The Spine Times Dublin Issue 2

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ISSUE 2 | Thursday, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Living with Scoliosis: An Inspiring Story Deidre McDonnell, diagnosed with scoliosis as an infant, has defeated all odds and became the first adult ever to undergo a MAGEC rod operation – a pioneering procedure also known as the magnetic expansion control system which involves the surgical insertion of magnetic rods into the spine.

Miss McDonnell, would you give us an overview of your story? I was born with kyphosis scoliosis – a spine curvature disorder characterised by an abnormally rounded upper back. When I was born, my parents were told that I had only three days to live, as scoliosis hadn‘t been as well researched as it is today. I had my first spinal surgery at seven weeks old and even though it was a success and my childhood days were mostly unproblematic, my family was told that I would never walk and would suffer from severe medical problems. Up until age 21, I had to undergo various surgeries and suffered from chest infections and other medical problems, but my condition was far better than expected and I was able to walk from an early age on. After being diagnosed with respiratory failure, resulting in a lung function below 30 percent as well as a highly increased heart rate, I was told that I had a low life expectancy without

undergoing spinal surgery but were afraid to perform any procedure due to the prospect of fatal outcomes. You are the first adult to get MAGEC rod operation – an operation which magnetically straightens the spine but was only thought to be suitable for small children. How has your life changed since this treatment? The MAGEC system suggested by one of my surgeons, but it had previously only been done on children. However, we decided to give it a go since we were running out of alter-natives. Magnetic, adjustable growing rods are screwed into the spine which can later be controlled externally with a remote controller. The outcome had been uncertain, especially as the risks ranged from paralysis to death, but the results were outstanding and surprised the whole team involved. I went from a 120-degree-curve to a 62-degree-curve overnight.

get my spine adjusted. As of today, my curve is around 32 degrees and my lung function has gone up to 61 percent. You are a member of “Straight Ahead” – a medical support group for children with orthopaedic conditions. What is your goal with this charity? Pat Kiely, one of my Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons, founded “Straight Ahead” to help small children with different types of scoliosis who are in danger of deterioration while being on waiting lists for different kinds of orthopaedic surgeries. In 2011 Kiely had learned of a patient who wasn‘t able to get surgery due to financial reasons, so he decided to go public with their story and received an anonymous donation, covering the whole operation. Since then Kiely and the “Straight Ahead” team have successfully performed over 120 surgeries pro bono.

After this surgery, I‘ve been going back as an outpatient periodically to

WORLD SPINE Day Every year on 16 October people from all around the world join together on World Spine Day to raise awareness about spinal disorders. World Spine Day, part of the Bone and Joint Decade’s Action Week, has been successful in bringing together professionals and organisations from many disciplines. Since 2012 the event has grown in momentum and with that was able to provide a forum for ongoing discussion about the burden of spinal disorders and the sharing of best practices.

EUROSPINE is an official supporter of World Spine Day. This years motto is “your back in action” to highlight the importance of physical activity and improving posture as part of good spinal health and prevention of injury. Upload a picture of a physical activity and use this year’s hashtag #yourbackinaction to raise awareness on this issue on social media platEUROSPINE PAtient Day forms. Visit the website of the World Federation of Chiropractic which is On Tuesday, 10 October 2017, over hosting a competition with various 100 people, 15 of them children prizes open to individuals worldwide. including newborns, attended the EUROSPINE Patient Day at the Convention Center Dublin. A free public information day where international medical experts talked about the human spine and spine

diseases. Renowned spine experts from Ireland – such as Pat Kiely (Orthopaedic Surgeon) and Tamar Pincus (Chair of the Patient Line Committee) – presented treatment options, gave expert advice and also answered the countless questions of a very engaged audience.

ISSUE 2 | Thursday, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

Voting Results Burning Questions Day 1

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Close to the convention centre

Do navigational techniques help to improve your daily practice of spinal surgery?

YES: 139

In front of the conference centre, you find the Samuel Becket Bridge. The bridge that looks like a harp, the national symbol of Ireland, is able to open up to an angle of 90° to allow ships to pass through. It was designed by Santiago Calatrava and was opened on 10 December 2009.



NO: 84

Do you think national curricula for spinal education need to be diversified versus an individual European curriculum?

YES: 93



NO: 52

Very close to the Convention Centre Dublin a walk through the world famous Trinity College might be worth your time. The university was founded in 1592 and was originally outside of the city walls of Dublin. William Campbell, Nobel Laureate in Medicine for discovering the class of drugs avermectins, has studied here as well as two more Nobel Laureates (Mairead Maguire, Peace, and Ernest Walton, Physics). The 47 acres of main college grounds house many old and new buildings. Also, the Long Room of the Old Library as well as the Trinity College Chapel are impressive and should not be missed.


12 OCTOBER 2017 // 12:00-14:00 Wicklow Meetingroom 2

Clinically DrivenÂŽ at Booth No. F15. We look forward to welcome you.

Strategies to approach lumbar interbody fusion: ALIF: Does the pendulum swing back towards the anterior approach in order to achieve sufficient lordosis and global sagittal balance? Prof. Markus Quante, Germany

LLIF: Achieving lordosis with mini open lateral approaches and which is better? Mr. Navin Verghese, UK

TLIF: Achieving lordosis step by step and avoiding the anterior approach. Guidelines with animations & video sequences. Prof. Henry Halm, Germany

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

EUROSPINE WAY FORWARD STRATEGY – ON TRACK FOR THE FUTURE DUBLIN 2017 – NETWORKING WITH THE BRIGHTEST MINDS IN SPINE This year in Dublin, we are once again looking forward to welcoming multidisciplinary spine specialists from all over the world. Dublin 2017 is shaping up to be another top-quality EUROSPINE Annual Meeting, featuring a rich scientific programme, the latest advances in research and treatments, and lively debates. The topics presented cover a wide range of spine disciplines. Take advantage of the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with the finest minds in spine care!

we can promise you a high-quality, diverse programme covering the entire spectrum of spine issues, including surgical, non-surgical and research. Access Abstract Texts via the EUROSPINE App For the first time ever, abstract texts per session can be accessed directly via the programme in our app! Be sure to try out this convenient new service!

Introduction of New Submission Categories High Number of Abstracts Submitted This year, we added three new for Dublin submission categories with the goal For the third consecutive year, of attracting submissions from all upwards of 1,000 spine specialists areas of spinal care: from around the globe submitted abstracts, taking advantage of the • Non-operative treatments opportunity to share innovation and • Epidemiology • Medical economics the latest research in the treatment of spinal disorders. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all We were pleased to receive many authors for their interest. With such submissions in all three categories rich scientific content to select from, and look forward to building on

those themes at future meetings. Improvement of the Submission and Reviewing Process In order to further ensure a reliable and effective evaluation process, this year we continued implementation of our improved and more-detailed scoring system for abstract reviewing, introduced last year. We were pleased with the positive feedback on our survey results following last year’s meeting in Berlin, where submitters indicated that they see the need to submit disclosures, even if it is at times cumbersome. In order to streamline our processes even further, a new member to the Programme Committee will be added this year. Improving through Feedback We are continuously striving to make our meetings, both the Annual Meeting and our smaller, but highly regarded Spring Speciality Meeting, an international forum where spine

care professionals can meet, exchange ideas and improve the lives of people with spinal problems. Our ‘After-meeting Survey’ will be emailed immediately following the last lecture at closing on Friday, 13 October at 17:00. We hope this will help delegates fill it out on their way back home while memories are still fresh. Last year we had a very high return rate – we are looking forward to the same this year!

Stavros Stavridis Chair, Programme Committee 2017


Over the past year, EUROSPINE has taken the lead on developing a curricula for spine surgeons and non-surgeons that can be standardised across Europe. In pursuit of our ultimate goal of establishing an accredited European Spine Certification, we have formed successful partnerships and diploma equivalencies with many of our EuSSAB institutional members. Diploma Programme Our annual Education Week was held this year from 19 - 23 June 2017, covering content in five subject areas relevant to the appropriate training of young spine specialists. Pre-course materials, lectures, case-based discussions, plenary sessions and cadaver laboratory workshops all included blended learning elements. All six modules were fully booked, and a new module was introduced: “Critical Appraisal of Spine Literature” 23 EUROSPINE Diplomas were awarded.

EUROSPINE Advanced Diploma
 A programme for the advanced course modules ‘Extended Indications and Advanced Operative Techniques’ and ‘Revisions and Complications Management’ was developed by the Education Committee to be delivered at EUROSPINE’s first-ever advanced course, held from 9–11 January 2017 in Strasbourg, France. 53 participants from 23 countries had the opportunity to engage in real-world discussions on spine care and exchange ideas in a collegial atmosphere with 19 distinguished faculty members from all over Europe. A second advanced course will be held from 16–18 October 2017 for 68 participants representing 25 countries. Validated Fellowships To date EUROSPINE has endorsed 13 host training centres. We encourage more spine centres to become endorsed host training centres and deliver validated fellowships. Diploma Equivalence Education equivalence programmes have now been signed with the majority of EuSSAB institutional members, as national societies adopt the EUROSPINE Diploma and its learning outcomes. All faculty of national society programmes are EUROSPINE Diploma holders. Furthermore, we have signed ongoing partnership agreements with

Basic Diploma 5 basic modules

Advanced Diploma 2 advanced modules

6 months validated fellowship

Faculty Certificate Faculty development

Observership (grant system offered to EUROSPINE members) five national spine societies. We are currently in ongoing negotiations with France through the French Spine Society. The majority of the 27 institutional members agree to the concept of the diploma equivalence to deliver consistent education in spine surgery transcending borders and language. Individual Diploma Equivalence As an add-on to our diploma equivalence programme, validated graduates of a national society diploma may obtain a EUROSPINE Diploma and EUROSPINE Diploma graduates may obtain a corresponding national society diploma. This year, 86 equivalent EUROSPINE Diplomas have been awarded. Observership Programme This year, we relaunched our observership programme with a new streamlined process. EUROSPINE members can avail themselves of competitive grants towards observerships of up to 14 days which is open to any EUROSPINE member to gain

valuable experience. The observership recipients will be granted a stipend of €1,500. Non-surgical Task Force & E-learning Solutions We have just had our kick-off to develop a new interprofessional and multidisciplinary education programme. There is a need to offer a non-surgical diploma to the various professionals involved in spine care in order to be educated in, train for and promote evidence-based care to prevent disability. We are looking forward to continuing the expansion of our education programme with new partnerships and e-learning solutions over the coming year.

Bernard Meyer Chair, Education Committee 2017

ISSUE 2 | Thursday, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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5 Novels Set in Dublin Known rightfully as the cradle of modern fiction for raising luminaries as Wilde, Swift and Yeats, Dublin still produces Booker-worthy, ground-breaking authors through today. What‘s more, Dublin itself plays the muse to so many key works from its novelists – capturing the culture, society and everyday life of the city is a challenge in itself, and so many of the best authors have taken up this mantle. Visit Dublin and you will find its literary heritage seeping up through the streets. Walking tours, readings, book festivals and literary events of all shapes and sizes dot the city weekly. Before you go looking for the next generation of ingenious Irish authors, read up on these five masters of the art. At-Swim-Two-Birds – Flann O‘Brien It took the world a long time to come around to the electric genius of Flann O‘Brien‘s fiction. The posthumous cult success of his The Third Policeman, though, has lead to a wide revival of this experimental writer who perhaps most embodies Dublin humor. At-Swim-Two-Birds uses local landmarks (such as Grogan‘s pub, still popular with Flann-types to this day) amongst layers of fantasy as well as mythology. Ulysses – James Joyce If you‘ve read Joyce‘s masterpiece it‘s likely that you‘ll have your own

imaginary impression for your time in Dublin – if you haven‘t, it‘s just as likely that Joyce‘s writings will play a part in how you experience the city during your stay. As the novelist‘s international cult grows year on year, 21st century Dublin has fully embraced one of its most eminent sons, both in the annual Bloomsday festival and beyond. Joycean walking tours and events continue all year long, which is useful for slow readers who might need a year to actually get through the book itself. Paddy Clarke Ha-Ha-Ha – Roddy Doyle You might think a strong grasp of English will get you through your time in Dublin, but in truth we speak something of a different language here. Roddy Doyle is a master of the colorful Dublin dialect and has been showcasing our colloquialisms to the world since his 1987 debut, The Van. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha remains his masterwork though, a Booker Prize winning coming-of-age filled with a particularly Irish brand of tragedy to complement its Dubliner‘s sense of humour. The Cock And Anchor – Sheridan Le Fanu Subtitled as „a chronicle of old Dublin city“, gothic horror innovator Le Fanu‘s 1845 novel impacted both Joyce and Stoker in the penning of their great novels. Like all of the author‘s pieces, these are best right

during late nights by low lamplight as descriptions of Dublin Castle by night and other shady landmarks backdrop a story still sinister enough to chill. And what‘s more: it‘s free. The Ginger Man – JP Donleavy Once considered so raunchy it was banned both in Ireland and the USA, this novel from 1947 follows the

hedonistic, hard-drinking life of an American student living in Dublin. The novel remains controversial for its portrayal of a truly dislikable anti-hero, but even nay-sayers will admit that the glimpses of 40s Dublin seen through the narrative give a spirited, incisive account of the city at the time.

Meet the Team The team of EUROSPINE is looking forward to meeting you at the EUROSPINE booths to inform you about Membership, Future Events, Patient Line and much more. Don’t forget: head to the photo booth to create a fun memory with

Burning Questions New day, two new burning questions: 1. Do you use osteoinductive biomaterials in spinal procedures? 2. Would you attend a nonsurgical curriculum for spine specialists offered by EUROSPINE? To participate, please use the EUROSPINE smartphone app (available at The results will be shown in tomorrow’s issue. Thank you for your participation!

your colleagues. Share your picture on Facebook or Twitter with the tag #EUROSPINE to enter the raffle for a free registration to the EUROSPINE Spring Specialty Meeting 2018 in Vienna, Austria!

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

Patient line writing Competition: What every patient should know before surgery Knowing “when”, “where” and “what to have ready” are key questions before surgery but it is the “why” that is the most important. It is because your operation is designed to help you. It may be your first time in hospital to have a procedure. For us, your healthcare professionals, this is a job that we have trained for, that we do every day and we want you to trust us to do our best. We must always warn you that no surgery can guarantee success and all types of surgery carry risk. Remember, most importantly, that this is your body and your choice. Yes, we can advise and inform but you always have the option to accept, delay, or decline your treatment plan. Sometimes the mere mention of risk or harm may be upsetting enough for you to forego the operation. Attending the clinic specifically to discuss surgery has proven to be very constructive and helps strengthen the bond between patient and surgeon1. A thorough consent process helps us to understand your preferences. This respect for your values is what Powell JM, Rai A, Foy M, Casey A, Dabke H, Gibson A, Hutton M. The ‘three-legged stool’: A System for Spinal Informed Consent. 2016;1427-1430. 2 Lemaire R. Informed consent--a contemporary myth? J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2006;88- B:2–7. 3 docere: to teach, Oxford Latin-English Dictionary 4 Black N. Patient reported outcome measures could help transform healthcare. BMJ (Clinical research ed). 2013;346:f167. 5 Mannion AF, Porchet F, Kleinstück FS, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Bartanusz V, Dvorak J, Grob D. The quality of spine surgery 1

empowers you to make the best decision. We frequently find it difficult to strike a balance between providing too much or too little information2. Adequate time is required for you to reflect, both during and between consultations. Printed colourful booklets about surgical procedures can be a great help. The meaning of doctor comes from its Latin origin, to teach3. Receiving information about your operation in a way that you understand and feel comfortable with is key to you to make your decision. The chances of having a side-effect or complication, whilst important to know, may or may not seem relevant to you. Traditionally a surgeon would have recommended a treatment option, whereas it is now more appropriate that together, you and the surgeon would pick the most agreeable option. Research continues in the field of new technologies to improve diagnosis and treatment, but it is heartening to know that research also continues to find out more about what influences the outcome of an from the patient’s perspective. Part 1: The Core Outcome Measures Index in clinical practice. European Spine Journal. 2009;18(3):367-73. 6 Graham B, Green A, James M, Katz J, Swiontkowski M. Measuring patient satisfaction in orthopaedic surgery. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015;97(1):80-4. 7 Declaration of Geneva, as currently published by the World Medical Association. Last edition: 2006: Editorial Revision. 173rd Council Session, Divonne-les-Bains

operation4. The effectiveness of an operation is similar to but not the same as patient satisfaction5,6. Effectiveness may mean the medical success of an operation. Satisfaction is based on a broader experience. Elements such as the administrative process, the hospital stay, the aftercare and the doctor-patient relationship play an important role. Informing you thoroughly about what to expect is good preparation for what lies ahead. You are most likely to be satisfied when your hospital experience matches your expectations. With our medical code of ethics in mind7, you should know before surgery that your healthcare team will act in keeping with your wishes, while endeavouring to avoid harm and with the intention of achieving the best possible outcome. Ultimately, when you look for reassurance and direction postoperatively, this is founded in the trust built pre-operatively. Get well soon!

Derek T. Cawley Nationality: Irish MB.BAO.BCh. National University of Ireland, Galway Master Degree in Medical Sciences Master Degree in Surgery Higher Diploma in Spinal Pathology Current Fellowship: Spinal Surgery Fellow, Stanmore Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK


Probably one of the most famous Irish products and one of the most successful beer brands worldwide is the Irish dry stout Guinness. It is brewed in almost 50 countries and available in over 120. The last years became tougher as consumption of beer fell in the last years (-20% in the last six years in UK/Ireland) – nevertheless Guinness is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Ireland and the company has a turnover of €2 billion annually.

Arthur Guinness founded the company in 1759 in Dublin. He was so convinced of his idea that he signed a 9,000 year lease – for £45 per year. The stout is made from water, barley, roast malt extract, hops and brewer’s yeast. The roasted barley gives the stout its dark colour and unique taste. The only large change to the original recipe is that today nitrogen is used instead of CO2. If you are interested in the brewing process and the history a visit to the brewery is recommended.



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ISSUE 2 | Thursday, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Fun and Surprising Facts about Dublin Dublin or “Dubh Linn” is an Old Irish Gaelic phrase that translates to “Black Pool”. Phoenix Park is the largest in Europe. Average temperatures in October range from 8° to 13° and during 20 rainy days it rains around 80mm. 3 hours of sunshine can be expected and if you wish to go for a swim in the sea average temperatures are around 14°. Dublin has the youngest population in all of Europe. Approximately 50-percent of the population is less than 25-years of age. The city of Dublin contains 1,000 pubs. The oldest pub, „The Brazen Head“, was established in 1198 as a coach house. Leopold Bloom, a character in James Joyce’s novel Ulysses, stated that it would be a puzzle to cross Dublin without passing a pub.

This has been solved through algorithms recently and if you wish you can really cross the town without passing a pub within 35 meters.

status. The Sugarloaf is the tallest “Dublin Mountain” yet measures a mere 1389 feet above sea level.

The Temple Bar area is so called A Dubliner designed the world because it housed the first Jewish famous Oscar award statue that is temple built in Ireland. The word handed to artists during the Academy “bar” refers to the refusal of CathoAwards each year. There are a range lics to allow the Jewish community to of famous actors with their origins enter any of the adjoining commerfrom Dublin – prominent Hollywood cial premises. actors hailing from the city include Maureen O’Hara, Brendan Gleeson, Dublin is the IT Call Centre Gabriel Byrne and Colin Farrell. capital of Europe with over 100,000 people employed Dublin has a renowned history in the in the industry. Many large literary and movie world with tech companies have opcelebrated native names such George erational bases in Dublin. Bernard Shaw , James Joyce, Oscar European Headquarters Wilde and Bram Stoker to name but a by companies as Amazon, few. Dublin is one of 6 UNESCO Cities Twitter, Facebook, Google, of Literature. Groupon are situated in Ireland’s capital. None of the so-called Dublin Mountains are high enough to meet the A Pint of Guinness In criteria required claiming mountain Dublin can cost as much as

€4.30 or as little as €3.50 depending on where you drink. Saint Valentine was martyred in Rome on February 28th eighteen centuries ago. He was the Bishop of Terni. His remains are in a cask in White Friar Street Church, Dublin. He is no longer recognised as a Saint by the Vatican.


Alternative methods to traditional open posterior procedures that allow surgeons to address sagittal alignment from the anterior column, while adhering to standard deformity principles. XLIF ® ACR: Decreased Morbidity XLIF ACR is designed to decrease or eliminate the need to perform extensive posterior osteotomies. ALIF ACR: Restoration of Alignment 2/3 of lumbar lordosis occurs between the L4 and S1 lumbar levels.1 ALIF ACR enables surgeons to rebuild lumbar lordosis at the foundation of the spine, where it matters most. 1

Troyanovich SJ, Cailliet R, Janik TJ, et al. Radiographic mensuration characteristics of the sagittal lumbar spine from a normal population with a method to synthesize prior studies of lordosis. Clinical Spine Surgery 1997;10(5):380-6.


©2017. NuVasive, Inc. All rights reserved. , NuVasive, ACR, and iGA are registered trademarks of NuVasive, Inc. in the United States, and may be registered in other countries. 17-NUVA-0817

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ISSUE 2 | THURSDAY, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

Awards To reward and encourage excellence in research as well as scientific progress in the field of spinal disorders EUROSPINE awards several prizes which will be presented at this congress. The best presentation award is decided by the congress attendees by voting through the app on Friday but three of the awards have been decided on already. We thank you all for the interest as well as the high quality of the papers sent to us. From numerous submissions the following were selected. The Full Paper Award winner is chosen by the EUROSPINE Awards Committee. The paper should aim to promote best practice in the management of spinal conditions and should report on clinical research with a clear impact on daily practice. The 2017 EUROSPINE Full Paper award which includes a €10,000 prize goes to “Time to remove our rose-tinted spectacles: a candid appraisal of the relative success of surgery in over 4,500 patients with degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine, hip or knee” by Anne F. Mannion. The Grammer Award/European Spine Journal Award is given by the Grammer AG with the European Spine journal since the year 2000 to support spinal research as interdis-

ciplinary basic research and applied science of the spine is the prerequisite to improve our understanding of back pain and spinal disorders. With this prize the Grammer and the European Spine Journal want to award and motivate scientists from all different areas in spine research to deal with these scientific questions. Basic research and applied science in cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biomaterials, biomechanics, ergonomics, rehabilitation, psychology, epidemiology, etc., provide the cornerstones for future strategies. The award is accompanied by €20,000 prize money. This years award goes to “The Effect of Simulated Microgravity on Lumbar Spine Bio-Mechanics: an in vitro study” by Cory J. Laws. The Max Aebi Award by the European Spine Journal is given on an annual basis for the best clinical paper published in the European Spine Journal over the period of one year. The winner receives €20,000. The papers are judged by five criteria, originality, soundness of materials and methods, results, quality of presentation and relevance. The 2017 Max Aebi Award goes to “Incidence of Cancer in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients treated 25 years previously” (Simony A. Hansen - first author, Jeffrey C Lotz – presenter)

Top Attractions in Dublin Kilmainham Gaol used to be a prison and is now a museum. The British imprisoned and executed many Irish revolutionaries – therefore the prison is of high symbolism to the Irish people. The prison was decommissioned by the Irish Free State in 1924. The museum portrays the history of Irish nationalism and there are guided tours of the building. There is also an art gallery on the top floor. It is highly recommended to prebook the tickets online. Especially if the weather is nice the National Botanic Gardens located just 3km from the city centre offer beautiful gardens as well as historic iron glasshouses. Currently you may also enjoy the exhibition “Sculpture in Context” where both well-established and upcoming artists from Ireland and abroad show their work. The Guinness Storehouse is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Dublin. Since its opening in 2000 over four million visitors wanted to get to know the history and production process of Guinness beer. The entry to the 7 story facility is pricey (€25) and includes a Guinness which you may pour yourself under expert guidance. Discounts of up to 30% on the tickets are available if you book online. Do not miss the skybar with a view over Dublin.

the Jameson Distillery might be of interest to you. Originally Jameson was one of the six main Dublin whiskeys, but is now distilled in Cork. The distillery was founded in 1780 and the whiskey, with its 10 year, 12 year, 18 year and gold variants, is the best-selling Irish whiskey in the world. Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, founded in 1191, is the tallest and largest church of Ireland. The church is consecrated to St. Patrick, the fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary, bishop of Ireland and primary patron saint of Ireland. Today Irish celebrate him around the globe on St. Patrick’s Day. According to legend Ireland has no snakes as St. Patrick was attacked by some during a 40 day fast and then he chased them into the sea. Factually Ireland is one of the few places on earth without any snake species – a dream come true for people with ophidiophobia.

If you prefer Irish whiskey over beer

Programme Highlights 12 October 2017 8:30–10:00 | Plenary Hall Degenerative Spine

15:50–17:05 | Plenary Hall Cervical Spine

10:30–12:00 | Plenary Hall Presidential Address and Medal Lectures

17:10 | Wicklow Hall 1, Level 2 EUROSPINE Members’ Cocktail (by invitation only)

12:00–14:00 | EUROSPINE Lunch Symposia Challenges in the Management of Neuromuscular Spinal Deformities | Wicklow Hall 1 Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) for Spinal Procedures | Liffey Hall 2

17:30 | Wicklow Hall 1, Level 2 EUROSPINE General Assembly (members only) 20:00 | Guinness Storehouse EUROSPINE Network Experience (at own expense)

14:00–15:20 | Plenary Hall Growing Spine, Diagnostics

20:00 | Guinness Storehouse EUROSPINE 2017 Best Full Paper Award

ISSUE 2 | Thursday, 12 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Imprint The Spine Times® is a free congress newspaper published by EUROSPINE. Publishing House: EUROSPINE, The Spine Society of Europe Seefeldstrasse 16 8610 Uster-Zürich Switzerland Contact: E: T: +41 44 - 994 14 04 Feedback: E: W:

Publishers: Margareta Nordin (President of EUROSPINE) Frank Kandziora (EUROSPINE Vice President) Thomas R. Blattert (EUROSPINE Secretary) Editor in Chief: Thomas Blattert, Dominique Rothenfluh

Administrative Director: Judith Reichert Schild

Photos ©: APACE P.L.C., Shutterstock Inc., Ireland‘s Content Pool

Onsite Editor in Chief: Felix Degeler

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Contributors: Arno Amfort, Frank Jensen, Beat Leimbacher, Judith Reichert Schild, Conny Schmutzer, Ashley Winkler Photographs: Martin Steiger, Mario Habenbacher, Alexander Hinteregger, Christian Lendl, Daniel Kleinfercher

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