space. Create an atmosphere and ambiance for God to speak to you. Rid yourself of any distractions. Turn off your smartphone or place it in another room so you won’t be tempted to check your phone while reading. • Have a journal or notebook handy. You may want to take some notes or jot down personal reflections. You may also be inspired to draw or sketch something that comes to mind after reading. • Pick a Bible translation you can understand: There are many great

Bible translations to choose from. Pick a translation that is easy for you to understand and follow. Popular versions are the NIV, or NLT. Reading multiple versions can give you insights if you are doing deeper study. • Meditate on a verse or passage that especially speaks to you. Sometimes less is more. It’s not quantity of reading we are after just for the sake of knowledge, but quality of reading. (Hebrews 4:12) • Underline verses that stand out to you. Grab a highlighter or pen to note words that stick out to you. This can help you pay attention to what you’re reading. • Apply it! After reading, ask the Lord, “What are you speaking to me? How can I apply this to my life?” • Start somewhere! You can choose a book of the Bible and read one or more passages. If you need some structure, find a Bible reading plan that works for you. The gospels help you to get to know Jesus. The book of Psalms can help connect to your heart emotions and instill hope, comfort, and trust in you. The Bible stories in the Old and New Testament are full of life lessons and fascinating historical events revealing how great God is. Be led of God’s Spirit as well, as sometimes the Lord may impress on your heart to read a certain book.

HEARING GOD’S VOICE Connect with God through the Holy Spirit BY MICHELE OKIMURA


ave you ever ‘heard’ God’s voice speak to you?

Our King, Creator of the universe, Father and Friend, wants to communicate to YOU! Prayer is talking to God and listening to what He wants to share. God is not distant, although truth be told, sometimes it may feel like He is. He wants to be actively involved in your life and be your helper, guide, encourager, and much more! A relationship with God involves two-way interactions. A relationship that only involves a oneway conversation is not a close one. God desires an intimate relationship with you, His Delight! When Jesus ascended to heaven after He rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell with and within believers. The Holy Spirit is a person not a mystical ‘thing’! He is the one who interacts with us while here on earth! Learning to hear God’s voice takes practice knowing that we won’t get it perfectly right each time - so have patience. We all make mistakes as we grow! I believe God is thrilled when we seek to know Him and His voice.

Ask the Lord to help you recognize when He is speaking to you. Remember that He is a loving God who has many kind, positive thoughts towards you as mentioned in Psalm 139. He will never tell you to do anything that contradicts His biblical ways of truth, love, and grace. God may also confirm His message to you through more than one

avenue to encourage you that you are hearing right. Begin each day with an expectation that God will speak to you. God is full of surprises—even if it is a whisper from His heart to yours!


The Holy Spirit can speak to us through a variety of creative ways! Here are just some of those ways: Through the Bible: As you read the Bible, ask the Lord to speak to your heart and teach you of His ways! A thought that enters your mind: Sometimes God’s voice is experienced like a thought in your mind that can easily be mistaken for your own thoughts. Example: One day, I had a random thought, “Call Maggie and see how she is doing.” Maggie was a friend of mine who I hadn’t talked to in a while. So


I called and had a nice quick chat. Later, she confessed that she had been extremely depressed and was about to commit suicide when I called. She shared that my phone call had so encouraged her, that she decided not to kill herself. I had no idea! That was God for sure! I know this is a dramatic story, but my point is, pay attention to the thoughts that come to you, especially when praying! Sometimes the Lord may plant a thought in you unexpectedly as well. If possible, test it out!

I replied, “Well, I think God wants you to know that He knows you and loves you.”

A picture or vision: God has blessed you with the ability to ‘see’ in your mind. Try this. Close your eyes and imagine an apple sitting in the middle of a table.

Through nature: If something catches your attention while looking at nature—like a tree, a mountain, a horse, or a rock—take a moment and ask the Lord, “Is there anything you want to speak to me through this scene (or object)?”

Now, close your eyes again and visualize the apple on the table being cut into eight pieces. What you just saw in your mind is a vision. In that same place in your brain that you can see a picture or a mini video, God can speak to you by giving you a picture and/or a vision. He may even give you a picture or vision of a word or words. If you ever ‘see’ a picture or a vision in your mind, ask God to explain it to you—to interpret what you are ‘seeing.’ If you don’t ‘hear’ any message, then just tuck that away for possible future reference! Example: One time I was talking with a guy I never met before at a gathering. We were talking about random things. While he was talking, I silently asked God, “Lord, is there anything you want me to tell this person?” Suddenly I saw a vision of Jesus dressed in a deep-sea diving suit diving towards a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea. LOL! It was funny seeing Jesus dressed like that! I asked God silently, “Lord, what does this mean?” Thoughts came to mind, “Tell him that he is such a treasure to me, that I would search the oceans deep to find him!” So, I mustered the courage (because I didn’t even know if he knew God) and awkwardly shared, “You may think this is strange, but sometimes I sense God telling me something. I want to share something with you to see if it might mean something to you.” I then shared the vision and message I thought may be from God. His eyes got really big and he shared, “Wow. My greatest passion is deep sea diving. In fact, I travel all over the world to deep sea dive to seek for treasures whenever I can take time off from work!”



He then said, “I used to go to church before. I think I’ll start going to church again!” God had spoken—although I did risk being wrong and him thinking I was a crazy, but I took the chance and it was God after all! Whew! Yay God!

Example: One time I came across this enormous banyan tree. I couldn’t help but admire it. I asked the Lord, “Is there anything you want to share with me about this tree?” I waited and listened. In my thoughts, I heard, “I am like this tree to you. I give you shade when you need to rest. I give you protection from the heat and trials of life. This tree has deep roots, so it is extremely stable. You are secure in me. Trust me.” Tears filled my eyes. I really needed that comfort from God! Through a song: Ever hear a song that really spoke to your situation or verbalized your feelings? God can speak to your heart through the lyrics of a song! Through a movie: Open your heart when you are watching a movie—sometimes God can speak to you something through a movie scene. Through people: God can speak through people— through a sermon, a podcast, or through a conversation with someone. I have found when it comes to wanting guidance and counsel, it is safe and wise to consider what godly, mature mentors have to say. Through circumstances: In life, we go through all kinds of up and down situations. You can ask God questions such as, “What are you trying to tell me or teach me through this? What are you trying to change in me through this? How do YOU see this situation? What are you trying to grow in me?” Wait on the Lord and trust He will speak to you—even if it takes some time.

“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand…” PSALM 139:17-18 NIV


Your Good, Good Father. Connect to His Heart for You!

As you follow the Lord, there are countless ways your Heavenly Father is there for you 24/7.

How about picking one attribute per day or week to meditate on and soak in! Thank God for being who He is for you. As you do, you will connect to the heart of God towards you!

You can look up the Bible verses provided in different translations.

You can add to the list of God’s attributes and search for more Bible verses for each.


A - ADVOCATE: God is for you! I JOHN 2:1


God carries your burdens. I PETER 5:7


God embraces you with His comfort. ISAIAH 49:13

D - DELIVERER: God is your mighty Deliverer. PSALM 18:2


God cheers you on. DEUTERONOMY 31:6


He is forgiving and merciful towards you. PSALM 86:5

G - GIVER: He is a

generous God who loves to bless you. MATTHEW 7:7-11

H - HEALER: God is in

the business of healing and restoring.


V - VICTORIOUS: God is a

PSALM 30:2

God opens your eyes of understanding and opens doors! MATTHEW 7:7-8

I - INTERCEDER: Jesus is

P - PEACE: God is your


JOHN 14:27

PSALM 121:1-8

Q - QUICK: God’s Word





Y - ‘YAHOO!’:

always praying for you! ROMANS 8:34

J - JOY: God is the source of your joy. He also has a sense of humor! PSALM 16:11

K - KING: He is the King of Kings! I TIMOTHY 1:17

L - LISTENER: God listens to your voice -even a whispered prayer! PSALM 66:19

M - MIGHTY: God is allpowerful and mighty. PSALM 147:5


God is faithful and will never leave you. PSALM 117:2



Peace and gives you supernatural peace.

is alive and quick to move upon our hearts.

is your Resting Place for refreshment and renewal. PSALM 23:2-3

S - SHEPHERD: He is your

Shepherd who guides you. ISAIAH 58:11

T - TRUTH: In a world full of confusing lies, God is your Truth and Light. JOHN 14:6

U - UNDERSTANDING: No one in the universe knows you and understands you more. PSALM 139:1-6

victorious Overcomer. Pray from a place of victory. JOHN 16:33

constantly watches over you with a caring heart.

excellent in all His ways and is a God of excellence.

God celebrates, rejoices, sings, and dances over you with delight! ZEPHANIAH 3:17 NASB

(The more accurate Hebrew translation of the last verse means to dance, skip, leap, and spin over you with joy. Consider God’s deep love for you in this light!)

Z - ZEALOUS: God has

a passionate love for you. EPHESIAN 3:17-19

thirsty. What are you thirsty for? Longings and desires deep within us emerge to seek a path of fulfillment like the waters of a bubbling spring find a pathway to flow. But where will the paths you choose take you? When you connect heart to heart with the Lord, He gives you Living Water that satisfies.

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God..”. Psalm 42:1-2 NKJV

“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14 NIV


She R




“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength...” PSALM 23:1-3 NLT




the rhythm of rest. Fast. Fast. And fast! Sometimes, life can so busy and fast paced!

This principle of rest is also listed in the 10 Commandments!

Rest. Yeah...but when am I going to find time to do that? And how much is too much rest when things gotta get done?

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work…”

How do we slow down in a sometimes fast-paced world with school, family obligations, time with friends and activities? The answer is not always easy. God values rest and desires for us to make the time to restore and refresh. God created the world and the living things in it within the 6 days of Creation. On the 7th day, He rested. God always does things on purpose intentionally and wanted to set an example for us.

Our goal is to become more and more like Jesus, our model. Jesus was in high demand during His three years of ministry! Crowds followed him, and he served people much of the time. However, Jesus also assertively made time boundaries! He would take time out to rest and instructed his disciples to join him. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31

EXODUS 20:8-10 NIV

Did you ever wonder why God commanded His people to rest as opposed to making a suggestion? Taking time out to rest is often not something that many of us naturally make time to do. To rest means we have to trust God to take care of our cares and concerns.

Rest allows our body, mind, soul, and spirit to renew, refresh, and be restored so we can approach our life once again with renewed energy, strength, and focus.


Plan a time of quiet that includes conversations with God, journaling, worshiping, reading, and meditating on God’s Word and truths. Connecting with the Lord in such ways will fill you with renewed peace and strength. Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” MATTHEW

Carve out regular time to rest that is unplanned and unstructured—a time to rest your brain and body.

Plan a time for recreational rest! What do you like to do for fun? What activities do you enjoy doing that does not require a lot of mental and emotional energy?

Plan times to be in nature. Being in God’s beautiful creation refreshes us physically, mentally, and emotionally. For example, you could take a walk, lie down and watch the clouds, watch the sunset, hike, or swim in the ocean or lake.

How about sitting or lying down in silence daily for 3-5 minutes? Taking a moment to rest your mind can require effort but can give you a moment of rest for your brain and body.

There must be a reason why God wants us to rest one day out of seven. God created the Sabbath rest to benefit us. Aim to enter into a restful place once a week to refresh, following God’s design for us to thrive and be healthy!

11:28-30 NLT

Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”




Don’t forget to



breathe again.

PEACE IN HIS PRESENCE Did you know that deep breathing actually can calm you down? It can help clear your mind and give your brain a reset. We rarely use our full lung capacity when we breathe normally. Deep breathing gives our body a good dose of the much needed oxygen that our bodies need to thrive. TRY THIS RIGHT NOW: 1. Find a comfortable position. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Put one hand gently on your heart and other on your belly. Take a slow deep breathe for about 3-4 seconds, inhaling through your nose. Your belly, not your chest, should expand. 4. Exhale slowly for 6-7 seconds through your mouth. 5. Repeat a few to several times depending how you feel. Try doing deep breathing at least once to a few times throughout the day and see how you feel, especially when you are stressed! TIP: You can practice deep breathing when you are waiting for someone or something or to simply to take a brief break from doing your homework or an activity!

TRY THIS ACTIVITY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Find a place where you can be alone and rest, preferably in a lying down position. Play some peaceful instrumental music. Take 3 deep breaths, slowly exhaling. Imagine breathing in God’s Presence and Life. Invite the Lord to speak to you. Try to empty your mind and be in listening mode. Just rest and relax for several minutes. Pay attention to thoughts, pictures or visions that pop into your mind. Don’t’ analyze, just keep focusing on the Lord. If a picture or vision pops into your mind, ask the Lord what it means and be open to God thoughts. 8. Journal what you receive. Hearing God’s voice takes practice and is a process. It is ok if you are not sure if it’s God or not. He will reveal Himself if you earnestly seek Him! If your mind is blank and you do not ‘receive’ anything, that is ok! Just enjoy resting your body, mind, soul, and spirit in God. This can be a great activity to do daily—whether it be for just 5 minutes or longer!

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28 NLT


resting in nature

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature— the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” RACHEL CARSON


here are numerous times in His Word that God refers to things in nature such as trees, the ocean waves, flowers, and various animals to communicate a message. His creation reveals His power, creativity, majesty, glory and love! A main way that God refreshes, restores, and nourishes our soul is through nature. As we soak in the beauty of His creation through the sights, sounds, smells and our sense of touch, God speaks and reveals Himself. Just being in nature surroundings can help reduce stress and anxiety and give us a sense of peace in His Presence. For example, going on a hike, swimming in the ocean, or going on a boat ride can refresh our minds and reset our emotions. Take time to soak in nature moments as a regular habit! Take time to smell the roses, so to speak!



“I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings…” Psalm 8:3 MSG

Are you a mountain person or an ocean person? Where is your favorite place to be outdoors? As you envision this place, describe the view, the sounds, the smells in this place that you love:

Why does this particular place bring you peace?

ACTIVITY Take a walk with your smartphone or camera. It could be around your neighborhood, at a park or even at your school. Ask the Lord to highlight something in nature and take a photo of it. It could be a tree, a rock, a flower, a puddle of water— something in nature. When you have time, spend some quiet time looking at the photo you took and ask the Lord what He wants to communicate to you about that nature scene. Pay attention to thoughts and impressions that come to you. Write your thoughts below: I took a photo of a What I sensed the Lord speak to me about what the photo represents:

Make it a practice that when you are in nature and something is highlighted to you or grabs your attention, ask the Lord what He might be saying to you through what your eyes are feasting on or what your ears are hearing.


M IND F UL LET T ERING Trace the lettering - it does not have to be perfect! Enjoy the process of creative lettering




she is Brave & Beautiful you!

She Expresses. She Connects. She Rests.


Be a flavor. You are unique! Discovering your likes and dislikes can develop your voice in this world.


Pick two questions from below—one from the DISLIKES list and one from LIKES list. Journal your answers. Have a conversation with someone you know and ask them the same two questions you chose. Share your answers with one another and enjoy expressing yourselves!

• Take a regular powernap of 15 minutes in the afternoon (set your alarm) • Take a 10-15 minute walk outside each day • Take a relaxing bath


• Turn off your phone for a designated period of time daily

What frustrates you often?

• Read a good book you enjoy

What is one thing you would change about your world?

What is one negative attribute that is upsetting to you and why? (like dishonesty, greed etc.)



Create your own rhythm of rest. Try these ideas and see what works for you:

What topic do you love to talk about and why?

What would you like to learn more about and why?

What do you love to do for fun and why?

Pick a time and place to talk to God every day for 5-10 minutes—it could be in the shower or while in bed. Tell Him what you are thinking, giving him your burdens. Then take time to listen.


Put yourself in a posture to rest in God’s embrace and connect heart to heart with God. For such moments, your Father in Heaven loves having you all to Himself! • Find a quiet place free from distractions and get into a comfortable position. • Take 3 deep breathes and focus your mind on God pouring His love on you like a refreshing waterfall. Give Him this moment to love on you. • Try not to think of anything and rest your entire being for 3-5 minutes. “Be still, and know that I am God!…” PSALM 46:10 NLT

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