The Spine Times Dublin Issue 1

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ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Welcome Message of the President Dear EUROSPINE will cover topics such as: Members, Colleagues and Guests, • The EUROSPINE Diploma Courses • Our EUROSPINE advanced Diploma I welcome to the Courses for lifelong learning (launEUROSPINE Annual Meeting, taking ched in 2015/2016) place in the beautiful historical city of • Applying for EUROSPINE Task Force Dublin in 2017. Research Grant • Applying for a fellowship to improve EUROSPINE is the largest spine socieyour clinical or research skills ty in Europe, having grown from 452 • Spine Tango: a Europe-wide Spine to over 1,000 members since 2010. Registry 24 national European societies have • And so much more! joined EUROSPINE through EuSSAB, further increasing our membership Visit the exhibition for a first-hand base by approximately 6,800 asso- experience with state-of-the-art reciate members. This success is tes- search and the latest technologies. tament to our strength as an organi- Talk to your colleagues, make new zation on an international level, with friends and be part of a great netan important impact on clinical care, work. Above all, enjoy the presentaeducation, research, communication tions, posters, abstracts, and debates and knowledge transfer. on controversial issues. The EUROSPINE Annual Meeting attracts several thousand participants from more than 80 countries who want to learn about improving spine care for patients through the latest advances in research and clinical findings, and who enjoy networking with the best and the brightest in spine research and care.

If you are interested in learning about the best in spine medicine which Europe (and the world) has to offer, then Dublin is the place to be in October 2017. I look forward to meeting you here! Sincerely,

The 2017 EUROSPINE Annual Meeting Professor Margareta Nordin is the international spine forum which President of EUROSPINE 2017

Welcome Message of the Local Hosts The Dublin conference centre is centrally placed in our capital city which offers many historical, cultural and entertainment activities. There are many hotels within walking distance or a short tram or taxi ride away.

Dear colleagues, It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the annual meeting of EUROSPINE 2017 in Dublin and offer you a Cead Mile Failte go hEireann or a hundred thousand welcomes to Ireland.

The overall scientific programme will take the familiar form that has been established over the last few years. This has been successful in advancing our spinal society meeting to the highest international standards. You can be sure of advancing your knowledge and renewing old and making new contacts.

October is the start of the winter in Ireland with temperatures varying between 5°C and 15°C. It is likely to be changeable and possibly wet (60% chance). It was no accident that the Romans called Ireland Hibernia (Latin for winter). You can be assured however of a warm welcome. Dublin has become a very popular tourist centre so it is easy to arrange addi onal excursions or activities as required.

you an opportunity to sample some of the best aspects of Irish music, refreshment and entertainment in a convivial multi centre space. Yours sincerely, Your local hosts,

Ciaran Bolger, consultant neurosurgeon

So we would invite you to come and Frank Dowling, be educated, refreshed and entertai- consultant orthopaedic surgeon ned. The EUROSPINE Network Experience @ Guinness Storehouse will give

ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Dia dhíbh a cháirde. Is tá fir cinn fáilte roimh go léir. Good morning. May I send you my very best wishes for your EUROSPINE 2017 conference, which as, Uachtarán na hÉireann, President of Ireland, I am delighted is taking place in Baile Athá Cliath, in our nation‘s capital, Dublin. I regret that I cannot be there in person to welcome you, as I am on State Visits to Australia and New Zealand, but I am confident that upon your arrival here you will already have experienced a warm Irish welcome. As a beneficiary of first class orthopaedic surgery myself, from professional care in Galway in the West of Ireland,

Watch the welcome message by President Michael D. Higgins on the EUROSPINE Youtube Channel!

I am happy to recognise your practice, the city‘s surroundings and its people your research, and your international inspire you further. collaboration to the benefit of mankind. As President of Ireland I take great pride in the fact that ours is a society In the coming days, you will not only where the work of the imagination is be hearing presentations of the latest valued by members of the public and scientific insights into surgery tech- where the fruits of the imagination niques and spinal health methodolo- and science are appreciated and engies, as you meet with fellow Eurospi- joyed. ne members and associate members from 24 national societies, but you I do appreciate that your work is newill also have the opportunity to meet ver simply about technology and surwith Eurospine‘s many partners in the gery, but it is very much about chanacademic and corporate worlds. ging people‘s lives, enhancing lives and creating new opportunities for I hope that this conference will con- people, by caring for, managing and tribute to the forming of many new addressing acute and chronic pain. and fruitful partnerships - Partnerships that will advance the research, In your roles, you do need an extraorprevention and treatment of spine dinary amount of specialist, technical diseases, for the benefit of countless knowledge, and you do need modern people across Europe and beyond. technology, but you require creativity and resourcefulness in equal meaI do hope that you will have some sure. As with creativity, your work is time to experience the city that is about the fullness of human life, and your home for these few days. May I thank you for it. Gan bufochas libh.

A special welcome to all of you who have come from abroad. The Irish have always been an international people, and we have common bonds with many countries. I hope that your conference will be an opportunity to strengthen those bonds, and that you will be able to use your time here to build new bridges and new partnerships. As you gather here in Dublin, in your 19th year of existence as a network, you have much to look back on with pride. I wish this conference and its participants enduring success for the future. Beir beannacht ar bhúr n-iarrachtaí ar son pobal an Domhain. Go raibh maith agaibh.

Michael D. Higgins Uachtarán na hÉireann President of Ireland










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ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

EUROSPINE WAY FORWARD STRATEGY – ON TRACK FOR THE FUTURE FORMING NEW RELATIONSHIPS, CREATING NEW PARTNERSHIPS AND FORGING ALLIANCES addresses more focussed spine themes. These meetings have earned a permanent slot on EUROSPINE’s yearly agenda, and once again illustrate our expanding network as we explore options for co-partnerships with other societies. Education It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the EUROSPINE Annual Meeting, here in the lovely and lively city of Dublin with our local hosts Ciaran Bolger and Frank Dowling. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of more than 80 volunteers (including spine specialists from a variety of disciplines) and staff, EUROSPINE’s reputation as a world-class organisation is spreading internationally, and it is delightful to see so many countries represented here today.

Our two EUROSPINE diplomas, the EUROSPINE Diploma and the EUROSPINE Advanced Diploma, have enjoyed excellent acceptance in the spine community, ensuring that our 2017 courses were fully booked. Furthermore, we have established diploma equivalencies with most of our institutional members. Next steps are projects for e-learning and a non-surgeon diploma.

tions and guidelines such as certifica- oversight to manage challenging issutions for spine centres and others. es and ongoing investments. Strategic Priorities – Members, A Huge Thank You Stakeholders and Organisation It has been a great honour and a priviThis year we increased our member- lege to serve as EUROSPINE’s first woship base to more than 1,200 indivi- man president. I want to extend my duals and 26 institutional members, heartfelt gratitude to the Members, representing approximately 7,000 as- Executive Committee and all other sociate members. Our collaboration Committees, to Judith Reichert, Direcwith institutional members is forming tor of Administration, Julie-Lyn Noël, a solid foundation for setting high Director of Education and Research, standards in education, research and and our team, Anna Farber, Claudia resolving issues of common interest. Ortner, and Conny Schmutzer, as well as our newest team member Sandy Furthermore, we have strengthened Sutter, our Delegate of the Executiour relationships with sponsors and ve Committee, Beat Leimbacher, our MedTechs and developed clear con- consultants, generous sponsors and cepts for cooperation with other so- many others. Thank you for your decieties. Using a Strength, Weakness, dication to making EUROSPINE a sucOpportunities and Threat (SWOT) cess in Europe and beyond. analysis, we also established a joint approach on important priorities for It is with some sadness that I and with EuSSAB. part from my role as President of EUROSPINE, but I couldn’t be leaving Maintaining a highly-functional and it in more capable hands than thoefficient organisation remains a top se of our Incoming President, Frank priority. To this end, we have re- Kandziora, to whom I will lend my full assessed our strategy for the next support. three years and set up careful budget

Research and EUROSPINE has not only grown lar- Guidelines & Certifications ger – it has grown stronger. Stronger through new relationships, partner- A new, high-quality review process ships and alliances. Our membership has been set up to handle the increis expanding faster than we ever could asing number of grant applications. have hoped. We have joined forces We are currently developing new opwith many European national spine portunities to improve the quality of societies through our European Spi- spine-related work through certificane Societies Advisory Board (EuSSAB), launching diploma equivalencies and expanding education platforms. We • Membership base has grown to > 1,200 members are forging important alliances with • EUROSPINE EuSSAB increased to 26 institutional members Members sponsors and MedTechs. And now • ~7,000 associate members now enjoy EUROSPINE benefits here we are in Dublin – with more of us together in one place than ever before, trading stories, ideas and forming new friendships. • Joint approach established with EuSSAB members Stakeholders • Sponsor and MedTech relations strengthened This year we have focussed on our four core activities – meetings, education, research, and guidelines & certifications. I am delighted to say that we have made tremendous progress on all fronts.


• Equivalence programmes launched with majority of EuSSAB • Education Week and Advanced Course booked out • Record number of research applications


• Increasing levels of attendance each year • 3 new submission categories added

Meetings With top-notch, cutting-edge science and high-quality content, EUROSPINE’s Annual Meeting and Spring Speciality Meetings are attracting spine specialists from all over the world. Our Spring Speciality Meeting Programme Highlights 11 October 2017

8:30–8:45 | Plenary Hall 14:00–15:20 | Liffey Hall 2 Opening with welcome address by EUROSPINE President and intro- Degenerative Spine duction to scientific programme 15:20–15:50 | EUROSPINE Booth Foyer 3 12:00–14:00 | Liffey Hall 2 EUROSPINE TFR Alumni Get-Together (by invitation only) EUROSPINE Lunch Symposium „Discussing the Relevance of Sagittal 15:50-17:30 | Plenary Hall Balance in the Cervical Spine“ Adult Deformity, Complications 14:00–15:20 | Plenary Hall 17:30–18:30 | Forum Exhibition Hall and Liffey Exhibition Hall, Ground Level Deformity/Growing Spine & Level 1 14:00–15:20 | Wicklow Hall 1 Exhibition Opening & Welcome Reception Wednesday Basic Science

ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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10 facts about Irish food and drink to whet your appetites and tickle your interest… 1. Did you know that Irish coffee was apparently invented in the early 1950s by Joe Sheridan, a bartender at the Shannon Airport? It became famous thanks to US travel writer Stanton Delaplane. After tasting it in Shannon, Delaplane persuaded the then owner of the Buena Vista Café in San Francisco, Jack Koeppler, to start serving it at his bar. Over 50 years later on November 10 2008, the San Francisco café set a Guinness World record for making the largest Irish coffee on the planet. The cocktail was made in a three-foot 15-gallon glass and contained a case of Tullamore Dew whiskey. 2. Did you know that many of the large rocks that the best west of Ireland mussel beaches were put there by farmers harvesting mussels? More rocks usually meant a wealthier farmer as he had more donkey power to get them there. 3. Did you know that Bewley’s famous café on Grafton Street serves over 17,000 people per week? That makes it Ireland’s busiest café! 4. Did you know that Queen Elizabeth I is believed to have been fond enough of Irish whiskey to have barrels trans-

Burning Questions

ported to London on a regular basis. 5. Did you know that potatoes belong to the same family of plants as chilli peppers, tomatoes, tobacco, eggplants and petunias – but that they are not related to the sweet potato? And did you know that although the spud may have a special place in the Irish kitchen, that the Incan people of Peru were growing them as far back as 200 BC. They were first brought to Britain and Ireland in the late 1500s and weren’t immediately popular either. Many people resisted their culinary charms as they weren’t mentioned in the Bible. 6. Did you know that in the region of 275 million litres of Irish milk from over 35,000 cows across 1,400 farms are used to make the number one liqueur brand in the world? 8. Did you know that the potato was the first food to be grown in space? That was back in 1995 when it was transported there on board the space shuttle Columbia.

7. Did you know that traditionally the first pancake to be tossed on Pancake Tuesday was by the eldest unmarried daughter of the household. If she managed to flip it successfully, she’d be married within the year. If she drop- 9. Did you know that the cross on ped it, she had another year for free- Irish soda bread was traditionally put dom to enjoy. there to ward off the devil or to allow the fairies out of the bread? Of course

other people believe it was put there so that it will easily break into quarters when it is baked! 10. Did you know that Arthur Guinness had such faith in his brewing business when he started back in 1759 that he took a lease on St James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin for 9,000 years at £45 per year?


Every day you will find two questions here which you can answer in the EUROSPINE conference app. We highly recommend to download and use the EUROSPINE App to com1. Do navigational techniques help to improve your plement your experience in Dublin. daily practice of spinal surgery? The app will update you on news and upcoming sessions. The app provides 2. Do you think national curricula for spinal education you with all details on sessions, lecneed to be diversified versus an individual European tures, the speakers and floor plans as curriculum? well as a list of exhibitors. To participate, please use the EUROSPINE smartphone app In order to enhance your lecture ex(available at perience, some session allow for live voting. Each day you may also vote The results will be shown in tomorrow‘s issue. on two “burning questions” which results you find in the SPINE TIMES of Thank you for your participation! the following day. You may rate each session and the speakers‘ performances on the day they were held until midnight. This will allow for valuable feedback for the speakers as well as our organisation to continually improve your experience. A digital version of the SPINE TIMES is also available online. With the app you can have all important information at your fingers. The EUROSPINE 2017 App sponsors are Medtronic & Zeiss. DOWNLOAD:

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ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

Last year of EUROSPINE Técnicas Modernas e Avanços da sed to offer networking opportunity. Cirurgia da Coluna Vertebral EUROSPINE was not only represented Brazilian Spine Society through faculty onsite, but also visu25–26 November 2016 ally through the standard faculty slide set, which held both, the SRS and On Thursday, 24 November 2016 the EUROSPINE, logos side by side. 103 EUROSPINE Ambassadors Muharrem participants attended the course. Yazici, Ibrahim Obeid and Rene Castelein arrived at the airport of TFR Course 2017: Engagement in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, about one-hour making relevant, feasible and publisflight from São Paulo. The meeting hable research which was held in Portuguese, was Munich, Germany provided with outstanding simultane- 13–17 March 2017 ous translation so that it was very easy to follow the lectures and participate 16 participants from 5 different counin the very lively discussions. Each tries: Belgium, Egypt, Germany, the EUROSPINE ambassador had four lec- Netherlands and Switzerland came tures on different topics. together in the heart of the city cen-

search was emphasised as motivation and teamwork will go hand in hand to deliver a successful research project. It is important to ask help and get the views of other experts. The preparation and planning phase is critical in order to get it right with regards to the research question, the design, the population and the impact that the research project will have in practice. And lastly, the element of engagement and fun whilst undertaking the research project cannot be overemphasised and the course attempted to simulate this experience for the participants. Doing research on topics that you are passionate about will lead to an excellent and fulfilling project.

EUROSPINE Advanced Course Strasbourg, France 9–11 January

Team EUROSPINE at Wings for Life World Run 2017 Around the world GSC 2017: Global Spine Congress 7 May 2017 High profile EUROSPINE Symposium Global Spine Congress 155,288 runners started in 111 loca- Milan, Italy tions around the world, 23 of them 3–6 May 2017 for team EUROSPINE* 8 different countries – all at the same time, all The main topics of the event were upfor a good cause: to support research dates on innovative knowledge and to heal spinal cord injury. The runners techniques in spinal practice with 3 that ran for those who can’t covered presentations by Prof. Nordin, Prof. a total of 1,431,183km. The Wings for Blattert and Prof. Brayda-Bruno preLife World Run is for everyone to par- ceded by an introductory talk by Teli. ticipate, athletes, hobby runners, par- Prof. Nordin talked about the concept ticipants in wheelchairs, runners with of preponderance of evidence and cobaby-strollers, etc. and 100% of the vered the latest trends in evaluating registration fees go to the Wings for systematic reviews, randomised contLife Foundation to support research rolled trials, observational and econoto cure spinal cord injuries and even- mic studies. tually give people the chance to walk again. The EUROSPINE session offered great quality presentations, relaxed and interactive audience. In general the session could have been better attended but as it was scheduled at 16:45 after the intensive programme (similarly to other societies’ satellite symposia) we were happy to see approximately 50 participants.

The EUROSPINE education committee developed the advance course offered to already practicing spine specialists who have completed the EUROSPINE Diploma Courses, the DWG Basic Certificate, Turkish Spine Society basic certificate or are already practicing for at least 5 years. Completing the Advanced Course is one step towards tre in Munich, Germany to learn how an advanced diploma which EUROSPI- to make their research more relevant, NE will offer in the very near future. feasible and publishable. 10 of them were surgeons (3 of which are resiIn the biting cold of the Strasbourg dents), 2 engineers who are also PhD winter, fiftyone experienced and es- candidates, 3 medical students and 1 tablished spine surgeons from 23 clinical researcher from industry. countries all over the world attended EUROSPINE’s first ever advanced 10 world class faculty members were course. Together with 19 distingu- present from institutions in France, ished faculty from Europe and re- the United States, Switzerland, Canapresentatives from 5 spine industry da, and Germany. A programme of 5 partners, the world-renowned IRCAD modules on the conceptual overview was a perfect setting for collegial ex- of clinical research, research design, change, real-word discussions on is- study implementation and analysis, sues in spine care and networking. qualitative studies and communicaThe programme was delivered with tion of research was effectively dethe classic plenary sessions, highly interactive case-based discussions and roundtable discussion between experts, cadaver lab workshop, sawbones / dry lab and simulators workshop. Current Concepts in Spine Deformity: an SRS Course, in cooperation with EUROSPINE Prague, Czech Republic 30 March–1 April 2017 livered by the faculty. A rich combination of formats was designed for We realised that there was a wide blended learning with readings, lecrange level of expertise and experi- tures, plenary sessions, group work, ence among participants. There were faculty mentoring, roundtable discusless experienced young surgeons and sions and group feedback. some very experienced surgeons. Interaction between faculty and parti- The main take-home messages for cipants and in between participants the participants were really on the was at high level. A welcome recepti- importance of certain aspects that on open to participants and faculty as are key to the success of their rewell as one faculty dinner was organi- search projects. Collaboration in re-

Education Week 2017 A Heatwave, a Music Festival, Surgeons and Critical Appraisal of Literature Strasbourg, France 19–23 June 2017 101 surgeons representing 22 countries attended EUROSPINE’s Education Week, courageously resisting a heatwave and the enticing and very tempting summer music festival which took root in the heart of Strasbourg this June. This year’s Education Week was a success, thanks to the 41 renowned and dedicated faculty members, to IRCAD’s very professional staff and to the support of our industry partners, Cerapedics, Medtronic, Nuvasive, 

ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Safe Orthopaedics, Spineart and Critical Appraisal of the Spine LiteraZimmer. All sessions were fully booked ture course given by world-class leaand a waiting list had to be organised ders in research. to accommodate the high demand. The Critical Appraisal of the Spine For the very first time, a research Literature course introduces basic component was added to the Educa- study designs and discusses the main tion Week as 30 delegates were given threats to the validity of clinical stuthe opportunity to also attend the dies. During a workshop, participants

WFNS 2017: XVI World Congress of Neurosurgery – EUROSPINE Luncheon Symposium Istanbul Turkey 20–25 August 2017

were required to critically appraise a published paper using a standardised critical appraisal tool and were asked to identify the main threats to its validity. A surgeon from Spain reported that it was “Great to have the vision of researchers and not surgeons about how to read a paper” and another participant added that the Critical Appraisal Course was “A modern course with good interaction and wonderful presentations. As for the 5 Diploma Course modules themselves, case discussions, Question & Answer sessions as well as practical workshops in the Cadaver Laboratory were an integral part of the programme this year again to guarantee a high level of interactivity.

The EUROSPINE Luncheon Symposium with the title ‘Advances in Metastatic Spine Tumours’ was held during WFNS Congress on August 23 2017. Prof. Dr. Serdar Kahraman, Chair of the EUROSPINE Membership Committee and EUROSPINE Membership Council, was moderator and speaker at the EUROSPINE Luncheon Symposium. There were more than 200 attendees, which made the EUROSPINE Luncheon Symposium one of the most successful satellite meetings of the WFNS 2017 Congress. As usual for EURSOPINE symposia, the faculty including Erkan Kaptanoglu, Sait Sirin and Serdar Kahraman, represented EUROSPINE well and engaged the audience in a scientific discussion during the session. The topic of the symposium (Metastatic Spine Tumours) and the contents drew great attention and the discussion session was intense.


11 OCTOBER 2017 // 12:00-14:00 Wicklow Meetingroom 2

Clinically Driven® at Booth No. F15. We look forward to welcome you.

Minimal invasive posterior screw fixation – benefits and limits: Long constructs:

Special challenges and techniques Prof. Cornelius Wimmer, Germany

Degenerative MIS cases:

The importance of interbody solution Dr. Ulrich Hubbe, Germany

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Gaelic English English was only introduced to Ireland in the Norman invasion. Irish (Gaeilge), also referred to as Gaelic or Irish Gaelic, is a Goidelic language (Gaelic) of the Indo-European language family originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people. Irish is spoken as a first language by a small minority of Irish people (74,000 inhabitants), and as a second language by a larger group of non-native speakers (1,765,000 inhabitants).

ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

EUROSPINE Booth, Foyer, Level 3 1 Exclusive Member Area As a member of EUROSPINE you get to enjoy snacks and drinks troughout the day, have a seat at our comfortable sofas to follow the live feed from the plenary, for a chat with colleagues or even a casual meeting.





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2 Photo Booth Take your Dublin-themed picture and enter the raffle for a free registration to the Spring Speciality Meeting 2018!

5 EUROSPINE Future Events 6 EUROSPINE Membership 3 Patient Line Plan your upcoming meetings with You’re not a member of EUROSPINE Be informed about the new website EUROSPINE, get all important dates yet? launch of Patient Line and find out or even register directly for: This is your chance to get first hand how Patient Line can support you and EUROSPINE Spring Speciality Meeting information on what EUROSPINE has your patients. 2018 to offer and even apply for memberLiterature Review Course: Critical Ap- ship directly onsite! 4 OOT – Open Operating Theatre praisal of the Spine Literature 2018 Irish enjoys constitutional status as Get information on OOT’s offer! TFR Research Course 2018 the national and first official languaEducation Week 2018 ge of the Republic of Ireland and is EUROSPINE Booth, an officially recognised minority lanExhibition hall (f11), guage in Northern Ireland. It is also Ground Level among the official languages of the European Union. As each country can 1 Spine Tango only have one official language with Find out more about EUROSPINE the European Union, from the current Spine Tango, pick up your copy of the 2 perspective, English will no longer be Annual Report and learn about the 1 an official language of the European new Spine Tango forms. Union once the United Kingdom leaves. The public body Foras na Gaeilge 2 EUROSPINE Membership is responsible for the promotion of You’re not a member of EUROSPINE the language throughout the island yet? of Ireland. Irish was the predominant This is your chance to get first hand language of the Irish people for most information on what EUROSPINE has of their recorded history, and they to offer and even apply for memberbrought it with them to other regions, ship directly onsite! notably Scotland and the Isle of Man, where Middle Irish gave rise to Scot- EUROSPINE Photo Booth, Foyer 3 tish Gaelic and Manx respectively. Take your Dublin-themed picture and enter the raffle for a free registration to the EUROSPINE Spring Speciality Meeting 2018! Simply share your picture on Facebook or Twitter, tag #EUROSPINE and maybe you’ll be the lucky one we’ll Gaelic Words inform after EUROSPINE 2017 through the chosen social media channel about your free registration. Good Morning Dia dhaoibh ar maidin PATIENT LINE is part of EUROSPINE, whose goal is to provide up-to-date information to Good Evening patients. It is managed and edited by a committee of experts from different disciplines, Tráthnóna maith daoibh including clinicians and researchers, and the information is based on the most recent eviHello (greeting) dence. Patient Line offers public access to the accumulated know how and expertise represented by the members of Dia Duit (Dee-a dit) EUROSPINE. Information is in accordance with the majority of the members and/or the literature. Hello (response) Dia is Muire Duit (Dee-a iss Mura dit) Our Vision How are you? is to be the driving force and the primary and preferred partner Conas atá tú? (Kun-is a-thaw-two) in Europe for all spinal care issues. I am good Tá mé go maith (Thaw may go mah) Our Mission What’s your name? • optimise patient care and prevention of spinal disorders Cén t-ainm atá oraibh? • provide and support “best practice” spine-related I’m (your name) lifelong learning and research Is mise ___ (Iss misha ___) • bring together all spine-related European stakeholders Pleased to meet you across disciplines, cultures and countries Tá áthas orm buaileadh libh Goodbye The platform Slán • Allows patients to easily navigate & learn in simplified Cheers! Good Health! language on topics such as: neck pain, low back pain, etc. Sláinte mhaith! • Information for patients on self-management & effective coping (Alternatively: Fad saol agat, gob • Available in 7 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, fliuch, agus bás in Éirinn! (Long life Turkish, Greek to you, a wet mouth, and death in • Approx. 40,000 hits a month Ireland))

ISSUE 1 | WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | EUROSPINE2017.EU

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Shopping in Dublin If you’re hoping to combine your city break in Dublin with a spot of shopping, you won’t be disappointed. The capital offers an eclectic array of shops ranging from high-street favourites to swanky department stores, and from quirky boutiques to unique markets. Temptation is around every corner!

EUROSPINE Task Force Research There is a need for better research and more thoughtful applications. EUROSPINE can play a major role in research education as a professional organisation. The EUROSPINE TFR suggests EUROSPINE members should be given priority to participate in the EUROSPINE Research Course. In January 2008, the first pilot research course was held at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Margareta Nordin initiated the course and Christine Cedraschi and Pierre Côté from the TFR

participated as faculty members. If you are a Taskforce Research Alumni we would be delighted to welcome you during our TFR Alumni Get-together. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee and take this unique opportunity to network with fellow TFR Alumni and to meet with your TFR Faculty again!

Grafton Street boasts a selection of upmarket chain stores and boutiques. It is also home to the prestigious Brown Thomas which is a favourite amongst celebrity shoppers. Henry Street, on the north side, also provides an extensive array of high-street favourites including Zara, H&M and Penneys.

If you’re after something typically Irish, take a trip to Avoca Handweavers on Suffolk Street. From fashion to home furnishings, aromatics to jewellery, fresh baking to gourmet foods, this is a showcase of the best of Ireland. Kilkenny Design and House of Ireland on Nassau Street are also worth visiting. For a more leisurely shopping experience, weave your way through the

stalls at Cow’s Lane Market, the Point Village Market and Georges Street Arcade where you can pick up vintaPowerscourt Townhouse, adjacent ge pieces and gourmet food to fuel to Grafton Street, is one of the fi- the body so you don’t drop while you nest 18th century town mansions in shop. Dublin. It houses upmarket boutiques and relaxing cafés and provides the And if you still haven’t found what perfect ambience for brunch and you’re looking for, check out suburretail therapy. Its Design Centre on ban shopping centres like Dundrum showcases the cream of Irish design Town Centre and Liffey Valley where talent and should not be missed. your every need will be satisfied.

EUROSPINE TFR Alumni Get-together When: Today, Wednesday 11 October 2017, 15:20–15:50 Where: Members‘ Area of the EUROSPINE booth located in Foyer 3 CCD – Convention Centre Dublin

Imprint The Spine Times® is a free congress newspaper published by EUROSPINE. Publishing House: EUROSPINE, The Spine Society of Europe Seefeldstrasse 16 8610 Uster-Zürich Switzerland Contact: E: T: +41 44 - 994 14 04 Publishers: Margareta Nordin (President of EUROSPINE) Frank Kandziora (EUROSPINE Vice President) Thomas R. Blattert (EUROSPINE Secretary) Editor in Chief: Thomas Blattert, Dominique Rothenfluh Administrative Director: Judith Reichert Schild

Onsite Editor in Chief: Felix Degeler Contributors: Arno Amfort, Frank Jensen, Beat Leimbacher, Judith Reichert Schild, Conny Schmutzer, Ashley Winkler Photographs: Martin Steiger, Mario Habenbacher, Alexander Hinteregger, Christian Lendl, Daniel Kleinfercher

EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe, is a non-profit association with the aim to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the field of research, prevention and treatment of spine diseases and related problems, and to coordinate efforts undertaken in European countries for further development in this field. The society's international member base includes spine-, neuro-, orthopaedic-, and trauma surgeons, chiropractors, rheumatologists, as well as researchers of basic science, biomechanics, clinical studies, epidemiology, and more. EUROSPINE provides and supports a truly interdisciplinary network of specialists.

1,200+ members from 75+ countries enjoy: ▪ Reduced registration fees to many EUROSPINE events and acitivities ▪ Eligibility for committees and voting in the General Assembly ▪ Access to research grants, European Spine Journal, Spine Tango Registry, Patient Line, etc.

▪ Information for patients with spine diseases ▪ Available in 4 languages ▪ Information on self-management and effective coping

Photos ©: APACE P.L.C., Shutterstock Inc., Ireland‘s Content Pool Feedback: E: W: Powered by:

… is a worldwide operating business consultancy focusing on comprehensive communication strategies and sustainable investments.

The international spine registry: ▪ 7 national modules ▪ Continuous documentation

The European Spine Societies Advisory Board: ▪ 7,000+ associate members ▪ 26 institutional members ▪ Communication platform for national societies

▪ EUROSPINE Diploma ▪ EUROSPINE Advanced Diploma ▪ Diploma Equivalence Programme with national societies and individuals ▪ Endorsed Host Training Centres ▪ Non-surgical Diploma Task Force ▪ Observerships

For further information please visit:

▪ TFR course ▪ Literature review course ▪ Biomechanics course ▪ Research grants up to € 100,000 p.a.

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