Vision 2045 Downtown Las Vegas Master Plan

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• Expanded Facilities: The construction, expansion, and improvement of community facilities is a costly but essential component of

4. DOWNTOWN ENHANCEMENT • Public Realm Design: Place-making is a fundamental goal for

Downtown livability; therefore, it is recommended that projects are

Downtown, and key to attracting new residents and businesses

prioritized to fill service gaps, especially for underserved populations,

that are in search of a vibrant and appealing urban environment.

and coordinated with redevelopment projects to address population

To enrich the visual quality of Downtown and its districts, a

increase. Shared use of civic, educational, and non-profit facilities is

coordinated program of public realm improvements is recommended,

another appropriate strategy for Downtown.

encompassing: gateway, streetscape, and public space

• Neighborhood Amenities: Day-to-day services and urban amenities are instrumental in attracting Downtown residents; access to convenience shopping is especially important. In conjunction

enhancements; a comprehensive public wayfinding and signage system; and a public art program. • Community Reinvestment: Property improvement programs

with housing development within mixed-use transit nodes, local

provide visual evidence of Downtown’s resurgence, and should

government should employ incentives to achieve integration of

receive local government investment and support. Measures include

desired neighborhood services and amenities; zoning incentives,

financial and technical assistance for façade improvement, property

community benefits provisions, and joint development ventures are

and building code compliance, and adaptive reuse. Clearance

among the means to augment market forces.

of blighted properties that pose a special nuisance may also be

• Community Partnerships: Facing limited resources, it is

warranted if the community would be better served through land

recommended that local government obtain and coordinate with

banking or accommodation of an interim use until redevelopment is

the private and non-profit sectors in the provision of community

ready to proceed.

services and facilities for Downtown. Available public sector funding

• Neighborhood Improvement & Conservation: Downtown will

should be amplified with private and non-profit sector participation

profit from a coordinated strategy of improvement and conservation

in the development and operations of community facilities, pursued

of peripheral residential neighborhoods. Local government should

through such measures as shared facility use, a community benefits

encourage rehabilitation and repair of single family homes and multi-

program, or other forms of public-private agreement, as well as BID

family dwellings, coupled with infill development to stabilize declining

services, corporate partnerships, and philanthropic funding.

residential areas. Mature residential neighborhoods will benefit from zoning standards and code enforcement that protect them from commercial encroachment, incompatible development, and the resultant decline.


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