Electric Vehicles Management for Carbon Neutrality in Europe
Horizon-Europe funded project under Grant Agreement no. 101056765


The end of the first year of the EV4EU project is arriving. Several activities have been developed, resulting in very interesting and valuable methodologies, results and publications. A summary of the deliverables and of the more important achievements are described in the following articles of thisnewsletter.

EV4EU partners are also participating in several initiatives involving the most important stakeholders in electric mobility as well as
end electric vehicles users and the community in general. These interactions are very important to propose solutions centred in the real needsof the society.

EV4EU is also interacting with other research projects and international entities and associations (e.g. The Association for Electromobility AVERE orthe International Energy Agency IEA) to discuss the main barriers and challenges for the development of electric mobility as well as to identify solutions, development paths and possible synergies between the projects.
EV4EU is also contributing for the scientific community through the publication of 5 scientific papers in some of the most important journalsin the research domain.
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the project. The project is now finishingitsfirstyearofactivities.
Our second issue of the EV4EU Newsletter features the EV4EU deliverables, events, workshops and scientific articles developed from December2022toMay2023.
EV4EU Newsletters will be published every six months presenting the activities of the consortium. Subscribe to our newsletter HERE FOLLOW
EV4EU project aims to address emerging challenges related to the effective integration of a large number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) into the power system, transport sector and society at large. It encompasses a broad spectrum of demands concerning both EVs and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) capability. Over the course of the first year of the EV4EU project, significant progress has been made in preparation for the Demonstration activities kick off, which will take place in Denmark, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia. These activities will involve testing V2X solutions in different settings, including houses, buildings, parking lots and energy communities. Below you can find an outline of the project tasks that have been completed during this first year of the project and additional information can be found on the Cordis and EV4EU website.

The starting point of our project was the evaluation of the e-mobility scenarios until 2050 and the impact of the EV widespread integration in the power system. The e-mobility scenarios were assessed based on publicly available datasets, taking in account the European Commission´s carbon neutrality goals for 2050. We evaluated scenarios on a global and European scale, and in particular Slovenia, Denmark, Greece and Portugal the countries participating in the project. We considered several aspects such as EV sales and stocks, energy demand and chargingpoints availability.
The scenarios are reviewed in the Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios deliverable, which highlights distinct patterns of EV adoption across the four countries examined. We observed that the rapid growth of the EV stock is outpacing the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Additionally, during the analysis of the public reports we observed a divergence in overall vehicle stock, with some scenarios assuming an increase in shared mobility, while others projecting an increase in EV stocks.
Based on the scenarios reviewed, and considering the behaviour of the users, the characteristics of the EVs and the types of charging stations, we have implemented a tool to generate daily EV profiles, and to determine the energy required to supply the EVs. We observed that among the four countries studied, the adoption of EVs willhaveasignificantimpacton
the energy and power system planning particularly in Portugal and Denmark, the countries with expected higher EV adoption by 2050. Our study examined several management strategies to determine the main challenges that the EVs may introduce to the power systems and energy management. The main strategies investigated were based on price, peak shaving and coordination with renewable energy sources (RES). The effectiveness of the strategies was evaluated based on charging management practices and availability of V2X. We concluded that the pricebased strategies are effective in mitigating new peaks caused by concentrated charging during periods when consumption is generally low, provided that reasonable prices are implemented. Peak-shaving strategies are successful in reducing the impact of EVs in peak periods but may not account for the integration of RES. The coordination between RES and EVs proved to be the most effective strategy, specially in countries with high penetration of RES (e.g. Portugal and Denmark, of the four countries studied). It was also observed that V2X implementation based on price strategies could increase the power demand volatility. However, it presents clear advantages on peak shaving and co-ordination with RES, reducing peaks or preventing curtailment of renewable generation. Of the countries studied, Portugal and Greece, the countries with significant integration of photovoltaic technology, are the ones that seem to benefit the most from strategies that coordinate RES and EVs. More about these strategies available here.

Governmental incentives have different impacts on e-mobility across different countries. We have reviewed and analysedEU regulations about EVs, currently in place in Europe, and more specifically in Denmark, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia. Across Europe, regulatory requirements mandate that each EU member state must develop a national energy and climate plan (EU Regulation 2018/1999), setting also requirements for 1 EV charging point per 10 EVs by 2020 (directive 201/94/EU).

In lightwith morerecent regulation (EU 2019/631), is expected that by 2030 35% of new cars will be zero or low emission passenger cars. As a result, several European countries are implementing incentives or taxes benefits for EV purchase and ownership. However, in some countries, those may not provide sufficient support for users considering the purchase of a new EV car. Additionally, specific needs related to e-mobility were identified for the countries participating in the project. For example, Greece should consider extending its legislation on demand flexibility local markets, providing the system operator with more tools to manage network conditions effectively, with EVs and Vehicle–to-Grid (V2G) being the most crucial ones. Portugal should focus on legislative coverage for V2G. Slovenia would benefit from increased support to install chargers in multi-apartment buildings. Lastly, Denmark faces the challenge of a fragmented public charging network. Understanding the EV and V2X policies and legal mechanisms of each country is key for policymakers and stakeholders toimprovethe V2X landscape.

The increasing adoption of EVs opens new business opportunities thanks to the high flexibility that EVs can provide.
EV4EU has already identified and developed 12 business models (BMs), focused on the four EV4EU demonstrators and selected Use Cases. Together with defined actors, these BMs will be key for further development of services andinformation platforms.

One of the priorities of the EV4EU towards widespread EV adoption, is to understand and address the EV user´s needs and concerns. Thus, our project has been gathering knowledge on EV behaviours and motivations across the four countries. By interviewing EV users and experts and using quantitative surveys, we found that the population´s main concern is related to economic factors, specially when considering initial investments for EV adoption and the use of electricity instead of fuel to charge the cars. Public charging infrastructures are considered a key element in all countries, with significant impact in promoting/preventing mass EV adoption. The users show interest by V2X although some were little or completely unfamiliarised with these technologies. Thus, more educational initiatives, governmental interventions and charging infrastructure development are needed to promote EV uptake and foster acceptance of V2X solutions.

Considering the projected increase in EVs by 2050 in Denmark, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia mentioned earlier, it is crucial to carefully plan the distribution grid. For this planning, it is essential to consider EV charging flexibility. In our work we have described a model for EV charging flexibility based on four parameters: occupancy and charging rates of the flexibility resource, and the number and power capacity of the EV chargers. This model can be integrated into the grid planning optimization problem, and the use of flexible resources can mitigate the impact of the gridstructural limitations.

EV4EU aims to create and implement an Open V2X Management Platform (OV2X-MP) that supports next-generation V2X technologies and provides userfriendly and ergonomic APIs and applications. This work has been progressing through different tasks. First, we have identified the information exchange requirements between stakeholders and systems. This included determining the communication channels through which the stakeholders will communicate, the data needed to be exchanged for successful operation, current and future operation requirements, and barriers that may delay the implementation of the demonstrators and real world operations (Information Exchange needs to enable different UCs deliverable). Second, we defined the communication mechanisms and primary entities that are involved in the EV charging infrastructure. We have also identified the basic standards established by different entities for EV charging infrastructure. It was also assessed the main gaps and limitations present in current standards, which may hinder the V2X integration (Standardization gap analysis for new V2X related Business Models deliverable). Third, we developed the architecture design and high-level requirements that will guide the development of the O -V2X-MP (High-level design of Open V2X ManagementPlatform deliverable).
By developing this tool, EV4EU will provide a platform that allows information exchange between end-users, operators and systems, integration of algorithms to manage V2X, cluster EVs behaviours, and information about services, surge pricing and green charging opportunities.
Charging stations (…) were easily missed

4 4 12 42 Countries Demos Use Cases Month duration

Participant partners

Associated partners M€ EU Contribution
EV4EU participated in the Tecnico-GALP workshop, held on March 31st at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa . Read more >>

EV4EU partners INESC ID, DTU and EDP NEW represented EV4EU project at the EU Project Forum organized by AVERE– The European Association for Electromobility Read more >> Slides available here.

P2P flexibility markets models to support the coordination between the transmission system operators and distribution system operators. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2023;
On the trade-off between profitability, complexity and security of forecastingbased optimization in residential energy management systems, Sustainable EnerElectric Vehicles Charging Using Photovoltaic Energy Surplus: A Framework Based on Blockchain. Energies, 2023;
New approaches for Electric Vehicles

Charging Management in Parking Lots considering fairness rules. Electric Power Systems Research, 2023;

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V2X Management for carbon Neutrality in Europe InnovationNewsNetwork, 2023

Electric Road Mobility Evolution Scenarios; Impact of V2X in energy and power systems Information Exchange needs to enable different UCs;
Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities; Data Management Plan;
16th Conference of Slovenia ELectric Power Engineers CIGRE-CIRED Bled, Slovenia, 30 May 1 June 2023

EEM23 - International Conference on European Energy Markets

Lappeemramta, Finland, 6-8 June 2023
Model-Driven Engineering Techniques and Tools for Machine Learning-Enabled IoT Applications: A Scoping Review. Sensors. 2023; CIRED 2023 International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution
Roma, Italy, 12 –15 June 2023
ISD2023 - 31st International Conference on Information Systems Development
Lisbon, Portugal, 20/08– 01/09, 2023

UPEC2023– 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference
Dublin, Irland, 20/08– 01/09, 2023
SEST 2023 - International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies

Mugla, Turkey, 4 - 6 September 2023
Grenoble, France, 22-23 October 2023
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids

Glasgow, Scotland, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2023
EDP Centre for New Energy Technologies (EDP NEW) is a subsidiary of the EDP Group withthemissiontocreatevalue through collaborative Research and Development in the energy sector. CommittedtoR&Dwithastrong focus in technology demonstration projects and low-carbon technologies, is very active in the topics of Smart Energy Systems, Electromobility, Positive Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Buildings, Renewable Energy, Storage and Flexibility and Digitalization. EDPNEW has carried out work in several EU H2020 and Horizon Europe in all the energy value chain, adopting an integrated and sustainable approach towards disruptive solutions that empower its partners and bring valuetothe shareholders.
EDP NEW is responsible for the EV4EU Portuguese Demonstrator at SaoMiguelIsland,Azores.
The Power and Energy Systems (PES) division is part of the Department of Wind andEnergySystemsat

DTU. PES research addresses future-oriented challenges related todigitalenergysolutions, aninterconnected energy system, and optimized electric energy technologies spanning vertically from -scale to local energy solutions and horizontally across the various energy domains, technologies and markets. Two research sections from PES contribute to the activities in EV4EU: E-mobility and Prosumer Integration and Distributed Energy Systems In EV4EU, DTU will propose and implement models, designs, and control architecturestodevelop optimalVehicle -to-Everything (V2X) smart charging strategies.
Funded by European Union Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101056765.

Views and opinions expressed in this document are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the grating authority can be held responsible for them.