The Spine Times Lyon Issue 3

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INTERVIEW WITH MARK STEVENSON What initially attracted you to speak at the 2014 EUROSPINE Congress? I speak at lots of different places, and one of the reasons I like doing that is because I get to spend a day experiencing an industry that I might not know much about. Just seeing how a surgeon views something as opposed to someone who works for an advertising agency or an NGO dealing with poverty: they all have different perspectives and I find those differences fascinating. I also think it’s a great honour to speak to extraordinary people doing extraordinary things.

culture. I think we’ve got some big challenges in the world, and my feeling is you can’t make a better future until you can imagine it. How might the study of future systems be able to contribute to the fulfilment EUROSPINE’s aims? I almost find it odd that we have a spinal conference as the spine is connected to so many other things. Our entire society is based on the industrial revolution which was about splitting the world into industrial processes. That has a lot of advantages but it also comes with a lot of costs. People are separated into boxes and then can’t think across those boxes; outside of their comfort zone where innovation usually occurs. I’d love to see a EUROSPINE conference that’s not EUROSPINE but EURO‘something’, bringing together a mashup of different people to foster innovation. On a lighter note, and as someone who’s dabbled in comedy, do you have a favourite comedian?

What was it about the study of future systems that interested you in pursuing the notion further? I think everybody’s interested in the future aren’t they. There’s a great quote from Charles Kettering who was an inventor: “My interest is in the future because I’m going to spend the rest of my life there”. I think being interested in the future is not unique, it’s something we all have, but most of us are told not to think about the future, only the right here, the right now, the “where’s your next pay cheque?”. My real interest is in changing

I have kind of a philosophical aversion to favourites as I think it’s quite reductionist. Saying something is your favourite suggests everything else is somehow second. However, the comedians I like best are the ones that work hard to tell the truth. Someone like Richard Prior as he’d be incredibly earnest about his own foibles, and he would always make himself the butt of any joke, and that released an emotion in the audience and allowed them to look at themselves. I often prefer comedians that allow you to reflect on yourself and tell you the truth about a situation whilst making you laugh. Mark Stevenson Author & Public Speaker

RISING TO THE CHALLENGE Haluk Berk reflects on his experience as EUROSPINE Vice President and shares his plans for his new role as President of EUROSPINE in 2015. WHAT WERE YOUR TOP PRIORITIES IN 2014? Education is and will remain one of EUROSPINE’S core activities

In order to achieve our ultimate goal of offering an accredited European Spine Certification, we must combine the strengths of our experienced faculty with the latest trends in education and learning – an ongoing challenge that must be proactively managed. In addition, it is my strong belief that education must be offered and delivered on a national level in close cooperation with national societies across Europe. We will continue to improve lines of communication with these national societies. Members of our ExCom and Education Committee represent diverse nationalities and are committed to fostering these relationships. I am also working closely with the UEMS and other European legislative bodies to ensure that their interests are addressed.

Stakeholder management is paramount to positioning EUROSPINE as a valued partner In order to improve our stakeholder management, we have established a new Stakeholder Council, whose primary mandate is to support, coordinate and prioritise all stakeholder-related matters. EUROSPINE currently has about 8 different core stakeholder groups, including the Medtech Industry, government and political institutions, other spine societies, universities, health insurance companies, and a few others. EUROSPINE must ensure that it remains attractive to its various stakeholders and the industry. One important way to achieve this is to offer high-quality content at our Annual Meeting, other meetings and educational activities. Furthermore, it is our goal to increase our political influence by positioning EUROSPINE as a strong partner at the EU Level and with other political institutions. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE? Coordinating stakeholderrelated activities and setting the right priorities is a complex task The internal organisation of EUROSPINE is intricate, made up of many different councils and committees. Coordinating all of these efforts requires a great deal of time and energy, as many different individuals are involved in these processes. Our new organisational set-up, however, ensures that all councils and committees are represented in the ExCom, streamlining the decision-making process. The need for efficiency and faster coordination has prompted the

ExCom to establish a stakeholder management relationship appraoch. This move would also provide stakeholders and sponsors with one point of contact at EUROSPINE. WHAT ARE YOUR PERSONAL PRIORITIES AS INCOMING PRESIDENT FOR 2015? As incoming president I am fully committed to EUROSPINE’s vision to be the driving force and the primary and preferred partner in Europe for all spinal care issues. Our main focus will be to continue the implementation of our strategy, ensuring our activities add value to members and stakeholders while keeping patient care at the forefront. We plan to restructure our internal organisation, providing support to ensure a smooth transition of EUROSPINE education activities from the Foundation back to the Society for the benefit of course participants, members and stakeholders. Continuing the work of the former Presidents Philip Sell and Ferran Pellisé, my guiding principles for 2015 will be to: t Grow our membership base t Strengthen our stakeholder approach t Continuously improve our education and meeting activities I’m looking forward to a productive and successful year, working together with the EUROSPINE team and all our members, stakeholders and course and meeting participants. Interview with Haluk Berk, incoming President of EUROSPINE



LYON: A BRIEF HISTORY afterwards, whilst their first public screening which incorporated an admission fee (ten short films including the brothers own film work), was held on 28th December 1895 at Salon Indien du Grand Café in Paris. Needless to say, and much to the chagrin of many early film makers, the Lumière brothers believed that the cinema was an invention without a future, and declined to sell their camera to any interested parties. As a result, their overall role in the history of film and cinema was extraordinarily brief. Turning their attentions to colour photography, in 1903 they patented a colour photography process known as the ‘Autochrome Lumière‘, which launched on to the market in 1907.

The Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis, were sons of well known Lyon based portrait painter Claude-Antoine Lumière. Born in Besançon, France, the family moved to Lyon in 1870 where both brothers attended La Martiniere, the largest technical school in the city. Regarded as the first film makers in history, they went on to patent the cinématographe which, unlike Edison’s kinetoscope, allowed multiple individuals to view early cinematic projections in much the same way as modern cinema today. Their first film, ‘Sortie de l‘usine Lumière de Lyon’ (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory in Lyon), was shot in 1895 and is considered the first real motion picture ever made. Furthermore, and interestingly, the surname “Lumière“ is in fact French for “light“. Based in Lyon, Claude-Antoine ran a photographic firm and both of his sons worked for


him: Louis as a physicist and Auguste as a manager. Louis had made some improve-ments to still-photograph processing, the most notable of which being the dry-plate process: a major step towards the development of moving images. However, it wasn’t until 1892 when their father retried that the brothers began to experiment in earnest, and they patented numerous techniques including film strip perforations designed to advance the medium via a camera projector. Although the original cinématographe had already been patented by Léon Guillaume Bouly on 12th February 1892, Louis and Auguste patented their own version almost exactly three years later on 13th February 1895, and the first footage it captured (‘Sortie de l‘usine Lumière de Lyon’) was recorded on March 19th later the same year. The Lumières held their first private screening of projected motion pictures shortly

Regardless of the brothers eventual aversion towards the medium of cinema, Autochrome Lumière colour photography was a relative success, and garnered the interest of many artistic and hobbyist photographers alike. The dyed starch grains employed to facilitate the Autochrome process were somewhat coarse, giving a hazy, almost pointillist effect. The resulting “dreamlike“ or “impressionist” quality may have been one of the reasons behind the enduring popularity of the medium, even after more starkly realistic colour processes had become available. The final version, “Alticolor”, was introduced in 1952 and discontinued three years later in 1955, bringing to an end the nearly fifty-year-long public life of Autochrome colour photographic technology. Hence, and although Auguste and Louis Lumière are often more notably associated with film making and cinema, their impact upon modern photography has also been significant.

Nestled in a region of France which has been inhabited since pre-historic times, the city itself was founded by the Romans in 43 BCE by Lucius Munatius Plancus, and served as the capital of the Roman province Gallia Lugdunensis. Originally Known as Lugdunum, the settlement was of significant strategic importance to the Roman empire: it grew considerably, and for the first 300 years after its foundation, Lugdunum was perhaps the most important city in north-western Europe. Two emperors, Claudius (Germanicus) and Caracalla, were born in Lugdunum, and in letters from a Stoic written during the second century CE, Seneca the Younger references the destruction of the city in a great fire.

printers contributing to the city’s considerable and ever growing prosperity. The works of Erasmus, Rabelais, Scaliger, More, Poliziano, and many other intellectual leaders were published by the Württemberger Sebastian Gryphe which operated in Lyon, arguably making the city an important hub of the Renaissance. By the mid-18th century, the city’s influential silk weavers – 40% of Lyon’s total workforce – transformed what had already been a textiles centre since the 15th century into the silk-weaving capital of Europe. A century on, Lyon had tripled in size, boasting a population of 340,000 people and 100,000 weaving looms (40,000 of which were in the hilltop neighbourhood of Croix-Rousse).

As a cultural crossroad, Lugdunum’s Christianisation occurred very early compared to other european settlements. Brought to the city by the Greeks, the early Christian religion endured much social turbulence and upheaval during the first few hundred years of the settlement’s existence, with forty eight members of the Christian community suffering martyrdom in the Croix-Rousse amphitheatre; among them St Pothinus, first Bishop of Lyon. The church recovered quickly however, and Ireneus - the successor of Pothinus - became the first great Christian theologian. In the 5th century, this intellectual tradition was maintained by another son of Lugdunum, Sidonius Apollinaris. Indeed, in the period that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, Lyon survived as an important urban centre, and a number of important monastic communities established themselves there, making the city an important religious centre.

However, this quiet and prosperous period came to an sudden end in the late 18th century with the onset of the French Revolution. Enduring a two month long siege throughout which two thousand people where shot or decapitated, Lyon’s expansion came to a abrupt halt, with much of the city’s architecture suffering considerable structural damage. In fact, it would not be until the rise of the Napoleonic Empire that Lyon would once more experience revitalisation and further economic growth, becoming both an industrial and urban centre once more, and although the revolt of the silk weavers (often referred to as the ‘Canut revolts’) tarnished the era, Lyon enjoyed an undeniable power which it carried on into the 20th century. Hence, much of Lyon’s history now appears indelibly etched into its intriguing urban landscape, the likes of which represents an important and impressive metropolis. Modern infrastructure largely follows strict planning policy whereby it must remain as sympathetic to surrounding, preexisting structures as possible, making Lyon a city of truly fascinating architectural contrasts.

With the advent of moveable type in 1473, Lyon became one of Europe’s most prominent publishing centres, with several hundred resident





INTERPOL calculated on the basis of their ability to pay. Extra-budgetary contributions from both the public and private sectors may also be received in accordance with the organisation’s rules and regulations.

the development of a common spine specific educational concept (European Spine Certificate). PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AT THE FIRST EUSSAB MEETING

EUROSPINE has developed a “Way Forward Strategy“ on how to promote and advance developments within our society. As a result, a new “Institutional Membership“ category was approved and ratified at the 2014 general assembly in Prague. The basic idea of this new membership category is to bring together all European spine societies under one umbrella, with EUROSPINE as a common communications platform. If

After the approval and ratification of the new category in Prague in early 2014, the next goal was to invite all European spine societies to the EUROSPINE conference in Lyon. Therefore, detailed information about the organisational structure of all relevant societies and their executives had to be obtained. EUROSPINE’s Membership Committee decided to select socalled “Link People” from across Europe who helped in collecting this information, contacting the presidents of the relevant societies, and inviting them to Lyon to the first EUSSAB (European Spine Societies Advisory Board) meeting.

a national spine society joins EUROSPINE as an “Institutional Member”, all of their members will automatically become “Associate members” of EUROSPINE at no extra charge, potentially creating thousands of additional members across Europe. The goals of the “Institutional Membership” programme focus upon the representation and implementation of common interests in Europe, increasing political importance, and the standardisation of processes, e.g.

This first pan-European meeting of spine societies within the scope of EUSSAB received broad and convincing support of all relevant European spine societies whose presidents participated in this meeting. Within this meeting first goals and ambitions were defined, which will be implemented during the following years as part of a “united effort of all European spine societies”. Christoph Siepe Chair of the Membership Committee

Shorthand for International Criminal Police Organisation, Interpol was founded on 7th September 1923 and is widely considered one of the first successful attempts at formalising international police cooperation. Based on the number of member states involved in its operations, it is one of the largest intergovernmental organisations in the world, second only to the United Nations, and as of 2012 it employed a staff of over 700 people, representing 190 member countries. In order to remain as politically neutral as possible, Interpol’s constitution forbids it from involvement with religious, military, racial or political affairs, and as such its work often focusses upon numerous other criminal activities including - but not restricted to - drug trafficking, illicit drug production, weapons smuggling, money laundering, organised crime, computer crime or hacking, and many more. Interpol headquarters, otherwise known as the General Secretariat, are located in Lyon and remain operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All decisions regarding the organisation’s activities are made by the Interpol General Assembly. This acts as Interpol’s supreme governing body, meets once a year, and operates on a one country, one vote system, with all votes carrying equal weight and no right to veto. Funding is assessed via a method adopted by the General Assembly in 2001, and each Interpol member state must make a compulsory annual statutory contribution which is

AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEM How to rate a lecture 1. Download and start the app 2. All versions are available at The app will automatically download the latest data on its first launch. 3. Select ARS from the main menu 4. All interactive sessions are listed here. The ARS requires an active Internet connection (Wi-Fi). If your Wi-Fi is not working, the app will submit your

5. 6. 7. 8.

Contrary to popular belief, the Interpol General Secretariat does not have the authority to send agents into countries around the world in order to conduct investigations or apprehend criminals, and all police activity associated with the organisation is performed by national police forces in accordance with national laws. Furthermore, each member state plays host to a National Central Bureau (or NCB) which acts as a contact point for both the General Secretariat and the NCB’s of all the other member states. Hence, and although Interpol itself will never issue an arrest warrant, any member country may request the General Secretariat to issue a Red Notice (an international alert for a wanted person) on the basis of a valid national arrest warrant. When not attempting to track down wanted persons, Interpol is also responsible for issuing other colour coded notices as per requests from its NCB’s. Yellow Notices are designed to help locate missing persons or identify persons who are unable to identify themselves. Blue Notices aid in the collection of additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a crime. Green Notices provide warnings and intelligence about persons who have committed criminal offences and are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries, and Orange Notices warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a serious and imminent threat to public safety. However, and of all the colour coded notices, the Black Notice is perhaps the most macabre, and is designed to aid in the collection of information regarding unidentified bodies.

VOTING RESULTS response via text messages (roaming costs may apply). Select the rating session Please select the session and then the lecture you want to rate. Rate the lecture Select the number of stars (1 = poor, 5 = excellent) for the lecture you would like to rate. Rating is possible throughout the remaining day after the lecture (except for the Best-Of-ShowSession, where rating is only possible during the session)

Thank you for your active participation in the interactive voting for the burning questions. The following charts visualize the result of the voting process. Are you implementing sagittal balance considerations in your daily practice?


Do you think EUROSPINE should offer more educational events?


82 %

91 % n = 74

18 %

n = 68




World Spine Care (www. is a non-

BEST OF SHOW 10:30 – 12:00 Plenary Hall Chairs: Thomas Blattert, Margareta Nordin

Patient‘s outcomes after surgical site infections Susana Núñez Pereira

The presentation of the ‘Best of Show’ papers – the highest scored abstract submissions. The 2014 Best Podium Award will be evaluated out of the seven presentation of this session. The audience is asked to vote via the EUROSPINE App.

consensus process and which

EUROSPINE LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 4 12:00 – 14:00 Room Rhône 3A/3B Pyogenic Spinal Infections Chair: Viola Bullmann


Spondylitis‐ Diagnostic Tools Jörg Franke

Scott Haldeman, President WSC Margareta Nordin, Vice President WSC

Iatrogenic infections – How to treat? Ferran Pellisé

Surgical treatment of pyogenic spinal infections Viola Bullmann EUROSPINE LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 5 12:00 – 14:00 Auditorium Lumière Overcoming Obstacles to Recovery in the Lumbar Spine Chair: Philip Sell, Leicester, UK “Yellow flags”, obstacles to recovery Philip Sell Combined physical and psychological approach John O’Dowd Helping the challenging patient Christine Cedraschi

Top tips for improving quality of life for patients and surgeons Philip Sell EUROSPINE LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 6 12:00 – 14:00 Auditorium Pasteur Ankylosing Spondylitis (focus on diagnosis and medical treatment) Chair: Federico Balagué Frequency of spondylarthropathies and the missed diagnoses Thomas Blattert Medical pitfalls and manifestations Jean Dudler Conservative Treatments Federico Balagué Corrective Spinal Osteotomies in Ankylosing Spondylitis Hossein Mehdian

EUROSPINE-SRS Joint 2015 Spring Meeting 2nd EUROSPINE Spring Speciality Meeting

Focus on:

Spinal Deformity from Early Childhood to Adulthood

SAVE THE DATE Please save the date, mark your calendar and plan to attend the EUROSPINE 2015 conference, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2 – 4 September, 2015.


April 23-25, 2015 Crowne Plaza Barcelona - Fira Center, Barcelona, Spain

Meeting Chairs


The EUROSPINE Society would like to thank Emre Acaroglu, Thomas Blattert and Dominique A. Rothenfluh for their great work as On-Site Editors of The Spine Times.

The Spine Times® is a free congress newspaper published by the EUROSPINE Society. Publishing House: EUROSPINE, The Spine Society of Europe

Haluk Berk – Izmir, TR Marinus de Kleuver – Nijmegen, NL Ferran Pellisé – Barcelona, ES

Their inspiring ideas and constructive comments were essential for the creation of this newspaper.


Ahmet Alanay – Istanbul, TR Judith Reichert Schild Seefeldstrasse 16 8610 Uster-Zürich Switzerland Tel. +41 44 - 994 14 04 Fax +41 44 - 994 14 03 Contact:

Publishers: Philip Sell (EUROSPINE President), Everard Munting (EUROSPINE Secretary)

Contributors: Haluk Berk, Margareta Nordin, Christoph Siepe, Jonathan Weatherill-Hunt

On-Site Editors: Emre Acaroglu, Thomas Blattert, Dominique A. Rothenfluh

Photographs: Martin Steiger, Shutterstock, Wikipedia

Editor in Chief: Christian Lendl Feedback: Powered by

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