The Spine Times Helsinki Issue 2

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 17 October 2019 | EUROSPINE2019.EU


Sisu – the one Word that Explains Finland Hello dear parti cipants of EUROSPINE 2019,

About Emilia Lahti

My name is Emilia Lahti . I am from Finland and I researched the Finnish concept of Sisu – it does not have a direct translati on in any language but it denotes this kind of eternal forti tude, extraordinary perseverance and courage in the face of extreme adversity and it also relates to qualiti es such as courage of the heart and integrity. I want to open a space to think and discuss in our hearts and amongst ourselves topics that relate to building a character and overcoming tough situati ons.

Emilia Lahti (MSc, MAPP) is an internati onal presenter on topics related to positi ve psychology such as the power of fostering psychological safety through our daily encounter and developing excellence in leadership within ourselves and in the many domains of human life (work, entrepreneurship, coaching, sports, acti vism, and community building). She is a transformati on and awareness coach supporti ng individuals who are committ ed culti vati ng inner awakening, compassionate leadership and integrity in their lives Programme. She also ran a start-up in Palo Alto in 2015-2016 that she was a co-founder of. Currently, Emilia is fi nishing her Ph.D. dissertati on at the Helsinki based Aalto University School of Emilia has a master‘s degree in social psychology Science and Technology in which she is pioneering and a master of applied positi ve psychology dethe research on the ancient Finnish construct of gree from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a ’Sisu‘, denoti ng courage and determinati on in the former student of Dr. Marti n Seligman and began face of adversity and the ability to unlock latent researching the Finnish construct of Sisu under inner strength. Her work on has been featured by the mentorship of MacArthur Fellow recipient and The New yorker, Business Insider, Scienti fi c research professor Dr. Angela Duckworth in 2012. American, BBC and Forbes among others. Emilia has given talks at Fortune500 companies such Her personal life mission involves being a catalyst as Facebook and Salesforce, as well as Stanford for human connecti on and compassion. She University, The Internati onal World Congress on believes it is our collecti ve responsibility to create Positi ve Psychology, The Consciousness Summit, socially warmth, inviti ng spaces that empower TEDx, and Singularity University at NASA Ames in people to reach their fullest potenti al. Emilia Mountain View, where she studied futurism and enjoys facilitati ng meaningful connecti ons across exponenti al technologies in their global Soluti ons geographical, cultural and disciplinary boundaries.

I will also ask the questi on what to strive for aft er having accomplished a lot in life and what to direct our att enti on to as humans. Something that can help us build a legacy that goes beyond what we are doing at the moment and lives way aft er we have gone. I look forward to seeing you all at this year’s Medal Lecture today.

Curious fact: Nowadays Sisu is also used as a male name with increasing popularity. More than 2,000 Finnish men already bear this name.


Get to know us!

If you have not had the chance to visit us at the EUROSPINE booth this year, do not hesitate to do so Get to know our team and learn about the various EUROSPINE acti viti es. Don’t forget to take your personal EUROSPINE 2019 photo at the selfi e wall and take the printout home to your loved ones. EUROSPINE members enjoy coff ee and snacks in the exclusive member area while following the live feed from the plenary hall or networking with colleagues from all over the world.

Members of the Task Force Spine Tango will be available at the EUROSPINE booth every day from 11:00–12:00 for all questi ons you might have regarding the register. Tomorrow morning from 10:00–10:45 the TFR Alumni Coff ee Break off ers opportuniti es to meet representati ves of the Task Force Research and to fi nd out more about EUROSPINE’s research programme.

ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 17 October 2019 | EUROSPINE2019.EU

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Seven Symphonies for the Finnish People struggle for independence from Russia. Johan Christi an Julius Sibelius was born on 8 December 1865 in Hämeenlinna, a small town in the grand Duchy of Finland which was part of the Russian Empire at that ti me. Sibelius studied at the fi rst Finnish-speaking school in Finland, where he came in contact with the Probably few arti sts have captured the Finnish previous menti oned Kalevala, which remained an soul and transported it around the globe as much inspirati on through his works. Sibelius’s tone poem as Jean Sibelius. The composer and violinist of the En Saga, the Lemminäinen and the Karelia Suite late Romanti c and early-modern period is widely are examples of this. recognized as the country’s greatest composer. What Elias Lönnrot, did with with his nati onal epic At university he originally studied law but soon he poem Kalevala, Sibelius did with his music. He hel- abandoned it as he showed much more interest ped Finland develop a nati onal identi ty during its in music. Sibelius was in love with nature. The

stunning landscapes around his hometown and also the forests around Ainola, his residence where he lived with his wife and 6 daughters for a long ti me, are said to have inspired many of his compositi ons. Many of his musical pieces are named aft er nature: Birch, Spruce and Water Drops. If you close your eyes you can easily see the music elements that spring from lakes and forests – the ripple of the lakes’ water and the breeze sweeps the branches of tall pines. During his lifeti me Sibelius composed seven symphonies and many more tone poems. For several years he also worked on his eighth symphony – but he burned it later. On the evening of 20 September 1957, Sibelius died of a brain haemorrhage at the age of 91. At the ti me of his death, his fi ft h Symphony was being radio broadcasted from Helsinki. Today Sibelius lives on in Helsinki in many monuments – during your walk through the city you might walk by the historic Sibelius-Akatemia, the university of the arts, through the Sibelius Park or see the impressive Sibelius Monument. you also have the opportunity to visit Sibelius’ favorite hangout place in Helsinki: the Bar of Hotel Kämp in central Helsinki. Many great arti sts spent countless hours there.

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 17 October 2019 | EUROSPINE2019.EU


An Irish Surgeon in Madrid Name: Derek Cawley, MD Nationality /Country of residence: Irish Place of work: Mater Private Hospital, Dublin Specialisation: Orthopaedic and Spine Surgery Member of EUROSPINE since: 2015 Observership: Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Dr. Luis Álvarez galovich Hospital La Paz, Dr. Francisco S Perez-grueso 23–30 April 2018

Francisco S Perez-grueso, Hospital La Paz, who I had encountered through my research with the European Spinal Study group. Madrid is a great city and well worth a visit.

Both hosts were excepti onally warm and made my visit meaningful. As I had sent noti ce ahead of my arrival, both teams were kind enough to ensure that interesti ng cases were booked for surgery the week that I was present. Once I had att empted Many thanks to the EUROSPINE Educati on Comto speak a litt le Spanish, the doctors were kind mitt ee for awarding me a travelling scholarship enough to embarrass me with how well they could this year. To further my experti se in spine surgery, speak English! I travelled to Madrid to spend ti me with Dr. Luis Álvarez galovich, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, who I Dr. Perez-grueso’s paediatric spinal deformity clihad met through meeti ngs at EUROSPINE, and Dr. nic had some of the most diverse spinal conditi ons that I have come across. Several of these pati ents were pre-operati vely hospitalised and treated in halo tracti on before surgery as the team feel that this is a safe method of pre-operati ve spinal correcti on but also for plasti city of surrounding neurovascular structures. This was parti cularly relevant for a neurofi bromatosis scoliosis that I was involved in, where on-table correcti on was easily achieved.

Image: Myself, Dr. Perez-Grueso and his impressive collection of 3D 1:1 printed spinal models, with which he has used to plan complex spinal reconstruction over many years.

Dr. Álvarez galovich discussed with me the forever-evolving algorithm for osteoporoti c spinal deformity, a problem that is increasing in the developed world. We treated a thoracolumbar osteoporoti c deformity (Kummel’s disease) with a shortening osteotomy and cement impregnated screws.

Image: Pre-op full spine radiograph of a patient who had a T11 osteoporotic compression fracture, with non-union (Kummel’s disease) and resultant deformity, and post-operative radiograph demonstrating posterior fixation, correction of the deformity with cement augmented pedicle screws (courtesy of Dr L Álvarez Galovich). While I found the rare and exciti ng cases very interesti ng, seeing how common spinal pathology was treated in Madrid was of great benefi t. In joining both teams for degenerati ve lumbar and cervical procedures, I picked up small operati ve technique ti ps and slightly diff erent diagnosti c perspecti ves on cases that would benefi t my practi ce and that I can relay to my Irish colleagues. Finally, I am most thankful for the opportunity to develop warm friendships with such experts and I hope to see them at the next EUROSPINE meeti ng!


Local, Seasonal and Innovative Helsinki off ers a wide range of culinary choices – from traditi onal to modern, from local to internati onal, from budget to Michelin starred. Many new restaurants with exciti ng new approaches or traditi onal quality open every month. We tried to portray a few restaurants with a wide range for you. you probably sti ll remember those amazing tapas from EUROSPINE 2018 in Barcelona. Finland has their own version – the sapas. The small restaurant Juuri off ers many diff erent dishes which are made from fresh regional dishes. Another restaurant that includes great fl avors with local ingredients and recipies is the Kolmon3n in the Kallio district. The Baskeri & Basso Bistro off ers a fantasti c menu with a great atmosphere. It has a warehouse style interior and a wine selecti on that will sati sfy you for sure. Of course you also have haute cuisine opti ons in Helsinki currently also six one-star Michelin restaurants – the Olo, Palace, Grön, Demo, and the Ora. If lunch is an opti on, you can enjoy this Michelin star experience for a relati vely budget price. grön for example serves wild food from the nearby forest. Alternati vely Finnjävel takes their guests on a Finnish food journey serving fermen-

ted potatoes and root vegetables prepared in a pit on the restaurant backyard. This beauti ful restaurant will serve you sophisti cated dishes which will give you a great Finnish taste.

that you might not have had before. Naturally the internati onal food trend of street food did not spare Helsinki. On your way through the city you might see many diff erent food trucks or even a raw porridge bike, Puurola. Some of the recomIf you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere with sim- mendati ons for food trucks are Powau’s green pler but nevertheless amazingly tasti ng food you smoothies, Roslund’s amazing handmade burgers could head to Sinne, BasBas or Kuurna. Kuurna is or a pizza at Lotten Piece & Love Pizza. a hidden gem that will off er you amazing menus with high quality ingredients for very reasonable And of course we cannot end this culinary journey prices. through Helsinki without a sauna where you can have food. In the winter the best place to soft en If you prefer modern internati onal cuisine you up is the glorious 1920‘s Yrjönkatu swimming hall might head to Soma for a quick bite with their sti ll open for public (separate days for men and famous sushi burritos. This fusion of Mexican and women) with its own restaurant, a fancy menu of Japanese is something new for your taste palate food and drink and table service straight by the pool. Uunisaari is the place for those who are bold enough to dip into the brisk sea even in the winter months. The wonderful thing about sauna is that any day is a good sauna day! If you wish to go for a drink you might want to head to Bier Bier to have a taste of a local craft beer or taste the gin that has been voted to be the worlds best at the Helsinki Disti lling Company. They have a new bar in the meatpacking district called Tislaamo which some say has the best cocktails of Helsinki.

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From Self-service to Pure Luxury It has been esti mated that there are over 1.6 million saunas in Finland and the sauna ritual is a quintessenti al part of the local way of life. Helsinki off ers an incredible range of public saunas open for anyone in need of a steam. Ranging from underground self-made and self-serviced baths to the pure luxurious, there will be one to fi t every need. Why not visit one during your ti me here?

Sompasauna off ers an urban experience in the middle of the city, facing the famous icebreakers of Katajanokka. The sauna is situated a quick 20-minute walk from the Kalasatama metro stati on. Its rough look is more than compensated for with the incredible experience it off ers! The smaller sauna is heated up to a roasti ng 140 degrees Celsius and will fi t up to four people. The main sauna is more social and fi ts 20 people at a ti me. Both saunas have access to the sea for those fancying a quick cool off .

1. Undress. shower. 2. Take a una nake d 3. Go to sa wel. or w ith a to the hot 4. Throw water on yo u stones as much as want. e/ ff o utsi d o l o o C . 5 ower. in the sh 6. Repeat as many times as yo u want.

The more wacky opti on is found at the Skywheel in central Helsinki. Jumping on one of the cabins will export you to the heights – while taking a lovely bath! The sauna itself is teeny but the view certainly makes up for it.


If privacy is needed, Pihlajasaari island off ers a public sauna which can be rented for a minimum of three hours at a price of €153. The picturesque sauna features a red cabin, a white picket fence and a small area for swimming. The reservati on is made in advance and the visitor is in charge of heati ng up the sauna. A truly unique and traditi onal experience in the archipelago.

But if the fuss of heati ng a sauna is not part of the travel experience then head for the purely comfortable. The refi ned St. george Care-Spa off ers something a litt le more luxurious. Designed as a tranquil retreat in the heart of Helsinki, the spa uses the healing powers of water and nature to bring mind, body, heart and soul together in harmony and balance. For a dip into something brand spanking new – try The New Sauna in Jätkäsaari! The establishment features wood pellet heated saunas for all sexes for a mere €16 entrance fee.

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Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence (SSCoE)

Visit us at booth #23A!

Setting standards of excellence for spine patients

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 17 October 2019 | EUROSPINE2019.EU


First Language Coverage Increases By Philip Sell Pati ent Line is a new, re-vamped, and valuable resource, which may make your clinical life easier. These are just a few of the reasons of why we want to encourage the use of EUROSPINE Pati ent Line: • It will help inform your pati ents regarding common spinal disorders. • Pati ents value simple clear informati on. • Directi ng pati ents to responsible sites makes your consultati ons more ‘credible’. • There is quality evidence that reassurance of pati ents leads to bett er sati sfacti on scores in outcome measures. English is the language of science, but for many pati ents it is not their fi rst language. We provide medical informati on in 11 of the languages of the world. Currently that is 20% of the world’s fi rst language and many more in second language.

LANGUAGES USED ON THE INTERNET WWW content (%) Number of Users (million) 60







English 3.3






2.3 6.0 0.8 6.0 4.0


600 565 509

Among online health informati on seekers, 16% in the past year tried to fi nd others who might share the same health concerns.

164 100




















30% of the internet users have consulted online reviews or rankings of health care services or treatments.

26% of internet users have read or watched someone else‘s experience about health or medical issues in the past year.

Dr. google has seen the emergence of cyberad-links when we have a membership that can chondria. Symptom checking online invariably has help. a frightening diagnosis within the fi rst four diagnosti c suggesti ons. Half are looking for a Society is mobile, many of my pati ents in clinics are Europe had a populati on of 744 million in 2018, we diagnosis ‘for some-one else’ they are more likely really grateful to be directed to relevant reassuring cover 420 million in their fi rst language, that is 56% from higher income groups and higher educati onal and responsible spine health informati on in their of the populati on. background. Being asked to pay tends to stop the fi rst language at www.eurospinepati search. Next year, we add Russian, Mandarin and Have a look, see what you think, tell your friends Arabic, which will give 72% fi rst language Those of you who are web savvy will know about and pati ents, and give us feedback. coverage in Europe. Our world coverage will S.E.O., or search engine opti misati on. The more increase signifi cantly with these additi ons. our members link to us, the higher we rise. We do FAKE NEWS THREATENS DEMOCRACY not wish to fund the global giants by paying for FAKE MEDICAL NEWS THREATENS OUR LIVES South America is supported by our Portuguese and Spanish translati ons. Already we provide more pati ent informati on to more pati ents in their primary language than any other spine society in the world. A core acti vity of the society is helping pati ents. It is free, and anyone can add a link to their own professional website. Every day you will fi nd two questi ons here which you can answer in the EUROSPINE conference app. Some old news, by way of background. In the Presidenti al Address at EUROSPINE 2002 Dieter 1. Do you routinely do cervical disc arthroplasty in the cervical spine? grob made ‘Pati ent Line’ and the need for Yes or no? quality informati on to be available for spinal pati ents the main message. In 2005, the fi rst iterati ons of Pati ent Line appeared and was 2. For one or two level cervical laminectomies, is posterior available in 4 languages. A detailed arti cle from instrumentation required? Yes or no? 2009 that is sti ll relevant now can be found under this link: To parti cipate, please use the EUROSPINE smartphone app (available at htt ps:// cles/ The results will be shown in tomorrow‘s issue. PMC2899323/ Thank you for your parti cipati on!

Burning Questions

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16th Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Orthopaedic Society

EUROSPINE Research Symposium Quick facts • Location: Beirut, Lebanon • Date: 3–5 October 2019 • Organising Society: Lebanese Orthopaedic Society (LOS) • Number of participants: around 80 persons at the symposium (approximately half of the general attendance) • EUROSPINE representatives: Rachid Salmi (Head of Research Council), Ibrahim Obeid (Member), Ayman Assi (Member and Ambassador), Nour Khalil (Member) What was the main topic of the event? The objective of the symposium, a plenary onehour session organised just before the official ceremony of the meeting, was to sensitize surgeons to the importance of research on spinal disorders and provide information on EUROSPINE activities in terms of support for research (training and funding); the spine session of the meeting was also co-organised with EUROSPINE. What did EUROSPINE representatives present? During the spine session of the congress, Ibrahim Obeid gave three short invited lectures on “Past,

present and future of adult spinal deformity”, “Navigation and robotics in spinal deformity surgery”, and “Artificial Intelligence, and the future of orthopaedic research”. The symposium had two parts: 1) Two members, one biomechanist in charge of a local research laboratory and one junior resident involved in research in that laboratory, presented their experience of doing research with limited resources; 2) Clinical research on spine disorders: What should you read and what should you publish? How to make your research relevant for clinical practice, and opportunities for training and funding at EUROSPINE. How was the general atmosphere at the meeting? How was the interaction at the meeting? There were several exchanges with various representatives of local associations, during breaks; limits of current local research and needs for specific courses were discussed. Was EUROSPINE promoted at the meeting? How was it perceived? EUROSPINE appeared on slides of the workshop and on all last slides of the papers presented at the

free paper sessions by the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Medical Imaging at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Saint-Joseph in Beirut Maybe a few personal words / impressions: The needs for training for research are huge. I started discussing these with the TFR faculty and we might make proposals for short courses adapted to similar settings.

Weather in Finland

Climate, Seasons and Temperature above 0°C at times. Winter usually begins in midOctober in Lapland and during November in the rest of Finland. Winter is the longest season in Finland, lasting for about 100 days in southwestern Finland and 200 days in Lapland. Spring begins in early April in Åland and the southwestern archipelago and later in April elsewhere, except for northernmost Lapland, where it does not begin until early May. In spring, the mean daily temperature rises from 0°C to 10°C. Once the mean daily temperature exceeds 5°C, the thermal growing season is considered to have begun. This takes place about one month after the beginning of spring: at the end of April in southern Finland and at the end of May in northernmost Lapland. In summer the mean daily temperature is consistently above 10°C. Summer usually begins in late May in southern Finland and lasts until mid-September. Summer in Lapland starts about one month later and ends a month earlier than at the south coast.

Finland is located in the zone where tropical and polar air masses meet, so the Finnish weather tends to change quickly, especially in the winter months and it is made distinctive by the four seasons. Ranging from hot summer days with endless sunshine to the freezing nights of winter,

the contrasts between the four seasons are the main characteristics of the annual natural cycle in Finland and the pillars to the Finnish way of life. In winter, the mean temperature remains below 0°C, but warm airflows can raise the daily high

In autumn the daily mean temperature remains below 10°C. Autumn begins around the last week of August in northern Finland and about one month later in southwestern Finland. The growing season ends in autumn when the mean daily temperature drops below 5°C. This occurs around the last week of September in northern Finland and in late October or early November in southwestern Finland.

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 17 October 2019 | EUROSPINE2019.EU


Tonight: Networking Event at Kellohalli Today between 19:30 and 23:30 the EUROSPINE 2019 Congress Evening will take place at Kellohalli.

kitchen and a disti ncti ve clock on the outside will be a unique setti ng for our congress evening. A cocktail style dinner and drinks are included.

In the heart of Teurastamo, the old abatt oir area you can fi nd Kellohalli. The area is part of historical Helsinki which is currently transforming into a similar urban hot spot as the Meatpacking district in New york City. The pulsati ng heart of Teurastamo is Kellohalli, the old organizing hall of the abatt oir. The high hall with an altar-like big open

Transfer: A bus transfer will be provided from Messukeskus to Kellohalli at 19:15. Return Shutt les will be off ered from 22:30 onwards to Messukeskus or to the Railway Stati on City Center. The last bus will leave at 23:30.


“Hyppytyynytyydytys” or what? yesterday you learned a few of the basics of the Finnish language. If you want to dive deeper, the language has many more interesti ng

sti cks (Korvessa) aka. the countryside. For that you probably have to walk at least one reindeer pee though. Poronkusema, reindeer pee, is a legiti mate Finnish measure of distance. It is the distance a reindeer can travel before it has to pee which apparently is 7.5 km.

peculiariti es. Especially for the eye, the language someti mes is a challenge with a compositi on that is quite unique. While exploring the city you might discover many hidden gems if you ask yourself: “Juoksentelisinkhohan?” This roughly translates into: “I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?” Just head into the city or maybe the promenade and who knows where you could end up? If you walk out too far you might end up out in the

During the conference be very careful with using Finnish phrases - you might create a misunderstanding as small and subtle diff erences may cause a lot of confusion. For your fi rst meeti ng in the morning you might want to head to the aamu-palaveri-huone, the morning-

meeti ng-room, and most defi nitely not the aamupala-veri-huone, the breakfast-blood-room. Most of you will probably not know what is going on if Finns talk about the christmas goat, Joulupukki. They are actually talking about Santa Claus - it is assumed that his name came from his white beard. If you want to leave some positi ve feedback for the hotel about the great pillows they have you might tell them about your hyppytyynytyydytys what is the bouncy cushion sati sfacti on. As you know there is a special Finnish traditi on when you go into a Sauna. Aft erwards you can proudly shout out “Vihdoin vihdoin vihdoin.” Now you might think that this is the same word three ti mes, but it is a complete Finnish sentence consisti ng of three diff erent words. It means “I fi nally whipped myself with a birch branch”.

EUrOSpInE mEmBErS OnLY! Come and enjoy some snacks and drinks and take this opportunity to meet other members and get acquainted with the EUROSPINE family.

EUrOSpInE mEmBErS‘ COCKtAIL and OrDInArY GEnErAL ASSEmBLY Where: meeting room 101 When: thursday, 17 October 2019 at 17:05

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Programme Overview 08:30–10:00

Adult Deformity, Diagnostics and Imaging Locati on: Plenary Hall


Coffee Break Locati on: Exhibiti on Hall


Medal Lecture and Presidential Address Locati on: Plenary Hall




Keynote Lecture

“Hip-Spine Connecti on” Yan Wang, Beijing, China for further informati on see right, page 11


Meet the Experts Medtronic – booth 27 Johnson & Johnson – booth 17 Joimax – booth 25A ZEISS – booth 14

EUROSPINE Lunch Symposium 3 Non-Fusion Anterior Scoliosis Correction and Vertebral Body Tethering for AIS Locati on: Meeti ng Room 101


lndustry Workshop

EUROSPINE Lunch Symposium 4 Management of Common Complications in Adult Spine Surgery Locati on: Meeti ng Room 102


Degenerative (cervical), Craniocervical Junction Locati on: Plenary Hall


Locati on: Meeti ng Room 103 lndustry Workshop Locati on: Meeti ng Room 203 lndustry Workshop A Richard Wolf Company

Locati on: Meeti ng Room 207 15:20–15:50

Coffee Break Locati on: Exhibiti on Hall


Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS), New Techniques Locati on: Plenary Hall


Members’ Cocktail Locati on: Meeti ng Room 101 (members only)


EUROSPINE General Assembly Locati on: Meeti ng Room 101 (members only)



Meet the Experts Medtronic – booth 27 Joimax – booth 25A

Official Congress Evening Locati on: Kellohalli (at own expense)

Suomenlinna: UNESCO World Heritage Site Suomenlinna is an inhabited sea fortress built on eight islands about four kilometers from Helsinki city centre. The site is popular with tourists and locals. If the weather is good you might enjoy a picnic in this picturesque locati on. Suomenlinna means Castle of Finland – the name was changed in 1918 from Castle of the Swedes for patrioti c reasons. The Swedish crown began constructi on in 1748 as a protecti on from Russian expansionism. During the Finnish war, Sweden surrendered the fortress to Russia 50 years later though. Russia held the fortress unti l Finnish

independence in 1918. The fortress was given over to civilian control in 1973. Today there are a number of museums on the islands as well as the last Finnish submarine, Vesikko. There are 900 permanent inhabitants on the islands – that means the fortress is not simply a museum, but also an acti ve living community. A minimal-security penal labour colony also exists on the islands. Their inmates work on maintenance and reconstructi on of the forti fi cati ons. Suomenlinna is served by ferries all year.

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From Art Nouveau to Glass and Steel Structures

From Art Nouveau pearls to contemporary architecture and the smart city – take a tour around Helsinki to experience it all.

blocks, unique pastel-coloured walls and rich shapes of towers and bay windows. Just make sure to keep your eyes open! Conti nuing to the streets of southern Helsinki either on foot, wheels or Known as the city of architecture, Helsinki is home tram, will off er some of the fi nest Jugendsti l sights to serious architectural talent such as Alvar Aalto Helsinki has to off er. From the Havis Amanda and Eero Saarinen. The city was shaped by Neostatue to Villa Johanna and the incredible classical architecture and has the world’s largest Huvilakatu. The southern parts of Helsinki also concentrati on of Jugendsti l buildings – but where should not be missed. does one fi nd the landmarks, the architectural masterpieces and the core of the smart city? The functi onality of the city is tangible throughout the tour, taking the viewer from the more Taking a stroll around Helsinki will give an incredi- charming parts along Bulevardi to the strictly ble look into the past of the town. By renti ng a city contemporary. Amos Rex stands proud next to bike, anyone keen to spend a day leisurely biking the functi onalist Lasipalatsi in the city centre. The around the city will be thrown into the impeccable museum’s gently curving shapes are an architecworld of architecture and design. Starti ng from tural theme that brings together the design of the Katajanokka, the city off ers views of Jugendsti l square with the art museum located underground.

But where is the smart in Helsinki? Found all around the metropolitan in city bike systems, the public transport network, pop-up work areas, the use of open data and fi nally, in Oodi. A public library with a striking outlook of glass and steel structures, wooden façades – a design that combines the traditi onal with contemporary fl avours. A structure that welcomes visitors from near and far to spend ti me in the heart of the smart city. “A visit to Helsinki to observe and experience the everyday life will off er an incredible architecture and design experience. The city has been designed for its users, the people living in it which makes it unique and that is why it has also been chosen as the world’s best place to live. Several ti mes!”, states Ida Kukkapuro, editor-in-chief of Helsinki Design Weekly.


Keynote Lecture: “Hip-Spine Connection” more att enti on. We aimed at bridging the gap Prof. Wang has also been selected as a Member between arthroplasty and spine surgeons with Representati ve of AOSpine. He is also a Honorary up-to-date analysis of the available evidence and Member of the American Hip Society. clinical experiences presented an surgical strategy for the pati ents who may simultaneously need spine correcti on and THA.

Short bio Prof. yan WANg, MD is current Chief Surgeon of 301 Spine Center, The general Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberati on Army. Thursday, 17 October 08:30–10:00 Adult Deformity, Diagnosti cs and Imaging Keynote lecturer: Prof. Dr. yan Wang, MD

He is the President of the Chinese Associati on of Orthopaedic Surgeons (CAOS) and the Past President of the Chinese Orthopaedic Associati on (COA). He also serves as a Senator to the Chinese People’s Politi cal Consultati ve Committ ee.

Topic: Hip-Spine Connecti on He acts as the Deputy Editor of SPINE Journal, The relati onship between sagitt al and coronal Associate Editor of Journal Of Arthroplasty and parameters of spine-pelvis-hip has been capturing Chief Editor of Arthroplasty.

Voting Results Burning Questions Day 1 1. If institutional certification for interprofessional spine care (non-surgical) was available, would your centre apply for it? YES: 136 68%

NO: 66 32%

2. Does your institution offer a structured rehabilitation program for spinal disorders? YES: 86

NO: 101 46%


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Studies which were supported by a EUROSPINE TFR Grant Thursday, 17 October 08:30–10:00 Adult Deformity, Diagnostics and Imaging

Istanbul, Turkey; 13. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

with body appearance are at their height. This, in turn, can result in decreased self-esteem and social confidence along with increased anxiety and depression, particularly in female adolescents undergoing brace treatment. In addition to consolidating a coherent body image, adolescents are in the process of developing a sense of personal identity, as well as dealing with their emerging sexuality and the stress of intimate relationships.

What is the presentation* about? 19 This is on a decision analysis (DA) to compare the DECISION ANALYSIS IN QUEST OF THE IDEAL results and disease burden in patients with Adult TREATMENT IN ADULT SPINAL DEFORMITY Spinal Deformity (ASD) treated surgically or nonREVISITED surgically. DA offers the advantage of providing Emre Acaroglu, Ankara, Turkey data on the disease burden as well, in addition to Emre Acaroglu, Selcen Yuksel, Can Ates, Selim who has improved or not. As an example, a group Ayhan, Vugar Nabiyev, Sinan Bahadir, Alba Vilaof patients may have improved but may have The connection between self-image and self-esCasademunt, Ferran Pellise, Francisco Javier undergone serious burden in due course, DA is the teem and sexual activity/satisfaction has been also Sanchez Perez-Grueso, Ibrahim Obeid, Frank method of choice in identifying this. studied previously. Intense body dissatisfaction Kleinstuck, Ahmet Alanay, ESSG - European Spine may even result in avoidance of sexual activity, Study Group What is the outlook of your research? because of self-consciousness: women who were 1. Ankara Spine Center, Ankara, Turkey; We had done a similar study with the support satisfied with their body image reported more se2. Department of Biostatistics, Ankara Yildirim from EUROSPINE in 2014, which had suggested xual activity and satisfaction compared with their Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey; 3. Department better results and less burden with surgical treat- counterparts who were dissatisfied with their of Biostatistics, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, ment even in the presence of severe complicabodies. Turkey; 4. Vocational School of Health Sciences, tions. At that time though, we had been thinking Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, that the Minimum Clinically Important Difference The general purpose of this project was to provide Istanbul, Turkey; 5. ARTES Spine Center at (MCID) which is the benchmark of improvement a better understanding of the consequences in Acibadem Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey; vs. no change or deterioration would be the same adulthood of having had different types of treat6. Department of Neurosurgery, Amasya for the entire cohort. Upon the suggestion by ment for idiopathic scoliosis. With the use of a University, Amasya, Turkey; 7. Hospital our recent studies on the concept of MCID (e.g., combined qualitative and quantitative analysis, we Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; EUROSPINE 2019, QF111), we used different MCID wanted to capture aspects that might have been 8. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, values (hence, different improvement thresholds) overlooked by the previous quantitative methods. Spain; 9. Hospital Universitari La Paz, Madrid, for the surgical and non-surgical cohorts in this Spain; 10. Bordeaux University Hospital, Bordeaux, study. These results suggest that surgery is still a What is the outlook of your research? France; 11. Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Switzerland; better option in terms of improvement but less There is a clear need for further studies to investi12. Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, overwhelmingly, and that in the presence of major gate the psychological well-being of patients with Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, complications, the burden of surgical treatment is scoliosis and the effect they feel the condition has worse than non-surgical treatment. had on different aspects of their life in the longterm. In what respect do you consider the grant Imprint valuable for your future research? The detailed qualitative information concerning The Spine Times® is a free congress newspaper published by EUROSPINE. This is the first study analysing outcomes of ASD the impact of the disease and patient-centered treatment using different MCID values (outcome approaches to treatment could shed light on Publishing House: EUROSPINE, The Spine Society of Europe thresholds) for different subpopulations and devarious aspects of the long-term repercussions of Seefeldstrasse 16 monstrating that it makes a difference. We believe treatment that objective x-rays and health-related 8610 Uster-Zürich Switzerland this will become a standard methodology in the quality of life future of clinical outcomes research, be it on ASD questionnaires Contact: E: or other conditions. evade, including P: +41 44 994 14 04 behaviors, beFeedback: Thursday, 17 October liefs, opinions, E: W: 08:30–10:00 emotions, and Adult Deformity, Diagnostics and Imaging relationships of Publishers: Tim Pigott (EUROSPINE President) those affected. 27 Everard Munting (EUROSPINE Vice President) THE LONG-TERM PSYCHOLOGICAL AND In what respect do you consider the grant Editors in Chief: FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF FEMALE PATIENTS valuable for your future research? Thomas Blattert, Anna Faber, Dominique Rothenfluh AFTER SURGICAL OR NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT This is the first mixed-method study (combining Administrative Director: Judith Reichert Schild FOR IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS (IS): A QUALITATIVE qualitative and quantitative data) evaluating the AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS long term status of idiopathic scoliosis patients. Contributors: Felix Degeler, Frank Jensen, Julie-Lyn Noël, Claudia Ortner, Judith Reichert Schild, Olivia Wais, Arno Alba Vila-Casademunt, Barcelona, Spain Our findings could provide clinicians with a gredi Leporano Alba Vila-Casademunt, Anne F Mannion, Clara ater awareness of the difficulties faced by these Photographs: Mario Habenbacher, Daniel Kleinfercher, Figueras-Sanroman, Oriol Alonso, Eva Gea, Xavier patients, in this hitherto poorly-researched area of Maximilian Pruckner, Martin Steiger, Jan Stergerits Vidal, Joan Bagó, Judith Sánchez-Raya, Xurxo patient outcome. Creative Director: G. J. F. Weiss (grX) Segura, Lluïsa Montesinos Photos ©: APACE P.L.C., Shutterstock Inc. Spine Research Unit, Vall d‘Hebron Institute of This exploratory and global view have constituted Research (VHIR), Barcelona, Spain a basic process for detecting emerging conceptual Powered by: connections. The main factors extracted from this What is the presentation* about? first exploratory analysis with the greatest influ… is a worldwide operating business consultancy The psychological impact of idiopathic scoliosis on ence on the long-term status and the effect of all focusing on comprehensive communication strategies and sustainable investments. adolescent females has been studied previously: of them on psychosocial function of these patients patients with idiopathic scoliosis develop a poten- are being/will be specifically studied and further tially serious deformity at a time when concerns analyzed in future studies.

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