Georgia's European Way tenth edition - საქართველოს ევროპული გზა მეათე პერიოდული გამოცემა

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საქართველოს ევროპული გზა

GEORGIA’S EUROPEAN WAY № 10 / 10 / 2016

საქართველოს ევროპული გზა

Georgia's European Way

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparati evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration



მიმართვა 06

საქართველო და ქალთა როლი 08 ევროინტეგრაციის პროცესში საქართველო და ევროკავშირი 10

„მეტი ქალი ნიშნავს მეტ მშვიდობას”

გზა წარმატებისკენ 12 იფიქრე მასშტაბურად


საქართველო ფსონს 18 ევროპულ მეზობლობაზე დებს


06 08

Georgia and Women’s Role in Achieving Integration with Europe

Georgia and EU


More Women Means a more Lasting Peace Visa Free Travel Regime with the EU


Way to Success


Georgia’s Bid to be a European Neighbor


ბათუმის მე-13 საერთაშორისო 24 კონფერენცია „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა"

13th Batumi International Conference "Georgia’s European Way"

24 26



I Made my Choice of Becoming a Woman in Uniform in the Georgian Armed Forces


The North Atlantic Council (NAC) Visit to Georgia


NATO Bi-SC Information and Communicators Conference (NICC 2016)

ნატო და ევროკავშირი 26

ნატოს და ევროკავშირის შესახებ საინფორმაციო ცენტრის ინაუგურაცია

საქართველო და ნატო 28

„მე გავაკეთე ჩემი არჩევანი: ჩავიცვი ფორმა, რომ ვყოფილიყავი საქართველოს შეიარაღებული ძალების რიგითი ჯარისკაცი”

ჩრდილოატლანტიკური საბჭოს ვიზიტი 31 საქართველოში ნატოს ინფორმაციისა და კომუნიკაციის 34 კონფერენცია 2016


ტურიზმი 36


საქართველო - ღვინის აკვანი

ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა 42

9 ეტაპი, რომელსაც კომპანია ევროკავშირის ბაზრამდე გადის


Georgia – the Cradle of Wine

Business and Economy

9 Stages to Access European Union Market 48


ქართულ სანელებლებს ევროპაში 48 ექსპორტის პოტენციალი აქვს

Inauguration of NATO and the EU Information Center

Georgian Spices and its Export Potential in Europe

Education and Culture

Rusiko Chikvaidze

განათლება და კულტურა 52

რუსიკო ჩიკვაიძე


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Address | მიმართვა

Address | მიმართვა

saredaqcio sabWo: mariam raqviaSvili evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris moadgile zurab qarumiZe politikis analizis, strategiuli dagegmvisa da koordinaciis departamentis, sagareo urTierTobaTa samsaxuris pirveli mrCeveli, saqarTvelos mTavrobis administracia laSa tuRuSi aRmosavleT partniorobis samoqalaqo sazogadoebis saqarTvelos erovnuli platformis Tavmjdomare ivane CxikvaZe evrointegraciis mimarTulebis menejeri, fondi `Ria sazogadoeba _ saqarTvelo~ Tornike nozaZe evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis ufrosi ana CixraZe evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis mTavari specialisti gansakuTrebuli madloba: Tamar miqaZe saqarTveloSi evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis politikisa da presis ganyofilebis TanamSromeli

Editorial Board Mariam Rakviashvili Deputy State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Zurab Karumidze First Advisor, Foreign Relations Unit, Department of Political Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordination the Administration of the Government of Georgia Lasha Tugushi Head of Georgian Civil Society National Platform for the Eastern Partnership Ivane Chkhikvadze EU Integration Field Manager Open Society Georgia Foundation Tornike Nozadze Head of Strategic Communication Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Ana Chikhradze

დავით ბაქრაძე ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში სახელმწიფო მინისტრი

Chief Specialist of Strategic Communication Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Special thanks to: Tamar Mikadze Press and Information Officer at the Political and Press Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia Printed by "Cezanne Ltd." ISSN: 1987-8486


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

David Bakradze State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Zvirfaso mkiTxvelo, winamdebare Jurnalis nomeri eZRvneba saqarTveloSi genderuli Tanasworobis sakiTxebsa da qalTa uflebebs. evropuli da evroatlantikuri integraciisken swrafva, pirvel rigSi, adamianTa Tanasworobisa da Tavisuflebisken swrafvaa. dRes, rodesac Cven vaSenebT Tanamedrove, evropul saxelmwifos, romelic efuZneba kanonis uzenaesobas, adamianis uflebebisa da Tavisuflebebis dacvas, mediapluralizmsa da Zlier saxelmwifo institutebs, genderul Tanasworobas gansakuTrebiT didi roli eniWeba. Rrmad gvwams, rom Tanasworoba da qalTa uflebebis dacva Cveni saxelmwifos ganviTarebis, mdgradobis, usafrTxoebisa da mSvidobis garantiaa.

Dear reader! This issue is dedicated to the gender equality and women’s rights in Georgia. European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations is first of all, aspiration towards human equality and freedom. Today, when we are building a modern, European state based on the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedoms, media pluralism and strong state institutions, gender equality plays a significant role. We believe that equality and protection of women’s rights is the guarantee of our state’s development, stability, security and peace. ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Address | მიმართვა

Address | მიმართვა

საქართველო და ქალთა როლი ევროინტეგრაციის პროცესში გიორგი მარგველაშვილი საქართველოს პრეზიდენტი

Georgia and women’s role in achieving integration with Europe Giorgi Margvelashvili President of Georgia


vropuli integraciisken swrafva, rac saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi gansazRvravda saqarTvelos istorias - adamianis Tavisuflebisa da Tanasworobisken swrafvaa. „lekvi lomisa sworia, Zu iyos, Tunda xvadia“ - rusTavelis es sityvebi Cveni udidesi mefis, Tamaris epoqaSia naTqvami. swored mis saxelTanaa dakavSirebuli, rogorc qveynis ekonomikuri da politikuri gaZliereba, ise im instituciaTa safuZvlebis Seqmna, romlebic dResac centraluria ganviTarebul saxelmwifoTaTvis. saqarTveloSi parlamentarizmis is-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


o aspire to closer integration with Europe, which has been prominent in Georgian history for many centuries, is the same as to aspire to freedom and equality.

“The lion's whelp is a lion, be it male or female" – this aphorism of Rustaveli traces back to the reign of King Tamar, who is credited with having reinvigorated the country both economically and politically, as well as with having laid the groundwork for the institutions still deemed essential to this day for every developed country.

toria me-13 saukuneSi, Tamaris mmarTvelobisas pirveli saTaTbiro instituciis SeqmniT iwyeba. SesaZloa, swored Tamaris gansakuTrebulma Rvawlma Seuwyo xeli imas, rom erTi konkretuli qalis magaliTi qalisa da mamakacis Tanasworobis sazogado faseulobad iqca, romelmac aswleulebis ganmavlobaSi gamsWvala Cveni kultura. 1917 wels saqarTvelos axal droSi pirvelad mieca Sansi, sakuTar kulturul faseulobebsa da tradiciebze daefuZnebina saxelmwifoebrivi cxovreba. maSin rodesac bevr dasavlur qveyanaSic ki qalTa mier fundamenturi uflebebis mopoveba jerac Soreuli perspeqtiva iyo, damoukidebeli saqarTvelos damfuZnebelma krebam (romelSic qalTa raodenobac da monawileobis xarisxic im droisTvis sakmaod STambeWdavi iyo) qalebisTvis xmis micemis ufleba daakanona da amiT msoflios mowinave qveyanaTa rigSi Cadga. samwuxarod, Cveni ganviTarebis logikas maSin bolSevizmi daupirispirda da saxelmwifoebriobis Seneba aTwleulobiT gadaido. magram, qalebi am periodSic kvlav did rols asrulebdnen Tavisuflebisa da Tanasworobis idealebis SenarCunebasa da Taobidan TaobaTaTvis gadacemaSi. erovnuli gmiri maro mayaSvili bolSevikuri diqtaturis gariJraJze Tu disidenti nazi Samanauri sabWoeTis bolo aTwleulSi, araerTi sxva qali xSirad sicocxlis fasad ebrZoda reJims; mravali maTgani SemoqmedebiT, samecniero Tu sazogadoebriv sarbielze Sromobda Cveni didi tradiciebisa da kulturis ganviTarebisTvis. 90-ian wlebSi, damoukideblobis aRdgenis Semdeg, swored qalebma Seitanes mniSvnelovani wvlili qveynis socialuri da ekonomikuri kolafsidan gamoyvanis saqmeSi. dRes, damoukideblobis sabolood mopovebis Semdeg, Tavisufali saqarTvelos Senebis procesSi Cven kvlav imave amocanis winaSe vdgavarT - mdidar memkvidreobaze, waruval faseulobebze avaSenoT Tanamedrove evropuli qveyana, dafuZnebuli kanonis uzenaesobasa da TiToeuli adamianis uflebebisa da Tavisuflebebis dacvaze. es gulisxmobs ara mxolod qalTa uflebebis dacvas, aramed - upirveles yovlisa, qalTa uSualo, aqtiur monawileobas, maT ufro did rols mTlianad am procesSi. Rrmad mwams, rom gvWirdeba meti qali sazogadoebriv cxovrebaSi, parlamentSi da politikur liderebad; meti qali politikaSi aris usafrTxoebis, keTildReobisa da ekonomikuri winsvlis garantia. am viTarebis miRweva ara mxolod qalTa, aramed TiToeuli Cvenganis, sazogadoebis yvela wevris pasuxismgeblobaa. swored am rwmenidan gamomdinare gamovacxade 2015 weli qalTa wlad. moxaruli var, rom Cvens pozicias, mxardaWerils Cemi araerTi praqtikuli iniciativiT, sul ufro da ufro meti adamiani iziarebs. rodesac qalebi sabolood da srulfasovnad daimkvidreben kuTvnil adgils politikur da sazogadoebriv cxovrebaSi, roca veravin da veraferi CaaxSobs maT xmas, Cven warmoudgenlad did, SesaZloa, gadamwyvet nabijs gadavdgamT Cveni miznisken - TiToeuli adamianis Tanasworobisken, Tavisufali saqarTvelosken.

Parliamentary system in Georgia originates from the 13th century when the first deliberative assembly was created during the reign of King Tamar – a woman whose extraordinary efforts helped to make giant strides toward equality between men and women, a truly universal value permeating our culture for many centuries. The year of 1917 was a landmark in the modern history of Georgia when the country was given its first chance to attain its statehood based on cultural values and traditions. While women’s prospects for gaining fundamental rights remained dim in many European countries, the constituent assembly of independent Georgia (with an impressive female representation) approved women’s suffrage and Georgia acquired a reputation as one of the world’s most progressive countries. Unfortunately, the country’s trajectory of development was then abruptly halted by bolshevism and the state-building process was postponed for decades. Even then, however, women played a prominent role in upholding the ideals of freedom and equality and in handing them down from generation to generation. Maro Makashvili, a national heroine at the onset of the Bolshevik dictatorship, Nazi Shamanauri, a political dissident during the last decade of the USSR, and many other women paid the ultimate price in their fight against the regime. Many of them excelled in art, science, or public life thus contributing to the development of our longstanding traditions and culture. During the 1990s, after the restoration of Georgia’s independence, women were once again at the forefront of the struggle to rescue the country from social and economic collapse. Today, following the restoration of Georgia’s independence, we still face the same challenge as before – building a modern European country based on rich heritage, the rule of law and the protection of rights and freedoms of each individual. This envisages not only upholding the rights of women but also ensuring their immediate and active participation in all processes. It is my strong belief that we need more women in public life, in parliament, and as political leaders; more women in politics is an essential prerequisite for security, prosperity and economic progress. The responsibility for achieving this goal lies not only with women, but with each and every member of society. It was with this goal in mind that I declared 2015 the year of women. And I am happy that our position, which has been reflected in my practical initiatives, is gaining the support of an increasing number of people. When women finally take their rightful place in political and public life, and when no-one and nothing can suppress their voice, we will make an important stride towards our goal - equality for all people and a free Georgia.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

„მეტი ქალი ნიშნავს მეტ მშვიდობას“ ქეთევან ციხელაშვილი შერიგებისა და სამოქალაქო თანასწორობის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრი

More women means a more lasting peace Ketevan Tsikhelashvili State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civil Equality


eti qali niSnavs met mSvidobas. qalebs aqvT maRali pasuxismgebloba, principuloba da, imavdroulad, gansakuTrebuli mgrZnobeloba mniSvnelovani humanitaruli sakiTxebis mimarT. es sakiTxebi ukavSirdeba omis damangreveli Sedegebis aRmofxvras, im adamianebis daxmarebas, romlebic mougvarebeli konfliqtebiT itanjebian da romelTa Soris yvelaze mowyvladi qalebi da bavSvebi arian. xSirad vixseneb erT-erT pirvel Sexvedras Savosan dedebTan. maSin gamaoca maTma midgomam. es qalebi atareben gaunelebel tkivils, umZimes tvirTs, Tumca pirvelebi arian maT Soris, romlebic mSvidobisa da ndobis mSeneblobis aucileblobaze laparakoben. isini Tavadac mzad arian, monawileoba miiRon am procesSi, pirvelebma gadon xidebi omiT gaxleCil sazogadoebebs Soris, raTa aRarasodes ganmeordes is tragedia, rac gamoviareT da sxva ojaxebma aRar ganicadon msgavsi tkivili. maTi es ganwyoba da SemarTeba gansakuTrebuli stimulis momcemia saimisod, rom mSvidobisa da SerigebisTvis vimuSaoT. xSirad Cavdivar gamyof xazebTan mdebare soflebSi da vxv-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


ore women means a more lasting peace. Women tend to show a higher sense of responsibility, greater adherence to principles and, at the same time, extreme sensitivity to important humanitarian issues such as recovering from the disastrous consequences of wars and assisting people affected by unresolved conflicts, among whom women and children are the most vulnerable of all. I often recall one of my first meetings with bereaved mothers wearing mourning dresses. I was somewhat taken back by their approach to such traumatic times. Despite the excruciating pain weighing upon them, these women were among the first to speak about the need for peace and confidence-building. They are ready to get involved in this process and build for themselves the first bridges between war-torn communities to ensure that similar tragedies do not recur and that other families are spared the ordeals they have been put through. Their courage and

debi bevr qals, romlebic gmirulad umklavdebian yoveldRiurobas, ibrZvian TavianTi Svilebis mSvidobiani momavlisTvis. xSirad vxvdebi maswavleblebsa da mSoblebs galis raionidan, sadac sabavSvo baRebsa da skolebSi bavSvebs mSobliur enaze swavlis SesaZleblobas arTmeven. swored es qalbatonebi, maT Soris xandazmuli da damsaxurebuli maswavleblebi, saunjesaviT ufrTxildebian enas, bavSvebs riskis fasad aswavlian qarTul enas da am saunjes gadascemen. fsiqologiuri wnexisa da, faqtobrivad, eTnikuri niSniT diskriminaciis pirobebSi, isini axerxeben Zalian niWieri axalgazrdebis aRzrdas. amitomac arian isini Tanamedroveobis namdvili gmirebi. marTalia, qalebi konfliqtis msxverpli arian, magram maTSivea maRali potenciali imisa, rom konfliqtis Sedegebi sakuTari mxrebiT zidon, gaaneitralon da samSvidobo procesSi mniSvnelovani wvlili Seitanon. samoqalaqo seqtorSi, maT Soris saxalxo diplomatiaSi, okupirebuli teritoriebidan devnili Zalian bevri qalbatonia CarTuli da isini Seufaseblad mniSvnelovan saqmes akeTeben. donorebTan urTierTobaSi Cven yovelTvis gansakuTrebiT aRvniSnavT, rom qalebis iniciativebis waxaliseba mniSvnelovania samSvidobo procesisTvis. mniSvnelovania isic, rom CvenTan qalebi CarTuli arian molaparakebebSi. Jenevis saerTaSoriso diskusiebis 14 raundze, romlebzec me humanitarul jgufs vxelmZRvanelobdi, bevri sakiTxi ukavSirdeboda konfliqtiT dazaralebuli adamianebis bedsa da yoveldRiurobas. Cemi mcdeloba mudmivad mimarTuli iyo imisken, rom maTTvis konfliqtis srulmasStabian mogvarebamdec rogorme Segvemsubuqebina problemebi da maT mosagvareblad humanitaruli gzebi gamogveZebna. mjera, es konfliqti aucileblad mogvardeba da mivaRwevT Cvens gaerTianebas evropul saxelmwifoSi, rogoradac saqarTvelo yalibdeba. Cveni xedva da midgoma yovelTvis konstruqciuli da saqmiania. sxva mxare rom ar axdendes sakiTxebis arasaWiro politizebasa da yvelafris statusis TemasTan dakavSirebas, bevri sakiTxis mogvareba SesaZlebeli iqneboda. qarTuli delegaciis 40 procents qalebi Seadgenen. am procesSi sxva mxareebis warmomadgeneli meti qali rom monawileobdes, ufro meti SesaZlebloba gaixsneboda. garda amisa, Cven gvaqvs nakisri valdebuleba da vasrulebT am valdebulebas - gaeros uSiSroebis sabWos qalebis, mSvidobisa da usafrTxoebis Sesaxeb rezoluciis N1325-is farglebSi. es aris erovnuli samoqmedo gegma, romelSic CarTuli varT swored samSvidobo procesSi qalebis monawileobis waxalisebiT. imavdroulad, regularulad vxvdebiT qalTa organizaciebs da am Sexvedrebze maT vacnobT samSvidobo procesis mimdinareobas sxvadasxva formatSi - Jenevis diskusiebze, IPRM (incidentebis prevenciisa da maTze reagirebis meqanizmi) molaparakebebis mimdinareobas, aseve vismenT maT poziciebs, mosazrebebs, rekomendaciebs... es Zalian sasargeblo procesia. amJamad Serigebisa da samoqalaqo Tanasworobis sakiTxebSi saxelmwifo ministris poziciaze yofna CemTvis ormagi pasuxismgeblobaa - Cemi pozicia da Cemi rwmena, rom meti qalis CarTulobiT meti Sedegi miviRoT, minda, praqtikaSi ganvaxorcielo.

commitment should provide a special impetus for us to move towards peace and reconciliation. I often visit the villages adjacent to the dividing lines and meet many women there coping with life and struggling to create a more peaceful future for their children. I also meet teachers and parents from the Gali district where pre-school and schoolchildren are denied the right to be educated in their native language. Nevertheless, against adversity, these very women, many of them at a mature stage in life and with proven track records in teaching, continue to teach the Georgian language at their own risk, cherishing it as the most treasured possession to share with children. Working under psychological pressure and against ethnic discrimination, they prevail in raising exceptionally smart young people. These women are true heroines of our time. As victims of conflict, these women still have the potential to make a considerable contribution to the peacemaking process. An increasing number of women displaced from the occupied territories have been getting engaged in the civil sector, including public diplomacy. We always assure donors that encouraging women’s initiatives is an essential part of the peace process. It is important that Georgian women are involved in negotiations. During the 14th round of the Geneva International Discussions, I headed the working group on humanitarian issues, many of which concerned the fates and everyday lives of conflict-affected people. My efforts within the group were directed toward alleviating their problems, and working out humanitarian solutions before reaching a full-scale settlement of the conflict. After all, undoubtedly, this conflict will be resolved and we will be able to live harmoniously in a truly European state – the one Georgia is aspiring to become. Our visions and approaches are always action-oriented and constructive, an attitude which could have solved many problems had it not been for unnecessary politicization from the party with whom we negotiate. Women account for 40 percent of the Georgian delegation. Greater participation of women from other parties too would have opened up many more opportunities. Furthermore, we have undertaken a series of commitments under the UN Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace and Security. This is our national action plan which we are implementing by encouraging women’s participation in the peace process. At the same time, we hold regular meetings with various women’s organizations to give them insights into how the peace process is proceeding in various formats, including the Geneva Discussions and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) negotiations. In return, they also share with us their views and recommendations. This is a thoroughly productive and worthwhile process. My position as the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality imposes on me the responsibility to turn the belief, namely that the increased participation of women is rewarded with better results, into reality.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

გზა წარმატებისკენ ნინო ზამბახიძე, საქართველოს ფერმერთა ასოციაციის პრეზიდენტი

Way to success Nino Zambakhidze , Chairman of the Georgian Farmers Association


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი


eti ganaTlebuli, Semdgari da warmatebuli qali udris metad ganaTlebul sazogadoebas. qali msxverpli araa, qali adamiania, romelsac SeuZlia miaRwios warmatebas, amisTvis sakmarisia, man mxolod moindomos es“ - ar maxsovs visi sityvebia an sad wamikiTxavs, Tumca mjera, rom qali namdvilad ar aris „susti sqesi“ da Tuki raRacis miRweva gsurs, amisaTvis ubralod unda viSromoT. swored es iyo Cemi mTavari motivatori, roca soflis meurneobis sferoSi sruliad gamoucdelma fermeroba daviwye. xSirad mekiTxebian ratom gadavwyite veraze gazrdilma gogom qalisTvis Seuferebeli saqmianoba fermeroba? vfiqrob, es ara im konkretuli adamianis, aramed sazogadoebaSi damkvidrebuli mcdari stereotipebis bralia. „fermeroba ra qalis saqmeao“, xSirad ukvirT xolme, Tumca amas xeli ar SeuSlia, rom saukeTeso mewarme qalis jildo momepovebina. ar mesmis, ratom ar SeiZleba, rom fermeri iyos qali da rac mTavaria, qali, romelsac qusliani fexsacmeli acvia? amis miuxedavad, saqarTvelos realobisTvis sakmaod didi agrokompleqsi Sevqmeni, romelSic Sedis rZis gadammuSavebeli sawarmo, 100-suliani saerTaSoriso standartebis ferma, kombinirebuli sakvebis sawarmo ZroxebisTvis, xelovnuri tba; xilisa da bostneulis Semnaxveli samacivre meurneoba da Tanamedrove intensiuri vaSlis baRi. qalTa uflebebis dacvisa da maTi potencialis gamovlenis xelSewyobis mizniT warmatebulma qalebma davaarseT organi-

ქალთა უფლებების დაცვისა და მათი პოტენციალის გამოვლენის ხელშეწყობის მიზნით წარმატებულმა ქალებმა დავაარსეთ ორგანიზაცია „ქალები მომავლისთვის“. For defending women’s rights and promoting detection of their potential, we successful women established an organisation - "Women for Future".


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი


ore educated, accomplished and successful woman is equal to more educated society. Woman is not a victim, she is a human being, who can achieve success. And desire is all enough for that’ – I can’t remember whose words are those, or where I have read, but I believe, woman is not a weaker sex and if we want to achieve something we just have to work for that. That was my main motivator, when I started farming despite my inexperience in agricultural sector. I am always asked why I, a girl grown in Vera district, started so inappropriate work for woman – farming. I think it’s the blame of wrong stereotypes rooted in society. They are always astonished ‘why is farming woman’s job’, but this didn’t prevent me from getting best business woman award. I can’t understand why farmer can’t be a woman, and especially a woman wearing high-heels. Despite that, I created a huge agro industrial complex for Georgia, which includes milk processing plant, international standard farm with 100 animals, combined feed plant for cattle, artificial lake, fruits and vegetables refrigeration business, modern intensive apple garden. For defending women’s rights and promoting detection of their potential, we - successful women established an organisation - ‘Women for Future’. Its main aim is to detect and protect common interests of business women, their active participation in country’s economic or social development process. ‘Women for Future’ supports women’s activities as rising educational, sharing knowledge and experience between the members of association. Because the fact that I couldn’t understand people, who imagined women realized in a kitchen and not on the debating table, in 2013 I became a coordinator of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in an international organisation - ‘Invest in the Future’, which was under the patronage of former USA first lady Hillary Clinton. The main aim of the organisation is strengthening and supporting a leader woman’s role in regions. It was a big responsibility for me, because despite the fact that women often do very important and much work, they are not presented at all. It’s a pity, that yet we have to struggle to prove women’s power, vigilance, and business management talent. Often that talent is dormant and we have to discover it. That’s why, the first thing that I did in the farmer’s association and for what I am really proud, is that I try my best to present my leader farmer women. We have a contact to many different media and they often write about them in journals and internet. For that reason – to support awareness raising about farmers, and

zacia „qalebi momavlisTvis“, romlis mTavari mizania saqmian qalTa saerTo interesebis gamoxatva da dacva, maTi aqtiuri monawileoba qveynis ekonomikuri Tu socialuri ganviTarebis procesSi. „qalebi momavlisTvis“ mxars uWers qalTa saqmianobas, rogorc ganaTlebis amaRlebis, aseve asociaciis wevrebs Soris codnisa da gamocdilebis gaziarebis gziT. swored imitom, rom ar mesmoda maTi, visac qali realizebuli samzareuloSi da ara molaparakebaTa magidasTan warmoedgina, 2013 wels saerTaSoriso organizaciis `moaxdine investireba momavalSi~ _ saqarTvelos, somxeTisa da azerbaijanis koordinatori gavxdi, romelic amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis yofili pirveli ledis, hilari klintonis patronaJiT xorcieldeba. organizaciis mTavari mizani regionebSi qali-lideris rolis gaZliereba da maTi xelSewyobaa. es didi pasuxismgebloba iyo CemTvis, radgan, miuxedavad imisa, rom qalebi xSirad Zalian mniSvnelovan da Tanac Zalian bevr saqmes akeTeben, isini saTanadod ar arian warmoCenilni. samwuxaroa, rom jer kidev gviwevs brZola imisaTvis, rom davamtkicoT qalebis siZliere, gamWriaxoba, biznesis marTvis niWi. xSirad es niWi miZinebulia da am niWs aRmoCena unda. amitom pirveli, rac fermerTa asociaciaSi gavakeTe da riTac vamayob, isaa, rom maqsimalurad vcdilob warmovaCino Cveni lideri fermeri qalebi. urTierToba gvaqvs sxvadasxva mediasaSualebasTan da maT Sesaxeb xSirad weren JurnalebSi, internetsivrceSi. am mizniT daviwyeT proeqti _ `fermeri patriotia~, raTa xeli Segvewyo fermerebisa da gansakuTrebiT qali fermerebis cnobadobis gazrdisTvis. am adamianebs warmoCena sWirdebaT. am mizniT, TanamoazreebTan erTad davaarseT "Georgian Enterpreneures Network", romlis mTavari mizani saqarTveloSi entrepreneruli suliskveTebis da kulturis ganviTarebaa. aseTi adamianebis cnobadobis gazrda pasuxismgeblobis grZnobis gazrdasac gamoiwvevs, es pirdapir aisaxeba maT mier warmoebuli produqtis xarisxze, rasac warmatebac mohyveba. warmatebamde misasvleli gza xSirad arcTu martivia, Tumca mcdelobas moaqvs Sedegi. warmatebas sxvanairad ver miaRwev. es gza mec gamoviare da vTvli, rom warmatebuli var, radgan SevZeli is, rac verasdros warmomedgina. veraze gazrdilma gogom daviwye saqmis keTeba, romelSic aranairi gamocdileba ar mqonda. iyo sirTuleebic, Tumca dRes mimaCnia, rom realizebuli da warmatebuli adamiani var, imitom rom yovel jerze fexze dadgoma SevZeli. rogorc qals ufro meti Zalisxmeva damWirda sakuTari adgilis damkvidrebisTvis, Tumca me es SevZeli. marTalia, sazogadoeba, erTi mxriv, aRiarebs genderul Tanasworobas, Tumca amave dros qals karnaxobs, Tu rogor unda icxovros da ra idealisken unda iswrafvodes. iTxovs misgan gverdze gadados sakuTari interesebi da miuaxlovdes im kliSeebsa da stereotipebs, rac aris sazogadod damkvidrebuli. mimaCnia, rom erTaderTi, vinc gviSlis xels Tavisuflebasa da warmatebaSi, es Cveni Tavia da Tuki movindomebT, "We can change the world!"

პირველი, რაც ფერმერთა ასოციაციაში გავაკეთე და რითაც ვამაყობ, ისაა, რომ მაქსიმალურად ვცდილობ წარმოვაჩინო ჩვენი ლიდერი ფერმერი ქალები. The first thing that I did in the farmer’s association and for what I am really proud, is that I try my best to present my leader farmer women.

especially women farmers - I started a project ‘Farmer is a Patriot’. This people need to be presented. For that reason, with my fellows I established ‘Georgian Entrepreneurs Network’. Its main aim is to develop entrepreneur culture and spirit in Georgia. Increasing awareness of those people will also cause increasing sense of responsibility and that will directly reflect on the quality of their production and success will be followed to that. The way to success is not often easy, but attempting always follows result. Otherwise you can’t achieve success. I have passed that way also and I think that I am successful, because I managed what I have never imagined. I - girl, grown in Vera district started a work in which I was totally inexperienced. There were difficulties, but, now I think that I am realised and successful person, because I managed to stand up after all failure. As a woman, I needed more efforts to inherit myself, but I did that. It’s true that society recognises gender equality, but it also dictates woman how to live and what ideals to achieve. It requires to put aside her own interests and to close those clichés and stereotypes that are rooted in society. I believe, that only person who interrupts us in liberty and success is ourselves. If we endeavour ‘we can change the world!’

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

იფიქრე მასშტაბურად თინათინ რუხაძე „ანალიზისა და კონსულტაციის ჯგუფის“ გენერალური დირექტორი


Tinatin Rukhadze General Director of Analysis & Consulting Team (ACT)


emi kariera marketinguli da socialuri kvlevebis sferoSi jer kidev 1993 wels, studentobisas daiwyo, rodesac erT adgilobriv arasamTavrobo organizaciaSi interviuerad vmuSaobdi. es sfero saqarTveloSi metismetad axali iyo da is-is iyo ganviTarebas iwyebda. mas Semdeg, ramdenime wlis ganmavlobaSi, vimuSave sxvadasxva poziciaze imave sferoSi, vidre sakuTari kompaniis Seqmnas gadavwyvetdi. pirveli aseTi mcdeloba 1999 wels mqonda, rodesac Cems megobrebTan erTad davafuZne marketinguli kvlevebis kompania „logosi“. es mcdeloba warumatebeli gamodga. amis ZiriTadi mizezi is iyo, rom verc erTma damfuZnebelma ver gavriskeT da CvenCveni samsaxuridan ver wamovediT, rom dro da energia srulad biznesis ganviTarebisTvis mogvexmarebina. gvqonda ramdenime warmatebuli proeqti, magram biznesis awyoba ar gamogvivida. am warumateblobam bevri ram gvaswavla da rodesac 2002 wels kidev erTxel gadavwyviteT kompaniis Seqmna, es gamocdileba fasdaudebeli aRmoCnda... Rirs Tvali gadavavloT 2002 wlis saqarTvelos da ukeT aRviqvamT garemos, romelSic Cveni kompania Seiqmna: • mosaxleobis 60 procenti siRaribis zRvars qvemoTaa; • umuSevroba, araoficialur wyaroebze dayrdnobiT, 40 procents aWarbebs; • saSualo xelfasi 60-80 aSS dolaria; • kvalificiuri muSaxelis deficitia; • gabatonebulia Crdilovani ekonomika da korufcia; • sabWoTa kavSiris daSlis Semdeg Seqmnili biznesebi Canasaxis mdgomareobaSia; • sabanko sistema dakarguli reputaciis xelaxla Senebas iwyebs; • infrastruqtura da komunikaciebi moSlilia; • marketingi axali dargia, xolo marketinguli kvlevis funqcia biznesebisTvis jer kidev sruliad gaugebaria. ai, am situaciaSi, Cven, oTxma megobarma, gadavwyviteT migvetovebina Cveni maRalanazRaurebadi samsaxurebi (400-500 $) da Segveqmna marketinguli kvlevisa da sakonsultacio kompania „eisiTi“ (ACT - Analysis and Consulting Team). kompaniis mTavari mizani iyo gveCvenebina bazris-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


began my career in marketing and social research in 1993 when I was a student working as an interviewer for a local non-governmental organization. Marketing and social research was still in its infancy in Georgia at that time. For several years, I held various jobs in this industry before I decided to set up my own company. In 1999, my friends and I launched LOGOS – a market research company. Our first attempt, however, was not successful largely due to the fact that none of us could afford to give up our jobs and to channel all of our time and energy into this new business. We carried out a number of successful projects but the business did not quite prevail. It did however teach us a lesson, which indeed proved valuable when, in 2002, we again decided to found a company. In 2002, the situation in Georgia was very different to today, with the following features: • 60 percent of the population living below the poverty line; • Unemployment rate, according to unofficial sources, above 40%; • Average monthly earnings: $60-$80; • Shortage of skilled workers; • Shadow economy and corruption both rife; • Businesses after the collapse of the Soviet Union are at an embryonic stage of development; • Banks stepping up efforts to rebuild their reputation; • Ineffective infrastructure and communication systems; • Marketing is an absolutely new activity and marketing research is virgin territory for businesses. Despite being faced with gloomy prospects, we - a team of four friends - quitted our relatively high-paying jobs ($400-$500) and launched a market research company - ACT (Analysis and Consulting Team). The aim of the company was to show to the market importance of information and efficiency of informed decisions. The task before us was to give our client organisations valuable knowledge, insights and inspiration to make them stronger and to help them to achieve something important and valuable.

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი Tvis informaciis fasi da informirebuli gadawyvetilebebis efeqtianoba. Cvens misiad migvaCnda, klienti organizaciebisTvis migvewodebina codna, insaitebi da inspiracia imisTvis, rom gaZlierebuliyvnen da SeeqmnaT raime faseuli da mniSvnelovani. im dros Cveni ideis aravis sjeroda. yvelaze axlobeli adamianebi daufaravad meubnebodnen, rom gavgiJdi, rom samsaxuris mitovebiT riskis qveS davayene Cemi ori Svilis keTildReoba, romlebsac marto vzrdidi. meubnebodnen, rom aravin aRiarebs da andobs Tavis bizness qal-konsultants, da rom Cveni biznesi Tavidanve ganwirulia. Tumca me ise mjeroda Cveni ideis mniSvnelovnebis, Cveni unarebisa da SesaZleblobebis, rom gadavwyvite, ar momesmina maTTvis, vinc warumateblobas gviwinaswarmetyvelebda. Cemi gulSematkivrebis dasamSvideblad ki aseTi argumenti mqonda: „Tu es biznesi ar gamomiva, samsaxurs yovelTvis viSovi“. ase daiwyo „eisiTis“ istoria... oTxma partniorma viqiraveT patara ofisi, mivitaneT Cveni piradi kompiuterebi, saxlidan wamoRebuli aveji da daviwyeT muSaoba. me viyavi direqtori, proeqtis menejeri, analitikosi, buRalteri, iuristi, zogjer IT da zogjer damlagebelic. ase muSaobda TiToeuli Cvengani. iyo bevri uZilo Rame, finansuri sirTuleebi, klientebis skepticizmi, partniorebis cvla, Tumca dRes ukve Tamamad SemiZlia vTqva, rom Cven es SevZeliT! dRes „eisiTi“ saqarTvelos kvleviTi-sakonsultacio bazris lideri da saukeTeso reputaciis mqone kompaniaa. „eisiTi“ Sedis saqarTvelos 1000 top-kompanias Soris. 2009 wels „eisiTim“ daiwyo globaluri ganviTareba - gavxseniT ofisi baqoSi (azerbaijani), 2014-Si ki mesame ofisi - alma-aTaSi, yazaxeTSi. „eisiTi“ ukve saerTaSoriso kompaniaa, romelic Tavis servisebs hyidis postsabWoTa sivrcisa da aRmosavleT evropis aTze met qveyanaSi. gvyavs 250-ze meti aqtiuri klienti: adgilobrivi Tu saerTaSoriso msxvili bizneskompaniebi, adgilobrivi da ucxouri samTavrobo da arasamTavrobo organizaciebi. „eisiTi“ sam qveyanaSi asaqmebs 1000-mde adamians, xolo jamuri brunva 2,5 mln evros aRemateba. vfiqrob, Cvens kompanias didi wvlili miuZRvis saqarTveloSi marketinguli kvlevis industriis ganviTarebaSi. swored Cveni dauRalavi Sromis, warmatebuli qeisebisa da saganmanaTleblo aqtivobebis Sedegad, dRes saqarTveloSi praqtikulad yvela wamyvani kompania efeqtianad iyenebs marketingul kvlevas, rogorc biznesis ganviTarebis mniSvnelovan instruments. garda amisa, swori biznesxedvisa da menejmentis Sedegad, „eisiTi“ dResdReobiT Sedis im Zalian mcire qarTul kompaniaTa ricxvSi, romlebic globalur bazarze muSaoben. SevZeliT, qarTuli kompania gveqcia globaluri bazris mniSvnelovan moTamaSed da wvlili Segvetana biznesebis, mTavrobebisa Tu sazogadoebis ganviTarebaSi aTze met qveyanaSi. dabolos, yvela miRwevasTan erTad vamayobT, rom „eisiTis“ mflobelebisa da menejmentis 100 procenti qalia. vfiqrob, Cveni kompaniis warmatebiT davamsxvrieT qarTvel sazogadoebaSi qali-konsultantisa da qali-mewarmis Sesaxeb arsebuli negatiuri stereotipi, riTac Cveni wvlili SevitaneT qali-lideris rolis win wamowevaSi.

No-one believed in the viability of our idea. My closest friends thought I had gone mad and that was putting at risk the future of my children whom I was raising alone as a single mother. They tried to assure me that no-one would either recognize or entrust business to a female consultant. But I was confident of the success of our undertaking, as well as of our skills and capacities. So, I decided to turn a deaf ear to all those predictors of failure as in any case, I was confident that I could always find a job if my business did not succeed. That is how ACT got the ball rolling. The four of us hired a small office, fitting it out with our own home computers and furniture. I had to play multiple roles simultaneously – director, project manager, analyst, accountant, lawyer, sometimes IT specialist and even housekeeper. Each of us worked multi-functionally, coping with sleepless nights, financial constraints, clients’ skepticism… But, today it would not be an exaggeration to say: we did it! Today, ACT is one of the most reputable companies at the edge of the research and consulting business. ACT ranks among the top 1000 companies of Georgia. In 2009, ACT began to expand globally, establishing its presence in Baku, Azerbaijan and later, in 2014, opening up its third office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Currently, ACT is an international company selling its services in over 10 countries of the post-Soviet space and the Eastern Europe. The number of its active clients exceeds 250 and includes local and international businesses, government and non-government organizations. ACT employs up to 1000 staff in three countries and its annual turnover is above 2.5 mln Euro. My view is that our company has made a great contribution to the development of the market research industry in Georgia. Our dedicated efforts, successful cases and awareness-raising activities have prompted nearly all of the leading companies in Georgia to embrace market research as one of the key instruments for business development. Moreover, due to its well-thought-out business vision and management, ACT is among the very few Georgian companies to have found its place in the global market. We made ACT an important player in the global market and managed to contribute to the development of businesses, governments and communities in over 10 countries. Lastly but most importantly, we are proud that ACT has an allfemale leadership and management. Our company’s success story has broken the traditionally negative stereotype of businesswoman in this country and has contributed to advancing the role of women in Georgian society.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

თამარ ხურცია ჟურნალისტი

Tamar Khurtsia Journalist


t is now widely believed that Georgia’s European integration is irreversible, and that Europe is where Georgia belongs. Yet some people in Georgia still ask each other what are the benefits of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA), signed in June 2014. The short answer is Georgia’s closer political and economic ties to the European Union. But the follow-up question is, ‘how far and how fast can we go?’ My answer to that is that it depends upon the hard work of us, the citizens of Georgia. If you had asked the same question more than twenty years ago, in 1992 when Georgia started its cooperation with the EU after it had regained its independence from a disintegrating Soviet Union, the answer then, from the perspective of a post-Soviet country, would have been very different: Georgia does not belong to Europe and Europe is very far away from Georgia. Since those days, however, the ever-deeper Euro-Atlantic and European integration process has been our way of returning to the family of European nations. Along this journey, we have been encouraged by the many signs of support from EU leaders. As far back as 1999, at the ceremony dedicated to Georgia's accession to the Council of Europe, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly, Lord Russell-Johnston, addressed the Georgian delegation with the following words: "Georgia, welcome back home!"

საქართველო ფსონს ევროპულ მეზობლობაზე დებს Georgia’s bid to be a European neighbor 18

Georgia’s European Way October 2016


azogadoebis did nawils sjera, rom saqarTvelos evropuli integracia Seuqcevadia da evropa aris iq, sadac saqarTveloa. Tumca qarTvelebi xSirad usvamen erTmaneTs SekiTxvas: „ra sargebeli aqvs saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebas, romelsac xeli 2014 wlis ivnisSi moewera?“ mokle pasuxi aseTia: saqarTvelos evrokavSirTan ufro mWidro politikuri da ekonomikuri kavSirebi. am pasuxs ki momdevno SekiTxva mosdevs: „ramdenad Sors da ramdenad swrafad SegviZlia wavideT?“ Cemi pasuxia, rom es damokidebulia Cveni, saqarTvelos moqalaqeebis garjaze.

Welcome back to the family of European nations means sharing with them history, culture and most importantly, values. Here is another question, relating to values: If we were to conduct a poll and asked Georgian citizens if they want to live in a society where there is dignity, freedom, solidarity, equality or justice, almost all of those surveyed would say yes. But if we formulate the question like this, ‘Do you want your child to study together with a disabled person at school?’, you would be sure to find that some parents would be against it. However, local law now obliges educational institutions to implement inclusive study, and society more or less adheres to the system. People usually

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი Tu imave SekiTxvas oci an meti wlis win dasvamdiT, magaliTad 1992 wels, rodesac saqarTvelom xelaxli moipova damoukidebloba daSlili sabWoTa kavSiridan da evrokavSirTan TanamSromloba daiwyo, maSindeli pasuxi yofili sabWoTa qveynis gadmosaxedidan srulebiT sxva iyo: saqarTvelo evropas ar ekuTvnis da evropac saqarTvelodan Zalian Sors aris. Tumca mas Semdeg qveynis evroatlantikuri da evropuli integraciis procesebi Cveni evropul ojaxSi dabrunebis gzad iqca da am gzaze araerTxel gavumxnevebivarT evropel liderebs TavianTi mxardaWeriT. jer kidev 1999 wels, saqarTvelos evropis sabWos sruluflebian wevrad miRebis ceremoniaze, saparlamento asambleis prezidentma lordma rasel jonstonma Semdegi sityvebiT mimarTa qarTul delegacias: „saqarTvelo, keTili iyos Tqveni dabruneba saxlSi“. evropuli qveynebis ojaxSi dabruneba niSnavs maTi istoriis, kulturisa da, rac yvelaze mniSvnelovania, faseulobebis gaziarebas. aq ukve faseulobebTan dakavSirebuli sxva kiTxva Cndeba. Tu gamokiTxvas CavatarebT da saqarTvelos moqalaqeebs davusvamT SekiTxvas, surT Tu ara icxovron iseT sazogadoebaSi, sadac pativs scemen Rirsebas, Tavisuflebas, solidarobas, Tanasworobasa Tu samarTlianobas, gamokiTxulTa absoluturi umetesoba ityvis - diax. Tu SekiTxvas gansxvavebul formulirebas mivcemT da vkiTxavT, gsurT Tu ara, Tqvenma Svilma SezRuduli SesaZleblobebis mqone pirTan erTad iswavlos skolaSi, darwmunebuli iyaviT, rom aRmoCndeba mSobeli, romelic amis winaaRmdegi iqneba. Tumca adgilobrivi kanonmdebloba saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebebs avaldebulebs, danergon inkluziuri swavleba da sazogadoebac met-naklebad pativs scems am sistemas. xalxi, Cveulebisamebr, mRelvarebiT xvdeba cvlilebebs da sainteresoa, varT ki mzad am gamowvevisTvis. garda cvlilebebis SiSisa, qveynis mTavari gamowvevaa umuSevroba da erT-erTi mizezic, romelic evrokavSiris mimarT xalxis undoblobas iwvevs. ormocdaaT wels gadacilebul moqalaqeebs Soris SexvdebiT iseTebs, romelTac kvlav iseT sawarmoSi surT muSaoba, rogorSic yofil sabWoTa kavSiris dros muSaobdnen. isini darwmunebuli arian, rom maTi umuSevrobis mizezi Tanamedrove ekonomika da evropuli standartebia. arada, SesaniSnavad ician - produqcia, romelsac isini awarmoebdnen, umeteswilad uxarisxo da gamousadegari iyo, arsebul sabazro ekonomikis pirobebSi ki msgavsi sawarmoebi ubralod ver iarsebeben. evropuli integraciis perspeqtiva reformebis ganxorcielebis saukeTeso stimulia evropis mezobeli iseTi qveynisTvis, rogoric saqarTveloa. saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis xelmowera, romelic aseve moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis sivrces, istoriuli mniSvnelobis faqtia, mizania, romelic saqarTvelos evropuli momavlisTvis urTierTobebis gafarToebas gulisxmobs. asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebiT nakisri valdebulebe-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

react to change with anxiety, which makes us wonder if we’re up for the challenge. Aside from the general fear of change, unemployment is the major public policy challenge in Georgia, and it’s an issue that makes people distrustful of the EU. Among ordinary citizens over the age of 50, you will find people who wish they could still work in an industry like they had done so during the times of the Soviet Union. They believe it is the modern economy and European standards that have made them unemployed, even though they know deep down that the products produced in former enterprises were useless, and that in the current market situation these kinds of enterprises cannot exist. Providing a neighboring country of Europe, like Georgia, with a perspective of European integration remains the best stimulus for many reforms. Signing the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

bis Sesasruleblad, saqarTvelom qveynis kanonmdebloba evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobas unda dauaxloos. bunebrivia, Cndeba kiTxva - aris ki sazogadoeba mzad am transformaciisTvis? varT ki mzad am gamowvevisTvis maSin, roca antidasavlurad ganwyobili Zalebi sazogadoebaSi aRviveben SiSs TiToeuli sakanonmdeblo cvlilebis mimarT, STaagoneben xalxs, rom cvlilebebi saqarTvelos momavals CaaxSobs, da rom yvelaferi keTdeba evropisTvis da ara Cveni qveynisTvis, qarTveli xalxisTvis. saqarTvelos demokratiuli institutebisTvis es reformebi moiTxovs udides yuradRebasa da koordinacias, da, rasakvirvelia, im saqmisadmi rwmenas, rasac akeTeben. win unda aRvudgeT prorusul propagandistul interesebs, saerTaSoriso respublikuri institutis (IRI) mier Catarebuli ukanaskneli kvlevis mixedviT, amaSi xels gviwyobs saqarTvelos mosaxleobis 85 procenti, romelic mxars uWers qveynis evropul integracias.

DCFTA) was a fact of historic significance for the expansion of relations for Georgia’s European future. Georgia has to align much of its legislation with that of the EU to comply with the AA. But the question is to what extent society is ready for this transformation. It makes us wonder if we are up for the challenge, when anti-Westerners fuel public anxieties for each amendment implemented in the laws, saying that it kills Georgia’s future, and that everything is being done for Europe and not for the Georgian people. For Georgia’s democratic institutions, these reforms require immense focus and coordination, and belief in what they are doing. We will certainly also need to confront further the vested interests of pro-Russian propagandists, but it is encouraging that 85% of Georgians support the EU integration path, according to a recent poll published by the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Center for Insights in Survey Research.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

Cveni qveynis ekonomikisTvis gadamwyveti mniSvneloba aqvs evrokavSirTan Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis (DCFTA) arsebobas, romelic saqarTvelos aZlevs saSualebas, etapobrivad miiRos evrokavSiris Sida bazris oTxi Tavisuflebidan sami: saqonlis, momsaxurebisa da kapitalis Tavisufali gadaadgileba. Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis arseboba pozitiurad aisaxeba qveynis ekonomikis zrdaze, msoflio bazrebTan integraciaze, globalur miwodebis qselze, aseve igi xsnis axal SesaZleblobebs, erTi mxriv, qveynisTvis da, meore mxriv, im mewarmeebisTvis, romlebic bizness saqarTveloSi axorcieleben. es niSnavs saqonlisa da momsaxurebis Tavisufal gadaadgilebas evrokavSiris bazarze. saqarTvelos Semdegi nabiji evrokavSirisken mimaval gzaze aris meoTxe Tavisufleba, anu adamianebis Tavisufali gadaadgilebis mopoveba. amiT saqarTvelo gaxdeba meore qveyana aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebidan moldovas Semdeg, romlis moqalaqeebic Sengenis sivrceSi uvizo mimosvlas SeZleben. evrokavSiris liderebisgan saqarTvelo elodeba politikur gadawyvetilebas. didi molodini aqvs qarTvel xalxs, romelsac mimdinare wlis Semodgomidan uvizo gadaadgilebis SesaZlebloba miecema. uvizo mimosvla aseve pozitiur gavlenas moaxdens xalxTa Soris urTierTobaze, romelic, Tavis mxriv, gaaZlierebs evropuli faseulobebis ganmtkicebas saqarTveloSi. saqarTvelos Semdegi fsoni evrokavSiris wevroba unda iyos, Tumca qveyana am etapze amisTvis mzad ar aris. Cven unda gamoviyenoT yvela is sargebeli, romlebsac asocirebis SeTanxmeba aZlevs saqarTvelos, rogorc evropis mezobel qveyanas.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

Estimated as of crucial importance for Georgia’s economy the DCFTA implements three out of four freedoms: free movement of goods, service and capital between Georgia and the EU. In the private sector, the DCFTA contributes to economic growth, promotes integration with world markets and global supply chains, as well as opening new prospects for Georgia and for entrepreneurs doing business in our country. Products or services produced in Georgia get free access to the EU market. Georgia’s next step on the European journey is to gain the fourth freedom, which is free movement of people, and to become the second country from the Eastern Partnership after Moldova whose citizens can travel without a visa to the Schengen area. Only the political decision from EU leaders is left and there are high expectations from the Georgian people that from early autumn this year, visa-free travel will be possible. Visa-free travel would also fall in the ambit of people-to people contacts that will strengthen EU values in Georgia. Georgia’s next bid could be EU membership, but the country may not be ready today for it. Until then, we have to use all the benefits that the AA gives us as a neighboring country of the EU.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

ბათუმის მე-13 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ 13 Batumi International Conference "Georgia’s European Way" th


wlis 14-15 ivliss baTumma umaspinZla rigiT me-13 saerTaSoriso konferencias „saqarTvelos evropuli gza - stabiluroba, ganviTareba, mravalferovneba“, romelic 2007 wlidan, tradiciulad, evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis organizebiT imarTeba. baTumi - „saqarTvelos sazafxulo dedaqalaqi“ - yovelwliurad maRali donis RonisZiebebis platformad iqca. wlevandeli konferenciis sapatio partniori iyo globsekis politikis instituti (GLOBSEC Policy Institute). baTumis me-13 saerTaSoriso konferenciam tradiciulad saqarTvelos sakanonmdeblo da aRmasrulebeli xelisuflebis, evrokavSirisa da misi wevri qveynebis, aseve, aRmosavleT partniorobis wevri qveynebis maRali rangis, kerZo, samoqalaqo da akademiuri seqtorebis, mediis warmomadgenlebs umaspinZla. konferenciaze ganixiles iseTi mniSvnelovani Temebi, rogorebicaa: evrokavSirisa da saqarTvelos urTierTobebi, evrokavSiris sabWoSi slovakeTis saprezidento periodis ZiriTadi prioritetebi, aseve samoqalaqo sazogadoebis CarTulobis gaZliereba da evrokavSiris mier gaweuli daxmarebis roli saqarTvelos evrointegraciis procesSi. yuradReba gamaxvilda evrokavSiris samezoblo politikis sakiTxebze, aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebSi arsebul gamocdilebasa da gamowvevebze. mTavar gansaxilvel sakiTxebs Soris iyo saqarTvelo-evrokavSirs Soris asocirebisa da misive Semadgeneli Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebebis ganxor-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


he Batumi 13th International Conference "Georgia's European Way – Stability, Development, Diversity" traditionally organized by the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration since 2007 was officially opened on the 14th of July at Batumi Hilton Hotel. Batumi – ‘summer capital of Georgia’ – has become a platform of high level events. GLOBSEC policy institute was an honorary partner of this year’s conference. The 13th Batumi International Conference had welcomed high level officials from the Parliament and Government of Georgia, the European Union and its Member States, as well as from Eastern Partnership countries, as well as representatives of the private sector, academia and media. The main topics of this year’s Conference included: EU-Georgia relations, main priorities of Slovak Presidency period at the EU council, as well as strengthening civil society involvement and the role of EU assistance throughout the European integration process of Georgia; the European Neighbourhood Policy, and lessons learned and key challenges of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries; the implementation process of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement including the DCFTA, visa liberalisation related issues, the geopolitical situation in the region and the contemporary security challenges. The State Minister David Bakradze and Chairman of GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Ambassador Rastislav Káčer have made their welcoming remarks at the opening ceremony of the Conference. Speeches were delivered by: Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for the European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili, Prime-Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Davit Usupasvili, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Mikheil Janelidze, Minister of Defense of Georgia Tinatin Khidasheli, Minister of

Georgia and EU | საქართველო და ევროკავშირი

cielebis procesi, viza-liberalizaciasTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebi, regionSi arsebuli geopolitikuri situacia da usafrTxoebis Tanamedrove gamowvevebi. me-13 saerTaSoriso konferencia gaxsnes evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministrma daviT baqraZem da globsekis politikis institutis (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) sapatio Tavmjdomarem rastislav kaCerma. konferenciaze sityviT gamovidnen: evropuli samezoblo politikisa da gafarToebis sakiTxebSi evrokomisari iohanes hani, saqarTvelos prezidenti giorgi margvelaSvili, saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili, saqarTvelos parlamentis Tavmjdomare daviT usufaSvili, saqarTvelos sagareo saqmeTa ministri mixeil janeliZe, saqarTvelos Tavdacvis ministri TinaTin xidaSeli, saqarTvelos iusticiis ministri Tea wulukiani, evrokomisiis evropuli samezoblo politikisa da gafarToebis molaparakebebis generaluri direqtoratis generaluri direqtoris moadgile katarina maternova, krizisis sakiTxebSi evrokavSiris specialuri warmomadgeneli samxreT kavkasiasa da saqarTveloSi herbert zalberi, TurqeTis respublikis sagareo saqmeTa yofili ministri iaSar iakiSi, evropul saqmeTa komitetis Tavmjdomare estoneTis parlamentSi kale palingi, avstriis respublikis erovnuli sabWos meore prezidenti karl hainc kopfi, ungreTis sagareo saqmeTa da vaWrobis saministros usafrTxoebis politikisa da saerTaSoriso TanamSromlobis ministri iStvan mikola. wels pirvelad, konferenciis farglebSi gaimarTa Ramis sesia, romlis monawileebmac „Cetem hausis“ formatSi, gaerTianebul samefoSi evrokavSiridan gasvlis Sesaxeb gamarTuli referendumis Sedegebis gaTvaliswinebiT, evropis momavalze imsjeles. konferenciis meore dRes, 15 ivliss, saqarTvelos prezident giorgi margvelaSvilTan gamarTul diskusias globsekis politikis institutis (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) sapatio Tavmjdomare rastislav kaCeri gauZRva.

საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია გახსნეს ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრმა დავით ბაქრაძემ და გლობსეკის პოლიტიკის ინსტიტუტის (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) საპატიო თავმჯდომარემ რასტისლავ კაჩერმა. The State Minister David Bakradze and Chairman of GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Ambassador Rastislav Káčer have made their welcoming remarks at the opening ceremony of the Conference. Justice of Georgia Thea Tsulukiani, Deputy Director General of the European Commission Directorate General for Neighbourood and Enlargement Negotiations Katarina Mathernova, European Union special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Herbert Salber, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Yaşar Yakış, Chairman of the Estonian Parliament’s European Union Affairs Committee Kalle Palling, the second President of National Council of Austria Karlheinz Koph, State Secretary for Security Policy and International Co–operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary István Mikola. This year, for the first time, the Batumi Conference hosted the Night Owl Session, which participants with the ‘Chatham House Rules’ have discussed the future of Europe regarding the outcomes of the referendum held in Great Britain about its exit from the European Union. On the second day of conference, honorary chairman of the GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Rastislav Káčer has moderated the discussion held with the President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


NATO and EU | ნატო და ევროკავშირი

NATO and EU | ნატო და ევროკავშირი In the framework of the North Atlantic Council visit the inauguration of the Information Center was inaugurated. With Alexander Vershbow, the State Minister David Bakradze and the deputy head of the EU Delegation to Georgia Karlo Natale attened the inauguration. In addition, a meeting was held between ambassadors of NATO, representatives of civil society, media and minorities. The International Media Center – elections 2016 as transparent and one of the essential assumptions for European standard elections - was organised for Georgian and foreign media representatives as well as for NGOs. Workshop – NATO, a choice for peaceful and stable development - was organised for teachers, public lecture series ‘I – European’ was started and etc.

ნატოს და ევროკავშირის შესახებ საინფორმაციო ცენტრის ინაუგურაცია Inauguration of NATO and the EU Information Center


emTvis didi pativia aq yofna. minda, madloba gadavuxado sainformacio centrs gaweuli samuSaosTvis. vici, rom saqarTveloSi taqsis mZRolebmac ki ician, ra iTqva buqarestis samitze. darwmunebuli var, sainformacio centri muSaobas warmatebiT gaagrZelebs“, - am sityvebiT gaxsna natos generaluri mdivnis moadgilem, aleqsandre verSboum natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centris axali ofisi, Tavisufali sivrce, romlis karic yvelasTvis Riaa. natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centri ukve 11 welia zrunavs saqarTvelos evropuli da evroatlantikuri integraciis Sesaxeb sazogadoebis informirebaze. Cveni gundis mizania, mosaxleobas ukeT gavacnoT nato da evrokavSiri, aseve sazogadoebaSi wamoviwyoT dialogi evropuli faseulobebis, antidasavluri propagandisa da qveynis demokratiuli ganviTarebis garSemo.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


t is a great honor for me to be here. I would like to thank the Information Center for their work. I know that in Georgia even taxi drivers know what was said at the Bucharest Summit. I am sure the Information Center will continue to work successfully” – with these words Alexander Vershbow, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, opened the new office of the NATO and EU Information Center on Tbilisis’s Liberty Square on 7 September this year. For 11 years already, the NATO and EU Information Center has been informing society about Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes. Our team aims to make society more familiar with NATO and the EU, and to encourage dialogue about European values, anti-Western propaganda and democratic development. To achieve these goals more effectively, the new office, a new logo, webpage and strategy have all been created. In the last two months, roughly 50 events were held for people of different ages, professions and interests.

swored am miznebis ufro efeqtianad miRwevisTvis, 2016 wlis 7 seqtembers sainformacio centrma TbilisSi, Tavisuflebis moedanze daido bina. efeqtiani komunikaciisTvis Seiqmna axali logo, vebgverdi da SemuSavda strategia. bolo ori Tvis ganmavlobaSi ukve ganxorcielda ormocdaaTamde RonisZieba sxvadasxva asakis, profesiisa da gansxvavebuli interesebis mqone moqalaqeebisTvis. sainformacio centri Crdiloatlantikuri sabWos Tbilisis vizitis farglebSi sazeimod gaixsna da ceremonias aleqsandre verSbousTan erTad saxelmwifo ministri daviT baqraZe da evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis xelmZRvanelis moadgile karlo natale eswrebodnen; gaimarTa Sexvedra natos elCebs, samoqalaqo sazogadoebas, mediasa da umciresobebs Soris; qarTuli da ucxouri mediisTvis, ise rogorc arasamTavrobo organizaciebisTvis moewyo saerTaSoriso mediacentri - arCevnebi 2016, rogorc gamWvirvale da evropuli standartebis arCevnebis erT-erTi mniSvnelovani winapiroba. pedagogebisTvis gaimarTa seminari saxelwodebiT: „nato - arCevani mSvidobiani da stabiluri ganviTarebisTvis“, daiwyo sajaro leqciebis cikli „me - evropeli“ da sxv. sainformacio centrma kidev ufro aqtiurad daiwyo mediis axali instrumentebis gamoyeneba sazogadoebis farTo wreebis informirebisTvis. natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb mravalferovani, amomwuravi da interaqtiuri informacia xelmisawvdomia Cvens socialur qselebsa da vebgverdze: aRsaniSnavia isic, rom sainformacio centrs gadaeca specialuri jildo - „2016 wels sajaro informaciis xelmisawvdomobis uzrunvelyofisTvis“. Cveni centri am nominaciaSi pirvelad dajildovda. sainformacio centrisTvis 2016 weli axali miRwevebisa da gamowvevebis dasawyisia. madlobas vuxdiT yvela im struqturasa Tu adamians, romlebmac am procesSi Seitanes wvlili. Cveni gundi, partniorebTan erTad axali ideebiTa da enTuziazmiT agrZelebs muSaobas Tavisuflebis moedanze mdebare orsaukunovan SenobaSi, romelic evropul gzaze gadadgmuli pirveli nabijebis momswrea.

The Information Center has started to more actively inform people using new media tools. Comprehensive and interactive information about NATO and the EU is available on our social media platforms and webpage ( It should be noted that the Information Center was rewarded for ‘making accessible public information in 2016’. Our center has been rewarded in this nomination for the first time. The year of 2016 has been one of new achievements and challenges for the Information Center. We are thankful to all structures and people for their contribution in this process. Our team together with our partners continues to work with new ideas and enthusiasm from two-century building standing on the Liberty Square, which is a witness of first steps on Georgia’s European way.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

„მე გავაკეთე ჩემი არჩევანი: ჩავიცვი ფორმა, რომ ვყოფილიყავი საქართველოს შეიარაღებული ძალების რიგითი ჯარისკაცი“ ნანა ცხადაძე სერჟანტი, აგვისტოს ომის ვეტერანი

I made my choice of becoming a woman in uniform in the Georgian Armed Forces Nana Tskhadadze Sergeant, a veteran of the August War


ana cxadaZe imereTis patara sofelSi daibada. iqve daamTavra skola, swavla ki samedicino universitetSi ganagrZo. swavlis dasrulebis Semdeg, xuTi wlis ganmavlobaSi, momavali jariskaci Tavisi profesiiT samoqalaqo mimarTulebiT, kaTedraze muSaobda. nana cxadaZe: „rodesac karieris samxedro mimarTulebiT gagrZeleba gadavwyvite, yvelas gaukvirda. amis miuxedavad, ojaxi gagebiT moekida Cems arCevans. gadawyvetileba didwilad Cemive ojaxis wevrebma ganapirobes, Zmam da biZaSvilma, romlebic aseve samxedro samsaxurSi msaxurobdnen“. yvelaferi kargad awon-dawona. bevri fiqri ar dasWirvebia. forma Caicva da muSaoba kojris specialuri daniSnulebis brigadaSi daiwyo. nana cxadaZe: „gacnobierebuli mqonda, rom samxedro cxovreba samoqalaqosgan radikalurad gansxvavdeboda, magram danamdvilebiT vicodi, rom es iyo is, rac mWirdeboda da mindoda - mTeli Cemi kariera samxedro samsaxurisTvis mimeZRvna... Tavdapirvelad, kojris daniSnulebis brigadaSi, samedicino punqtSi afTiaqis ufrosi viyavi, Semdeg, mTeli eqvsi wlis ganmavlobaSi, batalionis eqimis movaleobas vasrulebdi. periodulad vemzadebodiT samSvidobo misiebisTvis, erayisTvis...“ nana cxadaZe agvistos omis veterania. omamde samSvidobo misiiT imyofeboda eraySi. Semdeg, Svidi Tvis


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


ana Tskhadadze was born in a small village, where she attended school. She then continued her studies at the Medical University of Georgia. After graduation, before becoming a soldier, she worked for five years for the Chair of the University in the civil sector. Nana Tskhadadze: “everyone was taken aback by my decision to pursue a career in the military. However, my family accepted this choice and was understanding. In fact, my decision was largely influenced by members of my family, my brother and cousin, in particular, who also served in the military”. It didn’t take her too much time to think things out. She put on her uniform and enlisted with the Kojori special-purpose brigade. Nana Tskhadadze: “I was perfectly aware that military life was totally different from its civilian counterpart but it was all I needed, and I decided to dedicate myself to a military career… Initially I served as a chief chemist at the Kojori special-purpose brigade; while later, over the course of 6 years - as a physician of the brigade and training, in parallel, for the peacekeeping mission in Iraq”. Nana Tskhadadze is a veteran of the August War. Prior to the war, she served in the peacekeeping mission in Iraq, and later performed the duties of a doctor for the peacekeeping battalion in Tskhinvali for seven months.

ganmavlobaSi, cxinvalSi, mesame samSvidobo batalionis eqimis movaleobas asrulebda. nana cxadaZe: „gavyurebdi dakargul teritoriebs. rTulia, rodesac uyureb Sens teritoriebs, sadac gadasvlis uflebac ki ar gaqvs. es erTgvar sinanulsac iwvevs da giCndeba survili, cvlilebaSi CaerTo, Seni wvlili Seitano qveynis gamTlianebis procesSi. es umTavresia, rodesac Seni qveynis jarikaci xar...“ ...2008 wlis 6 Tu 7 agvistos, zafxulis erTi Cveulebrivi dRe iyo. mosamzadebeli wvrTnidan dabrundnen. momqancveli samuSao dRis bolos moulodnelad bazaze gamoiZaxes. agvistos omamde samSvidobo misiebSi myof nana cxadaZes daWril samxedroebTan muSaobis sakmaod didi gamocdileba hqonda. nana cxadaZe: „iqac mohyavdaT adgilobrivi daWrilebi, Tumca Cems cxovrebaSi aseT rTul da mZime situaciaSi pirvelad aRmovCndi. im dResve omi daiwyo. uceb gaviazreT, rasTan gvqonda saqme... ...diliT qvedanayofi xeTagurovoSi Sevida. pirvel sabrZolo situaciaSi Zalian male aRmovCndiT. umcrosma leitenantma zurab begiaSvilma, romelic erTi Tvis mosuli iyo CvenTan, Casafreba SeniSna...“ Casafrebis mogerieba, gadarCena, daWrilTa movla -patronoba gzaSi da maTi evakuacia... eqimebi nel-nela win miiwevdnen, cxinvalis yvelaze cxeli wertilisken, saidanac gamoZaxeba miiRes.

მე მიყვარს ჩემი საქმე, სამხედრო ფორმა და ჯარი. მაშინაც კი, როცა დაჭრილი რეაბილიტაციას გავდიოდი შინ, ჯარში დაბრუნებაზე ვფიქრობდი. I really enjoy the work I’m doing, the uniform I’m wearing, the army I’m serving. Even during my rehabilitation period I never stopped thinking of returning to the army. Nana Tskhadadze: “I remember watching the lost territories. It’s so difficult to watch your own territories when you can no longer set foot in there. It instils in me a sense of regret and a desire to delve into the ongoing changes and to make my own contribution to the unification of the country. It is essentially important when you are a soldier of your country”.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

ბევრი ფიქრი არ დასჭირვებია. ფორმა ჩაიცვა და მუშაობა კოჯრის სპეციალური დანიშნულების ბრიგადაში დაიწყო. It didn’t take her too much time to think things out. She put on her uniform and enlisted with the Kojori special-purpose brigade. nana cxadaZe: „oTxni viyaviT - ori mamakaci da ori qali. rom gviTxres, erTi eqimi Camovideso, erTmaneTs gadavxedeT. cxeli wertilisken wasvla, ra Tqma unda, oTxives gvindoda. samives gadavxede, erTi martoxela deda iyo, avTos Tveebis bavSvi elodeboda saxlSi, zura dediserTa iyo, Cems mSoblebs ki, Cem garda, kidev sami Svili hyavT... is, vinc wina xazze unda gasuliyo, me unda vyofiliyavi...“ marto ar gauSves, cxinvalSi erTad Cavidnen... ambobs, rom „iq namdvili jojoxeTi trialebda“. Zalian bevri daWrili hyavdaT. viTareba gansakuTrebiT maSin damZimda, rodesac sabrZolo moqmedebebSi rusuli sahaero Zalebi CaerTnen... ...erT-erTi daWrilis gamosayvanad tyeSi Sesuli nana cxadaZe Tavadac mZimed daiWra. nana cxadaZe: „ca ganaTda, cecxlis ali davinaxe... sanam afeTqebis talRa Sematortmanebda, wamierad uamravi daRupuli da dasaxiCrebuli jariskacis suraTi damidga Tvalwin, Semdeg uCveulo siCume Camovarda. mxarsac ver vamoZravebdi, tkivilisgan gonebas vkargavdi...“ daWrili eqimi goris hospitalSi Caiyvanes, marcxena mxris saxsari mTlianad dauzianda. gorSive Cautarda operacia. bolo wuTamde zrunavdnen, rom misTvis xeli SeenarCunebinaT... nana cxadaZe: „samkurnalo Svebuleba erTi wlis Semdeg Sevwyvite, imis miuxedavad, rom vada kidev maqvs... saxlSi jdoma fsiqologiurad rTulia. Tavs ufunqciod grZnob. me miyvars Cemi saqme, samxedro forma da jari. maSinac ki, roca daWrili reabilitacias gavdiodi Sin, jarSi dabrunebaze vfiqrobdi. tkivilebi sul mawuxebs, magram Cemi samsaxuri CemTvis yvelaferia, isev forma Cavicvi. mas Semdeg avRaneTSic viyavi“. rTulia Tu ara samxedro samsaxuri qalisTvis, amaze nana cxadaZes saubari uWirs, magram aRniSnavs, rom saqmis siyvaruliTa da sakuTari Tavis rwmeniT yvela sirTulis daZleva SesaZlebelia.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო It was an ordinary summer day on the 7th August of 2008. Having returned from training exercises she was again summoned to the military base. Nana Tskhadadze had considerable experience of taking care of wounded soldiers. Nana Tskhadadze: “I had previous experience of nursing the wounded. However, it was the toughest situation I had ever dealt with. The war broke out the same day. The chilling truth began to dawn on us immediately”. The battalion entered Khetagurovo in the morning. “We were caught up in the first battle shortly after entry. Junior lieutenant Zurab Begiashvili who had joined us only a month before spotted an ambush”. Breaking through the ambush, nursing and evacuating the wounded, the team of doctors was moving ahead towards the hotspot in Tskhinvali. Nana Tskhadadze: “There were four of us: two men and two women. When we heard that they had sent for only one doctor, we began to weigh each other up. All of us were eager to go to the hotspot. I stole a look at them. One was a single mother; Avto who had a toddler left behind; Zura was the only son of his parents. As for me, my parents had three offspring apart from me, so I felt it was my duty to go”. But she was not let go alone. All four headed together for Tskhinvali. She recalls that it seemed as if they were going through hell. There were dozens of people wounded and the situation became even worse when Russia launched air strikes. Having ventured into the woods to bring out an injured soldier Nana Tskhadadze was heavily wounded.

ჩრდილოატლანტიკური საბჭოს ვიზიტი საქართველოში

Nana Tskhadadze: “the sky lit up and I saw the flames of fire… for a minute, before the blast shook me, I saw a picture of hordes of soldiers dead and wounded… then a strange silence fell… I could not move my shoulder, and the excruciating pain made me faint”.

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) visit to Georgia

The wounded doctor was carried to the Gori hospital. The joint of her left shoulder was completely destroyed and operated on in Gori. Surgeons fought desperately to save her badly mangled arm. Nana Tskhadadze: “I stopped being on sick leave a year later though it is still valid … It is psychologically stressful for me to stay at home. I feel functionless. I really enjoy the work I’m doing, the uniform I’m wearing, the army I’m serving. Even during my rehabilitation period I never stopped thinking of returning to the army. I still feel a sharp pain but my job is everything to me. I again put on my uniform and even went to serve in Afghanistan”. Nana Tskhadadze says nothing about whether it is a tough challenge for a woman to join the military service or not but one point she is most certain about is that there is no difficulty that cannot be surmounted if you choose your job with love and if you have trust in yourself.


wlis 7-8 seqtembers gaimarTa Crdiloatlantikuri sabWos rigiT meoTxe viziti saqarTveloSi. vizits umaspinZla evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saxelmwifo ministrma daviT baqraZem. es viziti qarTulma mxarem Seafasa, rogorc mniSvnelovani movlena saqarTvelos natoSi integraciis konteqstSi. vizitis farglebSi gaimarTa nato-saqarTvelos komisiis sxdoma saqarTvelos premier-ministr giorgi kvirikaSvilis monawileobiT. sxdomaze mxareebma isaubres saqarTvelos natoSi integraciis procesis mimdinareobaze, qveyanaSi mimdinare reformebze, saqarTvelos Tavdacvisunarianobis zrdaze, nato-saqarTvelos arsebiTi paketis ganxorcielebasa da saerTaSoriso usafrTxoebis ganmtkicebaSi saqarTvelos monawileobaze. ganixiles agreTve, usafrTxoebis TvalsazrisiT regionSi arsebuli viTareba


n September 7-8, 2016 the North Atlantic Council (NAC) visited Georgia. The visit was hosted by the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, David Bakradze and was appraised by the Georgian side as a significant event in the context of Georgia’s integration into NATO. The visit, which took place in the run-up to Georgia’s 2016 Parliamentary Elections and was the first NAC trip following the Warsaw Summit, sent a strong message of NATO’s firm support to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and to Georgia’s democratic transformation. In the framework of the visit, the meeting of the NATOGeorgia Commission was held with the participation of the Prime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Kvirikashvili. The Commission discussed issues related to Georgia’s integration process into NATO, on-going reforms in the country, the strengthening of Georgia’s defense capabilities and resilience,

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

da Savi zRvis regionis usafrTxoebis strategiul diskusiaSi saqarTvelos CarTulobis sakiTxi. sabWom dadebiTad Seafasa saqarTveloSi mimdinare demokratiuli ganviTarebis progresi da reformebi, aseve saqarTvelos progresi evroatlantikuri integraciis mxriv. aliansma kvlav daadastura mxardaWera saqarTvelos teritoriuli mTlianobisa da suverenitetis mimarT. xazgasmiT aRiniSna, rom nato buqarestis samitze miRebuli gadawyvetilebis erTguli rCeba da saqarTvelos gaaCnia yvela praqtikuli instrumenti aliansSi gawevrianebisTvis mosamzadeblad. „es Sexvedra aris varSavis samitze dawyebuli procesis mniSvnelovani nawili da miznad isaxavs saqarTvelos Tavdacvisunarianobis gazrdasa da wevrobisTvis momzadebas. natos wevroba aris qarTveli xalxis mtkice survili da mTavroba Zalisxmevas ar daiSurebs imisTvis, rom es mizani miRweul iqnas“, - aRniSna saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma nato-saqarTvelos komisiis sxdomaze. vizitis farglebSi, natos generalurma mdivanma ormxrivi Sexvedrebi gamarTa saqarTvelos premier-ministrTan, prezidentTan, parlamentis TavmjdomaresTan, sagareo saqmeTa da Tavdacvis ministrebTan. agreTve gaimarTa Crdiloatlantikuri sabWos gafarToebuli Sexvedrebi zemoT aRniSnul maRali rangis pirebTan. amasTan, gaimarTa samuSao sadili sagareo saqmeTa ministrTan da viziti nato-saqarTvelos erToblivi wvrTnisa da Sefasebis centrSi. natos generalurma mdivanma da natos wevri qveynebis mudmivma warmomadgenlebma didi madliereba gamoxates im mniSvnelovani wvlilisTvis, romelic saqarTvelos Seaqvs saerTaSoriso usafrTxoebis ganmtkicebaSi. xazgasmiT aRiniSna saqarTvelos mniSvnelovani wvlili avRaneTSi natos „gadamwyveti mxardaWeris“ misiaSi. aseve xazi gaesva saqarTvelos monawileobas natos reagirebis Zalebsa da aliansis „aqtiuri Zalisxmevis“ antiteroristul operaciaSi. natos generalurma mdivanma iens stoltenbergma vizitis dros ganacxada: „saqarTvelom gaiRo mniSvnelovani msxverpli saerTo, evroatlantikuri usafrToxebis ganmtkicebisTvis. saerTaSoriso usafrTxoebis ganmtkiceba-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

the implementation of Substantial NATO-Georgia Package, and Georgia’s involvement in strengthening international security. The discussion also included recent developments in the region affecting Euro-Atlantic security and Georgia’s engagement in strategic discussions on Black Sea security. The Council welcomed Georgia’s progress on democratic development and reforms, as well as its progress on Euro-Atlantic integration. NAC also reaffirmed strong support for Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. It was emphasized that the Alliance remains committed to the decision made at the NATO Bucharest Summit and that Georgia has all the practical tools to prepare for eventual membership in the Alliance. "This meeting is part of an important process that was launched during the NATO Warsaw Summit and aims at increasing Georgia's defensibility and preparation of the country for membership. Becoming a member state of NATO is a firm will of the Georgian people and the Government will spare no effort to achieve this goal – Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili stated during the session of the NATO-Georgia Commission. In the course of the visit the NATO Secretary General held bilateral meetings with the Prime Minister of Georgia, the President, the Chairman of the Parliament and the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs. In addition, a working lunch with the Foreign Minister, as well as a visit to NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Center were held. NATO Secretary General and NATO Permanent Representatives expressed deep gratitude for Georgia’s significant contribution to international security. Georgia’s participation in NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, NATO Response Force and in the anti-terrorist operation “Active Endeavour” was also stressed. As the Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated during the visit: “Georgia has made substantial sacrifices in service of our shared Euro-Atlantic security. And while contributing to international security, Georgia has also carried out ambitious defense reforms here at home. You are continuing to strengthen your democracy and

Si monawileobis paralelurad, saqarTvelom ganaxorciela ambiciuri Tavdacvis reformebi qveyanaSi. Tqven agrZelebT demokratiuli da samoqalaqo institutebis gaZlierebas da es exmareba saqarTvelos ufro dauaxlovdes natos. Tqven ar xarT marto am reformebis gzaze“. natos generaluri mdivani sityviT gamovida studentebTan Sexvedraze parlamentis erovnul biblioTekaSi. generaluri mdivnis moadgile aleqsandre verSbou monawileobda natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centris axali Senobis gaxsnis ceremoniaSi. amasTan, aleqsandre verSbou saqarTvelosa da natos urTierTobis gaRrmavebaSi Setanili wvlilisTvis oqros sawmisis ordeniT dajildovda. vizitis datvirTuli programa moicavda natos mudmivi warmomadgenlebis Sexvedras samoqalaqo sazogadoebis, arasamTavrobo seqtorisa da qarTuli mediis warmomadgenlebTan. saqarTveloSi Crdiloatlantikuri sabWos meoTxe vizits orive mxarem warmatebuli uwoda. viziti saqarTvelosa da alianss Soris arsebuli gansakuTrebuli urTierTobis mniSvnelovan dasturad da saqarTvelos natoSi integraciis gaRrmavebis mimarTulebiT wingadadgmul nabijad Sefasda. natos generalurma mdivanma vizitis msvlelobisas aRniSna, rom „Crdiloatlantikuri sabWos aq yofna, 28 mokavSirisa da aseve montenegros CaTvliT, romelic axla natos wevrobis gzaze imyofeba, adasturebs natosa da saqarTvelos Soris arsebul Zlier partniorobasa da erTgulebas“.

civic institutions. And this has helped Georgia move closer to NATO. You are not walking alone on your reform path.” NATO Secretary General delivered a speech at the National Parliamentary Library during a meeting with students. The Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow participated in the inauguration of the new premises of the Information Center on NATO and the EU and was decorated with an Order of the Golden Fleece for his significant contribution to the deepening of Georgia-NATO relations. The diverse programme of the visit also envisaged participation of NATO Permanent Representatives in outreach activities with representatives of civil society, NGOs and Georgian media. The fourth visit of NAC to Georgia was assessed by all sides as a success, an important indication of the special relations between Georgia and the Alliance and a step forward towards the deepening of Georgia’s integration into NATO’s structures. The Secretary General in this context noted: “The presence of the North Atlantic Council representing all 28 Allies and also Montenegro, which is now in the process of joining NATO, the presence of all of us here today shows the strong commitment and strong partnership between NATO and Georgia.”

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

Georgia and NATO | საქართველო და ნატო

ნატოს ინფორმაციისა და კომუნიკაციის კონფერენცია 2016 NATO Bi-SC Information and Communicators Conference (NICC 2016)


-16 seqtembers, talinSi evropaSi natos mokavSireTa gaerTianebuli Zalebis umaRlesi Stabis organizebiT informaciisa da komunikaciis konferencia gaimarTa (NICC). konferencia natosa da misi mokavSireebis, agreTve partniori qveynebis komunikatorTa sazogadoebisTvis gamocdilebis gaziarebisa da samomavlo gegmebis koordinaciis forums warmoadgens. yovelwliurad, komunikaciis konferencia ufro met dainteresebul mxares maspinZlobs da ganixilavs mimdinare gamowvevebs. Sesabamisad, 2016 wlis RonisZiebac ar yofila gamonaklisi. 2016 wels natos informaciisa da komunikaciis konferencia, iseve rogorc wina wlebSi, or ZiriTad nawilad iyo dayofili: plenaruli sesia, romelsac mosdevda sxvadasxva disciplinis mixedviT samuSao jgufebi: strategiuli komunikacia, samxedro sazogadoebrivi saqmeebi, sainformacio operaciebi da fsiqologiuri operaciebi. wels RonisZiebaze


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


n 12-16 September, Tallinn hosted the NATO Bi-SC Information and Communicators Conference (NICC 2016) organized by the NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). The annual NICC constitutes a forum where the communications community of NATO Allies as well as partner countries gets together to share experiences and discuss future perspectives in the field. Every year this conference invites more and more stakeholders and accumulates all the current thematic challenges to be addressed. Maintaining this record, NICC 2016 was no exception. NICC 2016, like those of previous years, was divided into two principle parts: a plenary session followed by a breakout session in sub-disciplines, such as strategic communications, military public affairs, information operations and

misasalmebeli sityviT gamovida natos generaluri mdivnis moadgile saxalxo diplomatiis mimarTulebiT, sagangebo da sruluflebiani elCi takan ildemi. generaluri mdivnis moadgilem isaubra natos saqmianobaSi komunikaciis mniSvnelobaze da warmoadgina natos saxalxo diplomatiis departamentis xedva da samomavlo gegmebi. konferenciis xuTdRiani programis farglebSi, momxseneblebma da monawileebma ganixiles iseTi sakiTxebi, rogorebicaa: sainformacio omi, Sinaarsis Camoyalibeba, efeqtiani kampaniebis dagegmva, dezinformaciis identificireba da masTan brZolis saSualebebi, socialuri mediis roli da a. S. komunikacia Tanamedrove usafrTxoebis garemoSi arasdros yofila ise mniSvnelovani, rogorc dRes da Sesabamisad, natos mokavSireebma da partniorma qveynebma konferenciaze mimdinare gamowvevebis drouli da adekvaturi gamklavebis gzebze imsjeles.

psychological operations. This year the Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Ambassador Tacan Ildem introduced his welcoming remarks to the participants. The Ambassador discussed the significance of communications in NATO activities and presented his vision and future plans of NATO Public Diplomacy Division. During five intense days, speakers and participants addressed various topics at the Conference, such as information warfare, formation of narratives and storytelling, effective campaign planning, identifying misinformation and battling disinformation, role of social media, etc. The role of communication in the modern security environment has never been more important and hence why the NICC concentrated its allies and partner countries to timely and adequately address the new challenges ahead.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Tourism | ტურიზმი

საქართველო - ღვინის აკვანი Georgia – the cradle of wine

Tourism | ტურიზმი

Tourism | ტურიზმი

Tourism | ტურიზმი

გიორგი ჩოგოვაძე საქართველოს ტურიზმის ეროვნული ადმინისტრაციის ხელმძღვანელი

Giorgi Chogovadze Head of the Georgian National Tourism Administration


aqarTvelos Rvinis kulturasTan 8-aTaswliani uwyveti istoria akavSirebs, qarTuli Rvinis qvevri Setanilia iuneskos aramaterialuri kulturuli memkvidreobis nusxaSi, aRwerilia kulturuli vazis 500-ze meti qarTuli jiSi... qarTvelebi mevenaxeobasa da meRvineobas uZvelesi droidan ewevian. saukuneebis win Seiqmna vazisa da Rvinis mdidari kultura, daixvewa saRvine WurWeli da damkvidrda qvevris kultura. Rvino iqca qarTveli eris ekonomikuri keTildReobis erT-erT mTavar faqtorad. XX saukunis dasasrulidan qarTuli Rvino gamudmebiT viTardeba. mas aqvs sakmaod didi potenciali, raTa msoflios Rvinis bazarze erT-erTi sapatio adgili daikavos. SemTxveviTi ar aris, rom 2016 wlis 7-9 seqtembers gaeros msoflio turizmis organizaciam Rvinis turizmis pirveli globaluri konferencia swored saqarTveloSi gamarTa. RonisZiebas eswreboda 250 delegati, maT Soris - gaeros msoflio turizmis organizaciis (UNWTO) generaluri mdivani Taleb rifai. konferencia kaxeTSi „meRvineoba xarebasa“ da qarTlSi „Sato muxranSi“ mimdinareobda. stumrebma uZvelesi Rvinis sacavebic daaTvalieres da qvevrSi Rvinis dayenebis teqnologiebsac gaecnen. niSandoblivia is gancxadebebi, rac msoflio turizmis organizaciis generalurma mdivanma saqarTveloSi gaakeTa. Taleb rifais TqmiT, saqarTvelo is qveyanaa, romelsac nebismieri adamiani cxovrebaSi erTxel mainc unda estumros; es swored is adgilia, romelsac Tamamad SegviZlia Rvinis akvani vuwodoT. vfiqrobT, aseTi RonisZiebebis gamarTva da specialistTa aRiarebebi Tu Sefasebebi xels Seuwyobs saqarTveloSi Rvinis turizmis kidev ufro ganviTarebas, romelsac saqarTvelos turistuli ganviTarebis strategiaSi didi roli akisria. `saqarTvelo - Rvinis akvani~, es aris ZiriTadi gzavnili, romelsac saqarTve-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


eorgia's winemaking tradition goes back 8000 years. The Georgian qvevri (a vessel for making and storing wine) is inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity with over 500 endemic varieties of cultivated grapes named. Viticulture and winemaking have evolved as part of culture since time immemorial. Indeed, the earliest evidence of grape vine cultivation, winemaking and qvevri manufacture dates back many centuries in

lo iyenebs komunikaciisTvis sxvadasxva saerTaSoriso bazarze. mcire biznesis xelSemwyobi proeqtebis ganxorcielebiT, yovelwliurad, sagrZnoblad viTardeba Rvinis turizmis momsaxurebisa da infrastruqturis xarisxi, mimdinareobs muSaoba yurZnis Zveli jiSebis aRdgenaze; kaxeTis Semdeg saqarTvelos sxva Rvinis regionebma daiwyes tradiciebis gacocxleba da maTi saerTaSoro bazarze popularizacia. periodulad, Cveni administraciis organizebiT, saerTaSoriso mediis warmomadgenlebisTvis imarTeba gacno-

Georgia where wine emerged as a determining factor in the economic prosperity of population. In the modern era, Georgian wine is developing continuously and has the potential to find its appropriate niche on the global wine market. With such a long and colorful tradition, it was no surprise that the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) chose Georgia as the venue to conduct its first Global Conference on Wine Tourism on 7-9 September this year.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Tourism | ტურიზმი

„საქართველო - ღვინის აკვანი“, ეს არის ძირითადი გზავნილი, რომელსაც საქართველო იყენებს კომუნიკაციისთვის სხვადასხვა საერთაშორისო ბაზარზე. “Georgia – the Cradle of Wine” is the country’s key message for communication with international markets. biTi Rvinis turebi, romelTa Sedegadac iwereba statiebi, blogebi da mzaddeba gadacemebi. yovelwliurad imarTeba axali Rvinis festivali, romlis regularuli mxardamWeri turizmis administraciaa da romelic erT-erTi yvelaze warmatebuli proeqtia Rvinis turizmis sferoSi. saqarT-


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Tourism | ტურიზმი

The Conference held at “Khareba Winery” and “Château Mukhrani” was attended by 250 delegates, as well as by the Secretary General of the UNWTO, Taleb Rifai. Guests had the opportunity to visit ancient wine stores and to familiarize themselves with the famous qvevri technology. As the Secretary General Ritai stated: "Georgia is a must-see place for every winemaker; Georgia can justifiably be called the cradle of wine”. Such occasions will clearly contribute to the development of wine tourism in Georgia, which is a prominent element in Georgia’s Tourism Development Strategy. “Georgia – the Cradle of Wine” is the country’s key message for communication with international markets. The infrastructure and service quality of wine tourism is improving annually, largely due to projects promoting small businesses. Work is also underway to revive the extinct grape varieties and, following Kakheti’s example, Georgia’s other wine regions have also stepped up their efforts to breathe new life into the old traditions by promoting them internationally. Wine tours are periodically organized for media representatives whose impressions are reported in their articles, blogs and TV

velo monawileobs agreTve msoflio masStabiT gamarTul Rvinis saerTaSoriso gamofenebSi. sxvadasxva marketinguli aqtivobis Sedegad, swored imitom, rom Cvens qveyanas udidesi turistuli potenciali da Rvinis turizmis garda araerTi sxva saintereso mimarTuleba gaaCnia, saqarTveloSi turistTa raodenoba yovelTviurad sagrZoblad izrdeba. wlevandeli 9 Tvis monacemebi uprecedentoa: ianvar-seqtemberSi +19,5 procentiT aris gazrdili turistebis raodenoba, xolo saerTaSoriso mogzaurebisa - 8,6 procentiT. Semodgoma saqarTveloSi Rvinis turizmiT dainteresebulebisTvis yvelaze cxeli periodia. rTveli - es aris tradiciuli ojaxuri mosavlis aRebis zeimi. am dros kaxeTs gansakuTrebulad bevri turisti stumrobs. saqarTvelo oTxive sezonze Tanabrad mimzidvelia nebismieri gemovnebis adamianisTvis. yvelas vurCev, oqrosfer Semodgomazec usaTuod ewvios Cvens qveyanas.

programs. Wine festivals are held annually, through the support of the Tourism Administration, and Georgia also takes part in international wine fairs. As a result of various marketing activities and because of the fact that Georgia has great potential for tourism development, the number of tourists in Georgia keeps rising. Tourism over the past nine months has shown unprecedented growth as from January to September tourist arrivals increased by 19.5% and arrivals of international travelers rose by 8.6%. Wine tourism is at its peak during the grape harvest in Georgia during the fall, when Kakheti is teeming with tourists. Why not join them? I warmly advise anyone to visit Georgia, a country attractive all year round but especially in the golden fall.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

9 ეტაპი, რომელსაც კომპანია ევროკავშირის ბაზრამდე გადის 9 Stages to Access European Union Market


vropelebis didi daintereseba gamoiwvia askilis wvenma, radgan maTTvis ucxo da gansxvavebulia. Zalian moewonaT. ori partia gavgzavneT Sveicariasa da germaniaSi, axla maTgan velodebiT Semdgom nabijebs“, - ambobs kompania BPC-is damfuZnebeli gaga abaSiZe. 2010 wels ojaxuri biznesiT dawyebulma askilis wvenis warmoebam 2012 wels saerTaSoriso konkursze (BIFDA) specialur nominaciaSi gaimarjva - askilis qarTul wvens imunitetisTvis yvelaze sasargeblo sasmlis statusi ergo wilad. BPC warmoebas ukve afarToebs da sul male maTi warmoebuli alublisa da vaSlis wvenic gamoCndeba bazarze. rogorc kompaniis damfuZnebeli CvenTan interviuSi ambobs, evropaSi partniorebis Ziebas agrZelebs, paralelurad ki aSS-Si sakmaod msxvil importiorTan molaparakebebs awarmoebs. „yvelaze rTulia iseTi kompaniebis, importiorebis moZieba, romlebic dainteresdebian. Tu ara aqvT interesi, dros ar xarjaven. mniSvnelovania sandoobis faqtoric. patara kompaniebs did yuradRebas ar uTmoben“, - ambobs gaga abaSiZe. xangrZlivi muSaobis Semdeg holandiurma kvleviTma institutma (CBI) ganviTarebadi qveynebidan evropaSi gadamuSavebuli xilisa da bostneulis eqsportiorebisTvis vrceli kvleva gamoaqveyna. mTavari aqcenti dokumentSi swored imazea, Tu rogor unda moiZion da daaintereson ganviTarebadma qveynebma evropeli myidvelebi sakuTari produqtiT.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


osehip juice has attracted much interest among Europeans. Considering that it is distant and different, they really liked it, and we have already sent consignments twice to Switzerland and Germany and currently we are waiting for further steps from them,” – the founder of BPC company Mr. Gaga Abashidze. Established in 2010, the family–run rosehip juice production business was awarded with a special nomination at the International Competition – BIFDA in 2012. The Georgian rosehip juice also received the status of the healthiest drink for the immune system. BPC plans to expand its production to cherry and apple juices, which will appear on the market soon. As the founder of the company said in his interview with us, he continues to look for partners in Europe, while the company negotiates with a large importer in the US.

rva rekomendacia kompaniebs: • siRrmiseulad SeiswavleT bazari; • gadawyviteT, romeli qveynis romel segmentze iqnebiT fokusirebuli; • SeiswavleT bazris moTxovnebi da moemzadeT saTanadod; • detalurad gaecaniT sxvadasxva evropuli asociaciis vebgverdebs; • aqtiuri monawileoba miiReT konferenciebSi, sxvadasxva savaWro RonisZiebaSi. evropaSi xSirad imarTeba bazrobebi da gamofenebi, iseTebi, rogorebicaa: Anuqa - kiolnSi, SIAL - parizSi, FIE - yovelwliurad evropis sxvadasxva qalaqSi, Biofach - niurnbergSi. „wvenebis samiti“, romelic yoveli wlis oqtomberSi belgiaSi imarTeba. iareT am forumebze; • SexvdiT myidvelebs piradad; • CaatareT marketinguli kampania imeiliT, gagzavneT prezentaciebi Tqveni produqtis Sesaxeb. nu ecde-

"The most difficult thing is to find companies that will be interested in our business. They do not spare time if they are not interested. Furthermore, there is also an issue of credibility as they do not pay much attention to smaller companies,”– Mr. Gaga Abashidze. The Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) published a survey for processed fruits and vegetable exporters from developing countries who wish to bring their products to Europe. The document focuses on how developing countries can find and interest European buyers with their products. Here are 8 recommendations provided by the CBI to such companies: 1. Learn the market thoroughly;

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა biT maT moxibvlas dabali fasebiTa da ararealuri pirobebiT, radgan myidvelebma Zalian kargad ician produqtis namdvili Rirebuleba; •d arwmunebuli unda iyoT, rom Tqven Sesaxeb onlainuri informaciis moZieba SesaZlebelia uproblemod. evropis bazarze gasvla da myidvelebis moZieba ar gasWirvebia Sps „aromaprodaqts“, romelic samewarmeo saqmianobas 1985 wlidan eweva. „aromaprodaqti“ 100 procentiT eqsportze orientirebuli xilisa da bostneulis gadammuSavebeli da mwarmoebeli kompaniaa saqarTveloSi, romelsac produqcia msoflios 30 sxvadasxva bazarze gaaqvs, maT Soris evropis qveynebSic - did britaneTSi, germaniaSi, safrangeTSi, italiaSi, saberZneTSi, CexeTSi, SvedeTSi, ungreTSi, latviaSi, poloneTSi. kompaniis sawarmoo farTi TbilisSi 9 000 kvadratuli metria, xolo samacivre-sasawyobo farTi - 1500 tonis tevadobisa. „1999 wlidan gagvaqvs xilis wvenebi eqsportze. kavSirebi etapobrivad davamyareT da axla ukve Zalian cnobili kompaniaa ucxoeTSi. didia Cven mimarT interesi da Cveni produqciisTvis bazari nel-nela farTovdeba. evropaSi organuli wvenebi gansakuTrebiT didi popularobiT sargeblobs. mTavaria produqtis xarisxi da konkurentuli fasi - swored amas iTxoven Cvengan evropelebi. kavSirebis dasamyareblad ki sistematurad vmonawileobT saerTaSoriso gamofenebSi“, - acxadebs lado guguSvili, „aromaprodaqtis“ direqtori. evropis bazarze Tavis damkvidrebas cdilobs kompania „kampac“, romelic sxvadasxva dasaxelebisa da aromatis naturalur wvensa da neqtars awarmoebs. kompaniis direqtori CvenTan interviuSi ambobs, rom potenciuri myidvelebis moZiebis procesSi erT-erTi mTavari da ganmsazRvrelia Sesabamisi segmentis sxvadasxva RonisZiebaze siaruli da SesaZlo partniorebTn pirispir Sexvedrebi. „am etapze stabiluri eqsporti evrokavSiris bazarze ar gvaqvs, Tumca produqcia ukve gavitaneT poloneTSi, baltiispireTis qveynebSi. upirveles yovlisa, unda iaro gamofenebze, Sexvde xalxs da SesTavazo produqti. es sakmaod rTuli procesia, radgan evropuli bazari gajerebulia mravalferovani produqtiT, xarisxic sakmaod maRalia. rTulia iqauri momxmareblis gakvirveba“, - acxadebs „kampas“ generaluri direqtori sandro buaZe. 2014 wlis monacemebiT, evropis bazarze 842 milioni evros Rirebulebis tropikuli da gansakuTrebuli nutriciuli Tvisebebis mqone xilis 384 aTasi tona wveni Sevida. sainteresoa tendencia, romelic ganviTarebadi qveynebidan xilis wvenis imports ukavSirdeba - saerTaSoriso organizaciis SefasebiT, es maCvenebli mudmivad mzardia. holandia evropis bazarze mTavari reeqsportioria, amitom ganviTarebad qveynebs SeuZliaT, kontaqtebi swored iq daamyaron. xilis wvenebze yvelaze didi moTxovnaa germaniaSi, safrangeTsa da niderlandebSi. mxolod am sam qveyanaze evrokavSirSi importirebuli


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

ევროპის ბაზარზე სულ უფრო იზრდება მოთხოვნა ბოსტნეულის წვენებზე, ამის მიზეზი კი ბოსტნეულის სასარგებლო თვისებებია. It is interesting to note that demand for vegetable juices due to their wholesome nature is growing too on the European market. 2. Decide which country and segment to target; 3. Learn the market requirements and prepare accordingly;

mTliani produqciis TiTqmis 50 procenti modis. sainteresoa isic, rom evropis bazarze sul ufro izrdeba moTxovna bostneulis wvenebze, amis mizezi ki bostneulis sasargeblo Tvisebebia. xilis naturaluri wvenebi gansakuTrebiT popularulia axalgazrdebSi - evropelebi fiqroben, rom am gziT isini wonaSi daklebas, energiis momatebasa da kanis galamazebas uwyoben xels. xilis wvenebiT evropis mTavar mommaragebel qveynebs Sorisaa: ekvadori, aSS, TurqeTi, brazilia, peru, Cile, serbeTi, vietnami, CineTi, kanada, tailandi. holandiuri kvleviTi instituti kompaniebs mouwodebs, gaecnon informacias im eqsportiorebis Sesaxeb, romlebsac evropis bazarze sxvadasxva wveni SeaqvT. am gziT isini konkurentunariani produqtis warmoebas SeZleben. CBI ganviTarebadi qveynebis kompaniebs im etapebsac acnobs, risi gavlac maT sakuTari produqtis evrokavSirSi Sesatanad mouwevT.

uvneblobis standartebis dakmayofileba da maRali xarisxis uzrunvelyofa evrokavSiris bazari sursaTis xarisxsa da uvneblobasTan dakavSirebiT mkacr moTxovnebs awesebs. amitom saWiroa iseTi saerTaSoriso standartebis danergva, rogorebicaa: HACCP, BRC, SQF, ISO 22000.

4. Read webpages of different European associations;

gasagebi da mkafio informacia Tqveni produqtis Sesaxeb

5. Take an active part in conferences and various trade events. Exhibitions and fairs are often held in Europe. For instance, attend events such as Anuqa – in Cologne, SIAL – in Paris, FIE, Biofatch – Nuremberg, Juice summit – Belgium;

produqtis Sesaxeb mokle ganmartebas Tan unda erTvodes damatebiTi informacia laboratoriis daskvnebis, uvneblobisa da xarisxis sertifikatebis Sesaxeb.

sive, and that is what the Europeans require from us. With the aim to expand our network and establish new contacts we regularly participate in international exhibitions,”– Director of Ltd “Aromapruduct”, Mr. Lado Gugushvili. The fruit and vegetable processing company “Campa”, which produces natural juice and nectar with various names and flavours, is also trying to find its place on the European market. According to the company director, to facilitate the process of attracting buyers it is important to attend various events and conduct face-to-face meetings. “Currently we do not have a stable export to the EU market, but we do have exported products to Poland and the Baltic States. First of all, you have to attend exhibitions and meet people, offer your product; it is a rather challenging process, because the market already has a wide variety of high quality products and nowadays it is hard to surprise customers,” –General Director of “Campa”, Mr. Sandro Buadze. According to 2014 data, the European market has imported tropical fruits with a total cost of 824 million euros and 384,000 tons of fruit juice with special nutritional purposes. International organisations have identified a constant rise of fruit juice imports from developing countries. Netherlands is a chief re-exporter on the European market; hence there is an opportunity for developing countries to establish contacts there. The highest demand for

SeqmeniT brendi 6. Meet the buyers personally; 7. Carry out e-mail marketing campaigns, send presentations out about your product, do not try to attract them with low prices or unrealistic terms as the buyers already know product prices very well; 8. Make sure that information about you is available online. It was not difficult to find customers for Ltd “Aromaproduct”, which has been engaged in fruit processing production since 1985. Ltd “Aromaproduct” is a 100 % export–oriented fruit and vegetable processing and manufacturing company in Georgia, which exports products to 30 different markets across the world, including EU countries – Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Sweden, Hungary, Latvia and Poland. The company’s production area in Tbilisi is 9000 m2. Ltd “Aromaproduct” also owns cold storage space with a capacity of 1500 tons.

mudmivad gaavrceleT informacia Tqveni kompaniis Sesaxeb sxvadasxva mediaplatformis meSveobiT, gamoiyeneT socialuri qselebi, biznesbaraTebi, sainformacio biuletenebi. aseve mniSvnelovania, rogor warmoaCenT Tqvens brends. unda SeimuSaoT gzavnili Tqveni kompaniis saqmianobisa da Tqveni produqtis Sesaxeb - rogor iqmneba igi, ra sertifikatebi gaqvT da ra migaCniaT Tqvens biznesmisiad. kompaniis samizne evropeli myidvelebi arian, amitom SearCieT maTTvis gasagebi da iolad aRsaqmeli sityvebi, gamoiyeneT mimzidveli suraTebi.

daaweseT gonivruli fasebi Tu produqts evropaSi yidiT, gaxsovdeT, rom Tqven myidvelebze xarT damokidebuli da maT unda SemogTavazon fasebi. ase rom, gaecaniT evropis bazars, am gziT gacilebiT gagiadvildebaT fasis daweseba.

SearCieT Sesabamisi segmenti “Since 1999 we have been exporting fruit juices and have gradually established contacts; therefore, now we are a very well–known company abroad. There is great interest in our firm and the market is slowly growing - organic juices are particularly popular now in Europe. Quality and competitive price of the product is deci-

Tu evropaSi gsurT wvenebisa da sxvadasxva koncentratis gayidva, unda moZebnoT sakvebis mwarmoeblebi, romlebic Tqvens produqts iyeneben; SegiZliaT, uSualod daukavSirdeT an importiorebisa da agentebis daxmarebiT daekontaqtoT maT.

მნიშვნელოვანია, რომ თქვენი პროდუქტის წარმოების კულტურა ევროპელი მყიდველებისთვის იყოს სიახლე. აუცილებელია, გქონდეთ ინფორმაცია, ვინ არიან მყიდველები, რათა თქვენი ბიზნესის სტილი მათ მოარგოთ. European buyers will value your production culture if it is innovative in nature. However, it is important to have information about your buyers, so you can also adjust your business style to them. ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა CBI also introduces the stages that developing countries need to go through in order to enter the European Union market.

Safety standards and quality assurance The European market sets strict standards for product safety and quality; therefore, international standards such as HACCP, BRC, SQF and ISO22000 need to be implemented.

Clear and understandable information about your product A short description about the product should be accompanied with additional information of laboratory findings, and safety and quality certification.

Create a brand Constantly share information about your company through different media platforms, use social networks, business cards, and informational newsletters. It is equally significant to present your brand and build its message - what your company does, what is your product, how it is created, what certificates do you have and what is your business mission. Your target is European buyers, so use words which are clear and understandable for them and use attractive visual images.

Set reasonable prices If you are going to sell your product in Europe, keep in mind that you are dependent on buyers. They should offer you prices, so familiarize yourself with the European market, so that establishing prices will be much easier.

Select the appropriate segment If you want to sell juices or various concentrates in Europe, find food manufacturers, who use your product and contact them directly, or use importers/agents to help.

Meet buyers personally Long-term business collaboration is very important. Buyers value personal contacts. Meet them face to face; call them on the phone or via Skype.

Take care of packaging and transport-related issues

piradad SexvdiT myidvelebs Zalian mniSvnelovania grZelvadiani biznesTanamSromloba, amitom myidvelebi pirad kontaqtebs afaseben. SexvdiT pirispir, elaparakeT telefoniT, daurekeT skaipiT.

izruneT SefuTvasa da transportirebasTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebze darwmundiT, rom Tqveni produqti daculia transportirebis dros. Zalze mniSvnelovania gagzavnisa da produqtis adgilze Catanis zusti drois gansazRvra. darwmundiT, rom yvelafers aswrebT.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

fruit juice is in Germany, France and Netherlands. Almost 50% of all imported fruit juice in the EU goes to these three countries. Also, it is interesting to note that demand for vegetable juices due to their wholesome nature is growing too on the European market. Natural fruit juices are especially popular among young people as Europe considers that this is a way to lose weight, boost energy, and contribute to the beauty of the skin. The main suppliers of fruit juice to European countries are Ecuador, United States, Turkey, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Russia, Vietnam, China, Canada, and Thailand. CBI calls for companies to learn about exporters to the European market, as this is the best way for entities to be able to start the production of competitive products.

bizneskulturis mravalferovneba mniSvnelovania, rom Tqveni produqtis warmoebis kultura evropeli myidvelebisTvis iyos siaxle. aucilebelia, gqondeT informacia, vin arian myidvelebi, raTa Tqveni biznesis stili maT moargoT.

Make sure your product is protected during the transportation process. Knowing the exact time of product ship off and delivery is crucial; and make sure it is not late.

Diversity of business culture

SeasruleT is, rasac ambobT

European buyers will value your production culture if it is innovative in nature. However, it is important to have information about your buyers, so you can also adjust your business style to them.

umTavresi Secdoma, romelic mommarageblebs xSirad mosdiT, dapirebebis Seusruleblobaa. iyaviT realisti da keTilsindisieri, winaaRmdeg SemTxvevaSi Tqvens biznesurTierTobebs seriozul zians miayenebT.

The number one mistake that suppliers often make is incompliance with their promises. Be realistic and honest, otherwise it may seriously harm your business relationships.

Do what you say

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

ქართულ სანელებლებს ევროპაში ექსპორტის პოტენციალი აქვს ხატია შამანაური ჟურნალისტი, საინფორმაციო პორტალი

GEORGIAN SPICES AND iTS EXPORT POTENTIAL IN EUROPE Khatia Shamanauri Journalist, Analytic web portal


larion sauks kievis centrSi ukrainuli restorani aqvs. ukve ramdenime welia, rac qarTul saneleblebs ukrainuli kerZebisTvis iyenebs da ambobs, rom sunelebi da svanuri marili sakvebs pikantur gemos aZlevs. mis garSemo dRes yvelam icis, rom Tu saqarTveloSi moxvdebian, „bar amigosTvis“ qarTuli saneleblebi kievSi unda Cautanon. restorans mudmivad stumrobs uamravi adgilobrivi da ucxoeli turisti, Tumca, bevr maTgans albaT warmodgenac ara aqvs, rom iq dagemovnebuli ukrainuli kerZebis gansxvavebuli gemo swored qarTuli saneleblebis damsaxureba. „sarestorno biznesSi qarTuli saneleblebi Zalian popularulia. svanur marils CvenTan mxolod qarTuli samzareulosTvis ar iyeneben, ukrainul kerZebsac gansxvavebul, pikantur gemos aZlevs“, - ambobs CvenTan interviuSi ilarion sauki. saqarTveloSi erT-erTi yvelaze farTod gavrcelebuli da popularuli sanelebeli qinZia - qarTul samzareuloSi is TiTqmis yvela kerZSi gvxvdeba. xSirad xmel da ucxo sunels erTmaneTSi ureven. aranakleb popularulia yviTeli yvavili, samxreT saqarTveloSi ki saneleblad xSirad iyeneben rehans, niaxurs, gamSral kamas, qondars. ganviTarebadi qveynebidan evropaSi saneleblebis eqsportis perspeqtivaze vrceli kvleva holandiurma kvleviTma institutma (CBI) axlaxan gamoaqveyna. dokumentis Tanaxmad, evropul bazarze ucxour saneleblebze moTxovna mudmivad izrdeba. es ZiriTadad ramdenime faqtors ukavSirdeba: cxovrebis jansaR wessa da gansxvavebuli gemos sakvebisadmi did interess; amasTan, evropis mosaxleoba sul ufro multikulturuli xdeba. isini Zalian bevrs mogzauroben ucxo, egzotikur adgilebSi, aseTi qveynebis samzareuloSi popularuli saneleblebi ki, bunebrivia, maT ainteresebT da umeteswilad moswonT kidec. evropaSi mudmivad izrdeba moTxovna iseT kerZebze, romelTa momzadeba did


Georgia’s European Way October 2016


larion Sauk runs a Ukrainian restaurant in the center of Kiev. He has been using Georgian spices for Ukrainian dishes for several years now and says that the spices such as “Svanetian” salt gives his food a distinguishable flavor. Any of his friends who visit Georgia know to bring Georgian spices back to Kiev for “Bar Amigos”. The restaurant is constantly throbbing with locals and foreign tourists; however, most of them probably have no idea that the outstanding taste of the Ukrainian dishes they taste is supplied by Georgian spices. ”Georgian spices are very popular in the restaurant business. We do not use „Svanetian“ salt only for Georgian cuisine, it also gives Ukrainian dishes a different, spicy flavor’’ – said Sauk in an interview. In Georgia, coriander is one of the most widespread and popular spices, and it can be found in almost every dish, while a mix of dry and blue fenugreek is also frequently encountered, yellow flower is popular, and in southern Georgia basil, celery and dried dill are abundant. Extensive research about the prospects for spices being exported from developing countries to the EU has just been released by the Dutch research institute CBI. According to the document, the demand for spices is constantly increasing on the European market. This is attributable to many factors including the growing desire for a healthy lifestyle and for new tastes; at the same time, the European population is becoming multicultural, as people travel more to exotic, lesser known places and they are obviously interested in the popular spices of such countries. In Europe, people generally want to spend less time on preparing dishes as consumers spend less and less time in the kitchen due to their busy schedules. In order to prepare a simple yet tasty dish, the best solution is to use spices. Today, spices of many different countries are popular in Europe such as Chinese, Indian, Thai and Vietnamese. Organic agricultural consultant Nukri Memarnishvili believes that Georgian spices also have the potential to become established on the European market.

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა Zalisxmevas ar saWiroebs. evropeli momxmarebeli gadatvirTuli reJimis gamo sul ufro cota dros atarebs samzareuloSi, xolo imisTvis, rom martivad mosamzadebeli kerZi gemrieli iyos, saukeTeso gza saneleblebis gamoyenebaa. dRes evropaSi popularulia ramdenime qveynis saneleblebi: Cinuri, induri, tailanduri da vietnamuri. organuli soflis meurneobis konsultantis, nukri memarniSvilis SefasebiT, qarTul saneleblebs aqvs potenciali, evropis bazarze Tavi daimkvidros. „ra problemaa, rom qarTuli saneleblebi evropaSi gavides? aranairi. Tumca jobs, iyos bio, radgan Sesabamisi standartic arsebobs da Tavisi makontrolebelic hyavs. fasic ramdenjerme maRalia da ufro martivadac gaiyideba. es is niSaa, romelic evropul bazarze Tavisufalia. qarTul saneleblebs namdvilad aqvs eqsportis potenciali, Cveni niadagi da klimaturi pirobebi iseT garemos qmnis mcenarisTvis, rom mas aqvs SesaZlebloba daagrovos ukeTesi nivTierebebi, vidre, davuSvaT, ruseTSi an sxvagan, radgan iq sxvanairi niadagia. Cveni produqti yovelTvis ufro xarisxiania, es upiratesoba namdvilad gvaqvs“, - ambobs nukri memarniSvili. evropel momxmarebels qarTuli saneleblebis SeZenis SesaZlebloba araerTxel hqonia. Sps „beRelma“ qarTuli sunelebi ukve gaitana SveicariaSi, ramdenjerme gagzavna ajika germaniaSi, Tumca qarTuli saneleblebis eqsporti am etapze droebiT SeCerebulia. „beRelis“ direqtori irakli javaxiSvili CvenTan interviuSi im problemaze gviyveba, rac dRes qarTuli produqtis evropul bazarze gatanas aferxebs. „daintereseba didia, magram evropaSi sakmaod gajerebuli bazaria. Cven ar gvaqvs Sesabamisi sareklamo xelSewyoba rogorc qveynis SigniT, ise sazRvrebs miRma. didi dro da investicia gvWirdeba, rom qarTulma saneleblebma evropaSi Tavi daimkvidros. Sesabamisi piaria saWiro“. Sps „beRelis“ direqtori gviyveba, rom germaniaSi partniorebi moiZia GIZ-is (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) programis farglebSi, fermerebisgan nedleuli Caibara, sakonservo qarxanas ki ajikis damzadeba daukveTa. irakli javaxiSvils imedi aqvs, rom qarTuli saneleblebis eqsporti germaniaSi male ganaxldeba. „sakonservo produqtis gadatanisas garkveuli Seferxebebic iyo. am etapze albaT iseT mogebas ar utovebs, rom uRirdeT produqtis Setana, Tumca kvlav dainteresebuli arian. axla kompaniaSi Sida infrastruqturuli cvlilebebi xorcieldeba da es procesi droebiT SeCerebulia. laparaki iyo agreTve mSrali sunelebis gatanaze“, - acxadebs irakli javaxiSvili. jerjerobiT evropaSi ara, magram postsabWoTa qveynebTan saneleblebis eqsportze molaparakebebs awarmoebs kompania „suneli“, romelic 2014 wels daarsda. am etapze „suneli“ qarTul saneleblebs supermarketebis qselebSi yidis.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Business and Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა

ქართულ სანელებლებს ნამდვილად აქვს ექსპორტის პოტენციალი, ჩვენი ნიადაგი და კლიმატური პირობები ისეთ გარემოს ქმნის მცენარისთვის, რომ მას აქვს შესაძლებლობა დააგროვოს უკეთესი ნივთიერებები, ვიდრე, დავუშვათ, რუსეთში. Spices definitely have export potential. Our soil and climate conditions create such an environment for plants that it has capacity to accumulate better minerals than in Russia or elsewhere. “What obstacles are there for Georgian spices to access the European market? None at all. However, spices better be bio, because they comply with standards and are also controlled. The price of such products is several times higher and is easier to sell; this is a free niche on the European market. Spices definitely have export potential. Our soil and climate conditions create such an environment for plants that it has capacity to accumulate better minerals than in Russia or elsewhere, because the water is not appropriate there and the soil is different. Our products always have high quality, this is our advantage”, says Memarnishvili. Indeed, European consumers can already purchase Georgian spices as they have been introduced to the Swiss market by Begeli Ltd. They also sent „Ajika“, another Georgian spice, to Germany, however, at this moment, exports have been temporarily suspended. In his interview with us, Begeli’s director Irakli Javakhishvili shared the problems that inhibit Georgian products from being exported on the European market. “The interest is high, but the European market is saturated and we do not have relevant advertising support both domestically and across the borders as well. We need time and huge investment to establish Georgian spices on the European market. Relevant PR is required”, says Irakli Javakhishvili. He claimed to have found partners in Germany within the framework of a GIZ program, and received the raw materials from farmers and ordered the production of „Ajika“ to the cannery. Javakhishvili hopes that the export of Georgian spices to Germany will be soon re-launched. “Cannery production had certain delays. At this point, the product was probably not profitable enough to justify introducing to

„aris Zalian didi daintereseba, gansakuTrebuli moTxovnaa yviTel yvavilze, svanur marilze, qinZze, ajikaze, yvelaferze, rac qarTulia da sxvagan ar aris“, - ambobs „sunelis“ direqtori zaza beJaniSvili. evropaSi sakvebis mwarmoebeli patara importiorebi da maTTan dakavSirebuli brendebi sakmaod Zlier Zalas warmoadgenen, amitom CBI ganviTarebad qveynebs mouwodebs, Tavdapirvelad swored aseTi partniorebi moZebnon - maT produqtis uvneblobasTan, momsaxurebasa da raodenobasTan dakavSirebiT iseTi mkacri moTxovnebi ara aqvT, rogoric did kompaniebs. kvlevaSi laparakia imazec, rom evropeli momxmarebeli erTmaneTisgan Zalian gansxvavebulia; germaniasa da didi britaneTSi myidvelebs SesaZloa, produqtis gemovnur Tvisebebze gansxvavebuli moTxovnebi hqondeT. swored amitom mniSvnelovania, rom ganviTarebadma qveynebma Seiswavlon es bazrebi da SeTavazebebi evropeli partniorebis moTxovnebs Seusabamon. kidev erTi rCeva evropul standartebs ukavSirdeba - CBI mouwodebs ganviTarebadi qveynebis kompaniebs, rac SeiZleba meti investicia gaiRon produqtis xarisxis gasaumjobeseblad, radgan swored es aris maTi warmatebis erT-erTi mTavari garantia. saneleblebis globaluri bazari mudmivad mzardia da, specialistebis gaTvlebiT, 2020 wlisTvis misi Rirebuleba 19 miliard dolars gadaaWarbebs. bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi ki ganviTarebadi qveynebidan evropaSi saneleblebis eqsporti mniSvnelovnadaa gazrdili.

the market, but there is still interest. Currently, our company is implementing internal infrastructural changes and the process is temporarily suspended, but negotiations also included the export of dry spices”, stated Javakhishvili. A company called “Suneli” was founded in 2014 and has started negotiations to export spices to post-Soviet countries but not to Europe at this point. Currently, the company is selling spices to supermarket chains. “There is a huge interest towards Georgian products such as yellow flower, “Svanetian” sault, “ajika” and coriander”, says Zaza Bejanishvili, director of Suneli. Small importers of food products to Europe and brands related to them have significant power. Accordingly, CBI recommends that developing countries start negotiations with small importers as, unlike bigger companies, they do not have strict requirements on food safety, services and quantity. Furthermore, the research revealed that European consumers have very eclectic demands, with the Spanish consumer seeking something quite different from, for example, a Finnish consumer. Therefore, CIB recommends that developing countries study markets in order to satisfy the requirements of potential European partners. It also advises developing countries to invest more in product development to give them the best possible chance of success. The global market for spices is increasing rapidly and, according to expert forecasts, its value will reach USD 19 billion by 2020. During recent years the export for spices from developing countries to Europe has increased significantly.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა

Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა

რუსიკო ჩიკვაიძე ქართველი მხატვარი

Rusiko Chikvaidze Georgian Artist

cxovrobs da moRvaweobs saqarTvelosa da ucxoeTSi. aris iuneskos oqros da vercxlis medlebis laureati msoflio kulturaSi Setanili wvlilisTvis. misi namuSevrebi daculia moskovis Tanamedrove xelovnebis muzeumSi (MMOMA). msoflios cnobil mxatvarTa reitingSi aqvs maRali kategoria. misi namuSevrebi Sesulia ocamde saerTaSoriso albomSi. eqspertebi weren, rom rusiko CikvaiZe aRmoCenaa samxatvro samyaroSi, Zalian saintereso da Zlieri mxatvaria. misi namuSevrebi inaxeba mravali qveynis prezidentebisa da sxvadasxva qveynis cnobili adamianebis kerZo koleqciebSi (saqarTvelo, aSS, kanada, CineTi, ruseTi, iaponia, arabTa gaerTianebuli saamiroebi, quveiTi, niderlandebi, avstria, didi britaneTi, safrangeTi, espaneTi, germania, Sveicaria, litva, saberZneTi, azerbaijani, yazaxeTi, TurqeTi da rumineTi). misi namuSevrebi ifineboda da ifineba msoflios sxvadasxva qveynis prestiJul sagamofeno darbazebSi.


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Resides and works in Georgia and abroad. She is a gold and silver medal-winning UNESCO laureate for her contribution to the world of culture. Her works are displayed at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA). She has a high category in the world famous artists ranking. Her paintings are found in up to 20 international catalogues. Art experts describe her as a “discovery in the world of art”, and “a very interesting and powerful artist”. Her paintings are in the private collections of numerous presidents around the world, as well as other famous people (Georgia, USA, Canada, China, Russia, Japan, UAE, Kuwait, Netherlands, Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Lithuania, Greece, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Romania). Rusiko’s work is regularly being exhibited in a variety of prestigious exhibition halls.

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა


Georgia’s European Way October 2016

Education and Culture | განათლება და კულტურა

ოქტომბერი 2016 საქართველოს ევროპული გზა


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